Fres Public l.lbnr»y Rt. , J.

Serving Summit Since 1889

273-4000 $10. A YEAR PRICE 25c Opposition Mounting Over Use Of Sevin To Kiil Gypsy Moths

by Norman E. Rauscher In response, Common Council President Alexis Starum of Mountain avenue, In op- Murray Ross said if gypsy moths were permit- posing Sevin, urged Council to look into alter- Opposition continued to mount last Tuesday ted to attack and defoliate trees and thus natives and use something "less effective.'' night over Common Council's controversial decrease the value of the properties effected, Though opposition to Sevin was more than plan to kill off gypsy moths with Sevin spray. "you, Mr. Rota might be held responsible by evident, there were those in the audience who More than 100 residents and non-residents those families whose homes decreased in supported its use-. jammed Council chambers to voice their opi- value." Donald Munson of Oak Ridge avenue said nions over the proposal to aerial spray trees he would go along with Sevin on grounds that over a portion of the city where the gypsy The area selected to be sprayed by state it was effective with no signs that it ever caus- moth infestation is known to be located. helicopters extends from Ashland road south to the Watchung Reservation, about 600 ed cancer or birth defects. Council still has not made up its mind over acres. The section is in one of the highest Admitting that there were "certain risks" whether or not to use Sevin, and said the residential areas of the city and highly wood- in using Sevin, Jonathan Plaut of Mountain hearing would be continued to the next ed. It is estimated that about 50,000 trees, avenue, an environmentalist with Allied meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at 8:30 p.m. ranging in age from saplings to some well over Chemical, urged its use, citing the By the time Tuesday's meeting ended short- 250 years old, cover the area ear-marked for "benefits." ly before midnight, 154 requests from proper- spraying. Thomas Getzendanner of Beechwood road, ty owners who did not want their trees said he would "go along with Sevin" since sprayed with Sevin were turned in to Council. According to Common Councilman Thomas 1' something must be done to save the trees.'' Many who went on record as opposing Kent, about 4,500 trees now seem to be in- Sevin did so on grounds they were afraid that fested with gypsy moths. He said it nothing is anymore pollutants put into the air could done, the city could lose about 65 per cent of "Weak Evidence" Dr. Edward Wasserman of Hillcrest avenue, cause more damage than any gypsy moth them within the next few years. Mr. Kent had could do. Many said they would rather take prepared a "white paper" on Sevin, urging an organic chemist, backed the use of Sevin its use by the city on grounds that it was safe. on grounds there was "weak evidence" that at the Easter Sunrise Service. Conducted by Rev. Jan Knost, assisted care ot the problem themselves rather than A CLARION CALL TO WORSHIP -- David DeRienzo, First trumpet in the spending tax money for the job. - Copies of the paper were made available to it was harmful. by young people from the Unitarian Church, the ecumenical service will members of the audience. Summit High and All-State Bands, sounds a clarion call Of the 20 persons who spoke out on the If Council approves the use of Sevin, the begin at 5:20 a.m. All are welcome to participate in this traditional Although Council President Ross said the ci- over the Reeves-Reed Arboretum where he will lead a brass ensemble issue during the more than three-hour one-shot dosing would take place some time Summit celebration ol Easter Morn. ty had not yet made up Its mind over whether meeting, 15 were opposed while five favored in May during the early morning between 5 to use Sevin, It was important to have public the use of Sevin as a means to rid the city of a.m. and 6 a.m: By the time children went to opinion. That he received. the destructive moth. school, Council said, the spray will have Mrs. William Gural of Old Coach road label- The spraying would be done by the state evaporated and there will be no possibility of ed the use of Sevin as "dangerous" while Holy Week, Passover Rites Begin Today with the cost of the job equally shared by the any droplets falling upon those walking Jean Rankin ot Tulip street wanted to know city and state. beneath the trees. Today and the following week, services will Central Presbyterian Church Christopher, Wallace Chapel on Wednesday; who would be held responsible if "something The Idea ot spraying with Sevin came from Rev. Hugh Jones, Fountain Baptist Church on happened." be held in churches and synagogues Palm Sunday: 9:15 and 10:45 a.m., "The Suspicious ot Ingredients the city forester's office which has tha respon- throughout the Summit area to commemorate Singing Bishop," Carol Choir: 9:30 and 11 Thursday and all ministers on Friday. Those who opposed the use of Sevin, which sibility ot protecting the city's shrubs and Fears tor Birds two milestones In religious history. Beginning a.m., Festival Service, Processional, "All Easter Sunday: 6 a.m., Sunrise Service is manufactured by Union Carbide, urged ttaas. Jane Georga ot laut&\ avenue \io\ced con- today on Palm Sunday, the final week in the Glory, Laud and Honor," Motet Choir, Central with sermon by Rev. Hugh Jones, music by Council to abandon the pesticide on grounds During Tuesday's discussion, many vfna cern that Savin's properties were such that It life of Jesus will be remembered and Chorale, with sermon, "Watch Your Fast," fountain JJaptist Church choir; 11 a.m., that It had properties which could lead to birth spoke for and against Sevin's use possessed could drive away birds and kill the young. celebrated; next Sunday, April 19. marks the by Mr. Ingles; 7:30 p.m.. "The Passion Ac- Easier service at Fountain Baptist Chur- defects and cancer.. advanced degrees In chemistry and went into Jacob Raab of. Laurel avenue told Council beginning of Passover, another observance of cording to St. John" by J.S. Bach Motet Chojr ch; 3:30 p.m., Sunday School special great scientific detail over the pros and cons of Joseph Rota of Mountain avenue said he directly that he did not want his trees sprayed religious triumph in the story of The Exodus with orchestration. Easter program. the pesticide. was so concerned over the future welfare of with Sevin. A similar request was made by and Moses leading the People of Israel out of Cakes Memorial One member of the audience who did not Maundy Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Seder Dinner his family If Sevin were used, tie would Eleanor Oemerest of Mountain avenue, who Egypt and slavery. United Methodist wish to be Identified said he felt as though ho and Lord's Supper In Auditorium led by Reid "evacuate" his house and hold the city added that the use of Sevin would make an A list of services follows: Palm Sunday: 11 a.m. service. and Patty Butch Byers; 8:30 p.m., Workshop responsible for the financial costs of such a organic garden she was planning, "out of the was sitting in on a college organic chemistry Maundy Thursday,: 8 p.m.. Joint Service at In the Sanctuary, Communion Choir. move. He estimated the "evacuation" would question." course "which I never did understand Cahrary Episcopal Church Good Friday: Noon to 12:30 p.m., Chapel First United Methodist. cost about $3,600. Good Friday: 8 p.m., Joint Service at Oakes Palm Sunday: 7:15 a.m., Eucharist and Service, Meditations on the cross in music Memorial. Passion Reading; 9 and 11 a.m., Sung and word. Easter Sunday: 8 a.m. Breakfast; 11 a.m., Eucharist and Passion Reading; 6 p.m. Even- Easter: 9:30 and 11 a.m.: Choirs, brass Workshop Service. song and Sermon. quartet, "Hallelujah Chorus," with the ser- mon by Mr. lngles,'"The Unexpected Dawn- Monday, April 13, through Wednesday, Ing of a New Day. April 15:6 p.m., Evensong. St. John's Lutheran Church Tuesday, April 14; 9:15 a.m. Eucharist Fountain Baptist, Palm Sunday: 7:45, 8:45, 11:15 a.m. ser- (Chapel). Pilgrim Baptist, vices with distribution of palms. Wednesday, April 15: 7 a.m., Morn- Wallace Chapel and Maundy Thursday: Noon, spoken celebra- ingpralse. Mt. Olive Temple Joint tion ot Holy Communion; 8 p.m. sermon by Maundy Thursday, April 16: 6:30 a.m. Lenten Services Pastor Franklin D. Fry, "The Power of His (Chapel), Eucharist; 8:15 p.m. Eucharist. at Wallace Chapel Blood," music by senior high and adult choirs. Good Friday: 12 noon, contemporary A.M.E.ZIon Church Good Friday: 10:30 a.m.. Children's Ser- Liturgy, 1:30p.m., traditional Liturgy. ' Monday through Friday: 7:30 p.m. services vice; Noon service with narrative of the Pas- Easter Sunday: 7:15 a.m., Eucharist with with sermons by Rev. Calvin Shaw, Pilgrim sion of Our Lord; 8 p.m. service of Lessons Sermon; 9 and 11 a.m. Festival Eucharist with Baptist, Monday; Rev. Shedrich Roberts, Mt. and Shadows. Sermon. Olive Temple on Tuesday; Rev. C. Saturday, Easter Eve: 6 p.m. supper; 7 p.m. service concluding with Easter Vigil. Easter Sunday: 7:45 a.m. chapel service; Area Rail Commuters Girding For 8:45 and 11:15 festival celebrations with festive brass, organ and choral music in- Rebellion Against New Fare Hike cluding Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus." funding for mass transit. Copies of the Coali- by Anns Cooper tion newsletter, "The Railgram" were handed A group of rebellious Summit Area com- St. Teresa's Church out in Newark Station and Hoboken Terminal Edward Olocka Thomas W. Button muters will meet tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in Palm Sunday: 11 a.m., Solemn blessing of Dr. Murray M.Ross last week detailing the transit funding crisis Millburn Town Mall to enlist support in their palms and procession; dlstriubution of palms and giving commuters the names and ad- fight against recently announced fare in- at all Sunday Masses. dresses of the legislators serving this area. creases, scheduled to exceed 100 percent by ~ Tuesday, April 14: 8 p.m., Rite of Recon- At the meeting tomorrow evening in Three Incumbents Re-Toss Hats Into GOP Ring January, 1982.. ciliation Penance Service. Millburn which Is open to the general public, Wednesday, April 15: Confessions from 4 to Organized two years ago "to represent Three Common Council incumbents an- would meet opposition In the June Primary for Council, was reelected in 1975 and 1978. members of the Joint Appropriations Commit- 5 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass. both rail commuters and the 26 nounced on Thursday they would seek reelec- the Republican nod. A former vice-chairman of the Republican tee have been invited to present their views, Holy Thursday: 8:30 a.m., Mass and Holy municipalities and five counties served by tion to their respective posts in the June 2 Local voters this year will also cast their City Committee, Mr. Button was first elected At press time, at least one lawmaker, Communion; 7:30 p.m., Mass Of the Lord's the Morristown line, the Lackawanna Republican Primary elections. votes for a Gubernatorial candidate from their to Council from Ward 2 in 1975 and reelected Republican Assemblyman James Barry had Supper, Holy Communion and Procession. party as well as for a Union County Board of in 1978. He is currently President Pro-Tern of Coalition now has 900 associate members. accepted. Robert Keith, New Jersey Transit's Councilman-at-Large Edward Otocka of Its officers have been active In recent Good Friday: 3 p.m., Liturgy of the Passion Sherman avenue will seek a second two-year Freeholder slate, two Assemblypersons, a council. Director of Rail Electrification will also be on and Death of Our Lord, Holy Communion and State Senator and Union County Clerk. Mr. Otocka presently serves as chairman of months, appearing before State commit- hand to talk about the status of re- term on the city's governing body, while Ward the Veneration of the Cross; 7:30 p.m., Public Mr. Otocka was appointed to Common the public works committee and as a member tees in Trenton asking for increased State electrification of the Morristown Line. , 1 Councilman, Dr. Murray M. Ross of DeBary aid in transit funding. Stations of the Cross and Veneration fijt the place will seek a fourth three year term and Council In 1978 to fill the vacancy the of the welfare committee. What will happen If the proposed fare In- Cross; 8:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross in Ward 2 Councilman Thomas W. Button will resignation of Gerald A. Hale who accepted a Chairman of the finance committee, Mr. Their present efforts are aimed towards crease goes Into effect? New Jersey Spanish. ,,run for a third term. ' new executive position in Pittsburgh. Mr. Button is also a member of the Board of School educating the public to the fact that there Is Transportaion Commissioner Gambaccini Easter Sunday: Usual schedule of Masses. The three candidates will run as a team for Otocka was elected to a first full two year term Estimate. still time to do something about the proposed recently told the U.S. Senate Transportation (Continued on Page 14) renomination. in 1979. Dr. Ross is chairman of the Joint Meeting, Increases In their commutation fares. Subcommittee, "If the present trends con- As yet, no Democrats have announced plans First Elected in 1972 the sewerage treatment facility which includes Lackawanna Coalition Chairman Sidney tinue, within two or three years, we will have to field a candidate nor has there been an of- Elected to a first term on Common Council in Summit and several other communities In Palius, a Short Hills resident who com- to consider abandonment of all rail service.'' ficial word that any or all of the Incumbents 1972, Dr. Ross, who is currently President of Union and Essex Counties. mutes daily to his New York job with Members of the Lackawanna Coalition agree A.T. & T. said this week, "We feel' that that the future outlook is gloomy, especially SHS Student Wins this,Is an area where we have to educate with higher fares. Vlce-Chairrnan Rudy because if we rely on the powers that be, Denzler voiced their concerns at a recent New New Scholarship the pertinent facts don't get out." Senior Housing Plans Are Now Official Jersey Senate Transportation Committee hear- Christopher R. Crowley of Whlttredge road, inHnHincluden an rnffocoffeea ehnshopn , a fountaifn n on the land ing when he said, "The huge fare increase a senior at the High School, has received the one-bedroom apartments and five two- Gird lor Fight The Housing Authority formally presented where Railroad avenue and Chestnut street would be self-defeating. Moderate fare In- James B. Fisk Scholarship as a National Merit bedroom apartments, all adapted for use by He added, "If pepple see the fare that's Its plan for the city's $9.1 million senior meet, a large oval drive leading to the en- creases always drive a modest percentage of Scholar in the first of three announcements persons In wheelchairs. posted, they think 'There's nothing we can do citizens housing project to common Council trance for easy pickup and discharge of riders away. A huge increase will drive about scholarship recipients. The five-story building would have solar about It' but It's not generally known that the during a special meeting last Tuesday night at residents, a greenhouse, and two large cour- thousands away." The first announcement pertains to winners heating with both the heating and cooling fare Increase Is based on Governor Byrne's City Hall. tyards. Coalition chairman Palius this week pointed of corporate scholarships only. system combined Into one unit. There would proposed budget. Most people don't know The hour-long presentation made by the According to Mr. Biber, test borings have out the domino effect of throwing thousands of Crowley, whose field of study is still be a community' 'deck" or area on every floor that there Is still a chance to turn it around.'' project's architects, Donald Chapman and already started to test soil density and It is ex- commuters Into alternate driving or carpoollng undecided, is a member of the National with each apartment designed for maximum Peter Biber, was accompanied by a series of pected that the project may go out to bid measures, "Our highways, bridges and tun- Honors Society of which he is president. efficiency. "Since the residents who will be Budget Still Not Passed illustrations and maps showing details of the within a "very short time." nels do not have the capacity to handle the In- He has been a member of the cross-country living here will be spending most of their time Since the governor's budget is still being 120-unit residency. A First In State creased traffic that Is going to result. team, served as a tutor at Jefferson school, inside the apartments, we have designed deliberated by the State Joint Appropriations It was pointed out that the proposed project In regard to the solar heating unit, Mr. Ultimately New York businesses will be af- and has been active on the student activities them for comfort and efficiency," Mr. Biber Committee In Trenton and must be approved would cover 122,000 square feet on property Chapman said the proposed design would be fected; they will look to greener pastures council and as the Explorer post vice presi- said during the presentation. by the legislature, the Coallslon is urging Mor- bounded by Broad Street, Chestnut street and where they will have easier access to dent. He has also received the Rensselaer (Continued on Page 14) rte'own Line commuters to write to their State Railroad avenue. The units would include 115 Shaped in the form of an H, the project will employees." Medal. k representatives to demand Increased state THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1381/Page 2 Summit Bancorporation YES Opens Annual News Drive for Money Acquires Maplewood Bank The Youth Employment Ser- YWICA Offers Lifesaving The Summit Bancorporation bancorporation and Caleb D. received approval on January 8 vice (YES) of Summit will Registration for the Summit 10 p.m. starting March 31. has acquired the Maplewood Hammond, chairman and Frank by the Board of Governors of the launch its annual fund raising Area YMCA's. Jenior lifesaving Open to ages 15 and up, YM- Bank and Trust Co., according Allen, president of the Federal Reserve System, in- appeal this week. Although it is program is .taking place at the CA and Red Cross certiiication Maplewood bank. The acquisi- volves an exchange of 1.6staffed mostly with volunteers, Summit Y,' 67 Maple St. The to a joint announcement by is given to those successfully tion became effective on April 1. shares of $2.20 preferred stock YES depends on its spring fund program will run ten weeks on Thomas D. Sayles, jr., chairman completing the course. For more The transaction, which for each of the 318,847 drive for many of its expenses. Tuesday evenings Irom 7:30 to details, call 273-3330. and president of the Summit outstanding shares of YES has been placing Summit Maplewood common stock. The youth between the ages of 14 Send our FTD preferred stock is convertible and 20 in part time and summer into Bancorporation common jobs for 15 years. Last year, taster Dasket stock on a one-tor-one basis. students were placed in over Maplewood will retain its 900 positions. SUV IT WITH BnilOONS name, board of directors, and Fund raising chairman Carol ISpuqueT management. In addition, Mr. Kanner has mailed requests for AND H SINGING TCL6GRAM, TOO! early. Hammond and Mr. Allen will support to previous donors. Easter is Sunday, April 19. join the Bancorporation's Board Others interest in contributing of Directors along with Robert R. may mail their contributions to Krumrn, director. the YES office at Summit High School. For further information, Mr. Sayles will become a call 273-2030. director of Maplewood, as will Robert G. Cox, executive vice- SUPPORT Y.E.S. - Summit High School students Karen Clark, Michael Mauze and Debbie Vance are president of the Bancorporation. St. Teresa's pictured registering with Mrs. Judy Jahries, YES administrator, tor atter school and summer employ- ment. The move creates an To Raffle Oar bery was reported at 10:53 organization consisting of 18 of- on May 16. A prime rib dinner were reported on Monday and p.m. fices covering Essex, Morris, St. Teresa's Church has an- and continuous dancing will be Tuesday. and Union Counties with total nounced kickoff of its second featured. Dinner tickets will be On Monday, shortly after 5:30 p.m., a Division avenue house Open Easter Sunday assets of $630 million and annual fund raiser, the raffle of $25 per person. Local Clergyman In deposits of $530 million. a 1981 Cadillac Diesel V-8 For raffle and dinner tickets was entered through a cellar 9-1 Member banks of the holding Sedan de Ville with a limit of call 277-3700. window and a quantity of Good Friday Rites company are Summit and 399 tickets on sale now at $100 jewelry and silver taken. Elizabeth Trust Company, The each. Two More House A Pearl street home was robb- Rev. Elmer F. Francis of West *i1tf End avenue will be. a guest Chatham Trust Company, and The winner will be the last ed ol a television cassette and preacher at the Three Hour Ser- The Maplewood B^nk and Trust ticket drawn at a gala dinner Breakins Reported an assortment of camera equip- vice at Grace Episcopal Church, Company. dance to be held at Oratory Prep Two more house breakins ment Tuesday night. The rob- Madison on Good Friday. He will 357 Mlllburn Ave., Millburn be joined In the pulpit by Rev. John Sanborn of Florham Park and Rev. Nelson Thayer of Drew University. I This summer Rev. Francis, Helping ijou satj it riqht. who was lor many years the rec- tor of Calvary Church, will be in Faced With A charge of Saint Elizabeth's Drinking Problem Chapel, Ortley Beach. Are you Mck and tiled of being sick and tiled' Optimists Slate A BALLOONS & S8NGBNG M€SSH@€S, §NC. fl subsidiary of Garrett Enterprises, Inc. N.V.C. Perhaps Alcoholics Meadowlands Night W€'LL CAT€R VOUR NOT C€L€BRfiT€ SP€CIF)l Anonymous PflRTV UUITH BALLOONS! OCCASIONS! The Optimist Club of Summit- Can Help Nobility Bath New Providence will hold a CHILDR€N'S PARTI6S! MflK€ AN OCCASION Soft Touch Night at the Meadowlands on Wpte P.O. Box 315 Wednesday, April 22 with a bus fl SPeClflL €V€NTI Blankets By Rug leaving from the Summit-Junior Or Call 763-1415 100% Nylon Pile High School parking lot at 6:30 Fieldcrest Self-tone Overtimed Border p.m. ORD€flS TAK€N 24 HOURS - D6JV6RV 7 DfiVS fl UU€€K 10O°7o Virgin Creslan Acrylic Solid Roller Coaled Backing If someone in yout family has a Color Loom Woven "Thermal" The $9 ticket includes bus 26" Round ride, entry to track, reserve seat FOR N.J. ORD€RS MONDRV thru SflTURDflV 10:30 - 5:00 P.M. dunking problem, you can see 26" Contour 1" and program. Call Larry Pan- Cfill OR VISIT TH6 PUP T€NT what it's doing to them 66x90 Reg. 24.00 *15°° nellaat 277-0927 or Col. Jim 38 Morris Turnpike, Summit • (201) 273-1442. Twin 24x36" Oblong Reg. 12.00 Bell, 464-0586 for further infor- But can you see what it's doing 80x90 Reg. 30.00 $20°° 27x45 Oblong $ 00 mation. Proceeds from the pro- OR. CftLL TOU-f R€€ (24 Hours a Doy) to you? Full Reg. 18.00 15 gram will go toward the Op- FOR N.J./N.Y.C (MRNHftTTRN) D€UV€RI€S: Universal Lid timist's youth program. For information and Reg. 6.00 sgoo (800)223-6600 help contact 90x90 Reg. 40.00 108x90 Reg. 50.00 $30°° Kln Major credit cords accepted: VISfl • MflSTCRCflflD • DINERS CLUB • fl/wefllCflN QCPflGS Queen 8 Colors - Creme de Menthe, Jonquil, Navy, Palm Gteen, Cerulean At-A NOW Blue, Champagne. Cognac, Blush, Pink, Ruby. Sandstone. While, Ex-Resident Suede & Vibrant Green Write P.O. Box 487 Colors: While, Champagne, Green and Cinnabar. Elected Mayor Or Gall 672-7231 Geoffrey William Konrad, formerly of Touch of Class Oak Ridge Avenue, was elected Highes! Quality Loom Woven Beene's Mayor of Boca Raton, Fla.i last and Thermal Exclusive week. ROGER'S PHARMACY Permasoft Finish Hydrangeas Mr. Konrad who moved from Summit to Boca Raton seven ; $2500 Comforter years ago, previously served for ; 66x90 Reg. 42.00 two years on the City Council. 100% Cloud Loft A public relations consultant, $ Polyester Fill 80x90 Reg. 55.00 30°° Mr. Konrad won the election by 58 percent over Republican Ann Cotton Fabric R. Cassady, a state Com- . 90x90 Reg. 65.00 $35oo Washable Reversible Print mitteewoman. EASTER SALE Boca Raton is a residential community with a population of 108x90 Reg. 75.00 $40oo Twin 68x86 . Reg. 70.00 Mori.-Fri. 8-9, nearly 30,000. NOW SHOP 7 DAYS A WEESt Sat. 8-7, Free Full 76x86 Reg. 100.00 364 Springfield Ave., Summit 173-S®7$ Sun. 8-4 e^ Delivery Colors: Arctic Blue, Champagne, ice Biue, Lemon, Mahogany, Creme de Menthe, Pink & Golden Queerj/King 101x86 Reg. 130.00 Recent Grad WHAT DflBY HEEDS At Sale BflBY GETJ... Swiss Floral Airman Lori E. Nelson, Prices Imperial Rose .daughter of Gall C. Lockart S Stripe of Springfield, and Earl R. Early American Nelson of 6 Glenwood place, Pamper's Candies for Easter has graduated from the U.S. Colors: Blue, Suede, Soft Sculptured Air Force air traffic con- Pastels New Born 30's troller course at Keesler Air Bedspread Force Base, Miss. $265 24x46 Reg. 10.00 100% Coiton - White Ball Graduates of the 16-week 00 Fringe course learned procedures tc FREE bag ot jelly beans *6 regulate air traffic and direct Overnight Toddler (12 oi. $1.95 value) with any 16x26 Reg. 6.00 aircraft to redar-controllec candy purchase $10. or over Twin 81x110 Reg. 70.00 $40oo landings and passed the Toddler Extra Federal Aviation Ad Absorbent 60's ministration Certification ex 12x12 Reg.2.50 Full 96x110 Reg 80.00 amination.' They also earner, $ $200 credits toward an associati Sale items Queen 102x120 Reg. 100 60°° degree in, applied scienci Colors: White, Antique White through the Community Col Extra Daytime lege of the Air Force. Aim Theragram Trouseau Lace Nelson will now serve a Absorbent 3O's 6V2 OZ. RAF Bontwaters, England. 24'S Comforter $315 Scroll Cam Pattern Solitaire Colors: Champagne, While 'lOCWo Cloud Loft Hand Towels Polyester/Fill Fabric 50% Polyester/ . Luv's Bayer Gaviscon Colors: Black, Plum, Persian 50% cotlon percale blue, Sable and Cogpac. Twin 68x86 Reg. 70.00 Small 24 Med 18's Aspirins 100's Size 16x28 Reg. $5000 $295 $295 Full/Queen 86x86 Reg. 100.00 $*J69 $399 S'JSO $7500 large 12's Med 48's King 101x86 Reg. 130. $10000 $295 $749 Timex Pillow Sham 20.00 WRITES BOOK - Richard L Watches Sandhusen ot Summit, assli Special Savings on Draperies and Curtains tant professor ot marketing Expectant mothers and babies need vitamins Ridtr College, Lawrencevllle, i Medical authorities and public health agencies are In agreement 40% off co-author of "Cases In Advei about the need of vitamin supplements for expectant mothers. tislng," recently published b •••••aBBaCul Hsre •••BMiwaa They also state that babies should take special vitamin com- I Grid Publishing Company, Co pounds to help their growing bodies. These vitamins are one of Transfer Prescription umbus, 0. Co-author of th the reasons for reduced Infant mortality. FRIEDRICH'S Bring in bottle from any other Phar- book Is Philip W. Burten of Ir But the proper dosage and formulate required are so important 356 & 362 Springfield Ave* Summit • 277-1900 dlana University. Mr. Sat that a physlcan should be the only one to chose which ones ex- macy , alons with this coupon and dhusen, who holds degret pectant mothers and infants should take. Therefore, physicians receive$3.00off new prescription. from Colgate and Fairleig specify the particular dosage and brands they believe will help Store Hours: 9:30 tlllS:30 • Thurs till 8:30 Dickinson Universities, Is a doi most. We carry them In stock and advise you to take no other. COUPON •XP- 4/28/81 . toral student at Pace University THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1SB1/Page 3 Motion Illness Can be Reduced Ancient Circle Dance at Church By New CIBA Medication Disc The ancient Circle Dance of News Calvary Parish House, church leaders Astronauts and future space pressed against the dryon, the basis of past space the Resurrection, based on se- Woodland avenue. While the celebration is open travelers, who have experienced hairless skin behind the or laboratory tests, are cond and third century rites, According to Rev. Robert C. space motion sickness, will The drug is then absorbed judged to be potentially suscep- will be featured at an Easter eve Morris, director of the Center, to the public, regardless of have the option of wearing a through the skin- into the tible to motion sickness. celebration at the Interweave the Circle Dance was a common creed, reservations are required Center for Holistic Living, Satur- prescription medication called bloodstream providing a con- In clinical trials conducted at early Christian Easter event, and may be made by calling day, April 18, 7:30 p.m., "Transderm-V Scopolarnine stant flow of scopolamine tor sea and in a controlled motion which was tater suppressed by 277-2760. Therapeutic System," which is three days. environment, Transderrn-V was being marketed by CIBA Phar- The NASA space shuttle pro- found to provide 75 per cent maceutical Company. gram is making the system protection against motion- According to a spokesman lor available as a prophylactic induced nausea, with greater the company, Transderm-V will measure to those astronauts protection than the most popular Our clothing collection Is be available nationally to theand future space travelers, who medication. general public in July. tailoredto you r Boy The new medication, which requires a prescription, consists ot a disc which contains 1.5 milligrams of the drug A GIFT OF BEAUTY scopolamine. After a plastic Boys get on well with our spring backing is peeled oft, the disc is dress collection. Handsome fashions appeal to him • and they keep Mom happy with their practical advantages. Fine quality and oopper great styles. Shop easy with springs dependable service and free alterations. QIEA.OH; AND TENMIi3 CLUB Sue ol Hie Hatquti Ceniei Doint v Enjoy a Full Year SCIENCE AWARD WINNER-Satish Singh, Summit High School senior, is the winner of the Bausch Body Massage and Lomb Science Award given to the senior who has attained the highest scholastic standing in of Family Fun Manicure — Pedicure IN THE SUMMER science subjects. Dr. Mark O'Shea, science department chairman, in presenting the bronze medal, Orlane Facial commented on Satish's academic versatility particularly his ability in the field of science. Bausch & Fresh watet lake Lomb is a world-wide manufacturer ot vision care products and scientific instruments. Clean while sand beaches Hand Rejuvenation 6 tennis conns & backboard Hair Cut & Style 5 indoor tennis couMs 2 platform tennis courts Make up Severe Air Turbulence Is In New Post Close to home.No traffic/No tolls Complimentary lunch Extensive picnic & play areas Upsetting to Ex-Resident Dr. Frank B. Marcotte of FAMILY ORIENTED Special...$85.00 Summit has been appointed ICC SKATING IN THE WINTER Drew Otocka, son of Common Councilman and Mrs. Edward technical director of the Son- Otocks of Sherman avenue, was one ol seven persons hospitaliz- neborn Division of Witco copper springs ed after a Los Angeles to Newark flight ran into severe tur- Chemical Corporation. A. Dacron and wool hopsack blazer bulence over Missouri last week. Dr. Marcotte, who joined Wit- by Yves St. Laurent. Sizes 13 to 20 72.50 According to a report from the Councilman, who had contacted co in 1972, holds degrees from ALM Student 36 to 42 80. his son in the Chicago-based Resurrection Hospital, when the the University of New Hamp- 279Millburn Ave. Salon turbulence was hit, the younger Otocka flew out of his seat and shire and from the University of M»oib*r«bip Information Box 90, 'Gillette, NJ. 07833 Millburn 379-7779 B. Yves St. Laurent vested Suit of easy care was pinned to the ceiling of the plane. When the plane stopped Rochester, where he earned his 647-9888 dacron polyester. Sizes 13 to 20 110. its drop, he fell down across the arm of a chair and injured his Ph.D. chest. Student 36 to 42 135. The jet, a United Airlines DC10 with a passenger load of 154 persons, went into an abrupt 2,000 foot drop from an altitude of 37,000 feet. When asked about his son's condition this week, Mr. Olocka NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Call said, "He's still sore." Classified Ads Garden Drought Ss Topic of Talk A SWEET TOUCH Frederick McGourty, on perennials will discuss the for WALTERS Brooklyn Botanic Garden care and aesthetic combining of formerly Anderson Brothers Card Shop 41 MAPLE STREET • SUMMIT • 277-2112 Quarterly Handbook editor, will drought-resistant, long- quick results MasterCard* American Express*Visa climax the Reeves-Reed flowering, shade-loving, and 728 Morris Tpk., Short Hills Park in the new Summit parking garage Aboretum Education Series with low-maintenance plants. He will 273-4000 a talk on gardening during the illustrate his talk with slides at the rear of our store. drought at a luncheon-seminar from his own 12-acre home in Featuring Tuesday, April 14 from 11:30 to Norfolk, Connecticut. a large selection 3 p.m. Participants should bring a sandwich for lunch with Mr. A beverage and desert will be for all occasions: McGourty before his Illustrated provided by the Aboretum. lecture which begins at 1 p.m. Donations for members are $6 • CARDS • GIFTS • STUFFED ANIMALS A McGourty, a working and for non-members, $7. Fur- » PARTY GOODS • PLAQUES • CANDLES gardener at the Botanic Gardens ther information may be obtain- ^ for many years and one of the ed from Mrs. Walter Shipley, BOY'S BEST • Introducing our new line of country's foremost .authorities 277-0973. HOME MADE CHOCOLATES FRIENDoeo Wedding Invitations Boxed Daily on premises, for the holidays and ...Is his wardrobe of all around by Crane and other fine stationers everyday, specializing in rabbits, novelties and good looks! Adams' gives rum wicker Easter Baskets made to order. casual and comfortable styles for action and relaxing as well the as the dressed up styles for 376-2118 AtA&PShoppingMall those special occasions We Paper Pedlar have it all and we ALTER TREE 376-3385 681 Morris Turnpike, Springfield, N.J. Between Short Hills Caterers it Huffman Koos Introducing It's Spring at Syble, Inc. TN^NflXECUWEOFFiCES

