2019 Surveys and Anatomic Pathology Education Programs


Proficiency Testing (PT) offerings from the CAP are supported by 600 experts in laboratory serving on 32 scientific committees. These experts track testing trends, monitor technical advances, and work collaboratively with professional colleagues and medical specialty societies to improve the quality of testing.

Through their efforts, PT programs from the CAP are based on the latest scientific information and reflect the current needs of laboratory medicine. This expertise not only drives improvements in the laboratory, it helps propel advancements in the in vitro diagnostics industry.

CAP science in action: Improving A1c PT The CAP has worked with the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) in tightening of the accuracy-based grading by using NGSP targets for the

CAP Hemoglobin A1c PT. When the accuracy-based grading started in 2007, 15% was the initial acceptable limit. In 2019, we use 6%. In response to the tightened grading, the manufacturers have improved their assays and PT results are now more reflective of the patient results. This asw made possible by using fresh

specimens in the Hemoglobin A1c program (GH5).

This improvement in hemoglobin A1c assays contributes to better patient care and the use of A1c as a means of diagnosing and monitoring diabetes.

Only the CAP makes such an extensive use of scientific committees and experts. When you rely on CAP PT, you’re assured that everything offered is based on the latest scientific advances, and an unrelenting drive for excellence. Table of Contents 2019 Surveys and Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

1 New Developments ...... 3–6 15 Microbiology ...... 171–204 Bacteriology ...... 173 2 Continuing Education ...... 7–20 Continuing Education Programs ...... 8 Mycobacteriology ...... 188 Competency Assessment Program ...... 15 Mycology ...... 189 QMEd™ Online Educational Courses ...... 18 Parasitology ...... 192 Virology ...... 195 3 Quality Management Tools ...... 21–38 Q-PROBESTM ...... 24 Multidiscipline Microbiology ...... 201 Q-TRACKS® ...... 29 Infectious Disease Serology ...... 204

4 Quality Cross Check ...... 39–50 16 Immunology and ...... 205–216 Immunology ...... 206 5 Point-of-Care Programs ...... 51–54 Flow Cytometry ...... 213 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ...... 55–80 17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, General Chemistry and Therapeutic and Parentage Testing ...... 217–232 Drug Monitoring ...... 56 Transfusion Medicine ...... 218 Urine Chemistry ...... 68 Viral Markers ...... 228 Special Chemistry ...... 71 Parentage Testing ...... 231 7 Endocrinology ...... 81–90 18 Histocompatibility ...... 233–238 8 Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry ...... 91–94 19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology ...... 239–260 Cytogenetics ...... 240 9 Toxicology ...... 95–110 Biochemical and Molecular Genetics ...... 243 10 Accuracy-Based Programs ...... 111–116 Next-Generation Sequencing ...... 252 Accuracy-Based Programs ...... 112 Molecular Oncology—Solid Tumors ...... 256 Validated Materials ...... 116 Molecular Oncology—Hematologic ...... 260 11 Instrumentation Validation Tools ...... 117–134 Calibration Verification/Linearity ...... 118 20 Anatomic Pathology ...... 261–284 Instrumentation Quality Surgical Pathology ...... 262 Management Programs ...... 131 General Immunohistochemistry ...... 272 Predictive Markers ...... 274 12 and Clinical Microscopy ...... 135–154 Specialty Anatomic Pathology ...... 275 Hematology ...... 136 Cytopathology ...... 277 Clinical Microscopy ...... 146 21 Forensic Sciences ...... 285–288 13 Reproductive Medicine ...... 155–158 Andrology and Embryology ...... 156 22 Analyte/Procedure Index ...... 289–336

14 ...... 159–170 23 Program Code Page Index ...... 337–340 Insight at a glance.

In just seconds, the CAP’s Performance Analytics Dashboard provides valuable insights into your laboratory’s performance, letting you proactively focus energy on areas that need immediate attention while filtering out distractions. Updated daily, this complimentary Surveys and CAP accreditation performance monitoring tool reduces the stress of managing today’s laboratory by giving you fast access to a single laboratory’s or an expansive network’s performance.

To view a demo, search Performance Analytics Dashboard at cap.org. 1 New Developments

Simplify your life with the CAP the CAP with life Simplify your online store. testing and quality proficiency can order Now you learning opportunities, programs, improvement computer. your from right and more publications, quote. 2019 prepopulated your • Review menu. test based on your new programs • Add shipping and billing information. • Manage your on the and click visit cap.org get started, To tab. SHOP New Developments 1

1 New Developments 4 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists New Developments eto aePormCd Page(s) Program Code Name Page(s) MMAandActiveB Program Code Page(s) Program Code Name Endocrinology Name Section Page(s) 49 Program Code 25 26 JATQ QP191 QP192 27 Drug Monitoring General Chemistryand Therapeutic QualityCross Check—Transfusion Medicine Drug Monitoring General Chemistryand Therapeutic QP193 Name Subsection OpioidDrug Testing Stewardship Technical StaffingRatios Expression Rates inInvasive Breast Carcinoma Transfusion Medicine Section Q-PROBES Q-PROBES Q-PROBES Q-PROBES™ Subsection pca hmsr ea apoetnFA 75 FCAL Fecal Calprotectin Special Chemistry Drug Monitoring General Chemistryand Therapeutic New Developments General Chemistryand Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Quality Management Tools The ImpactofPathologist Re cuayBsdGuoe nui,adCPpieAGC63 ABGIC Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, andC-Peptide Quality Cross Check lsaCricMresItrainlPAI65 PCARI Plasma Cardiac Markers International Endocrinology niuglDusMntrn F 59 AFD Antifungal Drugs Monitoring Smears view ofPeripheral Blood 12 M 82 MMA P9 28 QP194 1 New Developments 5 New Developments New 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Panel, 5 ChallengePanel, GIP5 203 Toxicology Microbiology ptide/Insulin Calibration Verification/Linearity ptide/Insulin Calibration LN46 130 Reproductive Medicine Reproductive Accuracy-Based Programs Accuracy-Based Instrumentation Validation Tools Validation Instrumentation Hematology Clinical Microscopy and Toxicology Monitoring Drugs Antifungal AFD 106 SubsectionBacteriologyBacteriologyMultidiscipline Microbiology Gastrointestinal Organisms Carbapenem-resistant Panel Molecular Vaginal Name CRO 181 MVP Code Program 186 Page(s) Subsection and EmbryologyAndrology Sperm Count—Automated Postvasectomy PV1 156 Name Code Program Page(s) SubsectionHematology Series Differential Hematology Automated FH14P FH14, 137 Name Code Program Page(s) SubsectionTools Validation Instrumentation C-Pe Name Code Program Page(s) Subsection ProgramsAccuracy-Based and C-Peptide Insulin, Glucose, Accuracy-Based ABGIC 115 Name Code Program Page(s) SectionToxicologyToxicology Novel Opioids and Benzodiazepines Blood Cannabinoids Name NOB 105 THCB Code Program 105 Page(s)

1 New Developments 6 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists eea muoitceityp16Immunohisto CD30Immunohisto General Immunohistochemistry General Immunohistochemistry uscinNm rga oePage(s) Program Code Page(s) Program Code Name Page(s) Program Code Name HQIP WholeSlideImag 245 244 Name 220 Surgical ICSP Pathology Subsection CMSP JATQ CAP/ACMG Inherited CancerSequencingPanel CAP/ACMG Cardiomyopathy SequencingPanel Biochemical andMolecularGenetics Quality Cross Check—Transfusion Medicine Biochemical andMolecularGenetics Subsection Transfusion Medicine Subsection ia akr ia akr—eis6 diinlMtra MX229 VM6X Viral Markers—Series 6, Additional Material Viral Markers New Developments Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, andParentage Testing Genetics andMolecularPathology Anatomic Pathology hmsr iseMcora 1 273 P16 Microarray chemistry Tissue hmsr iseMcora D0273 CD30 Microarray chemistry Tissue ult mrvmn rga QS 268 HQWSI e QualityImprovement Program 2 Continuing Education ...... 8 integrated with proficiency testing challenges. testing with proficiency integrated CE across multiple disciplines. multiple CE across Maintain your certification with Maintain your (CE) from continuing education Surveys. CAP than 100 CE credits. more staff • Offer your is tightly that learning with content Enhance your • with requirements Meet certification and licensure • ...... 18 ...... 15

Continuing Education Continuing

™ Online Educational Courses Ed 2 Continuing Education Programs ...... Continuing Education Programs Continuing Education Competency Assessment Program QM

2 Continuing Education 8 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists 1 Credits The CAP designates theseenduringmaterials educationalactivitiesfor amaximumofthestated number of CME Category 1 (ACCME) to provide continuingmedicaleducation for physicians. The CollegeofAmericanPathologists (CAP) isaccredit Accreditation enduring materialsCMEcoursesrequire participantstopassascored assessmentpriortoclaimingcredit. An AMArequirement mandatesthatallphysicians wishingtoclaimCMEcredits mustpassascored assessment. AllCAP Note ofenduring*materials to courses: CMEparticipants Education Credit Program (CECC) and theInter and TICP programs toward therequired educationalac Cytotechnologists may apply thecredits from thePAP activities for continuingeducationcredit. accepts theseactivitiesto meetitscontinuing educationrequirements. The The AmericanSocietyfor ClinicalPathology (ASCP)Board Maintenance (BOC) Certification Program ofCertification (CMP) shouldclaimonlyParticipants thecredit commensurate withtheextent intheactivity. oftheirparticipation The CAP designates theseeducationalactivitiesfor amaximumofthestated numberofcredits ofcontinuingeducation. *Enduring courses are thosecourses thatendure overtime, such asprintoronlinecourses. Continuing EducationPrograms. CAP Surveys programs. You’ll findthesamelevelofqualityinCAP Your laboratory demonstrates itscommitmentto qualityby choosing Continuing EducationPrograms Continuing Education Programs CE(ContinuingEducationfor Nonphysicians) TM . Physicians shouldclaimonly thecredit commensurate withtheextent intheactivity. oftheir participation CME(ContinuingMedicalEducationfor Physicians) This activityiseligible for continuingmedicaleducation(CME)credit orcontinuingeducation(CE)credit. national Academy of Cytology (IAC).national AcademyofCytology ed by theAccreditation Council for ContinuingMedicalEducation Education (PAPCE/PAPJE/PAPKE/PAPLE/PAPME), NGC, FNAG, FNA, tivities for (ASC)Continuing theAmericanSocietyofCytopathology states ofCalifornia andFloridaalsoapprove these AMA PRACategory

2 Continuing Education 9 146, 146, 74,76, 74,76, Page(s) Catalog 210-211 136-137 149-151 206-207, 206-207, Chemistry 89 84-86, Chemistry 56-58 Immunology Microbiology 175-178 Transfusion MedicineTransfusion 218-220 Continuing Education Programs Education Continuing Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Hematology and Clinical MicroscopyHematology and Clinical Microscopy 148 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 140 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 140 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 136 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org , BCP2 , EXM2 FH13-14 ING, RAP RAP ING, S2, S4, S5 S4, S2, CZ/CZX/CZ2X, Z CZ/CZX/CZ2X, C1, C3/C3X, C4, C7, C7, C4, C3/C3X, C1, IG, IGX, ANA, ASO, CRP, CRP, ASO, ANA, IGX, IG, Y, YY, DY, BGS,YY, DY, BU,Y, EPO, SMCD, SM1CD, SM2CD SM1CD, SMCD, Medicine Reproductive 156 FH1-FH4, FH6, FH9-10, FH9-10, FH6, FH1-FH4, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, J, J1, JE1, JAT, JATE1, EXM, EXM, JATE1, JAT, JE1, J1, J, MC1, MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5 MC4, MC3, MC2, MC1, HCG, IM, RF, RUB, IL, M, OLI, OLI, M, IL, RUB, RF, IM, HCG, G, LPE, SPE, UBJP, RDS, CCP, CCP, RDS, UBJP, SPE, LPE, G, Surveys Educational Activities Surveys tion BCP Transfusion Medicine Transfusion Embryology EMB Medicine Reproductive 157 Semen Analysis ASA SV, SM, PV, SC1, SC, Medicine Reproductive 156 Sperm Count, Motility, Morphology, Morphology, Motility, Sperm Count, and Viability Limited Bacteriology Limited Bacteriology Actinomycetes and Aerobic Mycology F D Microbiology 189 Microbiology 173 Immunology Virtual Body Fluid Cell DifferentialBone Marrow Clinical Microscopy HistoQIPCAP/NSH BMD DSC OCB, GOCB, CMP1, CMP, VBF HQIP Histology 268 Hematology Automated Differentials Differentials Hematology Automated FH Series Blood Cell Identifica Blood CytogeneticsBasic Hematology HEP HE, CYBK CY, Cytogenetics 240 Coagulation, LimitedCoagulation, CGDF CGL, CGB, Coagulation 160 Endocrinology Quality Cross Check—Whole Blood Glucose Blood Check—Whole Quality Cross WBGQ Chemistry 41 Program Name Program Drugs Therapeutic Chemistry and General Code Program Discipline

Surveys Continuing Education Activities Continuing Education Surveys and earn activities in education can enroll team your every member of Surveys, participates in CAP laboratory When your steps: these follow Simply charge. at no additional education (CE) credit continuing account. Web Establish a free 1. in the Participant Summary or Final Critique. provided a reading Complete 2. learning assessment questions. Answer online 3. Claim CE certificate. 4. months. a maximum of 12 activities for education Surveys staff can access the of your member Each

2 Continuing Education 10 oeMro elDfeeta M atcpn umr 140 140 144 Summary Participant Summary Participant Summary Participant BMD BCP, BCP2 EHE1 AutomatedHematology Differentials FHSeries Extended PeripheralVirtual BloodSmear Bone Marrow CellDifferential Blood CellIdentification andClinicalMicroscopyHematology Peripheral BloodSmears QP194 - The ImpactofPathologist Review on Carcinoma QP193 -Expression Rates inInvasive Breast QP192 -OpioidDrug Testing Stewardship lo aaieB atcpn umr/ia rtqe193 148 141 Summary/FinalCritique Participant 144 136 146-147 ParticipantSummary BP Summary Participant ParticipantSummary Summary Participant Summary Participant VBF CMP, CMMP, CMP1 HG HE, HEP VPBS Blood Parasite Microbiology Clinical Microscopy PeripheralVirtual BloodSmear BodyFluid Virtual Basic Hematology es 1PriiatSmayFnlCiiu 189 192 Summary/FinalCritique Participant Summary/FinalCritique Participant 188 F1 Summary/FinalCritique Participant P 174 Summary/FinalCritique Participant E DEX Parasitology Yeast Mycobacteriology Expanded Bacteriology omIetfcto I atcpn umr 194 ParticipantSummary 193 Summary Participant WID TMO Worm Identification Ticks, Mites, andOtherArthropods olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists • are subjecttoThese opportunities change. Refer to Summary/FinalCritique for theParticipant availability. • CAP Self-Reported Training donotofferCEcredit, Opportunities butcanbeusedtoward fulfilling requirements for certific *Notes: When your laboratory inCAP participates Surveys, Surveys Self-Reported Training Opportunities requirements. by agencies such astheAmericanSocietyfor Clinical Pathology (ASCP) rga aePormCd Source Program Code QP191 - Technical StaffingRatios Quality Management Tools Program Name Continuing Education Programs Self-Reported TrainingOpportunities* every memberofyour team FH1P–FH13P FH1–FH13, P9 ia rtqe28 27 26 25 FinalCritique FinalCritique FinalCritique FinalCritique QP194 QP193 QP192 QP191 . Pleaseverifywithyour agency certifying to determine canreceive self-reported training opportunities. atcpn umr 136 Participant Summary ation maintenance your education Catalog Page(s) 2 Continuing Education that 11 e and teaming with patients, with patients, e and teaming the post-test, with feedback the post-test, tive consultation in the context tive consultation in the context Continuing Education Programs Education Continuing in your own laboratory, appraise and appraise own laboratory, in your s (such as the CAP) require participants pass require s (such as the CAP) 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org ctive information exchang ctive information Visit the CAP website for the current list of programs list of programs current the for website Visit the CAP and national health care systems, and support health care systems, and national health care ovide appropriate and effec ovide appropriate pass the post-test in an enduring program to claim credit; credit; claim to in an enduring program pass the post-test Certification (MOC) is the board certification program that that certificationCertification program is the board (MOC) t an American Board of Pathology (ABP) board-certified (ABP) board-certified of Pathology Board t an American ee opportunities to take and pass ee opportunities take to esponsibilities, adherence to ethical principles, and sensitivity to and sensitivity to ethical principles, to adherence esponsibilities, edits meet the CC Part II: Lifelong Learning requirements. Some programs will Some programs requirements. Learning Lifelong edits meet the CC Part II:

evaluate diagnostic and laboratory practices practices diagnostic and laboratory evaluate This activity fulfills the SAM credit requirements for CC and is therefore eligible for SAM eligible for CC and is therefore for requirements the SAM credit activity fulfills This tablished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate sciences and the application of this sciences and cognate clinical, tablished and evolving biomedical, The AMA mandates that all education provider mandates The AMA lifelong learning and competency in a specialty and/or subspecialty. subspecialty. and/or in a specialty and competency learning lifelong professional associates. professional

credit. Participants who successfully complete an online assessment may apply their earned credit(s) to the ABP’s the ABP’s to their earned credit(s) apply may an online assessment complete Participants who successfully credit. SAM requirements. Self Assessment Module:

*Enduring programs are those courses that endure over time such as print or online courses. as print or online courses. are those courses that endure over time such *Enduring programs involves continuous professional development and ensures tha and ensures development continuous professional involves to pathologist is committed Programs levels. or the individual at the laboratory CC Part IV Module (SAM) and/or Self-Assessment for meet the requirements the description of the program. identified within are that meet Part IV and patient care. practices laboratory and improve scientific evidence, assimilate Care Patient and pr level of diagnostic competence a satisfactory Demonstrate Continuing CertificationContinuing (CC) of as Maintenance known formerly CertificationContinuing (CC), the ABP by (ABMS) and endorsed of Medical Specialties American Board the defined by categories six competency are There below with their descriptions. listed are They specific CC requirements. fulfill to CME cr activities providing education All CAP meet the requirements for CC Part II and Part IV. for meet the requirements Communication Skills and Interpersonal in effe result and communication skills that interpersonal Demonstrate and families, patients’ Medical Knowledge and investigate ability to Demonstrate of pathology services. Professionalism r carrying out professional a commitment to Demonstrate patient population. diverse Practice Systems-Based regional, local, of and contribution to understanding Demonstrate definition. practice in systems-based Demonstrate knowledge of es knowledge Demonstrate pathology. knowledge to and Improvement Learning Practice-Based Note to CME/CE participants: assessment questions in an enduring* program in order to earn and claim CME credits. All participants in any activity granting All participants activity granting in any earn and claim CME credits. to in order assessment questions in an enduring* program claiming their credits. and pass assessment questions before complete to CME/CE will be required of thr a total Participants have CME/SAM activities ONLY: For provided after each question. The AMA requires that participants The AMA requires each question. after provided cannot claim credit. they do not pass, if they therefore,

2 Continuing Education erptooyPormN/P 0**N nie(iiaSoe 276 Online(DigitalScope) NA 10**** PAP Education)*** PT Program (withGlassSlide PAPGlass SlideCytopathology NP/NP1 PAP EducationProgram*** Gynecologic Cytopathology Neuropathology Program Cytopathology Education** Cytopathology Nongynecologic Hematopathology Digital SlideProgram in oescPtooyF/R 25**1. nie286 Online 12.5 282 Online(DigitalScope) 12.5**** 10 FR/FR1 10 Forensic Pathology FNA/FNA1 Glass Slides Fine-Needle Aspiration Digital SlideProgram inFNA* 12 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists ****SAM credits are includedinCMEtotals for theappropriate programs. ***PAP provides upto 8CME/CEcredits for glassslides. **NGC provides upto 20CME/CEcredits for theglassslidesand5CME/CEcredits for oftheprogram. theonlineslideportion *Program isavailable for purchase online. Goto cap.org andchoose theLearning tab. in Dermatopathology* Digital SlideProgram Program* Clinical Pathology Improvement uos ahlg U/U11.** AOln 275 Online NA 12.5**** AUP/AUP1 Program Code Autopsy Pathology Program Name Continuing Education Programs PAPMPT/APAPMPT PAPKPT/APAPKPT PAPCPT/APAPCPT PAPLPT/APAPLPT PAPME/APAPME PAPJPT/APAPJPT PAPKE/APAPKE PT/PT11.** 2Oln Dgtlcp)145 Online(DigitalScope) 12 12.5**** HPATH/HPATH1 PAPCE/APAPCE PAPLE/APAPLE PAPJE/APAPJE NGFA11 0Glass 283 10 Slides FNAG/FNAG1 10 Series 1or2 G/G125 NGC/NGC1 PT/PT11** AOnline(DigitalScope NA 15**** DPATH/DPATH1 PPCI11** AOln 14 Online NA 15**** CPIP/CPIP1 Education Programs CME Category1Credits Maximum Annually ls lds278 GlassSlides Glass 277 8 8 Slides 8 AMA PRA ™

CE Credits Maximum Annually With OnlineCases (DigitalScope) Glass Slides Format ® 265 ) 281 Catalog Page Page 2 Continuing Education 13

Page Catalog Format Continuing Education Programs Education Continuing Annually Maximum CE Credits CE Credits

™ 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org wing system. DigitalScope is supported with Microsoft DigitalScope is supported Microsoft with wing system. AMA PRA to cap.org and select CONTACT & SUPPORT. The download & SUPPORT. and select CONTACT cap.org to Firefox 4.0 or later, Safari 3, and the latest Google Chrome and the latest Safari 3, 4.0 or later, Firefox Annually Maximum CME Category 1 Credits Education Programs Education VIP/VIP1 3VIP/VIP1 3 Online 250 PIP/PIP1 40 NA Slides Glass 263 TICP/TICP1 10**** 10 Online (DigitalScope) 267 PIPW/PIPW1 40 NA (DigitalScope) Online 262 opportunities, publications, publications, opportunities, on your 2018 order) on your Simplify Your Life with our Online Store Life Your Simplify quality management PT, can order You learning programs, and more. can: you online store, the From (based quote 2019 prepopulated your Review • menu test based on your • Add new programs and billing information shipping your • Manage on the and click visit cap.org get started, To tab. SHOP Performance Improvement Improvement Performance Pathology in Surgical Program Program Name Program Code Program Online Performance Online Performance in Program Improvement Pathology* Surgical Only Interpretation Variant Program Virtual Program* Biopsy VBP/VBP1 25**** NA Online (DigitalScope) 264 Nongynecologic Cytopathology Imprint/ Touch Intraoperative Program* Preparation Crush

Internet Explorer 11.0 (limited support for IE 9 and 10) or later, and 10) or later, IE 9 support 11.0 (limited for Explorer Internet System Requirements System and vie whole slide image (WSI) retrieval DigitalScope is a Web-based *Program is available for purchase online. Go to cap.org and choose the Learning tab. the Learning and choose cap.org Go to online. purchase for is available *Program programs. the appropriate for in CME totals included are ****SAM credits version. go requirements, on system information the most up-to-date For computer’s connection, Internet activity will vary depending on the type and speed of your of the speed and the appearance and browser. power,

2 Continuing Education Cases may includepatienthistory, • case-r Case topics may originate from theABP’s general • listingsuggested for CC Monthly individualCPIP casescanalsobeordered online. Goto cap.org and • clinical pathology. Pathologists andresidents canuseCPIP onlineto assessandimprove theirskillsin Additional Information 14 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists slide images. genetic pathology. chemistry, coagulation, hematology, including laboratory administration andoper 800-323-4040 or847-832-7000option1. choose theLearning tab. To order bothCPIP andCPIP1, pleasecall scores onpost-tests may apply theirearnedcredits to theABP’s CCSAMrequirements. Cases includethought-provoking questionswithfeedback andamultipl revealed information andaseriesofprompts to CPIP casesfeature real-life casescenarios, includingimag (CC)requirements,Certification formerly (MOC). knownasMaintenance ofCertification to earnuptoan opportunity 15CME/SAMcredits annually. The ClinicalPathology Improvement Program (CPIP)delivers 12onlineclinicallaboratory casesto study—onepermonth—and ImprovementClinical Pathology Program (CPIP) rga aePormCd Cases/Year Program Code Online casesinclinicalpathology Program Name Continuing Education Programs Clinical Pathology ImprovementClinical Pathology Program CPIP/CPIP1 immunology, microbiology, andmolecular elated staticimag ations, transfusion medicine, arrive ataresolution—just asinthelaboratory. CPIP/CPIP1 ] Assessandimprove skillsandfulfill clinicalpathology Continuing es andclinicalbackground. workthrough Participants sequentially es, andwhole 12 e-choice post-test. whoearnpassing Participants Program Information Twelve casesperyear; your • Thisactivity meetsthe • • CPIP1 -Additional • CPIP - Oneonlineclinical • amaximumof15 Earn Category 1Credits™) CME/SAM credits activity isavailable notified viaemailwhenthe CAP shipping contactwillbe requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice with CPIP must order inconjunction op same institution)reporting pathologist (withinthe laboratory casepermonth tion withCME/SAMcredit;

(AMA PRA peryear 2 Continuing Education 15 Competency Assessment Program Assessment Competency plicable courses already loaded, and new courses loaded, already plicable courses ofiles allow your administrators easy, convenient easy, administrators ofiles allow your 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org that fits your lab. Please refer to the ordering the ordering to Please refer lab. that fits your Safety & Compliance Courses** by CLIA and the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program. Accreditation Laboratory CLIA and the CAP by more information, visit cap.org and choose Learning Learning and choose visit cap.org information, more a package of seven non-credit, complementary safety and non-credit, of seven a package Competency Assessment Program with Optional Assessment Program Competency refresher learning opportunity, reassessment courses are included. are courses reassessment opportunity, learning refresher Courses are available for users throughout the subscription period. throughout users for available are Courses standard Competency Assessment Program subscription. Assessment Program Competency standard t changes in regulations or best practices. in regulations t changes CLIA. Customizable to fit your specific laboratory’s procedures, Competency Competency procedures, specific laboratory’s fit your to Customizable CLIA. If the wide selection of ready-made training courses (Pro Courses) doesn’t meet your your meet doesn’t Courses) (Pro courses training If the wide selection of ready-made The program comes ready with multiple relevant, ap with multiple relevant, comes ready The program Generate management reports with just a few clicks. management reports with just a few Generate Many of the ready-made educational courses provide your staff the opportunity to earn CE credits. staff the opportunity earn CE credits. to your provide courses educational of the ready-made Many The Competency Assessment Program is cloud based, so it’s available 24/7 from any PC, laptop, or laptop, 24/7 available PC, any from so it’s is cloud based, Assessment Program The Competency Use instrument-specific checklists for assessing competency and training. assessing competency for checklists Use instrument-specific Stay on top of your documentation and records with easy-to-use management reports, employee progress progress employee management reports, with easy-to-use documentation and records of your on top Stay Tools like ChecklistBuilder, CourseBuilder, and Competency Pr and Competency CourseBuilder, ChecklistBuilder, like Tools 1 CA0001XCA0001 CA0001 + 2 to 502 to CA0050XCA0050 CA0050 + 51 to 250*51 to CA0250XCA0250 CA0250 + Be organized. at all times. is inspection-ready laboratory your so transcripts and individual employee tracking, results. Obtain real-time learning. your Strengthen need a if employees Plus, added every six months. are Customize training to your needs. your to training Customize procedures. standard exact laboratory’s your to courses can match You them. customize needs, time. Save methods to document all six areas of competency as defined of competency document all six areas methods to Stay focused. Stay tablet—wherever you have an Internet connection. connection. an Internet have you tablet—wherever Access anywhere. Remain in compliance. Remain Number of Users Assessment Program Competency • Workers Health Care for Awareness Tuberculosis • Safety Patient Prevention: Medical Error • Pathogens OSHA Bloodborne • Communication and Chemical Hygiene OSHA Hazard • Safety OSHA Electrical • Safety OSHA Fire Formaldehyde • OSHA • • Competency Assessment Program Assessment Competency

    compliance courses—appropriate for annual laboratory-specific compliance training and for clinical laboratory science clinical laboratory and for compliance training annual laboratory-specific for compliance courses—appropriate include: These courses clinical rotations. students prior to    Add Safety & Compliance Courses Especially Developed for the Laboratory Developed for Especially Add Safety & Compliance Courses offers Program Assessment Competency As an add-on option, Assessment Program offers benefits that simplify your documentation process. your benefits that simplify offers Assessment Program   Competency Assessment Program Competency competency personnel’s managing your in compliance by you helps keep Assessment Program Competency The CAP’s all six of the to compliance track to Assessment Program Competency Use the CAP’s and records. assessment performance assessment as defined by elements of competency About one of every four laboratories is cited for a deficiency related to its to related a deficiency for is cited laboratories every four About one of a part becoming this statistic. of can avoid You assessment records. competency The CAP updates these courses as necessary to reflec as necessary to these courses updates The CAP With the Competency Assessment Program, you can keep your laboratory organized and inspection-ready every day every day and inspection-ready organized laboratory your can keep you Assessment Program, With the Competency subscription Assessment Program Choose the Competency of the year. For pages. descriptions on the following and course information tab. via the Learning Professionals Laboratory for • • • • • • • • • • *For subscriptions for more than 250 users, please contact the CAP for more information. information. more for please contact the CAP than 250 users, more subscriptions for *For a subscriptions require **Safety & Compliance Course

2 Continuing Education 16 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rnlssBd lisCrbopnlfudaayi Semenanalysis Cerebrospinal fluidanalysis Urinalysis/Body Fluids Point-of-Care Testing Phlebotomy/Specimen Processing muooyQualitative HIV testing Safetyissuesinthe his Microbiology Immunology Histology aeyFr n lcrclsft Ergonomics Fire andelectricalsafety Safety Quality Programs/Management eaooyadCauainCommoncoagulation tests andCoagulation Hematology hmsr Liverandrenal testing Chemistry icpie aur 09RlaeJuly 2019Release January2019Release Medicine Blood Banking/Transfusion Discipline July 2019Release January2019Release Medicine—Generalist Blood Banking/Transfusion Discipline Medicine—Specialist Blood Banking/Transfusion hmsr ada imresTherapeutic drug monitoring Cardiac biomarkers Chemistry muooyHpttstsigRapidserology kittests 1 IHC-part Hepatitistesting White bloodcells Qualitymanagementinhistology Erythrocyte inclusions Immunology Histology andCoagulation Hematology irbooySeils lo utrsMicrobiolog Microbiolog cultures Blood cultures Blood Microbiology—Specialist Microbiology—Generalist Point-of-Care Testing Whole blood Whole Quality Programs/Management Point-of-Care Testing Phlebotomy/Specimen Processing aeyBodon ahgn General laboratory safety pathogens Bloodborne Safety rnlssBd lisPyia n hmcluiayi Microscopic urinalysis 1 -part Physical andchemical urinalysis Urinalysis/Body Fluids Competency AssessmentProgram Assessment Course Schedule reports, root cause analysis, corrective Investigating occurrences (occurrence Laboratory management: monitoring Challenges ofphlebo Gram stain: organism detection and blood collection, alternate sites, Whole bloodprothrombin time Pro Course Schedule Blood components—storage, Blood components—storage, Common pitfallsinspecimen the qualitycontrol program and INR(PT/INR) testing handling, andselection handling, andselection nioysre n DTr Antibody screen andID and difficultdraws differentiation processing action) lcs etn Bloodgastesting glucose testing tomy: pediatric ooylbrtr Specialstains laboratory tology urine drug testing programs andforensic Development andimplementationofa Molecular amplificationmethodsfor Specimen collectionfor workplace Quality control inthebloodbank detection ofinfectiousdiseases General specimenhandlingand quality managementprogram Urine andbodyfluidcultures testing, morphology, transportation requirementstransportation Quality control intheblood Chemistry QC, calibration, drug andalcoholtesting Competency evaluation and reportable rangeand reportable Cardiac biomarkers ansfusion y ofthegastrointestinal tract y ofthegastrointestinal tract bank laboratory and disorders laboratory reactions 2 Continuing Education 17 t. t. PUB316 Safety Data Sheet, and Safety Data Sheet, and proper work practices work practices and proper listed above do not offer CE credi listed Item number: Softcover; 128 pages; 2017 propriate for both experienced and newer both experienced for propriate Competency Assessment Program Assessment Competency 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org obiological safety cabinets, obiological safety cabinets, otection Agency diamond, the diamond, Agency otection eatment of electrical injuries. eatment hepatitis B and HIV. Focuses on proper handling of sharps, of sharps, handling on proper Focuses hepatitis B and HIV. electrical hazards commonly found in the clinical laboratory. Covers Covers laboratory. in the clinical found commonly electrical hazards monitoring, spill clean-up, and personal protective equipment. protective and personal spill clean-up, monitoring, Describes the OSHA Chemical Hygiene Standard and helps satisfy OSHA Standard Chemical Hygiene Describes the OSHA Provides background information about spread of tuberculosis, purified of tuberculosis, about spread information background Provides vailable for purchase separately. The courses The courses separately. purchase vailable for ory professionals can take to reduce the impact of medical errors in their in their of medical errors the impact reduce to can take ory professionals ctive medical error reduction program. Ap program. reduction ctive medical error , CDC guidelines, and methods of control. CDC guidelines, , Safety & Compliance Courses & Compliance Safety Includes potential causes of medical errors in the clinical laboratory, important in the clinical laboratory, medical errors causes of Includes potential fighting electrical fires, and tr fighting electrical fires, Addresses the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard as it applies to clinical and medical clinical and medical as it applies to standard Bloodborne Pathogens the OSHA Addresses Addresses electrical safety and electrical safety Addresses Covers essentials for any laboratory that uses formaldehyde or formalin. Shares facts about Shares or formalin. that uses formaldehyde laboratory any for essentials Covers Teaches the basics of fire safety in the clinical laboratory, including classes of fire and key acronyms, such as such acronyms, and key of fire including classes safety in the clinical laboratory, of fire the basics Teaches printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Understand how accreditation milestones advance patient safety initiatives Build high-reliability teams Engage the patient navigator to address safety issues through continuity and coordination of care Develop and implement a patient safety curriculum for the laboratory Prevent errors in communication, handoffs, and transitions Prevent errors in communication, patient safety Use technology to improve laboratory Learn how cognitive bias can contribute to patient safety errors • Or, view sample pages and order online: • Select Patient Safety in Anatomic & Clinical Pathology Laboratories (PUB316) on your Surveys order form. • • • • • • • Enhance the culture of patient safety in your laboratory Enhance the culture of patient in your laboratory to the overall Connect the patient safety culture enterprise. mission and goals of your health care Medical Error Prevention: Patient Safety. Patient Prevention: Medical Error Tuberculosis Awareness for Health Care Workers. Health Care for Awareness Tuberculosis OSHA Fire Safety. OSHA Fire OSHA Formaldehyde. OSHA Electrical Safety. OSHA Hazard Communication and Chemical Hygiene. Communication OSHA Hazard OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens.

Note: The Safety & Compliance courses are not a are courses The Safety & Compliance Note: PASS and RACE. Addresses fire prevention, drills, and firefighting techniques. and firefighting drills, prevention, fire Addresses and RACE. PASS formaldehyde, safety risks, proper handling procedure, proper safety risks, formaldehyde, prevention and safety measures, and safety measures, prevention laboratories. Covers major bloodborne pathogens, including bloodborne pathogens, major Covers laboratories. personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls such as micr such engineering controls (PPE), equipment protective personal handwashing. like laboratory personnel. laboratory legislation and definitions, and steps laborat and steps legislation and definitions, Serves as an ideal part of an effe workplace. protein derivative (PPD) testing procedures testing derivative (PPD) protein requirements for annual training. Explains Haz-Com, the National Fire Pr Fire the National Explains Haz-Com, training. annual for requirements practice. clinical laboratory applied to safety rules common-sense laboratory

2 Continuing Education 18 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists AllCAP QM • 4 CEcredits available using Lean andotherprocess improvement techniques. tactics from thedomainoflaboratory medicine. Itincludesvideo commentaryby CAP memberpathologists withexperience • CAP QM course provides focused amethodology on Increase your abilityto designnewprocesses, modifyexisting pr Order ISOEDMP Mistake Proofing 6 CEcredits available casestudy.based onaparticipant The course isdesignedfor laboratory qualitymanagers andimplementationteam members. actual examples ofcomplete root causeanalysis basedonprojects Learn real-world to conduc methodology Order ISOEDRC Root CauseAnalysis 2 CEcredits available shaping culture. Itincludesvideocommentaryby CAP memberpathologists. culture oftheirlaboratory through theirdecisionsandactions. The cour Designed for laboratory medicaldirectors, adminis Order ISOEDCL Quality Culture About theCourses Measure, analyze, andset goals withseniormanagement • Write aneffectivequalitymanual • Implementandrefine occurrence managementwithroot causeanalysis • Perform internal audits usingtracer auditandprocess auditmethods • Improve your documentcontrol system • Interpret ISO15189requirements • Planandresource for thedevelopmentofyour QMS • Self-assess your current QMSagainstinternational qualitystandards • Understand theconceptofaqualitymanagementsystem • CAP onlineQM • CAP CAP QualityManagement EducationalResources (QM • QM Program information medical laboratories. Learn qualitytools andtechniques withcaseexamples from QM QM improvement andLean efforts. Ed Ed ™ OnlineEducational Courses ™ Ed Ed OnlineEducationalCourses courses are delivered onlineviaahighly interactive userinterf courses helpyou buildaqualitymanagementsystem—one pieceatatime—thatsustainsyour continuous Ed Ed courses are licensedfor oneyear, allowsharingoflogins, andincludecontinuingeducation(CE)credit. courses willhelpyou: t aroot causeanalysis, alongwiththetools necessaryto implementit. Learn from five maincategories ofmistake-proo trative directors, qualitymanagers, Ed ) courses helpyou improve your processes andeliminate waste. ocesses, minimize mistakes, and in laboratories like yours. You willevenperform key steps se provides anadaptablepr ace thatallowsyou to atyour learn ownpace. fing tacticsandshowsexamples ofthese andotherleaders whocanaffectthe manage your risks. This ogram for proactively 2 Continuing Education

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Created specifically for the needs of the anatomic pathology Quality Management In laboratory, this comprehensive manual can help you develop, Anatomic Pathology implement, and maintain a comprehensive quality program. Learn Item number: PUB125 valuable tips for designing your own laboratory quality plan that Softcover; 228 pages; 135+ figures documents regulatory compliance. Text includes cross-references and tables; 2017 to the CAP’s Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists, Joint Commission standards, and CLIA ’88. SELECT IT ON YOUR SURVEYS ORDER FORM OR ORDER ONLINE Printed books at estore.cap.org Ebooks at ebooks.cap.org 3 Quality Management Tools ...... 25 ...... 29 ...... 24 ...... 28 of pathologist review of of pathologist review ...... 27 ...... 26 and result agreement for initial and definitive tests initial and definitive for agreement and result (QP192). (QP193). laboratories and HER2 with other PgR, ER, (QP194). blood smears peripheral Engage in quality measures with the quality measures in Engage programs. Q-PROBES™ latest (QP191). levels optimal staffing into • Gain insight times turnaround testing drug opioid urine Benchmark • for rates cancer expression breast invasive Compare • the impact Investigate • ...... 37 ...... 31

Quality Management Tools ......


Clinical Pathology Monitors Anatomic Pathology Monitor 3 Physician Satisfaction with Clinical Laboratory Services (QP181) Laboratory Staff Turnover (QP182) (QP183) Technical Competency Assessment of Body Fluid Slide Review (QP184) Laboratory Result Turnaround Time for Emergency Room Specimens Monitoring of Troponin Metrics for Suspected MI (QM1) Discontinued Programs New Programs ...... Technical Staffing Ratios (QP191) Q-PROBES™ ...... Quality Management Tools Q-TRACKS Opioid Drug Testing Stewardship (QP192) Expression Rates in Invasive Breast Carcinoma (QP193) The Impact of Pathologist Review of Peripheral Blood Smears (QP194)

3 Quality Management Tools 22 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Certification (CC),Certification formerly (MOC)requirements. knownasMaintenance ofCertification Q-PROBES andQ-TRACKS activitiesmeet theAmericanBoard ofPathology Continuing • • • • • laboratories,anatomic pathology examining identifying qualityimprovement ofselected opportunities key processes intheclinicaland Purchase Q-PROBESorQ-TRACKS combinationpackages andsave. Use theCAP’s QualityManagement Tools (QMT) to Q-TRACKS Q-PROBES™ Quality Management Tools Clinical Pathology Monitors (includesall10CP monitors) CP/AP Q-TRACKS Monitors (combined CP/AP moduleincludesall11QT monitors) Four Q-PROBESstudies(includesallfour studies) Module/Package ult Mngmn Tools Management Quality individual reports provided to participants monitoring tools developedby laboratory professionals andscientists Easily integrate qualitymanagement into your daily work processes Improve efficiencies Make effectivequalitymanagement decisions Monitor progress comparable demographics Establish realistic goals ® AProgram for ContinuousQualityMonitoring AOne-Time to Opportunity Perform In-Depth QualityAssessment through uniqueandrobust qualityindicators onaperiodicalbasis to allowtimefor more patient-centricactivities by comparingperformance againstsimilarinstitutionswith preanalytical, analytical, andpostanalytical phases: improve the Totalimprove TestingProcess basedonpractical andin-depth withpredesigned Program Code by by PRO QTP QTC 3 Quality Management Tools



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Select Q-PROBES and Q-TRACKS studies and Q-TRACKS Select Q-PROBES quality improvement supportto your initiatives. Corrected Results (QT16) Results Corrected (QT17) Entry Errors Outpatient Order Stat Test Turnaround Time Outliers (QT8) Turnaround Stat Test Reporting (QT10) Values Critical Times (QT15) Turnaround Troponin Gynecologic Cytology Outcomes: Gynecologic Cytology Outcomes: (QT5) Performance Correlation Biopsy Satisfaction With Outpatient Laboratory Specimen Acceptability (QT3) Laboratory (QT4) Wastage Product Blood In-Date Smears (QP194) (QP194) Smears Q-TRACKS (QT1) Identification Accuracy Patient (QT2) Contamination Blood Culture The Impact of Pathologist The Impact of Pathologist Opioid Drug Testing Stewardship (QP192) (QP192) Stewardship Testing Opioid Drug Breast in Invasive Rates Expression (QP193) Carcinoma Q-PROBES Staffing Ratios (QP191) Technical benchmarking key measures of laboratory performance (GEN.13806, GEN.20316, COM.04000). The Joint Commission requires accredited Joint Commission requires The COM.04000). GEN.20316, (GEN.13806, performance of laboratory measures key benchmarking §493.1299). §493.1289, (§493.1249, systems and postanalytic analytic, identified in preanalytic, problems correct

*The CAP requires accredited laboratories to have a quality management plan that covers all areas of the laboratory and include of the laboratory all areas a quality management plan that covers have to laboratories accredited requires *The CAP hospitals to regularly collect and analyze performance data (PI.01.01.01, PI.02.01.01). CLIA requires laboratories to monitor, monitor, to laboratories CLIA requires PI.02.01.01). data (PI.01.01.01, performance collect and analyze regularly hospitals to complement your quality management program needs.* program management quality your complement offer a comprehensive collection of tools to to collection of tools offer a comprehensive Q-PROBES and Q-TRACKS and Q-PROBES


Quality Managementhot topics andindustrytrends to keep thelaboratory current. the past orthat are not commonly monitored inmostlaboratories. Q-PROBESstudiesanalyze Tools monitoring howtolearn andmeasuringkey start pr 24 individual participant’s performance compared againstotherparticipants. predetermined dates. Basedonsubmitted data, theCAP provides personalized withthe reports formerly (MOC)requirements. knownasMaintenance ofCertification Q-PROBES activities meet theAmericanBoard (CC), ofPathology ContinuingCertification thatNotification are ofthescientificarticles published withtheresults ofthestudies • Data Analysis andCritiquethatincludesdata • Individual report, howto interpret theresults • Templates andinstruc • • User guide Participants intheQ-PROBESprogramParticipants receive: to beutilized for further analysis. the form ofscientificarticles. anextra Such giveparticipants articles layer ofinformation consolidated results ofthestudiesare carefully reviewed andanalyzed to bepublishedin in-depth discussionandidentifybest practices for laborat olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists 1 Implement qualitymonitoring— A One-Time to Perform Opportunity In-DepthQualityAssessment Strengthen your qualityassessmentexpertise— Gain experience indata collection andanalysis— Q-PROBES Q-PROBES studiesare available only onetime annually andmay not berepeated inthefuture. guide, overall aggregated data experts onimprovementexperts opportunities practices andcommentariesfrom pathologist distributions andinitialanalysis oflaboratory Q-PROBES tions for datacollection Use Q-PROBES short-term comprehensiveUse Q-PROBESshort-term qualitystudies ocesses thatyou may nothavefollowed in The CAP’s pathologist provide experts Participants willcollectdataduring Participants Performancenote:Thebargraphrangesfromthe10thto90thpercentile.thickverticallinerepresentsmedianvalue. ABO mislabeledspecimenrate(per1000 specimens) Estimated ABO typingresultdiscrepancyrate(per1000 ilbldAOseie eeto ae()(n=15) Mislabeled ABOspecimenrejectionrate(%) specimens) (n=29) iceace pr10 pcmn)(n=30) discrepancies (per1000specimens) Additional Information Performance Indicator annual (n=30) ories to strivefor. In addition, Lowerpercentiles(shadedareaandlower)representbetterrelativeperformance. rate ofABOtypingresult Quality ManagementReport:IndividualReportofResults Q-PROBES 2015:QP151-BloodBankSafetyPractices TM Result Your .800 .418.19 4.04 0.00 3.68  (left edge of box) 10th All InstitutionsPercentiles Result 100.0 Your 0.23 2.17 (vertical line) 50th 0h5t 90th 50th 10th All InstitutionsPercentiles 89100100.0 0.41 100.0 88.9 1.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (right edge of box) 90th 0 101520 5 0 Performance Distribution  1 to to 3 Quality Management Tools

s. 25 Q-PROBES y/immunology, microbiology, microbiology, y/immunology, four sections relative to overall overall to sections relative four oups with similar billable test profile test oups with similar billable 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org erent areas of the laboratory, calculate key staffing key calculate of the laboratory, areas erent address CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program Checklist Checklist Program Accreditation Laboratory CAP address usage reports to obtain billable test counts and staffing obtain billable test usage reports to overall laboratory staffing levels and on their staffing staffing levels and on their staffing laboratory overall thology, chemistry/hematolog thology, will benchmark your laboratory’s staffing ratios against those against ratios staffing laboratory’s your will benchmark diagnosis, and treatment of disease by performing tests in tests performing of disease by and treatment diagnosis, t clinical laboratory costs. This Q-PROBES study is designed This Q-PROBES study is designed costs. t clinical laboratory other institutions participating in this study. will calculate staffing ratios for these for staffing ratios will calculate , and where applicable, against peer gr against applicable, and where ,

in managing those costs and gauging their staffing levels. in managing those costs Technical Staffing Ratios QP191 Staffing Ratios Technical This is a one-time study conducted in the first quarter. quarter. in the first This is a one-time study conducted

ks/histology non-management FTE Objectives in diff staffing levels measure The aim of this Q-PROBES study is to Indicators Performance • Laboratory Overall Enrollment in this Q-PROBES study will help laboratory directors directors in this Q-PROBES study will help laboratory Enrollment of the laboratory. meet the needs to available are of personnel sufficient numbers requires which TLC.11300, statement with those of ratios all staffing and compare ratios, Data Collection and revenue or institution’s Participants will use their laboratory fiscal year. completed the most recently for figures o FTE (FTE)/management equivalent employees full-time laboratory Non-management o FTE Specimen accessioning FTE/non-management o staff FTEs laboratory FTE/all quality assurance Laboratory o FTE send-out tests/non-management preparing FTEs o accessioning FTE Billable tests/specimen • Pathology Anatomic o Histology bloc o non-management FTE Cytology accessions/cytology o FTE Non-management FTE/management • Chemistry/Hematology/Immunology o FTE billable tests/non-management Total o FTE Non-management FTE/management • Microbiology o FTE billable tests/non-management Total o FTE Non-management FTE/management • Medicine Transfusion o FTE or type and screens/non-management Crossmatches o FTE units/non-management Transfused o FTE Non-management FTE/management of other institutions participatingof other institutions study in this levels for four laboratory testing sections including anatomic pa sections including anatomic testing laboratory four levels for to produce data that will assist laboratorians data that will assist laboratorians produce to participating data on their in this study will submit Laboratories Introduction in the detection, an importantstaff play role Laboratory laboratories. These staff account for two-thirds of direc two-thirds These staff account for laboratories. we these levels, From medicine. and transfusion We and billable tests. managerial staffing, staffing, laboratory

3 Quality Management Tools 26 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Each participating laboratoryEach participating willprovide additional analysis (eg, immunoassay, chromatography, massspectr testing (initial, definitive, orboth)are eligible for par testing, ordefinitivetesting only, to may identifygapsintesting protocols thatproduce initialresults if changes shouldbemadeto themethodsandprocesses usedto test urinespecimensfor opioiddrugs. Participants and to examine differences betweeninitialandde The purposeofthisstudyisto benchmark opioidurinedrug tes Objectives PC.01.02.07, PI.01.01.01, andPI.02.01.01. establishment ofprotocols, qualitymetricscoll standards for hospitalsthrough oversight ofd inthisQ-PROBESstudyhelpsaddr Participation document thatlowlevelsofadrug are testing ofaspecimenisusedto confirmthatadrug dete which apositiveresult isproduced; thesetests are often not definitive testing. Initialtests are usedto identifyclassesofdr that laboratories andclinicsuseto test urinespecimensfor thepresence ofdrugs. TATs willbemeasured for bothinitialand treatment programs, chronic painmanagementprograms, orby p This Q-PROBESstudy willfocus onnon-emergency laboratory urinedrug testing ofpatients(eg, such asthoseindrug testing methodology, canhave po methods. The turnaround times(TATs) oftheinitialanddefinitivete more sensitivedefinitive(confirmat Specimens are generally tested usingoneoftwoapproaches: diversion, anddocumentingthatcommonunprescribed and/or undiscloseddrugs are notbeingtaken. in chronic painandaddiction programs by evaluatingcompliance to address thedrug epidemic, includingmonitoring patientsthrough drug testing. Drug testing plays role animportant account for many ofthesedeaths. Comprehensive programs that focus ondrug prescriptions anddependency are required Deaths dueto drug overdose continueto riseacross thecountry. Opioids, traditionally prescribed for chronic painmitigation, Introduction definitive test. Studyresults willbeprovided basedonthe TATs time, andtest result timewillbecollected for each initialte Time intervals may beretrieved from thehealthcare orlaboratory information system. Specimencollectiontime, accession services, andphysician referrals. ordered for drug testing onpatientsfrom non-emergenc willretrospectivelyParticipants record collection, Data Collection Performance Indicators such asprotocol for initialanddefinitive testing, anddrug panelavailability.

Timefrom definitivetesting or • Timefrom samplecollectionto initialtest result • Timefrom initialtest accessionto initialtest result • Timefrom samplecollectionto initialtest accession • Percent agreement betweeninitialtest results anddefinitivetest results (%) • Q-PROBES Opioid Drug Testing Stewardship QP192 This isaone-timestudyconducted inthesecondquarter. der to definitivetest result tential effectsonpatientcare and receive TAT results reflective of ory) methods, oralternatively, by tar not present wheninitialtesting isnegative. evelopment andmonitoring performance improvement activities, ection, datareview, anddata analysis: LD.04.03.13, MS.05.01.01, ess thefollowing Joint Commissionpainassessmentandmanagement finitive test results. Laboratories may usethis TAT datato determine accession, andresult timesfor upto 50outpatienturinespecimens ticipation. willprovide Participants drug testing method(s)usedfo general practice characteristics r y sources includingchronic programs, painsupport addiction ometry), andlocation ofdrug testing willberecorded. cted oninitialtesting istruly present andinsomecases, to st. Definitiveorder timeandresult timewillbecollected for designed to detect lowerconcentra by initial (screening) rapid methodsthatmay befollowed by that are reported to enableinstitutionsonly performing init ugs present intheurineandrely onasetthreshold above ting turnaround timesfor initialanddefinitivetesting, hysician referral) by examining test TATs, andthemethods that are inconsistent withde their testing process. Institutionsthatsendoutopi with treatment, physicians alerting to potential drug sts, aswelltheperformance characteristics ofthe personal aspectsofapatient’s life. geted testing only (noscreening) usingdefinitive elated to opioiddrug testing, finitive testing results. tions ofadrug. Definitive oid oid r each each ial ial

3 Quality Management Tools 27 Q-PROBES (ER) and progesterone (PgR) (ER) and progesterone collected, such as antibody clones used as antibody clones used such collected, testing of estrogen of estrogen testing their predictive marker results with those of other results marker their predictive 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org and HER2 2+ and 3+ result rates from the previous the previous from rates and HER2 2+ and 3+ result management program encompassing all aspects of encompassing all management program e, histologic tumor type, method of assessment, tumor method of assessment, tumor type, histologic e, age, where applicable, to provide participants further provide to applicable, where age, ccreditation Program Checklist statement ANP.22970, annual ANP.22970, statement Checklist Program ccreditation guideline suggests periodic trend analysis to confirm an appropriate to analysis periodic trend suggests guideline tient population served by the laboratory. the laboratory. by tient population served involved in expression testing will be testing in expression involved This is a one-time study conducted in the third quarter. in the third This is a one-time study conducted est that laboratories enact a quality est that laboratories Expression Rates in Invasive Breast Carcinoma QP193 Carcinoma Breast in Invasive Rates Expression • (%) rate ER positive Introduction immunohistochemical for recommendations guideline The 2010 ASCO/CAP Data Collection cancer cases. breast all invasive from results and HER2 test PgR, ER, participants will provide During a one-month period, including patient ag will be collected Other case-specific factors Indicators Performance • (%) rate PgR positive • (%) 2+ rate HER2 score • (%) 3+ rate HER2 score insight into this analytic phase of immunohistochemical testing. phase of immunohistochemical this analytic insight into and tissue type. grade, institution level ER/PgR positive rates, Participants will also provide annual data aggregation. or most recent calendar year practices general regarding Information in testing. Objectives HER2 with those of other laboratories. and PgR, ER, for rates cancer expression breast invasive compare This study aims to type and patient histologic by will be stratified rates Expression result comparison of immunohistochemical tests performed on invasive breast carcinoma specimens. carcinoma breast on invasive performed tests of immunohistochemical comparison result laboratories, and address compliance with CAP Laboratory A Laboratory with CAP compliance and address laboratories, Enrollment in QP193 will assist participating laboratories in comparing in QP193 will assist participating laboratories Enrollment receptors in breast cancer sugg in breast receptors the phase of testing, analytic the to With regard testing. in the pa cancers breast number of ER-positive

3 Quality Management Tools 28 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Participants willprovideParticipants additionalinformation aboutgeneral PB smearpathologistreviews, PB a morphologicdiagnosisand/or recommendations for evaluation. further This studywillinvestigate theimpact Objectives regardingstatement HEME.34600 criteria for bloodfilmreview. Enrollment address the inthisQ-PROBESstudywillhelpparticipants review policy inorder to focus pathologisttime reviews by pathologists may PB smearreviews directly requested by providers, caref presence suchas ofsignificantmorphologicabnormalities Pathologists reviewing peripheral bloodsmears canplay api proportion ofPBsmearreview casesby pathologists by laboratory directors basedontheInternational SocietyofLaboratory guidelines. Hematology Inaddition, asignificant typically performed criteria, oncasesthat meetcertain eitherrecommended by manufacturingcompaniesorestablished microscopic reviews ofperipheral blood(PB)smears by thete provide greater accuracy andimprove thedete Automated analyzers hematology thatpr Introduction Additional Measures Performance Indicators including thechosen criteria thatresult in requested by technologists select clinically relevant findingsthatthey review, includingtherequest source andreason for ther peripheral smeardifferentials, andtherate ofperipheral smeardiff study willprovide ameasure oftherate ofperipheral smear technologist or provider, andmeasure therate During afour-week studyperiod, will participants Data Collection all complete bloodcounts(CBCs)performed duringthestudyperiod. Peripheral smears thatundergo pathologist • Peripheral smears thatundergo pathologistrevie • Rate ofclinically relevant findingsdisclosedby pathol • Rate ofclinically relevant findingsdisclosedby pa • Q-PROBES The ImpactofPathologist Review ofPeripheral , pathologistagreement statuswill berecorded. not addsignificantvalue. Inthisscenario, laboratories may consideradjustingthePBsmear This isaone-timestudyconducted inthefourth quarter. smear differentials, andCBCsperformed during of peripheral bloodsmearreview by the oduce image-guided celldifferential countsandmorphologicflagspotentially a pathologist-reviewed slide. added to thecaseduringtheirreview from astandardized list. short For cases Blood Smears QP194 ofdetection ofclinically relevant ction ofmorphologicabnormalitiesinperipheral bloodspecimens. Manual review/All CBCs performed duringthestudyperiod(%) and expertise onthosecasesthattrulyand expertise require it. prospectively collectinf w/All manualdifferentials performed duringthestudyperiod(%) thologists duringprovider-ordered PBsmearreview (%) are directly requested by providers. ul reviews by experienced technologists are often sufficient, and equest for bothinpatientsand ogists duringtechnologist-reques blasts, schistocytes, andmalignantlymphocytes. However, for differentials thatundergo pathol votal role inpatientcare by recognizing andconfirmingthe chnologist, andsubsequently by peripheral bloodsmearreview erentials thatundergo pathol CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program Checklist Inaddition, thetotal numberofprovider-ordered ormation onPBsmears requested for pathologist Pathologists willindicate pathologist whenrequested by the findings reported by thepathologist. The the studyperiodwillbecollected. outpatients. Pathologists will ted PBsmearreview (%) ogist review compared to all practices intheirinstitutions, thepathologist, are ogist review compared to if theirreview provided 3 Quality Management Tools 29 Q-TRACKS Step 3: Monitor improvement over time to ensure accurate results, patient safety, and quality patient care. 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Step 2: Identify improvement opportunities. trends, and suggested areas for improvement. for areas and suggested trends, hanges in key processes. The individual reports include performance performance include The individual reports processes. hanges in key Trend Analysis Report: January-March Q-TRACKS: QT3 - Laboratory Specimen Acceptability Q-TRACKS: QT3 - Laboratory Specimen Acceptability (most like you) External Comparison Report: January-March Q-TRACKS: QT3 - Laboratory Specimen Acceptability Establish realistic benchmarks by comparing Establish realistic benchmarks by your laboratory to others like yours. Step 1: Q-TRACKS

Evaluate quality improvements Evaluate c impact of implemented the effectiveness and Measure Identify and monitor opportunities for quality improvement over time quality improvement opportunitiesIdentify and monitor for measures. quality improvement your identify opportunities quantitate to to programs Use established Q-TRACKS information, benchmarking over time, of quality indicators A Program for Continuous Quality Monitoring Continuous for A Program

3 Quality Management Tools 30 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists (Country Code001). Buy multiplecopiesandsave. of Certification (MOC)requirements.of Certification • intheQ-TRACKSParticipants program receive: • Q-TRACKS activitiesmeettheAmericanBoard ofPatholog • • • • • • • to theclassicreferenceguide. procure aqualitybloodspecimenwiththismodernupdate and testing.Ensureeveryoneonyourteamisequippedto Up to70%oflaboratoryerrorsoccurpriorsampleanalysis So you’regoingtocollectabloodspecimen • • Or, viewsamplepagesand orderonline: Peer directory Quarterly thatincludefingerprintclus reports Templates andinstruc User Guide Q-TRACKS comparisons ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org Four waystoinspireconfidenceinyourpatient Special considerationsforthedifficultvenipuncture neonatal screening Procedures forbloodsmears,cultures,and and storage Best practicesforcollection,transporting,processing, and infantheelstick Step-by-step instructionsforvenipuncture,skinpuncture, tions for datacollection Call800-323-4040option1 ters, customer-defined groups, andallinstitution y Continuing Certification (CC),y ContinuingCertification formerly knownasMaintenance 30+ imagesandtables;2017 Spiral bound;84pages; Item number: PUB225 3 Quality Management Tools s 31 Q-TRACKS for all phlebotomies all phlebotomies for (%) contamination rate Overall • Alpha-hemolytic viridans group viridans group Alpha-hemolytic sp. Participants have the option to Participants have sp. wing cultures has been shown to reduce has been shown to wing cultures Bacillus of wristbands checked, the number of errors found, found, the number of errors of wristbands checked, 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org e tabulated separately. For the purposes of this study, the purposes of this study, For separately. e tabulated evaluate key indicators of quality for improvement improvement for of quality indicators key evaluate to help meet CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program General General Program Accreditation Laboratory help meet CAP to rs, participants can promptly identify and correct problems problems identify and correct participants can promptly rs, eshold for an acceptable rate of contamination. Tracking the Tracking of contamination. an acceptable rate eshold for titutions, compare performance between participating between performance compare titutions, Breakdown of wristband error types (%) of wristband error Breakdown primary indicator of preanalytic performance in microbiology, i in microbiology, performance of preanalytic primary indicator ccreditation Checklist statement note MIC.22630: “It is MIC.22630: note statement Checklist ccreditation xpense, and the administration of unnecessary antibiotics. The of unnecessary antibiotics. and the administration xpense, routinely wristbanded patients. Include emergency department Include emergency patients. wristbanded routinely false-positive blood culture results due to contaminants continue due to results false-positive blood culture Staphylococcus; Micrococcus; Micrococcus; Staphylococcus; monitor patient wristband identification patient wristband monitor sp. (diptheroids); or (diptheroids); sp. e, a specific department or patient population. e, (%) Other contamination rate • phlebotomists or other persons dra or other persons phlebotomists outinely applies wristbands to these patients. applies wristbands to outinely , including number of contaminated cultures, be maintained and reviewed regularly regularly maintained and reviewed be cultures, including number of contaminated , specimens, and coordination with test requisitions must be performed accurately accurately be performed must requisitions with test and coordination specimens, Corynebacterium ; properly identify patients. Since most laboratories perform testing away from the the from away testing perform Since most laboratories identify patients. properly Blood Culture Contamination QT2 Contamination Blood Culture Patient Identification Accuracy QT1 Accuracy Identification Patient Look for your input forms approximately three weeks prior to the quarter. weeks prior to three approximately input forms your for Look Propionibacterium acnes (%) rate Wristband error • (%) Neonatal contamination rate • • patients only if the emergency department r if the emergency patients only Indicator Performance Breakdown Performance performed at their institution. Phlebotomists will tally the total number number the total will tally Phlebotomists at their institution. performed includes all This monitor and the types of wristband errors. exampl for institution-specific subgroups, monitor Indicators Performance streptococci; streptococci; to be a critical problem. Blood culture contamination rate, the contamination rate, Blood culture be a critical problem. to Despite advances in blood culture practices and technology, practices advances in blood culture Despite that may interfere with patient care services. Use this monitor Use this monitor services. care with patient interfere that may and GEN.40825. GEN 40490, GEN.20316, statements Checklist Objectives ins within individual of wristband errors Assess the incidence opportunities. improvement and identify institutions, Data Collection participants will per month, days On six predetermined EP3. QSA 04.07.01 Joint Commission Standard meet This will also help laboratories contamination rates.” Objective contaminants. classifying for criteria contamination using standardized of blood culture the rate Determine Data Collection number of and the total processed number of blood cultures participants the total will tabulate basis, On a monthly neonatal patients ar from cultures Blood blood cultures. contaminated one in only organisms of the following find one or more if they be contaminated participants to will consider a blood culture Coagulase-negative specimens: of a series of blood culture patient, patient identification, labeling of patient identification, patient, wristband erro for monitoring By continuously and completely. In order to report accurate laboratory results and meet The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal #1: “Identify Safety Goal #1: National Patient Joint Commission The and meet results laboratory report accurate to In order institutions must patients correctly,” associated with increased length of hospital stay, additional e length of hospital stay, with increased associated and monitor to you require organizations and other accrediting CAP A Laboratory help meet CAP to Use this monitor opportunities. statistics blood culture that recommended should establish a thr The laboratory director. the laboratory by to feedback and providing contamination rate Q-TRACKS Clinical Pathology Clinical Monitors Q-TRACKS