individual Office Rental, Shared Office Services And A Prestigious Address...

ENJOY ALL THESE FEATURES: D Tastefully Furnished And Carpeted • Private Conference Room D Receptionist D Answering Service D Comfortably •Air-Conditioned D All Utilities D Cleaning Service

If you're a Sales Representative, consultant, the local "presence" of an out-of-town company, or other professional — BANK STREET Win a Prize CENTRE IN SUMMIT. N J. has everything you need. Call for our bro- come in for chure or a personally conducted tour. (PS / Secretarial. Copy & Mailing Services are available as well.) our Easter Egg Extravaganza European and American Designs for the woman with style. 665-0800

OPEN Mon.. Thurs., Fri., 9:30-9 384 Springfield Avenue 12 BANK STREET, SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY Tues.. Wed., Sat., 9:30-6 8 Summit, N.J. Syble, Inc. 273-5422 1275 Springfield Ave. Call: (201) 273-5600 New Providence, N.J. All credit cards welcome. Quality Clothing for JMen, Women and "Tioys THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1881/Paae 4 Program To Spotlight Music Of The 80's Social Dr. Michael Montgomery, pian served as a technical assis- Philadelphia Symphony Or- organist and choir director of tant for Bell Laboratories con- chestra. She will present ex- the United Methodist Church of structing electronic music cerpts from her music as well as Tap Your Potential Summit and associate professor devices for the computer music discuss her approach to "tradi- of music at Kean College, will project of the Psychology and tional" aspects of music. Under the sponsorship of the Power," while at the final ses- appear tomorrow night at St. Research Group. The program Is designed lor a Interweave Center for Holistic sion on April 28, Rev. Robert C. John's Lutheran Church, 587 Loretta Jankowski, one of question-answer period and the Living, a three-part series, Morris, director ot Interweave, Springfield avenue, at 8 p.m. to New Jersey's foremost com- audience is encouraged to write "The Creator in You", will be will train participants in basic host a program on the posers, will also be featured in their questions as they listen to held in the chaplains' office. meditation techniques lor use in "mystery" of music of the tomorrow night's program. the various presentations. Overlook Hospital, starting deep relaxation, concentration '80's. Dr. Montgomery is the "Lustrations", one ot her com- Tickets will be available at the Tuesday, April 14, 12 noon to and stress reduction. featured performer in the fifth positions, was performed in door, or reservations may be 1:30p.m. While the series is planned and last "Creative Mysteries ot Buffalo recently by the made by calling 273-1141. In the opening session, Elaine particularly lor the Overlook the Decade" program spon- Kirson, an art and movement Hospital staff and others in sored by the Summit Area Com- therapist, will lead "Tapping service-oriented jobs, the public munity School and will share the Engagement Announced Your Potential". " is invited at no charge. Par- program with two fellow musi- Mrs. Harry D. Hill of Mount Ing, Burlington, is employed by On April 21, Art Geiger; direc- ticipants should bring lunch. cians, Don Slepian and Lorettta Holly announces the engage- Massachusetts General Hospital tor ol the Writers' Workshop, For further Information, call Jankowski. ment of her daughter, Kathleen as a registered nurse. Morristown, will lead "Word 277-2760. Dr. Montgomery will discuss Mary Hill of Boston, Mass., to Her fiance, a graduate of the the how or why a composer David Gould Wilder of Burl- Pingry School, Elizabeth, and of chooses tones or sounds, the Free Oral Exams Set Dr. Michael Montgomery ington, Vt., son of Mrs. the University of Vermont, holds successive decisions that result Christine C. Wilder of Summit FETE DONORS-Representing donors of raffle prizes for the Fete des Fieurs are Diane L. Gateiy, donor A free oral examination will be A similar screening will be A highlight of the evening will a master's degree in mechanical in the completed composition and of Charles M.G. Wilder of ota portrait of a winner's home, Sybla Kraft otSyble'sfr,, Bert Model of Brooks-Sealfons, and Anne held in downtown Summit on held in the Springfield avenue feature Mr. Slepian, well known engineering from the same that makes up the"whole"of a Scotch Plains, Meyercord, member of the committee. (La Abbott photo) Springfield avenue April 15 from Shopping Center, New Pro- musical composition. The Kean for his computer music, university. He is employed in the orthopedic surgery depart- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. under vidence on April 29. Women's Chorus will perform demonstrating the synthesizer The future bride, a graduate auspices of the Ameiican electronic device that makes of Black River High School, ment ot the university. The examinations will be con- "Come Let Us Start" as well as Cancer Society, the Union music through computers, a Ludlow, Vt., and of the Univer- A wedding is planned for July Fete des Fieurs Enroute TQ Family Service ducted in the Lions' Club a portion of a 20th century County Dental Society and the new and growing field. Mr. Sle- sity of Vermont School of Nurs- 11. Fete des Fieurs, the fifth an- and to provide professional ser- the Peter Wallberg Studio, and Eyemobiles. canon. Summit Board of Health Navy Recruit nual fund-raising event spon- vice for area residents as an added attraction, a Hot Air sored by the Family Service regardless of ability to pay. Balloon Ride courtesy ol Forbss Ends Training Association, will be held May 1 Again, area merchants and Magazine. Raffle tickets for Navy Seaman Recruit Bryan from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Individuals have donated many these and many more valuable Dresdner, son of David M. and Beacon Hill Club, This year past raffle prizes. They include a prizes will be sold by family Let us help you decorate Carol M.Dresdner of Walnut St. presidents and board members travel package from Travelong, Service board members, com- has completed recruit training at of FSAwill be honored. gift certificates from Brooks- mittee, and staff. with our the Naval Training Center, Great Proceeds from the vent, Sealfons, Syble's, and Chairman of this year's event 1 Let America's top Lakes, III. which includes a cocktail- Gradsne-Latour, merchandise is Mrs. Hans J. Solmssen with distinctive line of furniture, A 1?77 .graduate of Summit buffet, music, and a raffle, go to from B.J. Putnams and Mrs. A. John Schmitz, jr., co-, lesigners show you High School, he joined the Navy the agency for' budget needs Zeigner's, a family portrait from chairman. lomps & accessories! how to give your heart away. in November, 1980. Piano Concert Here Today Distinctive Interiors Pianist Joshua Pierce will ap- in-Residence and Faculty pear in concert at Kent Place Member at the Dorothy Taub- • Custom Draperies School today at 4 p.m. His per- man School of Piano and the • Upholstering formance is the first of three Amherst Music Festival. His spring concerts in the Music concert today will include Pro- • Carpeting Box Series. kofiev's 7th Sonata, the • Designer fabrics for less A soloist with many or- Funerailles and 6th Hungarian chestras in this country and Rhapsody by Liszt and selec- Spring Sale 20% OFF abroad, Mr. Pierce is a graduate tions from Chopin, Mozart, of Manhattan School of Music Beethoven and Charles Ives. jouuu and in the summer, he Is Artist- Tickets are $5 per person. 766-1008 Benefit Run Set For April 12 Nearly 650 runners will line Jaycees in sponsoring the up at Florham Park's Briarwood 10,000 and 3,000-meter races School on April 12 for the se- that will raise money for liver cond annual "Love Your Liver" Make Some Bunny Happy. disease research. The first The American Gem Society Run benefiting the Dean Thlel Liver Foundation. event is at 2 p.m. For further in- Midlantlc National Bank is formation, call Tom Mulhare Diamond Heart Collection 822-0603. Presented by De Beers joining the Florham Park Keynote Speaker ' ''at " '.'••'.:'"" JOHN C. CRYSTAL 20 beechwood road, summit, n.j. 522-0950 LORENSON'S President, The John C. Crystal Center, Inc. for Creative Life/Work Planning JEWELERS Featuring: 446 Springfield Ave. • Summit • Successful career changers who 273-1676 will discuss experiences and tell how they did it. • Local employers who will be available to talk about their fields AMCRICAN ctM socicn Give Flowers for Easter, April 19. and specific job opportunities in New Jersey. It's a beautiful way to spread some Easter joy. Send a traditional holiday arrangement. . • Career films, book sales, free career Or a fresh, green plant. We can deliver and company literature. anywhere in this area ot almost anywhere in the world through 16,000 affiliated Teleflorists. So call or come by soon. And be a smart bunny. SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 One of the best Spring suits 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. this year or any year. Fee of $30. Includes lunch

Floral designs for all occatiom Augustus creates a kind 43 SOUTH STREET Tfeleflom For registration information call of simple perfection 464*7440 Flowers Do It. that deserves to be called classic. EVE Adult Advisory Services 527-2210 Fitted Jacket 150. KEAN COLLEGE Skirt with asymmetrical front slit 70. in delicate shades of pink or lavender OF NEWJERSEV Union, New Jersey 07083

Choose from our collection of camisoles in selected colors and styles.

Pictured-white camisole from Order Early For Easter Marisa Christina 34. VILLAGE SMOPPM^i'CENTEB NEW PROVIDENCE. NJ 07974 665 1487 TROST BAKE SHOP ® OLD GOLD Homemade, Decorated • DIAMONDS Chocolate Eggs Filled With Cookie 100% Pure Chocolate Bunnies The feeling is feminine and relaxed. Softly sash- 9 SILVER ed and detailed with tucking, this soft, cotton $ Lamb-Shaped Cakes guaze dress offers total comfort and wearabiilty. Bunny Coffee Cakes Available in sizes 6-16. White with navy sash. S62.00 Jewelry & Silverware Appraised Bunny Cakes Summit-431 SprlngflektAv'enue • 273-1223 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Egg-Shaped Cakes Chatham Mall - 650 Shunplke Rd. • 377-9165 i.0 Woodland Avenue, Summit, NJ Chester Mall • Route 24 • 879-7613 Hours: 9:30-5 :30 (201)522-0252 Visa • Mastercard Branch Stores: I 427 Springfield Avenue • Summit Daily 9:30-5:30; Monday and Thursday Until 9 ' Braunschweiger Jewelers, Mnrmtnwn Braunsnhweiger Jewelers, Warren 277-0014 277-6052 House land Major Credit Cards Accepted, THE SUMMIT HEBALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 1Z, 1981/Paae 5 Bible Linguists M1V1T Selects To Wed in Summer "Good News " Mr. and Mrs. William Jacob Social Wang of Cedar Grove, have an- the University of South Carolina. nounced the engagement of With "Good Mews" selected Columbia; S.C., is a field Bom Seaman their daughter, Doris Helen, to as the summer production ot linguist with Wyclitle Bible McVey Graham, jr., son of Mr. Metropolitan Musical Theater, Translators, Inc. now working Ends Course and Mrs. McVey Graham of Navy Seaman Recruit Thomas Robert Currie of Plaintield has in St. Lucia, West Indies. Both been selected as director. Summit. G. Peart, son of Patricia A. and he and Miss Wang will continue George P. Schuler, 3rd. ol New According to Ira Kushin, pro- Miss Wang, a graduate of Providence, has completed Northeastern Bible College, graduate studies in linguistics ducer, auditions for the YMCA- recruit training at the Naval Essex Fells, is a teacher at Perry at the University ot Texas this sponsorod production will be Training center Great Lakes, III. fall. held in mid-June at the Summit Hall Christian School, Perry A 1980 graduate of New Pro- 67 Maple street. Hall, Md. A summer wedding is plann- vidence High School, lie joined The positions of technical Mr. Graham, a graduate of ed. the Navy last October. director and set designer are still unfilled. Interested persons should call Kushin, 273-4874. Currie has been active with COUNTRY FAIR COMING-Admiring handmade articles to be sold at Washington School's annual' theaters in New Jersey and off- Country Fair are, from lelt, Suzanne Lopez, Boutique Coordinator; Ethel Meola, PTA President; Diane THE MOST Broadway. Specifically, he has Gleason and Ginny Veit, Co-Chairpersons. To be held on the school grounds on Saturday, May 9 Horn worked at the Craig Theater as 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine, the Fair will feature added attractions this year, pinball machines COMFORTABLE WALKING, well as at the Barn Theater in donated by Pinballs Plus in Union and the new Hats and Visors Booth. In addition to many games, Hungry Fairgoers will find the Calico Kitchen open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. where a complete luncheon Montville and the Bucks County will be served for $1.50. . • WORKING, PLAYING, Playhouse, New Hope, Pa. STANDING, SHOPPING, TRAVELING Sorority Plans NUQTS CHANGE AMFRICAN f.xPHECS MASTERCARD SHOE IN THE WORLD. April Meeting Delta Kappa Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will hold its April meeting on Tuesday, April 14 at. 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John troHers Mrs. Paul A. Watson Sofie, 34 Ascot Way. $39.99 The Ritual of Jewels Degree Watson - Vezzosi will be conferred upon the Saint Teresa's Church was Bruce Miller was best man. It's the one shoe for all you do! newest members, Beverly Con- A handsome, American-made the setting March 28 lor the Ushers were Joseph Vezzosi, stant, Kathleen Moeller, Pat classic, scientifically designed and wedding of Donna Marie Vez- Armando Vega and Mario Aceto. Murphy and Mary Pellecchla. painstakingly crafted to give you zosi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vezzosi and David Wat- Final plans will be made for complete and absolute comfort. Out- Samuel D. Vezzosi of Summit son were junior ushers, while J. side, the flexible one piece moc design the annual Founders Day Dinner of fine top grain leathers cradles the foot, and of Lanoka Harbor, to Paul Andrew Vezzosi was to be held on April 29 at Uncle while the heel and solo of genuine crepe Arthur Watson, son of Mr. andringbearer. Mike's, Summit. Beta Sigma let you take the hardest surfaces in stride. Mrs. Arthur Watson of "•'Following a wedding trip to Phi members in the area are Inside, there is a comfort-conscious cushion Cranston, R.I. Rev. Louis Fi- the Barbados, the couple is of soft, pliant foam resting on a special steel welcome to call Mrs. Pellecchia, support shank. A non-slip counter hugs the heel mianl and Rev, John McGovern residing in Summit. 273-6473 for more information. for proven wear-ability and smart tasseled laces concelebrated the Nuptial Mass, create a lust right fit. Wear them for 10 days— If summit which was followed by a recep- it's not the most comfortable shoe you've ever tion at the Town and Campus, worn, return them for a refund or replacement. Most Charges • Free Parking West Orange. Tje bride!s sister, Andrea Vega, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids included Rosalie Vezzosi, Maria Mastrangelo and Donna Rose. A sweet deal for YOU SHORT HHtS. NEW JERSEY r at LISS Great service, Fantastic selection & Super Savings BEIFUS Our basic shirtdress takes on airs IN SOUTH ORANGE when the print is by Liberty of London of the YOUR CONVENIENT BUICK This spring indulge in our breezy tvyo piece dress that hgs all the charm of a country garden; the versatility of a classic MERCEDES BENZ DEALER shirtdress. Wear the blouse and skirt as separates, and you'll have a whole wardrobe of fresh new outfits. Fine cotton 20% DISCOUNT print in lavender with green, or royal with emerald, CATALOG PRICES 20% 1-17 WEST SO. ORANGE AVE. sizes 6-14. 132. Discpunt ON ALL ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. E.J. SOUTH ORANGE 762-7500 on TfmeM PERSONAL Discount Eckel of Summit announce the APPLIANCES engagement of their daughter, on Lynn, to James P. O'Neill, son ol Mr. and Mrs. C.J. O'Neill, Sunglasses Jr., of Hackettstown. The Mure bride, a graduate of Wittenberg V m>. a University, is employed by Bell DRYERS, CURLERS, Telephone Laboratories. Murray ROOTS All Styles GIFTS, RADIOS, MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INC. Hill. Her fiance, a graduate ot HOUSEWARES, AND OTHER LEADING EXCHANGES Fairleigh Dickinson University, Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Investments and Adwijory Service is also employed by the Labs. we feature 1 day service on Kodacolor Rolls! No wedding date has been set. Suite 500 summlt/monday & thursday til 9/ 27 7-123-4 • red bank/wednesday & IWallburg Photo) frtday Cil 9/ 747-1SOO • morristown/wednesday & friday ttl 9/ 267-12 382 Springfield Avenue • riverside square, hackensack/monday-fnday til 9:30/ 342-65O0 Summit, New Jersey 07901 Color Film Processing 201-273-2100 THOMAS S. PA LUCK (Mgr.)

Brooks Any 12 exp. roll Any 24 exp. roll


TO BE WED-Ur. and Mrs. William Peterson of Franklin Township announce the pre-Easter Kodacolor and comparable film only. engagement ot their daughter, Sale price applies to full roll Pamela, to Chester I Hunt, 3rd regardless of number of prints made. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, Jr., ol Summit. A graduate of North Hunterdon Regional High School, Miss Peterson Is a com- SALE And the frosting on the cake is the puter programming student at services we of fer everyday: Somerset County College; who is employed part-time at the Hand-smocked dresses by Hunterdon Medical Center. Her Polly Flinders • Free Prompt Delivery • Patient Health Files • computerized Charges • Personal Rx consultation fiance, a graduate of Summit Infants and toddlers - Reg. $14-$24.. now $9.90-$16.90 High School and of Union Coun- Sizes 4-6X and 7-14 • Reg. $24-$30. .now$16.90-$19.90 • insurance Rx Plans • Dedicated service ty Vocational School, is • surgical Appliances -Emergency 24 Hr. service employed at Summit Center • senior citizens Discounts on all vitamins & prescriptions Garage with his father. A wed- • Discounts up to 20% on all Health & Beauty Aids ding is planned for the spring of Billy the Kid spring suits 1982. Pincord jacket or Navy twill Jacket Sizes 4-7 and 8-14 • Reg. $38-$40 .now $29.90 Pincord pants or Navy twill pants Sizes 4-7 - Reg. $14-$14.50 now $9.90 Lavoies Have Son Sizes 8-14 - Reg. $16.50-$17 now $11.90 Mr. and Mrs. David C. lavole of Charlotte, N.C., have an- nounced the" birth of a son, 410 spring!iold Ave. • summit • free parking • 37fl Springfield Ave., summit Douglas, on March 25. hours 0:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • mon. and thurs. to 9 Mrs t-avbie, the former Julie no sale is ever final • exquisite gilt wrap free 277-0399 Thayer, Is the daughter of Mr, • free alterations • we mall free anywhere In U.S. Open Dally8a.m.-9 p.m., sat8a.m.-6p.m., Sun. 9a.m.-6p.m. THE SUMMIT HERALu/SUHuAt, AHtiL 12,1381/Page 6 Editorial Views of Summit's Yesterdays

Sevln May be Unlucky THE LATE VANDERPOEL CASTLE - For (he several generations ot its existence - until it 1 Although many experts in the field of trees, we wonder if the use of Sevin with yielded to progress'' with the building ot the pesticide use have approved Sevin as be- all its question marks, is worth the risk? present live-way interchange next to Short ing safe, many people are still uncertain. We don't think it is. Hills Mall — this "castle" on the corner of River road and the Morris Turnpike (Route 24) On Tuesday night Common Council There must be other alternatives to created images of medieval times in the minds was packed with residents and non- meeting the Gypsy Moth problem without of Summit residents as well as travelers on the residents who went on record as oppos- resorting to a substance that could turnpike. The Vanderpoels, a Dutch farming ing Seven as an aerial spray to kill the render harm to present and unborn and tanning family, were among the very early dreaded gypsy moth. Many cited chapter generations. settlers of this area, David Vanderpoel having and verse regarding the alleged hazards We are certain Common Council does acquired the farm on the castle site from Sam Carter in about 1758. In 1872, Jacob Vander- of Sevin and pleaded with Council to not want to ram down the collective poel, who then wintered in , either change its collective mind about throats of our residents a program that's razed the family's colonial farmhouse and the proposed project, or institute some both unpopular and unwanted by a good started a wooden, 14-room, castle-like sum- kind of "fail-safe" procedure to insure a percentage of the population. Since mer home, which he soon turned over to his minimum of risk. Council is our elected governing body, it son George, who completed it in 1874. This However, there were also many on does have the responsibility of listening building burned on New Year's Eve in 1882, whereupon George Vanderpoel completed the hand who advocated the use of Sevin in- to those who disagree or question its ac- tions. We are certain Council realizes this red brick castle shown in 1885. Always fearful cluding experts in the field who claimed of intruders, the family installed heavy bolts and wants to meet the majority's wishes. no one has ever been harmed by its use. on ail doors and maintained a round-the-clock Unfortunately, the issue is an emo- We think a majority of those who have guard, whom many remember watching as he tional one and becomes difficult to been attending the recent meetings on paced the River road and Morris turnpike discuss rationally when those who op- the Sevin issue, are opposed to the pro- sidewalks on his march between*timeclocks, which totaled over 17 miles per shift. pose Sevin's use claim that it can lead to gram, and consequently, we think Coun- Goerge's son, Ambrose Ely Vanderpoel (1875- birth defects, cancer and all the other cil should now drop the Sevin idea and come up with an alternative. 1940), the only child to survive infancy, horrible maladies that go hand in hand studied law with Elmer L. McKirgan of Summit with pesticides and foreign bodies in our Many residents think that instead ot and practiced briefly in Madison in the early atmosphere. We feel this in itself tends to the city taking on an aerial spray pro- 1900's, but soon retired to manage his estate make people nervous and jittery when an gram with help from the state, and write a history ot his family and his famous "History of Chatham, N.J." He also official body is pondering whether or not homeowners should be permitted to rid wrote a history of the Madison Masonic Lodge to use a substance that could have a very the gypsy moth themselves in their own of which he was grand master in 1936: A negative effect on our tutu re. way. We agree. Although Sevin may be bachelor, he willed most of his estate (over $2 (automatic metal forming machines), which, lent to the Summit Historical Society by E. in the Socity's new book, "Glimpses Into And although the gypsy moth is a pest the safest pesticide of them all, there is million) to the Masonic Home and Charity in turn, sold it to the N.J. Highway Depart- Oliver Natunen, its present owner.) Note: Summit's Past", which can be seen, borrow- in the real strict sense of the word, and is always that nagging doubt and it's that Foundation in Burlington, which later sold it to ment in 1969. (The picture shown was Many of the pictures and texts which have ap- ed of bought at the Summit Library ($4.76 peared in this spot, plus others, are included plus tax). capable of creating extensive damage to doubt that concerns us. the Victor F. Zahodiakin Engineering Co. painted by Rodell Johnson of Chatham, and A Little Courtesy, Please It has been said that one of the reasons Broad streets, the fact that cars were the Japanese people developed such also parked in front of the Post Office did Letters to the Editor orderly patterns of courtesy was to not deter one motorist from squeezing in enable them to survive under the most between the waiting and parked cars to It's Cancer Crusade Time Our young musicians not only performed ly obtained at a Dallas pawnshop. got the little guy back none the worse for crowded of circumstances. double park, causing a neat jam up. In all but one of the eleven assassinations wear. Considering where he was found it is a Editor, Summit Herald: ? beautifully after a grueling day of rehearsal It is suspected that the repeated pat- Granted parking conditions at the Post v since 9 a.m. but they behaved in an ex- and attempted assassinations of Presidents or miracle that he survived unscathed. For the last 20 years or so the American emplary manner and looked very smart in their Presidential candidates, the assassin used a tern of. courtesies expressed by the Office are not ideal, but causing others Cancer Society has held it's neighbor to Please extend our most sincere thanks and long black dresses and tuxedos. Additionally handgun. Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, and Japanese people also gives them time to persons hardships is not necessary. neighbor crusade. April is the month when we appreciation to the men oi your department there was a chorus of approximately 600 McKinley were slain. Candidate Robert Ken- who brought real Joy to us with the return of simmer down in the face of.provocation. ask your cooperation in passing the now Or, take for instance an area dry clean- students from all over New Jersey, and nedy was killed. Governor George Wallace is familiar kit on promptly when it arrives at your " B. J.". Others may have been involved in his While li\ling conditions in Summit together with our orchestra, they sounded crippled. In Septebmer 1975 alone, President ing establishment where a grown-man home. This method of soliciting your support safe return but, unfortunately, not knowing very professional. Ford's life was threatened twice by assassins might not equal the compact conditions counted out his 16 shirts which were go- is the least expensive of any so that your their names we cannot give them the credit wielding handguns. Now President Reagan of a Tokyo, it is certainly apparent that valued donation is not depleted by un- The following week we attended an evening that they are due. ing in for cleaning, while the rest of the has been shot. certain courtesies seem to be going by necessary overheads. of music at the Junior High School where we Sincerely, patrons merely stood holding their sat in on a "regular class of the string or- Must we bury another President before the Bruce B. Findiey the board, unfortunately, and that there With no local paid help your dollars work for chestra," and also watched a program of Congress acts to pass an effective national is a, need tor a return to common decen- wares. Was this person embarrassed? you. Last year Summit showed It really cared singers and performers who, although most ot handgun control law? Together we can make No way; he seemed rather pleased to by contributing the largest amount of any town cy, which, loosely translated, means them were not professional musicians, enjoy the Congress act now to control handguns. in the state, we set our goals high and you thinking about the other guy. own 16 shirts. It, apparently, never oc- music as a leisure-time activity. This was also Join with us today. Editor, Summit Herald: came through. When the kit reaches you, will curred to him to count the shirts at home, a very fine program, and I feel sorry for the N.T. "Pete" Shields Why has Common Council, despite its Some recent events bring to mind the you please make a donation you are proud of parents who missed it. „ Chairman stated position at the March 17 meeting, need for some of the apparently old- or at least in the parking lot. and pass the kit on promptly to your neighbor. Our music program has a lot to offer our Handgun Control, Inc. taken the narrowly simplistic position in the fashioned approaches to daily living. Thank you for helping us fight this dreadful Picayune? No. Courtesies are the children • the above are just two very positive papers and at tho April 7 meeting that Sum- . disease that touches one family in tour. 81018th Street, N.W. Standing in line waiting for the light to fabric of civilization. Without courtesies, examples. Let's give it all of our support, mit's only serious alternatives are to spray Mrs. Ian H.H. Smith, Washington, D. C. 20006 change at the intersection of Maple and especially in these times of possible budget sevin or not to spray? Is this an attempt to what is left is barbarism. Summit crusade chairman 1981, cuts when there is a lot of talk about frighten some citizens into compliance with "B.J." Safe and Sound 46 Tanglewood drive "eliminating" the various "arts programs." Council's toxic decision (a decision based The appreciation and enjoyment of music (and Editor, Summit Herald: upon an incomplete evaluation of all the other The Rising Lewis of Noise Impressed by Students art) is a lifelong pleasure! Attached is a copy of a letter being sent to alternatives)? Editor, Summit Herald: Mrs. UlboJ.Mijs Chief Formichella. Imagine that you were on the edge of a It's that time of year when noise that do our bidding so it's obvious that On March 7,1981, my husband and I were 159 Canoe Brook parkway Publication in the Herald would be ap- precipice which began trembling - threatening the more noise that is unleashed upon begins to pollute the atmosphere and our proud to have been spectators at the New preciated. to become a landslide. Would the intelligent quiet life is shattered by an array of on, the more machines we must have to Jersey Music Educators' 33rd annual All- 137 Heritage drive. thing to do be to state that you would move to Pleads for Handgun Control gadgets all designed to drive us up the do our bidding. This, we suppose, is a State Operatic Festival held in Piscataway at /SouthOrleans, Ma. save yourself only in a silver BMW or else you wouldn't move at all? Obviously, the world is wall. sign of a highly developed sophisticated which the Summit High School Orchestra Editor, Summit Herald: more complicated than any either-or, all-or- civilization where machines are relegated under the inspired direction of Vernon Post Our President lies wounded, felled by a Chief Frank Formichella Now that Spring is hard by and the bullet fired from a "Saturday Night Special." Summit Police Department nothing, situation. The infinite shades of grey to servant status. was the core orchestra for a concert perfor- outdoor season has commenced, we will mance of Verdi's "Aida." This favorite weapon of the assassin was easi- Police Headquarters between black and white are symbolic of the all be treated to an'assortment of noises However, noise is in itself a pollutant, range of alternatives found in most dilemmas. that will rattle our brains and shake our just as much as murky air or water are. ' Dear Chief Formichella: Imagine a person in a leadership capacity minds. We seem to be doing something about We are.very, very grateful to the Summit who lives on the edge of a flooding river and who has the opportunity to act to prevent the cleaning up our rivers and lakes as well Violence and Public Sehools Police Department who found and returned our Already the din of spring cleanup is cocker spaniel "B.J." who became frighten- deluge from harming the community. That as the atmosphere. Why can't we do by Robert J. Wolfanbarger upon us with motorized means of scoop- ed and ran away during the confusion of the leader is standing amid a variety of usable Member, State Board of Education ing up leaves left over from last fall and something about the pollution of noise move from our home on Nassau Drive. materials, any one of which and especially (Mr. Wolfonbarger is a long-time resident of Summit) winter whirring and hacking and soon that is reigning down on us in greater Thanks to the compassion and many in combination with each other, could be building better understanding of student there will be the noise of lawnmowers, and greater quantities? There's little question the absence of understanding of Lieutenants Lee, For- of tremendous assistance. That leader, discipline in the Classroom is among the most rights and responsibilities in school. michella, Lombardl and Officer Asarnow we Continued en pg. 7 air-conditioners and the normal sounds Many communities, including Summit, serious problems now facing public educa- Commissioner Fred Burke this month is •of the street that will echo through our have touched upon the subject in an ef- tion. sending out a pamphlet to the state's school homes via open windows. fort to control noise. Decibels have been Student violence and disorder are no longer districts to aid them in this task. The 10-page It is the open window, unfortunately, measured against human tolerance and a matter of quiet academic concern. Daily pamphlet, entitled "Handbook for Developing Looking Backward a Code of Conduct for Students", will be sent that is the greatest importer of noise ways and means have been discussed to newspapers tell of assaults on teachers and students, of guns and knives in the to all the state's school districts. since the sounds of the outside come eliminate unnecessary noise, but no real classroom, of the reign of terror in some of our Notably, the state's action does not require keep the majority of the 69 men working for a crashing into the house with no barriers break-through has been discovered to Seventy-five Years Ago schools. Less publicized Incidents of threats, school systems to develop codes of conduct. few more days. keep noise within proper limits. to stem the tide. open defiance of authority, and ever- Rather it is designed to help systems which With seven lives lost in one year on the P&D When a dispatch from Washington, D.C., Noisy cars, revved up to create the It is difficult for us to understand why Increasing classroom disruption shatter our lack rules to develop them in consultation with branch of the Lackawanna Railroad, following Indicated that $190,000 had been allocated a head-on collision near the Lyons depot, sound of a General Sherman tank, as there are those who thrive on noise, un- perceptions of what goes on in the classroom students, teachers, administrators, parents for a federal building In Summit, hopes were and accelerates teacher burn-out. And and youth and law enforecment officials. demands were made for a double track to Ber- well as motorcycles that sound like boiler necessary, ear-splitting noise. We are raised for construction of a new Post Office, parents talk of classroom tensions and locker- Many districts already have well- nardsvllle. certain that long periods of noise can be **• factories, permeate the air. Low-flying room hostility. established codes of conduct and attempt to When the Chatham Borough Council voted Twenty-five Years Ago airplanes and the put-put of patroling a health hazard to those who must live teach their students their rights and respon- to raise the crosswalks on the main street five Thus, it Is no surprise that Gallup polls for Ernest M. May of Colt road was named helicopters also muddle the air, disturb- with it day in and day out. Why anyone sibilities. Other districts don't. Presumably, Inches in order to avoid "automobile scor- more than a decade have Identified the lack of chairman of the reorganized Summit Commit- would go out of their way to seek noise is the latter school systems also don't have ching," warning notices were posted at the ing our sleep or just our reverie. Portable discipline as the public's No." 1 complaint tee of the Union County Association for Mental discipline problems. Passaic River bridge and on the Madison line. radios blare forth the sounds of rock, incomprehensible to us, and we wonder about public education. Not until recently have Health. most school officials faced up to the problem In an editorial In The Summit Herald, acid rock and punk rock, to push our.en- what positive role noise pollution can Public Is Concerned Oak Knoll School broke ground for con- and begun to find solutions. residents were urged to clean up their proper- durance tolerances to the limit of sanity. ever hope to play in a society we believe The public hasn't hesitated to let school struction of a new gymnasium. The discipline problem goes beyond in- board members know they're concerned ties to "remove the accumulation of winter" Noise, they say, Is a product of our is slowly going deaf and bananas from an and to provide the street department with an Common Council, by a vote of 6-1, granted dividual incidents to Impair the learning about classroom discipline. And the Impetus the Red Cross permission to locate at 2 Whit- society. Nosie comes from the machines overdose of dissonant sounds. ' Incentive to perform its duties. climate In the classroom, undermine the for improving discipline should come from tredgeroad. morale of students and staff, and undercut New postal regulations forbade the mailing parents and citizens who are concerned about Common Council voted unanimously to deed public confidence in education. We can of newspapers containing advertisements its effect on the quality of local education. But city-owned property-on Constantina place to reverse these trends If we're willing to face about eucre, whist and other card parties, as the local boards of education, in the final Summit Post No. 138, American Legion. the problem, find local solutions, and carry well as lotteries, where an admission was analysis, bear the responsibility for the The newly-formed Future Teachers of out a sincere program to turn around student charged. ERAID presence-or absence-of order in the America Club at the High School, with John behavior. classroom. A movement started by David M. Smythe of Summit some 20 years earlier was revived Dllson as advisor, was,named the Albert J. The development of student codes of Bartholomew Club, In honor of the retiring US Postal Service Publications Number 525-700 Rules Must bo Established conduct--and the task of building when there was a proposal to open the link between Central avenue, New Providence, High School principal. Second-class postage paid at Summit, N.J. In New Jersey, we're trying to do understanding of student rights and something about discipline. There's much and Central avenue, now Blackburn road, in responsibilities-will not alone quell rising Five Years Ago Member New Jersey Press Association, National Editorial Association, that's necessary, but our first step Is to en- Summit. classroom disorder. , Needed, too, are George Martin resigned as president of Quality Weeklies of New Jersey and Audit Bureau of Circulation. courage the state's school systems to thoughtful solutions arid program changes to SAGE after serving three years In the post. establish rules of student conduct-if they Fifty Years Ago Published every Sunday at 22 Bank Street, Summit, N.J. 07901 improve the overall quality of public education A report Indicated the minibus was most us- don't already exlst-and make certain these The Suburban Delicatessan and Tea Room by the-Herald Publications, Inc. and create a better climate for learning. ed by commuters and students. rules are well understood by students, faculty opened at 312 Springfield avenue. We can begin to improve the learning "No, No. Nanette" was selected as the members, parents and the public. The YWCA launched a drive to raise Norman E.Rauscher, Editor climate by giving support to local boards OMT production. Acting on recommendations of a task force which seek to create and enforce codes of stu- $10,000. Anne P. Cooper, Associate Editor Common Council appointed Gerald A. Hale study of student violence, vandalism arid dent conduct. Or we can deny support to local At the Roth-Strand Theater: Jack Oakle In "The Gang Buster," with Jean Arthur and of Glendale road to Common Councllman-at- AM Departments: 273-4000 disruption in the public schools, the State boards which refuse. to acknowledge large to replace Dr. Luther S. Roehm, who had Board of Education, last September adopted a classroom disorder and have no clear, William Boyd. Upon receipt of $600 toward a goal of resigned to accept a position with the State One year subscription $10 In advance. Back copies 30 cents each resolution urging local school systems to understandable, and equitable rules of stu- Department, create student codes of conduct as a basis for dent behavior. $8,000, the Board of Recreation was able to THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1981/PaBa 7

Deaths irs. Elizabeth Hiatt5 Former Teacher, Civic Leader, Dies News Robert Reynolds Mrs. Elizabeth Hiatt of Sum- the time of her death, Mrs. Hiatt Services (or Robert T. mit, a former Summit public was a member of the board of Letters Continued Reynolds, 66, of Murray Hill, school teacher and community directors of the Adele Lynch formerly of Summit, active in leader, died April 2 at Overlook Scholarship Foundation. She however, says that he will only use one of the obstinately closed-minded to all the alter- many civic and social organiza- Hospital following a brief ill- was also a former member ot the materials or he will use nothing to try to avert natives (which are simultaneously employable ness. tions, were held last Friday at board of trustees of the Public the imminent disaster. Further, imagine that and mutually supportive). the Brough Funeral Home, 535 Born in Dedham, Mass., Mrs. Library, served as a member of the one material he has so authoritarianly Can we communicate to our leadership in Springfield avenue. Hiatt joined the Summit school the board of SAGE and was the selected is perceived by many of his Summit the value of using all the other alter- natives to Sevin known to be effective in con- Mr. Reynolds died Tuesday in system in 1944 and over the first woman recipient of the assistants to be potentially dangerous tor a trolling the "Flood" of the gypsy moth? We Overlook Hospital. years taught first aid, hygiene YMCA's coveted Shua^t Reed great variety of reasons. That leader then want Council to act - but to act responsibly. He was employed by Roots and driver education. She Award. She was a member ot becomes the problem of most immediate con- We hope that they will act intelligently by us- Men's Shop in Summit for 35 resigned in 1971. the Unitarian Church in Summit. cern - before the community can act, the ing all the safer alternatives (B.t., physical years before retiring nine years A graduate of Panzer College, Mrs. Hiatt, the widow of leadership has to recognize the reality of lite in traps, pheromones and parasites) at once and ago. Mrs. Hiatt also attended the Amos Hiatt, who died several all its complexities, not merely in the either-or in combination. Mr. Reynolds was the state Bouve School of Physical Educa- years ago, is survived by a son, simplistic way that his single-solution decree Alexis G. Starun, Jr. chairman tor the Elks Scholar- tion. Peter Hiatt of Seattle, Wash. illustrates. Thus, the community's safety is 72 Mountain ave. ship Committee and was past With Adele Lynch, Mrs. Hiatt At the request of Mrs. Hiatt endangered as long as their leader remains Exalted, Ruler ot the Summit was among the founders of the and her family, there were no generics project. When CIBA- vironmental Science Funds from Lodge 1£46BPOE. Visiting Nurses Association. At funeral services. Marketing VP GEIGY acquired S. J. Tutag and Marsh and McLennan Com- He founded the New Pro- Company of Broomfield, Col- panies, Inc., of New York, vidence Police Reserve and was Rim Review: orado in 1979, he was named Named by CIBA Eberstadt Fund Management, a a county commltteeman in Sum- chairman of the board. Mr. John E. O'Day of Berkeley subsidiary of Marsh and mit, a Hi Y leader at the YMCA Heights has been appointed vice O'Day marked 25 years with in Summit and New Providence, Jess", Beautiful president of marketing for CIBA CIBA-GEIGY on February 15, McLennan, and Robert C. Porter an elder in the New Providence IHk 5//V6/A/6 BiSHUf '-In a special Palm Sunday presentation today at Central Presbyterian Chur-Pharmaceutical Company. 1981. of Summit, chairman of Presbyterian Church and was ch, Carol Choir members, Horn left, Holly Robertson as the jailor, David Koenig as Bishop TheodulphMr. O'Day joined CIBA in 1956 Eberstadt Fund Management. and Ross Smith as King Louis I will appear in a dramatic interpretation ot the legend of ninth century active in the Red Cross and But Slow, Slow as a sales representative and The Bowdoin program has Bishop Theodulph who wrote the hymn, ''All Glory, Laud and Honor." "The Singing Bishop'' will bealso served as a hospital College Gets United Campaign. studied oil spills at Georges BY MIRIAM C0NGD0N returns, miraculously sadder performed as a prelude to the Palm Sunday worship services at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. today. representative before moving to Born In Mlllburn, he lived in Summit in 1965 as hospital Science Grant Bank and Brittany, Fr. Students Poor. "Tess." The movie, not butwiser and full of love for her. Summit before moving to Mur- sales manager. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, are currently involved in studies the girl, though Lord knows she He gets laughs in all the wrong ray Hill 26 years ago. In 1978, Mr. O'Day was ap- Me., has received a $15,000 in New Hampshire and Puerto needs help, too. places. The liveliest of the three Surviving are his wife Evelyn pointed executive director, grant for its new Applied En- Rico. B.; a son, Robert B.; two Here is a film with great leading performers, and the What's Next On Cable PA-2, the public access cable children, Denis P. Werner and potential to be enthralling and nearest to having a fully Wednesday, April 15 9 p.m. Teen Arts Festival (Per- fascinating. It presents a television channel serving Sum- Mrs. Linda W. McCloskey, and developed character with which 7 p.m. Chamber News (with Joe lorming Arts Part IV eight grandchildren. beautifully evocative depiction to work, is Leigh Lawson as mit has scheduled the following Steiner) of 19th-century English country programs for the coming week. Contributions in Mr. Reynolds' Alec O'Urberville, the urbane, 7:30 p.m. Sunday Supplement The Board of Health will hold a Open Easter Sunday 7 a.m. • 2 p.m. life; the cinematography is memory may be made to the dashing rake who seduces Monday, April 13 (Presbyterians) meeting Monday, April 13 at 7 m gorgeous; and it has plot 7p.m. Up to You, for and by Parkinson Disease Association, Tess. 8 p.m. Good Work! (with Bruce p.m. in the Board of Health Con- elements that include the P.O. Box 4479, Church St. Sta- The tilm is quite stunning, Senior Citizens. • Ingles) ference Room, 71 Summit rape/seduction of an innocent Easter decorated cakes, cupcakes tion, N.Y., N.Y. 10249. though, as a period piece that 7:30 p.m. People to People. 8:30 p.m. This Week in Summit avenue. country lass, her near- totally transports the audience 8 p.m. Special on Sevin. (weekly news with Kathy Cl- A regular meeting of the and cookies traumatization, revenge, to the English countryside. Each 8:30 p.m. Senior Scene (live ingan) Board of Education will take Leslie T. Pettier murder, lovers on the run. But minor character is pure delight; and tape). 9 p.m. Teen Arts Festival (Per- instead of involving the viewer, place on Tuesday, April 14 at 8 Leslie T. Pedler of Summit, all the country folk, dairy maids, 9 p.m. Teen Arts Festival (Per- forming Arts Part III) Easter Bread & Hot Cross Buns "Tess" elicits mostly yawns p.m. in the Senior High School died March 23 at home. He was vicars and servants are gems, forming Arts Part I). Thursday, April 16 and giggles. 73. both in appearance and Tuesday, April 14 7 p.m. This Week in Summit Library, Kent Place boulevard. Born in England, Mr. Pedler The problem is that under characterization. And the 7 p.m. Sunday Supplement (news with Kathy Clingan) The Housing Authority will Q Woodland Bakery also lived in Bloomfield before Roman Polanski's direction, cinematography is lush and (Presbyterian Magazine). 7:30 p.m. Peanut Butter & Jelly meet in regular session on moving to Summit 26 years ago. everything moves like lyrical, with scene after scene of 7:30 p.m. Sights & Sounds (lor and about children) Tuesday, April 14 at 8 p.m. at Chatham Mall 650ShunpikeRd. At the time of his retirement 11 molasses. Is Tess' face summer field, autumn wood, (report on holistics). -8p.m. TVMillburn (local news) City Hall, first floor. Council years ago, he was traffic beautiful? Then let the camera misty village and silhouettes 8 p.m. Good Work! discussion 8:30 p.m. Chamber News (Joe Chambers, 512 Springfield 377-4040 manager for United Fruit Co., linger on it, lovingly, almost all against the evening sky. It's with Rev. Bruce Ingles of Cen- Steiner) avenue. N.Y.C. He had been associated the time. Is there significance in like getting lost iiv a tral with the firm for 23 years. Mr. a particular action sequence? Gainsborough painting. Presbyterian Church as host. Pedler was a member of the Then let it take three minutes in- At the Watchung Blue Star 8:30 p.m. 30 Medical Minutes New York Traffic Club and the stead of 30 seconds and, to Cinema. (live, phone-in) VALLEY PET SHOP National Freight Traffic Associa- make sure the audience gets the 9 p.m. Teen Arts Festival (Per- point, accompany it with grand tion. He was also a veteran of forming Arts Part II) We Have Everything *?*, World War 2. music. It's hard to believe this YMGA Offers is the same director who gave Live Bunnies For Easter Mr. Pedler is survived by his us "Chinatown" in the mid- First Aid PAMPERED Parrots Of All Kinds wife, Mrs. Ruth Pedler; a son, 70's. MEMBERS Parakeets-Canaries Thomas, at home, and a sister, The Summit Area YMCA is of- Tropical Fish, Guinea Pigs "Tess" is based on Thomas fering a new course, in standard ConflMitol SUH.. A* Winifred Pedler, Danville. Gerbils & Hamsters Hardy's Tess of the d'Urber- first aid, for ages 15 and up. Sup«rlor Progrsms, V* Funeral services were held OuUUndlng facilities Ferrets March 26 from the Paul Ippolito villes, and I suppose it is dif- Registrations are being ac- ficult to translate a 19th-century cepted now at the Summit Y, 67 OjwnMon.-Sst. 9.-30-5.00 464-6691 Summit Memorial, 7 Summit 395 Springfield Avo., Berkeley Heights avenue, followed by a mass at morality tale into terms that are Maple street. The eight-week St. Teresa's Church. relevant today. With good course will run Wednesday characterizations, though, it evenings 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. and HITCHCOCKS can be done. But here, the three Thursday mornings 9:15 to Mrs. Carol Reed leading roles are caricatures in- 11:15a.m. starting April 29 and A memorial service for Mrs. stead of the living, breathing 30 respectively. Carol Reed, 70 a lifelong resi- people they could be. Natassia Taught by Catherine dent of Summit was held last Kinski, who plays Tess, js Schuyler, advanced and stan-, RELOCATION Thursday In Christ Church. allowed just one expression: the dard first aid instructor and Mrs. Reed died April 6 in Grand Mope. Being seduced as EMT, the course covers first aid POTTED PLANTS Overlook Hospital. a teenager, and bearing a baby procedures In artificial respira- Surviving are a son, Penden- who subsequently dies, would tion, obstructed airway, poison- SALE NOW! nis W. jr.; a daughter, Mrs. give a young girl plenty to be ing, bleeding, drug overdose, Virginia Levick; a brother sad about; but three whole short distance transfer, shock Our new store on Route 7 in Wilton. CT. is almost ready for the Frederick Cowperthwaite, and hours of watching a classic and specific injuries and six grandchildren. depressive is a bit much. specific medical emergencies Grand Opening, so we're preparing for the move. Prices have been Peter Firth, as Angel Clare, is (heart attack, stroke, insulin Potted and foil-wrapped Plants to make Easter more joyful shock). lowered on every item in our store with values on hundreds of pieces, John Zotti saddled with a script that calls for unbelievably abrupt per- American Red Cross standard for you ... and someone you love. including: A Mass for John Zotti, 90, of sonality changes. He does a first aid and personal safety cer- Summit was offered last MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS FROM THESE AND OTHERS: ridiculous about-face from the tification will be given on suc- Chairs Corner Cabinets Thursday in St. Teresa's Chur- loving bridegroom to the hurt cessful completion of the ch, following the funeral from and angry husband who walks course. Azaleas Tulips Hyacinths Rockers Secretaries the Paul Ippolito Summit out on Tess within hours after For more information, call the Benches Plant Stands Memorial. 7 Summit avenue. their marriage; much later, he Y, 273-3330. Lilies Calceolaria Mr. Zotti died Monday in the Dining Tables Consoles Hazelcrest Nursing Home, Begonia Roses Blanket Chests Night Stands Bloomfield. Your child is very special Cinerraris Hydrangea Headboards Stools He was a self-employed land- Clocks Queen Anne Chairs scaper In the Summit area for and so is this offer. Bird of Paradise 50 years, retiring 25 years ago, Tea Wagons Occasional Tables Mr. Zotti was a World War I Ar- Hutches I)esks my veteran. He was a member Chests of the American Legion Post Tea Tables 2621 and Veterans of Foreign brecks Beds Curios War, both of Summit. 820 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills Upholstery Lamps Born in Italy, he lived in Sum' 376-1990 Ladderbacks Wing Chair mit for 63 years. Bookcases Surviving are a Michael; Accessories two daughters, Mrs, Antoinette Rush Chairs Dressers Finelll and Mrs. Terry Brown Butler's Tables Armoires Mulvaney; a brother, James, AH Home Sewers Are invited five grandchildren and two Mirrors great-grandchildren. Modern Sewing Techniques Demonstration Savings on these items and more are LJP TO jjl/j) QlLi the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail prices' All items are cash and carrv so Screen Art Vicky Lyn Hastings, please bring a station wagon. Sorrv. no phone orders. All sales final. New works in the Folding A representative of the new Screen Series by Stuart J. Home Sewing Machine Co. White will be on exhibit In the OPEN A^S^ M..ridj-. Kent Place School Art Gallery will be in our store to in - demonstrate fabulous SUNDAY from April 17 through May 22. Uc4 li Thi.i- HI '< White Is the Curator of the techniques in sewing 12—5 Robeson Center Gallery at modern fabrics. Rutgers Newark and Is also Ac- Tuesday, April 14 ting Director of the Museum 10 to 12 a.m. THE HITCHCOCK CHAIR Co. Training Program in conjunction A lifelong treasure, a Bachrach portrait. 2 to 4 p.m. with Newark Museum. Now at special Spring prices, for FACTORY STORE Working in the area between children twelve and under, one 8x10 finished This is a free National Consumser Education Program. MURRAY HILL SO. painting and sculpture, White Is portrait made from a generous set of If you have a problem fabric please bring it with you. We New Providence 665-0877 Influenced by the Japanese previews., ' > have limited seating capcity, so please call 273-0210 to philosophy of Uklyo-e, or "pic- Regularly $110.00 NOW $59.50 tures of a floating world." Large make your reservation. figurative pieces with gilt sur- faces are placed in the gallery in such a way as to Involve the Furrers Sewing Center viewer in the sculpture itself. (jachradi Est. 1944 The Kent Place Gallery is open 12 South Street 334 Springfield Avenue to the public weekdays 10 a.m. Morristown, NJ 07960 to 3 p.m. For further Informa- Summit, N.J.2730210 tion, call 273-0900. 267-2006 THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1SB1/I*age 8 Social Nature Club Flower Art Blooms In Show Gives Nature By Anne Cooper If you can't wait for summer's Awards gardens to bloom again, hurry down to the Summit Art Center Mrs. Mimi Solomon, Franklin today where a new exhibit, school library/media specialist, "Bouquet" is opening to the and Mrs. Lu Rose, a volunteer public with a reception from 2 to at the Reeves-Reed Arboretum, 5p.m. have been selected to receive The walls and cases of the se- the 1981 scholarships from the cond floor gallery are filled with Garden Club. the glowing color and Imagery of The recipients will attend the flowers as Interpreted In recent Audubon Ecology Workshop in paintings, drawings, prints and Connecticut this summer. photographs by contemporary The Garden Club will again ot- American artists. Only the bees ter scholarships in 1982. In- are missing. terested persons should contact The show Is the Inspiration of Mrs. Walter Shipley, 21 Pro- Gallery Curator Mary Wickliffe, spect Hill avenue, or Mrs. who admits to a gardener's In- William Kranichleld, 16 fatuation with her subject, and Westminster road. she assembled It carefully over the past year with the assistance of Liz Kelsey and Boro Man Anne Ross of the gallery com- mittee. Advances "We tried to find represen- tatives of every technique and "THE EGG WAS THIS BIG" - Miss Bunny...with a little help Rich Schlosberg of Ridgeview medium available," Mrs. Irom the fountain at The Mall at Short Hills, shows off a king-size avenue, New Providence, has Wickliffe said a few days ago as Easter egg. Miss Bunny will be at the Mall every day until Easter, been named a research she arid her committee were greeting children ol all ages on weekdays from 11 a.m. to4p.m. associate at Exxon Research hanging the 50-plece diverse and 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturdays Irom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Engineering Company, collection. The result is a and Sundays from noon tp 5 p.m. Linden, where he works in the WELCOME TO SUMMIT!-At a recent reception for visiting French exchange students, Francoisefascinating range of art works corporate research science Heller, left, is given a warm welcome by Stephanie Botwin, standing, and Jennifer Cavanagh, both olmade especially striking by the laboratories. Summit High School. The 14 French students are here lor three weeks from Colombes, France, aartists' single theme. Even the Schlosberg joined the com- suburb ol Paris, where 10 students from Summit High School studied and lived with French tamilies types of flowers portrayed run pany in 1973. last February. (Joyce Jones Pholo) the gamut and In one pre- openlng visit, It was Impossible to count all the varieties. It is no wonder, as Mrs. Wickliffe Milestone For Nature Club pointed out, that flowers have IN EXHIBIT—"Chrysanthemum's Secret Garden" by Barbara fascinated artists since antiqui- Schwinn Jordon an oil on canvas, is one ot the art works with a Kids Kloset A slide show of the Nature presidents, James Hand of Con- floral theme in the Art Center's current exhibit, "Bouquet," HELEN CMldlreiis Consignment Shop ty- Club's 50 years ot activities will necticut and Bill Boyle of Warren Most of the art works which which opens today. 630 SPRINGFIELD AVE. — BERKELEY HEIGHTS highlight the 50th anniversary are expected to attend. she has assembled, however, ELLIOTT There are a number of celebration of the club to be held To culminate the meeting, were painted within the last two Equally riveting is a giant color 464-816® well-known artists Thursday, April 16, 8:15 p.m., Vincent Abraitys of Hunterdon years. A collection of early 20th Polaroid photograph by Olivia represented. Among them is CHOCOLATE BUNNIES SAVE MONEY MAKE MONEY Lincoln school, when two past County, who as a freeholder century Rookwood pottery, all Parker entitled, "Foxglove." A Andy Warhol whose untitl- Come See Our Collection Of Spring Clothing was Instrumental In establishing with floral motifs, is the enly ex- stylized arrangement of articles ed, hand-colored silkscreen JELLY BEANS For Boys & Girls Including Boys Clothing a park commission, will be ception and runs through the in a box photographed against TODDLER (like many paintings in the Thru Size 18 awarded the James Hand Con- gallery In separate cases as a light and shadow, the artist DELIGHT^*' show) is for sale. Lowell FREE PARKING CHILDREN PLAY AREA servation Award. stunning counterpoint to the seems to have given her work Nesbitt's mammoth oil onan extra dimension of creativity. BASKET FILLERS Dpen Tues., Wed., Fri. 9:30-2:30 .Theirs. 10-4, Sat. 10-3:30 and mother's dreom... The public Is Invited to attend more modern works. perfect conditions to leam the meeting, at which canvas, "Two Spotted The "Bouquet" exhibit will Executed with a number of to twim refreshments will be served. Llllles," covers one wall and be at the Summit Art Gallery, 68 The Classified Advertising EASTER different glazes which were ap- has a vaguely menacing; Elm street until May 24 with deadline is Thursdays at 3 p.m. copper springe plied over painting of quality while a few feet SPANISH regular Gallery hours on Just call 273-4000 and ask for translucent and subtle colors, away, James Ruby's pastel CARDS & GIFTS JAPANESE Art Exhibit at YW weekdays from 12 to 4 p.m. and FRENCH "Classified." the Rookwood pieces are each "Spring Flower" Is a small weekends, 2 to 4 p.m. A public RUSSIAN Maplewood artist Leona K. signed by an individual gem of soft translucence, Gallery Tour is planned for May GERMAN Belford Is exhibiting a group of American painter and are uni- reminiscent of the glazed 3 at 3 p.m. and appointments STERLING Rookwood vases. Ruby is a / ENGLISH her abstract paintings at theque. Currently very popular for other Oocent tours may be young painter, just becoming i CHINESE Summit YWCA through May 8. among collectors, they compli- made by calling 273-9121. Card & Gift Shop f\ PORTUGUESE Providence Liquors The gallery Is open weekdays, ment contemporary interiors, well-known and beginning to SHOP-RITE PLAZA, STIRLING I ITALIAN 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Satur- especially well, Mrs. Wickliffe be collected by museums In OPEN SUNDAYS DANISH days 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sun- (who is the owner of several) the U.S. and Europe. Flea Sale MON., TUES.. WED., SAT. 9:30-6 ARABIC days 1 to 5 p.m. noted. GREEK Carolyn Brady's watercolor, Oratory School, Beverly road, THURS. & PRI. 9:30-9:00 HEBREW "Blue Grid," is an example of will hold a flea market Saturday, (5474401 SWEDISH photorealism In which the May 2,8a.m to 1 p.m., In the school cafeteria. AND 10 OTHERS 1st AGAIN Black-eyed Susans arranged In the middle of a luncheon table Persons interested in renting Learn it fast at Wine Cakes look as though they had Just table space, at a nominal fee, been picked and placed there. should call 273-1084. Will Be Available Diet facts 119 Summit Avenue For Tasting Summit 8i fallacies Tel. 522-0622 Sat, April 18 Lynn E. Llnd, R.N. Call for a brochure (Lessons at your company,. horns or al our "modern 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. vf t/¥em SSi^e vmd' Me- centers.) These nutritional tips brought to you by Widmer Wine Cellars^ Inc. DIETCENTER How much protein should a person eat to be healthy? Naples, N.Y. One of the most amazing facts that a person who has lost a great deal of weight learns Is that people do not will demonstrate use of wine need to eat very much food to maintain a healthy body weight. The secret of maintaining optimal health Is In in baking, using Widmer's famous correct choices of food. An average woman needs 46 grams of lean protein per day and a man needs 56 grams. Lake Niagrara How much Is this? About 7 ounces of meat for the average woman for the entire day and 10 ounces for the average man. When more protein Is taken Into the body 464-4242^ than Is required, tho protein will be converted to excess FREE tat In storage. Protein is essential for rebuilding cells. A&P SHOPPING CENTER This Is the food that builds the body to keep the body Easter Basket NEW PROVIDENCE healthy. It also provides a prolonged energy and keeps Drawing HOURS: MON.-WED.9-8 the body In good repair. Sat April 18,2 PM THURS.-SAT. 9-9 THE'SALON ENTER NOW SUNDAY 12:30-3:30 PERSONALIZED DIET COUNSELING SAVE A '25.0O Value 420 Morris Ave., Springfield, N.J. 376-2990 No Purchase All prlcas Include Sluts Sales Tax • We are not relponalble lot typographical error! Murray HIM Square UP TO Necessary We reserve the riflht to limit qusntltlee Westfield, N.J. South Ave. 654-7820 5O% 178 Mt. Bethel Rd., Warren 847-7546 Off Une Price 665-0388