3 Quality Management Tools 32 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists efrac niao Performance Breakdown Blood for transfusion isaprecious resource. Ataminimum, wa Performance Indicator rejected specimens, andtheprimaryreason each specimenwasrejected. clinical laboratory. Onaweekly basis, willrecord participants thetotal numberofspecimensreceived, thenumberof This monitor includesallbloodspecimenssubmitted for testing to ofthe thechemistry departments andhematology Data Collection sections oftheclinicallaboratory for testing. Identify andcharacterize unacceptablebl Objective “There isasystem to positively identifyallpa laboratory inmonitoring compliancewithCAP Laboratory Accreditation Program General Checklist statement GEN.40825: and transport, laboratories canpromptly identifyandcorrect problems. Enrollment inthis Q-TRACK may assistthe hemolyzed specimens; orinsufficientspecimenquantity. Bycontinuously monitoring specimenacceptability, collection, rejection. Patient redraws may result from unlabeled, mislabeled, andincompletely labeledspecimens; clotted and/or A substantialamountofrework, diagnosticandtherapeutic and audittransfusion practices to ensur Accreditation Program Checklist statement TRM.40875 thatr of control andcouldposerisksto patientsafety. Enrollment inthisprogram helpslaboratories fulfill theCAP Laboratory loss to thehealthcare system. More ominously, systemic wastag Compare therates ofbloodproduct wastage(ie, units Objective transfusion practices for blood components. Transfusion Servicesassessment8.2thatrequires transfusing facilitiesto efrac niaos Performance Breakdown Performance Indicators frozen plasma, platelet concentrates, singledonorplatelets, andcryoprecipitate. the circumstances ofwastage. This monitor includesthefol for each typeofbloodcomponent. will track Participants thenumberand typeofbloodunitsthatare wasted in-date and On amonthly basis, willusebloodbankrecords participants to ob Data Collection improvement overtime. • • • Q-TRACKS pcmnrjcinrt % Specimenrejection rate (%) vrl lo atg ae() Wastage rates by bloodcomponenttype (%) Overall bloodwastagerate (%) Look for your inputforms approximately three weekspriorto thequarter. Laboratory SpecimenAcceptabilityQT3 In-Date BloodProduct Wastage QT4 e theappropriate useofblood, ood specimensthatare submitted to thechemistry andhematology/coagulation tient specimens, specimentypes, andaliquotsatalltimes.” discarded hospitalsandtrack in-date) inparticipating rates of • • lowing typesofbloodcomponents: delay, andpatientinconvenience canresult from specimen Breakdown ofreasons for rejection (%) Breakdown ofcircumstances ofwastage(%) equires thetransfusion servicemedicaldirector to monitor stage ofbloodthatisno e ofbloodmay reflect anenvironment ofcare thatisout tain information onthetotal numberofunitstransfused and theAABBStandards for BloodBanksand have apeer-review program thatmonitors t out-of-date represents afinancial red bloodcells(allogeneic), 3 Quality Management Tools 33 Q-TRACKS tient contact. As a result, As a result, tient contact. equested on body fluids other than equested 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org seen in the emergency department, ambulatory surgery surgery ambulatory department, seen in the emergency that involves direct outpa direct that involves Specimen Collection QT7 Collection Specimen mined data collection criteria. This monitor includes any includes any This monitor criteria. mined data collection potassium levels that are r potassium levels that are shift (%) by of outliers Breakdown of week (%) day by of outliers Breakdown • • three, eight-hour shifts (up to 180 tests per month) and track the month) and track per 180 tests eight-hour shifts (up to three, satisfaction with laboratory services (Checklist statement statement services (Checklist satisfaction with laboratory patients rating 4 or 5) for the following categories: the following 4 or 5) for patients rating 23-hour short-stay facility, employee health department, outpatient health health department, employee 23-hour short-stay facility, , or after the specimen arrives in the laboratory. or after , tient phlebotomy services by measuring patients’ assessments of waiting time, of waiting time, assessments measuring patients’ services by tient phlebotomy tes how well the laboratory meets patient and clinician needs. This monitor helps This monitor meets patient and clinician needs. how well the laboratory tes participants will establish a specimen receipt-to-report deadline for emergency emergency deadline for participants will establish a specimen receipt-to-report Stat Test Turnaround Time Outliers QT8 Time Outliers Turnaround Test Stat Look for your input forms approximately three weeks prior to the quarter. weeks prior to three approximately input forms your for Look Satisfaction With Outpatient With Outpatient Satisfaction (% of and satisfaction rates Satisfaction scores (%) outlier rate TAT Stat test • • o experience Overall o time Waiting o comfort Patient o Courtesy o o of operation hours Laboratory privacy Patient includes stat This monitor than the established reporting deadline. later reported number of ED stat potassium results stat as part of a panel and excludes ordered potassium tests Performance Indicators Performance is reporting times, missing target of tests as a percentage expressed outlier rate, time (TAT) turnaround The stat test that evalua of outcomes a measure Data Collection data collection, beginning Before outpatient undergoing venipuncture. This monitor excludes patients patients excludes This monitor venipuncture. outpatient undergoing pain center, chest facility, care urgent area, facility. care or extended home, nursing center, dialysis fair/promotion, screening key includes monitoring “The QM program GEN.20316: statement Checklist Program Accreditation Laboratory meet CAP phases.” and postanalytic analytic, quality in the preanalytic, of indicators Objective expectations. TAT institutional stat test exceed intervals TAT that stat test the frequency Monitor of up to TAT participants the will monitor per month, days On six predetermined potassium tests. department stat (ED) of on each ED stat potassium tests selected 10 randomly studies as part of timed or protocol blood, Indicator Performance Breakdowns Performance Data Collection a minimum in English and Spanish to questionnaire copies of a standardized participants will provide basis, On a monthly predeter (maximum of 99 outpatients) using of 25 outpatients GEN.20335). Use this monitor to help meet this requirement. to monitor Use this GEN.20335). Objective with outpa Assess patient satisfaction satisfaction. and overall courteous treatment, level, discomfort Specimen collection is one of the few areas of laboratory medicine of laboratory the few areas collection is one of Specimen patient satisfaction with this service is a vital indicator of quality laboratory performance. The CAP’s Laboratory Laboratory The CAP’s performance. of quality laboratory with this service is a vital indicator patient satisfaction of patient measurement requires Program Accreditation

3 Quality Management Tools 34 Video presentationsfrom CAPmemberpathologistsincluded. olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists The coursewillhelpyoubuildaculturecharacterized by: See p.18.Choosecode ISOEDCLonyourSurveysorderform. • • • The QMEdonlinecourseQualityCulturegivesyouthetoolsto: Build acultureofqualityinyourlaboratory Performance Indicators tests, andtests performed atreference laboratories. exclude criticalvaluesfor cardiac markers, drugs ofabuse, for necessarypatientevaluationortreatment Laboratories commonly refer to criticalvalues asresults requiring notifications dueto laboratory oversight, andthenumberof willprovideparticipants thenumberofcriticalvaluesthatwere no the total numberofcriticalvaluesmonitored andthenumberwith general chemistry, hematology, andcoagulation analytes on On amonthly basis, willevaluate 120inpa participants Data Collection Evaluate thedocumentationofsuccessful criticalvaluesreporting Objective compliance withyour laboratory’s plan. alert mandate thatlaboratories developandimplementanal Commission, andtheCAP Laboratory Accreditation Program (Checklist statement GEN.20316, COM.30000, COM.30100) • • • • Q-TRACKS Use provenchangeleversthatmakealastingdifference Prioritize yourneeds Assess yourcurrentculture Failed notification( rate Outpatientcriticalvaluesreporting (%) rate Inpatientcriticalvaluesreporting (%) Total criticalvaluesreportingrate (%) • • • • Transparency Beyond Going Aboveand Speaking Up Innovation < 3 hours) rate (%) Look for your inputforms approximately three weekspriorto thequarter. • • • Risk Awareness Involvement Teamwork and Process Orientation Critical Values ReportingQT10 . Regulations from agenciesandaccreditors such astheCMS, The Joint tient and120outpatientcriticalvalues. Datacollectionwillinclude ert systemert for criticalvalues. Usethismonitor to document therapeutic drug levels, urinaly the criticalvalueslist. Retrospectively, willrecord participants successful notificationsto licensedcaregivers. This monitor will immediate notificationto thephysician orcaregiver t communicated withinthree hours, thenumber offailed documentation ofsuccessful no in thegeneral laboratory for inpatientsandoutpatients. sis, bloodgases, point-of-care tification. Inaddition,

3 Quality Management Tools 35 Q-TRACKS or patient management. Reducing Reducing or patient management. 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org ore, have effective procedures for ensuring optimal ensuring for effective procedures have ore, the ED with chest pain and tested for troponin level. level. troponin for the ED with chest pain and tested t pain must be evaluated quickly. Rapid serum troponin troponin Rapid serum quickly. be evaluated t pain must ovide decisive information f ovide decisive information Participants will select TAT metrics that they wish to monitor, monitor, wish to metrics that they TAT Participants will select t Association recommend troponin as the preferred diagnostic as the preferred troponin t Association recommend ogram Checklist statement GEN.20316 QM Indicators of Quality. of Quality. GEN.20316 QM Indicators statement Checklist ogram Troponin Turnaround Times QT15 Turnaround Troponin with additional time intervals to help pinpoint process time challenges. Laboratories may use may Laboratories time challenges. help pinpoint process to intervals with additional time Look for your input forms approximately three weeks prior to the quarter. weeks prior to three approximately input forms your for Look Patients presenting to the emergency department with ches (ED) the emergency to presenting Patients measurement is an importantmeasurement part that can pr of ED practice Performance Indicators Performance time intervals: the following for TATs Median • collection specimen to order Test • receipt laboratory to Specimen collection • availability result to receipt Laboratory • availability result collection to Specimen • availability result to order Test time intervals: following the for Compliance (%) with insitutional threshold • availability result to Specimen collection • availability result to order Test delays in troponin testing has been reported to result in shorter length of stay in the ED and more rapid initiation of initiation rapid and more in the ED in shorter of stay length result to has been reported testing in troponin delays theref should, pain centers EDs and chest treatment. anti-ischemic that performance ensure to monitoring ongoing for and a process testing troponin for (TAT) time turnaround meets expectations. 2019 is enhanced for QT15 Pr Accreditation Laboratory help meet CAP to this monitor Participants availability. and result receipt, laboratory specimen collection, order, test Data includes time of troponin component. TAT each data from provide to not required are all metrics. monitor with the option to testing. troponin to related practices about clinical and laboratory a questionnaire Participants will also complete The American College of Cardiology and the American Hear of Cardiology The American College guideline. Syndromes Coronary in their Acute biomarker Objective and monitor: determine to participatingThis study will assist laboratories within the five time intervals with up to • availability, result time through order from processes for TATs The median process testing total • established deadline with their institution’s results troponin compliance for The percent Data Collection to nine patients presenting collect data from per month, Six days

3 Quality Management Tools 36 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Performance Indicator narrative physician-interpreted tests (eg, bonemarro that month. Includetest results for allpatientsincare se On amonthly basis, willmonitor thenumberofcorrected participants test results andthetotal numberofbillabletests for Data Collection institutions andthosesimilarto yours. Monitor thenumberofcorrected test results withinindividualinstitutionsandcompare performance withthatofall Objective GEN.20316 withthismonitor. Postanalytic Systems QualityAssessment, andhelpmeetCAP every laboratory andshouldbemonitored asakey qualityindicator. Helpmeasure your compliancewithCLIA493.1299, An erroneous result candelay oralter patienttreatment; theref laboratory results. Accuracy inlaboratory results iscriticalto theeffectivenessofaphysician’s planofcare for apatient The CAP developedthisQ-TRACKS monitor inrecognition oftheimpor efrac niaos Performance Breakdown Performance Indicators facility,23-hour short-stay employee health department, outpa following patientcare settings: inpatient, This monitor excludes tests performed intransfusion medicineor priority errors; andcopy orfaxresult errors. outpatients. Order entryerror categories includer included are send-outtests, chemistry, hematology, microbiolog services, private physician offices, nur This monitor includestest order review from ambulatory outpatientsseeninofficesandclinicsoperated by your laboratory orders entered into thelaboratory’s information system to determine ifany order entryerrors occurred. On sixpreselected weekdays permonth, participants Data Collection information system, compare performance across institutions, andtrack performance overtime. Measure theincidenceofincorrectly interpreted andentered outpatientphysician test orders into thelaboratory Objective DC.01.02.01: The laboratory performs testing basedonwritten laboratory test orders. Accreditation Program Checklist statement GEN.20316for test order accuracy andmeet The Joint CommissionStandard subjected to unnecessaryphlebotomy, andlaboratory efficiency declines. Usethismonitor to helpmeetCAP Laboratory therapy. Whenthelaboratory completes atest thatwasno a requested test, itdelays thediagnosticevaluation, consumes Order accuracy bears anobvious relationship to thequalityoflaboratory testing. Whenthelaboratory failsto complete • • • Q-TRACKS Test result correction rate (per10,000billabletests) vrl uptetodretyerrrt % Order entryerror rates by type(%) Overall outpatientorder entryerror rate (%) Look for your inputforms approximately three weekspriorto thequarter. Outpatient Order EntryErrors QT17 sing homes, extended care facilities, and Corrected Results QT16 emergency department, ambulatory surgery, equesting physician errors; incorrect, missing, andextra test errors; test w biopsiesandperipheral smearreports), andpoint-of-care tests. will compare eight outpatientrequisitions ororder sheetsto the t requested, thecostofcare increases, patientsmay be • ttings withthefollowing exclusions: tests, anatomic pathology Breakdown oferror types(%) Laboratory Accreditation Program Checklist statement ore, detection oferroneous results shouldbeapriorityin tient screening fair/promotion, anddialysis center. resources, causespatientinconv y, immunology, toxicology, andurinalysis tests on anatomic pathology andalsoexcludesanatomic pathology tests from the tance oftimely detection and free-standing phlebotomy areas. Also urgent care, chest paincenter, enience, andmay prolong correction oferroneous .

3 Quality Management Tools ors, ors, 37 Q-TRACKS , interpretive err interpretive , gories: screening errors screening gories: responding histologic material. histologic responding 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org e, false-positive, and false-negative cytology-biopsy and false-negative cytology-biopsy false-positive, e, opathology Checklist statements CYP.07543 and CYP.07600 and CYP.07600 CYP.07543 opathology statements Checklist y ensuring better patient results. This Q-TRACKS study helps Q-TRACKS This patient results. y ensuring better cells (ASC-US and ASC-H) or atypical glandular cells (AGC). This atypical glandular cells (AGC). or and ASC-H) cells (ASC-US of cervicovaginal cytology and cor of cervicovaginal cytology adequacy determination errors. Participants will also record the biopsy diagnoses for diagnoses for the biopsy Participants will also record errors. determination adequacy erpretations with the corresponding histologic finding. histologic with the corresponding erpretations e correlations will be classified into four error cate error four into will be classified e correlations relation, and The Joint Commission Standard QSA.08.06.03: The cytology laboratory has laboratory cytology The QSA.08.06.03: Joint Commission Standard The and relation, Look for your input forms approximately three weeks prior to the quarter. weeks prior to three approximately input forms your for Look Gynecologic Cytology Outcomes: Biopsy Correlation Performance QT5 Performance Correlation Biopsy Cytology Outcomes: Gynecologic (%) cytology value of positive Predictive (%) Sensitivity sensitivity (%) Screening/interpretation Sampling sensitivity (%) interpretations ASC-US positive for Percent interpretations ASC-H positive for Percent interpretations AGC positive for Percent • • • • • • • Performance Indicators Performance screening and interpretive errors, and errors, and interpretive screening of atypical squamous with an interpretation tests Pap or satisfactory a corresponding that have the laboratory to specimens submitted biopsy includes cervical monitor months of the biopsy. within three test Pap but limited satisfactory Data Collection the number of true-positiv participantsrecord will basis, On a monthly The false-negativ correlations. The correlation of cervicovaginal cytology (Pap test) findings with cervical biopsy results is a significant part results of the cervical biopsy findings with test) (Pap of cervicovaginal cytology The correlation and can identify the laboratory this correlation, By monitoring program. quality assurance laboratory’s cytopathology thereb improvement, requiring problems potential address int cytologic correlate to a process laboratories meet CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program Cyt Program Accreditation Laboratory meet CAP laboratories cor on cytologic/histologic Objective between the findings Quantify the correlation Q-TRACKS Anatomic Pathology Monitor Anatomic Q-TRACKS

If it’s not documented, it’s not compliant. Period.

Documenting the competency assessment of your staff Improve your laboratory’s is the #1 deficiency cited by major laboratory accreditors. readiness for inspection. Add It’s true—one in four laboratories does not fully meet the the appropriate Competency documentation requirements of competency assessment. Assessment Program You may know that your team follows all regulatory subscription to your order form. requirements to the letter. But when inspection time comes—if it’s not documented, it’s considered a deficiency. With the Competency Assessment Program you can align your competency assessment plan with the quality assurance processes you already perform regularly. 4 Quality Cross Check

...... 49

and instrument comparability statistics. statistics. comparability comparability and instrument and instrument and and multiple automated multiple automated across across assess comparability assess comparability Check— Check— Quality Cross Quality Cross with the new with the new manual methods manual methods (JATQ). (JATQ). Medicine program Medicine program Transfusion Transfusion Simplify biannual instrument instrument instrument Simplify biannualSimplify biannual with Quality with studies studies comparability comparability Check. Check. Cross Quality Cross evaluations evaluations reports reports with peer group with peer group custom custom Receive Receive • • and and medicine performance medicine performance transfusion transfusion Monitor Monitor • • Quality Cross Check Cross Quality 4 Quality Cross Check—Reticulocyte (RT2Q) Discontinued Programs New Programs Quality Cross Check—Transfusion Medicine (JATQ)

4 Quality Cross Check 40

and have theabilityto upto report 30instruments for each challenge. program (WBGQ). inthisprogram Participants willenjoy thebenefits ofQualityCross Check In response to thischange, theCAP introduced theQualityCross Check—Whole BloodGlucose alternative performance assessment. required for laboratories accredited by theCAP. Laboratories are required to perform Beginning in2017, PT for waivedwhole bl Monitoring Performance of GlucoseMeters performance andiscompliantwiththeCMSdirective. Quality Cross Check complements your existing CAP Surveys to monitor multiple instrument methods. IoftheClinicalLaboratoryin Subpart Improvement Amendmentsregulations, includingwaived The CMSinterpretation wasexpanded beyond regulated analytes to includeanalytes notlisted unless that ishow thelaboratory tests patientspecimens. laboratories are notpermitted to test In August 2015, theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS)reiterated that Stay inCompliance Receive acustom package report that includespeergroup comparisonand • Report upto three instruments for each challenge upto (andreport 30instruments • Receive three challenges ineach oftwo mailingsayear. • How ItWorks before they affect patientresults. comparability across multiple instruments inyour laboratory andto identifypotential issues Quality Cross Check Perform instrument comparability andstay incompliance olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists Quality Cross Check instrument comparability statistics for each reported analyte. for QualityCross Check—Whole BloodGlucose). isaconvenient solutionto monitor instrument performance andassess proficiency testing samplesonmultiple instruments ood glucoseonmeters wasnolonger 4 Quality Cross Check 41

cap.org | Quality Cross Check Cross Quality specimens specimens in duplicate instruments of Units System International (SI) reporting offered specimens instruments of System International Units (SI) reporting offered shipments per year Two year shipments per Two • whole blood 2.0-mL Three • 30 instruments Report up to • shipments per year Two • serum liquid 5.0-mL Three • three Report up to and • Conventional • • liquid 1.5-mL Three • three up to Report and • Conventional • Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | 800-323-4040 3 3 3 3 CZQ BNPQ for proficiency testing; see Survey BNP or BNP see Survey testing; proficiency for for proficiency testing; see Survey CZ CZ see Survey testing; proficiency for WBGQ ] ] ] ] perform alternative performance assessment. This assessment. performance alternative perform accredited laboratories performing waived whole performing laboratories accredited Drug Monitoring CZQ Monitoring Drug Blood Glucose WBGQ Quality Cross Check—Whole Check—Whole Quality Cross Quality Cross Check—BNP BNPQ Check—BNP Quality Cross Quality Cross Check—Chemistry and Therapeutic Therapeutic and Check—Chemistry Quality Cross Glucose Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges BNP Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges See Survey CZ analytes on on analytes CZ See Survey pages 56-58 Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General

The CAP Accreditation Program requires all requires Program Accreditation The CAP BNP5 on page 61. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For 61. BNP5 on page to using glucose meters blood glucose testing assessment requirements. performance meet alternative can be used to program This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program on pages 56-58. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check Cross about the Quality information additional For on pages 56-58. NT-proBNP

4 Quality Cross Check 42 Urea nitrogen Triglycerides Protein, total pH Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) Lactate Glucose Creatinine Cholesterol Carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) CA19-9 Amylase

on page63. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements on page72. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Hemoglobin A Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Albumin Analyte Quality Cross Check QualityCross Check—BodyFluidChemistryFLDQ QualityCross Check—HemoglobinA 1c ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] for proficiency testing; seeSurvey GH5 for proficiency testing; seeSurvey FLD FLDQ GHQ 1c GHQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 Program Information Program Information Two shipments peryear • Reportupto three • Three 3.0-mL simulated • Two shipments peryear • Reportup to three • Three 0.8-mL previously • instruments in duplicate liquid bodyfluidspecimens instruments triplicate frozen liquidspecimensin 4 Quality Cross Check 43

cap.org | Quality Cross Check Cross Quality serum specimens in serum duplicate instruments • lyophilized 5.0-mL Three • three Report up to • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | 800-323-4040 3 editation, the most respected and respected the most editation, PTHQ for proficiency testing; see Survey ING see Survey testing; proficiency for ] the CAP accreditation certification accreditation mark. the CAP recognized laboratory accreditation in the world. accreditation laboratory recognized Let your peers, patients, and the public know you’ve earned you’ve and the public know patients, peers, your Let worldwide that have attained CAP accr attained CAP have worldwide that Proudly display the mark. It distinguishes you as one of more than 8,000 laboratories than 8,000 laboratories more as one of you It distinguishes the mark. display Proudly World-class recognition deserves to be displayed. to deserves recognition World-class Quality Cross Check—Parathyroid Hormone PTHQ Hormone Check—Parathyroid Quality Cross Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Parathyroid Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program on page 86. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross information additional For on page 86. Endocrinology

4 Quality Cross Check 44 Urea nitrogen (BUN) Glucose Creatinine tCO Sodium Potassium P pH P Magnesium, ionized Lactate Hemoglobin, estimated Chloride Oxyhemoglobin Methemoglobin Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, estimated O CO

see page 40. and AQ2-AQ4 onpage92. For additionalinformation abouttheQuality Cross Check program, These programs donotmeet regulatory requirements on page94. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements Blood Gas, CriticalCare, andOximetry olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Calcium, ionized Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Carboxyhemoglobin Analyte Quality Cross Check 2 2 2

total Quality Cross Check—BloodOximetry Quality Cross Check—Blood Gas AQQ, AQ2Q, AQ3Q, AQ4Q ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] Q QQA3 AQ4Q AQ3Q AQ2Q AQQ ]] ]] ]] SOQ ] ] ] ] ] for proficency testing; seeSurvey SO for proficiency testing; seeSurveys AQ O SOQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Two • shipments peryear • Conventional and Reportupto three • AQ3Q, AQ4Q - Three • Two shipments peryear • • Conventional and Report upto three • Three 1.2-mL liquid • AQQ, AQ2Q - Three 2.5-mL • (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits instruments only triplica 1.7-mL specimensin (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits instruments specimens intriplicate methods except i-STAT triplicate; appropriate for all hematocrit testing in three 2.5-mL specimensfor specimens intriplicate and te for i-STAT methods ® 4 Quality Cross Check 45

cap.org | Quality Cross Check Cross Quality specimens red blood cell red stabilized specimens blood cell red stabilized specimens reporting result absolute instruments specimens with pierceable specimens with pierceable caps instruments matrix on see instrument 139 page year shipments per Two • stabilized 1.0-mL Three - RTQ • 3.0-mL Three - RT3Q • 2.0-mL Three - RT4Q • and Includes percentage • three Report up to • shipments per year Two • whole blood 2.5-mL Three • three up to Report • method compatibility, For • Program Information Program Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Shipment Shipment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per Challenges Challenges per Challenges 800-323-4040 ] ] ] ] ] RTQ RT3Q RT4Q ements for proficiency testing; see the FH Series testing; proficiency ements for ] FH3Q FH4Q FH6Q FH9Q ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] RTQ, RT3Q, RT4Q RT3Q, RTQ, FH3Q, FH4Q, FH6Q, FH9Q FH6Q, FH4Q, FH3Q, Quality Cross Check—Reticulocyte Check—Reticulocyte Quality Cross Quality Cross Check—Hematology Series Quality Cross Abbott Cell-Dyn 4000, Sapphire, Sapphire, 4000, Abbott Cell-Dyn and 120/2120, Siemens ADVIA and manual all other automated methods Instrument/Method Code Program Hematocrit Analyte/Procedure Code Program

These programs do not meet regulatory requirements for proficiency testing; see the RT Series on see the RT testing; proficiency for requirements regulatory do not meet These programs see page 40. program, Check the Quality Cross about additional information For page 142. on page 136. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For on page 136. These programs do not meet regulatory requir regulatory do not meet These programs Hematology Microscopy and Clinical Platelet count Platelet RDW blood cell count Red WBC differential blood cell count White LH700 LH500, HmX, GenS, Coulter Unicel DxH STKS, MAXM, series, XE-2100C, XE-2100, Sysmex XE-2100L, XE-5000, XE-2100D, XT-4000i XT-2000i, XN Series, Hemoglobin parameter granulocyte Immature (IPF)% function platelet Immature unstained cells (LUC) Large MCHC MCH, MCV, MPV blood cell count red Nucleated (nRBC)

4 Quality Cross Check 46 Urobilinogen Specific gravity Reducing substances Protein, qualitative pH Osmolality Nitrite Leukocyte esterase Ketones hCG urine, qualitative Glucose Blood orhemoglobin

on page151. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements see page 40. and CMP1onpage146. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Occult blood Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Bilirubin Analyte Quality Cross Check QualityCross Check—OccultBloodOCBQ QualityCross Check—Urinalysis CMQ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] for proficiency testing; seeSurvey OCB for proficiency testing; seeSurveys CMP OCBQ CMQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Two shipments peryear • Reportupto three • Three 10.0-mL liquidurine • Two shipments peryear • Reportup to three • Three 2.0-mL simulated fecal • instruments instruments specimens for usewithall instruments specimens 4 Quality Cross Check 47

cap.org | Quality Cross Check Cross Quality plasma specimens in plasma specimens in plasma one 1.0-mL triplicate, and one 2.0-mL specimen, specimen serum instruments • lyophilized 1.0-mL Three • three Report up to • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Shipment 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 800-323-4040 Challenges per Challenges CGLQ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] for proficiency testing; see Survey CGL CGL Survey see testing; proficiency for Personal contact information Specialties and skills Addresses • • • CGLQ Check—Coagulation Quality Cross Business affiliations Certifications Contact preferences Inspector-related information Activated partial thromboplastin time partialActivated thromboplastin Analyte Code Program • To create or update your profile, visit cap.org, log in, and click on UPDATE MY PROFILE. • • • Have you created or updated your CAP Profile? Each laboratory staff member should have their own profile. Your profile is transferrable when you leave your current position. Use it to maintain information about yourself, including:

This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For on page 160. Coagulation (INR) ratio normalized International time Prothrombin D-dimer products, degradation Fibrin(ogen) plasma serum products, degradation Fibrin(ogen)

4 Quality Cross Check 48 ITC Hemochron P214/P215 ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/ACT-LR ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/ACT+ ITC Hemochron FTK-ACT ITC Hemochron IL GEMPCL Plus ACT-LR IL GEMPCL PlusACT IL GemPCL ACT-LR IL Gem Helena CascadePOC Sienco Sonoclot Medtronic HepconHMS, HMSPlus ACT/ACTII/ACT PlusR-ACT Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACT PlusLR-ACT Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACT PlusHR-ACT Medtronic HemoTec i-STAT Celite

see page 40. and CT5 onpage164. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, These programs donotmeet regulatory requirements olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists ntuetCrrdeProgram Code Helena Actalyke Instrument/Cartridge Quality Cross Check ® PCL ACT ® andKaolinACT ® CA510/FTCA510 ® ®

Activated Clotting Time Series CTQ, CT1Q, CT2Q, CT3Q, CT5Q Quality Cross Check— ] ] ] ] ] ] T TQC2 TQCT5Q CT3Q CT2Q CT1Q CTQ ] ] ] ] for proficiency testing; seeSurveys CT-CT3 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Challenges per Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Program Information Two shipments peryear • Reportup to three • CT5Q - Three 1.7-mL • CT3Q - Three 0.5-mL • CT2Q - Three 0.5-mL • CT1Q - Three 1.7-mL • CTQ - Three 3.0-mL • instruments corresponding diluents specimens intriplicate with lyophilized wholeblood diluent ampulesintriplicate lyophilized wholeblood/ diluent ampulesintriplicate lyophilized wholeblood/ corresponding diluents specimens intriplicate with lyophilized wholeblood corresponding diluents specimens intriplicate with lyophilized wholeblood 4 Quality Cross Check 49

cap.org | PUB224 Quality Cross Check Cross Quality blood specimens and manual procedures Item number: • 13-17% whole 7.0-mL Three • be used with automated May • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Softcover; 123 pages 800-323-4040 3 3 3 Complications JATQ for proficiency testing; see Survey JAT JAT Survey see testing; proficiency for ] ] ] • is a valuable educational Medicine JATQ Medicine Blood Components • Quality Cross Check—Transfusion Check—Transfusion Quality Cross printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Antibodies ABO grouping Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges • • Select Transfusion Medicine in the Hot Seat (PUB224) on your Select Transfusion Medicine in the Hot Seat (PUB224) on your Surveys order form. Or, view sample pages and order online: • Make critical transfusion decisions with confidence Transfusion Medicine in the Hot Seat

on page 219. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For on page 219. This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program Transfusion Medicine Transfusion resource for pathology trainees and pathologists practicing transfusion medicine. The text presents a total of 26 realistic transfusion scenarios divided into three sections: The short-case format makes the information easily accessible and can serve as the basis for a transfusion medicine curriculum in clinical pathology. Antibody detection Rh typing

4 Quality Cross Check 50

(Country Code001). Buy multiplecopiesandsave. • • Or, viewsamplepagesandorderonline: • • • • • to theclassicreferenceguide. procure aqualitybloodspecimenwiththismodernupdate and testing.Ensureeveryoneonyourteamisequippedto Up to70%oflaboratoryerrorsoccurpriorsampleanalysis So you’regoingtocollectabloodspecimen olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists Quality Cross Check ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org Four waystoinspireconfidenceinyourpatient Special considerationsforthedifficultvenipuncture neonatal screening Procedures forbloodsmears,cultures,and and storage Best practicesforcollection,transporting,processing, and infantheelstick Step-by-step instructionsforvenipuncture,skinpuncture, Call800-323-4040option1 30+ imagesandtables;2017 Spiral bound;84pages; Item number: PUB225 5 Point-of-Care Programs

Challenges that evaluate instrument and method and method instrument that evaluate Challenges assess staff issues, troubleshoot performance, information. training and provide competency, of the team. all members for an ebook resource Keep your point-of-care (POC) point-of-care Keep your at operating and staff instruments peak performance. with POC Competency results test waived Improve • Toolkit, Testing with the Point-of-Care Gain insights • Point-of-Care Programs Point-of-Care 5

5 Point-of-Care Programs 52 Strep Screen Competency Urine Dipstick Competency Glucose Competency Fecal OccultBloodCompetency Competency Influenza A/BAntigenDetection Competency Waived Chemistry, GlucoseandHgB olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists POC Competency Challenges may have limited availability andstability. testing programs willnotreturn andparticipants results to theCAP. information to train staff. Expected results will evaluate instrument andmethodperformance, troubl POC Competency Challenges are designedto improve waivedtest results. These programs Point-of-Care Programs rga aeProgram Code XS Pro Competency PT/INR, CoaguChek XS Plusand Program Name Program Code hCG Competency Program Name Point-of-Care Programs POC Competency Challenges POC Competency Challenges POC6, POC7, POC8, POC9 POC1, POC2, POC3, POC4 ] ] O6PC O8POC9 POC8 POC7 POC6 O1PC O3POC4 POC3 POC2 POC1 be provided. These programs are notproficiency ] ] eshoot, assessstaffcompetency, andprovide ] ] ] ] Challenges per Challenges per 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Shipment Shipment Shipmentsavailable upon • Each program provides • -One positive2.0-mL POC9 • POC8-One1.5-mL positive • Program Information Program Information Shipmentsavailable upon • Each program provides • • • POC2-Oneabnormal • POC1-Onepositive10.0-mL • POC7-Oneabnormal2.5-mL • -Oneabnormal0.3-mL POC6 • request material to test upto 10staff fecal specimen specimen for influenzaB A; one1.5-mL positiveliquid liquid specimenfor influenza instruments POC4-One1.0-mL positive POC3-Oneabnormal and StanbioHemoPoint request material to test up to 10staff liquid specimen specimen 10.0-mL liquidurine specimen 2.0-mL whole blood liquid urinespecimen HemoCue compatible withthe whole bloodspecimen corresponding diluents (five vials)andfive lyophilized plasmaspecimen ® B, HemoCue201, ® H2 H2 5 Point-of-Care Programs 53

cap.org | and i-STAT and i-STAT ® or blood gas and hematocrit/ Point-of-Care Programs Point-of-Care 2.5-mL aqueous blood gas aqueous blood 2.5-mL and one specimen (10 vials) 2.5-mL 2.5-mL aqueous specimen aqueous specimen 2.5-mL (10 vials) f hematocrit/hemoglobin testing plasma specimen (two compatible with vials); such plasma-based tests, Triage as Alere hemoglobin specimen (10 hemoglobin specimen vials) instruments staff 10 up to test request • abnormal POC10 - One • POC12 - One 1.5-mL • POC11 - One abnormal Program Information Program • to material provide Programs • upon available Shipments 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Shipment 10 10 10 Challenges per Challenges 800-323-4040 ] ] ] POC10 POC11 POC12 POC10, POC11, POC12 POC11, POC10, POC Competency Challenges POC Competency

® POCT training and competency Selection of appropriate test methods Validation and verification protocols Quality control and data management Patient safety POCT advantages and disadvantages Current and projected technology Pathologist, laboratory director, and POCT coordinator roles in POCT Blood Gases Competency Program Name Program Code Program Purchase the ebook at ebooks.cap.org. • • • • • • • • The toolkit covers: POCT implementation requires a systematic approach that involves all stakeholders. This toolkit POCT implementation requires a systematic of the POCT team who wants to learn about POCT or who has serves as a resource for any member Pathologists may also use the toolkit to guide other members of responsibility to guide or direct POCT. coordinators and medical technologists who are involved in POCT. their POCT teams, including POCT Guide your point-of-care testing with confidence Guide your point-of-care Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Toolkit Competency

Blood Gases, i-STAT Blood Gases, Markers Plasma Cardiac Competency

5 Point-of-Care Programs 54 PCL ACT Competency Hemochron Jr Signature IL GEM ACT-LR Competency Hemochron Jr IL GEMPCL olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Access theseconcentrated topicsonlinebysearching • • • • • • receiving insightintoareasthatneedimprovement: you prepareforfuturelaboratoryinspectionsbygaining aclearunderstandingoftherequirementsand A resourceforlaboratoriesandinspectorsalike,our FastFocusonCompliancemini-trainingvignetteshelp We areheretohelp.FastFocusonCompliance—theinspector’squickguide rga aeProgram Code Competency Medtronic ACT/ACT, i-STAT Program Name Point-of-Care Programs Documenting YourInspection Findings Competency Assessment Proficiency TestingReferralandCommunications 12 InspectorToolstoMakeYourInspectionGoMore Smoothly Inspecting PersonnelRecords Inspecting MethodValidation/VerificationStudies POC Competency Challenges POC14, POC15, POC16 O1 O1 POC16 POC15 POC14 ] ] ] Fast FocusonCompliance Challenges per 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information • Programs provide material to • POC16-Fiveabnormal • • POC15 - Five abnormal POC15-Fiveabnormal • POC14-Fiveabnormal • Shipmentsavailable upon request test upto fivestaff Jr./Signature ACT+ Plus ACT andITC Hemochron compatible withIL GEMPCL bl 0.5-mL lyophilized whole ACT-LR Hemochron Jr./Signature PCL PlusACT-LR andITC compatible withIL GEM blood/diluent ampules; 0.5-mL lyophilized whole i-STAT CelineandKaolinACT Hepcon HMS/HMSPlus, and ACTII/ACT Plus, Medtronic Medtronic HemoTect ACT/ diluent vial; compatiblewith and onecalciumchloride corresponding diluents blood specimenswithfive 1.7-mL lyophilized whole ood/diluent ampules; atcap.org

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring .. 71 ..... 68 testing with testing 1C ...... 65 donors with levels that reflect clinical decision points. clinical decision that reflect with levels donors Program Standardization National Glycohemoglobin targets. method (NGSP) reference Standardize hemoglobin A hemoglobin Standardize human using specimens from patient testing Mimic • against evaluated with results accuracy Ensure • our GH2/GH5 programs...... 59

...... 75

...... General Chemistry and Therapeutic Therapeutic and Chemistry General Drug Monitoring 6 Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, and C-Peptide (ABGIC) ...... 63 Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, and C-Peptide (ABGIC) New Programs General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ...... 56 Drug Monitoring General Chemistry and Therapeutic General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring General Chemistry and Antifungal Drugs Monitoring (AFD) Fecal Calprotectin (FCAL) Plasma Cardiac Markers International (PCARI) Urine Chemistry Special Chemistry

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 56 T3, uptake andrelated tests T3, total (triiodothyronine, total) T3, free (triiodothyronine, free) Sodium Protein, total Potassium Pancreatic amylase Lipoprotein (a) LDL cholesterol, measured Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) Iron quantitative Human chorionicgonadotropin (hCG), HDL cholesterol Glucose Creatinine Creatine kinase(CK) Cortisol Cholesterol, total Chloride Calcium Bilirubin, total* Bilirubin, direct (AST/SGOT) aminotransferaseAspartate Amylase Alkaline phosphatase Albumin Magnesium olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists requirements for neonatal bilirubin proficiency testing. SeeSurveys NB, NB2onpage65. *General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs Surveys donotfulfill the CAP accreditation Analytes/procedures in General Chemistryand Therapeutic Drug Monitoring nlt Program Code (ALT/SGPT) Alanine aminotransferase Analyte Continued onthenext page General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring General Chemistryand Therapeutic Drugs C1, C3/C3X, C4, CZ/CZX/CZ2X, Z bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ]] ] ] ]] ]] ] ]] ] ]]] ] ]] ] ] ]]] ] ]] ]] ] ]] ] ] ]]] ]] ]] ] ]]] ] ]]] ] ] ]]] ] ] ]]] ]] ]] ] ]]] ] ]]] ] ]]] ] ]]] ] ] ]]] ] ]] ] ] ]] ]] ] ]] ]] C1




Challenges per 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information For secondinstrument • Three shipmentsperyear • Conventional • and CZ2X -Five5.0-mL liquid • • C1, C3, C4, CZ, Z -Five • C3X, CZX -Five5.0-mL CZQ, onpage59 Quality Cross Check program, options,reporting seethe offered(SI) reporting International Sy triplicate serum specimensin duplicate liquid serum specimensin specimens 5.0-mL liquidserum stem ofUnits 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 57 stem of Units ventional and Z2X - Five 5.0-mL liquid - Five 5.0-mL Z2X 5.0-mL liquid serum liquid serum 5.0-mL specimens liquid serum specimens in specimens liquid serum duplicate C specimens in serum triplicate Sy International (SI) reporting offered see the reporting options, program, Check Quality Cross on page 59 CZQ, - Five 5.0-mL CZX C3X, • - Five Z CZ, C4, C3, C1, • • • Con • shipments per year Three • second instrument For Program Information Program Shipment 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Challenges per per Challenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org

Z ]

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General CZ2X CZ/CZX/ ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] continued


]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] C3/C3X

C1 ]] ] ]] ] ] ]]] ] ]]] ] ]]] ] ]] ] ]]]] ] ]] ] ]]] ] ] ) 2 C1, C3/C3X, C4, CZ/CZX/CZ2X, Z Z CZ/CZX/CZ2X, C4, C3/C3X, C1, General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs Drugs Therapeutic and Chemistry General Continued on the next page Continued on the next T4, free (thyroxine, free) (thyroxine, free T4, Analyte Code Program

Digoxin, free Digoxin, Disopyramide Calcium, ionized Calcium, (CO Carbon dioxide Ferritin (GGT) Gamma glutamyl transferase binding capacity, Iron (measured) total binding capacity, Iron (measured) unsaturated Lactate Lipase Osmolality (inorganic) Phosphorus Prealbumin Transferrin Lithium Acetaminophen Amikacin Caffeine Carbamazepine free Carbamazepine, Digoxin T4, total (thyroxine, total) (thyroxine, total T4, Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Triglycerides (BUN) nitrogen Urea Uric acid Acid phosphatase Ammonia A1 Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 58 Quinidine Procainamide Primidone Phenytoin, free Phenytoin Phenobarbital N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA) Methotrexate Lidocaine Gentamicin Vancomycin Valproic acid, free Valproic acid Tobramycin Theophylline Salicylate olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists your laboratory’sCVLneeds. See theInstrumentationValidation Toolssectionofthiscatalogtodetermine programsthatbestfit • • • you withthemostcomprehensivemenu ofprograms. The CAPisyourtrustedcalibrationverification andlinearitypartner,providing

nlt Program Code Ethosuximide Analyte General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Rapid resultturnaround results soyoudonothaveto. Customized reportpackage Large peergroups

General Chemistryand Therapeutic Drugs C1, C3/C3X, C4, CZ/CZX/CZ2X, Z —Maximize confidenceinyourcalibrationverification results. —View your linearity evaluation for most CVL programs within two business days. —View yourlinearityevaluation formostCVLprogramswithintwobusinessdays. —Let our team of biostatisticians perform the statistical analysis of your —Let ourteamofbiostatisticiansperformthestatistical analysisofyour C1



continued ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] CZ/CZX/ CZ2X Z

Challenges per 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information For secondinstrument • Three shipmentsperyear • Con • • • C1, C3, C4, CZ, Z -Five • C3X, CZX -Five5.0-mL CZQ, onpage59 Quality Cross Check program, options,reporting seethe offered(SI) reporting International Sy triplicate serum specimensin C duplicate liquid serum specimensin specimens 5.0-mL liquidserum Z2X -Five5.0-mL liquid ventional and ventional and stem ofUnits 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 59 C specimens anti- of analysis quantitative agents fungal specimens in duplicate specimens instruments of Units System International (SI) reporting offered specimens and sirolimus, cyclosporine, in transplant tacrolimus patients AAC • serum 5.0-mL Three • performing laboratories For • shipments per year Two • liquid serum 5.0-mL Three • three Report up to and • Conventional • shipments per year Two • whole blood 5.0-mL Three • monitoring laboratories For • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency CS CZQ for proficiency testing; see Survey CZ on CZ see Survey testing; proficiency for ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] AFD Drug Monitoring CZQ Monitoring Drug Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Antifungal Drugs Monitoring AFD Monitoring Drugs Antifungal CAP/AACC Immunosuppressive Drugs CS Drugs Immunosuppressive CAP/AACC Quality Cross Check—Chemistry and Therapeutic Therapeutic and Check—Chemistry Cross Quality peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability instrument comparison and peer group is in compliance with the CMS directive regar the CMS directive is in compliance with instruments. AnalyteCyclosporine Code Program per Shipment Challenges See Survey CZ analytes on on analytes CZ See Survey pages 56-58 Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring for a solution Provides • reports with both custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument pages 56-58. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross information additional For pages 56-58. Fluconazole Itraconazole Posaconazole Voriconazole Sirolimus (rapamycin) Sirolimus Tacrolimus

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 60 quantitative) Tricyclics, total (qualitative/ Nortriptyline Imipramine Desipramine Zonisamide Topiramate Teriflunomide Rufinamide Oxcarbazepine metabolite Levetiracetam Lamotrigine Lacosamide Gabapentin Pregabalin olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Amitriptyline Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Clozapine Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Mycophenolic acid Analyte Everolimus Analyte General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Therapeutic Drug Monitoring—Extended ZE Therapeutic Drug Monitoring—Special ZT Mycophenolic AcidMPA Everolimus EV ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] MPA ZE EV ZT 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 5.0-mL lyophilized • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 4.0-mL wholeblood • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 5.0-mL lyophilized • T specimens serum specimens specimens serum specimens hree 5.0-mL serum 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 61 ee shipments per year o shipments per year specimens instruments of System International Units (SI) reporting offered specimens plasma specimens SystemInternational of Units (SI) reporting offered; tw plasma specimens of System International Units (SI) reporting offered; thr • liquid 1.5-mL Three • three Report up to and • Conventional • shipments per year Two • human serum 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • liquid 1.0-mL Two - BNP and • Conventional • liquid BNP5 - Five 1.0-mL and • Conventional Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General Program Code Program ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency ABL BNP BNP5 BNPQ for proficiency testing; see Survey BNP or BNP see Survey testing; proficiency for ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ccreditation Program requires all accredited all accredited requires Program ccreditation Accuracy-Based Lipids ABL Lipids Accuracy-Based Quality Cross Check—BNP BNPQ Check—BNP Quality Cross , use Plasma Cardiac Markers programs PCARM or PCARMX. PCARM programs Markers use Plasma Cardiac , ® B-Type Natriuretic Peptides BNP, BNP5 BNP, Peptides Natriuretic B-Type peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability comparison and instrument peer group instruments. is in compliance with the CMS directive regar is in compliance with the CMS directive laboratories performing non-waived testing for BNP and NT-proBNP to complete complete to and NT-proBNP BNP for non-waived testing performing laboratories per year. challenges 15 PT BNPQ, below. BNPQ, AnalyteBNP Code Program per Shipment Challenges BNP 2 5 Analyte per Shipment Challenges Analyte A1* Apolipoprotein Code Program per Shipment Challenges NT-proBNP 2 5 • reports with both custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument

BNP5 above. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For BNP5 above. Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring a solution for Provides This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program *This analyte will be evaluated against the reference method. against the reference will be evaluated *This analyte • A The College of American Pathologists i-STAT For • Additional Information • program, Check Cross see the Quality reporting options, second instrument For NT-proBNP Apolipoprotein B* Apolipoprotein Cholesterol* cholesterol* HDL cholesterol Non-HDL cholesterol LDL (a) Lipoprotein Triglycerides*

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Specimensare collected by amodifiedapplicationofClinicalLaboratory • Analytes willbeevaluated usingharmonization. • Additional Information 62 Troponin T, fivechallenges Troponin T, twochallenges Troponin I Myoglobin and interpretation LD1/LD2 ratio electrophoretic LD1 CK-MM), electrophoretic CK isoenzymes Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH) T4, total (thyroxine, total) T4, free (thyroxine, free) T3, total (triiodothyronine, total) olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Cholesterol MeasurementProcedures; ApprovedGuideline. Commutable Frozen HumanSerumPools asSecondaryReferenceMaterialsfor and Standards Institute GuidelineCLSI C37-A, 15 PT challenges peryear. laboratories performing non-waivedtesting for Troponin Iand Troponin T to complete The CollegeofAmericanPathol , LD2, LD3, LD4, LD5, nlt Program Code CK-MB, immunochemical Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code T3, free (triiodothyronine, free) Analyte General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

calculation (CK-BB, Cardiac Markers CRT, CRTI, TNT, TNT5 CK-MB Harmonized Thyroid ABTH

ogists Accreditation Program requires allaccredited , ]] ]] ]] R RITTTNT5 TNT CRTI CRT ] ] ] Preparation and Validation of ] ] ] ] ] ABTH ] ] 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per 5 2 5 2 5 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-mL frozen human • Three shipmentsperyear • TNT5-Five 2.0-mL liquid • TNT - Two 2.0-mL liquid • CRTI - Ten 2.0-mL liquid • CRT -Five2.0-mL liquid • specimens serum specimens serum specimens serum specimens serum specimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 63 frozen liquid specimens in liquid frozen triplicate instruments human whole blood human whole two shipments specimens; per year specimens human whole blood human whole blood shipments three specimens; per year • previously 0.8-mL Three • three up to Report • shipments per year Two • liquid 0.8-mL Three GH2 - • liquid GH5 - Five 0.8-mL • serum 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 GHQ to complete 15 PT 15 PT complete to General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General 1c 1c Program Code Program GH2 GH5 GHQ ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency ABGIC ] ] ] ] 35 for proficiency testing; see Survey GH5, GH5, see Survey testing; proficiency for GH2, GH5 GH2, 1c ccreditation Program requires all accredited all accredited requires Program ccreditation ed against the National Glycohemoglobin Glycohemoglobin ed against the National Hemoglobin A Hemoglobin and C-Peptide ABGIC and C-Peptide 1c 1c Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, Insulin, Glucose, Accuracy-Based Quality Cross Check—Hemoglobin A Quality Cross peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability comparison and instrument peer group is in compliance with the CMS directive regar is in compliance with the CMS directive instruments. Hemoglobin A Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteC-peptide Code Program per Shipment Challenges Hemoglobin A Analyte per Shipment Challenges laboratories performing non-waived testing for Hemoglobin A for non-waived testing performing laboratories Standardization Program (NGSP) reference method. (NGSP) reference Program Standardization GHQ, below. GHQ, challenges per year. challenges

The Quality Cross Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring a solution for Provides This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program • reports with both custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument above. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For above. Glucose Insulin Additional Information • evaluat will be These Surveys • A Pathologists The College of American • program, Check Cross see the Quality reporting options, second instrument For

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ThisSurvey willnotbeevalua • This program meetstheCAP’s Accreditation Program requirements for • Additional Information 64 Total ketones olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists proficiency testing. evaluated againsttheNGSP reference method. Standardization Program (NGSP)reference method. SeeSurvey GH5to be nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Beta-hydroxybutyrate Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Homocysteine Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code High-sensitivity C-reactive protein Analyte Glycated serum albumin Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code Hemoglobin A Analyte General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein HSCRP 1c Glycated Serum AlbuminGSA Hemoglobin A Homocysteine HMS ted againsttheNationalGlycohemoglobin Ketones KET 1c GH5I ] ] ] ] ] ] HSCRP GH5I HMS GSA KET 3 5 2 2 3 3 Two shipments peryear • Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-mL liquidserum • Designedfor international • Five0.5-mL lyophilized • For usewithAcetest • Two 2.0-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 0.5-mL liquidserum • t the nitroprusside reaction for quantitative methodsusing other qualitative/semi- otal ketones testing specimens specimen s issues andrequire longer shipping andreceiving experienced significant laboratories thathave dropper-tipped vialofdiluent specimens witha3.0-mL specimens specimens specimens tability ® and 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 65


® ters ACCU-CHEK specimens LDX as the Cholestech such EDTA plasma specimens for plasma specimens for EDTA instruments point-of-care Cardiac Triage as Quidel such BNP, D-dimer, (CardiacHS, and SOB) and i-STAT specimens in duplicate use plasma specimens for Cardio Triage with Quidel I) Troponin (Cardio2/3 and serum specimens; three three specimens; serum shipments per year must specimens; serum in conjunction with order total a five-challenge testing proficiency bilirubin meet regulatory to program two shipments requirements; per year of System International Units (SI) reporting offered Instant Plus are not appropriate for for not appropriate are blood use on other whole glucose me and Roche and Roche • liquid serum 3.0-mL Three • with waived methods use For • liquid - Five 1.5-mL PCARM • PCARM - All Survey PCARMX • liquid - Five 0.25-mL PCARI • shipments per year Three • human - Five 1.0-mL NB • human 1.0-mL Two - NB2 and • Conventional Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program The glucose specimens • shipments per year Two • 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 2 5 Challenges per Shipment Challenges General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General Program Code Program 52 NB NB2 LCW ] ] ] ] ] to complete 15 PT challenges per year. challenges 15 PT complete to ogram Code ts Accreditation Program requires all accredited laboratories laboratories all accredited requires Program ts Accreditation ]] ] ]] ] ]] ]] ]] ] PCARM PCARMX PCARI 1985;31:1779-1789). Neonatal Bilirubin NB, NB2 NB, Neonatal Bilirubin Clin Chem. Chemistry—Limited, Waived LCW Waived Chemistry—Limited, Plasma Cardiac Markers PCARM, PCARMX, PCARI PCARMX, PCARM, Markers Plasma Cardiac BNP Analyte Pr Bilirubin, directBilirubin, 2 2 Analyte Shipment per Challenges AnalyteCholesterol Code Program per Shipment Challenges Bilirubin, total Bilirubin, performing non-waived testing for BNP and Troponin I Troponin and BNP for non-waived testing performing The College of American Pathologis One human-based serum specimen will offer the value assigned using the reference the value assigned using the reference specimen will offer One human-based serum ( method procedure

CK-MB D-dimer Myoglobin I Troponin Glucose cholesterol HDL cholesterol LDL Triglycerides

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 66 Whole bloodglucose Urinalysis/urine hCG Hemoglobin olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Roche Reflotron E-Z-EM EZ Chem Cholestech LDX hl lo lcs eesGlucose Nova StatSensor Chol Whole bloodglucosemeters Whole bloodcholesterol meters hl lo nlzrMto Analyte Hemocue Whole Blood Analyzer/Method nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Creatinine Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Hematocrit Analyte General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ® Whole Blood ChemistryCompatibilityMatrix ® ® Total cholesterol ® Cholesterol ™ / Waived CombinationHCC, HCC2 Whole Blood Creatinine WBCR ]] ]] C HCC2 HCC D hlseo 65 HDL cholesterol raiieWC 66 WBCR Creatinine rgyeie 65 Triglycerides lcs C 66 HCC Glucose lcs 56-57 Glucose lcs 65 Glucose ] WBCR 5 seo 1 4 C 56-57, 64 C1, C4, LCW esterol ] ] Survey Programs 2 (HCC)/3(HCC2) Compatible C1, C4 WBGQ HCC2, LCW 2 2 2 56-57 66, 67 65 Page Program Information Program Information To verifyinstrument • • Hematocrit, hemoglobin, and • HCC2- Total offour • HCC- Two 1.0-mL whole • Three shipmentsperyear • • Five4.0-mL whole • Wholebloodglucose For usewiththeNova Chem on thispage the instrument matrix compatibility, refer to shipments peryear: BandD whole bloodspecimens; two testing - Three 2.5-mL shipments peryear: AandC urine specimens; specimens andtwo10.0-mL Two 3.0-mL whole blood urinalysis/urine hCGtesting - shipments peryear shipments peryear blood specimens; two StatSensor blood specimens ™ ® /E-Z-EM EX two 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 67 specimens specimens • liquid serum 5.0-mL Five • whole blood 2.0-mL Three • 30 instruments Report up to • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Drug Therapeutic and Chemistry General ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency WBGQ ] Personal contact information Specialties and skills Addresses perform alternative performance assessment. This assessment. performance alternative perform • • • accredited laboratories performing waived whole performing laboratories accredited Blood Glucose WBGQ Blood Glucose Quality Cross Check—Whole Check—Whole Cross Quality Chemistry/TDM, Validated Material Validated Chemistry/TDM, peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability instrument comparison and peer group is in compliance with the CMS directive regar the CMS directive is in compliance with instruments. Business affiliations Certifications Contact preferences Inspector-related information Validated MaterialValidated Chemistry/TDM Code Program Survey Corresponding CZVM Pages CZ 56-58 Glucose Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges To create or update your profile, visit cap.org, log in, and click on UPDATE MY PROFILE. • • • • Have you created or updated your CAP Profile? Each laboratory staff member should have their own profile. Your profile is transferrable when you leave your current position. Use it to maintain information about yourself, including:

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Survey with CAP patient results of your the reliability Improve Materials Validated to: program sent in the Surveys that is Use the same material • problems instrument/method Identify and troubleshoot • or instruments with other laboratories results Correlate • identified in Surveys of problems Document correction • quality control external as an alternative with confirmed results material Utilize includes readily which • Participant Summary, a Survey receives laboratory Each failures testing proficiency Identify potential results. available The Quality Cross Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring for a solution Provides • reports with both custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument The CAP Accreditation Program requires all requires Program Accreditation The CAP to using glucose meters blood glucose testing assessment requirements. performance meet alternative can be used to program

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 68 Urine albumin: creatinine ratio Urine albumin, quantitative Protein, total Creatinine Urine albumin:creatinine ratio Urine albumin, quantitative Uric acid Urea nitrogen Sodium Protein, total Potassium Phosphorus Osmolality Nitrogen, total Magnesium Glucose Creatinine Chloride Calcium olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Other analytes willbecompared by peergroup for harmonizationpurposes. human serum albumin(>99%pure). Renal Testing Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, using calibration materials prepared from Target valuesfor albumin are obtainedby LC-MS/MS after trypsindigestion, performed by the Analytes/procedures in Urine Chemistry nlt Pr Calcium Analyte Pr Amylase Analyte Urine Chemistry Urine Chemistry—General U bold Accuracy-Based UrineABU typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ogram Code ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ogram Code U ] ] ] ] ] ABU Challenges perShipment Challenges perShipment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information • • Onemailingperyear will • Six15.0-mL urinespecimens • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 5.0-mL humanurine • Two shipmentsperyear Conventional and Units (SI) reporting offeredUnits (SI)reporting International System of of sevenchallenges peryear uric acidtesting for atotal educational specimenfor include anadditional specimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 69 Urine Chemistry Urine ee 10.0-mL liquid urine ee 10.0-mL specimens urine specimens and three liquid urine 10.0-mL specimens specimens in duplicate and and specimens in duplicate thr specimens N Survey - All lyophilized NX • urine specimens 1.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two • liquid urine 13.5-mL Three • shipments per year Two • lyophilized N - Six 10.0-mL • • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 Challenges per Shipment Challenges KSA MYG N, NX N, ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ogram Code Myoglobin, Urine MYG Myoglobin, Urine Chemistry—Special N, NX N, Urine Chemistry—Special Kidney Stone Risk Assessment KSA KSA Risk Assessment Stone Kidney Myoglobin, urine, qualitative and urine, Myoglobin, quantitative Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges 3-methoxytyramines Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteCitrate Pr

Aldosterone Coproporphyrins urinary free Cortisol, Dopamine Epinephrine Homovanillic acid Metanephrine Norepinephrine Normetanephrine Uroporphyrin acid Vanillylmandelic 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic 17-hydroxycorticosteroids 17-ketosteroids Cystine Oxalate Sulfate

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 70 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists available results. Identifypotential proficiency testing failures Each laboratory receives aSurvey Summary, Participant • which includesreadily Utilize material withconfirmedresults asanalternative external qualitycontrol • Documentcorrection ofproblems identifiedinSurveys • Correlate results withotherlaboratories orinstruments • Identifyandtroubleshoot instrument/method problems • Use thesamematerial thatissentintheSurveys program to: Validated Materials Improve thereliability ofyour patientresults withCAP Survey • • Or, viewsamplepagesand orderonline: Select itonyourSurveys orderform. • • • • Urinalysis BenchtopReferenceGuide(UABRG) rn hmsr V 68 U Page UVM Corresponding Survey Program Code Urine Chemistry Validated Material Pr Porphobilinogen Analyte Urine Chemistry ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org years ofbenchtopuse—5”by6½” A durable and water-resistantformattowithstand Eight tabbedsectionsforeasyreference Detailed descriptionsforeachcellmorphology common andrarecells Thirty-four differentcellidentifications,including o o o o o Miscellaneous/Exogenous Organisms Urinary Crystals Urinary Casts Urinary Cells Q Q Q AtNeutral orAlkalinepH AtNeutral orAcidpH AtAcidpH Urine Chemistry—General, Validated Material Porphobilinogen, UrineUPBG ogram Code ] UPBG Challenges perShipment 3 34 images;2014 Spiral bound;38pages; Item number: Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For usewithqualitativeand • Three 5.0-mL urine • Six15.0-mL urinespecimens • UABRG quantitative methods specimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 71 Special Chemistry Special serum specimens serum specimens specimens • lyophilized 2.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two • serum liquid 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • liquid serum 3.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program BFBRG 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Item number: Spiral bound; 42 pages; 36 images; 2013 2 3 2 Challenges per Shipment Challenges per Shipment Challenges per Shipment Challenges AG ADL ACE ACE ] ] ] ogram Code ogram Code ogram Code Aldolase ADL type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are 1,5-Anhydroglucitol AG 1,5-Anhydroglucitol bold Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE Angiotensin Crystals Microorganisms Miscellaneous Findings Erythroid Series Lymphoid Series Myeloid Series Mononuclear Phagocytic Series Lining Cells Miscellaneous Cells

o o o o o o o o o printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org A durable and water-resistant format to withstand years of benchtop use—5” x 6½” Thirty-six color images, including common and rare cells, Thirty-six color images, including crystals, and other cell inclusions including facts, Detailed descriptions of each cell cell morphology and inclusions Nine tabbed sections for easy reference Angiotensin converting enzyme, converting enzyme, Angiotensin quantitative Analyte Pr Aldolase Analyte Pr 1,5-anhydroglucitol Analyte Pr • • Select it on your Surveys order form. Or, view sample pages and order online: • • • Body Fluids Benchtop Reference Guide (BFBRG) Body Fluids Benchtop Reference •

Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Special Chemistry Special

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Additional Information 72 Urea nitrogen Triglycerides Protein, total pH Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) Lactate Glucose Creatinine Cholesterol CEA CA19-9 Amylase olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists

nlt Pr Albumin Analyte • Special Chemistry

FLDQ, onpage73. For secondinstrument options, reporting seetheQualityCross Check program, Body FluidChemistryFLD ogram Code ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] FLD Challenges perShipment 1 peryear 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 Program Information • • Conventional and Three 3.0-mL simulated • Two shipmentsperyear Units (SI) reporting offeredUnits (SI)reporting International System of liquid bodyfluidspecimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 73 Special Chemistry Special fluid specimens of System International Units (SI) reporting offered liquid body fluid specimens liquid body in duplicate instruments per year shipments Two • liquid body 3.0-mL Three and • Conventional • • simulated 3.0-mL Three • three Report up to • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per Shipment Challenges ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency FLD2 FLDQ for proficiency testing; see Survey FLD on see Survey testing; proficiency for ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ogram Code Body Fluid Chemistry 2 FLD2 Quality Cross Check—Body Fluid Chemistry FLDQ Chemistry Fluid Check—Body Cross Quality peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability instrument comparison and peer group is in compliance with the CMS directive regar is in compliance with the CMS directive instruments. Alkaline phosphatase Analyte Pr AnalyteAlbumin Code Program per Shipment Challenges

This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring a solution for Provides page 72. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For page 72. • reports both with custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument Bilirubin Calcium Chloride Lipase Potassium Sodium Uric acid Amylase CA19-9 antigen (CEA) Carcinoembryonic Cholesterol Creatinine Glucose Lactate (LD) dehydrogenase Lactate pH total Protein, Triglycerides nitrogen Urea

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 74 and gammaglobulin) Electrophoresis (albumin Oligoclonal bands Protein, total Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) Lactate IgG, quantitative Glucose Creatinine, urine Cadmium, wholeblood Cadmium, urine olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists proficiency testing (OSHA standard-29 CFR1910.1027AppF). This Survey meetstheOccupationalSafetyand nlt PormCd Challenges perShipment Program Code Cystatin C Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Albumin, quantitative Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code Beta-2-microglobulin, urine Analyte Special Chemistry Cerebrospinal FluidChemistry M, OLI Cystatin CCYS Cadmium CD ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines for OLI M ] ] ] ] ] CYS CD ] 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Sixshipmentsperyear • Two shipmentsperyear • OLI- Three 1.0-mL simulated • M- Three 5.0-mL simulated • • Conventional and Three 6.0-mL wholeblood • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 1.0-mL liquidserum • (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits specimens and three paired serum liquid spinalfluidspecimens liquid spinalfluidspecimens 13.0-mL urinespecimens specimens andthree specimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 75 Special Chemistry Special specimens samples hemolysate specimens fat specimens fats (triglycerides) of neutral free split fats (total and/or fatty acids) • liquid serum 1.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two • lyophilized 0.5-mL Two • shipments per year Two • liquid specimens 1.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two • fecal 1.0-g simulated Three • shipments per year Two • fecal 10.0-g simulated Two • detection microscopic For • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 2 3 PLA 2 Challenges per Shipment Challenges per Shipment Challenges Challenges per Shipment Challenges FT FT PLA FCAL FCFS G6PDS ] ] ] ] ] ogram Code ogram Code ogram Code Fecal Fat FCFS Fat Fecal Fructosamine FT Fructosamine Fecal Calprotectin FCAL FCAL Calprotectin Fecal ) activity 2 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase G6PDS Dehydrogenase Glucose-6-Phosphate Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A Lipoprotein-Associated Lipoprotein-associated Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase (Lp-PLA Analyte Pr G6PD, qualitative and quantitative qualitative and G6PD, Analyte Pr AnalyteFructosamine Pr Fecal fat, qualitative fat, Fecal Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Fecal calprotectin Fecal

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 76 Urine Bence Jones protein interpretation Protein electrophoresis pattern Protein electrophoresis Protein, total M-protein (Paraprotein) identification IgM, quantitation IgG, quantitation IgA, quantitation olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Procedure Pr Lipoprotein electrophoresis Analyte nlt Pr Plasma hemoglobin Analyte Lamellar bodycount Special Chemistry Lipoprotein andProtein Electrophoresis Lamellar BodyCountLBC Plasma Hemoglobin PHG LPE, SPE, UBJP ] P P UBJP SPE LPE ogram Code ogram Code ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] PHG LBC ] Challenges perShipment Challenges perShipment 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For usewithLBCmethods • Three 2.0-mL simulated • Two shipmentsperyear • • SPE- Two 1.0-mL lyophilized • LPE- Two 1.0-mL liquid • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 2.0-mL liquidspecimens • UBJP - Two 10.0-mL urine analyzers performed onallhematology specimens liquid amnioticfluid specimens challenges peryear electrophoresis dry educational protein serum specimens; two serum specimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 77 Special Chemistry Special specimens serum specimens serum specimen serum fluid specimens per year shipments Three • human serum 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • lyophilized 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • lyophilized One 2.0-mL • • oral synthetic 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per Shipment Challenges per Shipment Challenges Challenges per Shipment Challenges ABS C7 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] PCT ogram Code SALC ] ] ] ogram Code ogram Code Procalcitonin PCT Procalcitonin Salivary Cortisol SALC Pseudocholinesterase C7 Pseudocholinesterase Accuracy-Based Testosterone, Estradiol ABS Estradiol Testosterone, Accuracy-Based Albumin Analyte Pr Salivary cortisol Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Pseudocholinesterase Analyte Pr Analyte Procalcitonin Pr

testosterone and estradiol using the established reference methods. using the established reference and estradiol testosterone Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) hormone (FSH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (LH) Luteinizing Calcium Cortisol Estradiol hormone-binding globulin Sex (SHBG) Testosterone hormone (TSH) Thyroid-stimulating Additional Information • values for (CDC) will set target and Prevention Disease Control for The Centers

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 78 Zinc Thallium Selenium Mercury Manganese Lead Copper Cobalt Chromium Arsenic Zinc Selenium Manganese Copper Chromium olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Aluminum Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Aluminum Analyte Total bile acids Analyte Special Chemistry Trace Metals, Urine TMU Total BileAcids TBLA Trace MetalsR ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] TBLA TMU R 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For laboratories thatmonitor • • Two 25.0-mL urine • • • Conventional and Three 5.0-mL liquidserum • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 5.0-mL liquidserum • Conventional and Two shipmentsperyear toxic levels trace metalsatnormaland offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits specimens Units (SI) reporting offeredUnits (SI)reporting International System of specimens specimens 6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 79 Special Chemistry Special liquid human sweat specimens specimens of Units System International (SI) reporting offered normal and metals at trace levels toxic • simulated 5.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • whole blood 6.0-mL Three and • Conventional • that monitor laboratories For • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Precut 2-cm diameter Precut papers Whatman filter blunt-tipped22-gauge needles boats and Polystyrene sponges chloride-free No additional provided materials ] TMWB ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4 SW3, SW2, SW1, ] ] SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 ® and ™ Trace Metals, Whole Blood TMWB Whole Blood Metals, Trace Sweat Analysis Series Compatibility Matrix Sweat Analysis Systems ® Sweat Analysis Series SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4 SW3, SW2, Series SW1, Sweat Analysis Orion direct electrode Orion direct Method/Procedure Code Program Included Materials AnalyteChloride Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteAluminum Code Program per Shipment Challenges Nanoduct

For method compatibility, see chart below. method compatibility, For Wescor Macroduct Wescor System Indicator CF All other methodologies Conductivity Arsenic, total Arsenic, Chromium Cobalt Copper Manganese Mercury Selenium Thallium Zinc

6 General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 80 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists readily available results. Identifypotential proficiency testing failures Each laboratory receives aSurvey Summary, Participant • which includes Utilize material withconfirmedresults asanalternative external qualitycontrol • Documentcorrection ofproblems identifiedinSurveys • Correlate results withotherlaboratories orinstruments • Identifyandtroubleshoot instrument/method problems • Use thesamematerial thatissentintheSurveys program to: Validated Materials Improve thereliability ofyour patientresults withCAP Survey Choose codeCPIP/CPIP1 onyourSurveysorderform. SAM requirements.Enjoy afullyearofCPIPandearnupto15CME/SAMcredits. earned creditstotheirContinuing Certification(CC),formerlyknownasMaintenance ofCertification(MOC) revealed, justasinthelaboratory.Participantswho successfullycompletetheposttestmayapplytheir a newcase,includingrelatedimagesandclinicalbackground. Asthecaseunfolds,moreinformationis to sharpentheirdiagnosticskillsinrealtimebyworking throughanactualcase.Eachmonth,youwillreceive Online, hands-onandinteractive,theClinicalPathology ImprovementProgram(CPIP)enablespathologists Test yourdiagnosticskillsasapathologist withCPIP eersia li V M Page MVM Corresponding Survey Program Code Cerebrospinal Fluid Validated Material Challenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) Analyte Viscosity Analyte Special Chemistry Soluble Transferrin Receptor STFR Cerebrospinal Fluid, Validated Material Viscosity V ] ] STFR V 3 2 74 Program Information Program Information Program Information • Two 10.0-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 2.5-mL liquidhuman • • Two shipmentsperyear specimens serum specimens liquid spinalfluidspecimens Thr ee 5.0-mL simulated 7 Endocrinology groups for greater diagnostic confidence. diagnostic greater for groups practices. and best trends staff on testing challenge. testing aligns with the proficiency Use the CAP’s Participant Summary Participant Summary Use the CAP’s the to laboratory your take Reports to next level. peer large against and methods results your Compare • further educate discussion to the extensive Review • that with content credit Earn continuing education •

...... 82

(MMA) 12 Endocrinology 7 New Programs MMA and Active B Endocrinology


Analytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Ligand—General K, KK, K2 Program Information • K - Five 5.0-mL liquid serum Challenges per Analyte Program Code specimens; three shipments Shipment per year K, KK K2 • KK - Five 5.0-mL liquid Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) ] 5 serum specimens in CEA ]] 3 duplicate; three shipments per year Cortisol ] 5 Ferritin ]] 3 • K2 - Three 5.0-mL liquid serum specimens; two ]] 7 Folate, serum 3 shipments per year hCG, quantitative ] 5 Immunoglobulin E (IgE) ] 5 Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) ]]2 (K,KK)/3 (K2) Prostate-specific antigen, ] 2 complexed (cPSA) Prostate-specific antigen, free ] 2

Endocrinology Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) ] 3 T3, free (triiodothyronine, free) ] 5 T3, total (triiodothyronine, total) ] 5 T3 uptake and related tests ] 5 T4, free (thyroxine, free) ] 5 T4, total (thyroxine, total) ] 5 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) ] 5

Vitamin B12 ]] 3

Program Information MMA and Active B12 MMA • Three 1.0-mL serum Challenges per Analyte/Procedure Program Code specimens Shipment • Two shipments per year MMA

Active vitamin B12 ] 3 Methylmalonic acid ] 3

82 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Endocrinology

B-Type Natriuretic Peptides BNP, BNP5 Program Information • BNP - Two 1.0-mL liquid Analyte Challenges per Shipment plasma specimens Program Code • Conventional and BNP BNP5 International System of BNP 2 5 Units (SI) reporting offered; two shipments per year NT-proBNP 2 5 • BNP5 - Five 1.0-mL liquid Additional Information plasma specimens • The College of American Pathologists Accreditation Program requires all accredited • Conventional and laboratories performing non-waived testing for BNP and NT-proBNP to complete International System of 15 PT challenges per year. Units (SI) reporting offered; ® • For i-STAT , use Plasma Cardiac Markers programs PCARM or PCARMX. three shipments per year • For second instrument reporting options, see the Quality Cross Check program, BNPQ, below. 7 Endocrinology

Quality Cross Check—BNP BNPQ Program Information • Three 1.5-mL liquid Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment specimens BNPQ • Report up to three BNP ] 3 instruments NT-proBNP ] 3 • Conventional and This program does not meet regulatory requirements for proficiency testing; see Survey BNP or International System of BNP5 above. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. Units (SI) reporting offered The Quality Cross Check Program: • Two shipments per year • Provides a solution for monitoring performance across multiple instruments, and is in compliance with the CMS directive regarding proficiency testing on multiple instruments. • Simplifies instrument comparability efforts by providing custom reports with both peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics.

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 83 Endocrinology

Ligand—Special Y, YY, DY Program Information • Y - Three 5.0-mL liquid serum Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment specimens in duplicate Y, YY DY • YY - Three 5.0-mL liquid 11-deoxycortisol ] 3 serum specimens in 17-hydroxyprogesterone ] 3 triplicate Androstenedione ] 3 • DY - Must order in conjunction with Survey Y or DHEA sulfate ] 3 YY Estradiol ] 3 • Conventional and Estriol, unconjugated (uE3) ] 3 International System of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ] 3 Units (SI) reporting offered Growth hormone (GH) ] 3 • Two shipments per year 7 IGF-1 (somatomedin C) ] 3 Luteinizing hormone (LH) ] 3 Progesterone ] 3 Prolactin ] 3 Testosterone ] 3 Testosterone, bioavailable (measured) ] 3 Testosterone, free (measured) ] 3 Endocrinology Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) ] 3

Antimüllerian Hormone AMH Program Information • Three 1.0-mL lyophilized Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment serum specimens AMH • Two shipments per year Antimüllerian hormone ] 3

25-OH Vitamin D, Total VITD Program Information • Three 1.0-mL liquid serum Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment specimens VITD • Conventional and 25-OH vitamin D, total ] 3 International System of Units (SI) reporting offered • Two shipments per year

84 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Endocrinology

Bone and Growth BGS Program Information • Three 1.0-mL liquid serum Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment specimens BGS • Conventional and IGF-1 (somatomedin C) ] 3 International System of Osteocalcin ] 3 Units (SI) reporting offered • Two shipments per year

Accuracy-Based Vitamin D ABVD Program Information • Three 1.0-mL liquid human 7 Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment serum specimens Endocrinology ABVD • Serum is from multi-donor 25-OH vitamin D (D2 and D3) ] 3 endogenous pools Additional Information • Conventional and • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will establish reference International System of Units targets using isotope-dilution LC-MS/MS method. (SI) reporting offered • Specimens are collected by a modified application of Clinical Laboratory and • Two shipments per year Standards Institute Guideline CLSI C37-A, Preparation and Validation of Commutable Frozen Human Serum Pools as Secondary Reference Materials for Cholesterol Measurement Procedures; Approved Guideline.

Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Urine BU Program Information • Two 2.0-mL lyophilized Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment human urine specimens BU • Conventional and C-telopeptide (CTx) ] 2 International System of Creatinine ] 2 Units (SI) reporting offered Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) ] 2 • Two shipments per year N-telopeptide (NTx) ] 2 Pyridinoline (PYD) ] 2

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 85 Endocrinology

Bone Markers and Vitamins Program Information • BMV1 through BMV4 - BMV1, BMV2, BMV3, BMV4, BMV5, BMV6 Three 5.0-mL liquid serum Challenges per specimens for each program Analyte Program Code Shipment • BMV5 and BMV6 - Three BMV1 BMV2 BMV3 BMV4 BMV5 BMV6 1.0-mL liquid serum 1,25 dihydroxy specimens for each program ] 3 vitamin D • Two shipments per year Bone-specific alkaline ] 3 phosphatase Vitamin A ] 3 Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol, gamma ] 3 7 tocopherol) C-telopeptide ] 3 N-telopeptide ] 3

Erythropoietin EPO Program Information Endocrinology • Two 1.5-mL serum Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment specimens EPO • Two shipments per year Erythropoietin ] 2

Fetal Fibronectin FF Program Information • Two 1.2-mL liquid specimens Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment • Two shipments per year FF Fetal fibronectin ] 2

Insulin, Gastrin, C-Peptide, and PTH ING Program Information • Three 5.0-mL lyophilized Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment serum specimens ING • Conventional and C-peptide ] 3 International System of Gastrin ] 3 Units (SI) reporting offered Insulin ] 3 • Two shipments per year Parathyroid hormone (PTH) ] 3

86 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Endocrinology

Second Trimester Maternal Screening FP, FPX Program Information • FP - Five 1.0-mL liquid serum Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment specimens; two 1.0-mL FP, FPX simulated amniotic fluid Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), amniotic fluid ] 2 specimens Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), serum ] 5 • FPX - All Survey FP serum specimens in duplicate; two Dimeric inhibin A (DIA) ] 5 1.0-mL simulated amniotic Estriol, unconjugated (uE3) ] 5 fluid specimens Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), ] 5 • Three shipments per year quantitative The CAP designed these Surveys for laboratories using AFP and hCG for prenatal screening purposes only. For all other applications, see Survey K or KK on page 82. 7 Program Information

First Trimester Endocrinology • FP1T - Five 1.0-mL serum Maternal Screening FP1T, FP1B specimens Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment • FP1B - Five 1.0-mL serum FP1T FP1B specimens Total hCG ] 5 • Three shipments per year Free beta hCG ] 5 PAPP-A ]] 5 The CAP designed these Surveys for laboratories using hCG for prenatal screening purposes only. For all other applications, see Survey K or KK on page 82.

Noninvasive Prenatal Testing NIPT Program Information • Three maternal plasma Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment samples NIPT • Two shipments per year Cell-free DNA screening for fetal ] 3 aneuploidy Noninvasive prenatal testing is an exercise and is not considered proficiency testing. This exercise may be used to meet the requirements for alternative assessment.

Quality Cross Check—Parathyroid Hormone PTHQ Program Information • Three 5.0-mL lyophilized Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment serum specimens in PTHQ duplicate Parathyroid hormone (PTH) ] 3 • Report up to three This program does not meet regulatory requirements for proficiency testing; see Survey ING on instruments page 86. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see page 40. • Two shipments per year The Quality Cross Check Program: • Provides a solution for monitoring performance across multiple instruments, and is in compliance with the CMS directive regarding proficiency testing on multiple instruments. • Simplifies instrument comparability efforts by providing custom reports with both peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics.

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 87 Endocrinology

Pharmacogenetics PGX, PGX1, PGX2, PGX3 Program Information • Three 25.0-μg extracted DNA Challenges per Analyte/Procedure Program Code specimens Shipment • Includes allele detection PGX PGX1 PGX2 PGX3 (genotyping) and/or CYP2C19 ] 3 interpretive challenges CYP2C9 ] 3 • Two shipments per year CYP2D6 ] 3 CYP3A4 ] 3 CYP3A5 ] 3 SLCO1B1 (rs4149056) ] 3 VKORC1 ] 3 IL28B (rs12979860) ] 3 7 HLA-B*15:02 ] 3 HLA-B*57:01 ] 3 DPYD ] 3 TPMT ] 3 UGT1A1 ] 3 Additional Information Endocrinology • UGT1A1 (PGX3 Survey) tests the laboratory’s ability to detect variants in the TATA repeat sequence in the UGT1A1 promotor (eg, UGT1A1*28 with seven TA repeats). The ability to detect variants in other regions of the UGT1A1 gene is not part of this program. • Survey PGX2 is designed for laboratories that provide HLA-B*57:01 testing to identify risk of hypersensitivity to abacavir and HLA-B*15:02 testing to identify risk of hypersensitivity to carbamazepine. The intended response is qualitative (presence/absence of the allele). This Survey is not appropriate for laboratories that perform molecular HLA typing. For HLA typing proficiency testing, please consult the HLA Molecular Typing (DML) Survey.

RBC Folate FOL Program Information • Two 2.0-mL lyophilized whole Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment blood specimens FOL • Conventional and RBC folate ] 2 International System of Units (SI) reporting offered • Three shipments per year

88 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Endocrinology

Renin and Aldosterone RAP Program Information • Three 2.0-mL lyophilized Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment plasma specimens RAP • Conventional and Aldosterone ] 3 International System of Renin ] 3 Units (SI) reporting offered • Two shipments per year

Tumor Markers TM, TMX Program Information • TM - Three 2.0-mL liquid 7 Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment serum specimens Endocrinology TM, TMX • TMX - All Survey TM Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) ] 3 specimens in duplicate Beta-2 microglobulin ] 3 • Two shipments per year CA 15-3 ] 3 CA 19-9 ] 3 CA 27.29 ] 3 CA 72-4 ] 3 CA 125 ] 3 Calcitonin ] 3 Thyroglobulin ] 3

Human Epididymis Protein 4 HUEP Program Information • Three 1.0-mL lyophilized Analyte Program Code Challenges per Shipment serum specimens HUEP • Two shipments per year Human epididymis protein 4 ] 3

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 89 Endocrinology

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated Materials Use the same material that is sent in the Surveys program to: • Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems • Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments • Document correction of problems identified in Surveys • Utilize material with confirmed results as an alternative external quality control • Identify potential proficiency testing failures Each laboratory receives a Survey Participant Summary, which includes readily available results.

Endocrinology, Validated Materials Program Information 7 Validated Material Program Code Corresponding Survey Page • KVM - Five 5.0-mL liquid Ligand—General KVM K 82 serum specimens; three shipments per year Ligand—Special YVM Y 84 • YVM - Six 5.0-mL liquid serum specimens in duplicate; two shipments per year Endocrinology

We are here to help. Fast Focus on Compliance—the inspector’s quick guide

A resource for laboratories and inspectors alike, our Fast Focus on Compliance mini-training vignettes help you prepare for future laboratory inspections by gaining a clear understanding of the requirements and receiving insight into areas that need improvement: • Inspecting Method Validation/Verification Studies • Inspecting Personnel Records • 12 Inspector Tools to Make Your Inspection Go More Smoothly • Proficiency Testing Referral and Communications • Competency Assessment • Documenting Your Inspection Findings Access these concentrated topics online by searching Fast Focus on Compliance at cap.org

90 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs 8 Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry

participants. and programs. modules. and self-assessment continuing education, Benefit from the support of 600 experts the support of 600 Benefit from medicine. in laboratory monitoring hours countless spend These experts to: trends testing challenge to specifications specimen Determine • analytes with new contemporary Keep our offerings • continuing medical education, peer-reviewed Provide • Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry and Care, Critical Gas, Blood 8 8 Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry 92 Urea nitrogen (BUN) Glucose Creatinine tCO Sodium Potassium P pH P Magnesium, ionized Lactate Hemoglobin, Hematocrit Chloride O CO and AQ4Q, onpage93. For secondinstrument options, reporting seetheQualityCross Check programs, AQQ, AQ2Q, AQ3Q, Analytes/procedures in Blood Gas, CriticalCare, andOximetry olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmerican Pathologists nlt Program Code Calcium, ionized Analyte Blood Gas, CriticalCare, andOximetry instrument? Do you use 2 an i-STAT 2 2

estimated Critical Care BloodGasAQ, AQ2, AQ3, AQ4 bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] QA2A3AQ4 AQ3 AQ2 AQ Yes No ]] ]] ]] Order Survey Order Survey AQ3 orAQ4 AQ orAQ2 Challenges per 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • • Conventional and AQ3, AQ4 -Five2.5-mL • AQ, AQ2 -Five2.5-mL • (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits i-STAT methodsonly specimens induplicate for except i-STAT appropriate for allmethods testing induplicate; specimens for hematocrit duplicate andfive2.5-mL aqueous specimensin ® 8 Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry 93 ® te for i-STAT methods methods i-STAT for te specimens in triplicate and in triplicate specimens for specimens 2.5-mL three in testing hematocrit all for appropriate triplicate; i-STAT methods except 1.7-mL specimens in specimens in 1.7-mL triplica only instruments of Units System International (SI) reporting offered • 2.5-mL Three - AQ2Q AQQ, • Three - AQ4Q AQ3Q, • three Report up to and • Conventional shipments per year • Two Program Information Program Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry Care, Critical Gas, Blood 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency for proficiency testing; see Surveys AQ and AQ see Surveys testing; proficiency for ]] ]] ]] AQQ AQ2Q AQ3Q AQ4Q ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]] AQQ, AQ2Q, AQ3Q, AQ4Q AQ3Q, AQ2Q, AQQ, Quality Cross Check—Blood Gas Check—Blood Cross Quality 2 2 peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability instrument comparison and peer group instruments. is in compliance with the CMS directive regar is in compliance with the CMS directive 2 Calcium, ionized Calcium, Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

• reports with both custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument AQ2-AQ4 on page 92. For additional information about the Quality Cross Check program, see program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For on page 92. AQ2-AQ4 page 40. The Quality Cross Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring a solution for Provides These programs do not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory do not meet These programs CO O Creatinine Glucose (BUN) nitrogen Urea Chloride Hematocrit estimated Hemoglobin, Lactate ionized Magnesium, P pH P Potassium Sodium tCO

8 Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry For secondinstrument options, reporting seetheQualityCross Check program, • ThisSurvey isnotcompatibl • Additional Information 94 Oxyhemoglobin Methemoglobin Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, estimated Oxyhemoglobin Methemoglobin Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, estimated olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists SOQ, below. blood oximeters. Simplifiesinstrument comparability efforts by providing custom withboth reports • Provides asolutionfor monitoring performance across multipleinstruments, and • The QualityCross CheckProgram: For additionalinformation aboutthe QualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnot meetregulatory requirements f nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Carboxyhemoglobin Analyte nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Carboxyhemoglobin Analyte Blood Gas, CriticalCare, andOximetry instruments. is incompliancewiththeCMSdirective regar peer group comparison andinstrument comparability statistics.

total total Quality Cross Check—BloodOximetry Blood OximetrySO e withOxicom-2000, -2100, or-3000whole SOQ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] or proficency testing; seeSurvey SOabove. O SOQ OSO ding proficiency testing onmultiple 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Two shipments peryear • • Conventional and Report upto three • Three 1.2-mL liquid • • Conventional and Five1.8-mL stabilized • (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits instruments specimens intriplicate specimens human hemoglobinsolution 9 Toxicology ...... 97 ...... 106 ...... 105 for initial and definitive testing and identify gaps in initial and definitive for Q-PROBES™ Opioid with the new protocols testing (QP192). program Stewardship Testing (NOB) includes challenges covering a mix of designer designer a mix of covering (NOB) includes challenges list. updated a regularly from drugs • Benchmark opioid urine drug testing turnaround times turnaround testing opioid urine drug Benchmark • Keep pace with the growing opioid the growing Keep pace with program Opioids and Benzodiazepines Novel The new • abuse crisis.

...... 105

...... 97 ...... Toxicology 9 Toxicology Quality Program (TQP) Deleted Programs Drug Monitoring for Pain Management (DMPM) ...... Drug Monitoring for Pain Management (DMPM) 107 New Analyte/Drug Additions New Programs ...... Antifungal Drugs Monitoring (AFD) Blood Cannabinoids (THCB) Toxicology (T) Novel Opioids and Benzodiazepines (NOB) Novel Opioids and Benzodiazepines Urine Toxicology (UT)

9 Toxicology 96 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Use thisflowchart asaguide for ordering appropriate to Analytes/procedures in Toxicology nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code See drug listingonnext page Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code See drug listingonnext page Analyte Toxicology Qualitative reporting Qualitative reporting Immunoassay and UDS and/or UDS6 (no quantitation) nonconfirmatory techniques ONLY bold (see catalog listingfor program details) typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). Urine Toxicology UT Urine ToxicologyPrograms Toxicology T DFC, SCDD, orUT analysis WITHOUT confirmatory drug Screening and/or (no quantitation) quantitation ] ] UT T xicology Surveysxicology for your laboratory’s testing menu. drug analysis WITH Screening and/or DMPM orUDC confirmatory quantitation 5 5 Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Three shipmentsperyear • For laboratories performing • • Five50.0-mL liquidurine • Atotal offivespecimens • For laboratories performing testing with qualitativeconfirmatory qualitative drug analysis specimens qualitative analysis onurine drug analysis onserum and qualitative andquantitative urine specimens specimens ser consisting of20.0-mL liquid analysis withquantitation Mixed andOtherMatrices T, FTC, OFD, NOB, THCB (see cataloglisting for um and50.0-mL liquid Toxicology Programs confirmatory drug Screening and/or program details) 9 Toxicology 97 Toxicology Pregabalin Pregabalin Propoxyphene Propranolol Pseudoephedrine Quetiapine Quinidine Quinine Ranitidine Salicylates Sertraline Strychnine Temazepam Topiramate Tramadol Trazodone group Tricyclic Trimipramine acid Valproic Venlafaxine Verapamil Zolpidem Olanzapine group Opiate Oxazepam Oxycodone Oxymorphone Paroxetine Pentobarbital Phencyclidine Phenethylamine Pheniramine Phenobarbital Phentermine Phenylephrine Phenytoin *Same compound 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org metabolite (EDDP) metabolite Methamphetamine Methylenedioxy- (MDA) amphetamine Methylenedioxy- methamphetamine (MDMA) Methylenedioxy- (MDPV) pyrovalerone Methylphenidate Metoprolol Mirtazapine Morphine N-desmethyltramadol Naproxen Nicotine Norbuprenorphine Norchlordiazepoxide Norclomipramine Norcodeine Norcyclobenzaprine* Nordiazepam Nordoxepin Norfentanyl Norfluoxetine Norketamine Normeperidine Noroxycodone Norpropoxyphene Norsertraline Nortrimipramine Nortriptyline Norverapamil O-desmethyltramadol Meprobamate Methadone Methadone T and UT Programs Drug Listing Drug Programs UT and T Challenges will include a mix of drugs from the list below. from of drugs will include a mix Challenges Gabapentin Hydrocodone Hydromorphone Hydroxybupropion Delta-9-THC (serum only) (serum Delta-9-THC Delta-9-THC-COOH Desipramine Desmethylclomipramine Desmethylcyclobenzaprine* Desmethylsertraline Dextromethorphan Diazepam Dihydrocodeine Diltiazem Diphenhydramine Doxepin Doxylamine Duloxetine ester Ecgonine ethyl ester Ecgonine methyl Ephedrine Fentanyl Flunitrazepam Fluoxetine Hydroxyzine Ibuprofen Imipramine Ketamine Lamotrigine Levetiracetam Lidocaine Lorazepam acid diethylamide Lysergic (LSD) Meperidine Mephedrone 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) 7-aminoclonazepam 7-aminoflunitrazepam Acetaminophen Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam Alprazolam Amitriptyline Amphetamine Amphetamine group Aripiprazole Atenolol Atropine group Barbiturate Benzodiazepine group Benzoylecgonine Brompheniramine Buprenorphine Bupropion Butalbital Cannabinoids Carbamazepine Carbamazepine-10, 11-epoxide Carisoprodol Chlordiazepoxide Chlorpheniramine Citalopram Clomipramine Clonazepam Clozapine Cocaethylene Cocaine Codeine Cotinine Cyclobenzaprine

9 Toxicology 98 Specific gravity pH Oxidants Nitrite Glutaraldehyde olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt Program Code Creatinine Analyte Program Code 3 Acetaminophen 5 Analyte mhtmn 3 5 Amphetamine mhtmn/ehmhtmn ru 53 5 Amphetamine/methamphetamine group abtrt ru 53 5 Barbiturate group ezdaeiegop 3 5 Benzodiazepine group ezyegnn/oan eaoie 3 5 Benzoylecgonine/cocaine metabolites urnrhn n eaoie 3 5 Buprenorphine andmetabolites et--H-OH53 Delta-9-THC-COOH 5 tao 3 Ethanol 5 etnl53 Fentanyl 5 yegcai ityaie(S) 3 5 Lysergic aciddiethylamide (LSD) ehdn 3 Methadone 5 ehdn eaoie(DP 53 5 Methadone metabolite (EDDP) ehmhtmn 3 5 Methamphetamine ehqaoe53 Methaqualone 5 ehlndoyehmhtmn MM) 3 5 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) paegop 3 5 Opiate group xcdn 3 Oxycodone 5 hnyldn 3 Phencyclidine 5 rpxpee53 Propoxyphene 5 rcci ru 53 5 Tricyclic group Toxicology CAP/AACC UrineDrug Testing, Screening Urine Drug Adulterant/Integrity DAI UDS, UDS6 ] ] ] ] ] ] UDS DAI Challenges perShipment Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Limited UDS6 UDS6 Program Information Program Information • Participants willhave Participants access • • • UDS6 - Three UDS6 10.0-mL liquid • UDS-Five10.0-mL liquid • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 25.0-mL urine • AACC For laboratories performing F newsletter, to the AACC quarterly screening techniques only immunoassay orother urine specimensusing drugs ofabusetesting on shipments peryear urine specimens; two shipments peryear urine specimens; three specimens orensic ToxicologyNews Clinical &

9 Toxicology 99

Toxicology Clinical & CC orensic Toxicology News orensic Toxicology specimens perform both screening both screening perform testing, and confirmatory for including quantitation, in urine of abuse drugs are laboratories specimens; report creatinine, to asked for and specific gravity pH, ensure specimen to each has specimen adulteration not occurred quarterly the AACC to newsletter, newsletter, F that laboratories For AA • liquid urine 50.0-mL Ten • • access Participants will have • shipments per year Four Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 UDC ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Confirmatory UDC Confirmatory CAP/AACC Forensic Urine Drug Testing, Testing, Urine Drug Forensic CAP/AACC 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

pH gravity Specific Methadone metabolite (EDDP) Methadone metabolite Methamphetamine Methaqualone (MDA) Methylenedioxyamphetamine Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Morphine Norbuprenorphine Nordiazepam Norpropoxyphene Oxazepam Oxycodone Oxymorphone Phencyclidine Phenobarbital Propoxyphene Secobarbital Temazepam Indicator Adulterant/Integrity Creatinine Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam Amphetamine Benzoylecgonine Buprenorphine Butalbital Codeine Delta-9-THC-COOH Hydrocodone Hydromorphone Lorazepam Methadone

9 Toxicology 100 Benzodiazepine Group Phencyclidine (PCP) Opiate Group Methadone Cannabinoids Cocaine and/or metabolite Buprenorphine Temazepam Oxazepam Nordiazepam Diazepam Alprazolam Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDEA) (MDA) Methamphetamine Amphetamine Oxymorphone Oxycodone Morphine Hydromorphone Hydrocodone Codeine 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) Delta-9-THC-COOH Delta-9-THC Cocaine Benzoylecgonine Buprenorphine andnorbuprenorphine olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Amphetamine Group Analyte Toxicology Oral Fluidfor Drugs ofAbuseOFD ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] OFD 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Program Information Four shipmentsperyear • For laboratories performing • Five2.0-mL oral fluid • and quantitation drug screening, confirmation, specimens 9 Toxicology 101 Toxicology C whole blood specimens; specimens; whole blood reporting conventional specimens; serum and conventional of Units System International (SI) reporting offered vitreous fluid specimens vitreous laboratories toxicology quantitative that perform fluid of vitreous analysis International System of Units System International (SI) reporting offered specimens serum drug screening using screening drug serum or other immunoassay techniques screening Conventional and Conventional that perform laboratories For AAC • liquid - Five 5.0-mL AL1 • liquid AL2 - Five 2.0-mL • shipments per year Three • synthetic 5.0-mL Three • and other forensic For • • shipments per year Two • serum 2.0-mL Three • • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 AL2 VF Serum SDS ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] AL1* ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] Whole Blood has approved Survey AL1. Survey has approved Serum Drug Screening SDS Screening Drug Serum Vitreous Fluid, Postmortem VF Postmortem Fluid, Vitreous CAP/AACC Alcohol/Volatiles AL1,* AL2 AL1,* Alcohol/Volatiles CAP/AACC Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Acetaminophen, quantitative Acetaminophen, Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteAcetone Code Program per Shipment Challenges Acetone, quantitative Acetone,

*The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board Proficiency Proficiency Board Accreditation Directors/Laboratory of Crime Laboratory *The American Society PRC) (ASCLD/LAB Committee Review Acetone, semiquantitative and qualitative semiquantitative Acetone, qualitative group, Barbiturate qualitative group, Benzodiazepine quantitative Salicylate, qualitative antidepressants, tricyclic Total Chloride Creatinine Ethanol Glucose Potassium Sodium nitrogen urea Vitreous Ethanol, quantitative Ethanol, qualitative and glycol, Ethylene quantitative quantitative Isopropanol, quantitative Methanol,

9 Toxicology 102 Creatinine, urine Cadmium, wholeblood Cadmium, urine Ethyl sulfate (EtS), quantitative Nicotine Cotinine olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists proficiency testing (OSHA standard-29 CFR1910.1027AppF). This Survey meetstheOccupationalSafetyand proficiency testing [OSHA leadstandards-29 CFR1910.1025(j)(2)(iii)]. This Survey meetstheOccupationalSafetyand nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Anabasine Analyte Beta-2-microglobulin, urine nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Analyte Challenges perShipment Lead Program Code Analyte and quantitative Ethyl glucuronide (EtG), qualitative Analyte Toxicology Nicotine and Tobacco AlkaloidsNTA CAP/AACC BloodLead BL Ethanol Biomarkers ETB Cadmium CD Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines for Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] NTA ETB CD BL 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Sixshipmentsperyear • • Five6.0-mL liquidnonhuman • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 10.0-mL synthetic • Two shipmentsperyear • Designedfor laboratories • Three 25.0-mL urine • • Three 6.0-mL wholeblood • AAC Conventional and Conventional and (SI) r International System ofUnits (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits whole blood specimens urine specimens nicotine inurine anabasine, cotinine, and/or quantitatively test for that qualitatively and/or specimens 13.0-mL urinespecimens specimens andthree eporting offered eporting C 9 Toxicology 103 Toxicology specimens of Units System International (SI) reporting offered metals at normal and trace levels toxic specimens International System of Units System International (SI) reporting offered normal and metals at trace levels toxic Conventional and Conventional • whole blood 6.0-mL Three and • Conventional • that monitor laboratories For • shipments per year Two • urine 25.0-mL Two • • that monitor laboratories For • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TMU TMWB ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Trace Metals, Urine TMU Urine Metals, Trace Trace Metals, Whole Blood TMWB Whole Blood Metals, Trace Aluminum Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteAluminum Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Arsenic, total Arsenic, Chromium Cobalt Copper Manganese Mercury Selenium Thallium Zinc Arsenic Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Thallium Zinc

9 Toxicology 104 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB PRC)has The AmericanSociety ofCrimeLaboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board Proficiency Doxepin Diphenhydramine Diazepam Dextromethorphan Desmethylcyclobenzaprine Desipramine Delta-9-THC-COOH Delta-9-THC Cyclobenzaprine* Codeine Cocaine Cocaethylene Clonazepam Chlorpheniramine Carisoprodol Butalbital Brompheniramine Benzoylecgonine Amphetamine Amitriptyline Alprazolam Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam Acetaminophen 7-aminoflunitrazepam 7-aminoclonazepam 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code See drug listingbelow Analyte Toxicology Forensic Toxicology, Criminalistics FTC Challenges willincludeamixofdrugs from thelistbelow. approved Survey FTC. FTC Program Drug Listing Norfentanyl Nordoxepin Nordiazepam N-desmethyltramadol Morphine* (MDMA) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Methamphetamine Methadone metabolite (EDDP) Methadone Meprobamate Meperidine* Lysergic aciddiethylamide (LSD) Lorazepam Ketamine Imipramine Hydromorphone Hydrocodone Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Flurazepam* Fluoxetine Fentanyl* Ephedrine Ecgonine methyl ester Ecgonine ethyl ester ] FTC 4 Zolpidem Trazodone Tramadol* Temazepam Sertraline Secobarbital Salicylate Pseudoephedrine Propoxyphene Phenytoin Phentermine Phenobarbital Phenethylamine Phencyclidine Paroxetine Oxymorphone Oxycodone Oxazepam Nortriptyline Norsertraline Norpropoxyphene Norketamine Norfluoxetine *and/or metabolite(s) Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For crimeandhospital • Three 20.0-mL wholeblood • qualitative challenge specimens alongwithaurine of drugs inwholeblood and quantitative analysis performing qualitative forensic toxicology divisions laboratories thathave synthetic urinespecimen specimens andone20.0-mL 9 Toxicology 105 Toxicology f cannabinoids in blood specimens that laboratories qualitative and/ perform or quantitative analysis opioids and of synthetic benzodiazepines specimens qualitative that perform quantitative analysis and/or o specimens confirmatory and screening the compounds for testing in this program found • whole blood 15.0-mL Three • and toxicology forensic For • shipments per year Two • whole blood 10.0-mL Three • laboratories toxicology For • urine 20.0-mL Three • that perform laboratories For • shipments per year Two • per year shipments Two Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 on Catalog and Shipping Information. on Catalog and Shipping Information. The list is located under The list is located PT Order Supplements header. Order PT SCDD ] NOB THCB ] ] ] ] , please go to cap.org. Click Click cap.org. please go to , og and Shipping Information. og and Shipping Information. Challenges will include a mix of drugs. SCDD Program Drug Listing Drug SCDD Program The list is located under the under The list is located Challenges will include a mix of drugs. For the most current list of the most current For drugs. will include a mix of Challenges Blood Cannabinoids THCB Blood Cannabinoids Synthetic Cannabinoid/Designer Drugs SCDD Drugs Cannabinoid/Designer Synthetic Novel Opioids and Benzodiazepines NOB Novel Opioids and Benzodiazepines For the most current list of drugs the most current For Delta-9-THC Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Novel opioids and benzodiazepines Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte drugs Synthetic cannabinoid/designer Code Program per Shipment Challenges the PT Order Supplements header. Supplements header. Order the PT

NOB Program Drug Listing. Drug NOB Program drugs, please go to cap.org. Click on Catal Click cap.org. please go to drugs, Delta-9-THC-COOH 11-hydroxy-THC Additional Information and constantly widespread stimulants are and designer drug Synthetic cannabinoids contemporary, stay to In order moieties. chemical the available to in respect changing the with in accordance compounds in this program modify the has decided to the CAP of new compounds. and prevalence appearance

9 Toxicology 106 Voriconazole Posaconazole Itraconazole Fluconazole olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists • • • • Urinalysis BenchtopReferenceGuide(UABRG) • • Or, viewsamplepagesand orderonline: Select itonyourSurveysorderform. nlt PormCd Challenges perShipment Program Code Analyte Toxicology ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org years ofbenchtopuse—5”by6½” A durableand water-resistantformattowithstand Eight tabbedsectionsforeasyreference Detailed descriptionsforeachcellmorphology common andrarecells Thirty-four differentcellidentifications,including o o o o o Miscellaneous/Exogenous Organisms Urinary Crystals Urinary Casts Urinary Cells Q Q Q AtNeutral orAlkalinepH AtNeutral orAcidpH AtAcidpH Antifungal Drugs Monitoring AFD AFD ] ] ] ] 3 3 3 3 34 images;2014 Spiral bound;38pages; Item number: Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For laboratories performing • Three 5.0-mL serum • UABRG fungal agents quantitative analysis of anti- specimens 9 Toxicology 107

Toxicology o interpret test results test o interpret specimens qualitative, confirmatory, confirmatory, qualitative, urine quantitative and/or pain for analysis drug management questions along with of howdetailed descriptions t offering laboratories For • urine 40.0-mL Three • • Includes cases and clinical • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Nordiazepam Norfentanyl Normeperidine Noroxycodone Noroxymorphone Norpropoxyphene O-desmethyltramadol group Opiate Oxazepam Oxycodone Oxymorphone Phenobarbital Pregabalin Pregabalin Propoxyphene metabolites and/or Propoxyphene Tapentadol Tapentadol-O-sulfate Temazepam Tramadol metabolites and/or Tramadol 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 DMPM ] -Amphetamine -Amphetamine Fentanyl metabolites and/or Fentanyl Gabapentin Hydrocodone Hydromorphone I (MDMA) -Methamphetamine Morphine N-desmethyltramadol Norbuprenorphine I Lorazepam glucuronide Lorazepam Meperidine metabolites Meperidine and/or Meprobamate Methadone (EDDP) Methadone metabolite Methamphetamine (MDA) Methylenedioxyamphetamine M ethylenedioxymethamphetamine DMPM Program Drug Listing Drug DMPM Program Challenges will include a mix of drugs from the list below. from Challenges will include a mix of drugs Drug Monitoring for Pain Management DMPM Management Pain for Monitoring Drug Analyte listing below See drug Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Amphetamine group 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) 7-aminoclonazepam Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam Alprazolam Amphetamine group Barbiturate group Benzodiazepine Benzoylecgonine Buprenorphine metabolites and/or Buprenorphine Butalbital Cannabinoids Carisoprodol metabolites and/or Carisoprodol Clonazepam Cocaine metabolites Cocaine and/or Codeine Delta-9-THC-COOH Diazepam

9 Toxicology 108 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Doxylamine Doxepin Diphenhydramine Dextromethorphan Desipramine Delta-9-THC-COOH Cyclobenzaprine Codeine Clonidine Citalopram/escitalopram Chlorpheniramine Carisoprodol Butalbital Brompheniramine Benzoylecgonine Amphetamine Amobarbital Amitriptyline Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam 7-aminoflunitazepam 7-aminoclonazepam 4-hydroxytriazolam nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code See drug listingbelow Analyte Toxicology Drug-Facilitated CrimeDFC Challenges willincludeamixofdrugs from thelistbelow. DFC Program Drug Listing Norpropoxyphene Normeperidine Norketamine Norfluoxetine Nordoxepin Morphine M ethylenedioxymethamphetamine Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Methamphetamine Methadone metabolite (EDDP) Methadone Meprobamate Meperidine Lorazepam Ketamine Imipramine Hydromorphone Hydrocodone Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Fluoxetine Fentanyl (MDMA) ] DFC 3 Zopiclone/Eszopiclone Zolpidem Ziprasidone Zaleplon Valproic Acid Tramadol Tetrahydrozoline Temazepam Sertraline Secobarbital Scopolamine Propoxyphene Phenytoin Phenobarbital Phencyclidine (PCP) Pentobarbital Paroxetine Oxymorphone Oxycodone Oxazepam Nortriptyline Norsertraline Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • • • Three 25.0-mL urine • Designedfor laboratories For laboratories performing toxicology Surveys concentrations thaninother target drugs atmuchlower facilitated crimes, which drugs associated withdrug- performing testing for testing analysis withconfirmation qualitative urinedrug specimens 9 Toxicology 109 Toxicology PUB220 ee shipments per year specimens Thr Item number: Softcover; 304 pages; 2012

• liquid urine Five 10.0-mL • Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org (PUB220) Toxicology, Validated Material Validated Toxicology, printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Guide for Laboratory Professionals Urine Drug Testing, ScreenTesting, Urine Drug UDSM UDS 98 Validated MaterialValidated Code Program Survey Corresponding Page • • Available in print and ebook formats. View sample pages and order online: Complex issues face the laboratory director or pathologist who offers Complex issues face the laboratory director or pathologist who offers toxicology services. This thorough reference book will guide both experienced physicians and those in training through the pharmacological principles, testing menus, and methodologies for toxicology testing. Clinical Toxicology Testing A Find a practical guide to toxicology laboratory operations Find a practical guide to with this resource

Use the same material that is sent in the Surveys program. Each laboratory receives a receives laboratory Each program. the Surveys that is sent in material Use the same results. available includes readily which Participant Summary, Survey Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Survey with CAP results patient of your the reliability Improve Materials Validated

9 Toxicology 110 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Toxicology SHOP tab. To getstarted, visitcap.org andclick onthe • Manage your shipping andbilling information • Addnewprograms basedonyour test menu • Review your 2019prepopulated quote (based From theonlinestore, you can: and more. programs, learning You canorder PT, qualitymanagement Simplify Your Life withourOnlineStore on your 2018order) opportunities, publications, Accuracy-Based Programs 10 6 ...... 112 human donors and are matrix-effect free. matrix-effect and are human donors method mean values. for testing trends current reflects (ABGIC) program failure. diabetics with kidney their calibrations. Be confident in the accuracy of of in the accuracy Be confident results. your from are programs in the accuracy-based Specimens • or all targets method against reference is set Grading • and C-Peptide Insulin, Glucose, New Accuracy-Based • regarding manufacturers to feedback provide Results •

...... 11 Accuracy-Based Programs Accuracy-Based 10 Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, and C-Peptide (ABGIC) ...... 115 Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, and C-Peptide (ABGIC) New Programs Accuracy-Based Programs ...... Accuracy-Based Programs Validated Materials

10 Accuracy-Based Programs 112 Specimensare collected by amodifiedapplicationofClinicalLaboratory and • TheCenters for DiseaseControl andPrevention (CDC)willestablishreference • Additional Information Triglycerides* Lipoprotein (a) LDL cholesterol Non-HDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol* Cholesterol* Apolipoprotein B* olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists for CholesterolMeasurementProcedures; ApprovedGuideline. Commutable Frozen HumanSerumPools asSecondaryReferenceMaterials Standards Institute GuidelineCLSI C37-A, targets usingisotope-dilution LC-MS/MS method. *This analyte willbeevaluated againstthereference method. Analytes/procedures in Accuracy-Based Programs click onUPDATEMYPROFILE. To createorupdateyour profile,visitcap.org,login,and • • • • information aboutyourself,including: is transferrablewhenyouleaveyourcurrentposition. Useittomaintain Each laboratorystaffmembershouldhavetheirown profile.Yourprofile Have youcreatedorupdatedyourCAP Profile? nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code 25-OH vitaminD(D2andD3) Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Apolipoprotein A1* Analyte Accuracy-Based Programs Inspector-related information Contact preferences Certifications Business affiliations Accuracy-Based Vitamin DABVD bold Accuracy-Based LipidsABL typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). • • • Preparation and Validation of Addresses Specialties andskills Personal contactinformation ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ABVD ABL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-mL humanserum • • Serum isfrom multi-donor • Three 1.0-mL liquidhuman • Conventional and (SI) reporting offered(SI) reporting International System ofUnits specimens endogenous pools serum specimens Accuracy-Based Programs 10 113 specimens specimens specimens Accuracy-Based Programs Accuracy-Based • human urine 5.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • human serum 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per Shipment Challenges per Shipment Challenges ABS ABU ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ogram Code ogram Code Accuracy-Based Urine ABU Accuracy-Based Accuracy-Based Testosterone, Estradiol ABS Estradiol Testosterone, Accuracy-Based AnalyteCalcium Pr AnalyteAlbumin Pr

Target values for albumin are obtained by LC-MS/MS after trypsin digestion, performed by the by performed trypsin digestion, after LC-MS/MS obtained by albumin are values for Target from prepared materials using calibration MN, Rochester, Clinic, Mayo Laboratory, Testing Renal albumin (>99% pure). human serum harmonization purposes. for peer group by will be compared Other analytes testosterone and estradiol using the established reference methods. using the established reference and estradiol testosterone Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) hormone (FSH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (LH) Luteinizing Creatinine total Protein, quantitative Urine albumin, ratio creatinine Urine albumin: Calcium Cortisol Estradiol globulin hormone-binding Sex (SHBG) Testosterone hormone (TSH) Thyroid-stimulating Additional Information • for values (CDC) will set target and Prevention Control Disease for Centers The

10 Accuracy-Based Programs 114 Specimensare collected by amodifiedapplicationofClinicalLaboratory • Analytes willbeevaluated usingharmonization. • Additional Information LN Express National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP)secondaryreference laboratories. Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH) T4, total (thyroxine, total) T4, free (thyroxine, free) T3, total (triiodothyronine, total) Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Cholesterol MeasurementProcedures; ApprovedGuideline. Commutable Frozen HumanSerumPools asSecondaryReferenceMaterialsfor and Standards Institute GuidelineCLSI C37-A, CAP-assigned target valuesderivedfrom HemoglobinA testing. laboratory communitydidto improve theaccuracy ofcholesterol andglycohemoglobin This initiativeisanalogousto wha Program (NKDEP)have aninitiativeto harmonize clinically reported creatinine values. The CollegeofAmericanPathologists (C Additional Information LN Express nlt Program Code Hemoglobin A Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code T3, free (triiodothyronine, free) Analyte Program Code Creatinine Analyte Accuracy-Based Programs serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. Calibration Verification/Linearity LN15 Calibration Verification/Linearity LN24 1c Harmonized Thyroid ABTH Hemoglobin A Creatinine Accuracy t thefederal healthagenciesandtheclinical AP) andtheNationalKidney DiseaseEducation 1c Accuracy Preparation and Validation of 1c ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] measurements assayed by ABTH N5LN15TargetRange LN15 LN24TargetRange LN24 0.6–4.0 mg/dL 5%–12% 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Six1.0-mL humanserum • Two shipmentsperyear • Six0.8-mL liquidhuman • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-mL frozen human • specimens whole blood specimens specimens Accuracy-Based Programs 10 115 human whole blood human whole two shipments specimens; per year specimens human whole blood human whole blood shipments three specimens; per year Accuracy-Based Programs Accuracy-Based • liquid 0.8-mL Three GH2 - • liquid GH5 - Five 0.8-mL • serum 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program BFBRG es; 2013 g 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Item number: Spiral bound; 42 pages; 36 ima 3 3 3 to complete 15 PT 15 PT complete to 1c Program Code Program GH2 GH5 ABGIC ] ] ] 35 GH2, GH5 GH2, 1c ccreditation Program requires all accredited all accredited requires Program ccreditation ed against the National Glycohemoglobin Glycohemoglobin ed against the National Hemoglobin A Hemoglobin and C-Peptide ABGIC and C-Peptide 1c Accuracy-Based Glucose, Insulin, Insulin, Glucose, Accuracy-Based Miscellaneous Cells Crystals Microorganisms Miscellaneous Findings Erythroid Series Lymphoid Series Myeloid Series Mononuclear Phagocytic Series Lining Cells

o o o o o o o o o printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org A durable and water-resistant format to withstand years of benchtop use—5” x 6½” Nine tabbed sections for easy reference Thirty-six color images, including common and rare cells, Thirty-six color images, including crystals, and other cell inclusions including facts, Detailed descriptions of each cell cell morphology and inclusions AnalyteC-peptide Code Program per Shipment Challenges Hemoglobin A Analyte Shipment per Challenges laboratories performing non-waived testing for Hemoglobin A for non-waived testing performing laboratories Standardization Program (NGSP) reference method. (NGSP) reference Program Standardization Or, view sample pages and order online: • • Select it on your Surveys order form. • • • • Body Fluids Benchtop Reference Guide (BFBRG) Body Fluids Benchtop Reference GHQ, on page 63. GHQ, challenges per year. challenges

Glucose Insulin Additional Information • evaluat will be These Surveys • A Pathologists The College of American • program, Check Cross see the Quality reporting options, second instrument For

10 Accuracy-Based Programs 116 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Identifypotential proficiency testing failures Each laboratory receives aSurvey Summary, Participant • which includesreadily available results. Utilize material withconfirmedresults asanalternative external qualitycontrol • Documentcorrection ofproblems identifiedinSurveys • Correlate results withotherlaboratories orinstruments • Identifyandtroubleshoot instrument/method problems • Use thesamematerial thatissentintheSurveys program to: Improve thereliability ofyour patientresults withCAP Survey Validated Materials Validated Materials iadSeilYMY84 Y Ligand—Special YVM rn rgTsig cenUS D 98 82 UDS K UDSM Validated 160 KVM CGL 74 68 Validated M CGM U 56-58 Validated Urine Drug Testing, Screen Validated Material CZ MVM UVM Validated Ligand—General Validated Material CZVM Coagulation—Limited Validated Material Urine Chemistry—General Cerebrospinal Fluid Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs Validated Material Validated Materials Coagulation—Limited, ValidatedMaterial Endocrinology, ValidatedMaterials Chemistry, ValidatedMaterials Toxicology, ValidatedMaterial aeilCd orsodn uvyPage Corresponding Survey Material Code aeilCd orsodn uvyPage Corresponding Survey Material Code aeilCd orsodn uvyPage Corresponding Survey Material Code aeilCd orsodn uvyPage Corresponding Survey Material Code Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 .. 123 ...... 118 tistical analysis of your your of tistical analysis

...... 131

results so you do not have to. do not have so you results within two business days. programs most CVL for calibration verification results. verification calibration the sta biostatisticians perform ...... 129 • Rapid result turnaround—View your linearity evaluation evaluation linearity your turnaround—View Rapid result • The CAP is your trusted calibration calibration trusted your is The CAP and linearity partner, verification the most with you providing programs. menu of comprehensive your in confidence peer groups—Maximize Large • of our team report package—Let Customized • Instrumentation Validation Tools Validation Instrumentation 11 Hematology CVL (LN9) New target ranges ...... Hematology CVL (LN9) New target ranges Program Changes New Programs ...... C-Peptide/Insulin Calibration Verification/Linearity (LN46) 130 Calibration Verification/Linearity ...... Calibration Verification/Linearity Instrumentation Validation Tools Instrumentation Validation Instrumentation Quality Management Programs Instrumentation Quality Management Vitamin D CVL (LN40) New target range

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 118 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists

• •

• With your enrollment intheCAP CVL program you willreceive: are performing to theiroptimallevels. patient results; usethecalibration verification andlinearity measurement range verificationunder42CFR493.1255(bX3). Dono CLIA regulations andCAP Laboratory Accreditation Program requirements for calibration andanalytical The CAP isyour trusted calibration verificationandlinearity The CAP CVL program Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration Verification/Linearity Additional Tools Customized Package Report o o o o o o o o o o o Testing Kit Calibration Verification/Linearity Survey Calibration Verification Troubleshooting Guide—The guide Calibration Verification/Linearity Program User’s Summary—AParticipant summaryoflaboratory performance thatincludespeergroup statisticsand Linearity Troubleshooting Report Linearity Evaluation Calibration Verification Evaluation Executive Summary—A quick overvie Specimens—The majorityofCAP CVL programs offerhuman-basedmaterials to closely mimicyour patient Result form informationKit instructions—Contain important to helpyou complete testing andaccurately your report ■ in to e-LABSolutionsSuite aswellhelpfulreports troubl checklists are includedto helpwithtroubleshooting anddocumentation calibration verificationresult ofDifferent, or if your e enhanced diagnosticinformation for early reported analytes results results include allofyour reported results Rapid result turnaround iscomplimentaryfor mostCVL programs withLN Express™. View your linearity evaluations withintwobusinessdays by logginginto e-LABSolutionsSuite.

eshooting information withsuggested ac w ofbothyour calibration verificationandlinearityresults for all s Investigation Checklist for insight into potential problems Guide—Get assistanceininterpre valuation result is Verified over partner. OurCVL program willhelpyou meet both studies to ensure your instrument andmethod provides suggested ac t letinstrument problems impactyour Problematic Results—Interpretative tions. Alsoavailable onlineby logging tions ifyou receive a ting your evaluationsand a range thatdoesnot Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 119 56-58 cap.org | calibration verification. calibration CRP 206 K/KK 82 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Proficiency Testing Survey Testing Proficiency Page No. CZ/CZX/CZ2X Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration C1, C3/C3X, C4, C4, C3/C3X, C1, 800-323-4040 120 120 121 CZ/CZX/CZ2X/Z 56-58 122123123 U IG/IGX Y/YY 206 68 84 123124 HE series FH series, AL2 136 101 124 124 125125 GH5 GH2, HMS 63 64 129129 HV2 HIVG, VITD 199 84 128128129 CRTI CRT, TM/TMX CGS2 62 89 162 125 126126126 RT4 RT3, RT2, RT, U HSCRP 142 64 68 130130130130129130 CGDF CGL, PCT LBC CGL HCV2 ING 160 77 151 160 198 86 129 CGS4 162 126127127127128128 FL K/KKTNT CRTI, CRT, CZ/CZX/CZ2X C3/C3X, C1, BNP CS 56-58 62 213 82 61 59 129 CGS3 162 127 CZ/CZX/CZ2X C4, C3/C3X, C1, 56-58 129 VLS2 VLS, 199 121-122 121-122 124-125 AQ4 AQ3, AQ2, AQ, 92 tion reports by analytes, an Executive Summary, and graphical plots for linearity and plots for and graphical an Executive Summary, analytes, tion reports by Accuracy CVL Accuracy 1c Your Total Calibration Verification/Linearity (CVL) Solution (CVL) Verification/Linearity Calibration Total Your CVL ProgramCVL Enzyme CVL Lipid, LN2 - Chemistry, Page No. Corresponding LN2BV - Chemistry, Lipid, Enzyme all Beckman Enzyme all Beckman Lipid, - Chemistry, LN2BV CVL Vitros AU), (except LN3 - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring CVL Monitoring Drug Therapeutic LN3 - LN5 - Ligand CVL LN7 - Immunology CVL Endocrinology CVL LN8 - Reproductive LN5S - Ligand all Siemens ADVIA (Centaur, CP, CP, (Centaur, ADVIA LN5S - Ligand all Siemens and XP) CVL LN6 Chemistry CVL - Urine LN9 - Hematology CVL Ethanol CVL LN11 - Serum LN12 - C-Reactive Protein CVL Protein LN12 - C-Reactive CVL LN13C - Blood Gas/Critical Care LN13, LN12E - C-Reactive Protein, Extended CVL CVL Extended Protein, LN12E - C-Reactive LN15 - Hemoglobin A LN16 - Homocysteine CVL LN16 - Homocysteine LN40 - Vitamin D CVL Vitamin D CVL LN40 - LN34 - Tumor Markers CVL Markers Tumor LN34 - CVL Thrombophilia LN35 - LN33 - Serum Myoglobin CVL Myoglobin LN33 - Serum LN17 - Whole Blood Glucose CVL CVL LN19 - Reticulocyte LN18, LN20 - Urine Albumin CVL CVL Protein LN21 - High-Sensitivity C-Reactive LN41 - Procalcitonin CVL CVL LN41 - Procalcitonin LN42 - D-Dimer CVL LN43 - Lamellar Body Count CVL LN44 - Fibrinogen CVL CVL Load Viral LN45 - HCV CVL LN46 - C-Peptide/Insulin LN36 - CVL LN36 - Heparin CVL LN25, LN27 - Troponin I and T CVL T I and Troponin LN27 - LN25, LN22 - Flow Cytometry CVL LN22 - Flow Cytometry Antigen CVL LN23 - Prostate-Specific CVL Peptides Natriuretic LN30 - B-Type CVL Drugs LN31 - Immunosuppressive LN32 - Ammonia CVL LN37 - Antigen CVL Antigen CVL Factor LN37 - von Willebrand LN24 - Creatinine Accuracy CVL Accuracy LN24 - Creatinine LN38 - CMV Viral Load CVL CVL Load Viral LN38 - CMV CVL Load Viral LN39 - HIV