Prestigious Designer; Coordinates / GOLD •& SILVER Choose From A Laips rtlon Of Pastel Colors In sprii I Linens BLAZERS, BLOUSES, ARE CLIMBING I SKIRTS, SLACKS AGAIN PLENTY OFF. i\S NOW S]O95i ,95 ONLY ;oo Reg.. WE BUY ANY FORM Regular '4O To !11O OF GOLD & SILVER Better Brand EASTERN'S 1 Gold Jewelry, any item marked 10K, SAVE - % Knit Tops 14K, 16K, 18K, 22K, Rings, Watches^ 50io75% Necklaces, High School or College Off BRAND , Rings. We test unmarked gold. 1 Silver, any item marked Sterling or .925, EASTER NAMES - Silverware, Tea Sets, Jewelry, Bars, etc: 1 Coins, Quarters, Dimes, Halves, Dollars OPEN SUNDAY before 1965, any thing of numismatic just Added To APRIL 12 Noon to 5:00 PM STERLING SILVER value. DESIGNER Our Famous WE ARE A PERMANENT BUS'NESS

2 FOR 3.50 Can CtonfcD $750 RACK VALLEY eastern «• 'STAMP'* COIN' RBfl.'38 ggp* Valley Mali CLOTHING OUTLET Valley Road (Springfield Ave.), Gillette Distributor* of Women's Fashions Open.Tues.-Sat.IO-5 1107 Valley Road. (Rte. 512) • Stirling, N.J. a 647-6320 (AcntalmmCtrWith-Batm*nShopitb&YtBtrMtlll>tlhMar*) Klfinelon Kfnntlon Mill, Klnnrion Hd, 492-1452 647-6550 B»rk«l«y HtB Foodlown Mall, 430 Springflrid A»». 46«-122B Open Dally 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM; Saturday to 6:30 PM Ramsay Vlllngo Squtra, 47 Main St, 327-5419 CHARGE IT: VISA MASTER CHARGE AMERICAN EXPRESS THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, AMIIL12,1981/Pa(je 9 'locks Island Dam: Another Phoenix? Youth Featured Resident in On TV Program Jersey Water Supply Master Plan, or better New Bel! Post News No! long ago I predicted attempts to resur- rect Tocks Island Dam and Reservoir by vet, a water resources master plan • one in- Dominick F. Carbone. ol 1955 and has held a number ol economics trom Union College, assorted special interests who would be using cluding storrnwatei and sewage treatment fac- Talented teenagers from the Summit has been appointed stall and opeiating positions, SchenectaUy, and his masters the drought to support their manuevers. I tors. This statewide approach to long-range Summit Area will be featured in assistant treasurer of New York most recently as division staff degree Irom the Columbia wish I had been wrong, but I sure wasn't. water needs was begun in 1977, and aside a series of programs being Telephone Company. marketing manager. Graduate School of Business. Carbone served as an officer in Those with long enough memories will recall Irom recognizing Tocks as a suggestion which broadcast by Communities on Carbone began his career He was born and raised in the United Stales Navy in the 1955 Delaware River flood, which was all would provide extra water availability, it pro- Cable April 13-16, 9:30 p.m. with New Yoik Telephone in White Plains, New York, receiv- destroyer operations the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers needed to ceeds on the assumption that Tocks is a dead With Muggins Badgley as the ed his bachelor ot arts degree in come up with a proposal for a dam and reser- issue. coordinator, presentations will Here's something to bear in mind: There's voir, Surprisingly, the Corps got disgusted include youngsters from secon- nothing about the Tocks proposal which would Dance Yourself with mounting opposition which had kept dary schools in Summit, New them from doing their favorite thing, and some relieve us ol the need for various planned pro- Providence and Berkeley into Springtime Tax Time Associates years ago proposed that Tocks be de- jects inside ol New Jersey. And il they pro- Heights and will range from all N.J. & N.V. York Returns by appointment only authorized by Congress. This finaj stake ceed to completion, they do away with a need 1 A Spring Dancercize course, j for Tocks insolar as New Jersey is concerned. types of music to ballet, drama through the monster's heart was never taught by Maruta Friedler, will driven, however, and it is coming back to life. At the heart ol these projects, of courso, is and film making. Personal Income Tax Preparation begin on Tuesday, April 14, at Now the Tocks proponents, mainly an interconnecting pipeline to (irmly lint, the For more Information on the 7:30 p.m. at Temple Sinai, 208 Consulting Services business and labor plus a few politicians, Round Valley/Spruce Run reservoirs in the New Jersey Teen Arts Program, Raritan River basin to water systems serving Summit avenue. have begun getting the kind of upfronl media which is the basis lor the broad- HEADS LAWYERS - Richard T. "( (ii\tulvuluil cxfit'i't set rice in the i u/ii'('/iii'iiiv publicity guaranteed to confuse the citizenry. currently drought-stricken areas in the NAMED PRESIDENT - Williamcasts, call 745-2788. The Women's Association of (if VOUI htn)l('" Passaic River basin. State officials had hoped Laughlin of Prospecj Hill Temple Sinai is sponsoring the One would get the idea that it's a simply J. Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue, a partner in trie Mor- black-and-white case of "Build Tocks and be that federal aid would get a $90-million James V. Ryan ol Summit, has series. 273-8472 pipeline project off and moving before hoped- Y Youth Plan ristown law linn ol Mathews, spared future water emergencies, or don't do been named president, personal Woodbridge, Goebel, Laughlin No prior dance experience is (j hirini* workdays, please call alter ii p \\\.) it and die of thirst." for approval of a $345-million water improve- necessary. For information ment bond issue next November. But care division, Gillette North and Reictiard, has been elected Nothing's that simple, It's true that should America. Mr. Ryan, who joined Museum Visit president ol the New Jersey Pa- phone 273-4921, business Tocks get built. New Jersey would supposedly Washington turned New Jersey down on the Gillette in 1975 as vice presi- A Youth Trip to The City tent Law Association. hours, or 522-1687. get a 300-million-gallon-per-day (MGD) needed declaration ot a disaster here. Other Museum of New York will be allocation from the Delaware River, instead of smaller interconnections are already in pro- dent ot marketing ot the the 100 MGD it normally receives. And it's gress which may meet out immediate needs. toiletries division, is a graduate sponsored by the Summit YWCA true that a federal project like Tocks wouldn't Round Valley and Spruce Run reservoirs ol Summit High School, who Youth Department on Friday, tAROUSEL GIFTS be paid by only New Jersey. togethei can hold 66 billion gallons of water. If received degrees from Amherst April 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All Leather But then there's that pipeline Irom Tocks to some of that water could be fed into nor- College and the Harvard Exhibits include dolls, toys, fur- the northeastern urban area of New Jersey. theastern systems, we wouldn't need Tocks, Business School. niture, instruments and more. Handmade Bags Figure at least $120 million for that. And or (or that matter any other reservoirs. The The trip is open for grades K-12 HELEN ELLIOTT figure more than $200 million in state highway state wants also to build Hackettstown Reser- and adults. Children under 10 voir in the Musconetcong River to boost "Custom Leather Work costs to meet the increased traffic headed for must be accompanied by an CHOCOLATE BUNNIES the Tocks Reservoir and its claimed water- Delaware River (lows during dry spells, so that Resident Joins Camden's water supply is protected from salt- adult. Done to Your JELLY BEANS AND EVERYTHING oriented recreational features. Call the Summit YWCA, 273- The whole Tocks project is now estimated to water intrusions into the Delaware. FOR YOUR EASTER BASKET Canada Dry 4242, (or information. cost $850 million a bone to get stuck in the It's stated in a recent issue of the magazine Specifications New Jersey Reporter that spending $206 EASTER CARDS taxpayer's throat. Especially when, as far as Stephen H. Stenstrom of million on a total of nine relatively small in- Benefit Set New Jersey is concerned, we don't even need Summit has joined the U.S. state water projects will keep the drought it! operations ol Canada Dry as vice spectre at bay well Into the next century. For Fibrosls CUSTOM FRAMING What we do need is completion of the New president, director of brand management. Cesar Belina of Summit has Prior to joining Canada Dry, been appointed as one of the 260 SPRINGFIELD AVE., BERKELEY HEIGHTS Stenstrom was vice-president, three Union County chairper- Open Mon.-Sat. 9:30-6:00, Thurs. 9:30-9:00 sons of the 1981 Cyclin' for CF marketing at A&W Beverages. 464-6272_ He also held positions at Bike-A-Thon, a benelit lor the We Specialize in Men's Full Heublein and Proctor and Gam- New Jersey Foundation ol the ble, and is a graduate of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Soles & Heels University of Iowa and holds an M.B.A. in marketing from the Insurance VP University of Washington. Brandon Shoe Repair Retires Early 31 Maple Street, Summit Maurice B. Baker, Jr., senior 273-3553 Scientist vice president - insurance i operations (or Crum and Forster Corporation, Morristown, took TOP SALESPEOPLE Carolann Clynes, Ursula Wolle Jr. and Marshall DeCristolaro are finishing the year At Exhibit early retirement last month. Send our FTD as the top salespeople in listings, sales, and overall production for the Burgdorlf Realtor, Summit Of- Dan C. Krupka of Badeau Mr. Baker had joined Crum fice In 1980. Mrs. Clynes has been named the Top Listing Salesperson, Mrs. Wolle the Top Sellingavenue, who is employed by and Forster in 1969 as a vice Salesperson, while Mr: DeCristolaro received the Top Overall Production Award. Bell Labs, is vice chairman of president - national accounts taster Dasket pointed mortgage officer of The the professional program com- and reinsurance. He had yqy Julius Oksenhorn Chatham Trust Company. Resident To mittee for Electro/81, a high- previously been associated with Plunge Aids technology electronics conven- various other companies, in- early. Mr. Whitney was formerly An exclusive FTD BUYS YOUR,,. associated with the Summit and tion and exhibition being held cluding North British and Mer- flowers. Call or Head Depot woven basket filled Scholarships Elizabeth Trust Company. Both this week in New York City. ' cantile Insurance Company. visit us today DIAMONDS Residents are invited to swim banks are members of The Capt. John A. Mazza of Sum- with beautiful Everyone loves an or sponsor a swimmer at the Summit Bancorporation. mit, has assumed command of fresh spring Easter Basket. YWCA's "Plunge (or Funds" A member of the New Pro- Norfolk, Virginia, Detachment Piectou/ April 10 and 11 to benefit the vidence Board of Education, Mr. 102 ol the United States Naval YWCA scholarship fund. Whitney is alsp active in other Air Reserve, Brooklyn, New Swimniurs ol all abilities and York. During monthly drills, the insurance community activities. i ages may participate, swimming 300 members of the unit fly to as lew as one to as many as 216 Norfolk Naval Air Station to pro- corner lengths (3 mile limit) of the pool vide aviation maintenance sup- by Julianne Venezia any time from Friday at 6 p.m. Salesman Is port for the United States Atlan- ESTATE SATES until Saturday at 1 a.m. and tic Fleet. The Maben Agency again on Saturday from 6 a.m. Award Winner Capt. Mazza has served in and now and then to 6 p.m. several aviation assignments, Julianne Venezia $10.50 he sells To get in the swim or donate John T. Ryan, jr. of Smythe both carrier-based and shore- to a worthy cause, call the Volvo, 326 Morris Ave, has based, during his service in the Easter is Sunday, April 19. YWCA, 273-4242, for more in- earned membership in the Volvo Navy. Prior to taking command TRIPTRANSIT INSURANCE Highest Prices Paid formation. Gold Sales League by selling of Norfolk, Virginia, Detachment Immediate Payment 250 new Volvos. Higher levels 102, Capt. Mazza was Com- Liability covering transportation perils is known in the manding Officer of a Reserve bank references in the career recognition pro- insurance business as marine Insurance. There are two Summit Hills Florist Chatham Bank Patrol Unit in Detroit. major divisions... ocean marine, covering sea risks, and ' wholesale - retail gram include the Diamond Sales Inland marine, covering transportation by railroad, truck, 11 Beechwood Road Summit Names Officer League at 500 sales and the automobile, and airplane. This latter division is of much appraisals later development than the sea category. Robert Y. Whitney, 3rd, of Volvo Hall of Fame for 1,000 or The Classified Advertising 273-1424 more lifetime Volvo sales. deadline is Thursdays at 3 p.m. It is possible to insure a single shipment of property in We do in-home appraisals for your convenience New Providence, has been ap- the inland marine category with a trip transit policy. This and safety. Call tor appointment. type of policy is used to cover household furniture, heavy machinery, livestock, and various kinds of merchandise. Open Daily & Sat. 10 A.M. to5:30P M ; Mon. & Thurs. eves, to 8;30 The products are insured while in transit by truck, freight, express, and coastwise or inland steamers. This type of pinq qou 300Millburn Avenue, Millburn, N.J. policy may be written "all risks" or it can cover specified (201)379-1595 g risks. Specified perils can include fire, truck accident, flood, tornado, bridge collapse, etc., etc. This is the type of insurance that often makes the \ newspaper headlines when items of great value are ONE STOP shipped from one place to another for purposes such as \ display. A copy of the Gutenberg bible was insured for The deadline for Classified THIRD ANNUAL FOR ALL YOUR $100,000 while on display at a luncheon celebrating the Advertising is 3 p.m. on 500th anniversary of printing. HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS Thursdays. Call 273-4000 to This information has been brought to you as a public service by, place your ad. MflPLE LEAF RUM SPENCER M. MABEN, INC., 490 Morris Avenue, Summit. N.J., 273-1900. Your one-stop answer to complete insurance protection. 10,000 METERS WM FOR THE MAY 31, 1981 ^SSt DRIVEWAY REGISTRATION 9 A.M. RACE 10 A.M. _#*>

Protect Black Top Halt Pot Holes Constitution Mapiewood Memorial Park, Durinell Road, Maplewood Repair ruts and holes in blacktop GUard against weathering, add driveways with SAKRETE® beauty, with SAKRETE® Proceeds to Elk's Crippled Children's Fund Blacktop Sealer. Just pour and Black Top Mix. Just pour mix mil spread for jet black finish. from bag and tamp. " The Best Old Prizes, Trophies, T Shirts FOR THE LAWN provided by Grass Seed & Fertilizer from Scotts & Greenfield Place of All" Lime & Peat Moss The Maplewood Bank and Trust Co. Top Soil & Cow Manure Settle here on the celebrated Gardening Tools - Rakes, Wheel Barrows & Carts Morgan estate, 47 acres of natural True Temper Tools beauty in the midst of Princeton. For information call the Maplewood Bank 762-7100 Artfully clustered individual or Maplewood Recreation Department 763-4202 FOR HOME REPAIR AND ADDITIONS houses surround the mansion Ceiling Tiles offering the ease of condominium Leaders & Gutters living. Pre-Finished Paneling Paint ENTRY FORM MAPLE LEAF RUN Insulation Mason Supplies & Lumber A full time staff offers meticulous MAY 31, 19S1-MAPLEWOOD MEMORIAL PARK, MAPLEWOOD, N.J. FOR THE YARD maintenance of your landscaping and residence (Sunny growing To enter, please print the following information: 3lue Stone Slate Flagging TELEPHONE. AGE Patio Blocks & Ties space provided for ambitious NAME Brick Crystal Spar (White Crushed Stone) gardeners). The houses are ZIP Stockade Fences Split Post & Rail Fences pro-wired with burglar and fire ADDRESS TOWN S M L XL (CIRCLE) alarm systems and a resident staff FEMALE MALE T SHIRT SIZE affords your property protection Priced from $256,000 to $322,000. In consideration ol this entry being accepted I hereby lor rnyselt heirs e*t?culor$ mbef oflhe in your absence. Sales office open every day 10-5 [ha! maybe idcaf,l tele Your personal touch will —. or by appointment. RUSSELL PLACE vision, or other acco^Sn PHONE: 277-0030 individualize the 1, 2 or 3. a^a, Broker Cooperation ENTRY DEADLINE: MAY 26. 19B1 Entry Fee $4.Ott Please make check payable to Maple bedroom homes designed to echo and mail check and entry form. the graceful architecture of the Rosedale Road DATE FREEPARKING Open Sat.8-,12 noon SIGNATURE Morgan mansion while offering Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Constitution Hill {609) 921-2390 contemporary conveniences and PLEASE MAIL TO: MAPLE LEAF RUN energy efficiencies. > MAPLEWOOD BANK AND TRUST CO., 161 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE, MAPLEWOOD. N.J. 07040 Collint Devtlgpment Corporation CP THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1981/Pafle 10