All CVL Surveys provide individual evalua provide Surveys All CVL

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 120 Phosphorus Alkaline phosphatase Alkaline Creatinine Triglycerides Uric acid Iron CO Urea nitrogen/Urea HDL Calcium Magnesium Bilirubin, total Sodium Protein Osmolality Chloride Cholesterol Potassium Glucose olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists transferase Gamma glutamyl Creatine kinase Amylase Lipase Bilirubin, direct dehydrogenase Lactate ALT (SGPT) AST (SGOT) CK-2 (MB)Mass LN Express Albumin Analyte Calibration Verification/Linearity Please note thattheranges lis 2 serviceisavailable. Chemistry, Lipid, EnzymeCalibration Verification/Linearity LN2, LN2BV Program LN2BV Code LN2, ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 52002–,0 570U/L 25–700 25–1,200 25–2,000 01803–0 080U/L 30–800 30–900 30–1,800 01401–0 0110U/L 20– 20–1,400 50 10–1,100 50–1,800 10–900 10–1,400 U/L 25–1,100 25–1,000 25–1,800 ted are anestimate ofthevaluesrecover 0901–0 070U/L U/L 10–700 10–500 30–700 10–900 10–650 10–900 Instruments) –5 –0 –0 ng/mL 1–200 1–300 1–250 N NB Units LN2BV LN2 (All 0–0 mOsm/kgH 200–600 .–20mg/dL 0.3–32.0 .–00mg/dL 0.5–20.0 .–80mg/dL 4.0–18.0 .–50mg/dL 0.2–25.0 .–00g/dL mmol/L mg/dL 1.5–10.0 1.5–13.0 0.3–10.0 .–00mg/dL 0.1–10.0 090μg/dL 10–950 .–. g/dL 1.5–9.0 565mg/dL 35–625 025mmol/L 90–215 010mmol/L 60–180 070mg/dL 20–700 070mg/dL 20–780 –9 mg/dL 3–190 –2 mg/dL 7–120 –0mmol/L 7–40 –5mg/dL 1–25 All Beckman (except AU) values thantheranges listed. –700 9 5–,0 U/L 150–2,500 190 185–3,000 Vitros ed. Someinstruments may recover lowerorhigher U/L 2 O Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • LN2BV –Appropriate for • LN2–Appropriate for most • Seven5.0-mL liquidserum • Vitros instruments only Beckman (except AU) and major instruments specimens for enzymes seven 5.0-mL liquidserum specimens f 2.0-mL liquidserum and total bilirubin, seven serum specimensfor direct chemistry, six3.0-mL liquid specimens for basic or lipids, and Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 121 cap.org | liquid serum specimens; specimens; liquid serum most major for appropriate Siemens except instruments and CP XP, Centaur, ADVIA users specimens; liquid serum Siemens for appropriate and CP XP, Centaur, ADVIA users specimens specimen for serum acetaminophen and vancomycin • - Eight 4.0-mL LN5 • Thirteen 4.0-mL LN5S - • shipments per year Two • serum liquid Six 4.0-mL • liquid A seventh 4.0-mL • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration ed. Some instruments may recover lower or higher recover may Some instruments ed. 800-323-4040 g/mL g/mL g/mL μ g/mL g/mL μ g/mL μ g/mL g/mL g/mL g/mL g/mL g/mL g/mL g/mL g/mL μ μ μ μ μ μ μ μ μ μ μ μ 1–12 1–12 1–11 1–11 1–10 2–18 2–18 2–18 1–22 1–22 8–70 8–70 7–90 mg/dL 7–90 7–90 7–90 2–25 2–25 2–45 2–45 5–35 5–35 g/dL g/dL 15–140 15–140 0.4–7.0 0.4–7.0 20–450 0.5–4.4 ng/mL 0.3–4.0 mmol/L μ μ 1–80 1–80 1–65 1.3–20 ng/mL 1.3–20 0.5–7.0 ng/mL 2–1,100 ng/mL 2–1,100 1.0–900.0 ng/mL 5–14,000 mIU/mL values than the ranges listed. values than the ranges LN3 Ranges LN3 Target ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 0.5–750.0 ng/mL0.5–750.0 0.6–90.0 ng/mL ted are an estimate of the values recover an estimate are ted ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] LN5, LN5S*LN5, RangesTarget LN5 Ranges Target LN5S Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Monitoring Drug Therapeutic Calibration Verification/Linearity LN3 Verification/Linearity Calibration service is available. Ligand Calibration Verification/Linearity LN5, LN5S LN5, Verification/Linearity Ligand Calibration Please note that the ranges lis that the ranges Please note Continued on the next page Continued on the next AFP AFP Analyte Code Program Ranges Target Acetaminophen Analyte Code Program

LN Express Cortisol T3, total (triidothyronine) total T3, CEA Folate T4, total (thyroxine) total T4, Human chorionic Human chorionic (hCG) gonadotropin Ferritin N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA) N-acetylprocainamide Gentamicin Amikacin Salicylate Vancomycin Tobramycin Primidone Carbamazepine Phenobarbital Theophylline Procainamide Phenytoin Digoxin Quinidine Valproic acid Valproic Lidocaine Lithium

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 122 Phosphorus Chloride Calcium Protein, total Potassium Sodium Glucose Osmolality Creatinine Urea nitrogen/Urea Uric acid Vitamin B olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN Express LN Express analytes otherthanCEA, ifneeded. *The LN5SCVL willallowSiemensADVIA Centaurusers to othermajorinstruments report for nlt Program Code Amylase Analyte Target Ranges Program Code hormone (TSH) Thyroid-stimulating Analyte Calibration Verification/Linearity Urine ChemistryCalibration Verification/Linearity LN6 Please note thattheranges lis serviceisavailable. service isavailable. 12 Ligand Calibration Verification/Linearity LN5, LN5S N,L5*L5Tre agsLN5S Target Ranges LN5 Target Ranges LN5, LN5S* ] ] ted are anestimate ofthevaluesrecover ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] LN6 LN6 Target LN6 Ranges LN6 continued values thantheranges listed. 100–2,200 pg/mL 100–2,200 0.01–100 30–1,800 mOsm/kgH 20–2,000 mg/dL 20–2,000 20–340 mmol/L 20–340 20–330 mmol/L 20–330 25–640 mg/dL 25–640 20–460 mg/dL 20–460 10–235 mg/dL 10–235 15–200 mg/dL 7–225 mmol/L 6–150 mg/dL 6–150 40–1,500 U/L 5–30 mg/dL μ IU/mL ed. Someinstruments may recover lowerorhigher 2 0 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Eighteen 4.0-mL liquid • • LN5S- Thirteen 4.0-mL • LN5-Eight4.0-mL •

T simulated urinespecimens users ADVIA Centaur, XP, andCP appropriate for Siemens liquid serum specimens; users ADVIA Centaur, XP, andCP instruments except Siemens appropriate for mostmajor liquid serum specimens; wo shipmentsperyear Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 123 cap.org | specimens specimens specimens • liquid 3.0-mL Twenty • shipments per year Two • serum liquid Six 2.0-mL • shipments per year Two • liquid serum 4.0-mL Seven • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration /L /L 9 9 /L 12 ed. Some instruments may recover lower or higher recover may Some instruments ed. 800-323-4040 1–50 ng/mL 1–50 5–100 mg/dL 5–100 3–315 ng/mL 1.0–22.5 g/dL 1.0–22.5 21–420 mg/dL 21–420 32–650 mg/dL 32–650 2–190 mIU/mL 2–190 25–616 mg/dL 25–450 mg/dL 38–950 mg/dL 3–190 mIU/mL 3–190 20–1,500 ng/dL 20–1,500 0.3–7.5 x 10 0.3–7.5 25–4,500 pg/mL 5–8,000 mIU/mL 10–4,500 x 10 0.5–350.0 x 10 150–3,000 mg/dL LN8 Ranges LN8 Target LN7 Ranges LN7 Target LN9 Ranges LN9 Target values than the ranges listed. values than the ranges ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] LN7 LN9 ted are an estimate of the values recover an estimate are ted Reproductive Endocrinology Reproductive Calibration Verification/Linearity LN8 Verification/Linearity Calibration service is available. service is available. service is available. Hematology Calibration Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity Hematology Calibration Immunology Calibration Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity Immunology Calibration Please note that the ranges lis that the ranges Please note Hemoglobin Analyte Code Program AnalyteEstradiol Code Program Alpha-1-antitrypsin Analyte Code Program

LN Express LN Express LN Express IgM Luteinizing hormone (LH) Luteinizing Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Follicle-stimulating Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) gonadotropin Human chorionic Complement C3 Transferrin Progesterone IgG Complement C4 Platelet count Platelet Testosterone IgA Prolactin WBC count RBC count

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 124 P pH Lactate Calcium, ionized Glucose Chloride O olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN21 onpage 126. Not appropriate for high-sensitivityC-reac reporting LN Express LN Express P Analyte C-reactive protein Program Code Analyte Serum ethanol Analyte Continued onthenext page Calibration Verification/Linearity CO Please note thattheranges lis 2 2 C-Reactive Protein; C-Reactive Protein, Extended Calibration Verification/Linearity LN13, LN13C Serum EthanolCalibration Verification/Linearity Calibration Verification/Linearity LN12, LN12E serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. Blood Gas/CriticalCare Program Program LN13 LN12 ] Code Code ] ] ] ] ted are anestimate ofthevaluesrecover 18–490 mmHg 18–490 12–91 mmHg 5–110 mg/L 6.83–7.82 LN11 Target Ranges Target Range LN13 LN12 tive protein (hsCRP). For hsCRP, reporting use ] values thantheranges listed. N1LN11TargetRange LN11 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Program Program LN13C LN12E Code Code 15–550 mg/dL 15–550 0.15–3.3 mmol/L 62–148 mmol/L 18–490 mmHg 0.2–18 mmol/L 10–465 mg/dL 12–91 mmHg 6–320 mg/L 6.83–7.82 Target Ranges Target Range ed. Someinstruments may recover lowerorhigher LN12E LN13C Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Selectprogram basedon • LN12E- Six 1.0-mL • LN12-Five1.0-mL • Two shipmentsperyear • Seven3.0-mL liquidserum • Two shipmentsperyear • Ten 2.5-mL ampulesof • assay used appropriate target range for instruments Siemens (except Dimension) Immage), Roche, and Architect, Beckman (except appropriate for Abbott liquid serum specimens; and Vitrosinstruments Immage, SiemensDimension, appropriate for Beckman liquid serum specimens; specimens aqueous specimens Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 125 cap.org | specimens blood specimens or sites ancillary testing instruments aqueous specimens specimens whole blood • liquid serum 1.0-mL Six • shipments per year Two • liquid whole Five 2.0-mL • 10 different Report up to • shipments per year Two • of ampules 2.5-mL Ten • shipments per year Two • liquid human 0.8-mL Six • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration LN13C ed. Some instruments may recover lower or higher recover may Some instruments ed. 800-323-4040 Target Ranges Target mol/L μ 83–172 mmol/L 83–172 0.5–10.7 mmol/L 0.5–10.7 5%–12% 5–65 50–400 mg/dL continued Code LN13C Program Program ] ] values than the ranges listed. values than the ranges measurements assayed by by assayed measurements 1c Accuracy Accuracy LN13 1c LN16 Range LN16 Target LN17 Range LN17 Target LN15 Range LN15 Target ] ] ] Target Ranges Target ted are an estimate of the values recover an estimate are ted Code LN13 Program Program Whole Blood Glucose Whole Blood Hemoglobin A Hemoglobin Blood Gas/Critical Care Calibration Calibration Care Blood Gas/Critical 1c Calibration Verification/Linearity LN17 Verification/Linearity Calibration Calibration Verification/Linearity LN15 Verification/Linearity Calibration Verification/Linearity LN13, LN13C LN13C LN13, Verification/Linearity service is available. service is available. service is available. Homocysteine Calibration Verification/Linearity LN16 Verification/Linearity Calibration Homocysteine Please note that the ranges lis that the ranges Please note Whole blood glucose Analyte Code Program Homocysteine Analyte Code Program Hemoglobin A Analyte Code Program Potassium Analyte LN Express LN Express CAP-assigned target values derived from Hemoglobin A values derived from target CAP-assigned

Sodium National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) secondary reference laboratories. (NGSP) secondary reference Program Standardization National Glycohemoglobin LN Express

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 126 All otherinstruments Urine creatinine CD3+/CD8+ CD3+/CD4+ T lymphocytes absolute CD3+ T lymphocytes absolute CD3+/CD8+ T lymphocytes absolute CD3+/CD4+ olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN Express LN Express nlt Program Code Program Code CD3+ Analyte Program Code High-sensitivity C-reactive protein Analyte Urine albumin Analyte Program Code and UniCelDxH LH 500, LH700series, Coulter Gen•S™, Program Code Instrument/Method Flow Cytometry Calibration Verification/Linearity LN22 Calibration Verification/Linearity Please note thattheranges lis Urine Albumin Calibration Verification/Linearity LN20 Reticulocyte Calibration Verification/Linearity serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. Calibration Verification/Linearity LN21 High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein LN18 ] ted are anestimate ofthevaluesrecover LN18, LN19 0.3%–24.0% LN18 Target Range values thantheranges listed. ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] N2LN22TargetRanges LN22 LN21 LN20TargetRanges LN20 ] 350–4,000 cells/ LN19 250–1,600 cells/ 25%–40% positive 50%–70% positive 1%–40% positive 6–2,000 cells/ 20–500 mg/dL 20–500 0.5–18.0 mg/L 10–350 mg/L 10–350 LN21 TargetRange 0.3%–27.0% ed. Someinstruments may recover lowerorhigher LN19 Target Range μ L μ μ L L Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Six5.0-mL urinespecimens • Two shipmentsperyear • LN19-Five3.0-mL liquid • LN18-Five2.5-mL liquid • Two shipmentsperyear • Seven1.0-mL liquidwhole • Two shipmentsperyear • For high-sensitivitymethods • Six1.0-mL liquidserum • with pierceable caps whole blood cellspecimens pierceable caps whole blood specimenswith blood specimens only specimens Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 127 cap.org | serum specimens serum specimens serum specimens specimens specimens • liquid - Seven 2.0-mL LN25 • liquid - Six 2.0-mL LN27 • shipments per year Two • liquid plasma Seven 1.0-mL • shipments per year Two • liquid serum 1.0-mL Twelve • shipments per year Two • human serum Six 1.0-mL • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration ed. Some instruments may recover lower or higher recover may Some instruments ed. 800-323-4040 0.6–4.0 mg/dL 0.1–90.0 ng/mL 0.1–90.0 30–6,500 pg/mL 0.1–27.00 ng/mL 0.1–27.00 50–50,000 pg/mL ] LN30 Ranges LN30 Target LN23 Range LN23 Target LN24 Range LN24 Target ] ] ] ] ] values than the ranges listed. values than the ranges AP) and the National Kidney Disease Education AP) and the National Kidney LN25, LN27 LN25, t the federal health agencies and the clinical health agencies and t the federal ted are an estimate of the values recover an estimate are ted 0.05–60.00 ng/mL 0.05–60.00 ng/mL Creatinine Accuracy Accuracy Creatinine Prostate-Specific Antigen Antigen Prostate-Specific B-Type Natriuretic Peptides Peptides Natriuretic B-Type ] LN25 Range LN25 Target LN27 Range LN27 Target Calibration Verification/Linearity LN30 Verification/Linearity Calibration Calibration Verification/Linearity LN23 Verification/Linearity Calibration Calibration Verification/Linearity LN24 Verification/Linearity Calibration Troponin Calibration Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity Calibration Troponin service is available. service is available. Please note that the ranges lis that the ranges Please note BNP Analyte Code Program Troponin I Troponin Analyte Code Program Code Program Creatinine Analyte Code Program Prostate-specific antigen Prostate-specific Analyte Code Program

LN Express LN Express Additional Information (C The College of American Pathologists Program (NKDEP) have an initiative to harmonize clinically reported creatinine values. values. creatinine reported clinically harmonize an initiative to (NKDEP) have Program wha This initiative is analogous to and glycohemoglobin of cholesterol the accuracy improve community did to laboratory testing. Troponin T Troponin NT-proBNP Estimated glomerular filtration rate rate filtration glomerular Estimated (eGFR)

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 128 CA 19-9 CA 15-3 Tacrolimus olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN Express LN Express LN Express Myoglobin nlt Program Code Program Code CA 125 Analyte Program Code Analyte Ammonia Program Code Analyte Cyclosporine Analyte Calibration Verification/Linearity Tumor Markers Calibration Verification/Linearity LN34 Please note thattheranges lis Serum Myoglobin Calibration Verification/Linearity Ammonia Calibration Verification/Linearity LN32 serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. Calibration Verification/Linearity LN31 Immunosuppressive Drugs ted are anestimate ofthevaluesrecover LN33 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] N4LN34TargetRanges LN34 N3LN33TargetRange LN33 N2LN32TargetRange LN32 LN31TargetRanges LN31 values thantheranges listed. 60–1,200 ng/mL 1.5–30.0 ng/mL 13–900 25–900 ng/mL 1–1,000 U/mL 10–900 U/mL 2–190 U/mL μ mol/L ed. Someinstruments may recover lowerorhigher Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Seven2.0-mL aqueous • Two shipmentsperyear • Seven2.0-mL liquidwhole • Two shipmentsperyear • Seven3.0-mL liquidserum • Two shipmentsperyear • Seven1.0-mL liquidserum • specimens blood hemolysate specimens specimens specimens Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 129 cap.org | which include six six include which actionated heparin actionated frozen plasma specimens plasma specimens frozen per mailing plasma specimens ships on dry ice frozen plasma specimens frozen per mailing, low molecular weight for heparin and six for unfr ships on dry ice specimens DNA specimens ships on dry ice (dry ice does LN39) to not apply • specimens serum Six 1.0-mL • shipments per year Two • LN37 - Six 1.0-mL LN35, • 1.0-mL Twelve LN36 - • frozen - Six 1.5-mL LN38 • shipments per year; Two • shipments per year; Two • plasma - Six 2.5-mL LN39 • frozen - Seven 2.5-mL LN45 • shipments per year; Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | Calibration Verification/Linearity Calibration ed. Some instruments may recover lower or higher recover may Some instruments ed. 800-323-4040 5%–140% 10%–130% 10%–100% 4–140 ng/mL 4–140 0.1–1.3 U/mL 0.1–1.3 0.1–2.0 U/mL 0.1–2.0 50–5.0M IU/mL 50–280M IU/mL 50–280M 316–1.0M IU/mL 316–1.0M tion regarding additional dangerous goods and related fees. goods and related dangerous additional tion regarding ] ] values than the ranges listed. values than the ranges LN40 Range Target ] ] ] ]

LN40 LN35 LN36 LN37 Ranges Target ] ] ] LN38* LN39 LN45 Ranges Target ted are an estimate of the values recover an estimate are ted LN35, LN36, LN37 LN36, LN35, LN38, LN39, LN45 LN39, LN38, Vitamin D Calibration Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity Vitamin D Calibration Viral Load Calibration Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity Calibration Load Viral service is available. service is available. service is available. Coagulation Calibration Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity Calibration Coagulation Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Please note that the ranges lis that the ranges Please note Analyte total 25-OH vitamin D, Code Program CMV viral load viral CMV Analyte Code Program Antithrombin activity Antithrombin Analyte Code Program

LN Express *The biohazard warning applies to Survey LN38. Survey warning applies to *The biohazard LN Express The LN35, LN36, and LN37 CVL programs meet the CAP Accreditation requirements HEM.38009, HEM.38009, requirements Accreditation meet the CAP programs and LN37 CVL LN36, The LN35, and 38011. 38010, LN Express HIV viral load viral HIV HCV viral load viral HCV Heparin, unfractionated Heparin, von Willebrand factor antigen factor von Willebrand Protein C activity Protein low molecular weight Heparin,

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 130 Insulin olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN Express LN Express LN Express LN Express nlt Program Code C-Peptide Program Code Analyte Fibrinogen Program Code Analyte Lamellar bodycount Program Code Analyte D-dimer Program Code Analyte Procalcitonin Analyte Calibration Verification/Linearity Please note thattheranges lis serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. serviceisavailable. C-Peptide/Insulin Calibration Verification/Linearity LN46 Lamellar BodyCountCalibration Verification/Linearity LN42 Verification/Linearity LN44 Verification/Linearity LN41 Verification/Linearity LN43 Procalcitonin Calibration Fibrinogen Calibration D-Dimer Calibration ted are anestimate ofthevalues recovered. ] ] ] ] ] ] N6LN46TargetRanges LN46 N4Target Range LN44 Target Range LN43 Target Range LN42 Target Range LN41 than theranges listed. 5–200 x10 particles 220–5,500 ng/mL FEU 0.8–800 0.1–35.0 ng/mL 0.3–190 ng/mL 80–900 mg/dL μ Someinstruments may recover lower orhighervalues IU/mL 9 /L Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Six1.0-mL plasma • Two shipmentsperyear; • Six1.0-mL frozen serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Seven2-mL frozen serum • Two shipmentsperyear; • Six1.0-mL frozen plasma • Two shipmentsperyear • For usewithlamellarbody • • specimens ships ondryice specimens specimens ships ondryice specimens analyzershematology count methodsperformed on amniotic fluidspecimens Six 2.0-mL simulated liquid

Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 131 cap.org | tant functional tant functional instruments not routinely not routinely instruments during the challenged process testing proficiency assess to materials impor parameters, including parameters, and linearity accuracy shipments per year Three • assess Designed to • Includes appropriate • Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | 800-323-4040 Instrumentation Quality Management Programs Management Quality Instrumentation I ] ] ] ] ] may contain corrosive or toxic substances, substances, or toxic contain corrosive may ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] ] A Shipment B Shipment C Shipment Instrumentation I Instrumentation opportunities, publications, publications, opportunities, on your 2018 order) on your Simplify Your Life with our Online Store Life Your Simplify quality management PT, can order You learning programs, and more. can: you online store, the From (based quote 2019 prepopulated your Review • menu test based on your • Add new programs shipping and billing information your • Manage on the and click visit cap.org get started, To tab. SHOP Peak absorbance measurement Peak check pH meter – visible calibration Photometric wavelength Ocular micrometer calibration Ocular micrometer study Osmometer Absorbance check – UV wavelength – UV Absorbance check – check intensity Fluorescent microscopes fluorescent Refractometer calibration Refractometer light check) (stray Spectrophotometer Analytical balance check balance Analytical calibration pipette Gravimetric linearity plate Microtiter Adjustable micropipette Adjustable micropipette verification/linearity calibration Challenges Code Program

environmental hazards, or irritants. hazards, environmental WARNING: The Instrumentation (I) Survey specimens Survey (I) Instrumentation The WARNING: Instrumentation Quality Management Programs Management Quality Instrumentation

11 Instrumentation Validation Tools 132 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists The material expires December1, 2019. Uric acid Urea nitrogen (BUN) Sodium Protein, total Potassium Phosphorus Osmolality Magnesium Lipase Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) Iron Glucose Program Code Gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) Creatinine Creatine kinase(CK) CK2 (MB)mass Chloride Calcium aminotransferaseAspartate (AST/SGOT) Amylase Alkaline phosphatase Albumin Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) Analyte Instrumentation QualityManagement Programs Interfering SubstanceIFS Interferent Bilirubin ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] ]]] Hemoglobin Interferent IFS Interferent Lipid Program Information Oneshipmentperyear • Submitresults any timeprior • Designedfor verifiying • Eighteen 10.0-mL liquid • date to thematerial's expiration substances results causedby interfering investigating discrepant specifications and manufacturing interference serum specimens Instrumentation Validation Tools 11 133 cap.org | specimen (low level) and specimen serum liquid one 5.0-mL specimen (high level) sample probe instrument carryover specimens (low and high levels) sample probe instrument carryover • liquid serum One 10.0-mL • for screen Designed to • One shipment per year • urine 40.0-mL Two • for screen to Designed • shipment per year One Program Information Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | 800-323-4040 Instrumentation Quality Management Programs Management Quality Instrumentation SCO UTCO ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Serum Carryover SCO Carryover Serum Urine Toxicology Carryover UTCO Carryover Toxicology Urine Delta-9-THC-COOH Opiates Amphetamine AnalyteBenzoylecgonine Code Program Phenytoin hCG (LD) dehydrogenase Lactate AnalyteCreatinine Code Program

What’s new in hematology? Find out here.

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The second edition of Color Atlas of Hematology goes far beyond Color Atlas of Hematology other reference texts, delivering keen insight into peripheral Second Edition blood pathology. • Expanded topics • Updated information Explore 480 highly visual pages for the latest details on a range • Online interactivity of issues including molecular and cytogenetics, flow cytometry, pediatric hematology, and leukemia. Link to 18 engaging videos Item number: PUB222 prepared by the authors. View 100+ peripheral blood smears Hardcover; 480 pages; 2018 online with DigitalScope™ technology, just like they were under the SELECT IT ON YOUR SURVEYS microscope—only better. ORDER FORM OR ORDER ONLINE Printed books at estore.cap.org Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 6 ...... 136 with educational content supplied in our participant supplied content with educational summary reports. groups. peer the largest against performance decision points. Our programs closely mimic patient mimic closely Our programs accuracy. ensure to testing clinical that reflect specimen levels Test • practices best laboratory with the latest current Keep • your by comparing results your Gain confidence in •

...... 14 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 Hematology Automated Differential (FH14, FH14P) ...... Hematology Automated Differential (FH14, FH14P) 137 New Programs Hematology ...... Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Clinical Microscopy

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 136 WBC differential White bloodcellcount Red bloodcellcount RDW (nRBC) Nucleated red bloodcellcount MPV (IG) Immature granulocyte parameter Hemoglobin Hematocrit White bloodcellcount Red bloodcellcount RDW Platelet count MPV MCV, MCH, andMCHC Hemoglobin Hematocrit MCV, MCH, andMCHC Large unstainedcell(LUC) Immature platelet fraction (IPF) Platelet count olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists FH6Q, andFH9Q, onpage138. For second instrument options, reporting seethe Quality Cross Check programs, FH3Q, FH4Q, Analytes/procedures in Hematology nlt/rcdr Program Code Blood cellidentification Analyte/Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Blood cellidentification Analyte/Procedure Hematology

Hematology AutomatedHematology Differential Series

Hematology—Basic HE,Hematology—Basic HEP bold FH1–FH13, FH1P–FH13P typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ]] ] ]]]] ]] ]] ]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] FH10 FH1- ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] EHEP HE FH10P FH1P- ] H3FH13P FH13 5 (FH3, FH9, 5 (FH9 only) 5 (FH9 only) 5 (FH9 5 (FH4only) and FH13) 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Challenges per 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • • For methodcompatibility, • FHP series- Ten images, • HEP - Ten images, each • HEandHEP -Five3.0-mL • FH13andFH13P -Five • FH1-FH10andFH1P-FH10P • Three shipmentsperyear page 139 see instrument matrixon images photographs andonline each available as caps online imag available asphotographs and whole bloodspecimens specimens withpier 2.0-mL whole blood caps specimens withpierceable - Five2.5-mL wholeblood es ceable

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 137 Hematology ceable caps specimens for not intended instruments; methods spun hematocrit 2.5-mL whole blood samples blood samples whole 2.5-mL with pier available as photographs and as photographs available online images matrix on see instrument page 139 each images, Ten - FH14P • whole blood Five 0.6-mL • use with QBC For • shipments per year Three • - Five and FH14P FH14 • • compatibility, instrument For • per year shipments Three Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 FH15 ] ] ] ] ] FH14 FH14P ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] FH14, FH14P FH14, Centrifugal Hematology FH15 Centrifugal Hematology Automated Differential Differential Hematology Automated


Analyte/ProcedureHematocrit Code Program per Shipment Challenges Blood cell identification Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Hematocrit Hematocrit WBC differential count Reticulocyte absolute count, Reticulocyte hemoglobin (RET-He) Reticulocyte Hemoglobin count Platelet WBC (2-part)WBC differential Hemoglobin cell (LUC), unclassified Large and absolute percent and MCHC MCH, MCV, MPV blood cell count red Nucleated and absolute percent (nRBC), count Platelet RDW blood cell count Red blood cell count White

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 138 White bloodcellcount WBC differential Red bloodcellcount RDW Platelet count (nRBC) Nucleated red bloodcellcount MPV MCV, MCH, MCHC Large unstainedcells(LUC) Immature platelet function (IPF)% Immature granulocyte parameter Hemoglobin olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Simplifiesinstrument comparability efforts by providing custom withboth reports • Provides asolutionfor monitoring performance across multipleinstruments, and • The QualityCross CheckProgram: on page136. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. These programs donotmeet regulatory requir Choose codeCPIP/CPIP1 onyourSurveysorderform. SAM requirements.Enjoy afullyearofCPIPandearnupto15CME/SAMcredits. earned creditstotheirContinuing Certification(CC),formerlyknownasMaintenance ofCertification(MOC) revealed, justasinthelaboratory.Participantswho successfullycompletetheposttestmayapplytheir a newcase,includingrelatedimagesandclinicalbackground. Asthecaseunfolds,moreinformationis to sharpentheirdiagnosticskillsinrealtimebyworking throughanactualcase.Eachmonth,youwillreceive Online, hands-onandinteractive,theClinicalPathology ImprovementProgram(CPIP)enablespathologists Test yourdiagnosticskillsasapathologist withCPIP nlt/rcdr Program Code Hematocrit Analyte/Procedure Hematology instruments. is incompliancewiththeCMSdirective regar peer group comparisonandinstrument comparability statistics. QualityCross Series Check—Hematology FH3Q, FH4Q, FH6Q, FH9Q ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]] HQF4 HQFH9Q FH6Q FH4Q FH3Q ements for proficiency testing; seetheFHSeries ] ding proficiency testing onmultiple ] ] Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Program Information • For methodcompatibility, • Report upto three • Three 2.5-mL wholeblood • Two shipments peryear page 139 see instrument matrixon instruments caps specimens withpierceable Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 139 ] ] Hematology FH10 FH13 FH14 FH15 ] ] ] FH9/ FH9Q ] ]] FH and FHQ Series FH and FHQ FH6 FH6Q ]] 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org ] FH4/ FH4Q ] ] ] ] ] ] FH3/ FH3Q

] ] ] ] ] ] Differential Series, Instrument Matrix Instrument Series, Differential

] ] ] FH1 FH2 XS-500i, XS-500i, -L series, series, -L Hematology Automated Hematology Automated 1200, 1400, 1600, 1700, 1700, 1600, 1400, 1200, 360 ® ® AcT™, MD, ONYX™, S880, S-plus S880, ONYX™, MD, AcT™, ® Roche cobas m511 Roche QBC Horiba ABX Pentra 60, 80, 120 80, 60, Pentra Horiba ABX LH785, LH780, LH755, LH750, Coulter DxH500) Unicel DxH (except Coulter AcT 5 diff (AL, CP, OV) CP, 5 diff (AL, AcT Coulter series DIRUI BF Sysmex XE-2100, XE-2100C, XE-2100D, XE-2100D, XE-2100C, XE-2100, Sysmex XE-Alpha, XE-2100L, XE-5000, XE-2100DC, XN XN-series, XE-HST, Siemens ADVIA 120, 120 w/SP1, 2120 120 w/SP1, 120, Siemens ADVIA MAXM™, LH500, HmX, Gen-S™, Coulter VCS™ STKS, MAXM A/L, Drew Scientific Excell 22, 2280 22, Scientific Excell Drew Orphee Mythic 22 OT Orphee Mythic 22 AL, 560 Siemens ADVIA XS-1000iAL, XS-1000iC, XS-1000i, XS-800i, XE-2100D/L XT-4000i, XT-2000i, XT-1800i, (Blood Center) Cell-DYN Emerald 22 Emerald Cell-DYN DxH 500 Coulter Siemens ADVIA 3700, 3500, 3200, 3000, Abbott Cell-Dyn Sapphire™ Ruby™, 4000, Horiba ABX Micros Horiba ABX 3000/3200 series BC - 2800, Mindray Coulter Drew3, Scientific DC-18, Drew I-1800, 10/16/18, Excell Sysmex K-series, KCP-1, KX-21/21N, KX-21/21N, KCP-1, K-series, Sysmex XP-series pocH-100i, CDS/Medonic M-series Horiba ABX 9000+, 9018+, 9020+ 9018+, 9000+, Horiba ABX Abbott Cell-Dyn Instrument V, ST, STKR, T-series STKR, ST, V, 1800, Emerald™ Emerald™ 1800,

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 140 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Evaluate andidentifyspecificcellsinbonemarrow. cellmorphology • Recognize andintegrate problem-solving skills through theuseofinterpretive • Examineanonline, wholeslideimag • Additional Information Bone marrow cellidentification Educational challenge(s) olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists questions found throughout the discussion. differential countandannotated cells for identification. *This Survey willincludecorresponding thick filmswhenavailable. rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Bone marrow differential Challenges perShipment Procedure Program Code Thin/thick bloodfilmsets* Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Blood cellidentification Procedure Hematology Blood CellIdentification, Photographs BCP, BCP2 Bone Marrow CellDifferential BMD Blood Parasite BP e thatincludesamanual500bonemarrow ]] ]] C BCP2 BCP ] ] ] BMD BP 5 (BCP)/1 (BCP2) 5 5 5 1 Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • Program Information Program Information Program Information Powered by DigitalScope • Three shipmentsperyear • BCP2-Siximages, each • BCP - Ten images, each • Oneonline bonemarrow • Three shipmentsperyear • • FiveGiemsa-stained blood • when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology Avarietyofbloodparasites, cells for identification online images available asphotographs and online images available asphotographs and tha aspirate wholeslideimage filarial worms Babesia, Trypanosoma, including and/or onlineimages film sets, photographs, t includesfiveannotated Plasmodium, and ®

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 141

® Hematology whole blood specimens whole blood whole bloodsimulated specimens blood specimens blood cell specimens (case histories, challenges patterns, electrophoresis and clinical interpretation questions) specimens blood specimens quantitation with optional images per year cell counting grids for WBC instrument shipments per year Two use with the HemoCue For technology • 6.0-mL Three ESR1 - ESR, • 3.0-mL Three - ESR2 • whole 3.5-mL Three - ESR3 • shipments per year Two • red stabilized 0.5-mL Four • educational lab” “dry Two • • blood whole Five 2.0-mL • • liquid whole 1.2-mL Two • cell F designed for Not • whole slide online, Two • DigitalScope by Powered • shipments per year Three Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program • shipments per year Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 5 4 2 4 1 4 ] ] HG HBF RWBC ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ESR ESR1 ESR2 ESR3 ] , ® ESR, ESR1, ESR2, ESR3 ESR2, ESR1, ESR, Hemoglobinopathy HG Hemoglobinopathy the ALCOR, Alifax the ALCOR, Fetal Red Cell Detection HBF Cell Detection Red Fetal Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Rate Sedimentation Erythrocyte quantitation 2 , and Sedimat 15 Plus , ® Rapid Total White Blood Cell Count RWBC White Total Rapid Rapid total white blood cell count white Rapid total Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Hemoglobin identification and quantification Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Kleihauer-Betke and flow cytometry Kleihauer-Betke Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges All methods except All methods except Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Sedimat 15 “Dry lab” educational challenges “Dry lab” Hemoglobin A quantitation Hemoglobin F qualitative test, Sickling Rosette fetal screen Rosette Acid elution whole slide image Sedimat 15, Sedimat 15 Plus 15, Sedimat Alifax iSED ALCOR

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 142 Pierceable caps series,XN XT-2000i, XT-4000i XE-2100DC, XE-5000, XE-2100L, Sysmex XE-2100, XE-2100C, XE-2100D, Unicel DxH LH700 series, MAXM, STKS, Coulter GenS, HmX, LH500, Ruby Abbott Cell-Dyn 3200, 3500, 3700, XN Series,XN XT-2000i, XT-4000i XE-2100D, XE-5000, XE-2100L, Sysmex XE-2100, XE-2100C, series, MAXM, STKS, Unicel DxH Coulter GenS, HmX, LH500, LH700 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Simplifiesinstrument comparability efforts by providing custom withboth reports • Provides asolutionfor monitoring performance across multipleinstruments, and • The QualityCross CheckProgram: above. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. These programs donotmeet regulatory requirements for proficiency testing; seetheRT Series ntuetMto rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code automated andmanualmethods Siemens ADVIA 120/2120, andallother Abbott Cell-Dyn 4000, Sapphire, Instrument/Method Challenges perShipment Program Code automated andmanualmethods Siemens ADVIA 120/2120, andallother Abbott Cell-Dyn 4000, Sapphire, Instrument/Method Hematology instruments. is incompliancewiththeCMSdirective regar peer group comparison andinstrument comparability statistics. Reticulocyte SeriesRT, RT2, RT3, RT4 QualityCross Check—Reticulocyte RTQ, RT3Q, RT4Q ] ] TR2R3RT4 RT3 RT2 RT T TQRT4Q RT3Q RTQ ] ] ding proficiency testing onmultiple ]] ] ] ] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Includespercentage and • RT4 - Three 2.0-mL stabilized • RT3 - Three 3.0-mL stabilized • RT, RT2 - Three 1.0-mL • Two shipmentsperyear • Reportup to three • Includespercentage and • RT4Q - Three 2.0-mL • RT3Q - Three 3.0-mL • RTQ - Three 1.0-mL stabilized • absolute result reporting red bloodcellspecimens red bloodcellspecimens specimens stabilized red bloodcell instruments absolute result reporting specimens stabilized red bloodcell specimens stabilized red bloodcell red bloodcellspecimens Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 143 two Hematology e blood glucose ee shipments per year wo shipments per year blood specimens; two blood specimens; shipments per year shipments per year - hCG testing urinalysis/urine blood whole 3.0-mL Two specimens and two 10.0-mL urine specimens; shipments per year: A and C shipments per year: Whol 2.5-mL Three - testing two whole blood specimens; B and D shipments per year: to refer compatibility, matrix the instrument on page 66 human erythrocyte human erythrocyte specimens T plasma platelet-rich Thr reduced red blood cells red reduced reduced platelet material platelet reduced

vials leukocyte- 1.0-mL Two vials leukocyte- 1.0-mL Two

• whole 2.5-mL Two - HCC • of four Total - HCC2 • and hemoglobin, Hematocrit, • • verify instrument To • stabilized 1.0-mL Three • • suspensions of Five 1.2-mL • • • Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 3 5 4 2 2 (HCC)/3 (HCC2) ] ] TRC SCS ] ] ] ] HCC HCC2 ]] ]] Sickle Cell Screening SCS Cell Screening Sickle Waived Combination HCC, HCC2 Combination HCC, Waived Transfusion-Related Cell Count TRC Count Cell Transfusion-Related Hematocrit Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Platelet count (platelet-rich count (platelet-rich Platelet plasma) Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure qualitative test, Sickling Code Program per Shipment Challenges

WBC counts must be performed using a Nageotte chamber, fluorescence microscopy, or by or by microscopy, fluorescence chamber, using a Nageotte be performed WBC counts must flow cytometry. Hemoglobin hCG Urinalysis/Urine Whole blood glucose WBC count Dry challenge

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 144 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Recognize andintegrate problem-solving skillsthrough theuseofinterpretive • Evaluate andidentifyspecificwhite andidentifyred bloodcell(RBC)morphology • Examine online, wholeslideimages • Examineonline, wholeslideimages • More challenging and/or complex testing. • Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Evaluate andidentifyspecificwhite andidentifiyred bloodcell(RBC)morphology • Abilityto recognize andintegrate problem-solving skillsthrough theuseof • Comprehensive casestudies. • Additional Information Additional Information Blood cellidentification RBC morphology Platelet estimate Blood cellidentification WBC morphology RBC morphology Platelet estimate olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists questions found throughout thediscussion. blood cells(WBC)inperipheral blood. count andannotated cellsfor identification. blood cells(WBC)inperipheral blood. interpretive questionsfound throughout discussion. count andannotated cellsfor identification. rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code WBC differential Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code WBC differential Procedure Hematology Expanded PeripheralVirtual BloodSmearEHE1 Virtual PeripheralVirtual BloodSmear VPBS that includeamanual100WBCdifferential that includeamanual100WBC/differential ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] EHE1 VPBS 15 10 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 Program Information Program Information Two onlineactivities peryear; • • Three onlineperipheral blood • Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • Powered by DigitalScope • Two onlineperipheral blood • Powered by DigitalScope when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology for identification include 15annotated cells whole slideimagesthat when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology for identification include 10annotated cells whole slideimagesthat Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 145

) per AMA tologist, tologist, Hematology

thologist and a maximum der in conjunction with or one pathologist/ challenges/online whole challenges/online slide images with clinical reporting with history; is available CME/SAM credit f PRA Category 1 Credits™ pa per of 12.5 CE credits completion for hematologist year of an entire Practice MOC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements technology contact shipping CAP your will be notified via email when the activity is available hematologist. For additional For hematologist. pathologist/hema HPATH1 order for with CME/SAM credit additional pathologist each (within and hematologist must the same institution); or HPATH Survey ( CME/SAM credits Earn a maximum of 12.5 • - Five diagnostic HPATH • This activity meets the • DigitalScope by Powered • online activities per year; Two • - Reporting option HPATH1 • Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 tologists with tologists ] HPATH/HPATH1 thologists, and hema thologists, e of peripheral blood, bone marrow, bone marrow, blood, e of peripheral ed to highlight important in the 2016 ed to changes studies, where appropriate. where studies, HPATH/HPATH1 to assess and improve their diagnostic skills in their diagnostic assess and improve to ts, hematolopa ts, Hematopathology Online Education Hematopathology online case review Program Code Program per Shipment Challenges

revision of the WHO Classification. revision FISH, karyotyping, and molecular karyotyping, FISH, spleen, lymph node, or other tissue. node, lymph spleen, Additional Information pathologis educates HPATH in hematopathology an interest hematopathology. • select been specially All cases have • flow cytometry, as immunohistochemistry, such of ancillary studies Results • diagnoses. Case discussion and discussion of differential • Five SAM questions per case. • on page 13. requirements See system • data. laboratory and relevant Clinical history • whole slide imag At least one online,

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 146 on page147. For secondinstrument options, reporting seetheQualityCross Check program, CMQ, Additional Information Urobilinogen Urine sedimentphotographs Specific gravity Reducing substances Protein, qualitative pH Osmolality Nitrite Leukocyte esterase Ketones hCG urine, qualitative Glucose Body fluidphotographs Blood orhemoglobin olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in Clinical Microscopy • • Or, viewsamplepagesandorderonline: on yourSurveysorderform. Select BoneMarrowBenchtopReferenceGuide (BMBRG) is wellsuitedforheavyuseattheworkbench. to identifyvariouscelltypesquicklyandconfidently. Itsruggedconstruction description foreachcellmorphology,it’sanaffordable, convenientway and rarecells.Withmorethan60differentidentificationsadetailed Bone MarrowBenchtopReferenceGuideisanillustratedguidetocommon Bone MarrowBenchtopReferenceGuide nlt/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Bilirubin Analyte/Procedure Clinical Microscopy ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org Urinalysis andClinicalMicroscopy CMP, CMP1 bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] M CMP1 CMP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Spiral bound; 2018 Item number: Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • CMP1- Three 12.0-mL liquid • CMP - Three 10.0-mL liquid • images as photographs andonline six images, each available with iCHEMinstruments; urine specimens; for use online images available asphotographs and iCHEM; siximages, each with allinstruments except urine specimens; for use BMBRG

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 147 Clinical Microscopy Clinical en images, each available available each en images, specimens for use with all for specimens instruments instruments T and online as photographs images • liquid urine 10.0-mL Three • three Report up to • shipments per year Two • • per year shipments Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency CMQ CMMP ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] for proficiency testing; see Surveys CMP CMP see Surveys testing; proficiency for Quality Cross Check—Urinalysis CMQ Check—Urinalysis Cross Quality peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability instrument comparison and peer group instruments. is in compliance with the CMS directive regar is in compliance with the CMS directive Clinical Microscopy Miscellaneous Photopage CMMP Photopage Miscellaneous Clinical Microscopy Fern test (vaginal) test Fern Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteBilirubin Code Program per Shipment Challenges

• reports both with custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument The Quality Cross Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring a solution for Provides This program does not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory does not meet This program program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For and CMP1 on page 146. 40. see page Spermatozoa Spermatozoa Vaginal wet preparation photographs photographs wet preparation Vaginal epithelial cells, clue cells, (for and yeast) trichomonas, KOH preparation (skin) preparation KOH Nasal smear preparation Pinworm leukocytes for Stool Urine sediment photographs Blood or hemoglobin Glucose qualitative hCG urine, Ketones esterase Leukocyte Nitrite Osmolality pH qualitative Protein, substances Reducing Specific gravity Urobilinogen

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 148 Additional Information Examineonline, wholeslideimages • Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Evaluate andidentify specific cellsinabodyfluid. cellmorphology • White bloodcellfluidcount Body fluidcellidentification olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists annotated cellsfor identification. For methodcompatibility, seeinstrument matrixbelow. rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Total nucleated cellsdifferential Procedure ABF Series IRIS iQ XT-4000i XN-Lseries, XT-1800i, XT-2000i, XE-5000,XE-2100L, XN-series, XE-2100D, XE-2100DC, Sysmex XE-2100, XE-2100C, Unicel DxH Coulter LH700series, Challenges perShipment series Siemens ADVIA 120/2120 Advanced Instruments GloCyte, Program Code Instrument Challenges perShipment Red bloodcellfluidcount Program Code Procedure pH interpretation Procedure Clinical Microscopy Automated BodyFluidSeriesABF1, ABF2, ABF3 ® 200 Automated BodyFluid, Instrument Matrix Amniotic FluidLeakage AFL Virtual BodyFluid Virtual VBF that includeamanualdifferential countand ]]] ]]] B1AF ABF3 ABF2 ABF1 ] ] ] B1AF ABF3 ABF2 ABF1 ] ] ] VBF F AFL ] 10 2 2 3 2 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 3.0-mL simulated body • • Three 2.0-mL liquid • Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • Powered by DigitalScope • Two online, wholeslidebody • For usewithnitrazine paper and theAmniotest fluid specimens specimens when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology identification 10 annotated cellsfor fluid imagesthatinclude TM Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 149 Clinical Microscopy Clinical urine specimens for use with use for urine specimens instruments IRIS and Roche use with urine specimens for instruments Sysmex body fluid specimens (eg, body fluid specimens (eg, fluid) synovial specimens specimens and confirm positive bilirubin results dipstick protein • liquid 10.0-mL Two - UAA • liquid 12.0-mL Two - UAA1 • shipments per year Two • simulated 1.5-mL Two - BFC • urine 1.5-mL Two URC - • photographs Two BCR - • per year shipments Two • liquid urine 12.0-mL Two • use with methods to For • year shipments per Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ] UAA UAA1 ] DSC ] ] ] UAA UAA1 ]] ] ]] ]] BCR BFC URC ] Crystals BCR, BFC, URC BFC, BCR, Crystals Dipstick Confirmatory DSC Confirmatory Dipstick Automated Urinalysis, Instrument Matrix Instrument Urinalysis, Automated Automated Urine Microscopy UAA, UAA1 UAA, Urine Microscopy Automated Bilirubin Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Bile crystal identification Bile crystal Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges DIRUI FUS IRIS Iq200 cobas u701Roche Hybrid Auction ARKRAY 77 Elektronika5000 1000i, 500i, 100, 50, UF Sysmex 2000 UX Sysmex X X X X X X X Instrument UAA1 UAA, Analyte semiquantitative Casts, Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Body fluid crystal identification Body fluid crystal identification Urine crystal acid (SSA) Sulfosalicylic Crystals, semiquantitative Crystals, semiquantitative Epithelial cells, quantitative blood cells, Red quantitative blood cells, White

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 150 White bloodcellfluidcount Red bloodcellfluidcount Gastric pH olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Pr Cytopreparation differential Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code G6PD, qualitativeandquantitative Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Gastric occultblood Analyte Challenges perShipment Fetal hemoglobin(gastricfluid) Program Code Analyte Fecal fat, qualitative Analyte Clinical Microscopy Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase G6PDS Hemocytometer FluidCountHFC Gastric OccultBloodGOCB Fetal HemoglobinAPT Fecal Fat FCFS ogram Code ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] G6PDS GOCB FCFS HFC APT Challenges perShipment 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Two 1.2-mL simulated gastric • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-mL simulated body • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 2.0-mL simulated • Two shipmentsperyear • For microscopic detection • Two 10.0-gsimulated fecal • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 0.5-mL lyophilized • fluid specimens fluid specimens gastric specimens fatty acids) and/or splitfats(total free of neutral fats(triglycerides) fat specimens hemolysate samples Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 151 Clinical Microscopy Clinical ogram stability ogram specimens fluid specimens; two online, two online, fluid specimens; 2- and for whole slide images 5-part differential that have laboratories significant experienced shipping and receiving issues and need longer pr liquid amniotic fluid specimens on all hematology performed analyzers technology shipments per year Two • fecal simulated 2.0-mL Three • • body simulated 2.0-mL Three • international Designed for • simulated 2.0-mL Three • use with LBC methods For • shipments per year Two • DigitalScope by Powered • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 2 LBC OCB HFCI ] ] ] ] ] that include a manual differential count. differential that include a manual Occult Blood OCB Lamellar Body Count LBC Hemocytometer Fluid Count, International HFCI International Count, Fluid Hemocytometer Occult blood Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Lamellar body count Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure fluid count blood cell Red Code Program per Shipment Challenges • on page 13. requirements See system This program meets the CAP’s Accreditation Program requirements. Program Accreditation meets the CAP’s This program Additional Information • whole slide images Examine online,

White blood cell fluid count blood White Body fluid differential Additional Information OCBQ, program, Check see the Quality Cross reporting options, second instrument For on page 152.

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 152 Urine eosinophils, Wrightstain olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Simplifiesinstrument comparability efforts by providing custom withboth reports • Provides asolutionfor monitoring performance across multipleinstruments, and • The QualityCross CheckProgram: on page151. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Urine hCG, qualitative Procedure Tick, mite, andarthropod identification Challenges perShipment Program Code Procedure Challenges perShipment Urine hemosiderin, Prussian blue Program Code Analyte/Procedure Rupture offetalmembranes Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Occult blood Analyte Clinical Microscopy instruments. is incompliancewiththeCMSdirective regar peer group comparisonandinstrument comparability statistics. QualityCross Check—OccultBloodOCBQ Rupture ofFetal Membranes Testing ROM1 Special ClinicalMicroscopy SCM1, SCM2 Ticks, Mites, andOtherArthropods TMO Urine hCGUHCG ] C1SCM2 SCM1 3 for proficiency testing; seeSurvey OCB ] ] ] ] ROM1 ding proficiency testing onmultiple UHCG OCBQ TMO ] 3 3 5 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Three 0.5-mL simulated • Two shipmentsperyear • • Two shipments peryear • Reportupto three • Three 2.0-mL simulated fecal • Three shipmentsperyear • Five1.0-mL urinespecimens • Two shipmentsperyear • Three images, each available • Innovations PROM, Amnisure, andClinical methods such asActim vaginal specimensfor images as photographs andonline Thr instruments specimens images as photographs andonline ee images, each available Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 12 153 Clinical Microscopy Clinical y HBRG as photographs and online as photographs images specimens semiquantitative methods semiquantitative onl and use with dipstick For • available each images, Three • shipments per year Two • urine liquid 3.0-mL Two • • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Item number: Spiral bound; 60 pages; 50+ images; 2012 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 3 WID UMC ] ] ] ] er to Survey U, page 68. U, Survey er to Worm Identification WID Worm Urine Albumin and Creatinine, Semiquant UMC Semiquant Creatinine, and Urine Albumin Artifacts Microorganisms and Erythrocyte Inclusions Erythrocyte and Monocytic Cells Granulocytic (Myeloid) Cells Lymphocytic Cells and Megakaryocytic Erythrocytes o o o o o o printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org A durable and water-resistant format to withstand years of benchtop use—5” x 6½” More than 50 different cell identifications, including More than 50 different cell identifications, common and rare cells morphology Detailed descriptions for each cell Six tabbed sections for easy reference Worm identification Worm Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte/Procedure Creatinine Code Program per Shipment Challenges

For quantitative reporting, ref reporting, quantitative For • Or, view sample pages and order online: • Select it on your Surveys order form. • • • Hematology Benchtop Reference Guide (HBRG) Hematology Benchtop Reference • Urine albumin (microalbumin): Urine albumin (microalbumin): ratio creatinine Urine albumin (microalbumin), semiquantitative

12 Hematology and Clinical Microscopy 154 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists • • Or, viewsamplepagesandorderonline: on yourSurveysorderform. Select SemenAnalysisBenchtopReferenceGuide(SABRG) features tabbedsectionsforeasyreference. Pap-stained sperm,andequipment.Thesturdylaminatedguide and residualcytoplasmdefects,aswellimagesofnonspermcells, normal morphology,headdefects,neck/midpiecetail and classificationsystems.Alsoincludedare50imagesrepresenting macroscopic assessment,spermcount,andmorphologyassessment sperm morphology.Thecontentincludesspecimencollectionand Semen AnalysisBenchtopReferenceGuide Semen AnalysisBenchtopReferenceGuide Clinical Microscopy ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org isanillustratedguideto 2018 Spiral bound;6-1/2”x7”; Item number: SABRG Reproductive Medicine 13 ...... 156

subspecialty of reproductive medicine. reproductive subspecialty of and embryology. andrology for programs program PV the current volume of additional provides analyzers. use with automated for Access reproductive medicine’s medicine’s Access reproductive improvement laboratory integrated program. for the specific checklist accreditation Unique • testing and educational proficiency Comprehensive • (PV1) Sperm Count—Automated New Postvasectomy • Reproductive Medicine 13 Postvasectomy Sperm Count – Automated (PV1) ...... 156Postvasectomy Sperm Count – Automated (PV1) New Programs Reproductive Medicine ...... Andrology and Embryology

13 Reproductive Medicine 156 Sperm viability Sperm morphology progression Sperm motility/forward antibodyIgG Antisperm Sperm viability Sperm morphology (automated methods) and presence/absence Postvasectomy spermcount and presence/absence Postvasectomy spermcount methods) absence (automated Sperm countandpresence/ olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in Andrology andEmbryology rcdr Program Code Sperm count Procedure Program Code and CASA systems) absence (manualmethods Sperm countandpresence/ Procedure Andrology andEmbryology Semen Analysis SC, SC1, PV, PV1, SM, SV, ASA Sperm Motility, Morphology, and Viability bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). SMCD, SM1CD, SM2CD ] CS1P PV1 PV SC1 SC MDS1DSM2CD SM1CD SMCD ] ] ] ] ] ] MS ASA SV SM ] ] ] ] Challenges per Challenges per 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Shipment Shipment Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • ASA- Two 0.3-mL serum • • SM- Two prepared slides • PV1- Two 1.0-mL stabilized • PV - Two 0.3-mL stabilized • SC1- Two 1.0-mL stabilized • SC- Two 0.3-mL stabilized • Two shipmentsperyear • SM2CD- Two challenges • SM1CD- Two challenges • SMCD- Video clipsofsperm • SV - Two eosin-nigrosin- specimens stained slides for staining postvasectomy testing counts appropriate for specimenswith sperm postvasectomy testing counts ap sperm specimenswith sperm specimens sperm specimens or ass by DigitalScopetechnology online that may beviewedas or ass by DigitalScopetechnology online, wholeslideimages that may beviewedas chambers Makler, anddisposable available for hemocytometer, , wholeslideimages tatic images tatic images propriate for

Reproductive Medicine 13 157 th Survey Y or Y th Survey serum specimens serum specimens in duplicate specimens in serum triplicate wi conjunction YY of System International Units (SI) reporting offered shipments per year Two Andrology and Embryology and Andrology • lyophilized 1.0-mL Three • per year shipments Two • clips sets of five video Two • shipments per year Two • liquid serum 5.0-mL Three - Y • liquid 5.0-mL Three YY - • in - Must order DY • and Conventional • Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 ] ] ] EMB AMH ] ] Y, YY Y, DY ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Embryology EMB Ligand—Special Y, YY, DY YY, Y, Ligand—Special Antimüllerian Hormone AMH Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte11-deoxycortisol Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure and quality transfer Embryo and five-day-old assessment (three- embryos) Code Program per Shipment Challenges Antimüllerian hormone

Estriol, unconjugated (uE3) unconjugated Estriol, hormone (FSH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (GH) Growth C) (somatomedin IGF-1 hormone (LH) Luteinizing Progesterone Prolactin Testosterone (measured) bioavailable Testosterone, (measured) free Testosterone, hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) Sex 17-hydroxyprogesterone Androstenedione DHEA sulfate Estradiol Insight at a glance.

In just seconds, the CAP’s Performance Analytics Dashboard provides valuable insights into your laboratory’s performance, letting you proactively focus energy on areas that need immediate attention while filtering out distractions. Updated daily, this complimentary Surveys and CAP accreditation performance monitoring tool reduces the stress of managing today’s laboratory by giving you fast access to a single laboratory’s or an expansive network’s performance.

To view a demo, search Performance Analytics Dashboard at cap.org. Coagulation 14

directly measure the concentration of an analyte of an analyte the concentration measure directly (CVL). verification/linearity calibration require (LN37), CVL Antigen Factor von Willebrand (LN36), and (LN35), CVL Thrombophilia (LN42), D-Dimer CVL (LN44). CVL Fibrinogen Meet requirements for calibration calibration for Meet requirements for and linearity verification testing. coagulation and calibrated that are methods test Hemostasis • include Heparin CVL available programs Coagulation • Coagulation 14 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 (TBX) Discontinued Programs

14 Coagulation 160 Fibrin(ogen) degradation products, serum plasma Fibrin(ogen) degradation products, D-dimer International normalized ratio (INR) Fibrinogen D-dimer** Prothrombin time International normalized ratio (INR)* Fibrinogen serum** Fibrin(ogen) degradation products, plasma** Fibrin(ogen) degradation products, olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Simplifiesinstrument comparability efforts by providing custom withboth reports • Provides asolutionfor monitoring performance across multipleinstruments, and • The QualityCross Check Program: above. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnot meet regulatory requirements below. For secondinstrument options, reporting seetheQualityCross Check program, CGLQ, Additional Information **D-dimer andFDP are shipped withtheCGL AandCmailings. INRresults reporting *Participants willreceive Analytes/procedures in Coagulation nlt Program Code thromboplastinActivated partial time Analyte Program Code thromboplastinActivated partial time Analyte Coagulation instruments. is incompliancewiththeCMSdirective regar peer group comparisonandinstrument comparability statistics.