Hyman, Maxme Sullivan, Mama Lu Parks and the Ink Spots, Emergency Aid Starting Today, Electronics Will Play Sunday, April 20, Westfield Senior High School, 3:30 p.m News For tickets, which will also bu A Larger Role in Area Phone Service Overlook Hospital and the available at the door at higher Summit Jaycees will present a Summit and Chatham area customers can instruct their The customer puts the second cost, call the Center, 232-4750 four-hour course on medical residents and businesses are telephones to transfer all their party on hold, dials the third What's Going On? emergencies -- What to do and scheduled to have new, elec- incoming calls to another party's number and, by Flowers how to get help - on April 14 tronic telephone service beginn- number. The customer simply depressing the telephone swit- The Morris Countv Park Com- from.7 to 11 p.m. for anyone ing today when their phones are dials a code from his phone, chhook, adds the second party Events listed are either free ticipants' workshop Tuesday, mission will hold a series of in- over the age of 14 at the Summit served by computerized New followed by the number to which' to the conversation. and open to the public, or ol April 14, 8 p.m., Passaic River formal walks featuring spring Frist Aid Squad building. Jersey Bell switching equip- calls are to be directed. The general interest tor non-profit Coalition headquarters, 246 wildflower identification, star- Those who attend, will learn ment. calls are then transferred The optional calling services purposes. Deadline for inclusion Madisonville road, Basking • ting April 25, Bamboo Brook how to handle a serious medical Some' 17,000 customers, automatically. range in 'price from $1.98 to is noon on Tuesdays preceding Ridge. For further information, Outdoor Education Center, emergency in the home or at whose home and business With Speed Calling, $3.96 a month. Lower prices date of publication. call Bill Krouder, 221-0688. Chester Township. For other work, what to do for someone numbers begin with 273, 277 or customers can dial just one or are offered when services are dates and locations, call 635- you think is having a heart at- 635, will be served by the new two digits to reach numbers purchased in groups of two or Refresher Course Naturalists 6629. tack, how to summon proper equipment, which speeds calls they frequently call. The swit- more. A six-week refresher course A slide program on "The help and how to perform the to their destinations faster than ching system's electronic Electronic switching also for registered nurses, created Olympic Peninsula and Mount Edible Plants lifesaving skill of car- ever before. It also provides memory remembers the number makes available Touch-Tone by Union College, Cranford, Rainier" will be featured at the A workshop on wild edible 'diopulmonary resuscitation if customers with special calling to be called and dials it pushbutton dialing and Interna- with the cooperation of seven next meeting of the Echo Lake plants will be held at the Out- needed before help arrives. This services designed to make automatically in a matter of tional Direct Distance Dialing, a hospitals, will be held starting Naturalists Club, Tuesday, April door Education Center, 247 NAMED PRESIDENT - Gilbert G.course can save lives. phone calling easier and more seconds. service that enables customers Southern boulevard, Chatham, Lautenshlager has been named April 20. Interested persons 14, 8 p.m., Cranford Care To register, call Overlook convenient. Three-way Calling lets to dial numbers in 82 foreign president ol the MikroPul Cor- should contact Dr. Theodore Center, 206 Birchwood avenue. Saturday, May 2, 9:30 a.m. to customers add .a third party to a countries directly, without the poration, Summit He joined the Hospital, Community Education, Customers' first indication ot Austin, 276-2600, extension For further information, call 2:30 p.m. For information and help of an operator. company in 197b as vice presi-. 522-2365, between 9 a.m. and the new service will be a conversation already underway. Mrs. Harold Debbie, 322-1834. to register, which is required, 218. SCHOLARSHIP WINNEH- dent ol administration and 4 p.m. There is a $4 materials distinctive new dial tone, accor- * * * call 635-6629. • ** Summit High School student finance. charge. ding to William MqKinlay, New Therapists Sleep Away Hoxanne Wilkerson is the reci- Jersey Bell's area community John Hawco and Lucille Cole, "Sleep Away Camps for Lear- pient ot a four-year Warner- relations manager. "Vital Link" Nominated parkway, Catherine Bridges of both of Westfield and both re- ning Disabled Children" will be Lambert Achievement Scholar- McKinlay said the com- cent graduates of the Swedish discussed at the next meeting of ship, it has been announced by Hickson drive, Marjbrie Colross of Hawthorne drive, Maurice puterized equipment For Top National Award Institute, New York, have open- the Union County Association the National Achievement College Corner establishes connections elec- Scholarship Program lor Frederick of Osborne avenue, ed massage treatment services, (or Children with Learning Regina Giardina of Brookside tronically, about 1,000 times "The Vital Link," a weekly awards, more than any other Intouch. For details about the Disabilities, Wednesday, April Outstanding Negro Students. The daughter of' Mr: and Mrs. drive, Michael Hoh of Wood faster than more conventional, TV-3 cable television program cable system, It was noted by programs of massage therapy, 15, 8 p.m., New Providence On Dean's List Thaddus Wilkerson of Glenwood joring in economics/account- Crest drive, Christine Hubinger electromechanical systems. The geared to the betterment of rela- Greg Vandervort, Manager of call 232-3907. Linda Y. Kalnins of Beekman Memorial Library, 377 Elkwood Place, her Held ol study at col- ing. of Springfield avenue, Olympia equipment also monitors itself tionships between parents and Local Programming for Subur- road has been named to the avenue. Further information lege will be mathematics- At Union Lang of.Central avenue, Mary constantly, insuring virtually children, has been nominated ban Cable vision. Dean's List at Tufts University, Adoptive Mothers may be obtained by calling 233- computer programming. A Forty-six area students are Paul of Whitewood drive, Walter tor a National Cable Television Medtord, Mass. trouble-free operation. Other nominees include The Adoptive Mothers Club 0072. member ol the Honor Society, enrolled at Union College, Cran- Simpson of Salem road and Jef- * * * The system's electronic Association Award lor "Fortnight," a bi-weekly news will meet Monday, April 13, 8 * * * Miss Wilkerson has also been ford, on a full or part-time basis. frey Smith of Delwlck lane. In Honor Society memory enables customers to Cablecastlng Excellence. Award feature program, and "June p.m., Bethlehem Church, 785 the recipient ol the Junior High Full-time students include In addition, Michael Hahn of Endangored Spocies William Finnegan, son of Mr. program their telephones to pro- winners will be announced at a Day 1980," the annual folk Service Award Cerlilicate, the Margaret Badenhausen of Gallinson drive, David Hansen of Route 10, Randolph. For.further A film on the endangered and Mrs. H. Finnegan of Lewis vide custom calling services. special ceremony on May 31 in festival held at Eagle Rock Youth Fitness Achievement Manor Hill road, as well as Pat Yarmouth drive and Dean San- information, call Mrs. Faith species in this state will be avenue, has been elected to Los Angeles. Award and Certificates ol Merit Mele of Pearl street, Barbara Fiiippo of Penwood drive, all of Call Waiting, for example, Reservation, West Orange. Parks, 852,0664. shown at the Morris County membership in the Trenton tor art, science, drama and Montanino of Oxbow drive, Murray Hill, are also enrolled as signals the customer talking on 'The Vital Link," produced In addition, TV-3 was again • • * Park Commission's Outdoor State College Chapter of Phi French. Eileen Clarke of Sagamore drive part-time students. the phone when someone else is by the Educational Consortium nominated tor "Excellence In Canoo Workshop Education Center, 247 Southern Kappa Phi, honor society. He is and Mark Corsiof Eighth street, calling. The customer can either for Cable with Kate Wood of Overall Community Programm- will be a walk at 2 p.m. a junior majoring in business The Passaic River Canoe Club boulevard, Chatham, Saturday, all of New Providence. , put the first call on hold and Summit as Executive Director, is ing," an award which it first administration. will hold a trip leaders' and par- April 18, 1 and 3 p.m. There Part-time students from Sum- handle the second, or finish the shown on Suburban Cablevi- won in 1980. Being considered Senior Tennis mit are Herbert Bell of Orchard first conversation and take the sions local programming chan- again in the same category "is Senior citizens, 62 years and Elocted President street, Denise Connelly of Mor- second call. nel TV-3. Seven TV-3 programs an outstanding accomplishment older, may play tennis free of Alison S. Good, daughter of PHttft MEMKY'S SALOON ris avenue, James Coward of With Call Forwarding, have been nominated for for Suburban Cablevision and charge on weekdays until 3 Mrs. Robert Fay of Summit, a Ashwood avenue, June Crooks graduate of Summit High TV-3," Mr. Vandervort said. p.m. on the courts located at of Morris avenue, David David- School, has been elected presi- "TV-3 is now In Its fourth ROAST mums BIBS OP BEEF , which are now son of Springfield avenue, John dent of the Management Dilonno of Ashland road, Robert Houston Gives Ph.D. Degree year of operation as a nationally- open. For further details, call Association for the 1981-82 Fleming of Mountain avenue, John W. Largen, Jr., son of degree trom Montclair State Col- recognized leader In local pro- 527-4740. academic year at Cedar Crest Daniel Foreman of Hillside Mr.- and Mrs. Largen of gramming," he added. "From College, Allentown, Pa. Miss avenue, Adrienne Foushee of Tanglewood drive, has been high school sports to local sym- Sacred Music Good will also serve as senior Since last September, Dr. Broad street, Halon Freeden of awarded a Ph.D. degree by the class representative to the Largen has been a statf neurop- phony orchestras to in-studio The Csehy Musical Miele place, Nick Garofalo of University of Houston, Tex. sychologist in the research sec- Judicial Board. Overlook road, Rosemary Gomez talk shows and local community Messengers will present a pro- Dr. Largen, a graduate of tion of Texas Research Institute * * * of Tulip street, Doris Griffiths of events, TV-3 has provided per- gram of sacred music, Easter, Summit High School, holds a of Mental Sciences, His doctoral In Revue Lowell avenue, Melanie Inman sonalized coverage and quality 386- 1144 April 19, 6 p.m. Evangel Baptist dissertation was about Robert Wilkerson of Summit of Franklin place, Edward Logue B.A. degree in psychology Irom programming to the 41 com- "On the Scanlc Passaic River" Church, 242 Shunpike road, Rutgers University and an M.A. Alzheimer's disease. was a member of the cast of a of Lewis avenue and Peter Lut- munities within the Suburban Springfield. The public is in- 138 Eagle Rock Avo., East Hanover recent musical revue at Union ton of Beekman road. Cablevision network." vited, free of cost. College, Cranford. In addition, Summit students Cardiologist Runners' Guest include Lauren Miller of Oakley Job Fair Plays Football Stephen Guss, M.D. a relay will be discussed. Car avenue, John Pecca of High renowned cardiologist, will be pools will be set up for upcom- Deadline for all letters to the A job fair for persons seeking Daryl Toney, son of Esther A. street;, Peter Quirk of Canoe ON TASK FORCE - Dr. Stanley the guest speaker at the April ing area races and the entry editor, sports material, social employment in the allied health Toney of Morris avenue, a Brook parkway, Valerie Riccior- R. Sheeran of Summit, vice procedure for the New York city news, engagements announce- field will be held April 22, freshman at Allegheny College, di of Gates avenue, Mary Rice of president, Tenneco Chemicals, 6th meeting of the AMAZING Meadville, Pa., was a member Marathon will be outlined. ments, weddings and photo- Center for Health Affairs, Sheffield road and Erwin Ruerup Saddle Brook, has been namedFEET RUNNINGCLUB. ? ot the tootbll team last fall. AH area runners/joggers are graphs Is 12 Noon on Princeton, 1 to 5 p.rm For- of Morrig avenue, as well as to the New Jersey Water Crisis Dr. Guss has run the Boston welcome to attend the meeting Wednesdays. specifics, call 609-452-9280, Paul Rutledge of Gloucester Task Force created by the New Mrs. Carl J. Matthews of road, John Sofle of Ascot way, Marathon and will speak on at 7:30 p.m. in the Berkeley extension 307. Jersey State Chamber of Com- Beechwood road recently at- Diana Weeks of drive, "Run For Your Life". Heights Library. For more infor- tended a Mother's Weekend at merce to coordinate the Jazz to Blues Carol Williams of Greenbriar The AMAZ2ING FEET 24-hour mation, call 464-1558. Converse College, Spartan- drive and Mark Winslow of business community's efforts to The Westfield Community baurg, S.C., where her Brantwood drive. remedy the present water crisis. Center is sponsoring a jazz to The Area's Largest and Finest Facilitie daughter, Lynn, is a junior ma- Part-time students from New At Tenneco, Dr. Sheeran Is blues concert, with Dick. Providence are Nora Brown of responsible lor developing and Charnwood road, Paulette implementing energy and water Marlinski of Runnymede conservation programs. 535 SPRINGFIELD AVE AT MORRIS AVE THOUGHT FOR THE DAY- Isaiah 53:7-12 273-3333 ' THE CROSS IF S CARNIVAL TINE Would you give up your life for the sins of others? Jesus did. liERSCIIg f IIITBI1S M.J.W. ATMtLLBURN a selected group WIlfEl of moldings WE wsi mm wmi SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL! (with this ad) Dial the number below and we will coma to your home, shop or office anywhere in New Jersey to buy quality 19th and early BEIFUS 20th Century American paintings. Collections or single items. As one of New Jersey's leading art consultants working close- ly with museums and collectors, we offer prompt, courteous and confidential service to private individuals, dealers and regular moldings | IN SOUTH ORANGE estate executors. Immediate payment... cash if desired. Ap- Do it yourself in our store with YOUR CONVENIENT BUICK praisal service available. HENRY B. HOLT professional help. We cut the molding, % MERCEDES BENZ DEALER April 20-25 mat & glass... you assemble &,save! 201-228-0853 Mon*. 6-JO. Toes thro Pictures Posters Needlework 1-17 WEST SO. ORANGE AVE. P.O. Box 6 Calligraphy SOUTH ORANGE 762-7500 Essex Fells, N.J. 07021 Sat.noen-ll p.m. Tues.-Sat. 10-5 Thurs 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. 373-4r813 Noon Wednesday Is the 102 Summit Ave., Summit deadline lor all letters to the 85 Godwin Ave. 15 Hillside Ave. editor, sports materials, THE MORRISTOWN-BEARD SCHOOL Ridgewood Tenafly • photographs, social news, engagement announcemnts and Philip L. Anderson, Headmaster weddings. announces.the F®@d* games, SUSAN MARIE MAY ART SCHOLARSHIP fyn for all! SAVE Qualifying Exam, Saturday, April 25 A four-year scholarship established in memory of Susan Marie May by her family and friends to be awarded to a While Yew student entering the ninth grade in September, 1981 and Play! who shows interest, ability and promise in the field ol Art." Office of Admissions Tuesday: Grandparents* Day MORRISTOWN- Whippany Road, PO Box 71M Wednesday: Uniform Day BEARD SCHOOL Morristown, NJ 07960 Tennis at its Best-r-Under the Dome 539-3032 Thursday; Ladies Day UASONAICOSV CONTRACT COST HR HOUB MIMIHSHIP Fit MtlMI NON-PRIMI Noon - 6 p.m. Unlimited Rides : Bacquel Center at Copper Springs $20 $490 $16 33 $390 $13 00 Introducing a "NEW Old Insurance Agency For $6.00 C#nt«r Court-Chatham * $42O/$13.I3 MtndhamVillag«-M*ndhom $25 SS35/J1472 $435/$l3.59 Columbia Racqu«U-Ftorrtam Pork $30 $55O/»17.I9 $44O/$!3.75 Rides fry Rates as of April 1.1081 Home of the Brant Switzler Advisory Corporation TonnilAcadomy Amusements of New Vernon Road We handle direct accounts in our immediate Meyersville geographical area. If you have an insurance America 647-0130 problem ... talk to us, 'ForMembership Information Writer PO Box oaGillelte 464-6830 at copper springs 438 Springfield Ava., Berkeley Heights, N.J. 07922 376-3600 462 Millburn Ave.. Milfburn Site of the Beach & Tennis Club 647-9888 Jill'k a,, i // THE SUMMIT HEHALD/SUNOAY, APRIL 12,1981/Paije 11

Summit Junior Baseball League Sports Copy Chip Lovejoy'$(4-Hitter 10 Years Old YMCA Opening Swim Classes Deadline Tues. Blanks Verona Nine, 3-0 Registration has begun at the personal survival and correct Sports The Summit Junior Baseball NATIONAL DIVISION With the establishment of the Summit Area YMCA for concen- stroke techniques. Learn-to- League, Major league Division, Braves with J. Anderson, S. Summit Herald as a Sunday Chip Lovejoy, a senior left- High, 6-5, in a non-conference trated swim lessons for children Swim classes for grades 1 to 12 now in it's 10th year of opera- outing. Ashley, M. Bailey, M. publication, the deadline for hander, hurled a four-hil shut of all ages, from preschool give -concentrated instruction tion, announces it's Major Crawford, K. Daly, L. Freeman, submitting copy and photos for out Monday alternoon at O'Leary also had a two-run through grade 12. The seven Monday through Thursday after League Rosters for the 1981 homer for the Hillloppers (2-1) A. Guida, P. Johnson, J. the sports pages has been Memorial. Field as Summit week cycle of lessons twice school. Baseball season. in the third' inning. Bredahl Locovare, A. Luciani, D. Martin, established as 5 p.m. Tuesday High's baseball team opened its weekly begins the week of April A special competitive swim unloaded a triple for Coach Art AMERICAN DIVISION M. Martin, J. Russo, T. in the Herald Publications' of- Suburban Conference schedule 27. clinic for ages 6 to 18 will be Orioles with G. Ellis, P. Fitz- with a 3-0 victory over Verona Cotterell's Summit nine, which Williams. fice, 22 Bank St., Summit. Beginner Tadpole lessons conducted by Summit Y Seals patrick, M. Fusco, D. Hammer, High. was limited to four hits. given Tuesday and Thursday Cardinals with T. Bredahl, D. Sports copy should be sub- swim coach Hank Buntin star- 0. McCann, T. Moriarty, R. Lovejoy struck out six and O'Leary (1-0) was touched for mornings and Monday, Tues- Campbell, D. OeReyna, D. mitted for publication as early as ting May 7 and running Tuesday . Mullen, E. Natunen, M. Nestuk, walked only one in a masterful nine hits and issued five walks, day, Wednesday and Thursday Galatt, R. Gil, G. Home, E. possible lo assure inclusion in J. Petersen,, M. Pinney, C. performance as he evened his but struck out six. afternoons for youngsters ages and Thursday through June 9'. Johnson, C Mentzer, D. Olson, the upcoming issue, Smith, P. Stein, A. Strott season record at 1-1. 3 to 6 teach water adjustment, For more information, call 273- R. Paessler, 0. Peterson, S. Red Sox with R. Arellano, G. Rob Bredahl sparked the Summit was to play at Spr- elementary forms of rescue, 3330. Polestak, D. Shields, H. Wat- Christensen, C. Fleissner, M. Summit offense with a triple and ingfield last Thursday afternoon son. Gordon, B. Jankowski, D. Ray Biaekley double,#nd scored twice. Geoff and at Cranford yesterday morn- Johnson, A. Narayanamurti, C. Dodgers with C. Brodman, M. Davis 'had two singles. Rob ing. The Hilltoppers will be in Redunskl, J. Redunskl, M. Ciampa, C. Generalis, A. Klein, Askew, Bill Vercelli and Lovejoy action, tomorrow afternoon Realtor Wins National Post Robertson, R. Scully, T. T. Klein, P. Lucido, B. Lydon, Double Winner all batted in runs. (Monday) at Memorial Field, Jean T. Burgdorff, president field as a sales associate in Snedeker, S. Smith, Jim Witzel. A. Murray, S. Rutter, S. Jon O'Leary (1-0) turned in a hosting Mlllburn in a conference of Burgdorff, Realtors, was 1958 and then became a broker contest. They also will be play- Yankees with F. Acitelli, T. Sablack, G. Shanahan, S. Runners Bow complete-game effort last Satur- elected to the board of gover- in 1962 and owner of the ing at West Orange Thursday Acitelli, R. Bacino, M. Feoli, G. Varley, B. Wallburg, S. day at Memorial Field as Sum- nors at the annual conference of business in 1968. Summit High's boys' track afternoon and at Parsippany Hannon, J. Holt, j. Klausmann, Wesson. mit came from behind three the Inter-Community Relocation She was the first woman and field team dropped its first next Saturday morning. W. Long, B. Olson, K. Reiden- Mets with J. Barefoot, R. dual meet of the new season to a times in nipping Morris Knolls held at Savannah, Ga., last president of the Summit, New bach, S. Schneller, P. Strupp, Catlllo, C. Cherry, J. Cherry, C. strong Morris Hills squad, 97- month. Providence and Berkeley T. Walton, P. Weber. Costine, M. Hejtmanack, P. 34. Mrs. Burgdorff started in the Heights Board of Realtors. Tigers with J. Anderson, E. Jacobson, P. Leonard, C. Mix- Ray Blackley won the 100 Oratory Nine Scores Third Bailey, T. Garcia, R. Jones, J. on, J. Moser, D. Nichols, T. meters (11.8) and placed se- • New Director At City Fed hitter against St. Patrick's. Kole, J.T. Kurzeja, J. Leitz, B. Nichols, A. Osborne, D. cond in the 200 meters. He also Oratory Prep's baseball team Peter R. Kellog, of Short Hills Summit. is off to a fine start with victories Oratory managed just five hits Maigetter, S. Murphy, J. Nadel, Shipley. won the long jump with a leap of has been elected to the board of c Kellog is senior partner of J.Stivalo, J, tinker, P. Tully, P. 19 feet, 8V2 inches. Baker was in its first three games ol the against the Celts, but put four of directors of the $2.3 billion City Spear Leeds 8, Kellog New Cubs with C. Baker, M. season. them together in the third inning Federal Savings and ' Loan Wroblewski. first in the 3000 meters. oYorn kl eth e wlargesor t anll 277-2343 Airman Mary E. cozy Dining Room" Mon. • Thuri. 11 30 10 9 "• ' the airman studied the Air Force Catering Available daughter of Mr. and Mrs. COMPLETE Sunday Dinner S • 9 p.m. Fri. -Set. 11 30 to 10 mission, organization and William L. Gilroy jr. of Green- 95 Lunch Mon • Sat. 11:30-3:30 - Olnners 5 • 10 Mon. • Sat. Sunday 12.00 to 9 customs and received special DINNER briar drive, has been assigned no S60 Springfield Ave., Westtiald t6 Sheppard Air Force Base, training in human relations. Children's Menu Available • The airman will now. receive Texas, after completing Air (Or choose from regular menu) Force basic training. specialized Instruction in the During the six weeks at medical services field. , CHARLEY'S AUNT 635-2323 OUVIH HMUMIH I Famous tor Our Kay KatoTo Give Talk SANDWICHES* STEAK BURGERS Quality cocftteirt - Credit C^rds Honored * #illiam fitt Inn Kay Kato, noted cartoonist running commentary by Miss "Open ? Days' DAILY SPECIALS RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE arid lecturer will be featured at Kato. 3 1099 Route 22, Eastbound eNTERTAINMf-NT NIGHTLY ... .,,, FAMILY PINNING GRACIOUS (B rn d il1 COLONIAL ATMOSPHERE the Summit Area Newcomers Social hour begins at 11 a.m. ^Mountainside, New Jersey^ fMOSo CauaieA.. ' " " " ••M.rn.t.wnRd.! Club luncheon on April 14 at the with luncheon and program Chatham (Rt. 101) Btrnardsville - LUNCHEONS DAILY - Twin Brooks Country Club in following at 11:45. For reserva- Oinntrs: Served from 4:39-Sun. 13-1 Call 2324454 /7 M Main St., Colonial VilUse. Chatham — Closed Mon. Watchung. The group will be tions call Donna Koch, 464- entertained by Impromptu car- 0634, or Shelly Ostrowskl, 522- toons and sketches along with a 0632. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PROVIDENCEnuinrupc , aBERKELE,aum pYv HCIPHTH' THE CHATHAM PRESS/SUNDAY,. APRIL 12,1981/Paup 12

Morris County BOARD SUMMIT The Oranges BOARD nm PROVIDENCE and Maplewood,


Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate "Heal Estate Real Estate Real Estate FArTOUTE Summit Summit Summit Summit Summit Summit

NEW PROVIDENCE SUMMIT 44 SOUTH ST. 3 BEECHWOOD RO. 4641700 273-5522 msssssmm... .

This 15LOW-LO yoar all brick 7 roomW, 2 UPKEEbath ranch homPe on an at- tractive wooded lot was designed for maximum economy. Annual gas heat was $470.00 last 12 months. There Is no water bill and no soft water bill duo to new < J 180 foot well. Tnxos are low and exterior Is all brick and trim was Just painted. Fairly priced at $115,00.

THE RICHLAND CO., REALTORS 313 Springfield Ave., Summit 273-7010 Evenings & Sun Marianne WalUinger 635-8283 Dorothy McElgunn 6474)b96 Vintage beauty of the Victorian era is reflected In this JUST LISTED truly classic home. Formal living room, dining room, family room. 4 bedroom on the second floor, 2 on the INVESTMENT PROPERTY third. Call today to see this most Intriguing home. 3 family • excellent Summit area • historic Victorian • large lovely rooms • 1st. fl, 5Vi 5159,900. rooms - 2 baths - 2nd. fl. • 5 rooms, 1 bath; 3rd fl. 4 rooms, 1 bath • 2 car garage • addi- OPPORTUNITY tional parking • offered at an unbelievable $164,000. • Be first to see this! Choose your colors, and the owner of this Stoneridge Park home will have It painted for you - no mess, no fuss, 2 no bother! No hassles with contractors and estimates. Take advantage of this and buy this spacious 3 Income producing, 4 bedrooms In each unit. Great 2 JUST LISTED Bedrooms, ZVs Bath home complete with lirsplaco, cen- EXCLUSIVE SUMMIT LOCATION • mint Colonial • completely renovated • living room family location, good condition, short walk to town and tral air, patio with gas grille and large private rear yard. schools. Now priced at $117,500. with fireplace - dining room • kitchen (eat-In) • 3 bedrooms • IVi baths • 2 car garage • Asking only $149,000. Some secondary financing offered at $129,900. available to qualified buyer. JUST REDUCED PICTURE PERFECT POPULAR Move right In, relax and enjoy this lovely Colonial in We've listed a ranch style home with new kitchen, family Mini S room cottage • alum, siding • deck • large yard • garage • living room with Spacious, beautifully kept 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath two-step Chatham featuring brand new den, cathedral calling, room and 3 bedrooms plus expansion room for 2 more f Ireplaco • large kitchen - near high school & Ciba's • cheaper than rent at $64,900. Ranch. View of the hills and located in much sought- skylights, hunter fan. Home completely redecorated In- bedrooms, listed at only $119,800. after area In New Providence. Fireplace wall In Living side and out. Room, large Dining Room, bright Sunroem/Don, eat-in Urge LR wfPF; Lge OR; Eat in Kit; 3 BR's dressing EVERYBODY'S DREAM HOUSE Kitchen, Family Room plus Basement and 2 car Oarage. rm/Nursery. You can be in by summer. jVeta- 0komdence. Tudor • entrance foyer - fireplace In living room • sunny den • kitchen • dinette • dining Listed In the S150's. ll's a must seel This house belongs on a pedestal. To see call Ethel room • lavatory • end screen porch all on 1st. floor • 3 bedroom • 2 car garage • lovely Qllroy evs. sun. 277-2B19. Jean Marano 273-2720. A unique home with so many obtlons for family living. large yerd-a terrific buy at $142,000. There are 6 bedrooms on tho second floor, a first door TWO FAMILY family room «*<) den with bath. $149,000. OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS. SUNDAY Income properly. Recently renovated. Just blocks from town. 12% financing available to qualified buyers. Ask- ing $109,900. OUR REPUTATION IS BUILT ON PERSONAL SERVICE MOUNTAIN AGENCY • Realtors We confess*. ^* Summit HOLM 85 Summit Avenue 273-2212 Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Eves. & Suns. 522-1232,277-3084,376-0576,464-7433 291 MORRIS AVENUE Summit Summit Summit SUMMIT, N.J. 07901 273-2400 1981 CHATHAM COLONIAL $118,900 Discover 8 rooms Including 4 bedrooms, 216 baths, family room The Burgdorff Manner with fireplace. Cozier & warmer with modern insulation. Help Wanted Help Wanted Spring occupancy. SECRETARY BASKING RIDGE Corns grow wHhus! fVSsdleal Dtpsrtmsnt THE WAY TO LIVE! $119,500 Progressive nuredlagrastlc Itbontory In MO STENO Summit sesks an sxptriMced, organiz- Raised Ranch • 4 rooms, 2Vi baths. 1 acre + level lot. An excejhrat opportunity Is nsw available ed soll-stsrler Phftbodtmlsl for the 6 for a bright, capable Individual wBti ex- Ideal for outdoor living. a.m.-2 p.m. 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. shift. cellent typing and communication skills Sometimes we roar tike a lion. SpecMztd tasting. IV plscemeitt, sirW to work with cur medical writers. Can- Professional Strength Sometimes we baa like a lamb drawers * Innovative approaclits create didates mull possess a minimum ol 1-2 Personal Consideration At alt times tl's for your benefit. a team-tike ehaUsnglng atmosphere, years ofllce experience and be please tend resume In confidence to: bawiedfiJtib In medical terminology. In SCIENTIFIC DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY addition, tamlsilty with word process- IDProsputST ing equipment Is desirable. 215 MAIN STREET, MADISON Summit, NJ QUIET DOWN... We provide an attractive starting silary in the privacy of this 3 bedroom all brick Ranch close to downtown Summit yet in a OEPT.uO. and a comprehensive bantftts package. SUMMIT - Large co-op. Modern kit- world of Its own. Living room with fireplace, Jalousied porch, lovely backyard & aptio. 441 Springfield Ave., Summit 277-1398 TYPIST Including telephone & general Haasecallforan chen, living room, dining room, 4 $133,000. Summit Office. 522-1800. detail work In small busy ofllce. Salary Interview, 201-277-5065, bedrooms, bath, redwood deck. Owner Notice to prospective enters: Any retiti commensurate with skill & exptrfenco. ThePharmaceutlCBli wit finance wtth minimum down pay- advertised herein for qualified real rental Call 635-8357. . Division, CIBA-GEIGV ment. Asking $49,900. Call 277-3825, property may be subject to any rebate or SUMMIT. Corporation, 556 Mmls awnings & weekends. , credit required by Stile Uw (N.J.S. 785 Springfield Avenue Offices for Rent Help Wanted CLERICAL Ave., Summit, New Jersey. Buldlng soon, new 2-ltmtly. $132,000. 54:4-6.3 et teg.) Summit Immed. vacancy In library at Arthur L. For Information cal Builder, 464-6435. 522-1800 Springfield office el a National CO. needs ampliyer/mtleend'li RENTALS WE HAVE A FEW. MAYBE Offices lor Rent - 2nd fl - 408 sq. ft., Johnston Regional H.S., Clark. Full- a bright person. Typing skills; attention CHARMING ENGLISH TUDOX ONE FOR YOU. Call Faltoute Realtor $380. time, 12-mo. position. Good typing re- By owner. Newty remodeled home In 464-1700 or 273-5522. MURRAY HILL 464-2100 SHORT HILLS 376-5200CHATHAM 635-8200 Smaller ad), room 240 sq. ft., $200. to detail S ability to learn diversified quired. Coed benefits, salary ft working C.BA-GEISY - desirable neighborhood. 3 WARREN 647-2001 MENDHAM 543-6506 GREEN BROOK 968-6444 Also - Instant Executive Offices. duties a must. Experience not conditions. Contact Chsriei Baumsn, bedrooms, study, family. Large necessary. Call Mr. Evans 467-1141. Rentals Wanted STIRLING 647-2700 BASKING RIDGE 766-0808 FAITOUTE AGENCY, Realtor, 273-5522; Asst. Supt.. Union County Regional patio, 2 car garage. Principals. 464-1700 Greenhouse workers, full time or part H.S. District No. 1, Jonathan Dayton • $162,500.277-1498. time. Summit Greenhouses 43 Division AVON WANTED - Small, charming rental OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Regional H.S., Mountain Ave., Spr- home with privacy in Summit/Short SUMMIT - CENTER OF TOWN. Ave., Summit. 464-5355. ingfield, Nj 07081.376-6300. PEOPLE Hills for professional couple, no Real Estate ALL UTILITIES. NEW HEMOTOGLOGY TECH MT (ASCP) or An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative WHO NEVER children, relocating from Boston Jury 1 BUILDING NEAR TRAIN, POST equivalent for Neuro-Dlagnostlc Action Employer Berkeley Heights lor 1 or 2 yrs.; excellent local OFFICE, PARKING. MR. Laboratory, 4 to 12 midnight shift Ex- SOLD... references. Call or write Gall Win WALTERS 277-2112. cellent growth potential. Contect R.N. Cardiology Challenging 6 diversified lull time day ANYTHING bolora earn good Rym, 48 Otis Street, Milton, MA 02185 Elizabeth Howard 277-4040. Summit, CUSTOM RANCH Unfurnished / Warren-Watchung Medical position available far R.N. In our Car- $$$ sailing AVONI! Call: Kay AB brick, 3 bedrooms, wooded lot. Im- •(617) 696-5632 after 7 p.m. Unfurnished Offices tor Rant building. 5,000 sq. ft. professional N.J. diology Dept. Responsibilities will In- Craonzl 322-1653. mediate occupancy. Owner will sacrilica WANTED: Furnished and unfurnished Apt, for Rent Houses for Rent NEW PROVIDENCE. Office (pace to be office space. On site parking. Call Waitresses - All types of serving help clude the performance ol various testing Secretary Part Time. Semi-retired ex- Bt $114,000. Eves. 464-6435. apartments and houiei tor our carefully available In new professional building. 561-8600. needed now. Full & Part Time, Days a modalities In a busy group practice en- ecutive requires exp'd intelligent skilled SEDITA REALTY, Realtor selected transferred executives. One of Near Murray Hill Station - To satisfy BASKING RIDHE. 3 bedrooms, 2Vi May or Jung. Centrally located. For Evenings. Cell Ryder, Bunch ol Grapes. vironment. Qualified applicant will have New Providence 464-3343 these fine famine! would love caring for commuters, yet Ideal suburban living for MILLBURN - SUBLET 900 so. ft. person approx. 5 hrs. per day to handle baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 or garage. $695 273-1513. Ecbocardlography & CCU experience. A your home. Call Sue Clark, Relocation the discriminating. Sparkling 3 bedroom mere Information call 464-4200. In prestige office building. Share correspondence; bookkeeping in mo. 234-5435; 766-6504 evet. comprehensive benefits package In- Dept. BURGDORFF, REALTORS. luxury apt., central air-conditioning, waiting area with established law CLERK TYPIST Diversified Full Time modern Springfield office. Stimulating, cluding tree health cars & lite In- wall-to-wall carpeting throughout, OFFICE FOR RENT Arm. Available also as 400 and 500 Must Real Estate 522-1800. surances accompanies this 37Vi hr. • challenging opportunity. Phone modern custom kitchen with Would a manufacturer's repnsontatlve sq. ft. suites. Ideal for accountant, be accurate typist; good phone per- Summit. Mature profetslonal woman weak position. To arrange for an Inter- 376-2401 weekdays lor prompt Inter- New Providence dishwasher; storage, garage, lease want to share an office located In lawyer or other prolesslonal. sonality & enjoy working with figures. leeks 2 bedroom apt. In Lincoln School Furnished view please call Personnel 273-4300 view. references, $675 mo. with heat & hot Chatham with a young man, who Is more 379-5654. Small ofllce with company benefits and NEW CONDOMINIUM district. 9-5.538-4886, ask lor Ann. Ext. Z03. Rooms for Rent water. May 1.755-5276. out of the office than In? You may also paid holidays. Call between 3 & 5. PART TIME WORK In the Home Health 30 Day Occupancy Summit Medical Group P.A. have the use ol some ol the furniture. 635-6767. Field. We teach. Close to home. Rewar- UvlnjrU»m,M Fireplace Chatham. Small, furnished 2-room apt. Help Wanted 120 Summit Ave. Unfurnished It's a quiet office where one can work. PART TIME - Mature person for light ding team work. 273-5550. Formal Dining Room (shared kitchen & bath) In rented Vacation Rentals Summit, NJ 2V. Baths Houses for Rent house. Walk to train I center ef town. $200. a month. Call Edith 273-4000. EXPERIENCED Auto Body painter need- laundry work In suburban launderette. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - Part time, ed. Must be prepared to handle quality Mornings, 18-20 hrs. per week. Call Mon., Thurs., Frl. 2-7 P.M. Typing ex- FuBBtsMnnt-Garage For mature professional rain or woman THINK SUMMER! Avon-by-the-See, 3 Immediate occupancy available, 376-7375. _^ CHEMIST perience helpful. Call between 10:30-2 $120,000 BUY DIRECT SPACIOUS 4 bedroom, 2W htth colonial with references. 635-1287. BB; 2B, Eat In Kit; LR; 2nd FL sun deck, work. Skill must bo A I. Call lor Inter- -OFFICE SPACE- Come grow with us. ' 12ViK Interest Rate To house for rent in Rolling Hill section of Small sleeping room. Convenient loca- views, Caruso's Auto 757-1156.', INSURANCE P.M. 273-3832. 1st FL sun porch. One block to beach. INSTANT EXECUTIVE OFFICES. 1 Progressive nurodlagnosttc laboratory In Outlined Buyars Summit. House It being repainted for 7 PART TIME couples, management team. tion; private entrance. Business Available May 15 thru Sept. IS. $4,000 MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES FULLY FUR- SECRETARY - To process agency Woman to do Ironing for me in your HERITA6E VILLAGE Immediate occupancy. Minimum of 1 $1,000 a month potential. We train. For claims-telephone contact wHh clients. Summit requires an experienced gentlemen 273-S92S. fir season. 233-1521 ar 540-0038. NISHED OFFICE, RECEPTIONIST, chemist lor the research 4 development home. Please call 467-1136. CONDOMINIUMS yettlaasa at $1,000 month. 635-8700. LONG BEACH ISLAND - Apart- ippt, call 464-0908,5:30-7:30 P.M. Must have some experience. Pleasant ANSWERING SERVICE. TYPING AND ofllce-many benefits. Cell Mrs. •of therapoudlc drug monitoring methods, SECRETARY - Township posi- 1756 SPfllNufiELO AVE. ment for June and July, sleeps six. COPIER AVAILABLE. L08ATED IN Cashier, cafeteria, full time, Men. thru by gas * liquid chromatography. Ex- tion, lull time 12 months, with Nsw ProviuBflCfl * rurnitnfid Schaefer, 379-1770. "SHEPARO - NEW PROVIDENCE Furnished Washer, dishwasher, TV; two blocks PRESTIGE BUILDING IN HEART OF Frl. Excellent benefits & starting salary. cellent growth potential in an academic, benefits. For more details contact 464-2530 Summer Rental - SSOO/per mo. Incl. DUMPER-KNOX AGENCY, Short HIKs. Apt. for Rent from ocean. Can 464-8537. TOWN. $275 INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES. Paid holidays & vacation. Call expanding department. Sand resume In 464-0550. OPEN HOUSE Sun. 4/12 ID to 4 Ml. 4 Gardener. HILTON HEAD ISLAND - Sea BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. 273-5600. 464-4393. Receptlonlst-typlsl. Full time. Accurate confidence to: BB SpKt by owner. SS Possum Way, Fines. Wake up to' the heron, SCIENTIFIC DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY TRUCK DRIVER/INSTALLER re- New Providence-Unfurnished Ho. Ftalnfleld. Near route, 22, 4 room CHATHAM TOWNSHIP. Appro*. 300 sq. Clerical position available in small office typing a diversified clerical functions In N.P. 665-1262. anhlnga, Ibis, golf, crab, tennis, • quired to deliver S Install washrni S Split Level apt, Heat & hot water supplied. OH ft. in professional building. Avail. May In Chatham. Typing (no steno), desire to small, congenial ofllce; 9 to 5, 5 days 19 Prospect St. horses, beech, and pool. Rent our ''dryers. Some knowledge ol plumb- $725.00 3-Bsdrooms street parking. Lease, security. No 181.377-5993. learn word processing. Must be able to PBr week. Excellent benefit. Cell bet- Summit, NJ 07901 ing, electrical & good mechanical Summit - Executive - Unfurnished pets. $450 mo. 755-3999. villa. 2 BR, 2 both, $395/week. maintain sense of humor amid some ween 4 & 5 p.m., Paul Fain, 635-9277. DEPT. GC Real Estate 2500 sq. ft. ol office space, 2nd. floor; ability. Good references and driving Rentals 464-0309. Chios, full time, but will consider 4 days Robert H. Wager, Co., Inc. Chatham Township in the heart ol Summit. Win subdivide. FACTORY WORK. Assembly, fabrica- record necessary. Career opportuni- two or thret Bedrooms weekly. Call 635-7M0. , Passalc Ave., Chatham, N.J. tion, heat sealing, packing, loading and ty; full benefits. West Grange. Gor- CAPE COD - (Harwich, Mass.) 3 Call Steve, 273-1513. Waitress, banquets & parties only. Part Lovely 3/4 acre ranch in parkHke FAITOUTE AGENCY, Realtor unloading trucks. Steady year-round den S Thomas weekdays 642-0100. bedroom ranch. Fully, furnished. sailing. 1 yr. old custom eifHn kit- 273-5522:464-1700 time hours. Willing to work days or work. Small congenial factory. Over- Unfurnished 377-5993. Offices for Rent G/G FRIDAY - Enter the exciting chen. 1 hi, 2 htK baths. Living nights. Exprlence with liquor. Summit time, paid vacations, holidays, world ol entertainment! Local, New Providence - Bright, cheerful 3 area preferred. Can lor Interview, The hoapltallzatlon. Profit-sharing Plan. Ap- room with ffraptace, during room, Apt, for Rent HILTON HEAD. Lovely 1 bedroom ocean friendly Co, seeks you to Indulge In bedroom Vk bath split, Heated on cul- Villa Restaurant, 273-4353. ply 8 to 11 AM; 2 to 3:30 PM. Better vwr-roirad porch, 3 bedrooms, front condo with elevator and pool. Ex- varied duties. Benefits. $758 + mo. only roan,. r« mom, redwood de-sac. Ideal tor young family. Walk to APARTMENT UNFURNISHED Sleep Mfg Co., 57 Industrial Road, cellent location. 1981 rates S175H75 School Secretary needed lor Chetham Fee paid. Cheryl, 273-6500. SNELL- dsck. 2 ear garagt with opener. everything.. Immediate occupancy. SUMMIT - Distinctive 8 mm apartment Berkeley Heights, per week. 201-647-3607. OFFICES FOR RENT Middle School, Typing & General office ING & SNELUNG 450 Springfield Underground lawn sprinkler system. $725. Can daft 464-1708, atk for - 4 Btdroms Includes maid's suits plus work. Hours 8-1. Call Mrs. Blanket! at Switchboard operator. Experience Ave. Summit. Newty decorated. Must be seen, Mce:evas. 464-4808. 3 full baths, Impressive kitchen, enter- Hilton Head Island Palmetto Danes. Lux- Two room office for rant for Immediate occupancy. Attractive 635-9100. preferred but will train the right In- $139,900. Owner 635-4855. tainment size wing room and dining ury beach front condo; 2 8R; 2 Baths; building. Office has large reception or office area and • second TYPING PROFESSIONAL dlvldml. Call between 10-2 2734114. SUMMIT - Available April 15 - Franklin room. Game room and private attached golf; tennis pool; all amenities. room for an ofllce, plua three storage closets and one clothing NURSE R.N. - Full/Part Time. 3-11. -Don't blow this great oppty. to Good executive secretary. Excellent School area. Immaculate 3 bedroom garage. Individual controlled heat and 201-267-5534 or 203-227-3471. closet. All utilities Included In rental. Call 273-4000 and ask for Only one weekend per month. A modern |oln this luge well known co. Ter- salary. Pleasant working conditions. home; 2Vi baths; living room with A.C. Ample parking. Prestige address. Edith. nursing home with good old fashioned rific loci Oppry. to advance. Rax. Variety el work. Chatham/Morrlstown fireplace; dining room, study, playroom Rent si only $I,QBO Intludes all the pattent care. Cell 9-3 Mon. - Frl. GLEN- hrs. Bntts. $715 mo. Fee paid. with fireplace, full attic, laundry, garage treat, atl the hot water and all the air We would lifts to share our secluded office with someone. Lots of SlDrNURSlNG HOME, New Providence area. O'GORMAN & YOUNG, 635-1800. Cheryl, 273-6500. SMELLING & Lease. $800 plus utilities. Rtferancet conditioning you want. By appointment free parking. Call 2734000 and ask for Edith. 464-8600. Ask for Mr. Rolllnton. SNELLING, 450 Springfield Ave. 277-0087. only. 273-5600. Summit. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PHOViDENCE, BERKELEY HEIBHTS DISPATCH THE CHATHAM PBESS/SUNDAY, APRIL t2,19B1/P»B» 13 Musical Miscellaneous Gutters Help Wanted Help WantBjJ Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Instruments Sale GUTTERS, LEADERS thonuOMy clwi- t¥PISt - t«igo tinanrtil to. staks til, iliislwd, Insured. S25-S45. Minor Indlv. si/good skills. Beaul. modem r CimiGla Htmmoml Orpn; 2 keyboard; (iirl's bicycles, SOB 7-10; boy's bicyclt hit, trimming. Prompt, eflklM setvlca. liMg. In ntee suburban loc. Loungs BANKING ACCOUNTING Rhythm tettta; Utley tptttus. like aga 6-8. Small desk & bookcase. In- NED STEVENS, 226-7379, 5-8 p.m. Incl. T.V. and pool table) ESCBI. ACCOUNTING . CLERK CLERK new condition. Orig coil over $2,000. quire 273-54611. boiiBllls. Jii66 urn. Fea paid. Cheryl, $890 464-7467 after 5. Fuel Oil - Vours for syphoning tt irJufirTl leadeit clttned (Accts. Payable/Payroll) Must have previous ex- 273-0500. SNtLLIWU & SNEU- Typing Necessary. Prefer, RESTAURANT half price. Call 277-1206. A ftazl. pries*. Call Mike 273-8256. IH6,4SO Springfield A»a. Sunrmlt. Experienced accounting clerk for handling our Accounts expereince on CRT terminal. perience with accounts WAITER/WAITRESS ALTENBUBG • ELIZABETH, N.J. 78HolisrtAvo. payable and hourly payroll. Good typing skills and CRT payable and payroll. CUT ex- CLASSIFIED Openings for persons who Open Daily til 9-Sat til 6 experience helpful. perience helpful. No degree AOVEHtlSIHG MESSENGER can provide our customers Sunday-1 to 5 GUTTEH CLEANING necessary. Local company. PORCELAIN STAFF MEMBER This Is an excellent opportunity for a parson with 2 plus Delivery of mall and sup- with fast, efficient, and Salary $200-225. Fee paid. BALDWIN PIANOS and THREE day 11 week; must yrs. experience to join and grow with our company. We plies. Some heavy lifting, re- courteous service. Ex- navs good typing and BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT CONSIGNMENT WINDOW WASHING offer a pleasant work location near Summit, N.J. and quired. cellent earning potential HAMMOND ORGANS telapbona skitts. AGENCY, Berkeley Tem- Largest Piuno arid OrfjanDealer good benefits. Send your resume and salary history to: and working conditions. SALE Beat the spring rush Will train. Address Box 136 Summit Herald, Summit, N.J. porary Help Service, 308 fromMainfe to Florida CONSOLE Hours available are 7 a.m. to Suparb private collection by Clll 464-1025 An Equal Opportunity Employer Springfield Ave., Berkeley CALL: 277-6676 2 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Huye Selection, Lowest Prices Mdsskler Helen. OPERATOR Heights, 464-4000. Cybls or (Including weekends). MASON & HAMLIN - Ispanky Ntslntenincs Supervisor - to One year experience for Dependable transportation KNABE-SOHMEn- $17,080. Eipiora this opportunity Boehm 2730208 operation of IBM 370/145. BALDWIN • KAWAI • with a well-established corp. II you required. Qranget For further information speak Spanish and havg G/6 FRIDAY For details on wages and PLAYERS please call our personnel Rental Purchase Plan Available malntonsnce supervisory for 1 girl olflce. Very diver- position, call Mannger bet- background, call Sally now, ATTENTION JOB SEEKERS department at 522-8585 ween 2-6 p.m. Callloll FREE l a sified position requiring typ- 273-6500. SNELLINQ & SWELL- COME TO THE Telephone 464-4738 800-492-4040 Income Tax ING, 450 Springfield Avenue, Sum- ing and pleasant phone ALTENBURG mit. NEW JERSEY JOB SERVICE Summit aivi : manner. Bookkeeping ex- fctttft PERSONAL - Mill button Income ta« : pwienca prelerable. Union Restaurant PIANO HOUSE and accounting tormt orepired by htcsJ located at : TEN BANK STREET technician - plastics. Salary to mld- Elizabeth Co. location. Fee paid. U50E. Jersey Street, Accountant. Satisfaction guaranteed. tsant. Make a move to a Fortune 209 CITY FORESTER'S OFFICE : BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT 75 South Street Elizabeth. N.J. 10 BANK STR£ET*SUMMIT References. IB yaws eiperlance. company - R&D center - exceptions! 