Quality Cross Check—Coagulation CGLQ Coagulation—Limited CGB, CGL, CGDF

bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS).

a specialevaluationto assesstheINRcalculation. ]] ]] ]] CB G CGDF CGL CGB for proficiency testing; seeSurvey CGL ding proficiency testing onmultiple ]] ]] ]] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] CGLQ 2 peryear 2 peryear 2 peryear Challenges per Challenges per 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 Shipment Shipment Program Information Program Information CGDF -One1.0-mL serum • CGL -Five1.0-mL lyophilized • CGB-Five1.0-mL lyophilized • Two shipments peryear • Reportup to three • Three 1.0-mL lyophilized • two shipmentsperyear lyophilized plasmaspecimen; specimen; one1.0-mL per year specimen; three shipments and one1.0-mL 1.0-mL plasmaspecimen shipments peryear; one plasma specimens; three shipments peryear plasma specimens; three instruments serum specimen specimen, andone2.0-mL triplicate, one1.0-mL plasma plasma specimensin serum Coagulation 14 161 Coagulation plasma specimens in plasma specimens triplicate plasma lyophilized each) specimens (five vials • lyophilized 1.0-mL Two CGE - • 1.0-mL Two - CGEX • shipments per year Two Program Information Program binding b Shipment 2 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Challenges per per Challenges Prekallikrein C Protein S Protein time Prothrombin time Thrombin activity: factor von Willebrand - Collagen binding I - Glycoprotein cofactor - Ristocetin antigen factor von Willebrand ] CGE, CGEX CGE, Coagulation Analyte Listing (Quantitative Results) Listing (Quantitative Analyte Coagulation Coagulation—Extended CGE, CGEX CGE, Coagulation—Extended 50:50 mixing study, PT and aPTT PT 50:50 mixing study, time partialActivated thromboplastin C resistance protein Activated Alpha-2-antiplasmin activity/antigen Antithrombin time prothrombin Dilute and XIII XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, VII, V, II, Factors Fibrinogen antigen (HIT) Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia inhibitor Plasminogen activator Plasminogen activity/antigen See analyte listing below listing See analyte Analyte Code Program Choose code CPIP/CPIP1 on your Surveys order form. Test your diagnostic skills as a pathologist with CPIP Program (CPIP) enables pathologists Online, hands-on and interactive, the Clinical Pathology Improvement actual case. Each month, you will receive to sharpen their diagnostic skills in real time by working through an case unfolds, more information is a new case, including related images and clinical background. As the the posttest may apply their revealed, just as in the laboratory. Participants who successfully complete as Maintenance of Certification (MOC) earned credits to their Continuing Certification (CC), formerly known credits. SAM requirements. Enjoy a full year of CPIP and earn up to 15 CME/SAM

14 Coagulation 162 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists *Not appropriate for meetingre Platelet Factor 4RapidAssay Biosciences, Inc. PIFA Appropriate withtheAkers hobntm 3 2 Enhanced and Gen-Probe LifecodesPF4 2 as Gen-Probe LifecodesPF4IgG Appropriate with methodssuch 2 Heparin-Induced ThrombocytopeniaModule weight, andhybrid curve) (unfractionated, lowmolecular methodologies includingAnti-Xa Heparin activitiesusing Heparin Module Fibrin monomer Factorinhibitor VIII activity, multimers) 2 von Willebrand factor (antigen, Factorassay VIII 2 von Willebrand Factor Antigen Module 2 3 total antigen) Protein S(activity, free antigen, Protein C(activity, antigen) Antithrombin (activity, antigen) Activated protein Cresistance 2 Thrombophilia Module 2 50:50 mixingstudies, PT andaPTT andscreen)(confirmation Challenges perShipment 2 Lupus Dilute Russell’s vipervenomtime Lupus Anticoagulant andMixingStudiesModule Prothrombin time* (INR) International normalized ratio time* thromboplastinActivated partial Module/Analyte Continued onthenext page Coagulation Coagulation Special Testing SeriesCGS1, CGS2, CGS3, ® assays CGS4, CGS5, CGS6, CGS7, CGS8 ® Heparin/ gulatory requirements, see page160. G1CS G3CS G5CS CGS7CGS8 CGS6 CGS5 CGS4 CGS3 CGS2 CGS1 2 2 23 223 3 2 2 Program Code 3 Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • CGS7- Three 1.0-mL • • • CGS4- Three 1.0-mL • CGS1, CGS2, CGS3-Atotal • CGS6, CGS8- Three 400.0-μL CGS5- Two 60.0-μL serum specimens induplicate lyophilized plasma frozen serum specimens specimens specimens lyophilized plasma plasma specimens of two2.0-mL oflyophilized Coagulation 14 163 Coagulation specimens of 2.0-mL of lyophilized of lyophilized of 2.0-mL plasma specimens plasma lyophilized specimens specimens frozen serum specimens serum frozen plasma lyophilized specimens in duplicate serum 60.0-μL Two CGS5 - 400.0-μL Three CGS8 - CGS6, • lyophilized 1.0-mL Three • shipments per year Two • CGS3 - A total CGS2, CGS1, • 1.0-mL Three CGS4 - • • • 1.0-mL Three CGS7 - • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 3 Challenges Challenges 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 per Shipment 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org ] continued ] Program Code Program ] ] continued ]] ] ] ]] ] ] ] APXBN DBGN FNPX RVBN CGS1 CGS2 CGS3 CGS4 CGS5 CGS6 CGS8 CGS7

TM gulatory requirements, see page 160. requirements, gulatory gulatory requirements, see page 160. requirements, gulatory APXBN, DBGN, FNPX, RVBN FNPX, DBGN, APXBN, Apixaban, Dabigatran, Fondaparinux, Fondaparinux, Dabigatran, Apixaban, CGS4, CGS5, CGS6, CGS7, CGS8 CGS8 CGS7, CGS6, CGS5, CGS4, Rivaroxaban Anticoagulant Monitoring Monitoring Anticoagulant Rivaroxaban Coagulation Special Testing Series CGS1, CGS2, CGS3, CGS3, CGS2, Series CGS1, Testing Special Coagulation Activated partial Activated thromboplastin time* Analyte Code Program Appropriate with the Akers the Akers with Appropriate PlussPF4 PIFA Inc. Biosciences, Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Module Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Module/Analyte per Shipment Challenges *Not appropriate for meeting re for *Not appropriate

*Not appropriate for meeting re for *Not appropriate Heparin/Platelet Factor 4 Rapid Factor Heparin/Platelet Assay Module ADAMTS13 inhibitor (activity, ADAMTS13 and titer) screen, Prothrombin time* Prothrombin time Thrombin Apixaban Dabigatran Fondaparinux Rivaroxaban

14 Coagulation 164 CTQ-CT3Q andCT5Q, onpage165. For secondinstrument options, reporting seetheQualityCross Check programs Additional Information click onUPDATEMYPROFILE. i-STAT ITC Hemochron P214/P215 ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/ACT-LR ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/ACT+ ITC Hemochron FTK-ACT ITC Hemochron IL GEMPCL PlusACT-LR IL GEMPCL Plus ACT IL GemPCL ACT-LR IL Gem Helena CascadePOC Sienco Sonoclot Medtronic HepconHMS, HMSPlus ACT/ACTII/ACT PlusR-ACT Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACT PlusLR-ACT Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACT PlusHR-ACT Medtronic HemoTec olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists To createorupdateyour profile,visitcap.org,login,and • • • • information aboutyourself,including: is transferrablewhenyouleaveyourcurrentposition. Useittomaintain Each laboratorystaffmembershouldhavetheirown profile.Yourprofile Have youcreatedorupdatedyourCAP Profile? ntuetCrrdeProgram Code Helena Actalyke Instrument/Cartridge Coagulation Inspector-related information Contact preferences Certifications Business affiliations ® ® Celite PCL ACT ® andKaolinACT ® CA510/FTCA510 ® ®

Activated Clotting Time Series CT, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5 ] ] ] ] ] ] TC1C2C3CT5 CT3 CT2 CT1 CT • • • Addresses Specialties andskills Personal contactinformation ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

Challenges per Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • CT5 - Three 1.7-mL • CT3 - Three 0.5-mL • CT2 - Three 0.5-mL • CT1 - Three 1.7-mL • CT - Three 3.0-mL lyophilized • corresponding diluents blood specimenswith lyophilized whole diluent ampules lyophilized wholeblood/ diluent ampules lyophilized wholeblood/ corresponding diluents blood lyophilized whole corresponding diluents whole bloodspecimenswith specimens with Coagulation 14 165 Coagulation lyophilized whole blood blood whole lyophilized with specimens in triplicate diluents corresponding whole blood lyophilized with specimens in triplicate diluents corresponding whole blood/ lyophilized diluent ampules in triplicate whole blood/ lyophilized diluent ampules in triplicate whole blood lyophilized with specimens in triplicate diluents corresponding instruments • 3.0-mL Three - CTQ • 1.7-mL Three - CT1Q • 0.5-mL Three - CT2Q • 0.5-mL Three - CT3Q • 1.7-mL Three - CT5Q • three up to Report • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Shipment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges perChallenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ding proficiency testing on multiple testing ding proficiency for proficiency testing; see Surveys CT-CT3 CT-CT3 see Surveys testing; proficiency for ] ] ] ] CTQ CT1Q CT2Q CT3Q CT5Q ] ] ] ] ] ] Quality Cross Check— Cross Quality CTQ, CT1Q, CT2Q, CT3Q, CT5Q CT3Q, CT2Q, CT1Q, CTQ, Activated Clotting Time Series Time Series Clotting Activated

® ® CA510/FTCA510 ® and Kaolin ACT ® PCL ACT PCL ® peer group comparison and instrument comparability statistics. comparability comparison and instrument peer group is in compliance with the CMS directive regar is in compliance with the CMS directive instruments. Helena Actalyke Instrument/Cartridge Code Program

The Quality Cross Check Program: The Quality Cross • and multiple instruments, across performance monitoring a solution for Provides • reports with both custom providing by efforts comparability Simplifies instrument These programs do not meet regulatory requirements requirements regulatory do not meet These programs program, Check about the Quality Cross additional information For on page 164. and CT5 40. see page i-STAT Celite i-STAT HemoTec Medtronic HR-ACT Plus ACT/ACTII/ACT HemoTec Medtronic LR-ACT Plus ACT/ACTII/ACT HemoTec Medtronic Plus R-ACT ACT/ACTII/ACT HMS Plus Hepcon HMS, Medtronic Sienco Sonoclot Helena Cascade POC Gem IL ACT-LR Gem PCL IL Plus ACT GEM PCL IL Plus ACT-LR GEM PCL IL Hemochron ITC FTK-ACT Hemochron ITC Signature/ACT+ Jr. Hemochron ITC Signature/ACT-LR Jr. Hemochron ITC P214/P215 Hemochron ITC

14 Coagulation 166 PFA-100 Heparin, lowmolecularweight Protein Cactivity von Willebrand factor antigen Heparin, unfractionated Helena Plateletworks olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN Express 38010, and38011. The LN35, LN36, andLN37CVL programs meettheCAP Accreditation requirements HEM.38009, *This Survey requires thedraw ofanormaldonorsample. nlt Program Code Antithrombin activity Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Viscoelastometry Instrument/Method Progr Platelet aggregation Instrument/Method Coagulation Coagulation Calibration Verification/Linearity serviceisavailable. ® Platelet Function* PF, PF1

Viscoelastometry TEG LN35, LN36, LN37 ] ] N5L3 N7Target Ranges LN37 LN36 LN35 ] FPF1 PF ] ] ] TEG am Code ] ] 2 2 ] Challenges perShipment 0.1–2.0 U/mL 0.1–1.3 U/mL 10%–100% 10%–130% 5%–140% 2 2 • Program Information Program Information Program Information • Two 1.0-mL lyophilized whole • • PF1-Four 3.2%sodium • PF -Four 3.2%sodium • Two shipmentsperyear; • • LN35, LN37-Six1.0-mL •

ROTEM (TEGandrapid TEG),TEG6s and including TEG5000 For usewiththe Two shipmentsperyear LN36- Twelve 1.0-mL T analyzers Thromboelastograph Haemonetics diluents blood specimenswith 10.0-mL plastictubes citrate vacuumtubes; two 10.0-mL plastictubes citrate vacuumtubes; two unfr heparin andsixfor for lowmolecularweight per mailing, which includesix frozen plasmaspecimens ships ondryice per mailing frozen plasmaspecimens wo shipmentsperyear actionated heparin ®

delta ™ hemostasis ® , Coagulation 14 167 Coagulation System ® Three lyophilized lyophilized Three specimens specimens ships on dry ice specimens with diluents specimens in duplicate VerifyNow PIA - material to perform one perform to material multiple assay assay; the requires reporting of PIAX purchase • plasma Six 1.0-mL • shipments per year Two • plasma frozen Six 1.0-mL • shipments per year; Two • PIA - All Survey PIAX • use with the Accumetrics For • Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program • includes sufficient Kit • shipments per year Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 80–900 mg/dL 220–5,500 ng/mL FEU 220–5,500 ng/mL LN44 Range Target LN42 Range Target ] ] PIA PIAX ]] ]] D-Dimer Calibration Calibration D-Dimer Fibrinogen Calibration Calibration Fibrinogen Verification/Linearity LN44 Verification/Linearity Verification/Linearity LN42 Verification/Linearity service is available. service is available. Drug-Specific Platelet Aggregation PIA, PIAX PIA, Aggregation Platelet Drug-Specific Aspirin assay Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Fibrinogen Analyte Code Program D-dimer Analyte Code Program

LN Express LN Express PRU test

14 Coagulation 168 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists For methodcompatibility, seeinstrument matrixbelow. Prothrombin time ntuetProgram Code Roche CoaguChek XS System Roche CoaguChek XS Plusand XS Pro i-STAT Elite and Jr. II–Noncitrated cuvette ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/Signature +, Signature Elite and Jr. II–Citrated cuvette ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/Signature +, Signature IL GEMPCL, PCL Plus–Noncitrated IL GEMPCL, PCL Plus–Citrated Helena CascadePOC–Noncitrated Helena CascadePOC–Citrated Abbott CoaguSense Instrument Challenges perShipment 5 International normalized ratio (INR) Analyte Coagulation Whole Blood Coagulation, Instrument Matrix ™ WP3, WP4, WP6, WP9, WP10 Whole Blood Coagulation P P P P WP10 WP9 WP6 WP4 WP3 5555– 5553 WP3 Program Code ] ] P P P WP10 WP9 WP6 WP4 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Program Information WP10- Three 0.3-mL • Three shipmentsperyear • -Five0.3-mL lyophilized WP9 • WP4, -Five0.5-mL WP6 • WP3-Five1.0-mL lyophilized • two shipmentsperyear with corresponding diluents; lyophilized plasmaspecimens plasma specimens specimens unitized lyophilized blood corresponding diluents plasma specimenswith Coagulation 14 169

2 Coagulation PUB223 assay ® plasma specimens; three three plasma specimens; one shipments per year; plasma lyophilized 1.0-mL specimen and one 1.0-mL serum specimen; two specimen; serum shipments per year Haemonetics Platelet Haemonetics Platelet Mapping two heparin vacuum tubes; vacuum tubes; two heparin plastic tubes; two 3.5-mL one vial of 0.2M CaCl • lyophilized 1.0-mL Five • and citrate One 3.2% sodium • use with the For Item number: 480 pages; Hardcover; tables, 175+ figures, 2016 and algorithms; Program Information Program Program Information Program • shipments per year Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 PLTM ] ] Platelet Mapping* PLTM Mapping* Platelet Coagulation—Limited, Validated Material Validated Coagulation—Limited, ebooks at ebooks.cap.org printed books at estore.cap.org Useful chapters on emergency assessment, consultation, antifibrinolytic Useful chapters on emergency assessment, consultation, antifibrinolytic and thrombolytic agents, and more Insightful case studies Detailed algorithms to assist in diagnosis Validated MaterialValidated Coagulation Code Program Survey Corresponding CGM Page CGL 160 AnalyteAA % aggregation/inhibition Code Program per Shipment Challenges Or, view sample pages and order online: • • Select An Algorithmic Approach to Hemostasis Testing, 2nd Edition (PUB223) on your Surveys order form. • • • Give better consultations for hemostasis diagnosis

Use the same material that is sent in the Surveys program to: program that is sent in the Surveys Use the same material • problems instrument/method Identify and troubleshoot • or instruments with other laboratories results Correlate • identified in Surveys of problems Document correction • quality control external as an alternative with confirmed results material Utilize includes readily which • Participant Summary, a Survey receives laboratory Each failures testing proficiency Identify potential results. available Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated Validated Survey with CAP patient results of your reliability the Improve Materials *This Survey requires the draw of a normal donor sample. the draw requires *This Survey ADP % aggregation/inhibition ADP Can you spot them?

Accurately identify fungi, bugs, parasites, bacteria, and other microorganisms quickly. Ruggedly constructed, these fully illustrated guides are built to withstand heavy use at the workbench. Spiral- bound and laminated, they are conveniently sized at 6 1/2" x 7".

Rely on these Benchtop Reference Guides in your laboratory. Arthropod Benchtop Reference Guide (ABRG) Gram Stain Benchtop Reference Guide (GSBRG) SELECT THEM ON YOUR SURVEYS ORDER FORM OR ORDER ONLINE Mycology Benchtop Reference Guide (MBRG) Printed books at estore.cap.org Parasitology Benchtop Reference Guide (PBRG) Ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Microbiology 15 . 188 .. 181 ...... 192 ...... 189 ...... 195 ...... 173 organisms (CRO) organisms 5 challenges (GIP5) 5 challenges • Molecular testing for carbapenem-resistant carbapenem-resistant for Molecular testing • Microbiology testing is changing at a is changing at testing Microbiology testing. pace—so is our proficiency rapid for: new programs three Introducing panel, utilizing a gastrointestinal testing Molecular • • Molecular testing for vaginitis/vaginosis panel (MVP) vaginitis/vaginosis for • Molecular testing ...... 186 ...... 203 ...... 201 ...... 204


Microbiology ...... 15 Carbapenem-resistant Organisms (CRO) ...... Carbapenem-resistant Organisms (CRO) New Programs Microbiology Bacteriology ...... Multidiscipline Microbiology Infectious Disease Serology Parasitology Virology Mycobacteriology Mycology Gastrointestinal Panel (GIP5) Molecular Vaginal Panel (MVP)

15 Microbiology 172 (page 186 Acid Chlamydia olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Microbiology bacteriology. Seethefollowing pagesfor menu. fivespecimensfor mustreport Participants each mailingto meetCLIArequirements for thesubspecialtiesof Use thisflowchart asaguide for ordering theappropriate Mol Q Select fromthefollowing: GC only? testing onChlamydiaor Do youperformmolecular  Microbiology HC6, HC6X,HC7 Amplification Amplification /GC Nucleic )


Guide to Molecular Microbiology Testing Molecular MRSA Screen, (pages 197, 198, 201) Nucleic AcidAmplification Zika (page 187) Trichomonas vaginalis (page 182) C. difficile parapertussis Bordetella pertussis/ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Select fromthefollowing: Throat Culture        VBDM TVAG CDF5 BOR MRS2M/MRS5M D1 ID2, IDN IDO, ID1,ID1T,

(page 200)

than GC? acid amplificationother Do youperformnucleic

more detailedinformation abouteach Survey. (page 183)

Detection YES (page181) (page 175)

ecular Microbiology Surveys for your laboratory’s testing Q Q Q HIV ViralLoad    (page 198) Hepatitis ViralLoad HCV2, HBVL,HBVL5 HV2 VLS, VLS2 Viral Load Select fromthefollowing:

YES (page 199) testing only? Do youperformviralload (page 199) (page 199) Panel Meningitis/Encephalitis Q Q Q Q Q (page 202) Respiratory Panel Infectious Disease RSV byNAA Influenza A,B,      (page 203) IDME ID3 IDR (page 180) Blood CulturePanels GNBC, GPBC Panel Gastro intestinal GIP, GIP5 

Select fromthefollowing: (page 202)

YES (page 198) multiplexing? Do youperformmolecular Microbiology 15 173

Clostridium Bacteriology , for use with rapid use with for , oods and related fees. oods and related

Streptococcus spinal fluid specimen for meningitis testing specimen for difficile or molecular testing methods A Group One swab for lyophilized One 1.0-mL lyophilized One 0.5-mL diluents in duplicate for for diluents in duplicate culture respiratory, blood, wounds, and anaerobes stools, urines, basis on a rotational the from antigen detection following: • swab specimens with Five • include may sources Culture • bacterial specimens for Two • shipments per year Three Program Information Program Program Code Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 5 1 t CLIA requirements for the subspecialty of bacteriology. of bacteriology. the subspecialty for t CLIA requirements tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding 1 graded, 1 ungraded 1 graded, antigen results results antigen Streptococcus Streptococcus D C. difficile C. ] ] ] ] ]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]] ] D D4 MC1 MC2 MC5 D2 D7 D3 MC4 D1 tailed information about each Survey. Survey. about each tailed information toxin test is not subject to CLIA regulations; CLIA regulations; is not subject to test toxin Guide for Ordering Regulated Bacteriology Surveys Regulated Ordering Guide for Bacteriology D type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are C. difficile C. antigen/toxin* and Group A A and Group antigen/toxin* antigen/toxin* and spinal fluid meningitis panel and spinal fluid meningitis antigen/toxin* bold hallenges will be included in the following shipments: shipments: hallenges will be included in the following C. difficile C. C. difficile C. Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Gram stain Gram susceptibility testing Antimicrobial detection antigen Bacterial Procedure identification Bacterial Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Antimicrobial Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Participants must report five specimens for each mailing to mee to mailing each Participants must report five specimens for See the following pages for more de more pages for See the following therefore, toxin results will not be sent to CMS. Only Only CMS. not be sent to will results toxin therefore, will be sent.

*CMS has clarified that the *CMS has clarified that Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Bacteriology Bacterial antigen detection antigen Bacterial Bacterial identification Bacterial stain Gram Additional Information c Antigen detection • Shipment A: A: Shipment • C: • A Spinal fluid meningitis panel and Group Shipment B: Shipment •

15 Microbiology 174 assessment andaneducationalresource for microbiology laboratories. The module: Microbiology Bench Tools Competency (MBT) Additional Information (DEX)isaneduca Expanded Bacteriology Additional Information Recovery andidentificationofmixed • Ability to recognize andidentify organisms thatexhibit multiple • More exposure to emerging bacterial pathogens andnovelresistance mechanisms • Culture andsusceptibilitytesting chall • Provides organisms thatchallenge • to theCAP. This isnotaproficiency testing program willnotreturn andparticipants results Provides identificationandsusceptibilityresults for supervisoruse • Canbeusedfor bothcompetency andeducationalpurposes, includingteaching • Antimicrobial susceptibilitytesting olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists drug-resistance patterns including lesscommonorproblematic bacteria that perform complete identificationand and anaerobic bacteria incultures containingmultipleorganisms and reporting oftestand reporting results microbiology bench, includingdirect observation, monitoring, recording, students residents,and training pathology ne rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Bacterial identification Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Live organisms Analyte Bacteriology Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Microbiology Bench Tools Competency MBT Expanded Bacteriology DEX Expanded Bacteriology the basicelementsoftesting atthe w employees, andmedicalMT/MLT tional opportunity thatprovides:tional opportunity pathogens such asyeast, aerobic, enges for microbiology laboratories is asupplementalmodulefor competency susceptibility ofbacterial isolates ] ] ] MBT DEX tion regarding additionaldangerous g 2 2 6 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Results willbeprovided with • Culture sources willvarywith • Sixswab specimenswith • Three shipmentsperyear • Two swabspecimensin • competency the kitto assesspersonnel each shipment susceptibility identification and diluents for bacterial directed) susceptibility (when identification and perform bacterial duplicate withdiluentsto oods andrelated fees. Microbiology 15 175

Bacteriology oods and related fees. oods and related

ee loop specimens with with diluents in duplicate with diluents with diluents in duplicate, with one susceptibility one Gram and challenge, stain challenge with diluents in duplicate, stain and one Gram challenge with diluents in duplicate, thr diluents in duplicate, one diluents in duplicate, and susceptibility challenge, challenge stain one Gram and with molecular- methods culture-based shipments per year Three • specimens D1- Five swab • D2 - Five loop specimens • D3 - Five loop specimens • swab specimens Two D7 - • swabs compatible Throat • Program Information Program Shipment 1 5 1 Challenges per per Challenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding and three and three specimens Combination Combination urine culture urine culture of two throat of two throat Neisseria absence of absence of Presence or Presence gonorrhoeae gonorrhoeae determination ]] ]]] of your of your protocol the extent the extent Organisms Organisms laboratory’s laboratory’s identified to identified to

]]]] D1 D2 D3 D7 Presence Presence of Group A of Group or absence determination Streptococcus GC, Throat, and Urine Cultures D1, D2, D3, D7 D3, D2, D1, Urine Cultures and Throat, GC, Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Antimicrobial Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Procedure Code Program

Microbiologic Microbiologic level: Bacterial Bacterial identification stain Gram source:Culture Throat Urine Cervical Throat/Urine

15 Microbiology 176 antigen detection* Urine culture Throat culture GC culture Gram stain Group A Urine culture Throat culture olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists *If you are usingawaivedmethodfor *If you are usingawaivedmethodfor toward therequired fivechallenges for thesubspecialtyofmicrobiology. toward therequired fivechallenges for thesubspecialtyofmicrobiology. rcdr Challenges perShipment antigen detection Group A Gram stain GC culture Antimicrobial susceptibility Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code testing Antimicrobial susceptibility Procedure Bacteriology Streptococcus Microbiology—Combination w/GCMC1, MC2 Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa

Streptococcus *

Bacteriology—Limited D4

Streptococcus Streptococcus 35 23 11 ] ] ] ] ] ] C MC2 MC1 D4 21 5 11 testing, theseresults willnotcount testing, theseresults willnotcount Program Code tion regarding additionaldangerous g 2 2 1 1 1 1 Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Throat swabscompatible • Urinecultures willonly have • • • Throat swabscompatible • • Three loopspecimens • • Three shipmentsperyear

bacterial antigendetection one swabspecimenfor diluents induplicate, and three swabspecimenswith with diluentsinduplicate, MC2 -Fiveloopspecimens bacterial antigendetection one swabspecimenfor diluents induplicate, and two swabspecimenswith with diluentsinduplicate, MC1 -Eightloopspecimens based methods with molecular- andculture- one susceptibilitychallenge culture-based methods with molecular- and susceptibility challenge Urine cultur bacterial antigendetection one swabspecimenfor diluents induplicate, and two swabspecimenswith with diluentsinduplicate,

oods andrelated fees. e willhave one Microbiology 15 177 Bacteriology oods and related fees. oods and related

with diluents in duplicate, with diluents in duplicate, with swab specimens three and diluents in duplicate, two swab specimens for detection antigen bacterial one susceptibility challenge and culture- with molecular- based methods fixed unstained glass slides specimens with diluents specimens specimens with diluents, swab specimens with three and diluents in duplicate, swab specimens for three antigen detection bacterial culture- and with molecular- based methods • loop specimens Three • have will only cultures Urine • swabs compatible Throat • shipments per year Three • methanol- Five air-dried, • shipments per year Three • urine 2.0-mL Two MC3 - • urine MC4 - Five 2.0-mL • swabs compatible Throat • year shipments per Three Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Shipment Shipment 1 1 2 3 3 5 3 3 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Challenges per Challenges Challenges per per Challenges tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding Program Code Program 25 D5 MC5 MC3 MC4 ] ] ] ] ] ] testing, these results will not count count will not these results testing, testing, these results will not count will not these results testing, * Streptococcus Streptococcus Gram Stain D5 Gram antigen detection antigen

Antigen Detection MC5 Detection Antigen urine culture identification urine culture antigen antigen

Urine Colony Count MC3, MC4 MC3, Count Urine Colony Throat & Urine Culture/Rapid Strep A Strep & Urine Culture/Rapid Throat Streptococcus

Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Streptococcus

Group A Group Gram stain Gram Procedure Code Program Antimicrobial susceptibility Antimicrobial Procedure Code Program Urine colony count/Urine colony Procedure per Shipment Challenges toward the required five challenges for the subspecialty of microbiology. for five challenges the required toward toward the required five challenges for the subspecialty of microbiology. the for five challenges the required toward

*If you are using a waived method for using a waived method for are *If you *If you are using a waived method for using a waived method for are *If you detection* Gram stain Gram A Group culture Throat Urine culture Throat culture Throat

15 Microbiology 178 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Gram StainAdvancedCompetency Virtual (VGS2) isfor experienced laboratory • Gram StainBasicCompetency Virtual (VGS1) isfor general andnewlaboratory • Additional Information Virtual gram stainadvanced Virtual olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists appropriate for thesite. ofbothgr and typicalmorphology images ofsputum, bodyfluids, andotherspecimensto assessthequality, quantity, technologists/technicians andmicrobiologists positive bloodcultures. morphology. Challengeswillincludespecimenssuch asCSF, bodyfluids, and and artifacts stains andwillreport technologists/technicians. willassessthequalityofspecimensand Participants *If you are usingawaivedmethodfor toward therequired fivechallenges for thesubspecialtyofmicrobiology. rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Group A Challenges perShipment Program Code Procedure Group A Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code gram stainbasic Virtual Procedure Bacteriology Rapid Group A Strep Antigen Detection, Waived D9 Streptococcus Streptococcus Virtual GramVirtual StainCompetency VGS1, VGS2 Rapid Group AStrep Antigen Detection D6 antigendetection antigen detection* am-positive andgram-negative organisms Streptococcus detailed gram-positive . willreceive Participants challenging ] G1VGS2 VGS1 testing, theseresults willnot count ] ] D9 D6 ] and gram-negative 3 3 2 5 Two shipmentsperyear • Program Information Program Information Program Information Powered by DigitalScope • Results includedinthe • Three online, wholeslide • Two shipmentsperyear • Notcompatiblewith • Two swabspecimens • Three shipmentsperyear • Notcompatible with • Fiveswab specimens • technology competency kit to assess personnel images based methods molecular- andculture- based methods molecular- andculture- ®

Microbiology 15 179 Bacteriology oods and related fees. oods and related diluents for inoculation of blood inoculation of blood for bottles culture diluents methods and culture-based clinical specimens • sets of loops with Two • shipments per year Two • specimens with diluents Two • shipments per year Two • with Five swab specimens • Compatible with molecular- • year shipments per Three • liquid simulated 0.5-mL Two • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 5 2 BSTS tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding ] D8 BCS BSTS ] ] ] LBAS SBAS Staphylococcus ] Blood Culture BCS Blood Culture

Group B Strep Detection D8 Detection B Strep Group Bacterial Antigen Detection LBAS, SBAS LBAS, Detection Antigen Bacterial Streptococcus Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Bacterial Strain Typing, Typing, Strain Bacterial Blood culture bacterial detection and detection bacterial Blood culture identification Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteStaphylococcus Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure pneumophila Legionella Code Program per Shipment Challenges antigen detection Analyte B Group Code Program per Shipment Challenges

antigen detection Streptococcus pneumoniae

15 Microbiology 180 Yeast blood culture bottles resistance mechanisms isolated from positive Enterococcus, Listeria, such as Identification ofgram-positive organisms olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists These Surveys are notfor theinocula nlt Program Code Staphylococcus Analyte Program Code isolated from positive E. coli, Klebsiella, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, Serratia, Enterobacter, Proteus, Haemophilus, such as Identification ofgram-negative organisms Procedure Program Code Staphylococcus aureus Analyte Bacteriology Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, andcommonresistance mechanisms Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Acinetobacter, Citrobacter, Blood Culture, Blood Culture Panel GNBC, GPBC andcommon blood culture bottles /MRSA PNA FISHPNA1, PNA2 Staphylococcus aureus tion ofbloodculture bottles. ] ] N1PNA2 PNA1 NCGPBC GNBC ] BCS1 ] ] tion regarding additionaldangerous g BCS1 Challenges per Challenges per Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Shipment Shipment Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Two shipmentsperyear • For laboratories using • Three 1.0-mL liquid • Compatiblewithmolecular • Three specimenswith • Two shipmentsperyear • Three specimenswith • molecular multiplex panels specimens simulated bloodculture fluid positiv S. aureus methods for detection of blood culture bottles diluents for inoculationof blood culture bottles diluents for e bloodculture bottles /MRSA from oods andrelated fees. inoculation of inoculation of Microbiology 15 181 Bacteriology oods and related fees. oods and related duplicate and testing, culture-based molecular methods use with rapid for specimens, methods or molecular testing techniques as Cepheid methods such GeneXpert • in swabs with diluents Two • antigen, use with rapid For • shipments per year Two • lyophilized 0.5-mL Two • shipments per year Two • specimens swab Three • molecular Designed for • shipments per year Two • liquid specimens Three • molecular Designed for • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 , tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding BOR CRO CDF2 CAMP ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] CAMP ganisms CRO , 2 Challenge CDF2 2 Challenge , Molecular BOR Molecular esistant Or Campylobacter antigen/toxin C. difficile C. Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis Bordetella Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Clostridium difficile Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Campylobacter Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges KPC Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Carbapenem-r Bordetella pertussis Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Bordetella parapertussis IMP NDM OXA VIM

15 Microbiology 182 Antigen detection (EIA) olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists toxin results willnotbesentto CMS. Only CMS hasclarifiedthat the rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Helicobacter pylori Procedure nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Fecal lactoferrin Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Antigen detection (DFA) Procedure Clostridium difficile Analyte Bacteriology Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa C. trachomatis Helicobacter pylori antigendetection C. difficile antigen C. difficile Fecal Lactoferrin FLAC /toxin Antigen Detection HC1, HC3 toxin test isnotsubjectto CLIAregulations; therefore, , 5Challenge CDF5 C. difficile Antigen ] C HC3 HC1 antigen results willbesent. ] ] ] FLAC HPS CDF5 ] , Stool HPS tion regarding additionaldangerous g 2 3 5 5 5 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • HC3-Five 2.0-mL liquid • HC1-Five5-wellslide • Three shipmentsperyear • Five0.5-mL lyophilized • Two shipmentsperyear • • Two shipmentsperyear • For usewithrapid methods • Three 0.5-mL simulated stool • antigen testing by EIA specimens for bodies by DFA of chlamydial elementary specimens; for thedetection or moleculartesting methods specimens, for usewithrapid Two 0.5-mL fecalsuspensions specimens oods andrelated fees. Chlamydia

Microbiology 15 183 mecA mecA Bacteriology oods and related fees. oods and related diluents or only testing culture-based and molecularusing culture testing duplicate) methods that detect diluents or only testing culture-based and molecularusing culture testing duplicate) methods that detect shipments per year Three • swab specimens with Five • performing laboratories For • shipments per year Three • Five swab specimens (in • use with molecular For • with swab specimens Two • performing laboratories For • shipments per year Two • swab specimens (in Two • use with molecular For • shipments per year Two • Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 5 5 2 tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding , 2 Challenge MRS 2 Challenge , MRS MRS5 ] ] ] ] MRS2M MRS5M Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus S. aureus S. Screen, 5 Challenge MRS5 5 Challenge Screen, detection detection Methicillin-resistant Methicillin-resistant Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer MRSA Screen, Molecular, 5 Challenge MRS5M 5 Challenge Molecular, Screen, MRSA MRSA Screen, Molecular, 2 Challenge MRS2M 2 Challenge Molecular, Screen, MRSA /MSSA/SA /MSSA Methicillin-resistant Methicillin-resistant Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges ProcedureMRSA/MSSA detection Code Program per Shipment Challenges ProcedureMRSA Code Program per Shipment Challenges ProcedureMRSA Code Program per Shipment Challenges MRSA/MSSA/SA detection

15 Microbiology 184 handling Category AandBagents. laboratory ClassIIBiological SafetyCabinetandiscapableof thatcontainsacertified tularensis, agent list. These may includestrains of bioterrorism agentissuspected. respond following Laboratory Response NetworkSentinelLaboratory Guidelinesifa bioterrorism agentsordemonstrate epidemiol Laboratories willbesentliveorganisms thateitherexhibit characteristics of Prevention (CDC), andtheAssociationofPublic HealthLaboratories (APHL). between theCollegeof The Laboratory Preparedness Exercise (LPX) was Additional Information Norovirus Shiga toxin Rotavirus C. difficile olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Adenovirus 40/41 Analyte Urease Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Live organisms Analyte Bacteriology and antigen/toxin Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Brucella abortus Laboratory Preparedness Exercise LPX American Pathologists, theCenters for DiseaseControl and Stool Pathogen SP, SPN, SP1 thathave beenmodifiedandare safefor testing ina Rapid Urease RUR All agentsprovided are ex Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella ] ]] ]] ]] PSNSP1 SPN SP ogic importance andwillbeexpectedogic importance to developed asacollaborative effort ] ] RUR LPX cluded from theCDC’s select ] tion regarding additionaldangerous g 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Two shipmentsperyear • Notavailable to international • Three swabspecimenswith • Two shipmentsperyear • SP1-One1.0-mL liquid • SPN- Two 1.0-mL liquid • SP - Two 1.0-mL liquid • • Three simulated gastric • For usewithmethodssuch as CLOTEST restrictions States law export customers dueto United diluents molecular methodsonly specimen compatiblewith international laboratories methods; intended for rapid ormolecular testing specimens; for usewith States lawrestrictions export customers dueto United not available to international or molecular testing methods; specimens; for usewithrapid biopsy specimens

oods andrelated fees. ®

Microbiology 15 185

Rapid Bacteriology BVBlue users BVBlue oods and related fees. oods and related ® Trichomonas Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomonas

probe technology; BD technology; probe III probe VP Affirm™ three method; detection shipments per year testing only; not compatible only; testing methods, with culture or PCR assays, cytotoxicity United due to customers export law States restrictions specimens methods such as Sekisui methods such OSOM Test, methods; two shipments methods; per year • DNA - Five swabs for VS • liquid specimens 0.5-mL Two • shiga toxin with direct use For • international to Not available • shipments per year Two • liquid 1.0-mL Three OSOM • For • - Five swabs for VS1 Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program • shipments per year Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 3 5 5 5 tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding , Molecular TVAG on page 187. TVAG Molecular , BV ST ] ] VS* VS1** ] ] ]] Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomonas Shiga Toxin ST Toxin Shiga Bacterial Vaginosis BV Vaginosis Bacterial Vaginitis Screen VS, VS1 VS, Screen Vaginitis sp. Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Candida Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Bacterial vaginosis detection vaginosis Bacterial Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteShiga toxin Code Program per Shipment Challenges

*The biohazard warning applies to Survey VS. VS. Survey warning applies to *The biohazard use to encouraged are **Molecular users Gardnerella vaginalis Gardnerella vaginalis Trichomonas

15 Microbiology 186 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Additional Information (NAA/DNA) Nucleic acidamplification Bacterial vaginosis Trichomonas vaginalis Candida glabrata Candida krusei olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists *The biohazard warningappliesto andHC6X. Surveys HC6 rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code smears Interpretation ofGram-stained vaginal Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Nucleic acidamplification(NAA) Challenges perShipment Procedure Program Code Candida Analyte Bacteriology Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa speciesgroup C. trachomatis Vaginitis Screen, Gram Stain Virtual VS2 Molecular Vaginal Panel MVP HC6, HC6X, HC7 and N. gonorrhoeae C, CX HC7 HC6,* HC6X* ] ] ] ] ] ] ] MVP VS2 ] tion regarding additionaldangerous g by NAA 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two activitiesperyear; your • Powered by DigitalScope • Three online, wholeslide • Three shipmentsperyear • HC7-Five 1.5-mL simulated • • - Three swab HC6X • - Three HC6 swabspecimens • Three shipmentsperyear • Designedfor molecular • Fiveliquidsimulated vaginal • Three shipmentsperyear activity isavailable notified viaemailwhenthe CAP shipping contactwillbe technology images designed for Cepheidusers body fluidspecimens; in duplicate simulated urinespecimens specimens; two1.0-mL urine specimens and two1.0-mL simulated methods such asBDMAX specimens oods andrelated fees. Microbiology 15 187 Bacteriology oods and related fees. oods and related GSBRG techniques methods and culture-based testing shipments per year Two • specimens liquid Three • molecular Designed for • shipments per year Two • swabs with diluents Two • use with molecular For • Program Information Program Information Program Item number: Spiral bound; 100 pages; 115+ images and tables; 2017 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 2 VRE tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding VRE TVAG ] ] , Molecular TVAG Molecular , Enterococcus is an illustrated guide to

Enterococcus Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomonas Vancomycin-resistant Vancomycin-resistant Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Seven tabbed sections for easy reference Detailed descriptions of microbial morphology, quantitation, and indicators of pathology Examples of more than 35 gram-positive and gram-negative organisms found in blood, body fluids, CSF, urine, and the genital and respiratory tracts Theory and application of the Gram stain (VRE) detection Procedure Vancomycin-resistant Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte vaginalis Trichomonas Code Program per Shipment Challenges Select it on your Surveys order form. • • • • Gram Stain Benchtop Reference Guide Identify microorganisms quickly and confidently Identify microorganisms

This sturdy, spiral-bound, laminated guide is conveniently sized at 6½” x 7”. Features include: gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Its rugged construction gram-positive and gram-negative technologists for heavy use is well suited for students and medical at the workbench.

15 Microbiology 188 Rifampin resistance Mycobacterial culture Antimycobacterial susceptibility testing Mycobacterial identification* olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists *This procedure requires identification of Mycobacteriology Analytes/procedures in rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Mycobacterium tuberculosis Challenges perShipment Procedure Program Code Acid-fast smear Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Acid-fast smear Procedure Mycobacteriology Molecular MTBDetection andResistance MTBR Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Mycobacteriology—Limited E1 bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). Mycobacteriology E

detection Mycobacterium tuberculosis ] ] ] ] ] ] ] MTBR E1 E 1 graded, 1ungraded . tion regarding additionaldangerous g 5 1 5 5 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Identificationmay be • Fivesimulated clinical • • Fivesimulated specimens • Two shipmentsperyear • • Three 1.25-mL simulated • Two shipmentsperyear Notsuitablefor culture molecular methods performed by culture or an acid-fastbacillussmear one specimenfor performing isolates withdiluentsand acid-fast bacillusby culture presence orabsenceof for thedetermination ofthe for acid-fastsmears and/or with molecularmethods sputum specimensfor use oods andrelated fees. Microbiology 15 189 Mycology oods and related fees. oods and related

diluents in duplicate and diluents in duplicate simulated one 1.0-mL fluid specimen cerebrospinal (A and B shipments only) molecular- by be performed methods and culture-based diluents in duplicate and diluents in duplicate simulated one 1.0-mL fluid specimen cerebrospinal only) (A and B shipments and aerobic molds, be may actinomycetes and molecular- by performed methods culture-based • with culture loops for Five • may of yeast Identification • shipments per year Three • with culture Five loops for • Identification of yeasts, • shipments per year Three Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 5 1 5 2 per year 2 per year tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding F F1 ] ] ] ] ] ] Yeast F1 Yeast type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are bold Mycology and Aerobic Actinomycetes F Actinomycetes Mycology Aerobic and Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Procedure susceptibility testing Antifungal Code Program per Shipment Challenges Antifungal susceptibility testing Antifungal Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Mycology Yeast identification Yeast Mold and yeast identification Mold and yeast Cryptococcal antigen detection Cryptococcal Cryptococcal antigen detection Cryptococcal

15 Microbiology 190 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code fungal antibodies Serological detection ofspecific Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Galactomannan - Analyte Cryptococcal antigen Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Yeast identification Procedure Mycology Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Cryptococcal Antigen Detection CRYP Aspergillus Fungal Serology FSER Galactomannan FGAL Candida Culture F3 ] ] ] ] CRYP FSER FGAL F3 tion regarding additionaldangerous g 5 5 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Three shipmentsperyear • Five1.0-mL simulated • • • Identification of Fiveloopsfor culture with • Two shipmentsperyear • Designedfor thedetection • For usewith • Three serum specimens • For usewithmethodssuch • Three liquidspecimens • Three shipments peryear cerebral spinalfluids methods culture, molecular, andrapid species may beperformed by diluents induplicate and Blastomyces, Coccidiodes, of antibodiesto immunodiffusion methods as Bio-RadPlatelia Histoplasma oods andrelated fees. Aspergillus, Candida ™

Microbiology 15 191 PUB226 Mycology Pneumocystis Pneumocystis Item number: as photographs and online as photographs images for jirovecii • Three slides • Three • per year shipments Two • liquid specimens Two • shipments per year Two • available each images, Three • shipments per year Two Hardcover; 2018 Hardcover; Program Information Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 2 ] IND FSM ] ] ] PCP1 PCP2 PCP4 ] PCP1, PCP2, PCP4 PCP2, PCP1, India Ink IND Fungal Smear FSM Fungal Pneumocystis printed books at estore.cap.org Procedure stain – Calcofluor white PCP Code Program per Shipment Challenges India ink Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure white preparation/calcofluor KOH Code Program per Shipment Challenges

• Select Color Atlas of Mycology (PUB226) on your Surveys order form. Select Color Atlas of Mycology (PUB226) on your Surveys order Or, view sample pages and order online: Built upon a foundation of more than 15 years of proficiency testing Built upon a foundation of more than 15 years of proficiency testing data, this resource book is designed to assist pathologists and medical recent technologists in the laboratory identification of fungi using the most incorrect taxonomic classifications. The text highlights diagnostic clusters of identifications and addresses conceptual classification issues. Comprehensive media/ and complete, this book merges in vitro mycology (colonies on plated LPAB preparations) with in vivo mycology (histology/cytology). Get the field guide to mycology PCP – DFA stain – DFA PCP – GMS stain PCP

15 Microbiology 192 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Additional Information Numberofspecimentypesare indicated inchart. • Modifiedacid-faststainresults dono • Theproficiency testing materials used • Analytes/procedures in Parasitology modified acid-faststain) Cryptosporidium rcdr Challenges perShipment Preserved slide(for permanentstain) Giemsa-stained bloodsmear Fecal suspension( Fecal suspension(wetmount) Procedure Parasitology identification. formalin asapreservative. immunoassay Giardia bold Parasitology P, P3, P4, P5 typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). and/or and t meetCLIArequirements for parasite for theParasitology Surveys contain 1 2 23 252 PP3P4P5 115 Program Code Program Information P -Fivespecimens • P5-Five0.75-mL fecal • • P4 - Five specimens Five specimens - P4 • • Three shipmentsperyear • P3-Five0.75-mL fecal and/or suspension for images; one0.75-mL fecal photographs, and/or online wet mountexamination, suspensions for direct and/or suspensions for images; two0.75-mL fecal photographs, and/or online wet mountexamination, fecal suspensionsfor direct permanent stain; 0.75-mL preserved slidesfor parasite identification; films for bloodandtissue consisting ofthinandthick and/or suspensions for modified acid-faststain immunoassay testing and and/or suspension for images; one0.75-mL fecal photographs, and/or online slides for permanentstain, mount examination, preserved suspensions for direct wet consisting of0.75-mL fecal modified acid-faststain immunoassay testing and modified acid-faststain immunoassay testing and modified acid-faststain immunoassay testing and Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium Giardia Giardia Giardia Giardia

Microbiology 15 193 and Parasitology Plasmodium, as photographs and online as photographs images and online as photographs images film sets, photographs, photographs, film sets, online images and/or specimens including Trypanosoma, Babesia, filarial worms • available each images, Three • shipments per year Two • available each images, Three • shipments per year Two • blood Five Giemsa-stained • parasites, A variety of blood • antigen 0.5-mL Three • shipments per year Two • per year shipments Three Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 5 3 BP PEX TMO RMAL ] ] ] ] to challenge laboratory professionals’ professionals’ laboratory challenge to tion for mixed malaria infections. mixed malaria tion for specific histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2). May not be compatible May 2 (HRP2). protein specific histidine-rich Blood Parasite BP Blood Parasite Rapid Malaria RMAL Rapid Malaria Expanded Parasitology PEX Expanded Parasitology Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods TMO and Other Arthropods Mites, Ticks, Plasmodium falciparum Procedure identification and arthropod mite, Tick, Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure identification Parasite Code Program per Shipment Challenges ProcedureRapid malaria detection Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure sets* Thin/thick Code Program per Shipment Challenges

competency in the identification of parasites utilizing photo images. utilizing photo in the identification of parasites competency This program provides an educational opportunity provides This program with methods that use pLDH enzyme detec *Detects *Detects *This Survey will include corresponding thick films when available. thick include corresponding will *This Survey

15 Microbiology 194 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists • • Or, viewsamplepagesand orderonline. Select itonyourSurveysorderform. • • • • • • Parasitology BenchtopReferenceGuide(PBRG) rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Worm identification Procedure Parasitology years ofbenchtopuse—6½”x7” A durableandwater-resistantformattowithstand Five tabbedsectionsforeasyreference submitted totheclinicallaboratory Color imagesofmacroscopicwormsroutinely routine parasitologystainsandpreparations Color imagesofmicroscopicmorphologiesusing ecology, andclinicalsignificance Detailed descriptionsoftheparasitemorphology, encountered intheclinicallaboratory More than70identificationsforparasitescommonly ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org o o o o o Macroscopic Worms Miscellaneous Specimens Intestinal Helminths Intestinal Protozoa Blood Parasites Worm Identification WID ] WID 3 70+ imagesandtables;2014 Spiral bound;98pages; Item number: PBRG Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Three images, each available • images as photographs andonline Microbiology 15 195 Virology ] ] ] (page 197) (page 197) (page 196) (page 196) (page 196) 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org (pages 198-199) ID1, ID1T, ID2, VBDM 200) 198, (pages 197, VR1 VR2 VR3, VR3M (page 204) VR4 HC2 HC4 HV2, HCV2, HBVL, HBVL5, VLS, VLS2 Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Procedure ] ] ] Contact Center at 800-323-4040 or 847-832-7000 option 1. at 800-323-4040 Contact Center Viral Identification Viral Antigen Detection type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are Guide to Virology Testing Virology Guide to bold Guide for Ordering Regulated Virology Surveys Virology Regulated Ordering Guide for

HC2 HC4 ID3 VR2 VR4 Program Code Program VR1 For Nucleic Acid Amplification For Viral Load Testing For Herpes Simplex Virus Culture Testing For Herpes Simplex Virus Antigen Detection by DFA For Virology Antigen by EIA or Latex Agglutination For Viral Serology Testing For Virology Antigen Testing by Immunofluorescence For Comprehensive Virology Culture Testing Use this flowchart as a guide for ordering the appropriate Virology Surveys for your laboratory’s laboratory’s your for Surveys Virology the appropriate ordering for as a guide Use this flowchart have If you per mailing. five specimens must test you of virology, the subspecialty For menu. testing please call the Customer questions, any Virology

Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures

15 Microbiology 196 Influenza Aantigen Viral isolation/identification Rotavirus antigen antigen Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Influenza Bantigen Influenza Aantigen Educational challenge Parainfluenza antigen Herpes simplex virus (HSV) antigen Cytomegalovirus antigen Varicella-zoster antigen antigen Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Influenza Bantigen olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code antigen Adenovirus (Not40/41) Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Adenovirus antigen Challenges perShipment Analyte/Procedure Program Code Chlamydia trachomatis Procedure Virology Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Virology Antigen Detection (Non-DFA) VR4 Virology Antigen Detection (DFA) VR2


Virology Culture VR1 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] VR1 R C B VR2 A VR4 11 11 1 11 11 11 1 tion regarding additionaldangerous g 11 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 11 Program Information Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Five5-wellslidespecimens • Three shipmentsperyear • Five0.5-mL specimensfor • Three shipmentsperyear • For usewithenzyme • Five1.5-mL specimens • trachomatis specimen for viral culture andone0.5-mL agglutination methods immunoassay and/or latex oods andrelated fees. culture Chlamydia Chlamydia Microbiology 15 197 Virology oods and related fees. oods and related specimens specimens specimens specimens specimens specimens contained in Digene transport media only • liquid Eight 1.0-mL ID1- • liquid 1.0-mL Two - ID1T • shipments per year Two • slide HC2 - Five 5-well • lyophilized HC4 - Five 0.5-mL • year shipments per Three • cervical simulated Two • Digene Hybrid Capture For • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding ] ] ] HPV ] ID1 ID1T HC2 HC4* ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] and/or ThinPrep collection media, see page 279. collection media, ThinPrep and/or Human Papillomavirus HPV Human Papillomavirus Herpes Simplex Virus HC2, HC4 HC2, Virus Simplex Herpes Nucleic Acid Amplification, Viruses ID1, ID1T ID1, Viruses Nucleic Acid Amplification, Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Cytomegalovirus Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteHuman papillomavirus Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure (DFA) detection Antigen Code Program per Shipment Challenges

For laboratories using Digene, SurePath, SurePath, using Digene, laboratories For *The biohazard warning applies to Survey HC4. Survey applies to warning *The biohazard Enterovirus virus Epstein-Barr virus Herpes simplex 6 Human herpesvirus 8 Human herpesvirus B19 Parvovirus virus Varicella-zoster BK virus JC virus Culture

15 Microbiology 198 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Influenza Bvirus Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Parainfluenza virus Influenza virus* Human metapneumovirus Coronavirus/Rhinovirus* olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Shipment B: Rhinovirus andInfluenzaB • ShipmentA: Coronavirus andInfluenzaA • *Coronavirus/Rhinovirus andInfluenzavirus willbeincludedinthefollowing shipments: B ia od35 3 5 1 1 Challenges perShipment HBV viral load HCV viral load HCV, qualitative Challenges perShipment HCV genotyping Program Code Procedure Influenza Avirus Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Adenovirus Analyte Virology Nucleic AcidAmplification, Respiratory ID2 Hepatitis Viral Load HCV2, HBVL, HBVL5 Influenza A, InfluenzaB, andRSV by NucleicAcidAmplificationID3 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] C2HV HBVL5 HBVL HCV2 ID3 ID2 Program Code 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 Program Information Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Designed for molecular • Five1.0-mL liquidspecimens • Two shipmentsperyear • Six1.0-mL liquidspecimens • HBVL5 -Five2.0-mL plasma • HBVL - Three 1.25-mL • HCV2 -Five1.5-mL liquid • multiplex panelusers per year specimens; three shipments shipments peryear plasma specimens; two shipments peryear plasma specimens; three Microbiology 15 199 Virology MBRG plasma specimens plasma specimens plasma defibrinated specimen two plasma specimens; shipments per year three plasma specimens; shipments per year Item number: • EDTA HV2 - Five 2.5-mL • - One 1.0-mL HIVG • year shipments per Three • EDTA - Six 1.0-mL VLS • EDTA 2.0-mL Ten - VLS2 Program Information Program Information Program Spiral bound; 92 pages; 70+ images; 2013 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 ] ] ] HV2 HIVG VLS VLS2 ] ]] ]] ]] Viral Load VLS, VLS2 VLS, Load Viral HIV Viral Load HV2, HIVG HV2, Load Viral HIV ebooks at ebooks.cap.org printed books at estore.cap.org Easy-to-use reference for confident identification Portable (6½” x 7”) Durable, water-resistant laminated format to withstand years of benchtop use BK viral load BK viral Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure load viral HIV-RNA Code Program per Shipment Challenges • • Or, view sample pages and order online: • Select Mycology Benchtop Reference Guide (MBRG) on your Surveys order form. • • Find fungi fast

HIV genotyping HIV CMV viral load viral CMV load viral EBV load viral Adenovirus HHV6 load viral

15 Microbiology 200 HCV viral load HIV viral load olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists LN Express *The biohazard warningappliesto Survey LN38. • • Or, viewsamplepagesandorderonline: (PUB127) onyourSurveysorderform. Select AtlasofFundamentalInfectiousDiseases Histopathology select ancillarymethodsofdetection. detecting specificmicro-organisms,spotinfectious diseasemimics,and patterns ofinflammationforclues,understandwhich stainsarebestfor to helpanatomicpathologistsidentifyinfectiousorganismsintissue,study This resourcebookisrichindetailedinformationandreal-worldexamples with ouruncommonresource Uncover commoninfectiousdiseases nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Zika virus Analyte Program Code CMV viral load Analyte Virology ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa serviceisavailable. Viral Load Calibration Verification/Linearity Vector-Borne Disease—Molecular VBDM LN38, LN39, LN45 ] N8 N9L4 Target Ranges LN45 LN39 LN38*

] ] VBDM ] tion regarding additionaldangerous g 316–1.0M IU/mL 50–280M IU/mL 50–5.0M IU/mL 50–5.0M 3 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear; • LN45-Seven2.5-mL frozen • LN39-Six2.5-mL plasma • Two shipmentsperyear; • LN38-Six1.5-mL frozen • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.5-mL liquid • not apply to LN39) ships ondryice(drydoes DNA specimens specimens ships ondryice plasma specimens specimens images andtables;2018 Softcover; 304pages;800+ Item number: oods andrelated fees. PUB127 Microbiology 15 201 oods and related fees. oods and related simulated clinical isolate clinical isolate simulated specimens and two diluents clinical isolate simulated specimens and two diluents; international designed for that cannot laboratories MTB receive • - Seven liquid or swab IDO • - Six liquid or swab IDN • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Multidiscipline Microbiology Multidiscipline 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tion regarding additional dangerous g additional dangerous tion regarding will be included in the following shipments: will be included in the following IDO IDN ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] ]] ]] ]] opportunities, publications, publications, opportunities, type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are Bacterial IdentificationBacterial Identification Viral bold Enterococcus Legionella pneumophila Legionella Chlamydophila pneumoniae Chlamydophila Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Nucleic Acid Amplification, Organisms IDO, IDN IDO, Organisms Nucleic Acid Amplification, on your 2018 order) on your You can order PT, quality management quality management PT, can order You learning programs, Simplify Your Life with our Online Store Life Your Simplify and more. can: you online store, the From (based quote 2019 prepopulated your Review • menu test based on your • Add new programs and billing information shipping your • Manage on the and click visit cap.org get started, To tab. SHOP Guide for Ordering Regulated Molecular Multidiscipline Surveys Molecular Regulated Ordering Guide for Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges GIP5 Program Code Program IDR Procedure Legionella pneumophila/Chlamydophila pneumoniae pneumophila/Chlamydophila Legionella * A: Shipment • B: Shipment •

Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Multidiscipline Microbiology Multidiscipline Molecular typing (bacterial isolates) Molecular typing (bacterial tuberculosis Mycobacterium pneumoniae Mycoplasma Vancomycin-resistant Legionella pneumophila/Chlamydophila pneumophila/Chlamydophila Legionella pneumoniae* Methicillin-resistant aureus Staphylococcus

15 Microbiology 202 Rhinovirus/Enterovirus Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Parainfluenza type4 Parainfluenza type1, 2, 3 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Legionella pneumophila Influenza B Influenza A Human metapneumovirus Coronavirus Chlamydophila pneumoniae bronchiseptica, holmesii) Bordetella (pertussis, parapertussis, Bocavirus Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) Human parechovirus Human herpesvirus 6(HHV-6) Herpes simplex virus 2(HSV-2) Herpes simplex virus 1(HSV-1) Enterovirus Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Streptococcus pneumoniae Streptococcus agalactiae Neisseria meningitidis Listeria monocytogenes Haemophilus influenzae olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Adenovirus Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Escherichia coli Analyte Multidiscipline Microbiology Infectious Disease, Respiratory Panel IDR Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel IDME K1

] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] IDME IDR 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Designedfor molecular • Three 1.0-mL liquid • Three shipmentsperyear • Designedfor molecular • Five1.0-mL liquidspecimens • multiplex panelusers specimens multiplex panelusers Microbiology 15 203 stool specimens; three three specimens; stool shipments per year two specimens; stool shipments per year panel users multiplex United due to customers export law States restrictions • simulated GIP5 - Five 1.0-mL • simulated 1.0-mL Three - GIP • molecular Designed for • international to Not available Program Information Program Multidiscipline Microbiology Multidiscipline 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 GIP Program Code Program 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 5 5 53 53 GIP5 )53 (EIEC) type will meet CMS requirements for bacteriology and virology and virology bacteriology for CMS requirements type will meet


E. coli E. bold (ETEC) LT/ST

toxin A/Btoxin 5 3 E. coli E. E. coli E.

Gastrointestinal Panel GIP5, GIP GIP5, Panel Gastrointestinal E. coli E. O157

i 53 toxin producing toxin 53

53 Enteroinvasive like (STEC) stx1/stx2 (STEC) - Enterotoxigenic Enteropathogenic Sapovirus Enteroaggregative Salmonella Entamoeba histolytica Entamoeba Rotavirus A Rotavirus Cyclospora cayetanensis Cyclospora Plesiomonas shigelloides Cryptosporidium Norovirus GI/GII Norovirus Clostridium difficile, Clostridium difficile, Escherichia col Giardia Shigella/ Shiga Astrovirus Campylobacter E. coli coli E. Adenovirus Analyte Shipment per Challenges Choose code CPIP/CPIP1 on your Surveys order form. Test your diagnostic skills as a pathologist with CPIP Program (CPIP) enables pathologists Online, hands-on and interactive, the Clinical Pathology Improvement actual case. Each month, you will receive to sharpen their diagnostic skills in real time by working through an case unfolds, more information is a new case, including related images and clinical background. As the the posttest may apply their revealed, just as in the laboratory. Participants who successfully complete as Maintenance of Certification (MOC) earned credits to their Continuing Certification (CC), formerly known credits. SAM requirements. Enjoy a full year of CPIP and earn up to 15 CME/SAM Note: Only GIP5 analytes in GIP5 analytes Only Note: identification.

Yersinia enterocolitica Yersinia Shigella Vibrio cholerae

15 Microbiology 204 Mumps –IgG total antibodies Mycoplasma pneumoniae Herpes simplex virus (HSV)–IgGantibody total antibodies Helicobacter pylori EA –IgG EBNA –IgG, IgM, andtotal antibodies Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) – VCA –IgG, IgM total antibodies Varicella-zoster virus –IgGand total antibodies Toxoplasma gondii antibody Rubeola virus (Englishmeasles)–IgG olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Infectious DiseaseSerology Analytes/procedures in nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code total antibodies Cytomegalovirus (CMV)–IgG, IgM, and Analyte nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code organisms Antibodies to tick-transmitted disease Analyte Infectious DiseaseSerology Infectious DiseaseSerology VR3, VR3M –IgG, IgM, and –IgG, IgA, and Tick-Transmitted Diseases TTD bold –IgG, IgM, and typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] R VR3M VR3 ] TTD ] 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • VR3M-One0.5-mL • VR3-Eight0.5-mL • Two shipmentsperyear • Designedfor thedetection • Three 0.4-mL liquid • plasma specimen lyophilized defibrinated plasma specimens lyophilized defibrinated phagocytophilum microti, burgdorferi, Babesia of antibodiesto specimens and Anaplasma Borrelia Immunology and Flow Cytometry 16 .... 213 ...... 206 (ACMG) The CAP broadens its network of broadens The CAP its experts through laboratory collaborations. we partner: with which Among the organizations (AACC) Chemistry Clinical for • American Association and Genomics of Medical Genetics American College • (AMP) Pathology Molecular for • Association (NSH) Histotechnology for •National Society

...... Immunology and Flow Cytometry Flow and Immunology 16 Immunology ...... Immunology and Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry

16 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 206 Rubella (IgG)* Rheumatoid factor* Infectious mononucleosis quantitative hCG, serum, qualitative/ qualitative/quantitative C-reactive protein, Antistreptolysin O(ASO)* ANA drychallenge Total kappa/lambdaratio IgM IgG IgE IgA Complement C4 Complement C3 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists are ungraded/educational inthisSurvey anddonotmeetregulatory requirements. qualitative andquantitative methods * Analytes/procedures in Immunology ANA, ASO, Rheumatoid factor, nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Alpha Analyte Program Code (ANA)* Antinuclear antibody Analyte Immunology 1 ANA, ASO, CRP, HCG, IM, RF/RFX, RUB/RUBX, IL -antitrypsin

Immunology, General IG/IGX bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). and ]] ]] N S R C IM HCG CRP ASO ANA Rubella Immunology Immunology . Semiquantitativeand/or titer results for theseanalytes ]] are regulated analytes andare graded for both ]] ]] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] IG/IGX ]] ]] RFX RF/ ]] RUBX RUB/ IL 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Challenges per 5 2 5 1 5 5 5 5 Shipment Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • IGX -AllSurvey IGspecimens • IG- Ten 1.0-mL serum • • RUBX -AllSurvey RUB • RFX -AllSurvey RF • IM-Five0.6-mL serum • Three shipmentsperyear • • ASO, HCG, andRF -Five • ANA- Three educational • ANAandRUB-Five 0.5-mL • CRP - Two 0.5-mL serum IL -All immunology in duplicate specimens specimens induplicate specimens induplicate specimens (hsCRP) methods for high-sensitivityCRP specimens; notappropriate RUBX specimens except RFX and 1.0-mL serum specimens challenges peryear pattern interpretation dry serum specimens Immunology and Flow Cytometry 16 207 Immunology specimens (0.5- to 1.0-mL/vial) serum 1.0-mL/vial) serum (0.5- to specimens (0.5- to 1.0-mL/vial) serum serum 1.0-mL/vial) (0.5- to specimens per year two shipments specimens; per year shipments per year Two S4 - A minimum of three shipments Three S2 and S4 - • serum 0.6-mL Three • • of seven S2 - A minimum • • • serum 1.0-mL Two S5 - Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 2 3 11 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 2 111 111 111 111 111 111 11 111 111 11 111 111 111 111 111 ] Waived IMW Waived IMW ] S2 S4 S5 A B C ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]] ]] ]] ] ]] ] ] ] ochondrial antibody assays that are specific for the M2 specific for that are antibody assays ochondrial IgG Antibody S2, S4, S5 S4, S2, IgG Antibody , waived , H. pylori H. IgG antibody and Infectious Mononucleosis, Infectious Mononucleosis, Immunology, Special; Immunology Special, Limited; Limited; Immunology Special, Special; Immunology, Infectious mononucleosis Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Anticentromere antibody Anticentromere Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

antibody. Refer to Survey H on page 208. Survey to Refer antibody. Survey S2 is not appropriate for antimit for S2 is not appropriate Survey Anti-DNA antibody double-stranded IgD Anti-SSA/SSB antibody antibody Antithyroglobulin antibody microsomal Antithyroid antibody peroxidase Antithyroid Ceruloplasmin Haptoglobin Helicobacter pylori, IgG IgG subclass proteins (transthyretin) Prealbumin ratio kappa/lambda Total Transferrin Antiglomerular basement membrane basement membrane Antiglomerular IgG antibody (GBM), antibody cytoplasmic Antineutrophil anti-PR3) anti-MPO, (ANCA, antibody Anti-RNP Anti-Sm antibody antibody Anti-Sm/RNP Antismooth muscle antibody Anti-SSA antibody Anti-SSB antibody Antimitochondrial antibody Antimitochondrial

16 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 208 Anti-intrinsic factor antibody olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Antiparietal cellantibody Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code antibody (AMA-M2) Antimitochondrial M2 Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Antihistone antibody Analyte Challenges perShipment IgG antibody Program Code Antifilamentous actin(f-actin) Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Antichromatin antibody Analyte Alpha-2-macroglobulin Analyte Immunology Autoimmune GastritisMarkers APC Antifilamentous Actin IgG Antibody Antifilamentous ActinIgGAntibody Antimitochondrial M2AntibodyH Alpha-2-Macroglobulin A2MG Antichromatin AntibodyACA Antihistone AntibodyAHT FCN ] ] ] ] ] ] ] A2MG FCN APC AHT ACA H 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 0.5-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 0.5-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 1.0-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 1.0-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 0.5-mL serum • specimens Thr specimens specimens specimens specimens specimens ee 0.5-mL serum Immunology and Flow Cytometry 16 209 Immunology specimens specimens serum specimens serum specimens serum • serum 0.5-mL Three • shipments per year Two • serum 1.0-mL Two • year shipments per Two • lyophilized 0.5-mL Three • shipments per year Two • lyophilized 0.5-mL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 Antibody ASC ACL ASC APS ARP ] ] ] ] ] ] ] antibody Antiribosomal P Antibody ARP Antiribosomal P Antiphospholipid Antibody ACL Antibody Antiphospholipid Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces Antiphosphatidylserine Antibody APS Antiphosphatidylserine Anti- Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces Anti- (lgG and lgA) Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Antiribosomal P antibody Antiribosomal P Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Anticardiolipin antibody (polyclonal, IgG, IgG, antibody (polyclonal, Anticardiolipin and IgA) IgM, Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte antibody Anticardiolipin and lgA) lgM, lgG, (polyclonal, Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Beta-2-glycoprotein I Beta-2-glycoprotein and lgA) lgM, lgG, (polyclonal, IgM, Antiphosphatidylserine antibody (IgG, and IgA) IgM, IgG, I (polyclonal, Beta-2-glycoprotein and IgA)

16 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 210 (IgA andIgG) Anti-DGP andanti-tTG antibodyscreen (IgA andIgG) Antitissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibody Anti-DGP antibodyscreen (IgAandIgG) antibody (IgAandIgG) Antideamidated gliadinpeptide(DGP) Antigliadin antibody(IgAandIgG) Antiendomysial antibodyscreen (IgAandIgG) Vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha IL-10 IL-8 IL-6 IL-2 Interleukin (IL)-1beta olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Interferon (IFN)-gamma Analyte Anti-CCP Analyte Program Code Antiendomysial antibody(IgAandIgG) Analyte Immunology Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Celiac Serology CES, CESX Antibody (Anti-CCP)CCP Cytokines CTKN ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] CES CESX CESX CES TNCTKN C CCP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Two 1.0-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • CESX -AllSurvey CES • CES- Three 0.3-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • Nine2.0-to 3.0-mL • specimens specimens intriplicate specimens lyophilized serum specimens Immunology and Flow Cytometry 16 211 -TB Gold and -TB Immunology ® specimens specimens specimens and one serum control mitogen lyophilized QuantiFERON specimens specimens North America as well from tested as less frequently allergens Gold Plus methods only year shipments per Three • serum liquid 0.5-mL Three • shipments per year Two • serum 1.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two • lyophilized 1.0-mL Two • use with the For • serum 1.0-mL Two • year shipments per Two • serum Five 2.0-mL • Includes common allergens • Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program • per year shipments Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 2 2 1 5 5 3 25 tection QF tection QF SE RDS LKM HSCRP ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] -Stimulated Infection De -Stimulated Diagnostic AllergyDiagnostic SE Rheumatic Disease Special Serologies RDS Rheumatic Disease Special Serologies High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein HSCRP Protein C-Reactive High-Sensitivity M. tuberculosis M. Liver-Kidney Microsomal Antibody (Anti-LKM) LKM Microsomal Liver-Kidney Anti-Jo-1 (antihistidyl t-RNA synthetase) Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges M. tuberculosis M. Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Anti-LKM Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges High-sensitivity C-reactive protein High-sensitivity C-reactive Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte/Procedure qualitative screen, multiallergen IgE, Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Anti-Scl-70 (anti-DNA topoisomerase) Anti-Scl-70 IgE, total IgE, Specific allergens

16 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 212 chain ratio andratio interpretation Kappa/lambda serum free light Lambda serum free lightchain Total hemolytic complement, 100%lysis olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists also usethisSurvey. IgG, FTA-ABS, andUSRmethods. Laboratories performing syphilis serology onCSF specimensmay Use with VDRL, RPR, MHA-TP/TP-PA/PK-TP/TPHA, EIA, CMIA, multiplex flowimmunoassay, TP-LIA nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Kappa serum free light chain Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Viscosity Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Total hemolytic complement, 50%lysis Analyte Syphilis Analyte Immunology Total Hemolytic ComplementCH50 Serum Free LightChainsSFLC Syphilis Serology G Viscosity V ] ] ] ] ] ] ] CH50 SFLC G V 2 2 5 3 3 3 2 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Two 0.5-mL lyophilized • Three shipmentsperyear • Five1.5-mL serum • Two shipmentsperyear • • Three 1.0-mL serum • • • Two shipmentsperyear Two shipmentsperyear ser specimens specimens specimens T wo 10.0-mL serum um specimens Immunology and Flow Cytometry 16 213

® Flow Cytometry Flow ycle analysis ycle CD34+ specimens blood specimens cell lines specimens and/or simulating leukemia/ images of tissue lymphoma; and/ bone marrow, sections, specimens or peripheral blood smears blood smears or peripheral with clinical histories DigitalScope by powered specimens; two fixed cell line two specimens; specimens and one content DNA for calibrator and cell c shipments per year Two 1.1-mL Three FL2 - shipments per year Three technology • human stabilized 1.5-mL Two • • whole 1.5-mL Three FL1 - • • blood whole 2.5-mL Two • FL2 FL1 and - All Survey FL • • slide images whole Online, Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program • shipments per year Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 3 3 FL4 FL3 ] ] FL FL1 FL2 t perform technical component-only flow cytometric cytometric flow component-only technical t perform ]] ]] tology analyzers with monoclonal antibody analysis. monoclonal antibody analysis. with analyzers tology type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are Flow Cytometry, CD34+ FL4 Flow Cytometry, bold Flow Cytometry FL, FL1, FL2 FL1, FL, Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry—Immunophenotypic Flow Cytometry—Immunophenotypic Characterization of Leukemia/Lymphoma FL3 of Leukemia/Lymphoma Characterization CD34+ Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Leukemia/lymphoma Leukemia/lymphoma Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges DNA content and cell cycle analysis analysis and cell cycle DNA content Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

testing. testing. Survey FL3 is appropriate for laboratories tha laboratories for FL3 is appropriate Survey These Surveys are not appropriate for hema for not appropriate are These Surveys Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Flow Cytometry Flow Lymphocyte immunophenotyping Lymphocyte

16 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 214 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists marrow, lymphoid tissue, and extranodal sites. marrow, lymphoidtissue,andextranodalsites. workup ofhematopoieticneoplasmspresentinginthe peripheralblood, Demolistmodefilesare available f • For ungated listmodefiles, • Minimum Requirements presented willbebasedonChildren’s Oncolog disease (MRD) testing (rare eventanalysis) for Blymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. The cases Survey BALL isintended for laboratories thatcurrently orwillbeginto perform minimalresidual perform theinterpretation ofpatientresults. Survey FL5isfor laboratories thatreceive flowcy • • View samplepagesandorder online: Available inprintandebookformats. Approach Flow CytometryinEvaluationofHematopoieticNeoplasms: ACase-Based Rely onthisreferenceforarapidlygrowing field nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code B-ALL minimalresidual disease Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code of leukemia/lymphoma Flow cytometry, interpretation only Procedure Flow Cytometry ebooks atebooks.cap.org printed booksatestore.cap.org to seeifthere isanatypicalpopulation. have collected hundreds ofthousands FlowJo, FACSDiva, Kaluza, Woodlist, etc. The fileswillbelarge aseach tubewill website andanalyze thedata onaMA performed by a6-colormethod. The par mrd; password: ProductTest1). compatibility priorto enrollment. Goto fileshare.cap.org (username: demo-b-all- is a practical, case-based guide to flow cytometric analysis in the isapractical,case-basedguidetoflowcytometricanalysis inthe Flow Cytometry, Interpretation Only FL5 Flow Cytometry—B-ALL Minimal Residual DiseaseBALL each challenge willinclude2-3 tubes”“virtual or downloadto determine software y Group (COG)approved B-ALL MRDmethod. C orPCusingstandard software, including of events. Boolean gatingwillbenecessary ticipant willdownloadthefilesfrom aCAP tometry analyses from referring laboratories to ] ] BALL L FL5 3 3 Hardcover; 176pages;2012 Item number: Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Online, whole slideimages • Three casesconsistingof • Two shipmentsperyear • Two caseswithungated list • Onecaseconsisting ofgated • technology powered by DigitalScope peripheral bloodsmears bone marrow, and/or images oftissuesections, laboratory data, aswell histories, andpertinent gated dotplots, clinical Minimum Requirements) in standard format (see staining patterns; filesare and interpret antibody to examine gating strategies mode filesthatallowusers dot plots PUB221 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 16 215 Flow Cytometry Flow specimens for RBC and specimens for WBC analysis specimen and/or cell line and/or specimen cell simulating a plasma neoplasm with clinical and pertinenthistory data laboratory clinical dot plots, gated and pertinent histories, data laboratory sections, tissue images of and/or bone marrow, blood smears peripheral DigitalScope by powered technology year shipments per Two • blood whole 0.5-mL Two • • blood whole One 2.5-mL • cases consisting of Two • includes challenge Each • slide images whole Online, • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 3 Guidelines for the Guidelines for 0.01% PNH type clone in 0.01% ≤ dates are subject to change. change. subject to are dates PNH PCNEO ] ] ] ories that have leukemia/lymphoma assays that assays leukemia/lymphoma ories that have for RBC and WBC analysis. Due to the unique nature the unique nature Due to RBC and WBC analysis. for of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria PNH Hemoglobinuria Nocturnal of Paroxysmal Flow Cytometry—Plasma Cell Neoplasms PCNEO Neoplasms Cell Flow Cytometry—Plasma Flow Cytometry—Immunophenotypic Characterization Characterization Flow Cytometry—Immunophenotypic Analyte PNH RBC analysis Code Program per Shipment Challenges Plasma cell neoplasms Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges Survey PCNEO is especially helpful for laborat for helpful is especially PCNEO Survey target plasma cell neoplasms, including cytoplasmic light chain staining. light chain including cytoplasmic plasma cell neoplasms, target If this should occur, the CAP will provide notification prior to the originally the originally notification prior to will provide the CAP If this should occur, shipping date. scheduled granulocytes). cells and/or red of these human, donor-based materials, the shipping materials, donor-based of these human, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria and Related Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Diagnosis and Monitoring of Paroxysmal Cytometry Flow Disorders by

PNH WBC analysis PNH WBC analysis Additional Information • ( high-sensitivity testing for is appropriate This Survey • the from complies with the recommendations The PNH Survey

16 Immunology and Flow Cytometry 216 • CD49d is an important prognostic isanimportant marker for CLL CD49d by flowcytometry. This Survey • ThisSurvey tests for intracellular ZAP-70 staining ofacellline. Itallowsfor • Additional Information CD49d CD103 Acid elutionwholeslideimage Rosette fetalscreen olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists allows assessmentofthelaboratory’s abilityto detect CD49d. ZAP-70 detection. assessment ofthelaboratory’s stainingtechniques andtheantibodycloneused for semiannual testing ofantigens. These Surveys meettheCAP Accreditation Chec Additional Information Surveys RFAV1 andRFAV2 donotmeetthere nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Zeta chain-associated protein kinase70 Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code CD1a Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Kleihauer-Betke andflowcytometry Procedure Flow Cytometry ZAP-70/CD49d Analysis by FlowCytometry ZAP70 ZAP-70/CD49d Rare FlowAntigen Validation RFAV1, RFAV2 Fetal Red CellDetection HBF gulatory requirements for proficiency testing. ] FV RFAV2 RFAV1 klist item FLO.23737, which requires ] ] ] ] ] ZAP70 HBF ] 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 Two shipmentsperyear • Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • RFAV2 -One1.0-mL • RFAV1 -One4.5-mL cellline • Powered by DigitalScope • Two online, wholeslide • Notdesignedfor F cell • Two 1.2-mL liquidwhole • • Three 4.5-mL cellline • technology Two shipmentsperyear stabilized cellspecimen specimen grids for cellcounting images peryear withoptional quantitation blood specimens specimens ®

Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 231 ...... 228 ...... 218 ...... 229 manual methods with the new Quality Cross Check— Quality Cross with the new manual methods (JATQ). Medicine program Transfusion Confirm all your instruments are in are your instruments Confirm all working order. multiple instruments across performance Monitor testing events with Quality between proficiency Check. Cross problems. of instrument indication • Gain an early and automated multiple across Assess comparability •

...... Transfusion Medicine, Viral Medicine, Markers, and Transfusion Testing Parentage 17 Transfusion Medicine ...... Transfusion Medicine Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Quality Cross Check—Transfusion Medicine (JATQ) ...... 220 Quality Cross Check—Transfusion Medicine (JATQ) New Programs Viral Markers—Series 6, Additional Material (VM6X) Viral Markers Parentage Testing

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 218 Red bloodcellantigentyping Compatibility testing Antibody identification Antibody detection Rh typing olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in Transfusion Medicine rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Educational challenge Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code ABO grouping Procedure Transfusion Medicine Transfusion Medicine—EducationalChallenge JE1 bold Transfusion Medicine J, J1 typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ] ] ] ] ]] ]] JJ1 ] JE1 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • • Oneeducational challenge, • Three shipmentsperyear • J1-Five2.0-mL 3%red • J-Five2.0-mL 3%red blood •

with Survey J Mus antiglobulin testing typing, and/or direct compatibility testing, antigen antibody identification, Rh typing, antibodydetection, specimen f paper challenge and/or wet which may consistofa specimens 3.0-mL corresponding serum blood cellsuspensions; five suspension donor red bloodcell specimens; one2.0-mL corresponding serum cell suspensions; five3.0-mL t order inconjunction or ABOgrouping, Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 219

or ABO grouping, or ABO grouping, Transfusion Medicine Transfusion hallenges and three hallenges and three which may consist of a may which wet and/or paper challenge specimen f labeled donor unit labeled donor c whole blood 18%–22% specimens and one 4.0-mL 18%–22% whole blood 18%–22% compatibility specimen for testing Rh typing, antibody detection, antibody detection, Rh typing, antibody identification, compatibility testing and/or corresponding red blood cell red corresponding suspensions J with Survey with Survey JAT with Survey in conjunction Must order • educational challenge, One • ISBT-128 simulated, Three • 4.0-mL bar-coded Five • shipments per year Three • • in conjunction Must order • shipments per year Two • shipments per year Three Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 5 5 5 5 1 3 JAT EXM JATE1 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Education Challenge JATE1 Education Challenge Electronic Crossmatch EXM Crossmatch Electronic

Transfusion Medicine—Automated Medicine—Automated Transfusion Transfusion Medicine—Automated JAT Medicine—Automated Transfusion Eduational challenge Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges ABO grouping Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure crossmatch Electronic Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Antibody detection Antibody identification Compatibility testing Rh typing Survey EXM assists laboratories in monitoring the performance of their electronic of their electronic the performance in monitoring EXM assists laboratories Survey system. crossmatching

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 220 crossmatching system. Survey EXM2assistslaboratories inmonitoring theperformance oftheirelectronic Rh typing Rh typing Antibody detection olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists on page219. For additionalinformation abouttheQualityCross Check program, seepage40. This program doesnotmeet regulatory requirements rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code ABO subgroup typing Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Electronic crossmatch Procedure ABO grouping Transfusion Medicine Electronic Crossmatch, Automated EXM2 Quality Cross Check—Transfusion rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Procedure ABO Subgroup Typing ABOSG Medicine JATQ ] ] ] ] ] ] ABOSG JATQ for proficiency testing; seeSurvey JAT EXM2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Mustorder inconjunction • Three simulated, ISBT-128 • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 2.0-mL 3%red blood • Two shipmentsperyear • May beusedwithautomated • Three 7.0-mL 13-17%whole • with Survey JAT suspensions corresponding red bloodcell c labeled donorunit serum specimens 2.0-mL corresponding cell suspensions; three and manualprocedures blood specimens hallenges andthree Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 221 ood cell 3%–4% red bl 3%–4% red Transfusion Medicine Transfusion specimen for anti-A titer titer anti-A specimen for titer with one corresponding blood cell cell (3%–4% red one 2.0-mL suspension); anti-D plasma specimen for with one corresponding titer blood cell (3%–4% red titer cell suspension) titer anti-A specimen for titerwith one corresponding cell ( suspension) anti-D titer specimen for titer with one corresponding blood cell cell (3%–4% red suspension) anti-B titer specimen for titer with one corresponding blood cell cell (3%–4% red suspension) specimens blood cell suspensions shipments per year Two • plasma - One 2.0-mL ABT • plasma ABT1- One 2.0-mL • plasma ABT2 - One 2.0-mL • plasma ABT3 - One 2.0-mL • year shipments per Two • whole blood 2.0-mL Three • • 2%–4% red 2.0-mL Two • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 1 1 3 2 ] h as Rh, Kell, MNSs, Duffy, and Duffy, MNSs, Kell, h as Rh, RAG RBCAT ] ] , warm autoimmune warm autoimmune cell disease, sickle ABT ABT1 ABT2 ABT3 ]] ]] Red Blood Cell Antigen Typing RBCAT Typing Blood Cell Antigen Red Antibody Titer ABT, ABT1, ABT2, ABT3 ABT2, ABT1, ABT, Titer Antibody Red Blood Cell Antigen Genotyping RAG Genotyping Antigen Blood Cell Red Anti-A titer Anti-A Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Red blood cell antigen typing Red Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Procedure blood cell antigen genotype Red phenotype with predictive Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Anti-B titer Anti-D titer Additional Information performing laboratories and transfusion donor centers is for RBCAT Survey the management of patients with cell phenotyping for red non-automated/manual alloimmunization, (ie, serology complex Challenges will include antigens suc anemia). hemolytic system. Kidd blood group

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 222 Dry challenge WBC count Acid elutionwholeslideimage Rosette fetalscreen olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists flow cytometry. WBC countsmust beperformed usingaNageotte chamber, fluorescence microscopy, orby rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Kleihauer-Betke and flowcytometry Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Antibody elution Procedure Direct antiglobulintesting Challenges perShipment Procedure Program Code plasma) Platelet count(platelet-rich Procedure Transfusion Medicine Transfusion-Related CellCount TRC Direct Antiglobulin Testing DAT Fetal Red CellDetection HBF Eluate Survey ELU ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] HBF TRC ELU DAT 3 2 4 5 1 2 2 2 Two shipments peryear • Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information • • Two shipmentsperyear • For usewithmanualmethod • Three 2.0-mL 3%red blood • • Five1.2-mL suspensionsof • Powered by DigitalScope • Two online, wholeslide • Notdesigned for F cell • Two 1.2-mL liquidwhole • • Two 2.0-mL 50%red blood • technology Three shipments peryear Two 1.0-mL vialsleukocyte- Two 1.0-mL vialsleukocyte- Two shipmentsperyear reduced red bloodcells reduced platelet material cell suspensions platelet-rich plasma grids for cellcounting images peryear withoptional quantitation blood specimens cell suspensions ®

Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 223 Transfusion Medicine Transfusion or an entire year or an entire thods cell suspensions specimens cell suspensions red cell adherence, flow cell adherence, red and EIA/ELISA cytometry, me order shipments individually shipments individually order or f serum specimens serum blood cell suspension order shipments individually shipments individually order year an entire or for use with solid-phase For shipments per year Two shipments per year; Two corresponding 3.0-mL Two donor 3% red 2.0-mL One shipments per year; Three • blood 3% red 2.0-mL Two • • plasma 3.0-mL Three • • blood 3% red 2.0-mL Two • • • • Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 PS TMCA TMCAD ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ory requirements for proficiency testing. proficiency for ory requirements ory requirements for proficiency testing. proficiency for ory requirements Assessment TMCA Assessment Assessment TMCAD Assessment Platelet Serology PS Serology Platelet Direct Antiglobulin Test—Competency Test—Competency Antiglobulin Direct Transfusion Medicine Comprehensive—Competency Comprehensive—Competency Medicine Transfusion Procedure testing antiglobulin Direct Code Program per Shipment Challenges ABO grouping Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges ProcedureAntibody detection Code Program per Shipment Challenges Choose code CPIP/CPIP1 on your Surveys order form. Test your diagnostic skills as a pathologist with CPIP Program (CPIP) enables pathologists Online, hands-on and interactive, the Clinical Pathology Improvement actual case. Each month, you will receive to sharpen their diagnostic skills in real time by working through an case unfolds, more information is a new case, including related images and clinical background. As the the posttest may apply their revealed, just as in the laboratory. Participants who successfully complete as Maintenance of Certification (MOC) earned credits to their Continuing Certification (CC), formerly known credits. SAM requirements. Enjoy a full year of CPIP and earn up to 15 CME/SAM

Survey TMCAD does not meet the regulat does not TMCAD Survey Survey TMCA does not meet the regulat does not meet TMCA Survey A low concentration of sodium azide may be present in the specimens and may affect may in the specimens and be present of sodium azide may A low concentration methods. lymphocytotoxicity Compatibility testing Rh typing Platelet crossmatch Platelet antibody identification Platelet Antibody detection Antibody identification

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 224 Acid elutionwholeslideimage Rosette fetalscreen olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Survey TMCAF doesnotmeettheregula Survey TMCAE doesnotmeet theregulat • information aboutyourself,including: is transferrablewhenyouleaveyourcurrentposition. Useittomaintain Each laboratorystaffmembershouldhavetheirown profile.Yourprofile Have youcreatedorupdatedyourCAP Profile? click onUPDATEMYPROFILE. To createorupdateyour profile,visitcap.org,login,and • • • rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Kleihauer-Betke, flowcytometry Program Code Procedure Antibody elution Procedure Transfusion Medicine Inspector-related information Contact preferences Certifications Business affiliations Fetal Red CellQuantitation—Competency Eluate Competency Assessment TMCAE Assessment TMCAF tory requirements for proficiency testing. ory requirements for proficiency testing. • • • TMCAE Addresses Specialties andskills Personal contactinformation ] ] ] ] TMCAF 1 2 2 2 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear; • Powered by DigitalScope • • Two 1.2-mL whole blood • Two shipmentsperyear; • Two 2.0-mL 50%red blood • Two online, wholeslide or f order shipmentsindividually technology grids for cellcounting images peryear withoptional specimens or for anentire year order shipments individually cell suspensions or anentire year Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 225 Transfusion Medicine Transfusion blood specimens; designed blood specimens; the for required assays for of umbilical cord production cell programs blood stem designed blood specimens; that process laboratories for of and assess the suitability cells stem • cord 2.5-mL Two - CBT • peripheral 3.0-mL Two - SCP • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 tion regarding additional dangerous goods and related fees. goods and related dangerous additional tion regarding ] ] CBT SCP ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] ]] ]] ]] will be provided prior to the scheduled the scheduled prior to will be provided erous goods shipping fees. goods shipping erous tion section in the Ordering Information Information tion section in the Ordering am may ship in two installments. am may Refer to the Ordering Information provided for informa for provided Information the Ordering to Refer Cord Blood and Stem Cell Processing CBT, SCP CBT, Cell Processing and Stem Blood Cord Procedure CD3 Absolute Code Program per Shipment Challenges

date. In some instances, the progr In some instances, date. additional dang Supplement regarding change. If this should occur, notification If this should occur, change. Hematocrit Hematocrit Hemoglobin Mononuclear cell count cells red Nucleated Number of CD34 positive events Number of CD45 positive events cells nucleated Total Viability WBC count Absolute CD34 Absolute CD45 Absolute culture Bacterial %CD3+ %CD34+ %CD45+ BFU-E CFU-E CFU-GEMM CFU-GM CFC Total culture Fungal Additional Information • will be available. no replacements stability, material Due to • Shipping informa See International • is subject to the ship date human donor-based, are Because these materials

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 226 SeeInternational Shippinginforma • Survey BDP5isdesignedfor donorcenters/laboratories thatare performing • Survey BDP isdesignedfor donorcenters/laboratories thatare associated with • The Centers for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS)requires proficiency testing • Additional Information systems Bacterial culture anddetection olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Supplement regarding additionaldang number. microbiologyassociated withaCMS-certified laboratory withthesameCLIA bacterial detection for thepurposesof inanapprovedparticipating proficiency te microbiology laboratorya CMS-certified withthesameCLIAnumberandare your laboratory basedontheinformation below. for bacterial detection/identifica Additional Information SeeInternational Shippinginforma • Survey BDPV5isdesignedfor donorcenters/laboratories thatare performing • Survey BDPV isdesignedfor donorcenters/laboratories thatare associated with • TheCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS)requires proficiency testing • rcdr Challenges perShipment rapid immunoassayCMS certified Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code systems Bacterial culture anddetection Procedure Transfusion Medicine Supplement regarding additionaldang number. microbiologyassociated withaCMS-certified laboratory withthesameCLIA bacterial detection for thepurposes of inanapprovedparticipating proficiency te microbiology laboratorya CMS-certified withthesameCLIAnumberandare for bacterial detection inplatelets. Refer to theOrdering Information provided for informa Bacterial Detection inPla Bacterial Detection inPlatelets, Rapid tion. Pleaseselecttheap BDPV, BDPV5 tion sectionintheOrdering Information 25 erous goodsshipping fees. platelet unitscreening andare not tion sectionintheOrdering Information sting program for bacterial detection. erous goodsshipping fees. platelet unitscreening andare not ] D BDP5 BDP sting program for bacterial detection. telets BDP, BDP5 DVBDPV5 BDPV ] propriate program for Program Code tion regarding additional dangerous goodsandrelated fees. 5 2 Program Information Program Information BDP5-Fivelyophilized pellet • BDP - Two lyophilized pellet • • BDPV5- Five frozen • BDPV - Two frozen • For usewithmethodssuch as VeraxBiomedical three shipmentsperyear specimens withdiluents; shipments peryear specimens withdiluents; two per year specimens; three shipments per year specimens; twoshipments Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 227 PUB224 Transfusion Medicine Transfusion wet challenge consisting of consisting wet challenge and/or specimen(s) a serum suspensions blood cell red • and one One paper challenge • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Item number: Softcover; 123 pages 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 ETME1 ] testing, antigen typing, direct direct antigen typing, testing, is a valuable educational Expanded Transfusion Transfusion Expanded Medicine Exercises ETME1 Exercises Medicine printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Antibodies Blood Components Complications Expanded challenges Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges • • Select Transfusion Medicine in the Hot Seat (PUB224) on your Surveys order form. Or, view sample pages and order online: • • • Transfusion Medicine in the Hot Seat Make critical transfusion decisions with confidence Make critical transfusion

The short-case format makes the information easily accessible and can serve as the basis for a transfusion medicine curriculum in clinical pathology. your institution your medicine solving skills in transfusion problem resource for pathology trainees and pathologists practicing resource for pathology trainees and a total of 26 realistic transfusion medicine. The text presents three sections: transfusion scenarios divided into Additional Information is an educational opportunity ETME1 that offers: Survey • and integrate recognize ability to the laboratory’s determining A method for • antibody identification complex and/or challenging More • medicine case studies in transfusion Comprehensive • those within or outside including professionals, with other collaboration Simulated The wet challenge may consist of specimens for ABO grouping, Rh typing, antibody Rh typing, ABO grouping, consist of specimens for may The wet challenge compatibility antibody identification, detection, antibody elution. and/or titer, antibody antiglobulin testing,

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 228 HBsAg Anti-HIV-2 Anti-HIV-1/2 Anti-HIV-1 Anti-HCV Anti-HBs, quantitative Anti-HBs Anti-HBc (total: IgMandIgG) Anti-HAV (IgG) HIV-1 p24antigen Anti-HTLV-I/II HBeAg olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Surveys appropriate for rapid methods. Do notuseSurvey VM1 withrapid anti-HCV, anti-HIV-1, oranti-HIV-1/2 kits. Seepage229for Analytes/procedures in Viral Markers nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code Anti- Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Anti-CMV Analyte Anti-HBe Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code Anti-HAV (total: IgMandIgG) Analyte Viral Markers Trypanosoma cruzi Viral Markers—Series 3 VM3 Viral Markers—Series 2 VM2 Viral Markers—Series 1 VM1 Viral Markers—Series 4 VM4 bold (Chagasdisease) typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] VM4 VM3 VM2 VM1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • Five3.5-mL plasma • • Three 3.5-mL plasma • Three shipmentsperyear • Five3.5-mL plasma • • Two 1.0-mL plasma • Two shipmentsperyear Two shipments peryear specimens specimens specimens specimens Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 229 Viral Markers Viral Five 0.5-mL plasma Five 0.5-mL ear specimens specimens specimens; three shipments three specimens; per y specimens; two shipments specimens; per year specimens in duplicate specimens in duplicate as the Abbott ARCHITECT GS HIV Bio-Rad Combo, HIV Determine Alere and Combo, Combo assays HIV specimens per year shipments Three shipments per year Three • plasma Five 1.5-mL • - • VM6 • plasma - Five 0.5-mL AHIV • plasma 0.5-mL Three • per year shipments Two • plasma 0.5-mL Two AHIVW - • VM6XVM6 Survey - All • use with methods such For • Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 ] VM5 RHCVW ] ] ] AHIV AHIVW ] VM6 VM6X ]] ]] Anti-HIV 1/2 AHIV, AHIVW AHIV, 1/2 Anti-HIV Viral Markers—Series 5 VM5 5 Markers—Series Viral Viral Markers—Series 6 VM6, VM6X VM6, 6 Markers—Series Viral Anti-HIV-2, Anti-HIV-1/2 Anti-HIV-2,

Anti-HCV, Rapid Methods, Waived RHCVW Waived Rapid Methods, Anti-HCV, Anti-HCV, waived methods only Anti-HCV, Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Anti-HIV-1, Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteAnti-HIV-1/2 Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analyte (IgM) Anti-HAV Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Anti-HIV-1, Anti-HIV-1/2, Anti-HIV-1/2, Anti-HIV-1, waived methods only Anti-HBc (IgM) p24 antigen HIV-1

17 Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 230 West Nilevirus HIV HCV olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Zika virus Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code HBV Analyte Viral Markers SHOP tab. To getstarted, visitcap.org andclick onthe • Manage your shipping andbillinginformation • Addnewprograms basedonyour test menu • Review your 2019prepopulated quote (based From theonlinestore, you can: and more. programs, learning You canorder PT, qualitymanagement Simplify Your Life with ourOnlineStore on your 2018order) Vector-Borne Disease—Molecular VBDM Nucleic Acid Testing NAT opportunities, publications, ] ] ] ] ] VBDM NAT 3 5 5 5 5 Program Information Program Information Three shipmentsperyear • • Designedfor blooddonor • Five 6.0-mL plasma • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.5-mL liquid • CompatiblewithHIV, HCV, and HBV multiplex assays acid testing ondonorunits centers performing nucleic specimens specimens Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 17 231 at cap.org two buccal Parentage Testing Parentage -STRs, as well as the -STRs, paper paternity trio paper paternity specimens; swabs for a second alleged- swabs for father challenge XSTRs, (STRs), repeats Y conclusions provided • blood-stained filter Three • short tandem Reporting for • shipments per year Three Program Information Program 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 4 Fast Focus on Compliance PARF ] ] e (paper challenge) Parentage/Relationship Test—Filter Paper PARF Paper Test—Filter Parentage/Relationship Documenting Your Inspection Findings Inspecting Method Validation/Verification Studies Inspecting Personnel Records 12 Inspector Tools to Make Your Inspection Go More Smoothly Proficiency Testing Referral and Communications Competency Assessment Calculation challeng Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Access these concentrated topics online by searching • • • • • • A resource for laboratories and inspectors alike, our Fast Focus on Compliance mini-training vignettes help A resource for laboratories and inspectors alike, our Fast Focus on Compliance of the requirements and you prepare for future laboratory inspections by gaining a clear understanding receiving insight into areas that need improvement: We are here to help. Fast Focus on Compliance—the inspector’s quick guide We are here to help. Fast Focus on Compliance—the

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18 Histocompatibility 234 purpose ofdonorqualification. change covers theuseofHLAtesting inbloodcenters/hospital laboratories for the Blood donorscreening optionfor isnowareporting antibodyscreening results. This Additional Information purpose ofdonorqualification. change covers theuseofHLAtesting inbloodcenters/hospital laboratories for the Blood donorscreening optionfor isnowareporting antibodyscreening results. This Additional Information Antibody identification Antibody screen Antibody identification Antibody screen olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in Histocompatibility rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Crossmatching Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Crossmatching Procedure Histocompatibility HLA Crossmatching, AntibodyScreen, andAntibody HLA Crossmatching, AntibodyScreen, andAntibody Identification (ClassII)MX2B, MX2C, MX2E Identification (ClassI)MX1B, MX1C, MX1E For laboratories conductingBOTH Class I andClassIIHLAtesting, seenext page. bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). ]]] ]]] ]] ]]] ]]] ]] XBM2 MX2E MX2C MX2B XBM1 MX1E MX1C MX1B 3 3 6 3 3 6 Three shipmentsperyear • MX2E- Three 0.30-mL • MX2C- Three 0.50-mL • Three shipmentsperyear • MX1E- Three 0.30-mL • MX1C- Three 0.50-mL • Program Information Program Information MX1B- Three 0.25-mL • MX2B- Three 0.25-mL • Survey MX2BorMX2C ordered inconjunctionwith plasma specimens; mustbe blood lymphocyte specimens cells) purifiedperipheral (approximately 9.6x10 plasma specimens; two blood lymphocyte specimens cells) purifiedperipheral Survey MX1BorMX1C ordered inconjunctionwith plasma specimens; mustbe blood lymphocyte specimens cells) purifiedperipheral (approximately 4.0x10 plasma specimens; two blood lymphocyte specimens cells) purifiedperipheral (approximately 1.0x10 plasma specimens; two (approximately 7.2x10 plasma specimens; two 6 6 6 6

Histocompatibility 18 235

cap.org | al blood Histocompatibility whole blood specimens in whole blood CPD-A reporting available MICA specimens in CPD-A plasma specimens, three three plasma specimens, purified peripher plasma specimens, three three plasma specimens, blood purified peripheral specimens; lymphocyte 0.50-mL three Class II: three plasma specimens, blood purified peripheral specimens lymphocyte lymphocyte specimens; specimens; lymphocyte 0.25-mL three Class II: three plasma specimens, blood purified peripheral specimens lymphocyte • 1.0-mL approximately Ten • equivalents and Serologic • shipments per year Three • whole blood 2.0-mL Five • shipments per year Two • 0.25-mL three - Class I: MXB • shipments per year Three • 0.50-mL three - Class I: MXC Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | ] ] Shipment Shipment 800-323-4040 5 5 5 Challenges per per Challenges per Challenges MXB MXC ] ] B27 DML MX1C* MX2C* MX1B* MX2B* ] ] ] HLA-B27 Typing B27 Typing HLA-B27 Class I & II HLA Molecular Typing DML Typing Class I & II HLA Molecular Identification (Class I/II) Combinations MXB, MXC MXB, I/II) Combinations (Class Identification HLA Crossmatching, Antibody Screen, and Antibody Screen, Antibody HLA Crossmatching, HLA-B27 typing HLA-B27 Procedure Code Program Molecular HLA-A, -B, and -C typing (Class I) and -C typing -B, Molecular HLA-A, Procedure Code Program Crossmatching, antibody screen, and screen, antibody Crossmatching, antibody identification (Class II) Crossmatching, antibody screen, and screen, antibody Crossmatching, (Class II) antibody identification and screen, antibody Crossmatching, (Class I) antibody identification Crossmatching, antibody screen, and screen, antibody Crossmatching, (Class I) antibody identification Procedure Survey Corresponding Code Program

*See page 234 for specimen and analyte information. specimen and analyte for 234 *See page Molecular HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP typing and -DP -DQ, Molecular HLA-DR, (Class II)

18 Histocompatibility 236 Anti-D titer Anti-B titer olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Stem cellmonitoring engraftment Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Anti-A titer Procedure Histocompatibility Antibody Titer ABT, ABT1, ABT2, ABT3 Monitoring Engraftment ME ]] ]] B B1AT ABT3 ABT2 ABT1 ABT ] ME ] 1 1 1 3 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • ABT3-One 2.0-mL plasma • ABT2-One2.0-mL plasma • • ABT -One2.0-mL plasma • Three shipmentsperyear • Designed for laboratories • Five1.0-mL wholeblood • ABT1- One 2.0-mL plasma ABT1-One2.0-mL plasma suspension) cell (3%–4%red bloodcell with onecorresponding titer specimen for anti-Btiter suspension) cell (3%–4%red bloodcell with onecorresponding titer specimen for anti-Dtiter suspension) cell ( with onecorresponding titer specimen for anti-A titer cell suspension) titer cell(3%–4%red blood titer withonecorresponding plasma specimenfor anti-D suspension); one2.0-mL cell (3%–4%red bloodcell with onecorresponding titer specimen for anti-A titer organ transplantation monitoring chimerism after transplant andlaboratories stem cell supporting specimens 3%–4% red bl ood cell ood cell Histocompatibility 18 237 cap.org | Histocompatibility each containing 200 μg/mL 200 μg/mL containing each of human DNA in media • specimens, 0.1-mL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | 800-323-4040 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] membrane disease (ABM) membrane Celiac disease (CD) (N) Narcolepsy (PV) vulgaris Pemphigus Psoriasis (P) basement Antiglomerular (BR) retinochoroidopathy Birdshot (IM) Idiopathic myopathy o o o o o o o disease states (listed below) and/or the below) and/or (listed disease states

DADR2 ] ] ] ] ] DADR1 DADR2 HLA Disease Association-Drug Risk DADR1, DADR2 DADR1, Risk Association-Drug HLA Disease AnalyteHLA-A*31:01 Code Program per Shipment Challenges syndrome (ASJ) syndrome Johnson syndrome (CSJ) Johnson syndrome

Dapsone hypersensitivity (DH) Dapsone hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity to abacavir (HA) abacavir to Hypersensitivity Allopurinol Stevens-Johnson Allopurinol Stevens-Johnson Carbamezepine induced Stevens- Carbamezepine o o o o HLA-DRB1*04:02 HLA-DRB1*04:03 HLA-DRB1*04:06 HLA-DRB1*08:02 HLA-DRB1*08:04 HLA-DRB1*14:04 HLA-DRB1*14:05 HLA-DRB1*14:08 HLA-DRB1*15:01 HLA-DRB1*15:02 HLA-B*13:01 HLA-B*15:02 HLA-B*57:01 HLA-B*58:01 HLA-A*29:01 HLA-A*29:02 HLA-DQA1*04:01 HLA-DQA1*05:01 HLA-DQB1*03:02 HLA-DQB1*06:02 HLA-DRB1*03:01 HLA-DRB1*03:02 DQA1*02 DQA1*02 DQA1*03 DQA1*05 DQB1*02:01 DQB1*02:02 Additional Information or identify the presence accurately to the laboratory will challenge These Surveys with a variety of absence of alleles associated specific drugs. to reactions adverse


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19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 240 neoplastic challenges. representative ofeach case. Each mailingwillincludethree constitutionalandthree Each challenge includesacasehistory Additional Information CYF isprepared from cellsuspensionsamples. For FISHinparaffin-embedded • • CYF 2019-B: • CYF 2019-A: Additional Information Educational challenge, ungraded Karyotype nomenclature FISHfor urothelial carcinoma Urothelial Carcinoma FISH for hematologic disorder - FISHfor hematologic disorder -slides FISH for constitutionaldisorder - olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists paper/photograph challenge paper/photograph challenge Analytes/procedures in Cytogenetics tissues, seepage241. Hematologic disorder -(two Hematologic disorder -7qdeletion(twoslides) Constitutional disorder -(twopaper/pho Constitutional disorder - Hematologic disorder -(two deletion(twoslides) Hematologic disorder -20q Constitutional disorder -(twopaper/photograph challenges) Constitutional disorder -Prenatal aneuploidyprobes (twoslides) ies/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code FISH Disorders for Constitutional andHematologic Disease/Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Chromosome abnormality Analyte/Procedure Cytogenetics slides CAP/ACMG Fluorescence In SituHybridization constitutional CAP/ACMG Cytogenetics CY, CYBK bold SRY typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). disorder - paper/photograph challenges) paper/photograph challenges) (twoslides) and imagesofmetaphasecellsthatare CYF, CYI tograph challenges) ] ] ] ] ]] ]] ]] Y Y B A CYI CYF YCYBK CY ] 22 22 11 22 11 1 peryear 6 6 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • CYI - Two 250-μL cell • CYF -Four slidesand • • CY -Onlineimagesof • CYBK -Printsofmetaphase cells; twoshipmentsperyear abnormalities FISH to detect chromosome specimens; use participants ethanol from twodifferent samples suspendedin challenges four paper/photograph activity isavailable notified viaemailwhenthe shipping contactwillbe two timesayear; your CAP metaphase cells; delivered

Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 241 Cytogenetics core tissue microarray slides tissue microarray core 10 paraffin- equivalent to tissue embedded breast two H&E stained specimens; slides will tissue microarray also be provided one H&E stained slide slide one H&E stained slides; tissue will be 4.0-micron on sections mounted glass charged positively slides • five- unstained, Two - CYH • unstained slides; - Four CYJ • unstained Two - CYL CYK, • specimens CYL CYK, All CYJ, • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 1 1 Shipment Challenges per Challenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 11 1 1 10 10 ] ] editation, the most respected and respected the most editation, ] ] CYH CYJ CYK CYL A B ] ] the CAP accreditation certification accreditation mark. the CAP recognized laboratory accreditation in the world. accreditation laboratory recognized Let your peers, patients, and the public know you’ve earned you’ve and the public know patients, peers, your Let worldwide that have attained CAP accr attained CAP have worldwide that Proudly display the mark. It distinguishes you as one of more than 8,000 laboratories than 8,000 laboratories more as one of you It distinguishes the mark. display Proudly World-class recognition deserves to be displayed. to deserves recognition World-class gene amplification CAP/ACMG Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Hybridization In Situ Fluorescence CAP/ACMG gene amplification for Paraffin-Embedded Tissue CYH, CYJ, CYK, CYL CYK, CYJ, CYH, Tissue Paraffin-Embedded for gene rearrangement gene rearrangement HER2 gene rearrangement Breast Cancer Breast Analyte/Procedure Code Program

1p/19q ROS1 BCL6 MDM2 MYC

Brain/Glioma Tissue Brain/Glioma

Solid Tumor Lymphoma Tissue Lymphoma

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 242 Participants willidentifyandcharacterizeParticipants gains Additional Information Participants willidentifyandcharacterizeParticipants gains Additional Information aneuploidy. This Survey isnotappropriate for lowr of abnormalitiesdetected. of abnormalitiesdetected. abnormality challenge for constitutional Educational paper/photograph challenge for oncologicabnormality Educational paper/photograph olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code for oncologic abnormality Cytogenomic microarray analysis Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code for constitutionalabnormality Cytogenomic microarray analysis Procedure Cytogenetics CAP/ACMG ConstitutionalMicroarray CYCGH CAP/ACMG Microarray Oncology CYCMA esolution ar or lossesandthecyto or lossesandthecyto rays ] ] ] ] CYCMA CYCGH that aredesignedto genetic location genetic location 1 2 1 1 detect only Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • One3.0-ug DNAspecimen; • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 3.0-μgDNAspecimens; • challenge one paper/photograph challenge one paper/photograph Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 243 ganic acids: One 7.5-mL One 7.5-mL ganic acids: Acylcarnitines: One 0.1-mL One 0.1-mL Acylcarnitines: plasma specimen One 1.0-mL Amino acids: urine plasma or 2.0-mL specimen Glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides): specimen urine One 2.0-mL Or urine specimen Will Educational challenge: of the one consist of any analytes BGL DNA specimens DNA specimens specimens shipments per year Two per year shipments Two • 10.0-μg extracted Three • • 10.0-μg extracted Three • • BGL - • BGL • serum 0.3-mL Three BGL1 - • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Program Information Program Biochemical and Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biochemical 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org e4. e4. 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 APOE e3, and e3, ] APOE AAT APOE testing for hyperlipoproteinemia hyperlipoproteinemia for testing e2, e2, ] ] BGL BGL1 APOE ] ] ] ] ] APOE ) Genotyping APOE type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are ) genotyping SERPINA1 CAP/ACMG Apolipoprotein E Apolipoprotein CAP/ACMG bold APOE CAP/ACMG Biochemical Genetics BGL, BGL1 BGL, Biochemical Genetics CAP/ACMG CAP/ACMG Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Genotyping AAT Alpha-1 Antitrypsin CAP/ACMG Apolipoprotein E ( Apolipoprotein Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges genotyping Alpha-1 antitrypsin ( Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Acylcarnitines, qualitative and Acylcarnitines, quantitative Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Molecular and Biochemical Amino acids, qualitative and qualitative Amino acids, quantitative qualitative and quantitative Carnitine, Glycosaminoglycans qualitative (mucopolysaccharides), and quantitative qualitative and acids, Organic quantitative Educational challenge This Survey is designed for laboratories utilizing laboratories for is designed This Survey This Survey will test for the M, S, and Z alleles. alleles. Z and S, the M, for will test This Survey type III and Alzheimer diseases and will test for for type III and Alzheimer diseases and will test

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 244 • Participants willbeasked Participants to identifyvariantsinthefollowing genes: • Thisproficiency challenge isf • Primers are notincluded; laboratories are expected to utilize theprimers usedin • Receive asummaryanddiscussionofresponses, includingcommentsonthe • Test your andinterpreting skillatreporting DNAsequencevariantsfor • Additional Information Additional Information analysis BRCA1/2 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists MYH7 with inherited forms ofcardiomyopathy. sequencing, andwholegenomesequencingto detect germlinevariantsassociated routine clinicaltesting. variant nomenclature andknownorexpected outcomes from identifiedvariants. using standard nomenclature. nlt/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code interpretation BRCA1/2 Analyte/Procedure nlt/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Cardiomyopathy sequencingpanel Analyte/Procedure Biochemical andMolecular Genetics

, duplication/deletion TNNI3 DNAsequencingandvariant , CAP/ACMG TNNT2 CAP/ACMG Cardiomyopathy Sequencing Panel CMSP , and TPM1 or laboratories performing genepanels, exome BRCA1/2 . SequencingBRCA ] ] ] CMSP BRCA MYBPC3 BRCA1/2 3 3 3 ,

Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Three 80.0-μL purified • • Three 10.0-μgextracted • Two shipmentsperyear (50 ng/μL) extracted DNAspecimens DNA specimens Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 245

BMBRG DNA specimens DNA specimens extracted (50 ng/μL) shipments per year Two • 50.0-μg extracted Three • • purified 80.0-μL Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Information Program Item number: Item 2018 bound; Spiral Biochemical and Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biochemical , 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 3 BRCA1 ICSP HGM ] ] ] ] . PMS2 , and , MSH6 , Genotyping HGM Genotyping or laboratories performing gene panels, exome exome gene panels, performing or laboratories MSH2 , Sequencing Panel ICSP Sequencing Panel CAP/ACMG Hemoglobinopathies CAP/ACMG MLH1 CAP/ACMG Inherited Cancer Cancer Inherited CAP/ACMG , CDKN2A , printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Inherited cancer sequencing panel Inherited Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Alpha-thalassemia Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges • Or, view sample pages and order online: • Select Bone Marrow Benchtop Reference Guide (BMBRG) on your Surveys order form. Bone Marrow Benchtop Reference Guide Bone Marrow Benchtop Reference Bone Marrow Benchtop Reference Guide is an illustrated guide to common and rare cells. With more than 60 different identifications and a detailed way description for each cell morphology, it’s an affordable, convenient to identify various cell types quickly and confidently. Its rugged construction is well suited for heavy use at the workbench.

sequencing, and whole genome sequencing to detect germline variants detect sequencing to and whole genome sequencing, of cancer. forms with inherited associated BRCA2 Beta-thalassemia Hemoglobin S/C • genes: identify variants in the following to Participants be asked will • is f challenge This proficiency Additional Information

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 246 Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 Niemann-Pick typeA/B Myotonic dystrophy type 2(MEN2) Multiple endocrineneoplasia Mucolipidosis IV (1298A>C) c.1286A>C (MTHFR) c.665C>T (677C>T)and Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase Huntington Hemoglobin S/C Hemochromatosis Glycogen storage diseasetypeIA Gaucher Friedreich ataxia Fragile X group C Fanconi anemiacomplementation Familial dysautonomia FactorLeiden V Cystic fibrosis Connexin 26 Canavan BRCA1/2 DMD/Becker olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists ThePrader-Willi/Angelman syndrome program isdesignedfor laboratories using • ModuleMGL4isdesigned for laboratories testing for diseases/disorders related to • Thecystic fibrosis programs (modulesMGL2andMGL5)are designedfor • • The Additional Information Bloom syndrome Disease/Gene Continued onthenext page Biochemical andMolecular Genetics methylation techniques for analysis. ancestry.Ashkenazi Jewish variant analysis, and/or full genesequencing. Standards andGuidelinesfor carrier screening (ie, theACMG-23 mutationpanel)from theACMG Technical laboratories thatare testing for theminimummutationpanelfor population-based three Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutations. BRCA1/2 program (moduleMGL3)isdesignedfor laboratories testing for the MGL1, MGL2, MGL3, MGL4, MGL5 CAP/ACMG MolecularGenetics CFTR Mutation Testing, expanded panels, PolyT ] ] ] ] ] ] G1ML G3ML MGL5 MGL4 MGL3 MGL2 MGL1 ] ] ] ] ] ]] Program Code ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 3/2(MGL5) Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • • MGL1, MGL2, MGL3, • MGL5- Two 50.0-μg extracted DNAspecimens e MGL4 - Three 50.0-μg xtracted DNAspecimens Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 247 xtracted DNA specimens xtracted DNA specimens (50.0 ng/ that DNA PCR product μL encompasses the entire genome) mitochondrial DNA specimens extracted MGL4 - Three 50.0-μg Three MGL4 - e extracted DNA specimens extracted 50.0-μg Two MGL5 - • 50.0-μL Three - IMD1 • 50.0-μg Three - IMD3 IMD2, • shipments per year Two • MGL3, MGL2, MGL1, • • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Biochemical and Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biochemical Shipment 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per Challenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 3 continued ] ] Program Code Program ] ] ] ] IMD1 IMD2 IMD3 ] MGL1 MGL2 MGL3 MGL4 MGL5 ] Mutation Testing, expanded panels, PolyT PolyT panels, expanded Testing, Mutation CFTR Diseases IMD1, IMD2, IMD3 IMD2, Diseases IMD1, CAP/ACMG Molecular Genetics Genetics Molecular CAP/ACMG CAP/ACMG Inherited Metabolic Inherited CAP/ACMG program (module MGL3) is designed for laboratories testing for the for testing laboratories MGL3) is designed for (module program MGL1, MGL2, MGL3, MGL4, MGL5 MGL5 MGL4, MGL3, MGL2, MGL1, BRCA1/2 Mitochondrial DNA deletion syndromes DNA deletion Mitochondrial Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Prothrombin Disease/Gene

*Includes disorders/diseases such as Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and myoclonus epilepsy epilepsy and myoclonus optic neuropathy hereditary as Leber such *Includes disorders/diseases (MERRF). fibers red with ragged laboratories that are testing for the minimum mutation panel for population-based the minimum mutation panel for for testing that are laboratories Technical the ACMG mutation panel) from the ACMG-23 (ie, carrier screening and Guidelines for Standards three Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutations. founder Jewish Ashkenazi three variant analysis, and/or full gene sequencing. full and/or variant analysis, Jewish Ashkenazi ancestry. analysis. for techniques methylation MCAD cytopathies* Mitochondrial RhD Spinal muscular atrophy ataxia Spinocerebellar Tay-Sachs Additional Information • The • • for designed (modules MGL2 and MGL5) are programs fibrosis The cystic • to related diseases/disorders for testing laboratories Module MGL4 is designed for • using laboratories is designed for program syndrome The Prader-Willi/Angelman

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 248 Results for bothprograms (SEC, • SEC1)mustbesubmitted onlinethrough e-LAB Receive asummaryanddiscussionofresponses, includingcommentson • Test your skillatinterpreting DNAsequencevariantsfor andreporting inherited • Additional Information DNA sequencing olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Solutions Suite. points aboutgenes/disorders represented. nomenclature, knownorexpected outcomes from identifiedvariants, andteaching diseases usingstandard nomenclature. choose ProficiencyTesting >SampleExchangeRegistry. Register today!Visitcap.org andfromtheLaboratoryImprovementtab, • • • • • testing isnotyetavailable.Thisservicenowincludes allclinicallaboratorydisciplines. Sign upforthisuniqueandcomplimentaryservice for thoserareanalyteswhichproficiency Give theCAP’scomplimentarySampleExchangeRegistryserviceatry! rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code DNA sequencinginterpretation challenge Procedure Biochemical andMolecular Genetics for allparticipants. Each individuallaboratorywillreceiveitsownresults alongwithananonymizedsummaryreport facilitate thesampleexchange. A minimumofthreelabsperformingthesameanalyte testmustparticipatebeforetheCAPcan Participate atanytime,nocontractrequired. There isnochargeforthisservice. The CAPconnectslabsperformingtestingforwhich noformalproficiencytestingisavailable. CAP/ACMG MolecularGenetics Sequencing SEC, SEC1 ] E SEC1 SEC ] 3 3 Program Information SEC1- Three 10.0-μg • SEC-DNAsequence • per year provided. Two shipments lyophilized primers are forward andreverse extracted DNAspecimens; activity isavailable notified viaemailwhenthe shipping contactwillbe acitivities peryear; your CAP references. Twoonline nomenclature/variant programs; alsoincludes or publicdomainsoftware using arange ofcommercial f a range ofvariants, suitable electropherogram fileswith or base-callingandanalysis

Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 249 ee 25.0-μg extracted DNA extracted ee 25.0-μg specimens Thr specimens (genotyping) and/or challenges interpretive • DNA 10.0-μg extracted Three • shipments per year Two • • Includes allele detection • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Biochemical and Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biochemical Shipment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per Challenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 3 testing to to testing RETT ] ] ] testing to identify to testing gene is not part of this ] ] with seven TA repeats). repeats). TA with seven HLA-B*57:01 (MECP2) UGT1A1 RETT ] ] ] HLA-B*15:02 not appropriate for laboratories that that laboratories for not appropriate UGT1A1*28 PGX PGX1 PGX2 PGX3 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] promotor (eg, (eg, promotor UGT1A1 CAP/ACMG Rett Syndrome Syndrome Rett CAP/ACMG Pharmacogenetics PGX, PGX1, PGX2, PGX3 PGX2, PGX1, PGX, Pharmacogenetics genotyping (PGX3 Survey) tests the laboratory’s ability to detect variants in the TATA TATA variants in the detect ability to the laboratory’s tests (PGX3 Survey) (rs4149056) duplication/deletion analysis duplication/deletion (rs12979860) Analyte/ProcedureMECP2 Code Program per Shipment Challenges CYP2C19 Analyte/Procedure Code Program

UGT1A1 sequence in the repeat The ability to detect variants in other regions of the variants in other regions detect The ability to program. risk of hypersensitivity to carbamazepine. The intended response is qualitative response The intended carbamazepine. to risk of hypersensitivity is This Survey of the allele). (presence/absence please consult testing, HLA typing proficiency For molecular HLA typing. perform (DML) Survey. Typing the HLA Molecular identify risk of hypersensitivity to abacavir and abacavir to identify risk of hypersensitivity MECP2 CYP2C9 CYP2D6 CYP3A4 CYP3A5 SLCO1B1 VKORC1 IL28B HLA-B*15:02 HLA-B*57:01 DPYD TPMT UGT1A1 Additional Information • • that provide laboratories PGX2 is designed for Survey

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 250 Avarietyofgermlinevariants, diseases, anddisorders • Casediscussionandofinterpretive criteria • Results ofancillarystudies, where appropriate • Aclinicalhistory withrelevant laboratory data • extraction for otherassays/methods isNOT recommended. This Survey isdesignedfor factor IIandfactor theCepheidGeneXpert V assays. DNA Additional Information VIP isaneducationalacitivityfor pa Additional Information standards andguidelines for theinterpretation ofsequencevariantsandwillinclude: assess andimprove theirdiagnosticskills. Allcaseswillcomply withthe2015ACMG and any otherlaboratory staffwithaninterest ingermlinevariantinterpretation to Factor V olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists nlt/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Challenges perShipment review Program Code Variant interpretation onlinecase Analyte/Procedure with predictive phenotype Red bloodcellantigengenotype Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Factor II Analyte/Procedure Biochemical andMolecular Genetics Variant Interpretation Only Program VIP/VIP1 CAP/ACMG Thrombophilia Mutations TPM Red BloodCellAntigen GenotypingRAG thologists, PhDs, g VIP/VIP1 ] ] ] ] TPM RAG enetic counselors, technologists, 3 3 3 3 Program Information Program Information Program Information • Three 2.0-mL wholeblood • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 250.0-μL synthetic • Oneonlineeducational • amaximumof3CME Earn • optionwith VIP1-Reporting • VIP - Three germline • Two shipmentsperyear specimens whole blood specimens activity isavailable notified viaemailwhenthe shipping contactwillbe activity peryear; your CAP completion ofanentire year genetic counselorfor CE credits pertechnologist/ MD/PhD andamaximumof3 1 Credits™) credits conjunction withSurvey VIP institution); mustorder in counselor (withinthesame PhD, technologist, orgenetic additional pathologist, MD, CME/CE credit for each counselor technologist, orgenetic pathologist, MD, PhD, is available for one reporting withCME/CEcredit diagnostic challenges; (AMA PRACategory perpathologist/ Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 251 HBRG samples • plasma maternal Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Biochemical and Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biochemical Item number: Spiral bound; 60 pages; 50+ images; 2012 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 ] not considered proficiency testing. This exercise This exercise testing. proficiency not considered NIPT Noninvasive Prenatal Testing NIPT Testing Prenatal Noninvasive Artifacts Microorganisms and Erythrocytes Inclusions Erythrocyte and Monocytic Cells Granulocytic (Myeloid) Cells Lymphocytic Cells Platelets and Megakaryocytic o o o o o o printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org A durable and water-resistant format to withstand years of benchtop use—5” x 6½” More than 50 different cell identifications, including More than 50 different cell identifications, common and rare cells morphology Detailed descriptions for each cell Six tabbed sections for easy reference Analyte fetal for DNA screening Cell-free aneuploidy Code Program per Shipment Challenges Noninvasive prenatal testing is an exercise and is is an exercise testing prenatal Noninvasive may be used to meet the requirements for alternative assessment alternative for requirements meet the be used to may • Select it on your Surveys order form. Or, view sample pages and order online: • • • • Hematology Benchtop Reference Guide (HBRG) Hematology Benchtop Reference •

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 252 ThisSurvey includesvariantspresent withavariantallelefraction (VAF) • Thisisamethods-basedproficiency challenge for laboratories performing targeted • The listislocated underthe org. UndertheLaboratory Improvement tab, click onCatalogandOrdering Information. positions withinvariousgenes; for afull listofgenesinthisprogram, pleasegoto cap. Laboratories willhave theabilityto analyze upto 200preselected chromosomal Additional Information Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists NRAS, PDGFRA, PIK3CA, PTEN, SMAD4, SMARCB1, SMO, SRC, STK11, TP53. CTNNB1, EGFR, ERBB2, FBXW7, FGFR2, GNAQ, GNAS, HRAS, IDH1, KIT, KRAS, MET, ordeletionsinthefollowinginsertions genes: Laboratories willbeasked to identifysomaticsinglenucleotide variantsandsmall next-generation sequencing ofcancergenes potentially aslow5%. All laboratories subjectto USClinicalLaboratory Improvement Amendments Analytes/procedures in Next-Generation Sequencing For PT challenges, any referr must NOT bereferred to anotherlaboratory for of any portion rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Next-generation sequencing Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code Next-generation sequencing Procedure Next-Generation Sequencing Next-Generation Sequencing—Solid Tumor NGSST Next-Generation Sequencing—GermlineNGS bold PT Order Supplementsheader. typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). al isstrictly prohibited by CMS. or mutationhotspotsinsolidtumors. AKT1, ALK, APC, ATM, BRAF, CDH1, ] ] NGSST NGS NGStesting, evenifthisisho (CLIA) Regulations: Proficiency testing (PT)challeng 1 3 w patienttesting isroutinely per Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Three 1.0-μgDNA(50ng/μL) • Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Results for thisprogram • • Methods-based challenge One10.0-μgextracted DNA • specimens Suite through e-LABSolutions must besubmitted online genome sequencing panels, exome, andwhole laboratories usinggene for germlinevariantsfor specimen formed. es Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 253

t will be notified via specimens be somatic variants to your downloaded into bioinformatics laboratory and analysis pipeline for range file sizes reporting; 100MB 1GB from to TruSeq the Illumina for Amplicon Cancer Panel Torrent the Ion for formats AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot v2 Panel shipping CAP your year; contac email when the activity is available • DNA (50 ng/μL) 1.0-μg Three • shipments per year Two • files containing Sequencing • file format - FASTQ NGSB1 • - BAM and FASTQfile NGSB2 • online activities per Two Program Information Program Information Program Next-Generation Sequencing Next-Generation 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 1 3 ts in hematologic ts in hematologic ASXL1, ATM, BRAF, BRAF, ATM, ASXL1, . ABL1, AKT1, ALK, APC, APC, ALK, AKT1, ABL1, ] ] NGSHM ting programs by testing a greater a greater testing by ting programs ] NGSB1 NGSB2 enes or mutation hotspo NGSB1, NGSB2 NGSB1, range of variant allele fractions. of variant range platform-specific and may not be compatible not be compatible and may platform-specific Malignancies NGSHM Malignancies . Next-Generation Sequencing—Hematologic Sequencing—Hematologic Next-Generation Next-Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Sequencing Bioinformatics Next-Generation Illumina TruSeq Amplicon Cancer Panel Amplicon TruSeq Illumina Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges Next-generation sequencing Next-generation Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

potentially as low as 5% potentially potentially as low as 5%. potentially somatic variant wet bench NGS proficiency tes NGS proficiency somatic variant wet bench diversity of variants at a greater at a greater of variants diversity malignancies. Laboratories will be asked to identify somatic single nucleotide single identify somatic to will be asked Laboratories malignancies. genes: variants and small insertions or deletions in the following KMT2D, KIT, JAK2, IDH2, IDH1, FLT3, EZH2, DNMT3A, CSF3R, CREBBP, CEBPA, CALR, U2AF1 TP53, TET2, SRSF2, SF3B1, NPM1, NOTCH1, MYD88, MPL, targeted next-generation sequencing of g next-generation targeted with other instruments/software. genes: in the following small insertions/deletions/indels FGFR1, FBXW7, ERBB4, ERBB2, EGFR, CTNNB1, CSF1R, CDKN2A, CDH1, BRAF, ATM, KRAS, KIT, KDR, JAK3, IDH1, HRAS, HNF1A, GNAS, GNAQ, GNA11, FGFR3, FGFR2, RB1, PTPN11, PTEN, PIK3CA, PDGFRA, NRAS, NPM1, NOTCH1, MPL, MLH1, MET, VHL. TP53, STK11, SRC, SMO, SMARCB1, SMAD4, RET, Ion Torrent AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot v2 AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Torrent Ion Additional Information Additional Information • single nucelotide variants and identify somatic to will be asked Laboratories • (VAF) with a variant allele fraction includes variants present This Survey • and augment complement is designed to program This in silico bioinformatics • files are FASTQ The BAM and/or • performing laboratories for challenge proficiency This is a methods-based • (VAF) allele fraction with a variant includes variants present This Survey

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 254 Laboratories cantransfer anddownl • FASTQs orunalignedBAMsmustbesubmitted alongwithaBEDfiledescribingthe • Laboratories mustprovide anexome • This insilicobasedSurvey willassesstheabilityoflaboratory to identify • Additional Information/Minimum Requirements olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists operating systems: of 10X. targeted andinterrogated by your laboratory musthave aminimumread coverage regions targeted andinterrogated by your laboratory. Additionally, >90%ofexons cannot beusedfor thisprogram. RM 8391, RM8392, orRM8393. Specimensfrom theNGSST andNGSHMSurveys page 252)orfrom oneoftheNIST Reference Material celllines: RM8398(NA12878), using oneofthefollowing sources: aspecimenfrom theNGSSurvey program (see likely pathogenicACMG secondaryfindingsmay alsobereported. file to identifyageneticdiagnosisfor an undiagnoseddiseasescenario. Inadditionto analyzing theinsilicomutagenized germline variantsresponsible for aprovided clinicphenotypeasisencountered in Dueto theextremely large file • Windows-7(32-bitand64-bit), 8(64-bit), and10(32-bit64-bit) o Chrome - The twolatest, released versions o Firefox - The twolatest, released versions o Safari- The two latest, released versions onMacOS X andiOS o Internet Explorer (IE)11 o Laboratories mustcomply withalloftheaboverequirements to in participate • nlt/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code undiagnosed disorders Exome analysis for germline Analyte/Procedure Next-Generation Sequencing recommended. files betweenlaboratories andCAP; h willbeneededto ensure thesuccessfulof 20Mbps transfer ofsequencing laboratory’s exome file willbesentcloserto theship date. this program. Additionalinformation regarding howandwhere to provide your operating system access. for allowabletransfer speedsto dete Next-Generation SequencingUndiagnosed Note Disorders—Exome NGSE : Laboratories shouldcheck withtheirtechnology department sizes, aminimumallowabletransfer speed oad files from mostmodernbrowsers/ sequencing datafilethathasbeengenerated the provided clinicalscenario, pathogenicor rmine estimated transfer timeandbrowser/ owever, 40Mbpsand ] NGSE higher isstrongly 1 Program Information Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • • Oneexome sequencing • Themutagenized exome when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact studies, where appropriate data, andresults ofancillary history, relevant laboratory accompanied by aclinical sequencing filewillbe your bioinformatics pipeline downloaded andanalyzed by sequencing datafileisto be mutagenized exome mutagenesis. The to the CAP, for insilico y data file, originatingfrom our laboratory andprovided Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 255 enized panel or enized sequencing data file, data file, sequencing your originating from to provided and laboratory in silico for the CAP, mutagenesis The mutag sequencing data file exome be downloaded and is to laboratory your by analyzed and pipeline bioinformatics the variant with compared CAP by provided information contact shipping CAP your will be notified via email when the activity is available