277-2964. 520 Springfield Ave. : AGENCY, Berkeley Tern- New Providence GIFTS«PORC[LWN»Cli¥STAL»HUMMEL benaltti. Background In rubber, Visa 1-5 dally result, ptiiymers, or gums, etc. Call 387 Springfield Awe. i porary Help Service, 308 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Summit Summit, N.J. 5 Springfield Ave., Berkeley Mastercard Evenings I Sundays Sail, now. 273-6500. SHELLING & Equsl Opportunity Employer Instruction SHELLING, 450 Springfield Tel. 273-1121 ; Heights. 46*4000. Furniture 277-2177" By Appointment ftvani i, Summit. SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE MUSIC LEARNING PLACE: Bedroom set Cherrywood. Double THE BOOK STABLE Sptclslisls early music education; group INTERVIEWS & JOB REFERRALS dresser, five drawer high-boy. Double TYPIST 09 Summit Ave., Rear, Sum- plus private Instruction for elder Monday thru Friday LPN TURN YOUR FREE bad. $250,273-3Z6B. students; cre-lnstrumental ages 3 to 8; CLERICAL mit. Wed thru Sat. noon to 4 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Interesting, responsible, full TIME INTO SSS PART TIME TIFFANY LAMPS piano, guitar, violin, percussion 8 yssrs time position available for Closed rtjstsurtril must sell many hand p.m. lo aduit; accepting applications, con- OPPORTUNITIES NO FEE CHARGED TO EMPLOYER OR APPLICANT and work when you want to Must have pleasant phone tinuous enrollment available, 857-0537. an experienced LPN to work manner. Will train right per- made stained glass hanging lamps. BOOKS t_X United Csunllii trust Company U s«ek- in an office setting. This work. We have assignments 429-07B0. Summit Unitarian. ing energetic sell-motlvsted Individuals in your area now. son. Friendly congenial of- A unique shop featuring position requires Initiative, TRUMPET LESSOHS for the Mowing opporturtltlet: KEYPUNCH OPERATOR fice. Work 2 full days, Mon- Mahogany Dining room table, china qualify used books and fine the ability to work in a busy day S to 5 p.m. & Friday 8:30 closet and long bullet. Good condition. Phone Dick Meyer now for avtllabte Typlst- SECRETARY art. Come visit! openings or for a personal preliminary office and to communicate to 4:30 and possibly few Ho chairs. 522-0262. Booketper effectively with patients. If WORD PROCESSOR consultation meeting (Ho charge or Call Rae, 522-9100. more hours during week. obligation). 635-7950. SUMMIT Interested, call Personnel, Call Stephanie between 9 INNER EXPRESSION in- 273-4300, ext. 203 for appt. FORSALE 8:30 AM-5 I'M Mon-Frl. tarn-fores' a.m.-3 p.m. 464-1025 Tues terior design has gone dis- Opportunity lor Individual with goad typ- REGISTER NOW SUMMIT MEDICAL GROUP count. Top ol the line . Landscaping ing sklllt and prior experience In book- P.A. 120 Summit Ave., Sum- designer furniture for all Good woman's clothing, Including spr- keeping, mit. » rooms. 40-50% OFF ing coal.slze 22V> to 24V.. Call V.J. MERCADAHTE FOR ANY OF THE SHOWROOM PRICES. 273-1209. Spring Clem Up, monthly lawn and shrubbery mtlnlenance. 464-7575 or Stock Transfer FOLLOWING TEMPORARY SECRETARY; Decorating advice free. Clark TYPIST Judy Gordon 533-8056, 746-04100. ASSIGNMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE J33-351J. TOP SOIL AND Complete Lawn Service SPRINGFIELD INTERNATIONAL Good typist needed for local 8:3d AM-5 PM IVion-Frl. ASSISTANT company. Diversified job. SALVATOR FRICANO ORDER ENTRY CLEAN FILL UNLMTD. 277-0211 Must bt dettll-trlentsd, enioy figure Public Affairs Dept. of Will assist on the swit- SECRETARIAL WORD PROCESSING Household Goods 359-4564 359-3908 DICK'S LAWN SERVICE - Grass cutting work, hwo good typing «!*, and bs CLERK leading N.J. hospital offers chboard. Work Tuesday able to work with minimal supervision. TYPING STATISTICAL TYPING through Saturday. Paid lun- & fertilizing. Fret estimate and frity Li- Local company has im- exceptional opportunity, Sears Kenmore gas dryer, 8 mos. old. Steno ikllt would ba helpful. ches. Good benefits. Salary tured. 665-0725. Call after 5 p.m. mediate opening. Know- wide ranging respon- Excellent condition. Must toll because Gorman Sheperd, male, loveablo dog. We ollir axcsllsnt starting salaries and ACCOUNTING CLERICAL to $190. Fee paid. COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE. ledge of tetters of credit and sibilities and interesting ex- of moving. $185.635-6290. All shots. Looking for nice home. Call comprehensive bsnefit*. BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT Spring cleaning, monthly cue, power export market. Good typing posure to highly qualified GAS STOVE, good condition. $75. Call 273-1209. To mange »n appolnlmanl call RUNG AGENCY, Berkeley Tem- rake, seeding and lertlllilng, repair and skills for computer terminal. candidate. We seek a 277-6795. build new lawns, shrub work and trim- B«twsin10AM-3PM porary Help Service, 308 BORZOI Salary to $270. Fee paid. mature minded secretary Tappan Continuous clean ^at rango; Elegant Russian wolf hound, pure «htto, ming. Free estimates. 376-2165. 931-6S44 Springfield Ave., Berkeley , NEVER A FEE - REGISTER ONCE BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT with excellent typing and separate broiler; avocado; mint cond. msfa pup. Home bred for loving FRANK MEDINA Heights. 464-4000. " CALL NOW AGENCY, Berkeley Tem- steno skills, phone manner Wrong color lor owner. S150. temperament. Eves. 647-5678. Landscaping United Counties porary Help Service, 308 and personal poise who can 277-6476. Spring cunn-up Springfield, Ave., Berkeley handle a variety ol Lost & Found Lawn maintenance. Trust Company Heights. 464-4000. assignments with minimum INSPECTORS- Free Estimate Be a BUSY BEA! supervision in a last paced QUALITY CONTROL 653-4953 "Whim Oood things Start to Happen" environment. Salary is High school or tech school FREE LISTING! For free estimate on lawn care anil Routs 22 & Hillside Avenue 464-4000 good, the benefits are grad with ability to read blue Found something? Want to spring clean-up call evenings, Springfield, H.J. 07081 generous and the work is in- 273-6456. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY " X-RAYTECHNICIAN " teresting. Contact Person- prints and use measuring in- locate the owner? Run your BANK BERKELEY TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE Full time staff position nel after 8:30A.M. 522-2241. struments to train in QC ad FREE in this column! techniques. Permanent, full 303 SPRINGFIELD AVE., BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. available lor an ARRT JOE SERINA OVERLOOK HOSPITAL time. Good starting rate. EXPERIENCED registered or eligible X-Ray Landscape Gardener PERMANENT & Temporary Technician. Pleasant office 193 Morris Ava. Summit, N.J. Paid medical and holidays. Services Apply In person. environment, excellent , •Spring Clean-Up TELLERS hours. Salary commensu- SHASTA MFG. •A Full Lawn Maintenance Elizabeth & Western rate with experience/ability. : DIV. OF SHAW PLASTICS CORP. Carpentry and Chemical Service 276 SynderAve., Berk, llgts. Union County If interested call Personnel, RETAIL SALES •New Lawns and Shrubs 273-4300, ext. 203. SUMMIT Full time salesperson 464-1000 STRELEC, DIEDRICH - kitchens, addi- •Drainage Work tions, alterations, tooling, repairs. Fully Equal Opportunity Employer •R-R Tie Walls United Counties MEDICAL GROUP PA. 120 wanted tor fine ladles insured. 273-7368, Summit Ave, Summit clothing store. Excellent •FEncIng Trust Company I ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, rooting, • Over 11 Yrs. Experience offers ! working conditions. Ex- repairs. Reasonable rates. No lob too High Interest Four Night perience preferred but not Used Cars For Sale small. Frta Minutes 376-4227, Call for a Fres Estimate and Our Early-Bird Special Positions... NOW! necessary. Call 522-0252. Do You Know 763-8779 after 6 p.m. CARS WANTED- running or not. High CARPENTRY - Ho |ob too snail. Com- II you're a people-person why not check Work Week How prices paid. Guaranteed (50 and up for clste service. Insured. Fits Estimates. M74SS7 zmw* Wo thesa otitiUndlng opportunities anil compw «••• F'M I"* up. 273-67^5 56W ttntj m why UCTC Is a "QKltf plicfi lo ' To Typeset Ads? after 5 P.M. bank and e geod place to work.'' Overlook cares Reward opportunity for per- SURPLUS JEEP. Vslua $3196. Sold ter These pttWeni reqiitre at least 0 am- $44. Call 312-742-1143, Eit. 6360 for tk* -1 year rttoted eiserienee. Must about its son with leadership Part Time Info, on how to purchase bargains like have man transportation, turn* super- capabilities. Excellant In- ROBERT PETERSON, Cfilmney Sstep 5 this! visory Mobilities and enjey deaDng Night Staff come potential and Flexible Hours yrs. experience til types stoves, wood '78 RENAULT, 35 MPG, AM/FM stereo, burning, coal, and f'replscas. Quality with the putrts. • 4 night work wesk, 5 days pa; numerous benefits. Secure TELLERS Moonlighters Welcome rog. gas, hatchback. Best offer. Even- workmanship. Free estimates. Ml We nHot good benatili, saMi com- long term employment with Part Time • Full lime tarwfita ings 635-7112. evenings, 277-6534. nwiuiritt with axpertaaca and a con- growth possibilities. No Openings in New Pro- • Mora failure lima genial working enviranmanl. Our naw relocation required. For per- vidence. Hours are 8 a.m.-2 Call 464-1039 '73 Jeep CJ5 6 cyl. 3 speed stick, low • Continuing education available on personnel Department Is conveniently sonal Interview and wage p.m., 2-3 days per week, plus mileage. Good condition. Best offer. Call Clean-Up •toft for more information 635-8570 altor 5. tocaled 1/4 mta east of Channel Lumbar details call Manager bet- Saturday mornings. Teller on Route 22, spproslmatoly 2'A milts Furniture • Ofta-on-cne orishl»!ion ween 2 and 6 PM telephone experience preferred but "77 Dasher, 2 dr. hatchback, A/C, CLEAN end remove appliances, fur- Irani ExM 130on the garden State. We nave a unique 4 night work week v^hicr> offers 464-4738. will consider training an in- radio, 4 speed trans. 1 owner. 62,000 niture, brush, etc. from house and yard. To arrange an appointment miles. Excellent body & mechanical con- All types landscaping and tree work. Ctl| Between 10AM-3PM you trie opportunity lo work tour 7 i Hour srnts dividual with cash handling Employment and gel paid lor five Enioy the preside ol working & Restaurant dttlon. $3,275. Call 464-4877. CHARLIE VINCENT, Undtcape Contrac- experience. tor, 047-2236.24 hour service. 931-6544 lor one ol New Jersey s leading leaching hospi- Please call personnel Wanted 1977 Chevrolet Mallbu Classls P/S P/B A/C 21,000 miles. Asking $3,800. tats For further rntormation. call Mary Knodel ai department at 522-8585 522-4868 75 South St. Painter, late 20s. seeks steady employ- 382-0566 or 582-3412. Clock Repairs United Counties ment with paint contractor, Intelligent, New Providence sober, references, reliable worker. Call '78 Toyota Corolla, litlback, A/C. Equal Opportunity Employer M/f Robert, 273-3434. tinted glass, AM/FM. stereo cats., DAVIES & COX Trust Company Overlook mK Summit arxT\ auto, new brakes & tires, mint condi- Expert watch & clock repairs dens on REQLUE-REPAIR NEED A NURSE? "WharjBood Things Start to Happen" ^f Elizabeth^ J tion, law mileage, reasonable, white, premises. Antique S modern time- REWE8BING - CANE RN's LPN's aides available—all shifts. 665-0228. pieces. 7A Boochwood rid.. Summit. RUSH-SPLINTSEATS Serving Union, Monmouth Hospital PROFESSIONAL NURSES REGIST. 273-4174. PERSONNEL ANTIQUES RESTORED & Somerset Counties 193 Moms Ave, Summit. N.J 07901 367 Springtisld Aianua, Summit, N.J. 377-8808; oarly A.M., eves. & wkends, Route 22 and Hillside ftve. SERVICE CLERK FURNITURE REPAIRS Ar> ftfu«f Opportunity fmptoH* M'f Summit, NJ. 647-1890. Dressmaking Sprlngfltld, New Jersey 07081 Attention to Detail Equal Opportunity Employer, Experienced day worker seeks one day a HAND STRIPPING Equal Opportunity Employer M/F7H Our leading New Jersey MF. week, $30 Including trans. Reference. 1 FINISHING PERSONNEL community hospital is seek- EXPERT dressmaking and alterations in floor house preferred. Call 485-4781. my home. Call Lynn Lohto, 635-0763. Martin D. Urbanski Opening In Employee Relations Oept. ol ing a sharp Individual to TYPING done In my Itome. Utters, modern corporate office to process per- Meyers vlll» SECRETARIES work in the Personnel Depl. thesis, term papers, reports, etc. Call 12500.00. We also buy used sonnel records. DM) & personnel record 647-1959 Mathematical aptitude and 464-7305 alter 5 p.m. cars. Madison Auto Sales, Driveways keaping background Is desirable in •Modern, air-conditioned offices (15 mh irem Summit) ordar to grow wlttf new payroll/person- detail orientation are essen- 140 Main St. (Rt. 24), 'Excellent company restaurant Madison, N.J. 8J2-0S02. DRIVEWAYS - Colonial Paving Co. nel on-llno titminal system being Install- tial in this fast paced en- PURCHASING Child Care " Asphalt driveway & Parking lots. Curb ed. Excellent benefits Including •Major company-paid benefits vironment. We require a ASSISTANT work S RR ties. Free estimates. Call cafeteria. At Braun, you'll find all kinds of advantages! Because wo minimum ol 1 year olfice ex- Mature, experienced child cars. Full or 754-6380. Diversified job involving part time in my home. Call 464-2355. SUBURBAN PROPANE believe working is more than Just a job. That's why we try perience and high school purchasing, customer con- Used Cars Wanted Mason 334 Madison Avsnua lo provide you with the most modern and attractive en- diploma or equivalent. Morrlstown, M.J. tact, typing, etc. Previous Contractors 540-0309, Ext. 135 vironment passible. We think it's one reason we are one Knowledge of or experience explerence In purchasing Babysitter needed - CARS WANTED - running or not. High week to watch 2 school age children. PAVING (near Convent AR Station of the largest, most respected firms in our business. with computers would be area necessary. Salary to prices paid. Guaranteed $50 and up for Own transportation. Call eves. complgtt cars. Fres pick up. 273-6745 Driveway Construction ALL TYPES MASONRY. Fireplaces, Equal Opportunity Employer B/F We have immediate positions for secretaries with good helpful. High exposure lo patios, bricV and stona work, driveways $235. Fee paid. 277-6852; days 487-7903. after 5 P.M. Resurfacing SICRE1ARY - Urge pharnacauilcal typing skills (steno not necessary), if you have a hospital personnel. We of- BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT and Indoor plastering. 277-0537. Used Car wanted for student. Good Belgium Block Curbing co. looking lor bright indv. Diversified minimum of 3 years experience and can accept respon- fer good salary and benefits AGENCY, Berkeley Tem- Instruction T. HOWELL. Steps, sidewalks, patios, and busy Say I Modern bldg., shopping package. Contact Personnel transportation; car; truck or wagon. Up RETAINING WALLS sibility, call now to arrange a convenient appointment. porary Help Service, 308 to $1,000. Please call before trading In chimney repair. No |ob too small. Frea area nearby. Benefits. $910 + mo. Fee 665-6200 after 8:30 A.M. 522-2241. Springfield Ave., Berkeley THE MUSIC LEARNING PLACE: DRAINAGE WORK ast. 964-8425. pill Cheryl, 273-6500. SMELLING & or selling,$92-7041 Livingston. Heights. 464-4000. Specialists early music education; group FRANK SERINA JOSEPH EPISCOPO SHELLING, 450 Springfield Ave. Sum- OVERLOOK HOSPITAL plus private Instruction for older mit. BRAUN 273-4756 MASON CONTRACTOR & BUILDER 193 Morris Ave. Summlt.N, students; pre-lnstrumental ages 3 to B; Miscellaneous 647-5984 . ADDITIONS S ALTERATIONS C F Braun & Co. piano, guitar, violin, percussion 8 years CONCRETE WORK - Steps - walks Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 to adult; accepting applications, con- Sale -patios -fireplaces - plastering • grading REAL ESTATE tinuous enrollment available, 857-0007. and drainage work - carpentry work ASSOCIATE An Equal opportunity employer, m/f Summit Unitarian. ORIENTAL RUGS Electrical -wood decks • sump pumps Installed Well established - successful X RAY TECHNICIAN TRUMPET LESSONS Authentic Persian, Chinese, Pakistan, -repair or new - Irea advice s designing. j office agency - needs ART and N.J. License. Excellent Benefits Phone Dick Meyer now for available India, Romanian. Fine quality. Half FRONTIER Electric Company, 1 Clark 277-0286. associate. Our quality office openings or for a personal preliminary Price. 267-8560. St., Summit. Prompt service. Ho lob toe D.A. CHIERA, INC. Mason work. All will train and guide you to •37% hour week, Monday through Friday 8:00 consultation meeting (No charge or FIREWOOD tor saie seasonod oak. Call small. CR7-3071. If no answer, kinds and waterproofing, 277-0445. unlimited success. Ex- NURSES AM to 4:00 PM. Apply to Personnel Depart- obligation). 635-7950. 757-5402. perience preferred but will after 3 p.m. weekdays and all day V. and J. MERCADANTE - Mason work. train qualified person. For a ment. John E. Runnells Hospital, Berkeley weekends. 379-6041, Water drslnage. Sump pumps Installed. confidential interview call Heights, N.J. 322-7240. Wanted to Buy TRY US - For gifts, awards, plaques, 464-7575.746-0410. Gloria Falroute 273-5522 or engraving, laminations, etc. RYCO, 528 ALL TYPES MASONRY. Fireplaces, 4*4-1700. . RN's & LPN's ' WANTED TO BUY Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights. patios, brick and stone work, driveways Office Refrigerator In good condition. 464-9200. and Indoor plastering. 277-0537. Call Edith at CR3-4000II you have a Rug - Green Broad 100 m with pad 23" Part Time Opportunities good office refrigerator you wish to sell. x 13" reasonable. Call 635-7964. WANTED TO BUY Mine Brook Nursery - Hearty Hybrid RESUMES! ADIVI1NSSTRATIVE A STANDING FAN In good condition - In shrubs. Wholesale prices. 647-2842. short, one that has Its own 5 or 6 foot WOOD CHIPS KING'S CONSTRUCTION Etch rafsarn* » result ol In- high mount. Call Helena at 464-1025. "Mason Export" e»pt«i Interview and genuine » Evening and night shifts available 100% Pare -(Delivered 4 yd. min.) ASSISTANT Charlie Vincent Landscaping Has been holding the crown for 30 concern for ysvr needs. Call Antiques bought sold and repaired. for an appointment: m-JOU. • Competitive salary and benefits package M.J. MARIANI new number, 455-0066. 647-2236 years. BEN CARFAGNINI. Flrepllces,, To assist President of a growing banking wot bars, side walks, steps, stucco, « Continuing education programs on ail (Morris Township,) POP-UP CAMPER -1969 Apache, 12', KERK A. ULRIOI organization located In Union County. Hard patios, retaining walls, etc. Call ANY PIANO WANTED. Good make - good electric brakts, 3 burner stove, 226-8099. shifts ; working, all around assistant with in-depth condition. Call 227-1195. refrigerator. Good condition but needs FREE ESTIMATES canvas. Sleeps 8.522-1615. o Individual orientation program knowledge of administrative work. Minimum OLD BOOKS & STAMPS ~ FRANCESCO CHIERA of three years current corporate experience ORIENTAL RUGS Raleigh Bike - Men's sturdy 10-speed, Specializes in wall mosaic, stone cut We can offer qualified nurses part time opportunities ANTIQUES upright handlebars $60. Excel, cond. & and work. Patio, fireplace, sidewalk, INTERVIEWERS on the shift of their choice. You can expect our required. Must be a bright, dependable, take Private Buyor Call 224-6205 price. 273-8874. etc. For free estimates call 273-4231 BY excellent competitive salary and benefits package charge person with initiative and a logical LIONEL, Ives, American Flyer, and other Sale! Sale! General nursery stock. Har- after 4 P.M. dy trees, flowering shrubs, evergreens. and nrofessional growth-oriented environment. For mind. Excellent organizational abilities, able trains. Immediate cash. Top prices. Miscellaneous PHONE 635-2058. Leonard Bono's Nurseries, 1102 Spr- ingfield, N.P. 665-1022,8-4. For Market Research further information or interview, contact Mary to work independently with a minimum of Used crtllds Marx Motorcycle. Sale Company Knodel at 522-4860. supervision. Banking experience helpful but 635-1550. Immediate openings. ITALIAN CONTRACTORS not necessary. Executive secretarial Old fashioned craftsmen Call NANCY HERMANCE EASTER HAMS 464-2244 background desired. Excellent salary and and designers with 29 years experience In patios, (Berkeley Heights) ANTIQUE BUYING PIES-APPLES benefits and very attractive working condi- fireplaces, sidewalks, stone Overlook SERVICE Old fashioned hickory smoked hams and bacon, tions. walls, etc. from brick to mar- FOB OVER 25 YRS. sausage, home style plos, choice apples, fresh elder Send resume, Including salary history and requirements ble. Also, iron railings and Higher Prices • Immediate without preservatives, gourmet foods, fruits & STENOGRAPHER to: , cash lor: Jewelry, Fur- povlng. SATISFACTION vegetables, pure honey & maple syrup. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Hospital Summit Herald, Box 137, Summit, N.J. niture, Silver, China, Glass, GUARANTEED, fro Dolls, Oriental rugs. Paint- FULL OR PART TIME WIGHTMAN'S FARMS estimates, call ALDO 193 Morris Ave., Summit, N.J. 07901 an equal opportunity employer, M/F ings, etc. ROTONDI, 647-0854. CALL 484-2244 3771138, M5-2733 Or 377-3054 Route 202 Morrlstown 5 miles south of Morrlstown An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F THE SUMMIT HERftLD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1981/Pap 14