• exome One panel or • • online activities per year; Two Program Information Program Next-Generation Sequencing Next-Generation : Note 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 1 or whole genes, and/or partial or tions ranging from 1-100bp (1-15bp, NGSBV ] ansfer of sequencing files between eotide tracts included in the submitted tion after changes to NGS/ to changes tion after actual somatic mutations from the COSMIC er time and browser/operating system access. system er time and browser/operating oad files from most modern browsers/ from oad files a minimum allowable transfer speed of 20Mbpsa minimum allowable transfer terozygosity or homozygosity) and will include: Mbps and higher is strongly recommended. recommended. Mbps and higher is strongly their technology department for allowable transfertheir technology department for angements are specified and submitted in the BED panel or exome sequencing data file that has sequencing panel or exome Somatic Validated Materials NGSBV Materials Validated Somatic Next-Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Sequencing Next-Generation DNA fusions (if a laboratory indicates that they detect such structural Microsatellite instability at mono nucl Simulated artifactual sequence Single nucleotide variants Insertions, deletions, delins, and/or duplica Copy number variants of single partial exons, Laboratories should check with Laboratories transf estimated determine speeds to your provide to how and where regarding Additional information this program. the ship date. sequencing file will be sent closer to laboratory’s will be needed to ensure the successful tr the successful ensure will be needed to 40 however, and CAP; laboratories operating systems: operating allele fractions to mimic loss of he on the size of the panel/exome provided) at allele fractions from 3% to 99% (higher The mutagenized sequencing file will contain up to 75 somatic variants (depending and/or cBIOPORTAL databases. and file, there is appropriate intronic coverage) 15-50bp, 51-100bp) 15-50bp, chromosomes whole rearrangements, if the rearr design capture Somatic in silico mutagenized Somatic in silico mutagenized sequencing file Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges • participate in to with all of the above requirements must comply Laboratories

• file sizes, large the extremely Due to o (IE) 11 Explorer Internet o and iOS X on Mac OS versions released The two latest, Safari - o versions released The two latest, - Firefox o versions released latest, The two - Chrome o and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) 8 (64-bit), and 64-bit), Windows - 7 (32-bit • and downl can transfer Laboratories o o o o o o All variants will be modeled based on validations, and assist with pipeline verifica validations, bioinformatics processes. This is not traditional proficiency testing and no results and no results testing proficiency This is not traditional processes. bioinformatics will be the variants introduced regarding information the CAP; to will be returned file. mutagenized sent along with the been generated using one of the following sources: a specimen from the NGS from a specimen sources: using one of the following been generated Material Reference NIST one of the following (see page 252) or from program Survey the Specimens from or RM 8393. RM 8392, RM 8391, RM 8398 (NA12878), cell lines: this program. cannot be used for and NGSHM Surveys NGSST laboratory. your by and interrogated targeted regions Additional Information/Minimum Requirements Additional Information/Minimum • augment pipelines, bioinformatics optimize is designed to This in silico program • a gene must provide Laboratories • along with a BED file describing the or unaligned BAMs must be submitted FASTQs •

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 256 • Report Any sequencingmethodmay beused. • V-gene allele, Sequenceanalysis oftheclonal immunoglobulinheavy chain V gene( • Additional Information (brightfield) MLH1 HER2 Kappa/Lambda (IGK/IGL) Human papillomavirus (HPV) olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists determine somatichypermutation (SHM)status. Cytogenetics Surveys, page241. Laboratories performing FISHfor interphase chromosomal targets inparaffin sectionsrefer to the should seeSurvey MMRonpage272. Laboratories performing DNAmismatch repair assessmentby immunohistochemistry methods Molecular Oncology—Solid Tumors Analytes/procedures in nlt/rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Analyte/Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code IGHV Challenges perShipment Program Code Analyte/Procedure (DNA amplification) Microsatellite instabilitytesting Procedure Molecular Oncology—Solid Molecular Oncology—Solid Tumors ( promoter methylation analysis ERBB2 ) geneamplification Microsatellite Instability(HNPCC)MSI In SituHybridizationISH, ISH2 IGHV percent similarityandmutationstatus(SHM). bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). MutationAnalysis IGHV ] ] ] S ISH2 ISH ] ] ] IGHV MSI ] IGHV 10 1 3 4 4 4 3 ) to Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • ISH2- Two 5-core tissue • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 20-μgDNAspecimens • Two shipmentsperyear • For laboratories performing • Two 10.0-micron unstained • • ISH duplicate microarray slidesin o (200 ng/μL) molecular testing usingPCR photograph challenges and oneH&Eslide; two paraffin sectionslides o Kappa/Lambda: Four EBV, HPV: Three 4-core slides andoneH&Eslide 4-core tissuemicroarray and oneH&Eslide(each) tissue microarray slides Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 257

® PAX7/FOXO1 SS18/SSX2 or t(X;18) t(X;18) or pellets from which which pellets from 5.0-μg of RNA approximately can be extracted (ROIs) using online, whole whole (ROIs) using online, slide images assess competency to Survey percent determining for neoplastic cellularity sections technology five pathologists are up to available contact shipping CAP your will be notified via email when the activity is available • cell snap-frozen Three • shipments per year Two • of Interests Regions Ten • preanalytic A method-based • DigitalScope by Powered • paraffin 10.0-micron Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program • online activities per year; Two • Individual reporting fields for Molecular Oncology—Solid Tumors Oncology—SolidMolecular 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 3 1 10 SS18/SSX1, SS18/SSX1, SS18/SSX1 SS18/SSX1

SS18/SSX2, SS18/SSX2, EWSR1/ERG EWSR1/ERG PAX3/FOXO1 t(2;13) t(1;13) t(11;22) or t(12;16) refer to the Cytogenetics Surveys, Surveys, the Cytogenetics to refer NEO SARC MHO5 ] ] ] FUS/DDIT3, FUS/DDIT3, Sarcoma Translocation Listing Translocation Sarcoma examine DNA purification from formalin-fixed, formalin-fixed, from DNA purification examine EWSR1/FLI1 EWSR1/FLI1 Neoplastic Cellularity NEO Neoplastic Cellularity EWSR1/WT1, EWSR1/WT1, PAX7/FOXO1, PAX7/FOXO1, PAX3/FOXO1, PAX3/FOXO1, Sarcoma Translocation SARC Translocation Sarcoma t(17;22) t(12;15) t(12;22) t(11;22) t(21;22) DNA Extraction & Amplification FFPE MHO5 & Amplification DNA Extraction Sarcoma translocation* (RT-PCR) translocation* Sarcoma Gene Code Program per Shipment Challenges Online assessment of percent Online assessment of percent neoplastic cellularity Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges ProcedureDNA purification Code Program per Shipment Challenges ETV6-NTRK3, ETV6-NTRK3, EWSR1/ATF1, EWSR1/ERG, EWSR1/FLI1, EWSR1/FLI1,

COL1A1/PDGFB, COL1A1/PDGFB, *See translocation listing below. *See translocation translocation sarcoma FISH for performing Laboratories page 241. Additional Information to challenge Methods-based proficiency FFPET purify DNA from will be able to Laboratories tissues (FFPET). paraffin-embedded reagents. using laboratory-provided targets control sections and amplify

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 258 Potential fusion variantsinclude: • Thisisnotintended to replace thecurr • Thisisfor laboratories usingRNAseqto detect genefusion transcripts. • Total RNAfrom acelllineengineered to containdesired fusion RNA. • Potential targets includedinthisSurvey are • Thisisnotintended for laboratories thatperform circulating tumorcell(CTC) • DNA fragments stabilized insimulated plasma. • Additional Information Additional Information PDGFRA KIT KRAS EGFR olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists TACC3, PAX8-PPARG, SLC45A3-BRAF R132C, (RT)-PCR baseddetection (seepage257). analysis. nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code BRAF Analyte Challenges perShipment Program Code RNA Analyte/Procedure Challenges perShipment Program Code cfDNA Analyte/Procedure Molecular Oncology—Solid Molecular Oncology—Solid Tumors

KRAS Solid Tumor—Other BRAF, EGFR, KRAS, KIT G12C, KRAS Fusion RNASequencing G12D, and Cell-free DNACFDNA CD74-ROS1, EML4-ALK, ETV6-NTRK3, FGFR3- . NRAS ent Survey (SARC)for reverse transcription ] RFEF RSKIT KRAS EGFR BRAF Q61R, allwithinarange of0.1to 1.0%. BRAF ] ] ] CFDNA RNA V600E, V600E, ] ] ] EGFR T790M, T790M, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IDH1

Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For laboratories performing • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 500-ngRNA(20ng/μL) • Two shipmentsperyear • Three 125-ngDNA(25ng/μL) • • BRAF, EGFR, KRAS- • KIT/PDGFRA -Four molecular testing usingPCR specimen one H&Eslide, for each paraffin sectionslidesand 10.0-micron unstained specimens specimens sections orshavings Paraffin-embedded Genetics and Molecular Pathology 19 259 atories performing performing atories specimens unstained 10.0-micron four section slides and paraffin one H&E slide using PCR molecular testing (50 ng/μL) for specimens labor molecular testing on multiple on multiple molecular testing targets • 2.0-μg gDNA (50 ng/μL) Two • specimen containing One • performing laboratories For • shipments per year Two • gDNA 2.0-μg Three • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Molecular Oncology—Solid Tumors Oncology—SolidMolecular 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 as well as challenges in ene Surveys. This includes ene Surveys. and deletions in these genes GLI MTP ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] (on page 252), as this proficiency testing testing as this proficiency page 252), (on respective single g respective Glioma GLI with lower variant allele fractions with lower variant allele fractions e nucleotide variants, insertions, insertions, e nucleotide variants, Multigene Tumor Panel MTP Panel Tumor Multigene are required analytes. Laboratories that perform testing for the for testing perform that Laboratories analytes. required are KRAS deletion , and , EGFR MGMT Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteBRAF Code Program per Shipment Challenges (PTEN) ,

IDH1, IDH2 IDH1, 10q EGFR HER2 (ERBB2) KIT KRAS NRAS PDGFRA PIK3CA Additional Information BRAF other genes commonly included in NGS-based panels for the identification of somatic the in NGS-based panels for included other genes commonly variants in solid tumors. are required to enroll in either MTP or the in either MTP enroll to required are detection of somatic singl detection laboratories that perform NGS-based assays, non-NGS-based multiplexed assays, and assays, non-NGS-based multiplexed NGS-based assays, that perform laboratories NGS-based that perform Laboratories sequencing). Sanger (eg, assays nonmultiplexed in NGSST also enroll to encouraged are testing challenges provides program

19 Genetics and Molecular Pathology 260 PML/RARA BCR/ABL1 (FFPE) tissue fixed, paraffin-embedded amplification from formalin- DNA extraction and Myeloid malignancy genotyping BCR/ABL1 TRG TRB IGK IGH/CCND1 IGH/BCL2 IGH/BCL2 RUNX1/RUNX1T1 PML/RARA NPM1 MLL JAK2 FLT3 TKD FLT3 ITD CBFB/MYH11 CALR BCR/ABL1 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in Molecular Oncology—Hematologic nlt Program Code BCR/ABL1 Analyte Program Code Lymphoid malignancy genotyping Procedure/Gene Molecular Oncology—Hematologic -PTD ( IGH c.1849G>T(p.V617F) p210 minor major KMT2A p190 p210 Minimal Residual DiseaseMRD, MRD1, MRD2 p190 -PTD) MHO, MHO1, MHO2, MHO3, MHO5 Molecular Hematologic Oncology Molecular Hematologic Oncology bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). H,MO H2 H3MHO5 MHO2, MHO3 MHO, MHO1 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] R R1MRD2 MRD1 MRD ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Challenges per Challenges per 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shipment Shipment Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear; • MHO5- Three 10.0-micron • MHO3-MHO2 specimenin • MHO2- Two samplevials; • MHO1-MHOspecimensin • MHO-Onesamplevial • Two shipments peryear; • • Three RNAspecimens • For laboratories diagnosing the quantityof tumor burden by measuring and monitoring leukemia international shipments) does notapply to MHO5or ships ondryice(dry method-based challenge tissue willbeassessedby a and amplificationfrom FFPE paraffin sections; extraction and RNAtesting duplicate for additionalDNA containing 400μg/mL one withpurifiedRNA containing 200μg/mL and one withpurifiedDNA testing duplicate for additionalDNA specimen (200 μg/mL pervial)for each containing purifiedDNA ships ondryice PML/RARA in sterile water fusion transcripts BCR/ABL1 or Anatomic Pathology 20 74 ...... 277 ...... 275 ...... 262 ...... 268 Pathology (PIPW/PIPW1) Pathology (FNA/FNA1) • Touch Imprint/Crush Preparation (TICP/TICP1) Imprint/Crush Preparation Touch • Realize a better experience with our experience better a Realize pathology online anatomic education programs. of glass slides. the limitations from Move away in Surgical Program Improvement Performance Online • (HPATH/HPATH1) Online Education Hematopathology • Aspiration in Fine-Needle Digital Slide Program • ...... 272

...... 2 ...... Anatomic Pathology 20 Discontinued Programs Cancer Staging Improvement Program (PCSP/PCSP1) New Programs ...... 273 CD30 Immunohistochemistry Tissue Microarray (CD30) Anatomic Pathology ...... Surgical Pathology p16 Immunohistochemistry Tissue Microarray (P16)...... 273 General Immunohistochemistry Predictive Markers Specialty Anatomic Pathology...... Cytopathology HQIP Whole Slide Image Quality Improvement Program (HQWSI)

20 Anatomic Pathology 262 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • IncludedPIPWcaseselectionsfeature: • Pathologists canassesstheirdiagnosticskillsandcompare theirperformance with • PIPW educates pathologistsin Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists o o o that oftheirpeers. Analytes/procedures in Surgical Pathology Various sites, encompassingavarietyoforgan systems Inflammatory andinfectiousdiseases Avarietyofneoplasticandnonneoplasticlesions rga rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code casereviewSurgical pathology Program Surgical Pathology OnlinePerformance Improvement Program in Surgical PIPW/PIPW1 Pathology bold typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). general surgical pathology. PIPW/PIPW1 ] 10 Four onlineactivitiesper • Powered by DigitalScope • Thisactivitymeetsthe • Program Information Earnamaximumof40CME • option PIPW1-Reporting • PIPW- Ten diagnostic • available email whentheactivityis contact willbenotifiedvia year; your CAP shipping technology requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice completion ofanentire year 1 Credits credits Survey PIPW order inconjunctionwith the sameinstitution); must additional pathologist(within with CMEcredit for each PIPW1 additional pathologist, order one pathologist; for each CME credit isavailable for his H&E imageswithclinical challenges/whole slide tory; reportingwith (AMA PRACategory ™ ) perpathologistfor ®

Anatomic Pathology 20 263

per pathologist for per pathologist for

) ™ (AMA PRA Category Surgical Pathology Surgical 1 Credits challenges/H&E stained stained challenges/H&E glass slides with clinical reporting with history; for available is CME credit each for one pathologist; order additional pathologist, PIP1 each for with CME credit (within additional pathologist must the same institution); with in conjunction order PIP Survey credits completion of an entire year of an entire completion Practice CC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements • diagnostic Ten - PIP • PIP1 - Reporting option • Earn a maximum of 40 CME Program Information Program • This activity meets the • shipments per year Four 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 10 ] PIP/PIP1 ts in general surgical pathology. This program: This pathology. surgical ts in general in Surgical Pathology PIP/PIP1 in Surgical a method to assess their diagnostic skills and compare their compare assess their diagnostic skills and a method to Performance Improvement Program Program Improvement Performance Surgical pathologySurgical case review Program Code Program per Shipment Challenges and infectious diseases Inflammatory systems encompassing a variety of organ sites, Various A variety of neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions Choose code CPIP/CPIP1 on your Surveys order form. Test your diagnostic skills as a pathologist with CPIP Program (CPIP) enables pathologists Online, hands-on and interactive, the Clinical Pathology Improvement actual case. Each month, you will receive to sharpen their diagnostic skills in real time by working through an case unfolds, more information is a new case, including related images and clinical background. As the the posttest may apply their revealed, just as in the laboratory. Participants who successfully complete as Maintenance of Certification (MOC) earned credits to their Continuing Certification (CC), formerly known credits. SAM requirements. Enjoy a full year of CPIP and earn up to 15 CME/SAM

o o o performance with that of their peers of their with that performance Additional Information pathologis educates PIP

• case selections that include: PIP Features pathologists • continuing education to approach a practical Provides Gives •

20 Anatomic Pathology 264 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • Casesare from selected organ systems andmay includeavarietyof • Casesmay includegross, radiographic, orendoscopicimages. • pathology. VBP educates pathologiststo assess Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists smears). Activitieswiththeircorresponding topics are: specimen types(eg, core biopsies, endoscopicbiopsies, curettings, aspirate o o o o 2019-DSurgical Pathology Biopsy (varioussites) 2019-CLungBiopsy 2019-BGYN Biopsy 2019-A HeadandNeck Biopsy rga rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Online biopsy casereview Program Surgical Pathology Virtual BiopsyVirtual Program VBP/VBP1 and improve theirdiagnosticskillsinsurgical VBP/VBP1 ] 5 Four onlineactivitiesper • Powered by DigitalScope • Thisactivitymeetsthe • Program Information Earnamaximumof • optionwith VBP1-Reporting • VBP -Fivediagnostic • available email whentheactivityis contact willbenotifiedvia year; your CAP shipping technology requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice completion ofanentire year Credits (AMA PRACategory1 25 CME/SAMcredits Survey VBP order inconjunctionwith the sameinstitution); must additional pathologist(within CME/SAM credit for each VBP1 additional pathologist, order one pathologist; for each credit isavailable for r images withclinicalhistory; challenges/whole slide eporting withCME/SAM eporting ™ ) perpathologistfor

Anatomic Pathology 20 265 ,


per pathologist for per pathologist for ) Surgical Pathology Surgical ™ es with clinical history; es with clinical history; Item number: 168 pages; Softcover; 300+ photomicrographs 2009 and tables; figures, challenges/whole slide slide challenges/whole imag reporting with CME/SAM for is available credit each for one pathologist; order additional pathologist, DPATH1 for with CME/SAM credit additional pathologist each (within the same institution); in conjunction must order DPATH with Survey 15 CME/SAM credits 15 CME/SAM credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits completion of an entire year completion of an entire Practice CC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements technology contact shipping CAP your will be notified via email when the activity is available • diagnostic - Six DPATH • - Reporting option DPATH1 • Earn a maximum of Program Information Program • This activity meets the • DigitalScope by Powered • online activities per year; Two 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 6 is a how-to ] , sprirochetes, and fungi. ts, and dermatologists to assess assess to dermatologists and ts, DPATH/DPATH1 DPATH/DPATH1 Helicobacter pylori , dermatopathologis , Digital Slide Program—Dermatopathology Slide Program—Dermatopathology Digital printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Online dermatopathology case review Program Code Program per Shipment Challenges • guide to good slide preparation. Building on data and images from the CAP/NSH guide to good slide preparation. Building on data and images from the HistoQIP program, the book presents photographic examples of well-prepared their solutions. slides followed by numerous examples of associated problems and artifacts The text contains troubleshooting techniques for the most common fixation and and problems incurred in routine histologic preparations, including reticulin, processing; microtomy; frozen sections; hematoxylin-eosin, trichrome, and Gram elastin, basement membrane, mucin, amyloid, immunohistochemical, stains; and mycobacteria, View sample pages and order online: • Learn the secret to good slide technique Histologic Preparations: Common Problems and Their Solutions

Additional Information pathologists educates DPATH their diagnostic skills in dermatopathology. and improve • images. Cases include static • on page 13. requirements See system

20 Anatomic Pathology 266 Atleastoneonlinewholeslideimage • Clinicalhistory andrelevant laboratory data. • Seesystem requirements onpage13. • FiveSAMquestionspercase. • Casediscussionandofdifferential diagnoses. • Results ofancillarystudiessuch asimmunohistochemistry, flowcytometry, • Allcaseshave beenspecially select • hematopathology. an interest inhematopathology HPATH educates pathologis Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists FISH, karyotyping, andmolecular spleen, lymph node, orothertissue. revision oftheWHOClassification. rga rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code review onlinecase Hematopathology Program Surgical Pathology Hematopathology OnlineEducation Hematopathology ts, hematolopa to assessandimprove theirdiagnosticskillsin HPATH/HPATH1 studies, where appropriate. ed to highlight important changesed to inthe2016 highlightimportant of peripheral blood, bone marrow, thologists, andhema HPATH/HPATH1 ] tologists with 5 Program Information HPATH1 option -Reporting • Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • Powered by DigitalScope • Thisactivitymeetsthe • • HPATH -Fivediagnostic • Earnamaximumof12.5 or the sameinstitution); must and hematologist (within each additionalpathologist with CME/SAMcredit for order HPATH1 pathologist/hema hematologist. For additional when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice of anentire year hematologist for completion of 12.5CEcredits per pa PRA Category1Credits™ CME/SAM credits ( Survey HPATH f CME/SAM credit isavailable history; with reporting slide imageswithclinical challenges/online whole or onepathologist/ der inconjunctionwith thologist andamaximum

tologist, AMA ) per

Anatomic Pathology 20 267 ) TM AMA

Surgical Pathology Surgical assessment challenges challenges assessment TICP with clinical history; CME/SAM/CE provides one pathologist or for credit each for cytotechnologist; or additional pathologist TICP1 order cytotechnologist, for with CME/SAM/CE credit additional pathologist/each the same (within technologist in order must institution); TICP conjunction with Survey ( CME/SAM credits PRA Category 1 Credits per pathologist and a per pathologist maximum of 10 CE credits for per cytotechnologist year completion of an entire Practice CC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements DigitalScope by powered technology contact shipping CAP your will be notified via email when the activity is available • online - Four TICP • TICP1 -option Reporting • Earn a maximum of 10 Program Information Program • This activity meets the • slide images whole Online, • online activities per year; Two . 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 4 SAM Courses cytopathologists, cytopathologists, ] TICP/TICP1 and/or Papanicolaou stains), static stains), Papanicolaou and/or ogic features of pathologic processes of pathologic processes ogic features surgical pathologists, pathologists, surgical studies, and clinical history/radiographic and clinical history/radiographic studies, eedback on interpretations, ancillary studies, ancillary studies, on interpretations, eedback and triage the specimen to appropriate ancillary appropriate and triage the specimen to Touch Imprint/Crush Preparation TICP/TICP1 Imprint/Crush Preparation Touch Highly interactive formats with immediate feedback Outcome-based learning at the cutting edge of pathology science Peer reviewed by at least two subject matter experts Procedure in rapid program Online slide and image assessment case review Code Program per Shipment Challenges Visit cap.org and choose the Learning tab, then search • • • Experience a new level of pathology education with SAM courses from the CAP

and cytotechnologists with the cytomorphol and cytotechnologists specimens These preparations. or scrape imprints and crush touch in and tumors section) or rapid (frozen consultation intraoperative either for prepared are interpretation. and/or adequacy evaluation (ROSE) of tissue biopsies for on-site assign the assessment, adequacy an immediate make Participants will learn to category, a general to process preparations TICP digital whole slides of the Participants will review studies. modified Wright-Giemsa, & eosin, (hematoxylin and ancillary images of the preparation description of entities in a complete case has Each a diagnosis. reach findings to interpretation. with a discussion of the correct diagnosis along the differential assessment. adequate and case-related Additional Information • f immediate Participants will receive • the bone and retroperitoneal/liver. from The cases will be comprised of specimens • on the glass slide. not be available cases that may captured include rarely May • on page 13. requirements See system • familiarize is designed to Program TICP The

20 Anatomic Pathology 268 evaluate submitted slidesfor histologic technique usinguniform grading criteria. data. panel of Anexpert includes peercomparisondata, evaluators’ comments, andperformance benchmarking specific to theirlaboratory, aneducationcritique, Summarythat andaParticipant laboratories. Inthiseducationalprogram, willreceive anevaluation participants HistoQIP improves thepreparation of Additional Information biopsy Special Stain- Trichrome, liverneedlecore IHC -HepPar1 (liverresection) IHC -PAX-8 (kidney resection) H&E -Liverresection H&E -Skinpunch biopsy H&E -Colonbiopsy H&E -Kidney resection H&E -Kidney resection Special Stain-GMSoncontrol material IHC -ER(uterus resection) IHC -GATA 3(breast resection) H&E -Uterus resection H&E -Colonresection H&E -Prostate needlecore biopsy H&E -Breast needle core biopsy H&E -Lungresection olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists H&E -Breast resection Stain/Tissue Program Code Program Code H&E -Breast resection Stain/Tissue Surgical Pathology For Surveys focusing onpreanalytic steps, seetheHistoQIP IHC programs onpages269-270. These general immunohistochemistry Surveys assessanal HQIP WholeSlideImage Quality Improvement Program HQWSI pathologists, histotechnol CAP/NSH HistoQIP HQIP histologic slidesinall ogists, andhistotechnicians will ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] anatomic pathology anatomic pathology QS B A HQWSI QPAB A HQIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ytic andpostanalytic (interpretive) steps. Challenges per Challenges per Shipment Shipment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • Includesphotographs and • laboratories Participant may • Two shipmentsperyear • laboratories Participant may • questions assessment online learning mailing (one from each category) per coverslipped glassslides submit upto fivestained slide imagespermailing upload theirscannedwhole coverslipped glassslidesand submit upto four stained

Anatomic Pathology 20 269 one from each each one from Surgical Pathology Surgical to four IHC and one four to H&E stained coverslipped glass slides ( up to four IHC stained and IHC four up to glass slides coverslipped per category) each from (one mailing category) per mailing category) • submit up Participants may • submit Participants may • shipments per year Two • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shipment 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Challenges per per Challenges 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HQIHC A B ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] gastrointestinal, dermatologic, dermatologic, gastrointestinal, ation of immunohistochemistry slides in all ation of immunohistochemistry ticipants will receive an evaluation specific an evaluation ticipants will receive chnicians will evaluate submitted slides for slides for submitted will evaluate chnicians HQMMR A B CAP/NSH HistoQIP—IHC HQIHC HistoQIP—IHC CAP/NSH CAP/NSH HistoQIP Mismatch Repair IHC HQMMR Repair Mismatch HistoQIP CAP/NSH H&E – Colon adenocarcinoma Stain/TissueCode Program per Shipment Challenges IHC – CK20 (bladder biopsy) IHC – CK20 (bladder Stain/TissueCode Program

anatomic laboratories involved in the handling of involved laboratories anatomic Par biopsies. tract and urological An expert panel of pathologists, and a Participant Summary. their laboratory to and histote histotechnologists, criteria. grading using uniform technique histologic HistoQIP – IHC improves the prepar the – IHC improves HistoQIP IHC – MLH1 (colon adenocarcinoma) IHC – MSH2 (colon adenocarcinoma) IHC – MSH6 (colon adenocarcinoma) IHC – PMS2 (colon adenocarcinoma) H&E – Endometrial adenocarcinoma IHC – Progesterone receptor (cervical biopsy) receptor IHC – Progesterone biopsy) punch IHC – CD34 (skin, biopsy) IHC – CD138 (stomach IHC – CD3 (colon biopsy) IHC – MLH1 (endometrial adenocarcinoma) IHC – MSH2 (endometrial adenocarcinoma) IHC – MSH6 (endometrial adenocarcinoma) IHC – PMS2 (endometrial adenocarcinoma) IHC – EMA (endometrium) biopsy) excisional IHC – S100 (skin, with carcinoma) biopsy IHC – p504s (prostate handling of colonic and endometrial tumors performing mismatch repair IHC. repair mismatch performing handling of colonic and endometrial tumors immunohistochemical slides in all anatomic pathology laboratories involved in the involved pathology laboratories slides in all anatomic immunohistochemical This program augments efforts to improve the preparation of H&E and the preparation improve to augments efforts This program Additional Information Additional Information

20 Anatomic Pathology 270 pathologists, histotec evaluation specificto theirlaboratory Summary. andaParticipant panelof Anexpert histologic The HistoQIP Biopsy Seriesisanadditionalprogram to improve thepreparation of Additional Information for histologic technique using uniform grading criteria. handling ofnon-smallcelllungcarcinoma. immunohistochemical slidesinallanatomic laboratories pathology involved inthe This program augments efforts to improve the preparation ofH&Eand Additional Information H&E –Breast core biopsy H&E –Prostate needlebiopsy H&E –Endometrialbiopsy carcinoma) IHC –PD-L1(positivelungsquamouscell carcinoma) H&E –PD-L1(positivelungsquamouscell (lungsquamouscellcarcinoma) IHC –CK5/6 carcinoma) (lungsquamouscell IHC –p40/p63 H&E –Lungsquamouscellcarcinoma IHC –ALK(positivelungadenocarcinoma) H&E –ALK(positivelungadenocarcinoma) IHC –Napsin-A (lungadenocarcinoma) IHC – (lungadenocarcinoma)TTF-1 H&E –Colonbiopsy H&E –Stomach biopsy H&E –Skinpunch biopsy H&E –Cervicalbiopsy olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists ti/isePormCd Challenges perShipment Program Code H&E –Lungadenocarcinoma Stain/Tissue ti/isePormCd Challenges perShipment Program Code H&E –Bladderbiopsy Stain/Tissue Surgical Pathology slides inallanatomicpathol CAP/NSH HistoQIP Biopsy SeriesHQIPBX CAP/NSH HistoQIP Non-smallCellLung hnologists, andhistotec HNCAB A HQNSC Carcinoma IHCHQNSC ogy laboratories.ogy Pa hnicians willevaluate submitted slides ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] QPXAB A HQIPBX rticipants willreceivean rticipants 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Program Information Program Information • may Participants submit • Two shipmentsperyear • Participantsmay submit • Two shipmentsperyear per mailing (one from each category) coverslipped glassslides up to four H&Estainedand category) permailing glass slides(one from each H&E stainedcoverslipped up to four IHCandone Anatomic Pathology 20 271 Surgical Pathology Surgical wo shipments per year HQBX4 - Participants may may Participants - HQBX4 H&E four submit up to stained and coverslipped each from glass slides (one per mailing category) T

• HQBX3, HQBX2, HQBX1, • Program Information Program Shipment Challenges per per Challenges 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ] ] ] ] chnicians will evaluate will evaluate chnicians ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] HQBX1 HQBX2 HQBX3 HQBX4 A B ogic, and urogenital tract biopsies. Participants biopsies. tract and urogenital ogic, hnologists, and histote hnologists, omic pathology laboratories involved in the handling of involved omic pathology laboratories HQBX1, HQBX2, HQBX3, HQBX4 HQBX3, HQBX2, HQBX1, CAP/NSH HistoQIP Specialty Series Specialty HistoQIP CAP/NSH Gastrointestinal Biopsy Module Biopsy Gastrointestinal H&E – Colon biopsy Stain/TissueCode Program

carcinoma) (nonneoplastic) (nonneoplastic) (with carcinoma) (large excision) excision) (large (withH&E – Bladder biopsy biopsy needle H&E – Prostate biopsy needle H&E – Prostate biopsy H&E – Endometrial biopsy H&E – Cone/Leep biopsy Vagina H&E – biopsy H&E – Cervical H&E – Esophageal biopsy biopsy H&E – Small intestinal biopsy H&E – Stomach biopsy excisional H&E – Skin biopsy H&E – Skin punch biopsy H&E – Skin shave H&E – Alopecia Bladder biopsyH&E – Gynecological Biopsy Gynecological Biopsy Dermatologic Biopsy Module Biopsy Dermatologic Module Biopsy Tract Urogenital submitted slides for histologic technique using uniform grading criteria. grading using uniform technique histologic slides for submitted Additional Information of the preparation improve Specialty Series includes modules to The HistoQIP slides in all anat histologic gynecol dermatologic, gastrointestinal, An and a Participant Summary. their laboratory an evaluation specific to will receive histotec expert panel of pathologists,

20 Anatomic Pathology 272 see theMSIprogram onpage256. If your laboratory performs DNAmismatch repair by molecularmethods, with all participating laboratories.with allparticipating The MKprogram allowslaboratories to compare andresults theirassay methodology olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in General Immunohistochemistry rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code PD-L1 Challenges perShipment Procedure Program Code Challenges perShipment Program Code immunohistochemistry DNA mismatch repair by Procedure Challenges perShipment BRAF V600E Program Code Procedure Immunohistochemistry Procedure General Immunohistochemistry For Surveys focusing onpreanalytic steps, seetheHistoQIP IHC programs onpages269-270. These general immunohistochemistry Surveys assessanal bold DNA Mismatch Repair MMR Immunohistochemistry MK typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). BRAF V600E BRAFV BRAF V600E PD-L1 PDL1 ] ] ] ] BRAFV PDL1 MMR MK ytic andpostanalytic (interpretive) steps. 16 10 10 1 Program Information Program Information Program Information Program Information Oneshipment peryear • One10-core tissue • Two shipmentsperyear • Sevenglassslideswith • Oneshipmentperyear • One10-core tissue • Two shipmentsperyear • Four 4.0-micron unstained • microarray slide control an H&Estainandnegative additional slidesprovided for from four separate cases; unstained tissuesections PD-L1 control slides provided for H&E and microarray slide; additional MSH6,PMS2 and proteins MLH1,repair MSH2, analysis ofDNAmismatch immunohistochemical and oneH&Eslidefor the paraffin sectionslides Anatomic Pathology 20 273 e tissue microarray slides, one for one for slides, microarray Myc and one for Glypican-3 microarray slide microarray microarray slide microarray microarray slide per microarray marker predictive One 10-cor slide microarray • tissue 10-core Two • shipment per year One • tissue One 10-core • One shipment per year • tissue 10-core One • shipments per year Two • tissue One 10-core • One shipment per year • • shipments per year Two Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program Program Information Program Information Program General Immunohistochemistry General 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ] P16 PM5 PM6 CD30 ] ] ] ] ] PM1 PM3 ] Microarray Series PM5 Microarray Tissue Microarray PM1, PM3 PM1, Tissue Microarray Immunohistochemistry Tissue Immunohistochemistry Tissue Microarray P16 Tissue Microarray Tissue Microarray CD30 Tissue Microarray p16 Immunohistochemistry p16 Immunohistochemistry CD117, CD20 Immunohistochemistry CD20 Immunohistochemistry CD117, CD30 Immunohistochemistry CD30 Immunohistochemistry Highly Sensitive Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase IHC PM6 Sensitive Anaplastic Lymphoma Highly Highly sensitive anaplastic Highly kinase IHC (ALK) lymphoma Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges AnalyteGlypican-3 Code Program per Shipment Challenges Analytep16 Code Program per Shipment Challenges CD30 Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges CD117 Analyte Code Program per Shipment Challenges

CD20 Myc For ER/PgR testing, see the PM2 program on page 274. see the PM2 program ER/PgR testing, For Additional Information for markers two different will feature the PM5 program year, Each performance assay evaluate to laboratories immunohistochemistry tumor types. on a variety of tissue and/or

20 Anatomic Pathology 274 provide notificationpriorto the materials, theshippingdate HER2 Testing Guideline. Dueto theuniquenature ofthesehuman, donor-based The HER2program fulfills theproficiency testing requirement stated intheASCO/CAP Additional Information the CAP willprovide notification priorto donor-based materials, theshippingdate issubjec ASCO/CAP ER/PgR Testing Guideline. Dueto theuniquenature ofthesehuman, The PM2program fulfills theproficiency testing requirement stated inthe Additional Information GHER2 program laboratories willhelpparticipating understand thesedifferences. gastroesophageal adenocarcinomas differs significantly from breast carcinoma. The The interpretive criteria for HER2immunohistochemistry performed on Additional Information Progesterone receptor (PgR) olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Analytes/procedures in Predictive Markers nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Estrogen receptor (ER) Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code HER2 Challenges perShipment Analyte Program Code HER2 Analyte Predictive Markers HER2 Immunohistochemistry HER2 ER/PgR Immunohistochemistry bold is subjectto change. Ifthisshouldoccur, theCAP will Tissue Microarray PM2 typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). Gastric HER2GHER2 originally scheduled shipping date. theoriginally scheduled shippingdate. t to change. Ifthisshouldoccur, ] ] ] ] GHER2 HER2 PM2 20 20 20 10 Program Information Program Information Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • One10-core tissue • Two shipmentsperyear • Two 10-core tissue • Two shipmentsperyear • Four 10-core microarray • microarray slide microarray slides PgR ER for slides, two and twofor Anatomic Pathology 20 275

(AMA ) ™

credits credits Credits

providing five cases; five cases; providing reporting with CME/SAM for is available credit each for one pathologist; order additional pathologist, AUP1 content download program each for CME/SAM credit additional pathologist (within must the same institution); in conjunction with order AUP Survey 12.5 CME/SAM PRA Category 1 ABP CC Part IV Practice Practice CC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements per pathologist per pathologist • - Online activity AUP • Includes the option to • - Reporting option with AUP1 • Earn a maximum of This activity meets the Program Information Program • online activities per year Two • Specialty Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Specialty 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 ] AUP/AUP1 eaching points, and current references. and current points, eaching type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Services Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are bold Autopsy Pathology AUP/AUP1 Autopsy Samples will be exchanged twice a year based on availability. anonymized Each laboratory will receive its own individual results along with an summary report for all participants. The CAP will facilitate the exchange of tissue samples once a sufficient number of laboratories The CAP will facilitate the exchange of tissue samples once a sufficient performing the same marker are identified. Autopsy online case analysis Autopsy Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

• • • Let the CAP connect you to the IHC samples you need CAP Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Validation Program

Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Specialty Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Specialty To get started, visit cap.org and from the Laboratory Improvement tab, choose Proficiency Testing > Sample To get started, visit cap.org and from the Laboratory Improvement tab, Form. Exchange Registry to learn more and download a Contact Information Sign up for this complimentary service to access those hard-to-obtain specimens. Sign up for this complimentary service to access those hard-to-obtain Each case includes case description, gross and/or microscopic images, and case and images, microscopic and/or gross case description, case includes Each t key death certificate, discussion with sample

20 Anatomic Pathology 276 The Neuropathology program helpsanatomic Additional Information problem area inneuropathology, which relates to four oftheeight cases. In addition, each mailingwillincludeamini-symposium thatfocuses onaspecific demyelinating, traumatic, toxic-metabolic, vascular, andneuromuscular diseases. and peripheral nervoussystems, includinginfectious that coverthespectrum ofneoplastic in neuropathology. Each shipmentofthiseducationalprogram includeseightcases trainees assessandimprove theirdiagnosticskillsandlearnaboutnewdevelopments olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists rga Program Code Neuropathology onlinecasereview Program Specialty Anatomic Pathology SHOP tab. To getstarted, visitcap.org andclick onthe • Manageyour shipping andbillinginformation • Addnewprograms basedonyour test menu • Review your 2019prepopulated quote (based From theonlinestore, you can: and more. programs, learning You canorder PT, qualitymanagement Simplify Your Life with ourOnlineStore on your 2018order) Neuropathology Program NP/NP1 opportunities, publications, and nonneoplasticdisorders affectingthecentral pathologists, neur , degenerative, developmental, ] NP/NP1 opathologists, and Challenges per 8 Shipment • Two onlineactivitiesperyear • Powered by DigitalScope • Program Information

• • NP1 - Reporting optionwith NP1-Reporting • Includesoptionto download • NP -Onlineactivityproviding • per pathologist technology requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice This ac Earn a maximum of 10 Earnamaximumof10 PRA Category1 CME/SAM credits Survey NP order inconjunctionwith the sameinstitution); must ad CME/SAM credit for each program content NP1 additional pathologist, order for onepathologist; for each CME/SAM credit isavailable symposium; reportingwith eight casesandamini- ditional pathologist(within tivity meetsthe

Credits (AMA (AMA

™ )

Anatomic Pathology 20 277 Cytopathology ) per pathologist

AMA PRA Category TM proficiency testing and ten and ten testing proficiency education glass slides for APAPMPT/APAPLPT/ - Reporting option APAPJPT each for with CME/CE credit pathologist/cytotechnologist pathologist/cytotechnologist (within the same institution); in conjunction must order PAPCPT/PAPKPT/ with Survey PAPMPT/PAPLPT/PAPJPT 1 Credits credits ( credits and a maximum of 8 CE per cytotechnologist credits challenges all completing for Practice CC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements proficiency one shipment for slides) and two (10 testing education (five shipments for slides each) Earn a maximum of 8 CME • glass slides for Ten • APAPCPT/APAPKPT/ • Program Information Program • This activity meets the • shipments per year; Three Education 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org Testing 10 10 Proficiency Proficiency ] ] ] P Laboratory Accreditation Program Program Accreditation Laboratory P two alternative date options using the options date two alternative ]] Testing Order Details Form. Order Testing ficiency testing (10 slides) and two additional testing ficiency lso include the PAP Education Series number after Education Series number after lso include the PAP ]] type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). & Medicaid Medicare for the Centers by testing proficiency for regulated type are bold ] PAPCPT PAPKPT PAPMPT PAPLPT PAPJPT APAPCPT APAPKPT APAPMPT APAPLPT APAPJPT Glass Slide Gynecologic Cytopathology PT CytopathologyGlass Slide Gynecologic PT A mailing ships May A mailing ships February B mailing ships November B mailing ships August o o o o Series 2 Series 1 PAP Education series shipment dates (choose one) (choose shipment dates Education series PAP Slide Type program code (refer to table above) to code (refer program Type Slide (eg, PAPCPT1, PAPCPT2). PAPCPT1, (eg, Program with Glass Slide PAP Education PAP PT Education PAP with Glass Slide PAP Program requirement for participation in a peer educational program. for requirement the PAP Education slides within 20 minutes by fax. by Education slides within 20 minutes the PAP pathologist/cytotechnologist. A pathologist/cytotechnologist. APAPCPT1). code (eg, the program Gynecologic Cytology Proficiency gynecologic cytology where all personnel are performing proficiency testing at testing proficiency performing are all personnel where gynecologic cytology another CLIA location. for and performance interpretations reference laboratory Participants can receive Education component meets the CA The PAP • • SurePath SurePath Conventional ThinPrep Individual Participant Form Response Slide Type Type Slide Code Program Year per Challenges Analytes/procedures in Analytes/procedures Cytopathology

• b. • Follow these steps to order your PAP Proficiency Testing and PAP Education: and PAP Testing Proficiency PAP your order to these steps Follow Choose the following: 1. a. shipments for your education (five slides each). education your shipments for Ordering Information Ordering pro one shipment for will receive You

session option with Select primary testing 3. participating each code for Form one Individual Participant Response Order 2. code type program the slide Education series number after Add the PAP c. perform possessing a CLIA license to a laboratory are if you PPTENR only Order 4. Additional Information

20 Anatomic Pathology 278 SurePath olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Additional Information ThePAP Educationcomponentmeetsthe • canreceive Participants laboratory reference interpretations andperformance for • 2. Order Response oneIndividualParticipant Form codefor each participating c. Add thePAP Educationseriesnumberafter theslidetypeprogram code

• • b. a. 1. Choosethefollowing: Follow thesesteps to order your PAP Education: Ordering Information Form Response Participant Individual ld yeProgramCode ThinPrep Conventional Slide Type Cytopathology requirement for inapeereducationalprogram. participation the PAP Educationslideswithin20minutes by fax. the program code(eg, APAPCE1). pathologist/cytotechnologist. A PAPCE, PAPJE, PAPKE, PAPLE, PAPME Series1or2 (eg, PAPCE1, PAPCE2) Slide Type program code(refer to tableabove) PAP Educationseriesshipmentdates (choose one) Series 2 Series 1 Cytopathology GlassSlideEducationProgramCytopathology o o o o AmailingshipsMay B mailingshipsNovember B mailingshipsAugust A mailingshipsFebruary AC AK AM AL PAPJE PAPLE PAPME PAPKE PAPCE PPEAAK PPEAAL APAPJE APAPLE APAPME APAPKE APAPCE ]] ]]] lso includethePAP Educationseriesnumberafter ]]] CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program Education per Year 10 Challenges • Thisactivitymeetsthe • Program Information • Earn amaximumof8CME Earn • • APAPCE/APAPJE/APAPKE/ Ten glassslidesfor • Two shipments(fiveslides each) requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice for completing allchallenges credits percytotechnologist and amaximumof8CE 1 Credits credits ( PAPLE/PAPME PAPCE/PAPJE/PAPKE/ in conjunctionwithSurvey same institution); mustorder cytotechnologist (withinthe for each pathologist/ option withCME/CEcredit APAPLE/APAPME -Reporting education TM AMA PRACategory

) perpathologist Anatomic Pathology 20 279 (STM)

™ Specimen responding responding ® Cytopathology Transport Transport ® ansport mediums specimens specimens vial of diluent ThinPrep Digene, and SurePath PreservCyt, tr Medium Transport Fluid Preservative Medium and cor Transport Medium Transport PreservCyt CHPVD - Digene • cervical Five simulated • Program Information Program • of - Combination CHPVJ • shipments per year Three • CHPVK - SurePath • CHPVM - ThinPrep - • CHPVM 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 5 samples of Survey CHPVJ provide an provide CHPVJ samples of Survey that best reflects the transport media that best reflects ]] J, participants must provide results for all for results participants must provide J, ]]]] CHPVD CHPVM CHPVK CHPVJ CHPVD, CHPVM, CHPVK, CHPVJ CHPVK, CHPVM, CHPVD, 2017 Practice Management Fundamentals Fundamentals Management 2017 Practice participant Workshop Visit cap.org and search “Practice Management” “Practice and search Visit cap.org and material that will timely information “Excellent, level organization to the next and your you catapult and service.” profitability of purpose, – Practice Management Resources Resources Management Practice of and the profitability skillset Enhance your practice. your tools, training, management Our practice school medical what cover and resources you. teach didn’t Human Papillomavirus (High Risk) for Cytopathology Risk) for (High Papillomavirus Human HPV Analyte/Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges

medium on site, Survey CHPVM and select Survey medium on site, opportunity to report specific HPV genotypes. genotypes. opportunity report specific HPV to received in its facility. For Survey CHPV Survey For in its facility. received the Survey order of media, two types receives laboratory If your media types. three or CHPVK). CHPVM, (CHPVD, specific laboratory your for that is most appropriate High-risk HPV High-risk HPV genotyping (optional) Additional Information • Transport PreservCyt ThinPrep genotyping using HPV that perform laboratories For • the CMS. to does not report genotyping responses The CAP • the Survey should choose laboratory Each

20 Anatomic Pathology 280 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • May includerarely captured casesthatmay not beavailable ontheglassslide. • Thecaseswillbecomprisedofspecimensfrom theboneandretroperitoneal/liver. • willreceive Participants immediate f • The TICP Program isdesignedto familiarize • Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists and case-related adequate assessment. the differential diagnosisalongwithadiscussionofthecorrect interpretation. findings to reach adiagnosis. Each casehasacomplete descriptionofentitiesin images ofthepreparation andancillary (hematoxylin &eosin, modifiedWright-Giemsa, studies. willreview Participants digitalwholeslidesofthe TICP preparations process to ageneral category, willlearntoParticipants make animmediate adequacy assessment, assignthe on-site evaluation(ROSE)oftissuebiopsiesfor adequacy and/or interpretation. are prepared eitherfor intraoperative consultation(frozen section)orrapid and tumors intouch imprintsandcrush orscrape preparations. These specimens and cytotechnologists withthecytomorphol rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code assessment casereview Online slideandimageprogram inrapid Procedure Cytopathology Touch Preparation Imprint/Crush TICP/TICP1 and triagethespecimento appropriate ancillary eedback oninterpretations, ancillarystudies, studies, andclinicalhistory/radiographic surgical pathologists, ogic features ofpathologicprocesses and/or Papanicolaou stains), static TICP/TICP1 ] cytopathologists, 4 Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • Online, whole slideimages • Thisactivitymeetsthe • Program Information • option TICP1-Reporting • TICP - Four online • when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology powered by DigitalScope requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice completion ofanentire year per cytotechnologist for maximum of10CEcredits per pathologist anda Earn amaximumof10 Earn PRA Category1Credits CME/SAM credits ( TICP in conjunctionwithSurvey same institution); mustorder technologist (withinthe each additionalpathologist/ with CME/SAM/CEcredit for cytotechnologist, order TICP1 additional pathologistor cytotechnologist; for each credit for onepathologist or provides CME/SAM/CE with clinicalhistory; TICP assessment challenges

AMA TM ) Anatomic Pathology 20 281

) ™ (AMA PRA Cytopathology online advanced education online advanced laboratory one cases; and two form response forms individual response with CME/CE credit for each each for with CME/CE credit additional pathologist/ (within the cytotechnologist must order same institution); Survey in conjunction with NGC 25 CME credits 25 CME credits Category 1 Credits per pathologist and a maximum of 25 CE credits for per cytotechnologist completing the glass slides and online cases Practice CC Part IV ABP Assessment Performance requirements DigitalScope by powered technology NGC1 - Reporting option • five slides; NGC - Five glass • • of Earn a maximum Program Information Program • This activity meets the • slide images whole Online, • shipments per year Four 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5

5 per year ] ] ovide immediate feedback on feedback ovide immediate NGC/NGC1 Personal contact information Specialties and skills Addresses • • • w-up recommendations, and case-related educational case-related and w-up recommendations, Nongynecologic Cytopathology Education Program NGC/NGC1 Program Education Business affiliations Certifications Contact preferences Inspector-related information Nongynecologic cytopathology Nongynecologic cytopathology – glass slides case review Procedure Code Program per Shipment Challenges • To create or update your profile, visit cap.org, log in, and • • • Have you created or updated your CAP Profile? Each laboratory staff member should have their own profile. Your profile is transferrable when you leave your current position. Use it to maintain information about yourself, including:

educational opportunity to assess participants’ screening and interpretive skills. skills. and interpretive screening educational opportunity assess participants’ to for chosen as these cases are testing proficiency for is unsuitable The NGC program static online images that incorporate Cases may their educational value. aspects of pathology enhance the radiology and multiple to incorporate interpretation. interpretation selection, follo selection, interpretation questions. the glass slides within 20 minutes by fax, providing rapid educational feedback, feedback, educational rapid providing fax, by the glass slides within 20 minutes time. review and additional peer comparison, Nongynecologic cytopathology Nongynecologic cytopathology – online case review • on page 13. requirements See system • cases pr Additional online advanced education • for and performance interpretations reference Participants can access laboratory Additional Information • is an interlaboratory The Nongynecologic (NGC) program Education Cytopathology click on UPDATE MY PROFILE.

20 Anatomic Pathology 282 Seesystem requirements onpage13. • May includerarely captured casesthatmay notbeavailable ontheglassslide. • Cases willfocus onlymph nodeandsubcutaneoustopics. • This program focuses onFNAdiagnosticdilemmasinpractice. Onlinecases, which • Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists questions. interpretation selection, ancillarystudies consist ofwholeslideimagesandstaticimag rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code aspiration casereview Online program infine-needle Procedure Cytopathology Digital SlideProgram inFine-NeedleAspiration FNA/FNA1 selection, andcase-related educational es, provide immediate feedback on FNA/FNA1 ] 5 • This activity meets the Thisactivitymeetsthe • Two onlineactivitiesperyear; • Online, whole slideimages • Program Information • Earn amaximumof10CME Earn • option FNA1-Reporting • FNA-Fiveonline • P ABP CC Practice IV Part per cytotechnologist a maximumof10CEcredits when theactivityisavailable will benotifiedviaemail your CAP shippingcontact technology powered by DigitalScope requirements 1 Credits credits FNA in conjuctionwithSurvey same institution); mustorder cytotechnologist (withinthe additional pathologist/ with CME/CEcredit for each cytotechnologist, order FNA1 additional pathologistor cytotechnologist; for each for onepathologistor provides CME/CEcredit diagnostic challenges; FNA erformance Assessment (AMA PRACategory ™ ) per pathologist and per pathologistand

Anatomic Pathology 20 283 Cytopathology per pathologist/

) ™ PUB128 (AMA PRA Category o individual response o individual response erformance Assessment erformance of glass slides and selected and selected of glass slides representing online images, one a variety of conditions; form response laboratory and tw forms for with CME/CE credit additional pathologist/each (within the cytotechnologist order must same institution); in conjunction with Survey FNAG credits Credits 1 requirements resident and a maximumresident perof 10 CE credits cytotechnologist Part IV Practice CC ABP P • - Five cases consisting FNAG • option - Reporting FNAG1 • Earn a maximum of 10 CME Program Information Program • shipments per year Two • meets the This activity Item number: Spiral bound; 200 pages; 200 pages; bound; Spiral 375 images and 2018 illustrations; 800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 5 ] FNAG/FNAG1 support the interpretation. Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide FNAG/FNAG1 Glass Slide Aspiration Fine-Needle printed books at estore.cap.org Procedure glass Fine-needle aspiration slide case review Code Program per Shipment Challenges • View sample pages and order online: Order Ultrasound Features of Superficial and Palpable Lesions (PUB128) This ruggedly constructed guide is the ideal reference tool tool is the ideal reference guide constructed This ruggedly ultrasound-guided performing use while clinicians to for Compact and easy-to-follow, (USFNA). aspiration fine-needle and concise images comparative of it includes hundreds and abnormalities normal anatomy covering descriptions offered clinical hints are Helpful of superficial body sites. the book. throughout Ultrasound Features of Superficial and Palpable Lesions

educational opportunity to assess participants’ screening and interpretive skills. skills. interpretive and screening educational opportunity assess participants’ to of varying stains and/or than one slide include more cases may FNAG used on fine-needle aspirations. preparations aspects of pathology to feedback, educational rapid providing fax, by the glass slides within 20 minutes time. review and additional peer comparison, Additional Information • radiology and multiple images that incorporate online include static Cases may • for and performance interpretations reference Participants can access laboratory • is an interlaboratory program Glass Slide Education Aspiration The Fine-Needle Take a modern approach to autopsy pathology

With more than 1,000 high-quality color images, the third edition of Autopsy Performance & Autopsy Performance & Reporting includes: Reporting • Numerous tables and checklists for fast, thorough reference Item number: PUB126 • Role of new technology, including molecular pathology, ancillary Hardcover; 472 pages; 1,000+ color laboratory studies, and 3-D radiography images and tables; 2017 • Detailed autopsy procedures for specific organ systems and patient populations VIEW SAMPLE PAGES AND ORDER ONLINE • Guidelines for autopsy reporting and quality assurance Printed books at estore.cap.org Ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Forensic Sciences 2121 pathologists, residents, residents, pathologists,

fellows, medical examiners, coroners, investigators, investigators, coroners, examiners, medical fellows, and analysts. 12.5 CME or 12.5 CE credits. • Earn up to credits. 12.5 SAM New in 2019—Earn up to • Meet your certification and licensure Meet your Pathology. Forensic for requirements to is designed (FR/FR1) program Pathology Our Forensic needs of the educational meet Forensic Sciences 21 Forensic Identity, Nuclear DNA Analysis (FID) Discontinued Programs

21 Forensic Sciences 286 FR/FR1 isfor hospital-based pathologists, for • Cases may includeorreflect • Additional Information olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists investigators, analysts and medicalexaminers/coroners. This educationalprogram isalsodesignedfor injury pattern, medicolegalissues, to identification, DNAidentification, environmental pa Analytes/procedures in Forensic Sciences rcdr rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code Forensic cases pathology Procedure Forensic Sciences bold Forensic FR/FR1 Pathology , andtechnicians/technologists. typeare regulated for proficiency testing by theCenters for Medicare &MedicaidServices(CMS). anthropologic materials xicology, andtrace evidence. ensic pathologists, r FR/FR1 ] thology, forensic evidence, , ballistics, dental esidents, fellows, 5 Program Information Two onlineactivitiesperyear • Thisactivity meetsthe • • Includesoptionto download • FR1-Additionalpathologist • FR-Onlineactivity • an entire year investigator for completionof of 12.5CEcredits per pathologist andamaximum Category 1Credits™ CME/SAM credits ( Earn amaximumof12.5 requirements Performance Assessment ABP IV CCPart Practice program content conjunction withSurvey FR CE credit; mustorder in option withCME/SAMor same institution) reporting or investigator (withinthe order FR1 pathologist/investigator, For each additional pathologist orinvestigator. credit isavailable for one making; CME/SAMorCE medicolegal decision questions related to microscopic slidesand illustrating gross and/or containing fivecasestudies

AMA PRA ) per Forensic Sciences 21 287 cap.org | PUB220 Forensic Sciences Forensic vitreous fluid specimens vitreous laboratories toxicology quantitative that perform fluid of vitreous analysis of Units System International (SI) reporting offered Item number: Softcover; 304 pages; 2012 • synthetic 5.0-mL Three • and other forensic For and • Conventional • shipments per year Two Program Information Program 847-832-7000 Option 1 | 800-323-4040 Shipment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Challenges per per Challenges VF ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] (PUB220) Vitreous Fluid, Postmortem VF Postmortem Fluid, Vitreous printed books at estore.cap.org ebooks at ebooks.cap.org Guide for Laboratory Professionals Acetone Analyte Code Program • • Available in print and ebook formats. View sample pages and order online: Complex issues face the laboratory director or pathologist who offers Complex issues face the laboratory director or pathologist who offers toxicology services. This thorough reference book will guide both experienced physicians and those in training through the pharmacological principles, testing menus, and methodologies for toxicology testing. Clinical Toxicology Testing A Find a practical guide to toxicology laboratory operations Find a practical guide to with this resource

Chloride Creatinine Ethanol Glucose Potassium Sodium nitrogen urea Vitreous

21 Forensic Sciences 288 olg fAeia ahlgss 2019Surveys&Anatomic PathologyEducationPrograms College ofAmericanPathologists Doxepin Diphenhydramine Diazepam Dextromethorphan Desmethylcyclobenzaprine Desipramine Delta-9-THC-COOH Delta-9-THC Cyclobenzaprine* Codeine Cocaine Cocaethylene Clonazepam Chlorpheniramine Carisoprodol Butalbital Brompheniramine Benzoylecgonine Amphetamine Amitriptyline Alprazolam Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam Acetaminophen 7-aminoflunitrazepam 7-aminoclonazepam 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB PRC)has The AmericanSociety ofCrimeLaboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board Proficiency nlt rga oeChallenges perShipment Program Code See drug listingbelow Analyte Forensic Sciences Refer to Section9, Toxicology, for amor Forensic Toxicology, Criminalistics FTC Challenges willincludeamixofdrugs from thelistbelow. FTC Program Drug Listing approved Survey FTC. Norfentanyl Nordoxepin Nordiazepam N-desmethyltramadol Morphine* (MDMA) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Methamphetamine Methadone metabolite (EDDP) Methadone Meprobamate Meperidine* Lysergic aciddiethylamide (LSD) Lorazepam Ketamine Imipramine Hydromorphone Hydrocodone Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Flurazepam* Fluoxetine Fentanyl* Ephedrine Ecgonine methyl ester Ecgonine ethyl ester ] FTC e comprehensive selectionof 4 *and/or metabolite(s) toxicology offerings. Zolpidem Trazodone Tramadol* Temazepam Sertraline Secobarbital Salicylate Pseudoephedrine Propoxyphene Phenytoin Phentermine Phenobarbital Phenethylamine Phencyclidine Paroxetine Oxymorphone Oxycodone Oxazepam Nortriptyline Norsertraline Norpropoxyphene Norketamine Norfluoxetine Program Information Two shipmentsperyear • For crimeandhospital • Three 20.0-mL wholeblood • qualitative challenge specimens alongwithaurine of drugs inwholeblood and quantitative analysis performing qualitative forensic toxicology divisions laboratories thathave synthetic urinespecimen specimens andone20.0-mL 22 Analyte/Procedure Index

Simplify analysis and reporting of PT 22 and accreditation performance using

the Performance Analytics Dashboard. Analyte/Procedure Index The complimentary dashboard helps you manage your CAP PT and accreditation performance. • Quickly identify trends to mitigate risk by accessing up to three years or three accreditation cycles of data. • Benchmark your laboratory against your peers and CAP-wide performance. • Consolidate multiple CAP numbers to view a single dashboard for an entire system. Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure Index

The following Analyte/Procedure Index is a comprehensive listing of analytes and corresponding CAP program options. Analytes/procedures in bold type whose corresponding program codes are bold are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). 22 Laboratories must perform five challenges three times per year (as noted by boldface) for analytes that are regulated by the CMS. The X in the LAP ENR column denotes the CAP programs that can be used to fulfill the proficiency testing enrollment requirements for CAP-accredited laboratories. Refer to program descriptions in this catalog to determine compatibility with your specific methodologies.