Painting Miscellaneous Decorating WOODWORKING. Small shop. Wood tur- ning, spindles, baluslars, furniture NINA LUISE KALUS - papmhanglng. parts duplicated, dentils molding, All types. 23 years experience. KEN CROSS vuimeijny 665-0870. 322-4030. PAINTING & PAPERING UWNS"cKaned end cut, cellars, attics Expert repair of new stieelrock & tailing. and fiaiaya cleaning. Llgrit hauiiny and Carpentry & alterations. Knowit rocoot- INTERIORS & EXTERIORS rubbish reinavtd. Reasonable rates. Call imiiidtd Summit-Short Hills area. Mill FULLY INSURED The Outdoor Tradition 273-4340. ______Eplscope Home ImpiovBment & Repair. FREE ESTIMATES Lolloy's Interior Cleaning'General house 273-5608. cleaning, rug shampooing, window 273-0471 washing & floor waxing. 754-3076 after 5. Perhaps no other call in the animal kingdom By Thomas Dale Pagliaroli to be damp. the whole plant will be rooted out. LIGHT trucking and deliveries cellars Piano Tuning stirs man's blood more than the keening cries This spells disaster to the farmer.Golf course and attics cleaned. Rubbish removed. ol Canada geese. These majestic creatures The past decade has witnessed an explo- organizations strive for the ptoieuiion and ac- managers are fit to be tied alter discovering 273-2U&W 273-5631. FOR FINE PIANO TONING AND REPAIR- ING. CALL L. HOBVATH, 277-3529. have trekked trom their wintering grounds in sion of the Canada goose population. Their quisition of nesting and wintering habitats. that a fairway has succumbed to the appetites COOK'S Apfjjance Sales and Service on the warm southern climes to the promised numbers have increased threefold, and Hunters also help fund these activities with ot a gaggle ot hungry geese. Concentrations of all appliances Including room air condi- Tuning Repairing tioners, electrical garden equipment, BOB HEIUG, 30 yrs. exp.; 15 yrs. lands of the U.S. and Canadian marshlands to despite heavy hunting pressure, the Canada the purchase of the federal "Duck Stamp" Canadas on ponds or lakes for any length of toasters, vacuum cleaners, Irons, etc. Painting • Papering Montclalr Unity Concert Artists' tuner. fulfill an age old desire: raising a family. count continues to spiral. Why? The first time can result in spectacular algae blooms in 239-4253. ($7.50) 110 Park ftve,, Summit. 273-5499. • Decorating * Canada geese, (Canadensis canadensis,) reason is man himself. Although man preys The second reason is the Canada's great the water due to the bird's droppings. WINDOW cleaning, gutter cleaned and Interior & Exterior mate for lite, but upon the death of one part- heaviest on the Canada, he is also its greatest repaired. F. Oe ftngtlus, 992-4826. FULLY INSURED JPjasterjng knack of adaptability. If shot at by day, they Minimizing goose-human conflicts is no 273-6385 ner, the survivor will take another mate. A benefactor. Organizations such as Ducks will feed and/or fly at night. Geese will make small task. Jim Sciascia, Wildlife Control Expert repair or new slmlrock & taping. suitable "territory" is staked out by the Unlimited, which purchases large tracts of Carpentry & alterations. Known recom- use of any available, habitat, be it a golf Agent for New Jersey's Bureau of Wildlife RESUMES mended Summit-Short Hills area. Phil nesting pair, and these areas are zealously Canadian land to assure nesting spots for the course, park pond, or median strip on a Management relates: "Controlling Canadas is Learn How To Use Eplscopo Home Improvement & Repair. defended by the gander. So fierce Is his big birds as well as the more localized work of highway! tricky because the birds are extremely cunn- Out Work Stands " 273-5800. ^'PERSONAL SALES defense that yours truly backed off front a ihe New Jersey Waterfowlers, have helped the The Test ^ Goose expansion and human interest were ing. Our most effective method to date con- MATERIAL" possible confrontation with a very large and Canada goose immensely. With money paid Of Time bound to collide. Geese will tear through a cerns the use of the "shell-cracker." This is to write job winning 8 Years Plumbing very fired up gander which obviously viewed out of their own wallets, members of these winter wheat field, and if the ground happens a shotgun shell which is loaded with a resumes. Experience me as a threat to his mate. This valiant fowl. firecracker, and when discharged from the placement and rehabilitation V * J MEflCADANTE. Sump pumps In- Fully Insured stalled. Complete lino of water dralnago. went through the warning stages of quick, shotgun, travels out one hundred yards or so counseling my specialty. 464-7575; 746-0410. jerkey up-and-down head movements and I.F.B. Kaufmann, 867-4626. Free Estimates . and then explodes. This discourages geese then lowered his stretched out neck and emit- from landing or feeding in a certain area. We Lee Ormsby ted a rather formidable hiss. When this failed try to use this tactic before development of Tree to send me on my way, the gander puffed out established feeding patterns. Although Moving Service his chest, beat the air with his wings and primitive, this method is nonetheless effective LIGHT HAULING & moving of appliances again stretched out his neck. Only this time he in controlling goose damage." And so the •S! & furnituro. Attics & cellars cleared of Now Is the time to look at charged straight towards me, hissing for all struggle continues. unwanted articles. Vlnce, 273-2364. your trees. Do they need he was worth while beating his wings furious- MOVING - Insured, licensed protes- A surprisingly large segment of the Canada trimming, spraying, cabling! tionals. Wrlttenhouso Trucking Service. ly. That was enough: I retreated a few yards Free estimates. population does not migrate, instead opting 241-9791. P.N. 705. Residential. Com- and stopped. This was good enough for the for year-round residency in New Jersey. merlclal. pianos. ANTHONY SCARCIA landlord. He rejoined his mate on the pond 88 Baltusrol Rd. These "resident" birds make themselves at FURNITURE MOVING AND HAULING! and eyed me contemptuously. Satisfied that I home in the marshes, ponds, rivers, lakes Charlie Vincent 647-2236. 24 hour ser- Summit, N.J. knew my place, the pair swam off and con- vice. "> 322-5807 and bays. National Wildlife Refuges such as tinued building their nest. Brigantine and the Great Swamp annually har- Roofing Nests are constructed of sticKS, cattails, bor countless numbers of honkers. Great HUGO HODULICH - Roofing, repairs, Help Wanted Help Wanted sawgrass and whatever else is handy. A layer Swamp Wildlife Technician Bob Passalcqua aluminum siding. Gutters & leaders. of down insulates the abode, providing max- tells of "thousands of geese which stay here 273-4694. imum warmth during incubation. Usually six year 'round. They are incredible!" Numerous DMK ROOFING to twelve eggs are laid and the goslings enter Residential ro-rooflng our speciality. Call TYPIST state wildlife management areas offer John McGrath for free estimate. their new world twenty-eight days later. Upon Hospitable accommodations to the geese and 464-3064 Full-Time and Part-Time birth these tiny puffs of down are ready for the they are quick to move in and set up water. The whole family unit will stick close housekeeDing. Rug Cleaning Must be accurate and fast. together. The gander leads the way with the The arrival of the migrating Canadas also goslings situated in the middle and female br- RUG STEAM CLEANING. Tony's Rug Call 464-1025 and ask for Helen. marks the arrival of the "real" spring. Now Cleaning Service, Springfield. inging up the rear. When travelling in this everyone knows that the first day of spring 376-0005. Froe estimates. manner maximum surveillance can be main- and the first spring day are two entirely dif- tained by both parents. Alas, this security ferent things. The presence ot grackles, LEGAL system is not foolproof. While obsering a ,,M robins and warblers can give false hopes that LEGAL LEGAL Canada family late last spring on Spruce Run 1 spring is here. It is a rare robin that has not minor defects and' or to accept the bid NOTICE TO CREDITORS Reservoir, I witnessed the disappearance of NOTICE that in its judgment will be for the best in- suffered through the icy blasts of winter's last Sealed bids will be received by the Pur- terest of the City of Summit, and to con- ESTATE OF LIBBY ROOT, Deceosed, two tiny goslings which vanished in separate Pursuant to the order of WALTER E. hurrah. Geese escape such discomforts. They chasing Department of the City of Summit sider bids for sixfy (60) days after their swirls. These were, no doubt, victims of a will wait until the latest possible moment to at U;0Q A.M. Thursday, April 23, 1981 receipt. ULRICH, Surrogate of the County of gluttonous bass or tiger musky. •in the Council Conference Room, City Union, made on the 3rd day of April, start their migration. Unlike most wildfowl, No charge shall be made or recovery had A.D., 1981, upon the application of the Hall, 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, for publishing any official advertising Being such a large bird, the Canada goose which tend to follow the coastlines or courses New Jersey, undersigned, os Executrix of the estate of unaccompanied by such statement of said deceased, notice is hereby given to has few enemies. Foxes, raccoons, opossums of rivers, Canadas wing their way over fields, Bids will be for: Certain Rood Materials in price. the creditors of said deceased to exhibit accordance wilh the specifications and DAVID L.HUGHES to the subscriber under ooth or affirma- and skunks will raid the nest for eggs. Occa- mountains, suburbs, and cities In the most proposal forms for same which may be ob- City Clerk tion their claims and demands against the sionally , goslings will fall prey to these noctur- direct route to the nesting grounds. The tained OT ihe office of the City Engineer, Doted: April 7, 1981 estate of said deceased within six months nal troopers, and raptors will sometimes migration on the Atlantic Flyway begins the 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, New S.H.-April 12, 198) $16.94 from the date of said order, or they wilt Jersey- be forever barred from prosecuting or snatch up a gosling if given the chance. Large last week in March and will continue through No Specifications and/or proposal forms recovering the some against the predatory fish will also such down an un- the latter part of April. This assures Ice-free shall be given out after 4:30 P.M. on NOTICE subscriber. Wednesday, April 22,1981. suspecting gosling. The only predator that! waterways and optimum temperatures. A Bid Security, mode payable to the City The following decision was rendered by Morcia Walsh have observed preying on an adult Canada of Summit, for 10% (of each bid) must be the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Executrix ' Withhin the next few weeks the " K-RON K" subrrotled with each proposal. Bidders, City of Summit at the meeting of April 2, Bourne, Noll & Kenyan Attorney s was a large snapping turtle. The turtle had a of migrating geese will fill the air and the great when appropriate, shall comply with the 382 Springfield Awe. ' • " ' vise-like grip on a yearling goose which was Application of Frank Sedito for a V-formations will split the sky. If you are for- provisions of the following laws of New Summit, N.J. 07901 I T - Fee $7.38 fighting desperately to escape. With a final Jersey: P.L. 1963 c.150 (Prevailing variance to permit the construction of a H.S.April 12 tunate enough to gaze at such a wonderous Wage Act) and P.L. 1977 c.33 (Corpora two-family dwelling on o lot having less methodical yank, the turtle knocked the flapp- sight remember that these animals are carry- tion ond/or Partnership Owner Informa- area than required by the Development ing bird off balance and dragged it below the tion) and any subsequent amendments Regulations Ordinance in Block I23M, Lot NOTICE TO CREDITORS ing out the task nature has given them. Over thereto. Bidders are required to comply 21, 20 Aubrey Street in the R-5 One and ESTATE OF LVDIACOVALENCE, • surface. A final rush of bubbles was the only thousands of miles they will fly, only to make with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. Two Family Residential District was Deceased- indication of the Inevitable. This life and eath granted. themselves comfortable right In your own 127. (Affirmative Action). Pursuant to the order of WALTER E. struggle took place within the recesses of the All bids and Bid Securities must be enclos- Copies of the above resolution are on ULRICH Surrogate of the County of Union, backyard. feel flattered. After all, they were ed in a properly SEALED envelope, bearing file in the Construction Official's office, mode on the 3rd day of April, A.D., Great Swamp, and was no special event in the here a long, long time before we were even on the outside the name of the bidder and 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, New 1981, upon the application of the under- course of nature. the NATURE OF THE BID CONTAINED , Jersey, signed, as Executors of the estate of said thought of. THEREIN ond addressed to Purchasing Arthur P. Condon, Secretary deceased, notice is hereby given to Ihe Department, Secretary David L. Hughes. Zoning Board of Adjustment creditors of said deceased to exhibit to The Common Council reserves the right to Dated: 4/8/81 the subscriber under oalh or affirmation reject all bids or proposals, waive any S.H.: 4/12/81 $7.70 their claims and demands against, the Road Accidents Injure Seven estate of soid deceased within six months from the date of said order, or they will Seven persons were injured in five Woodrow W. Horn, 36, of Scotch Plains. City Will Receive $350,000 More be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the automobile accidents last week. Police said the brakes on the Horn car subscriber. On March 28, the drivers of two cars were allegedly failed to operate as he entered the in- In Community Development Funds LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY! Theodore Covalence and hurt In a two-car crash at Springfield and tersection and both cars collided. At the time Paul Covalence Hobart avenues. of the accident, Strybbe was going west on DROP OFF - SAME DAY SERVICE Executors Summit will receive $350,000 in Year VII and to beautify the area. WE FLUFF DRY & FOLD FOR YOU! Bourne, Noll & Kenyon Attorneys Taken to Overlook Hospital for treatment of Springfield and Horn, north on Hobart. community development funds through the The property acquisitions will also begin the Also Rugs»Blankets»Spreads 382 Springfield Ave. injuries were Ray G. Kosten, 19, of Roselle Police Officer Louis Vecchia Investigated the Union County Community Development assembling of a sizeable parcel of land next to Summit, N.J. 07901 1 T- $7.38 Park, and Adden B. Chrystle, 19, of Teton accident. , •Sleeping Bags -Quilts S.H.April 12, 1981 Revenue Sharing Committee, Councilman the Post Office building. Since the Post Office Village, Wy. Dana Power, 13, of Sweetbrlar avenue, was Donald Nelson announced Tuesday. has announced its intention of moving its main Monday and Friday 8:0OAM-2:0OPNi At the time of the accident, Kosten was go- injured and taken to Overlook after she collid- This year's division of $5,800,000 in office out of Summit, the area surrounding it Tues.&Thurs. 8:OOAM-7:0OPM Psychologist ing west on Springfield and Chrystie, north on ed with a car while riding her bicycle at will be used for the second phase ol Saturday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM federal revenue sharing funds was decided Springfield. Both cars collided in the In- Ashland road and Crestwood lane. She was upon by the committee after three months of redevelopment in the CD. area. A number of Additional Hours: ' Earns Honor tersection with the Kosten car also striking a taken to Overlook for treatment of injuries. The meetings and hearings. The Union County reuses of the Post Office have been suggested Wednesday 8:O0AM-2:0OPM Dr. Juanita P. Lovett of fire hydrant. driver of the car was Identified as Rebecca S. Board of Freeholders approved the action last including its use as a new City Hall. Coun- AN day Friday 8:OOAM-S:OOPM Woodland avenue, a Both cars were heavily damaged and towed Stretch, 18, of Frenchtown. Thursday. HUD approval of the package is cilman Nelson stressed that no displacement psychologist at Fair Oaks from the scene. also needed before the funds become available of households or businesses would occur until 97 Summit Ave., summit• 273>923f Hospital, has been elected to Investigating the accident was Police Officer At the time of the accident, Stretch was go- late In 1981. early 1982. membership in the Kappa Joseph Murphy. ing east on Ashland and Dana, west. The funds will be used In Summit's continu- Chapter, Sigma Ki, Columbia Linda E. Heller, 36, of Cranford, was taken Police Officer Ingenlto investigated the acci- ing program of redevelopment in its CD. funds are federal block grant revenue we Buy and Sell Old Gold, University, New York City, in to Overlook, also on March 28, when she ap- dent. recognition of her excellence in designated CD. .area, is bounded by sharing funds that are channeled through the Silver, Jewelry, Antiques parently lost control of the car she was driv- Kenneth G. Seale, 29, of Springfield Railroad, Springfield, and Morris avenues and Union County Committee. The Commltee con- research. ing, struck a pole and became airborne for She was nominated for avenue, was Injured on Monday when the car Maple street. The Senior Citizen Housing Pro- sists of 18 communities In Union County. Only 20% Off All Merchandise membership by the Department about 32 feet. At the time of the accident, she he was driving went out of control, struck a ject on Chestnut avenue between Railroad and Elizabeth and Union, which are large enough watches, clocks, Gifts, jewelry ot Psychology of Teacher's Col- was going west along Broad. tree and then a pole In front of 615 Springfield Broad is the first phase in the redevelopment. to receive CD. funds individually and directly, lege, Columbia University. The The accident was investigated by Police Of- avenue near Whltesell court. He was trapped 'CD. funds have been used fof-^ropety ac- and Mountainside, which does not choose to BULOV A • CARAVELLE • PULSAR school nominates only a small ficer Neil Ingenlto. Inside the car for 15 minutes before being quisition, resident and business relocation ex- participate, are not members of the commit- percentage of its outstanding A Springfield resident, Marie B. Strybbe, released by the Fire Department's Jaws of penses, demolition, and supportive social ser- tee. In the seven years of' the Community •4 40% OFF all doctoral graduates in the year 61, was Injured and taken to Overlook on April Life. He was taken to Overlook. vices for the displaced. Development Act, Summit has been awarded SEIKO* OMEGA WATCHiS after they have completed their 1 following a two-car accident at Springfield Police said Seale was going east along Spr- $1,925,000 for eligible activities. Because of degree requirements. The property acquisitions with the new Year and Hobart avenues. A passenger in the car, ingfield at the time of the mishap. VII funds will allow the closing of Railroad delays In property acquisitions much of this WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRS Emillne Albert, 83, of Summit, also was hurt. Investigating the accident was Police Officer avenue and the construction of a pedestrian amount has not yet been expended. Done on the Premises The driver of the second car was identified as Peter Maria. promenade along the railroad cut prior to the Summit's CD. committee delegates are Mr. opening of trie proposed Senior Citizen Hous- Nelson and former Councilman Alfred E. DAVIES&COX Open ing in early 1983. The project will serve to link Schretter with Vlto Gallo and Joseph Stelner, Mon, thru Sat. Other Council Action the Senior Citizen Housing with downtown alternates. 7ABeechwoddRd. 9:30 to 5:30 In other action Tuesday night Common dance at an arson Investigation course April 4 Summit 273-4274 Council: 20 to May 6; * Granted four taxi licenses; * Granted permission to the Llndsey Street i * Granted three canvassers'permits; Auxiliary to sell popples May 24 to 30. * Introduced an ordinance for improvements * Granted raffles licenses to Kent Place to Greenfield avenue with a hearing set for Easter, Passover Rites School for May 14 and to the Lions Club for May 5, and GIRL SCOUT COOKIES June 16; • * Authorized permissions for solicitation by * Granted permission for the Chamber of the Junior Baseball League, April 4 to June 4; Continued from Page 1 Faith Lutheran Church, are still available Commerce to hold a summer fair July 11, 10 the Knights of Columbus, May 1-3: American New Providence; Cancer Society, mld-Aprll, and the Clergy Temple Sinai Palm Sunday. 8:30 and 11 a.m. services * Authorized Lieut. John Mullens' atten- Association, April 17. ~ Sunday, April 19; 10:30 a.m., Passover with blessing and procession of palms. Morning Service; 6 p.m., Community Monday and Tuesday: 8 p.m. service of Passover Seder. Prayer and Meditation. GIRL SCOUTS Senior Housing Plans Saturday, April 25: 10:30 a.m., Close of Wednesday: 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. services Continued from Page 1 Council, the city engineer, the Director of the Passover service and Yizkor. with Order for Corporate Confession and APPOINTED COUNSEL- David ,the first in New Jersey under the new Housing city's Fire Deparment as well as other city hall Forgiveness. If you were missed or J. Mugtord of Summit has been and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines and officials. , United Methodist Church Maundy Thursday: 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. appointed associate general possibly one of the first In this section of the Dr. Lucia Bogumil, president of the Summit - Maundy Thursday, April 16: 8 p.m., Ser- celebration of Holy Communion. if you want more, counsel .; patents, Sobering country. Taxpayers' Association, questioned what she vice of Holy Communion (Social Hall) combin- Good Friday: 8 p.m. traditional Tenebrae Place your order by phoning Plough Corporation, Kenilworth. With construction expected to start in mid- termed some of "the frills". She also com- ed with Oakes Memorial. service. Previously, Mr. Mugtord had September, completion Is expected by plained that the city was cheating itself out of Good Friday: 8 p.m., Service at Oakes East Sunday: 5:50, 8:30 and 11 a.m. ser- been associated with a New December, 1982 since preliminary site ap- rateables that could help decrease the tax Memorial Church combining both congrega- vices. York patent law firm as well as proval was received from HUD late last responsibility on the individual homeowner. tions. 1 ( 746-8200 with Bristol-Myers Company. February. "I think It's time we begin to think of the tax- Easter Sunday: 7:30 a.m., Sunrise Service The Unitarian Church He also serves as an adjunct In chapel; 8:15 a.m. Breakfast; 9:45 a.m. GREAT COOKIES FOR A GREAT CAUSE The public presentation, was made In the payer", Dr. Bogugiil said. Easter Sunday: 10 a.m., service with ser- professor at Seton Hall Universi- Common Council conference room. On hand The project wfll also include a separate Singles Forum; 10 a.m. Church School all mon, "The Easter Dichotomy for Liberals,',' ty School of Law. were members of the Housing Authority, facility for Housing Authority offices. ages; 11 a.m. morning worship. by Rev. Jan Vlckery Knost. THE SUMMIT HERALD/SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1981/PaflB 15 Golf Club Forming Summit Soccer Club Teams In Morris County Sports A new golt club has been Triumph in 8 League Games formed In the Morris County Summit Soccer Club teams had a successful day, winning Area and has been named the eight of their 12 games last weekend. The club, formerly the Iron Mountain Goll Club. Summit Youth Soccer Association, is affillateUwlth the Mid-New The Iron Mountain Goll Club Jersey Youth Soccer Association. will sponsor at least three chari- ty tournaments during the year Division f The Long, Long Season to raise funds for the crippled The Arrows edged the Big Blue, staffed by Pingry players, 2- by Howie Anderson 1. Vito Catillo scored first for Summit. Matt Felix booted the win- children in the area. A first Even the most loyal basketball or hockey fan will admit Itiat lo ning goal. Defender Joe Callaghan and mid-fielder Fred Derning event has been scheduled for begin the "second season," meaning the playoffs, in the middle also played well. May 21 at Picatinny Arsenal for of April, is prolonging the season just a little too long. Isn't ii In a Girls' League game the Sprites were outplayed by the benefit of the Easter Seals baseball and tennis season? Isn't it time to be an outdoor spec- Maplewood 11-0. Forward Maria Carroll, halfback Michelle Felix Foundation. A membership fee tator? Obviously, it isn't. The professional winter seasons will and goalie Julie Soper were outstanding for the Sprites. extend well into the spring, yet their opening games ol next of $10 is required with every season will take place as baseball winds up in mid-October with new application. An annual Division II the first snowfall. The football playolfs now take place in dues of $25 is required to main- The Santos lost to a strong Berkeley Heights team, 4-1. Phil January, and it seems that all the seasons just go on, and on, tain membership. For more In- Pardi accounted for the Summit score. and on. formation contact the general Tied 4-4 at halftime, the Cosmos went on to beat North Plain- Unfortunately, a somewhat similar situation, although not as chairman, Charles F. Canfield of field, 6-4. John Gordon scored first from a penalty kick. Peter drastic, is hurting interscholastic athletic programs. Sports Mine Hill, 361-0843 or the Bekaert and Tom Inglesby converted one goal each" and Ricky seasons are overlapping more and more, and the real loser is not general secretary, Samuel 'IN TOP POST - David B. Riken accounted for two. Brian Morris scored the final tally from the fan, but the athletes, themselves. We are seeing less and Trapasso of Rockaway, Mb- Tesarik of Summit has been ap- a direct free kick. less of the athlete who plays two sports, especially if they are 56B0. pointed president of the Interna- Division III back-to-back, and the three-sport athlete is almost extinct. tional Pharmaceutical Products The Strikers trounced Somerset Hills, 3-1. Summit dominated An athlete who has just finished a grueling campaign is not Division of Schering-Plough the offensive after Somerset Hills scored in the opening seconds. TRYING OUT WEIGHTS-YMCA Director Ron Coleman tries out new weights recently acquired by theanxious to immediately start another sport knowing full well that Corporation, Kenilworth. Mr, Matt Schwarz equalized a minute later and Peter Bourne iook a Summit Area YMCA after the closing of the Win Franklin Health Club in Plainfield. Other weight tram- the rest of the team already has been practicing for several WE'LL DEAL Tesarik joined Schering-Plough cross and scored to put the Strikers ahead. Welch connected mo and exercise equipment being acquired includes a two-piece Universal gym, a variety ol exer- weeks. Because of this very understandable feeling, we are los- in 1973. He was appointed vice with the clincher late in the third period. cvcles trimming belts, barbells, Olympic weight-lifting apparatus, stools and inclining benches, ing the services ot some talented athletes on our winter and spr- YOUR WAY! president, financial operations In a see-saw battle the Sabres tied Millburn, 5-5. Summit power-press equipment, squat racks and other lifting equipment. With these additions the Y now ing teams. BrRANDNEW of its International Division in went ahead with two quick goals but Millburn closed the gap and has a complete line of weight training and exercise equipment for both men and womeri Persons m- The fall programs are naturally affected the least; but it is their 1975 and became senior vice the half ended, 3-3. John Evers made two Summit goals and terested in using the"Y" facilities may contact Coleman or Bill Lovett at the Y, 273-3330. overlap as well as winter's which is turning some of our athletes Chris Costine, Peter Jahries and Jim Zerweck had one apiece. away. An athlete should have the privilege of participating in any DATSUNS president of the International sport that he or she wants. The high school years are too early to Pharmaceutical Products Divi- The Sounders took an early lead and beat Woodbridge, 4-2. Krieger, Louria Brad Olsen scored first. Glen Hannon added another. Peter specialize, and certainly the length of the season should not dic- "Your Full Service sion the following year. Tesarik YWCA Divers U.S. Champs Collegiate Athletes tate an athlete's participation. Datsun Discourt* Tulloch and Kevin Tighe scored the other two goals. previously held various ex- The other YWCA divers were: Steps to at least partially correct the overlapping of seasons JDenterrrryJJs!". ecutive positions with General The diving events of the 1981 Sarah Krieger of Summit, a Division IV YWCA Swimming and Diving Amanda McDonald, 12, of New junior, scored a vital singles vic- were taken at the recently completed Athletic Directors' Conven- Electric Company in this country Providence; Lauren Ziegler, 12, tion. While the adopted proposal will not solve all the problems, and abroad from 1947 to 1961, The Sharks lost to Warren, 7-1. The only Summit score was Championships of the USA, tory in Bucknell University's 5-4 FLETCHER made on a penalty kick by Michael'Becker. which were held at The United of Chatham Township; Melinda tennis victory over Susquehan- at least it is a start. Cooperation from the State Athletic Associa- and with International Wulff, 15; Elizabeth Turney, 16, tion is needed to adjust tournament times and cutoff dates, and MOTOR CO Telephone and Telegraph Com- The Spurs lost to Berkeley Heights, 4-2. The first goal was States Military Academy, West na University in the season made by George Taylor. Nelson Griggs dribbled down the center Point, N.Y. were swept by the Berkeley Heights; Kim Byrne, opener. Krieger Is a graduate of until the entire membership adopts the plan, it is nothing more LINCOLN/MERCURY pany in the United States and 16, Diane Thomson, 17, Pattie than a proposal. Brazil during the next six years. for the second goal on a breakaway. strong Summit team. Kent Place School in Summit. DATSUN The Storms dominated North Plainfield, 4-0. Kurt Reidenbach With 68 points, Summit was McDonald, 18 and Mary Charlie Louria of Summit, a In essence, the changes recommended are these: winter He received his B.A. in sports would not be permitted to stait practice until the day alter 68 RIVER RD. and Ted Furlong made the first two goals and John Botelli booted far ahead of the second-place Meyers, 16, all of Summit, and junior midfielder, is one of 19 business administration in 1947 Thanksgiving. This would eliminate overlapping except for the the next two. team, Nashua, N.H. which had Donna Sanborne, 17. letter winners back in action SUMMIT • 522 1000 from Whitworth College, very few teams involved in a football playoff final. The opening of 28 points. In the three-meter The team is coached by Freo. this season for the Ohio Spokane, Wash. the winter schedule would be pushed back one week, to the Division V event, Pattie McDonald, Sum- Woodruff and managed by Nor- Wesleyan University lacrosse third Friday in December. This change would certainly benetit The Summit Scorpions topped Clark, 5-2. The first goal was mit, broke the existing diving man Casey. The secretary is In- team. The Bishops were ranked the fall athletes who would like to participate in a winter sport. made by Mark Callahan. Rail booted in the second goal. Ashley record of 304 points in 11 dives grid Hassinger. The team prac- eighth nationally In Division III Griffith made the final score in the first half. During the second by scoring 316 in 10 dives. tices at the Summit YWCA. in a preseason poll. The start of the spring practices would also be pushed back a week and except lor the finalists in basketball and wrestling, half Bob Stockton connected and Griffith scored the Scorpions' Louria was credited with overlapping here would also be eliminated. final tally. Dick Fisher did an outstanding job in goal. three goals and an assist in The Stars dominated Rahway, 5-0. During the first half Summit Golfers Top Conference Champs 1980 when Ohio Wesleyan At first glance, it apears that all the other sports seasons are being adjusted tor the fall. That's not true. The proposal Custom Painting & Repairs Preston Maigetter scored. Kevin Kreuzer's booming kick just Summit High's golfers open- In non-conlerence matches posted a 10-6 record and made equalizes the number of practice days for all sports seasons and under the cross bar accounted for the second score. David ed their bid for the Suburban last week, Summit topped its ninth straight NCAA playoffs 24 Hour Towing reduces slightly only the length of the winter season. Vecino drove in the third. Preston Maigetter dribbled down the Conference title in impressive Berkeley Heights, 213-234, at appearance. He is a graduate of 464-8392 322-5760 sideline and turned the ball in lor a goal. Jonathan Ponosuk fashion last Monday afternoon the Warrenbrook Country Club Pingry School in Hillside. It would be impossible to avoid all overlapping, but these ad- made the final score on a breakaway. at the Canoe Brook Country in Warren Township and edged justments, if adopted, would certainly help. Not to be overlooked Jision Club, outscoring defending Westfield, 10-8, in a match is the rest it would provide tor our tacilities. The tirst week in champion Verona, 231-243. decided on a match-play basis. Tennis Teams March is really something else with all the spring teams as well as the winter teams competing tor gym time. SPECIALIZING IN CORVETTE & MERCEDES Verona accounted for two of O'Gorman and Maglioro card- Oratory Netmen Win First Two Matches The main purpose ol the proposal, however, is to benefit the doubles the duos ot MarK Summit's three losses last ed 41s against Berkeley Being Formed Oratory Prep's tennis team athlete. That is the reason we have an interscholastic athletic ~'We deliver what the other Guf Promises" Spellman and Kevin Mahoney season in beating out theHeights, while Keith had a 43, Are you anxious to compete scored its second straight vic- program, so any plan to help the participant is worthwhile. Don't bo stuck without transportation. If your car Is (6-0, 6-3) and Rocco Russo and Hilltoppers for the conference ti- Matthews 44, Jahries 45 and against other tennis players at heavily damaged & needs more than one week's atten- tory this week, topping St. Scott Scheeler (6-1, 6-0) were tle. Newbold 49. in the victory over your skill level? The United tion, wa will help mako arrangements lor one'of our Thomas Aquinas of Edison, 4-1. FREE LoanA-Cars. victorious. Coach Ray Ostroski's golfers Westfield, O'Gorman and States Tennis Association, with Oratory's Paul Mclntyre (2-6, The Rams blanked fioselle extracted a measure of revenge Jahries led the way with 44s. the sponsorship of Michelob Volley bailers Second in Tournament 009 Springfield Ave. Jimmy Hammonds 6-2, 6-2) and Dava Rizzo (6-1. as Mike O'Gorman carded a 42 Keith came in with a 49, while Summit High's girls' Coaches' Rankings. Summit Berkeley Heights 464*4062 (Chief) Park, 5-0, in their season Light, is offering the. 6-2) won in singles, while in opener. and Tim Newbold had a 44. Newbold and Matthews had 51s USTA/Michelob Light Tennis volleyball team placed second in was ranked fourth behind Col- Geoff Keith finished with a 46, and Maglioro a 53. League, a network of adult (21 the Elizabeth Invitational Tour- umbia, Montclairand Clark. while Judd Matthews had a 49. Summit's golfers scored their and over) tennis leagues nament conducted at Elizabeth New Providence (9-3) finish- Steve Jahries and Mark fourth straight win Tuesday throughout the country. High School. ed third in the tournament, win- 1 The Business Directory of Serwlees Maglioro came in with 50s. afternoon, topping Clark High, Competition will be between The HNitoppers own nine of ning a tie breaker from Mother 211-244, at the Canoe Brook tennis teams from local 11 matches in the 12-team Seton of Clark (8-4). Clark (7-4) Call 273-4000 Dependable merchants and reliable services SUPERIOR municipalities to district, sec- round-robin tourney. Columbia finished fifth. Set' Country Club in Summit. 635-7000 Serving Berkeley Heights. Chatham, New Providence and Summit TENNIS Mike O'Gorman paced the tional, regional and national High of South Orange won the Summit's Pattie McDonald championships. Skill levels are title with an 11-0 record. and New Providence's Ann H 464-80S0 INSTRUCTION Hilltoppers to victory with a L sparkling 37. Steve Jahries low-intermediate through ad- Columbia is the top-ra\ed Schroeder were named to the Insulation PAINTERS J Group « privets touoni carded a 40 and Geoff Keith had vanced levels. Teams are being lejrni in the state in the latest all-tournament team. ALUMINUM SIDING Tnlned ProlwHon«l» a 42. Mark Maglioro (44), Judd formed In this area. Contact Al copper Bp.rir.ig8r Matthews (48) and TimSchmidt, New Providence The Business Recreation Commission, 647- Hugo Hodulich Paulsen «h,|. Illlni Newbold (50) rounded out the 647.-9B8B scoring for Summit. 0970, evenings. Aluminum Siding Directory Insulation Co. ATTENTION • Roof ins Your guide Specialists in Vinyl Grain Siding Upgrading SKATEBOARDERS We cover your entire house to area Home Insulation Sofflt-Facia-etc. service. •< Air Tight Insider Type Free estimate Storm Windows That COMPLETE BOARDS • TRUCKS • WHEELS 973-4094 Save 90% of Heat Loss POWELL • SIMS • VERAFLEX • TRACKER "Serving the area tor 273-4000 thru Glass. 2730227 over 20 years" Call 647-3874 647-0540

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