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

1,5-anhydroglucitol AG 1,5-Anhydroglucitol 71 25-OH vitamin D (cont.) X VITD 25-OH Vitamin D 84 1,25 dihydroxy BMV1 Bone Markers and 86 50:50 mixing study, APTT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 vitamin D Vitamins CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– 3-methoxytyramines N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 163 4-hydroxytriazolam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 50:50 mixing study, PT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure 5-hydroxyindoleacetic N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– acid, qualitative 163 5-hydroxyindoleacetic X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 ABO grouping X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 218 acid, quantitative X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 219 6-acetylmorphine DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Automated (6-AM) Management JATE1 Transfusion Medicine, 219 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Automated, Educational Criminalistics JATQ Quality Cross Check, 49 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Transfusion Medicine Abuse TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 T Toxicology 96 Competency UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Assessment Testing, Confirmatory ABO subgroup typing ABOSG ABO Subgroup Typing 220 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Acetaminophen X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 7-aminoclonazepam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 CZX, Z DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Management Chemistry and TDM FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics Criminalistics T Toxicology 96 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 UT Urine Toxicology 96 X SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 7-aminoflunitrazepam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 T Toxicology 96 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Criminalistics UT Urine Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 Acetone X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Volatiles 10q (PTEN) deletion GLI Glioma 259 X AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 11-deoxycortisol Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 11-hydroxy-THC THCB Blood Cannabinoids 105 VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 17-hydroxycorticosteroids N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 mortem 17-hydroxyprogesterone X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Acid-fast smear X E Mycobacteriology 188 17-ketosteroids N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 X E1 Mycobacteriology, Ltd 188 25-OH vitamin D X ABVD Accuracy-Based 85 Acid phosphatase X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Vitamin D CZ2X, CZX LN40 Vitamin D Cal Ver/Lin 129

290 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Acid phosphatase (cont.) CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Alanine aminotrans- X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Chemistry and TDM ferase (ALT/SGPT) CZ, CZ2X, Activated clotting time X CT, CT1, CT2, ACT 164 CZX CT3, CT5 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 22 CTQ, CT1Q, Quality Cross Check, 48 Chemistry and TDM CT2Q, CT3Q, ACT IFS Interfering Substances 132 CT5Q LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 POC14, Competency Activated 54 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Analyte/Procedure Index POC15, Clotting Time LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 POC16 Enzyme all Beckman Activated partial X CGB Basic Coagulation 160 except AU, Vitros Cal thromboplastin time Ver/Lin CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Albumin X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 X CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 CZ, CZ2X, CZX CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 Coagulation, Limited CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– 163 FLD Body Fluid 72 CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 162– FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 163 Body Fluid Chemistry CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 162– IFS Interfering Substances 132 163 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 DBGN Anticoagulant 163 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Monitoring, Dabigatran LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 FNPX Anticoagulant 163 Enzyme all Beckman Monitoring, except AU, Vitros Cal Fondaparinux Ver/Lin RVBN Anticoagulant 163 SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 Monitoring, Rivaroxaban Albumin, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 Activated protein C CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Oligoclonal Bands resistance Albumin, urine ABU Accuracy-Based Urine 113 CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 162– LN20 Urine Albumin 126 163 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Active vitamin B12 MMA MMA and Active Vitamin 82 General B12 Albumin: creatinine ratio ABU Accuracy-Based Urine 113 Acylcarnitine BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 LN20 Urine Albumin Cal Ver/ 126 ADAMTS-13 CGS7 ADAMTS-13 162– Lin 163 U Urine Chemistry, 68 Adenovirus GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 General X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 UMC Urine Albumin 153 ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 Creatinine Respiratory Alcohol, serum X AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 X IDR Infectious Disease 202 LN11 Serum Ethanol Cal Ver/ 124 Respiratory Panel Lin VLS2 Viral Load 199 Alcohol, whole blood X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 Volatiles X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 196 Aldolase ADL Aldolase 71 X VR4 Viral Antigen by EIA and 196 Aldosterone, serum X RAP Renin and Aldosterone 89 Latex Aldosterone, urine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 Adenovirus 40/41 SP, SPN Stool Pathogen 184 Alkaline phosphatase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Adjustable micropipette I Instrumentation 131 (ALP) CZ, CZ2X, Cal V/L CZX Adrenocorticotropic X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 hormone (ACTH) Chemistry and TDM

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 291 Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Alkaline phosphatase FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 Amikacin (cont.) CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 (ALP) (cont.) Chemistry and TDM IFS Interfering Substances 132 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 22 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Amino acids, qualitative X BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Amino acids, quantitative BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Amitriptyline DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Enzyme all Beckman FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 except AU, Vitros Cal Criminalistics Ver/Lin T Toxicology 96 Allergens (specific) SE Diagnostic Allergy 211 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Alpha-1 antitrypsin X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 X ZT TDM, Special 60 LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 Ammonia C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Alpha-1 antitrypsin X AAT Alpha-1 Antitrypsin 243 CZ2X, CZX genotyping Genotyping CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Alpha-1 globulin SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 Chemistry and TDM Alpha-2 globulin SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 LN32 Ammonia Cal Ver/Lin 128 Alpha-2-antiplasmin CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Amniotic fluid leakage AFL Amniotic Fluid Leakage 148 Alpha-2-macroglobulin A2MG Alpha-2-Macroglobulin 208 (nitrazine) Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 87 Amobarbital DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 amniotic fluid Amphetamine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 87 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 serum Management X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– Criminalistics 122 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Abuse Cal Ver/Lin 122 T Toxicology 96 Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Testing, Confirmatory Management UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Criminalistics UTCO Urine Toxicology 133 T Toxicology 96 Carryover UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Amphetamine group DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Testing, Confirmatory Management UT Urine Toxicology 96 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Alpha-thalassemia HGM Hemoglobinopathies, 245 Abuse Molecular Methods T Toxicology 96 Alprazolam DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Management UT Urine Toxicology 96 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics Amylase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ, CZ2X, T Toxicology 96 CZX OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Abuse Chemistry and TDM UT Urine Toxicology 96 FLD Body Fluid 72 Aluminum X R Trace Metals 78 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 Body Fluid Chemistry Aluminum, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Blood LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Amikacin X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin CZX, Z

292 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Amylase (cont.) LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Antibody screen (HLA) MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 234– Enzyme all Beckman (cont.) MX2E, MXB, 235 except AU, Vitros Cal MXC Ver/Lin Anticardiolipin IgA, ACL, APS Antiphospholipid 209 Amylase, pancreatic X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 qualitative Antibody 22 CZ, CZ2X, Anticardiolipin IgA, ACL, APS Antiphospholipid 209 CZX quantitative Antibody CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Anticardiolipin IgG, IgM, X ACL, APS Antiphospholipid 209 Analyte/Procedure Index Chemistry and TDM polyclonal; qualitative Antibody Amylase, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Anticardiolipin IgG, IgM, ACL, APS Antiphospholipid 209 Ver/Lin polyclonal; quantitative Antibody X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Anti-CCP CCP Cyclic Citrullinated 210 General Peptide Antibody Anabasine NTA Nicotine and Tobacco 102 Anticentromere antibody S2 Immunology, Special 207 Alkaloids Antichromatin antibody ACA Antichromatin Antibody 208 Analytical balance I Instrumentation 131 Anti-CMV, total X VM3 Viral Markers-Series 3 228 Anaplasma TTD Antibody Detection- 204 X VR3 Infectious Disease 204 phagocytophilum Tick-Transmitted Serology Diseases Anti-CMV, IgG, IgM X VR3 Infectious Disease 204 Anaplastic lymphoma PM6 Anaplastic Lymphoma 273 Serology kinase Kinase IHC Anti-D titer ABT, ABT2 Antibody Titer 221 Androstenedione X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Anti-DNA (ds) antibody, X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Angiotensin converting ACE Angiotensin Converting 71 qualitative enzyme Enzyme Anti-DNA (ds) antibody, S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Anti-A titer ABT, ABT1 Antibody Titer 221 quantitative Anti-B titer ABT3 Antibody Titer 221 Anti-DNA topoisomerase RDS Rheumatic Disease 211 Anti-beta-2-glycoprotein CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 (Scl-70) Special Serologies Antibody detection X J, JAT Transfusion Medicine 218– Antideamidated gliadin X CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 219 peptide antibody, IgA, JATE1 Transfusion Medicine, 219 IgG; qualitative Automated, Educational Antideamidated gliadin CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 JATQ Quality Cross Check, 49 peptide antibody, IgA, Transfusion Medicine IgG; quantitative X PS Platelet Serology 223 Antideamidated gliadin CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 peptide antibody screen, Competency IgA, IgG Assessment Antideamidated CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 Antibody detection/ X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 234– gliadin peptide/tissue identification (HLA) MX1E, MXB, 235 transglutaminase MXC antibody screen, IgA, IgG X MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 234– Antiendomysial antibody CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 MX2E, MXB, 235 IgA, qualitative MXC Antiendomysial antibody CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 Antibody identification ETME1 Expanded Transfusion 227 IgA, quantitative Medicine Exercises Antiendomysial antibody CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 X J, JAT Transfusion Medicine 218– IgG, qualitative 219 Antiendomysial antibody CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 JATE1 Transfusion Medicine, 219 IgG, quantitative Automated, Educational Antifilamentous actin IgG FCN Antifilamentous Actin 208 TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 antibody Antibody Competency Antifungal drugs AFD Antifungal Drugs 106 Assessment monitoring Monitoring Antibody screen (HLA) MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 234– Antifungal susceptibility X F Mycology and Aerobic 189 MX1E, MXB, 235 testing Actinomycetes MXC

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 293 Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Antifungal susceptibility X F1 Yeast 189 Anti-HCV (cont.) X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 testing (cont.) Antihistidyl t-RNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 211 Antigen detection, CDF2 Clostridium difficile 181 synthetase (Jo-1) Special Serologies 22 bacterial Detection Antihistone antibody AHT Antihistone Antibody 208 X CDF5 Clostridium difficile 182 Anti-HIV-1 X AHIV Anti-HIV Rapid Methods 229 Detection X AHIVW Anti-HIV Rapid Methods 229 X D Bacteriology 173 X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 Anti-HIV-2 X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 178 X AHIV Anti-HIV Rapid Methods 229 X D8 Group B Strep 179 Anti-HIV-1/2 X AHIV Anti-HIV Rapid Methods 229 X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 178 X AHIVW Anti-HIV Rapid Methods 229 Waived X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 X HC1 C. trachomatis by DFA 182 Anti-HIV-1/2, HIV-1 p24 X VM6, VM6X Viral Markers-Series 6 229 X HC3 C. trachomatis by EIA 182 antigen LBAS Legionella pneumophila 179 Anti-HTLV-I/II VM3 Viral Markers-Series 3 228 X MC1 Microbiology 176 Anti-Jo-1 (antihistidyl RDS Rheumatic Disease 211 Combination t-RNA synthetase) Special Serologies X MC2 Microbiology 176 Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Anti-LKM LKM Liver-Kidney 211 Combination Microsomal Antibody X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 Antimicrobial X D Bacteriology 173 Combination susceptibility testing X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 X D2 Urine Cultures 175 Strep Combination X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 POC4 POC Strep Screen 52 Competency X D7 Throat, Urine Cultures 175 SBAS Streptococcus 179 MBT Microbiology Bench 174 pneumoniae Tools Competency X VS Vaginitis Screen 185 X MC1 Microbiology 176 Combination with GC Antigen detection, viral X HC2 HSV by DFA 197 X MC2 Microbiology 176 X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Combination by DFA X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 X VR4 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Strep by EIA and Latex Antimitochondrial X S2 Immunology, Special 207 Antigliadin antibody IgA, CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 antibody, qualitative IgG, qualitative Antimitochondrial S2 Immunology, Special 207 Antigliadin antibody IgA, CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 antibody, quantitative IgG, quantitative Antimitochondrial M2 H Antimitochondrial M2 208 Antiglomerular basement X S2 Immunology, Special 207 antibody Antibody membrane, qualitative Anti-MPO S2 Immunology, Special 207 Antiglomerular basement S2 Immunology, Special 207 Antimüllerian hormone X AMH Antimüllerian Hormone 84 membrane, quantitative Antimycobacterial X E Mycobacteriology 188 Anti-HAV, IgM X VM5 Viral Markers-Series 5 229 susceptibility testing Anti-HAV, IgG X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 MTBR Molecular MTB 188 Anti-HAV, total VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 Detection and Anti-HBc, IgM X VM5 Viral Markers-Series 5 229 Resistance Anti-HBc, total X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 Antineutrophil S2 Immunology, Special 207 Anti-HBe X VM2 Viral Markers-Series 2 228 cytoplasmic antibody Anti-HBs, qualitative X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 (ANCA) Anti-HBs, quantitative VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 Antinuclear antibody X ANA, IL Immunology 206 (ANA) Anti-HCV X RHCVW Anti-HCV, Rapid 229 Methods, Waived Antiparietal cell antibody APC Autoimmune Gastritis 208 Markers

294 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Antiphospholipid ACL Antiphospholipid 209 Antithyroid microsomal, S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 antibody Antibody quantitative Antiphosphatidylserine APS Antiphosphatidylserine 209 Antithyroid peroxidase, X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 antibodies (IgG, IgM, and Antibodies qualitative 22 IgA) Antithyroid peroxidase, S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Anti-PR3 S2 Immunology, Special 207 quantitative Antiribosomal P antibody ARP Antiribosomal P 209 Antitissue X CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 Antibody transglutaminase Analyte/Procedure Index Anti-RNP antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 207 antibody IgA, qualitative qualitative Antitissue CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 Anti-RNP antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 207 transglutaminase quantitative antibody IgA, quantitative Anti-Saccharomyces ASC Anti-Saccharomyces 209 cerevisiae antibody cerevisiae Antibody Antitissue CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 transglutaminase Anti-Scl-70 (anti-DNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 211 antibody IgG, qualitative topoisomerase) Special Serologies Antitissue CES, CESX Celiac Serology 210 Anti-Sm antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 207 transglutaminase qualitative antibody IgG, Anti-Sm antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 207 quantitative quantitative Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi VM4 Viral Markers-Series 4 228 Anti-Sm/RNP antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 207 Apixaban APXBN Anticoagulant 163 qualitative Monitoring, Apixaban Anti-Sm/RNP antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 207 Apolipoprotein A1 X ABL Accuracy-Based Lipids 112 quantitative X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Antismooth muscle X S2 Immunology, Special 207 CZ2X, CZX antibody, qualitative CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Antismooth muscle S2 Immunology, Special 207 Chemistry and TDM antibody, quantitative Apolipoprotein B X ABL Accuracy-Based Lipids 112 Antisperm antibody IgG ASA Semen Analysis 156 X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Anti-SSA antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 207 CZ2X, CZX qualitative CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Anti-SSA antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 207 Chemistry and TDM quantitative Apolipoprotein E (APOE) X APOE Apolipoprotein E (APOE) 243 Anti-SSB antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 207 genotyping genotyping qualitative Aripiprazole T Toxicology 96 Anti-SSB antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 207 quantitative UT Urine Toxicology 96 Anti-SSA/SSB antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 207 Arsenic, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 qualitative Arsenic, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 Anti-SSA/SSB antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 207 Blood quantitative Arthropod identification TMO Ticks, Mites, and Other 193 Antistreptolysin O (ASO) X ASO, IL Immunology 206 Arthropods Antithrombin (activity, CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Aspartate X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Ag) aminotransferase (AST/ CZ, CZ2X, CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 162– SGOT) CZX 163 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN35 Thrombophilia Cal Ver/ 129 Chemistry and TDM Lin IFS Interfering Substances 132 Antithyroglobulin X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 antibody, qualitative Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Antithyroglobulin S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 antibody, quantitative Enzyme all Beckman except AU, Vitros Cal Antithyroid microsomal, X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Ver/Lin qualitative

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 295 Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Aspirin assay PIA, PIAX Drug-Specific Platelet 167 Bacterial antigen X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 Aggregation detection (cont.) Combination Astrovirus GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 22 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Strep Combination Atenolol T Toxicology 96 POC4 POC Strep Screen 52 Competency UT Urine Toxicology 96 SBAS S. pneumoniae Antigen 179 Atropine T Toxicology 96 Detection UT Urine Toxicology 96 X VS Vaginitis Screen 185 Automated WBC X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136 Bacterial detection in BDP, BDPV Bacterial Detection, 226 differential FH6, FH9, Differential platelets Platelets FH10, FH13, FH1P-FH4P, X BDP5, BDPV5 Bacterial Detection, 226 FH6P, FH9P, Platelets FH10P, Bacterial identification X D Bacteriology 173 FH13P X D1, D2, D3, Throat, Urine, GC 175 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 D7 Cultures FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 Series X D8 Group B Strep 179

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Autopsy pathology AUP/AUP1 Autopsy Pathology 275 DEX Expanded Bacteriology 174 B-ALL BALL B-ALL Minimal Residual 214 X HC6/HC6X C. trachomatis/GC by 186 Disease Nucleic Acid Amp B-type natriuretic X BNP B-Type Natriuretic 61 X HC7 C. trachomatis/GC DNA 186 peptides Peptides, 2 Chall by NAA X BNP5 B-Type Natriuretic 61 X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 Peptides, 5 Chall Respiratory Panel BNPQ Quality Cross Check, 41 X MC1 Microbiology 176 B-Type Natriuretic Combination with GC Peptides X MC2 Microbiology 176 LN30 B-Type Natriuretic 127 Combination Peptides Cal Ver/Lin X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 X PCARI, Plasma Cardiac Markers 65 Combination PCARM, PCARMX X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 Strep POC12 Competency Plasma 53 Cardiac Markers MBT Microbiology Bench 174 Tools Competency Babesia microti TTD Antibody Detection 204 of Tick-Transmitted MRS Methicillin-resistant 183 Staphylococcus aureus Diseases Screen Bacterial antigen CDF2 Clostridium difficile 181 detection Detection MRS2M MRSA Screen Molecular, 183 2 Challenge X CDF5 Clostridium difficile 182 Detection X MRS5 Methicillin-resistant 183 Staphylococcus aureus X D Bacteriology 173 Screen X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 X MRS5M MRSA Screen, 183 X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 178 Molecular, 5 Challenge X HC1 C. trachomatis by DFA 182 Bacterial strain typing BSTS Bacterial Strain Typing- 179 X HC3 C. trachomatis by EIA 182 Staphylococcus LBAS Legionella pneumophila 179 Bacterial vaginosis BV Bacterial Vaginosis 185 Antigen Detection screen X MC1 Microbiology 176 MVP Molecular Vaginal Panel 186 Combination VS2 Vaginitis Screen, Virtual 186 X MC2 Microbiology 176 Gram Stain Combination Barbiturate group DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management

296 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

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Barbiturate group (cont.) SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 Bilirubin, direct (cont.) CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 T Toxicology 96 Chemistry and TDM UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin UT Urine Toxicology 96 22 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 BCR/ABL1 p190 MHO2, MHO3 Molecular Hematologic 260 Enzyme all Beckman Oncology except AU, Vitros Cal MRD1 Minimal Residual 260 Ver/Lin Analyte/Procedure Index Disease X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 65 BCR/ABL1 p210 MHO2, MHO3 Molecular Hematologic 260 Bilirubin, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Oncology C4, CZ, CZ2X, MRD Minimal Residual 260 CZX Disease CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Bence Jones protein UBJP Urinary Bence Jones 76 Chemistry and TDM Protein FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 Benzodiazepine group DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Management LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Abuse LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 Enzyme all Beckman T Toxicology 96 except AU, Vitros Cal UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Ver/Lin UT Urine Toxicology 96 X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 65 Benzoylecgonine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Bilirubin, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 Management Urinalysis FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 149 Criminalistics X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Abuse Competency T Toxicology 96 Bioavailable testosterone DY Ligand Assay, Special 84 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Biochemical genetics BGL, BGL1 Biochemical Genetics 243 Testing, Confirmatory Bioterrorism agents LPX Laboratory 184 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Preparedness Exercise UT Urine Toxicology 96 BK virus ID1T Nucleic Acid Amp, JC 197 UTCO Urine Toxicology 133 and BK Carryover VLS, VLS2 Viral Load 199 Beta-2-glycoprotein I ACL, APS Antiphospholipid 209 Blood cannabinoids THCB Blood Cannabinoids 105 Antibody Blood cell identification X BCP, BCP2 Blood Cell Identification 140 Beta-2-microglobulin, X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 serum Peripheral Blood Smear Beta-2-microglobulin, CD Cadmium 102 X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– urine FH6, FH9, Differential 137 Beta-hydroxybutyrate X KET Ketones 64 FH10, FH13, Beta globulin SPE Serum Electrophoresis 76 FH14, FH1P- Beta-thalassemia HGM Hemoglobinopathies, 245 FH4P, FH6P, Molecular Methods FH9P, FH10P, Bile crystal identification BCR Bile Crystals 149 FH13P, FH14P Bilirubin, confirmatory DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 149 urine X HEP Basic Hematology 136 Bilirubin, direct X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 C4, CZ, CZ2X, Smear CZX VBF Virtual Body Fluid 148 Blood culture X BCS Blood Culture 179

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Blood culture (cont.) GNBC Gram-Negative Blood 180 BRCA1/2 sequencing X BRCA BRCA1/2 Sequencing 244 Culture Panel BRCA1/2 duplication/ BRCA BRCA1/2 Sequencing 244 GPBC Gram-Positive Blood 180 deletion analysis 22 Culture Panel Brain tissue by FISH CYJ Fluorescence In Situ 241 Blood culture BCS1 Blood Culture 180 Hybrid, Brain/Glioma Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus Tissue Blood parasite X BP Blood Parasite 193 Brightfield in situ X ISH2 In Situ Hybridization 256 X P Parasitology 192 hybridization Blood parasite, rapid RMAL Rapid Malaria 193 Brompheniramine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Bloom syndrome X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 247 Criminalistics Bocavirus IDR Infectious Disease 202 T Toxicology 96 Respiratory Panel UT Urine Toxicology 96 Body fluid case studies VBF Virtual Body Fluid 148 Buprenorphine DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Body fluid (cell count) ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 148 Management ABF3 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Body fluid (cell count) X HFC, HFCI Hemocytometer Fluid 150– Abuse Count 151 T Toxicology 96 Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Body fluid cell CMP/CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 identification Testing, Confirmatory Body fluid (chemistry) FLD, FLD2 Body Fluid 72–73 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Body fluid crystal BFC Crystals 149 UT Urine Toxicology 96 identification Bupropion T Toxicology 96 Body fluid photographs CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Bone marrow cell BMD Bone Marrow Cell 140 Butalbital DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 differential Differential DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Bone marrow cell BMD Bone Marrow Cell 140 Management identification Differential FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Bone specific alkaline BMV2 Bone Markers and 86 Criminalistics phosphatase Vitamins T Toxicology 96 Bordetella holmesii X IDR Nucleic Acid Amp, 202 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Organisms Testing, Confirmatory Bordetella parapertussis BOR Bordetella pertussis/ 181 UT Urine Toxicology 96 parapertussis, Clostridium difficile Molecular C. difficile antigen CDF2 181 Detection IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 Clostridium difficile Organisms X CDF5 182 Detection X IDR Infectious Disease 202 Respiratory Panel X D Bacteriology, Antigen 173 Detection Bordetella pertussis BOR Bordetella pertussis/ 181 parapertussis, SP, SPN Stool Pathogens-Rapid 184 Molecular and Molecular C. difficile Clostridum difficile IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 toxin CDF2 181 Organisms Detection Clostridum difficile X IDR Infectious Disease 202 CDF5 182 Respiratory Panel Detection Borrelia burgdorferi TTD Antibody Detection 204 D Bacteriology-Antigen 173 of Tick-Transmitted Detection Diseases GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 BRAF X BRAF Mutation Testing 258 GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 X MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 SP, SPN Stool Pathogens-Rapid 184 BRAF V600E BRAFV BRAF V600E 272 and Molecular BRCA1/2 X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 246– CA 15-3 LN34 Tumor Markers Cal Ver/ 128 247 Lin X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89

298 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

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CA 19-9 FLD Body Fluid 72 Campylobacter (cont.) GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Body Fluid Chemistry Canavan disease X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– LN34 Tumor Markers Cal Ver/ 128 247 22 Lin Candida culture X F3 Candida Culture 190 X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 Candida glabrata vaginal, MVP Molecular Vaginal Panel 186 CA 27.29 X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 molecular Analyte/Procedure Index CA 72-4 TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 Candida krusei vaginal, MVP Molecular Vaginal Panel 186 CA 125 LN34 Tumor Markers Cal Ver/ 128 molecular Lin Candida sp., DNA probe X VS Vaginitis Screen 185 X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 Candida sp. group, MVP Molecular Vaginal Panel 186 Cadmium, urine X CD Cadmium 102 vaginal, molecular Cadmium, whole blood X CD Cadmium 102 Cannabinoids See Delta-9-THC-COOH 100 and Delta-9-THC Caffeine X CZ2X, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ, Z Carbamazepine X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZX, Z CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM Calcitonin X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 Calcium ABS Accuracy-Based 113 Testosterone and T Toxicology 96 Estradiol UT Urine Toxicology 96 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Carbamazepine-10,11- T Toxicology 96 C4, CZ, CZ2X, epoxide CZX UT Urine Toxicology 96 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Carbamazepine, free X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Chemistry and TDM CZX, Z FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Chemistry and TDM LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Carbapenem-resistant CRO Carbapenem-resistant 181 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin organisms Organisms LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Carboxyhemoglobin X SO Blood Oximetry 94 Enzyme all Beckman SOQ Quality Cross Check, 44 except AU, Vitros Cal Blood Oximetry Ver/Lin Cardiomyopathy CMSP Cardiomyopathy 244 Calcium, urine ABU Accuracy-Based Urine 113 sequencing panel Sequencing Panel LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Carisoprodol DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Ver/Lin DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Management General FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Calcium, ionized X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Criminalistics AQ4 T Toxicology 96 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 UT Urine Toxicology 96 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Carnitine X BGL1 Biochemical Genetics 243 Blood Gas Series Casts, urine, UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 149 X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 semiquantitative CZ2X, CZX CD1a RFAV1 Rare Flow Antigen 216 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Validation CD1a Chemistry and TDM LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– CD3 X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte Subset 213 125 Immunophenotyping POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 LN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 126 POC11 Gases Ver/Lin Calcofluor white FSM Fungal Smear 191 SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 Campylobacter CAMP Campylobacter 181

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CD4 X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte Subset 213 Chloride X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Immunophenotyping AQ4 LN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 126 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 22 Ver/Lin AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous CD8 X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte Subset 213 Blood Gas Series Immunophenotyping X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 LN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 126 C4, CZ, CZ2X, Ver/Lin CZX CD20 PM3 Immunohistochemistry 273 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM CD30 CD30 CD30 273 Immunohistochemistry FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 CD34 CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 IFS Interfering Substances 132 X FL4 Flow Cytometry CD34+ 213 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 CD45 CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 Enzyme all Beckman X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte Subset 213 except AU, Vitros Cal Immunophenotyping Ver/Lin FL4 Flow Cytometry CD34+ 213

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 125 CD49d ZAP70 ZAP-70 Analysis by Flow 216 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 Cytometry POC11 Gases CD103 RFAV2 Rare Flow Antigen 216 Chloride, sweat X SW1, SW2, Sweat Analysis Series 79 Validation, CD103 SW3, SW4 CD117 (c-kit) PM1 Immunohistochemistry 273 Chloride, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 CEA FLD Body Fluid 72 Ver/Lin FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Body Fluid Chemistry General X K, KK, K2 Ligand Assay, General 82 Chloride, vitreous fluid VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– mortem 122 Chlorpheniramine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Cal Ver/Lin 122 Criminalistics Cell free DNA CFDNA Cell Free DNA 258 T Toxicology 96 NIPT Noninvasive Prenatal 87 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Testing Cholesterol ABL Accuracy-Based Lipids 112 Ceruloplasmin X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CFU-GM SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 C4, CZ, CZ2X, CH50 CH50 Total Hemolytic 212 CZX Complement CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 CH100 CH50 CH100 212 Chemistry and TDM Chlamydia trachomatis X HC1 C. trachomatis by DFA 182 FLD Body Fluid 72 X HC3 C. trachomatis by EIA 182 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Body Fluid Chemistry X HC6, HC6X C. trachomatis/GC by 186 Nucleic Acid Amp X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 65 X HC7 C. trachomatis/GC DNA 186 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 by NAA Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin VR1 Virology Culture 196 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme all Beckman Chlamydophila IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 except AU, Vitros Cal pneumoniae Organisms Ver/Lin X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 Chromium X R Trace Metals 78 Respiratory Panel Chromium, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 Chlordiazepoxide T Toxicology 96 Blood UT Urine Toxicology 96

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Chromium, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 Clostridium difficile toxin GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Chromosomal X CY, CYBK Cytogenetics 240 (cont.) abnormalities GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Citalopram DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 SP, SPN Stool Pathogens-Rapid 184 22 T Toxicology 96 and Molecular UT Urine Toxicology 96 Clozapine T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Citrate KSA Kidney Stone Risk 69 Analyte/Procedure Index Assessment ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 CK isoenzymes X CRTI Cardiac Markers 62 Monitoring, Extended CK-MB X CRT, CRTI Cardiac Markers 62 CMV ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 (immunochemical) Viruses IFS Interfering Substances 132 LN38 CMV Viral Load Cal 129 Ver/Lin LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin VLS, VLS2 Viral Load 199 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 X VM3 Viral Markers-Series 3 228 Enzyme all Beckman X VR1 Virology Culture 196 except AU, Vitros Cal X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Ver/Lin by DFA X PCARI, Plasma Cardiac Markers 65 X VR3 Infectious Disease 204 PCARM, Serology PCARMX CO2 X C3, C3X, C4, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 POC12 Competency Plasma 53 CZ, CZ2X, Cardiac Markers CZX CK2 (MB) IFS Interfering Substances 132 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Chemistry and TDM Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin IFS Interfering Substances 132 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, Enzyme 120 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 all Beckman except AU, Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Vitros Cal Ver/Lin LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Clinical pathology CPIP/CPIP1 Quality Management, 14 Enzyme all Beckman improvement program Education except AU, Vitros Cal Clomipramine T Toxicology 96 Ver/Lin UT Urine Toxicology 96 Cobalt TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 Clonazepam DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Cobalt, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 Management Blood FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Cocaethylene FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics Criminalistics T Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Clonidine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Cocaine DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Clostidium difficile CDF2 C. diff, 2 Challenge 181 Management antigen FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 X CDF5 C. diff, 5 Challenge 182 Criminalistics X D Bacteriology-Antigen 173 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Detection Abuse SP, SPN Stool Pathogens-Rapid 184 T Toxicology 96 and Molecular UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Clostridium difficile toxin CDF2 Clostridum difficile 181 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Detection Codeine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 CDF5 Clostridum difficile 182 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Detection Management D Bacteriology-Antigen 173 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Detection Criminalistics

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Codeine (cont.) OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 C-peptide (cont.) X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 86 Abuse C-Peptide, PTH T Toxicology 96 LN46 C-Peptide/Insulin Cal 130 22 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Ver/Lin Testing, Confirmatory C-reactive protein (CRP) X CRP, IL Immunology 206 UT Urine Toxicology 96 LN12, LN12E C-Reactive Protein Cal 124 Compatibility testing X J, JAT Transfusion Medicine 218– Ver/Lin 219 C-reactive protein, high- X HSCRP High-Sensitivity 64 JATE1 Transfusion Medicine, 219 sensitivity (hsCRP) C-Reactive Protein Automated, Educational LN21 High-Sensitivity 126 TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 C-Reactive Protein Cal Competency Ver/Lin Assessment Creatine kinase (CK) X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Complement C3 X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 CZ, CZ2X, CZX LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Complement C4 X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 Chemistry and TDM LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Complexed PSA X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Conductivity, sweat X SW1, SW2, Sweat Analysis Series 79 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin SW3, SW4 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Connexin 26 X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 246– Enzyme all Beckman 247 except AU, Vitros Cal Copper X R Trace Metals 78 Ver/Lin Copper, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 Creatinine X AQ2, AQ4 Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Copper, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 AQ2Q, AQ4Q Quality Cross Check, 44 Blood Critical Care Aqueous Coproporphyrins X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 Blood Gas Series Coronavirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Respiratory C4, CZ, CZ2X, IDR Infectious Disease, 202 CZX Respiratory Panel CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Cortisol ABS Accuracy-Based 113 Chemistry and TDM Testosterone and FLD Body Fluid 72 Estradiol FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Body Fluid Chemistry CZ, CZ2X, IFS Interfering Substances 132 CZX LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Chemistry and TDM LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Enzyme all Beckman LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– except AU, Vitros Cal 122 Ver/Lin LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– LN24 Creatinine Accuracy Cal 127 Cal Ver/Lin 122 Ver/Lin Cortisol, salivary SALC Salivary Cortisol 77 SCO Serum Carryover 133 Cortisol, urinary free X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 Creatinine, urine ABU Accuracy-Based Urine 113 Cotinine NTA Nicotine and Tobacco 102 X BU Bone and Mineral, Urine 85 Alkaloids X CD Cadmium 102 T Toxicology 96 DAI Urine Drug Adulterant/ 98 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Integrity Testing C-peptide ABGIC Accuracy-Based 115 LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Glucose, Insulin, and Ver/Lin C-Peptide

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Creatinine, urine (cont.) LN20 Urine Albumin Cal Ver/ 126 Cyclobenzaprine (cont.) T Toxicology 96 Lin UT Urine Toxicology 96 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Cyclospora cayatanensis GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 General GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 22 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Cyclosporine X CS Immunosuppressive 59 Testing, Confirmatory Drugs X UMC Urine Albumin/ 153

LN31 Immunosuppressive 128 Analyte/Procedure Index Creatinine Drugs Cal Ver/Lin Creatinine, vitreous fluid VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 CYP2C9 PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 mortem CYP2C19 PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 Creatinine, whole blood X WBCR Whole Blood Creatinine 66 CYP2D6 PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 Crossmatching EXM, EXM2 Electronic Crossmatch 219– CYP3A4 220 PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 CYP3A5 X J, JAT Transfusion Medicine 218– PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 219 Cystatin C CYS Cystatin C 74 X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 234– Cystic fibrosis X MGL2, MGL5 Molecular Genetics 246– MXB, MXC 235 247 X MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis Class II 234– Cystine KSA Kidney Stone Risk 69 MXB, MXC 235 Assessment TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 Cytogenomic microarray CYCGH Constitutional 242 Competency Microarray Analysis Assessment CYCMA Cytogenomic Microarray 242 Cryptococcal antigen X CRYP Cryptococcal Antigen 190 Analysis for Oncologic detection Detection Abnormality F Mycology and Aerobic 189 Cytology proficiency See Cytopathology GYN 277 Actinomycetes testing proficiency testing F1 Yeast 189 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Cryptococcus IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Viruses neoformans/gatti Panel IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Cryptosporidium GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Panel GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 LN38 CMV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 Lin Cryptosporidium X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 192 immunoassay, preserved VLS, VLS2 Viral Load 199 specimen X VM3 Viral Markers-Series 3 228 Crystals, urine UAA Automated Urinalysis 149 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 (semiquantitative) X VR2 Virology by DFA 196 Crystal identification BCR Bile crystals 149 X VR3 Infectious Disease 204 (bile) Serology Crystal identification BFC Body Fluid Crystals 149 Cytopathology GYN PAPCE1 PAP Edu, Conventional 278 (body fluid) education Crystal identification BFC Body Fluid Crystals 149 PAPJE1 PAP Edu, All 278 (body fluid, urine and Technologies bile) PAPKE1 PAP Edu, SurePath 278 Crystal identification URC Urine Crystals 149 PAPME1 PAP Edu, ThinPrep 278 (urine) Cytopathology GYN PAPCPT PAP PT, Conventional 277 CSF antigen detection X D Bacteriology 173 proficiency testing C-telopeptide (CTX) BMV5 Bone Markers and 86 PAPJPT PAP PT, Combination 277 Vitamin PAPKPT PAP PT, SurePath 277 BU Bone and Mineral, Urine 85 PAPLPT PAP PT, Combination 277 Cyclic citrullinated CCP Anti-cyclic Citrullinated 210 PAPMPT PAP PT, ThinPrep 277 peptide antibody Peptide Antibody Cytopathology, FNA/FNA1 Fine-Needle Aspiration- 282 Cyclobenzaprine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 nongynecologic Online FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FNAG/FNAG1 Fine-Needle Aspiration- 283 Criminalistics Glass

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Cytopathology, NGC/NGC1 Nongynecologic 281 Desmethylclomipramine UT Urine Toxicology 96 nongynecologic (cont.) Cytopath Edu Prgm (cont.) Cytopreparation HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 150 Desmethylcycloben- FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 22 differential Count zaprine Criminalistics Dabigatran DBGN Anticoagulant 163 T Toxicology 96 Monitoring, Dabigatran UT Urine Toxicology 96 D-dimer, qualitative CGDF Coagulation, D-dimer/ 160 Desmethylsertraline T Toxicology 96 FDP UT Urine Toxicology 96 CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 Dextromethorphan DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 D-dimer, quantitative X CGDF Coagulation, D-dimer/ 160 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FDP Criminalistics X CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 T Toxicology 96 CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Coagulation, Limited DHEA sulfate X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 LN42 D-dimer Cal Ver/Lin 130 DIA (Dimeric inhibin A) X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 87 X PCARM, Plasma Cardiac Markers 65 PCARMX Diazepam DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management POC12 Competency Plasma 53

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Cardiac Markers FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics Delta-9-THC FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Abuse OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Abuse T Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 THCB Blood Cannabinoids 105 Differential, automated X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– FH6, FH9, Differential 137 UT Urine Toxicology 96 FH10, FH13, Delta-9-THC-COOH DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 FH14, DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 FH1P-FH4P, Management FH6P, FH9P, FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FH10P, FH13P, Criminalistics FH14P OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 Abuse FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Series T Toxicology 96 Differential (fluid), HFC, HFCI Hemocytometer Fluid 150– THCB Blood Cannabinoids 105 manual Count 151 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Differential (blood), EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 Testing, Confirmatory manual Peripheral Blood Smear UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Smear UTCO Urine Toxicology 133 Differential (bone BMD Bone Marrow Cell 140 Carryover marrow), manual Differential Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) BU Bone and Mineral, Urine 85 Digital slide program in FNA/FNA1 Online Digital Slide 282 Dermatopathology DPATH/ Online Digital Slide 265 fine-needle aspiration, Program DPATH1 Program online Dermatophyte X F Mycology and Aerobic 189 Digoxin X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 identification Actinomycetes CZX, Z Desipramine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Chemistry and TDM Criminalistics LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 T Toxicology 96 Digoxin, free X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 UT Urine Toxicology 96 CZX, Z X ZT TDM, Special 60 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Desmethylclomipramine T Toxicology 96 Chemistry and TDM

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Dihydrocodeine T Toxicology 96 Doxepin DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 UT Urine Toxicology 96 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Diltiazem T Toxicology 96 Criminalistics UT Urine Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 22 Dilute prothrombin time CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Dilute Russell’s viper CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– Doxylamine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108

venom time 163 T Toxicology 96 Analyte/Procedure Index Dimeric inhibin A (DIA) X FP, FPX Maternal Screen 87 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Diphenhydramine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 DPYD PGX3 Pharmacogenetics 249 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Duloxetine T Toxicology 96 Criminalistics UT Urine Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 Ecgonine ethyl ester FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Criminalistics Diphenylhydantoin See Phenytoin T Toxicology 96 Direct antiglobulin X DAT Direct Antiglobulin 222 UT Urine Toxicology 96 testing Testing Ecgonine methyl ester FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 TMCAD Transfusion Medicine, 223 Criminalistics Competency T Toxicology 96 Assessment UT Urine Toxicology 96 Direct bilirubin X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 E. coli O157 GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 C4, CZ, CZ2X, CZX EGFR-Epidermal growth X EGFR Mutation Testing 258 factor receptor CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM X MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 eGFR LN24 Creatinine Accuracy 127 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin CalVer/Lin LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Electronic crossmatch EXM, EXM2 Electronic Crossmatch 219– Enzyme all Beckman 220 except AU, Vitros Cal Electrophoresis X HG Hemoglobinopathy 141 Ver/Lin LPE Lipoprotein 76 X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 65 Electrophoresis Disease association/ DADR1, Disease Association/ 237 X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 drug risk DADR2 Drug Risk Oligoclonal Bands Disopyramide X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 CZX, Z UBJP Urinary Bence Jones 76 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Proteins Chemistry and TDM Elution, antibody ELU Eluate 222 DMD/Becker X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– TMCAE Eluate Competency 224 247 Assessment DNA analysis X DML HLA Molecular Typing 235 Embryology EMB Embryology 157 MHO Molecular Oncology 260 Enteroaggregative E. coli GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 X PARF Parentage/Relationship 231 (EAEC) DNA content/cell cycle FL, FL2 Flow Cytometry 213 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 analysis Enteropathogenic E. coli GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 DNA extraction and MHO5 Molecular Oncology 257, (EPEC) amplification Hematologic 260 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 DNA fingerprinting IDN, IDO Nucelic Acid Amp, 201 Enterotoxigenic E. coli GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Organisms (ETEC) DNA mismatch repair HQMMR HistoQIP Mismatch 269 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Repair IHC Enterovirus ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 MMR DNA Mismatch Repair 272 Viruses DNA sequencing SEC, SEC1 DNA Sequencing 248 IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Dopamine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 Panel

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Enterovirus (cont.) X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 Ethosuximide (cont.) CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Respiratory Panel Chemistry and TDM X VR1 Virology Culture 196 Ethylene glycol AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 22 Eosinophils, urine SCM2 Special Clinical 152 Volatiles Microscopy AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 Ephedrine FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) ETB Ethanol Biomarkers 102 Criminalistics Ethyl sulfate (EtS) ETB Ethanol Biomarkers 102 T Toxicology 96 Everolimus EV Everolimus 60 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Factor II CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Epidermal growth factor X EGFR Mutation Testing 258 Factor II mutation X TPM Thrombophilia 250 receptor (EGFR) Mutations X MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– Epinephrine N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 247 Epithelial cells, urine, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 149 Factor V CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 semiquantitative Factor V Leiden mutation X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 247 Viruses X TPM Thrombophilia 250 ISH In Situ Hybridization 256 Mutations Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure VLS, VLS2 Viral Load 199 Factor VII CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 Factor VIII X CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Infectious Disease X CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 162– Serology 163 ER, PgR by X PM2 ER, PgR by 274 Factor VIII inhibitor CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 162– immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry 163 Erythrocyte ESR, ESR1, Erythrocyte 141 Factor IX CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 sedimentation rate ESR2, ESR3 Sedimentation Rate Factor X CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Erythropoietin EPO Erythropoietin 86 Factor XI CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Escherichia coli K1 IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Factor XII CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Panel Factor XIII CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Escherichia coli O157 GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Familial dysautonomia X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 247 Estradiol ABS Accuracy-Based 113 Fanconi anemia, X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– Testosterone and complementation grp. C 247 Estradiol Fecal calprotectin FCAL Fecal Calprotectin 75 LN8 Reproductive 123 Endocrinology Cal Ver/ Fecal fat, qualitative FCFS Fecal Fat 75 Lin Fecal lactoferrin FLAC Fecal Lactoferrin 182 X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Fentanyl DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Estriol, unconjugated X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 87 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 (uE3) Management X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics Estrogen receptors by X PM2 ER, PgR by 274 immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry T Toxicology 96 Ethanol X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Volatiles UT Urine Toxicology 96 X AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 Fern test (vaginal) X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 LN11 Serum Ethanol Cal Ver/ 124 Misc Lin Ferritin X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Ethanol, urine UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 CZ2X, CZX Ethanol, vitreous fluid VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 mortem Chemistry and TDM Ethosuximide X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 X K, KK, K2 Ligand Assay, General 82 CZX, Z

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Ferritin (cont.) LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– FISH for lymphoma CYL Fluorescence In 241 122 Situ Hybridization, LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Lymphoma Cal Ver/Lin 122 FISH for paraffin- CYH Fluorescence In Situ 241 22 Fetal fibronectin X FF Fetal Fibronectin 86 embedded tissue Hybridization, Breast Cancer Fetal hemoglobin (gastric APT Fetal Hemoglobin 150 fluid) CYJ Fluorescence In Situ 241 Hybridization, Brain/ Analyte/Procedure Index Fetal hemoglobin X HG Hemoglobinopathy 141 Glioma Tissue identification CYK Fluorescence In Situ 241 Fetal membrane rupture ROM1 Rupture of Fetal 152 Hybridization, Sarcoma Membrane Tissue or Pediatric Fetal red cell X HBF Fetal Red Cell Detection 222 Neoplasm quantitation CYL Fluorescence In 241 TMCAF Transfusion Medicine, 224 Situ Hybridization, Competency Lymphoma Assessment FISH for sarcoma CYK Fluorescence In Situ 241 Fetal screen (Rosette X HBF Fetal Red Cell Detection 222 Hybridization, Sarcoma testing) Tissue or Pediatric TMCAF Transfusion Medicine, 224 Neoplasm Competency FISH for urothelial X CYI Fluorescence In Situ 240 Assessment carcinoma hybridization Hybridization, Urothelial Fibrin monomer CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 162– and interpretation Carcinoma 163 on-site Fibrinogen X CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 Fluconazole AFD Antifungal Drugs 106 CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 Monitoring Coagulation, Limited Flunitrazepam T Toxicology 96 LN44 Fibrinogen, Cal Ver/Lin 130 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Fibrinogen antigen CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Fluorescent microscope I Instrumentation 131 Fibrinogen degradation CGDF Coagulation, D-dimer/ 160 check products, plasma FDP Fluoxetine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 Criminalistics Coagulation, Limited Flurazepam FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Fibrinogen degradation CGDF Coagulation, D-dimer/ 160 Criminalistics products, serum FDP Folate, RBC X FOL RBC Folate 88 CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 Folate, serum X K, KK, K2 Ligand Assay, General 82 CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– Coagulation, Limited 122 Fine-needle aspiration, FNA/FNA1 Online Digital Slide 282 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– digital slide program Program Cal Ver/Lin 122 Fine-needle aspiration, FNAG/FNAG1 Fine-Needle Aspiration 283 Follicle-stimulating ABS Accuracy-Based 113 glass slides hormone (FSH) Testosterone, Estradiol FISH for breast X CYH Fluorescence In Situ 241 LN8 Reproductive 123 carcinoma hybridization Hybridization, Breast Endocrinology Cal Ver/ and interpretation Cancer Lin HER2 on site ( gene X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 amplification) Fondaparinux FNPX Anticoagulant 163 CYJ Fluorescence In Situ 241 FISH for brain/glioma Monitoring, Hybridization, Brain/ Fondaparinux Glioma Tissue Forensic pathology FR/FR1 Forensic Pathology 286 FISH for constitutional CYF Fluorescence In Situ 240 104 and hematologic Hybridization Forensic toxicology FTC Forensic Toxicology, disorders Criminalistics Fragile X X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– 247

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Free beta hCG FP1B First Trimester Maternal 87 Giardia immunoassay, X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 192 Screening, Free Beta preserved specimen Free testosterone X DY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Giemsa stain X BP Blood Parasite 193 22 Friedreich ataxia X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– X P Parasitology 192 247 Glioma by FISH CYJ Fluorescence In Situ 241 Fructosamine FT Fructosamine 75 Hybridization, Brain/ Fungal culture CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 Glioma Tissue SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 Glucose ABGIC Accuracy-Based 115 Glucose, Insulin, and Fungal serology FSER Fungal Serology 190 C-Peptide Fungus identification X F Mycology and Aerobic 189 X AQ2, AQ4 Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Actinomycetes AQ2Q, AQ4Q Quality Cross Check, 44 X F1 Yeast 189 Critical Care Aqueous Candida X F3 culture 190 Blood Gas Series Gabapentin DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Management C4, CZ, CZ2X, T Toxicology 96 CZX UT Urine Toxicology 96 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 Chemistry and TDM Monitoring, Extended FLD Body Fluid 72 Galactomannan FGAL Galactomannan 190 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Gamma globulin M, OL1 CSF Chemistry 74 Body Fluid Chemistry SPE Serum Electrophoresis 76 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Gamma glutamyl X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 transferase (GGT) CZ2X, CZX Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Chemistry and TDM Enzyme all Beckman IFS Interfering Substances 132 except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– 125 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme all Beckman Glucose, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 except AU, Vitros Cal Oligoclonal Bands Ver/Lin Glucose, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Gamma hydroxybutyrate DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Urinalysis Criminalistics X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Gardnerella vaginalis, X VS Vaginitis Screen 185 LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 DNA probe Ver/Lin Gastric occult blood GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 150 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Gastric pH GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 150 Competency Gastrin X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 86 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 C-Peptide, PTH General Gaucher disease X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– Glucose, vitreous fluid VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 247 mortem Genomic copy number CYCGH Constitutional 242 Glucose, whole blood X HCC Waived Combination 66 array Microarray Analysis HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Gentamicin X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 65 CZX, Z LN17 Whole Blood Glucose 125 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Cal Ver/Lin Chemistry and TDM POC2 POC Glucose 52 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 Competency Giardia GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203

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Glucose, whole blood POC7 POC/Waived Glucose 52 Group A Streptococcus POC4 POC Strep Screen 52 (cont.) and Hemoglobin antigen detection (cont.) Competency Competency Group B Streptococcus X D8 Group B Strep 179 WBGQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Growth hormone X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Whole Blood Glucose 22 Gyn cytopathology See Cytopathology GYN Glucose-6-phosphate G6PDS Glucose-6 Phosphate 75 Proficiency Testing dehydrogenase Dehydrogenase Gyn cytopathology See Cytopathology GYN (qualitative and Analyte/Procedure Index education Education quantitative) Haemophilus influenzae IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Glutaraldehyde, urine DAI Urine Drug Adulterant/ 98 Panel Integrity Testing Haptoglobin X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 Glycated serum albumin GSA Glycated Serum 64 Albumin X S2/S4 Immunology, Special 207 Glycogen storage disease X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– HBeAg X VM2 Viral Markers-Series 2 228 type 1A 247 HBsAg X VM1 Viral Markers-Series 1 228 HBV X HBVL, HBVL5 Hepatitis Viral Load 198 Glycohemoglobin X GH2, GH5, Hemoglobin A1c 63– GH5I 64 X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 230 GHQ Quality Cross Check, 42 HCV X HCV2 Hepatitis Viral Load, 198

Hemoglobin A1c Genotyping and Qualitative LN15 Hemoglobin A1c Cal 125 Ver/Lin LN45 HCV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 Glycosaminoglycans BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 Lin (mucopolysaccharides) X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 230 Gram stain X D Bacteriology 173 HDL cholesterol ABL Accuracy-Based Lipid 112 X D2, D3, D7 Throat, Urine, GC 175 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Cultures C4, CZ, CZ3X, X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 176 CZX X D5 Gram Stain 177 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 X MC1 Microbiology 176 Chemistry and TDM Combination with GC X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 65 X MC2 Microbiology 176 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Combination Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Strep Enzyme all Beckman VGS1 Virtual Gram Stain Basic 178 except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin VGS2 Virtual Gram Stain 178 Advanced Helicobacter pylori X HPS H. pylori Antigen, Stool 182 VS2 Vaginitis Screen, Virtual 186 X S2, S4 H. pylori IgG Antibody 207 Gram stain XS5 H. pylori IgG Antibody 207 Group A Streptococcus X D Bacteriology 173 X VR3 H. pylori IgG Antibody 204 antigen detection Hematocrit X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 AQ4 X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 178 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 178 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Waived Blood Gas Series X MC1 Microbiology 176 CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 Combination with GC X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– X MC2 Microbiology 176 FH6, FH9, Differential 137 Combination FH10, FH13, FH14, FH1P- X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 FH4P, FH6P, Combination FH9P, FH10P, X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 FH13P, Strep FH14P

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Hematocrit (cont.) FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 Hemoglobin, estimated AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology (cont.) AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Series Blood Gas Series 22 X FH15 Centrifugal Hematology 137 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 POC11 Gases X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 Hemoglobin, plasma PHG Plasma Hemoglobin 76 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 Hemoglobin, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 POC11 Gases CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 Urinalysis X SO Blood Oximetry 94 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 SOQ Quality Cross Check, 44 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Blood Oximetry Competency Hematology case studies EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 Hemoglobin A1c X GH2, GH5, Hemoglobin A1c 63– Peripheral Blood Smear GH5I 64 BMD Bone Marrow Cell 140 GHQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Differential Hemoglobin A1c VPBS Virtual Periperal Blood 144 LN15 Hemoglobin A1c Cal 125 Smear Ver/Lin Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Hematopathology online HPATH, Hematopathology 145 Hemoglobin A2 X HG Hemoglobinopathy 141 education HPATH1 Online Education quantitation Hemochromatosis X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– Hemoglobin F X HG Hemoglobinopathy 141 247 quantitation Hemocytometer fluid X HFC, HFCI Hemocytometer Fluid 150– Hemoglobin S/C X HGM Hemoglobinopathies 245 count Count 151 Genotyping Hemoglobin CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– 247 X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– FH6, FH9, Differential 137 Hemolytic complement, CH50 Total Hemolytic 212 FH10, FH13, total Complement FH14, FH1P- Hemosiderin, urine SCM1 Special Clinical 152 FH4P, FH6P, Microscopy FH9P, FH10P, Heparin assay CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 162– FH13P, 163 FH14P Heparin-induced CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 thrombocytopenia FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology CGS5 Coag Special, HIT 162– Series 163 X FH15 Centrifugal Hematology 137 CGS6 Coagulation Special 162– X HCC Waived Combination 66 163 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 CGS8 Coag Special, HIT 162– X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 163 LN9 Hematology Cal Ver/Lin 123 Heparin, low molecular LN36 Heparin Cal Ver/Lin 129 POC7 POC/Waived Glucose 52 weight and Hemoglobin Heparin, unfractionated LN36 Heparin Cal/Ver Lin 129 Competency Heparin/platelet Factor CGS5 Coag Special, HIT 162– SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 IV 163 X SO Blood Oximetry 94 CGS6 Coagulation Special 162– SOQ Quality Cross Check, 44 163 Blood Oximetry Hepatitis B virus X HBVL, HBVL5 Hepatitis Viral Load 198 Hemoglobin X HG Hemoglobinopathy 141 Hepatitis C virus X HCV2 Hepatitis Viral Load, 198 electrophoresis Genotyping and Hemoglobin, estimated X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Qualitative AQ4 LN45 HCV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 Lin HER2, gastric GHER2 Gastric HER2 274

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HER2 gene amplification X ISH2 In Situ Hybridization 256 HLA-A, -B, -C antibody X MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 234– by ISH identification (cont.) MX2E, MXB, 235 HER2 gene amplification X CYH Fluorescence In Situ 241 MXC by FISH, hybridization Hybridization, Breast HLA-(Class I/II) X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 234– and interpretation on site Cancer crossmatching MX1E, MXB, 235 22 HER2 by X HER2 HER2 by 274 MXC immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry X MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 234– HER2 by molecular MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 MX2E, MXB, 235 Analyte/Procedure Index testing MXC Herpes simplex virus X HC2 HSV by DFA 197 HLA-(Class I/II) antibody MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I/II 234– (HSV) screen MX1E, MX2B, 235 MX2C, MX2E, X HC4 HSV Culture 197 MXB, MXC ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 HLA-B*1502 PGX2 Pharmacogenetics 249 Viruses HLA-B27 typing X B27 HLA-B27 Typing 235 IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Panel HLA-B*5701 PGX2 Pharmacogenetics 249 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 DADR1 Disease Association, 237 Drug Risk X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 196 HLA-B*57:01 DADR1 Disease Association, 237 X VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 Drug Risk Infectious Disease Serology HLA-B*58:01 DADR1 Disease Association, 237 Drug Risk HHV6 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Viruses HLA-DQA1*03/ DADR2 Disease Association, 237 DQB1*03:02 Drug Risk IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Panel HLA-DQA1*05/DQB1*02 DADR2 Disease Association, 237 Drug Risk VLS2 Viral Load 199 HLA molecular typing X DML HLA Molecular Typing 235 HHV8 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Viruses Homocysteine X HMS Homocysteine 64 High-sensitivity X HSCRP hsCRP 64 LN16 Homocysteine Cal Ver/ 125 C-reactive protein Lin LN21 High-Sensitivity 126 Homovanillic acid X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 C-Reactive Protein Cal HPV (cytopathology), X CHPVD Digene Specimen 279 Ver/Lin high-risk Transport Medium Histotechnology quality HQIP, HistoQIP 268– X CHPVJ Mixed Medium 279 improvement HQIPBX, 271 X CHPVK SurePath Preservative 279 HQBX1, Fluid Transport Medium HQBX2, X CHPVM ThinPrep PreservCyt 279 HQBX3, Transport Medium HQBX4, HQIHC, HPV Digene Hybrid Capture 197 HQMMR, Technology Only HQNSC, ISH In Situ Hybridization 256 HQWSI HSV X HC2 HSV by DFA 197 HIV X HIVG, HV2 HIV Viral Load 199 X HC4 HSV Culture 197 LN39 HIV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Lin Viruses X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 230 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 HIV genotyping HIVG HIV Viral Genotyping 199 X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 196 HIV-1 p24 antigen X VM3 Viral Markers-Series 3 228 X VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 HIV-1 p24 antigen, Anti X VM6, VM6X Viral Markers-Series 6 229 Infectious Disease HIV 1/2 Serology HLA-A, -B, -C antibody X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 234– Human chorionic X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 identification MX1E, MXB, 235 gonadotropin (hCG), C4, CZ, CZ2X, MXC serum CZX

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Human chorionic CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Human papillomavirus CHPVJ Mixed Medium 279 gonadotropin (hCG), Chemistry and TDM (cytology) high-risk serum (cont.) genotyping 22 X FP/FPX, FP1T Maternal Screen 87 CHPVM ThinPrep PreservCyt 279 X HCG, IL Immunology 206 Transport Medium X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Human parechovirus IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Panel LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– 122 Huntington disease X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– 247 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Cal Ver/Lin 122 Hydrocodone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 LN8 Reproductive 123 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Endocrinology Cal Ver/ Management Lin FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 SCO Serum Carryover 133 Criminalistics Human chorionic X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 gonadotropin (hCG), Abuse urine (qualitatitve) T Toxicology 96 CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Urinalysis Testing, Confirmatory X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 UT Urine Toxicology 96 POC1 POC hCG Competency 52 Hydromorphone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Competency Management X UHCG Urine HCG 152 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Human epididymis HUEP Human Epididymis 89 Criminalistics protein 4 Protein 4 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Human herpesvirus 6 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Abuse Viruses T Toxicology 96 IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Panel Testing, Confirmatory VLS2 Viral Load 199 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Human herpesvirus 8 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Hydroxybupropion T Toxicology 96 Viruses Hydroxyzine T Toxicology 96 Human immuno- X HIVG, HV2 HIV Viral Load 199 UT Urine Toxicology 96 deficiency virus (HIV) Ibuprofen T Toxicology 96 HIVG HIV Genotyping 199 UT Urine Toxicology 96 LN39 HIV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 IDH1 GLI Glioma 259 Lin IDH2 GLI Glioma 259 Human ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 metapneumovirus Respiratory IgA X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 Respiratory Panel IgA, electrophoresis X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 Human papillomavirus X CHPVD Digene Specimen 279 IgD S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 (cytology) high-risk Transport Medium IgE X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 X CHPVJ Mixed Medium 279 X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 X CHPVK SurePath Preservative 279 X SE Diagnostic Allergy 211 Fluid Transport Medium IgE allergen-specific, SE Diagnostic Allergy 211 X CHPVM ThinPrep PreservCyt 279 quantitative Transport Medium IgE multi-allergen screen X SE Diagnostic Allergy 211 HPV Digene Hybrid Capture 197 IGF-1 (somatomedin C) X BGS Bone and Growth 85 Technology Only X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 ISH In Situ Hybridization 256 IgG X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123

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IgG (cont.) S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Influenza virus (cont.) X VR1 Virology Culture 196 IgG, electrophoresis X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 IgG, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 by DFA Oligoclonal Bands X VR4 Viral Antigen Detection 196 22 IgG subclass proteins S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 by EIA and Latex IGHV IGHV Mutation Analysis 256 Inherited cancer ICSP Inherited Cancer 245 sequencing panel Sequencing Panel

IgM X IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 Analyte/Procedure Index In situ hybridization X ISH In Situ Hybridization 256 LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 X ISH2 In Situ Hybridization 256 IgM, electrophoresis X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 HER2 IL-2 CTKN Cytokines 210 Instrument function I Instrumentation 131 IL-6 CTKN Cytokines 210 Instrument linearity I Instrumentation 131 IL-8 CTKN Cytokines 210 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 IL-10 CTKN Cytokines 210 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin IL28B PGX1 Pharmacogenetics 249 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Imipramine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Enzyme all Beckman FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 except AU, Vitros Cal Criminalistics Ver/Lin T Toxicology 96 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 UT Urine Toxicology 96 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– X ZT TDM, Special 60 122 Immature granulocyte FH9, FH9P Hematology, Auto Diff 136 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– parameter Cal Ver/Lin 122 Immunohistochemistry BRAFV BRAF V600E 272 LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 CD30 CD30 273 Ver/Lin Immunohistochemistry LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 GHER2 Gastric HER2 274 LN8 Reproductive 123 X HER2 HER2 by 274 Endocrinology Cal Ver/ Immunohistochemistry Lin MK Immunohistochemistry 272 LN9 Hematology Cal Ver/Lin 123 MMR DNA Mismatch Repair 272 LN11 Serum Ethanol Cal Ver/ 124 Lin PDL1 PDL1 272 LN12, LN12E C-Reactive Protein Cal 124 PM1 CD117 by 273 Ver/Lin Immunohistochemistry LN13 Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– X PM2 ER, PR by 274 125 Immunohistochemistry LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– PM3 CD20 by 273 125 Immunohistochemistry LN15 Hemoglobin A Cal 125 PM5 Immunohistochemistry 273 1c Ver/Lin TMA LN16 Homocysteine Cal Ver/ 125 PM6 Anaplastic Lymphoma 273 Lin Kinase IHC LN17 Whole Blood Glucose 125 India ink IND India Ink 191 Cal Ver/Lin Infectious X IL, IM Immunology 206 LN18, LN19 Reticulocyte Cal Ver/Lin 126 mononucleosis (IM) LN20 Urine Albumin Cal Ver/ 126 X IMW Infectious 207 Lin Mononucleosis, Waived LN21 High-Sensitivity 126 Influenza virus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, Resp 198 C-Reactive Protein Cal X ID3 Influenza A, Influenza B, 198 Ver/Lin RSV by NAA LN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 126 X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 Ver/Lin Respiratory Panel LN23 PSA Cal Ver/Lin 127 POC8 POC Influenza A/B Ag 52

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Instrument linearity LN24 Creatinine Accuracy Cal 127 International normalized X WP3, WP4, Whole Blood 168 (cont.) Ver/Lin ratio (INR) (cont.) WP6, WP9 Coagulation LN25 Troponin I Cal Ver/Lin 127 WP10 Whole Blood 168 22 LN27 Troponin T Cal Ver/Lin 127 Coagulation LN30 BNP Cal Ver/Lin 127 Ionized calcium X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 AQ4 LN31 Immunosuppressive 128 Drugs Cal Ver/Lin AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous LN32 Ammonia Cal Ver/Lin 128 Blood Gas Series LN33 Serum Myoglobin Cal 128 X C3, CZ, CZX Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Ver/Lin POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 LN34 Tumor Markers Cal Ver/ 128 POC11 Gases Lin Iron X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 LN35 Thrombophilia Cal Ver/ 129 CZ, CZ2X, Lin CZX LN36 Heparin Cal Ver/Lin 129 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN37 von Willebrand Factor 129 Chemistry and TDM Ag Cal Ver/Lin IFS Interfering Substances 132 LN38 CMV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Lin Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin LN39 HIV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Lin Enzyme all Beckman LN40 Vitamin D Cal Ver/Lin 129 except AU, Vitros Cal LN41 Procalcitonin Cal Ver/ 130 Ver/Lin Lin Isopropanol X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 LN42 D-Dimer Cal Ver/Lin 130 Volatiles LN43 Lamellar Body Count 130 X AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 Cal Ver/Lin Itraconazole AFD Antifungal Drugs 106 LN44 Fibrinogen Cal Ver/Lin 130 Monitoring LN45 HCV Viral Load Cal Ver/ 129 JC virus ID1T Nucleic Acid Amp, JC 197 Lin and BK LN46 C-Peptide/Insulin Cal 130 Jo-1 (antihistidyl t-RNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 211 Ver/Lin synthetase) Special Insulin ABGIC Accuracy-Based 115 Kaolin-activated CT CGE/CGEX Coagluation, Extended 161 Glucose, Insulin, and Kappa/Lambda X ISH In Situ Hybridization 256 C-Peptide Kappa/Lambda ratio IG/IGX Immunology, General 206 X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 86 S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 C-Peptide, PTH Free Kappa/Lambda ratio SFLC Serum Free Light Chains 212 LN46 C-Peptide/Insulin Cal 130 Ver/Lin Karyotype nomenclature X CY, CYBK Cytogenetics 240 Interferon (IFN) gamma CTKN Cytokines 210 Ketamine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Interleukin (IL)-1 beta CTKN Cytokines 210 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics International normalized X CGB Basic Coagulation 160 ratio (INR) T Toxicology 96 X CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 UT Urine Toxicology 96 CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 Ketones, serum KET Ketones 64 Coagulation, Limited Ketones, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 163 Urinalysis CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 162– X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 163 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 POC6 POC PT/INR, CoaguChek 52 Competency XS Plus Kidney stone assessment KSA Kidney Stone 69 Assessment

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KIT KIT KIT/PDGFRA 258 Lamotrigine (cont.) ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 Monitoring, Extended KOH prep (skin or X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 Large unclassified cells FH4, FH14, Hematology, Auto Diff 137 vaginal) Misc (LUC) FH4P, FH14P 22 X FSM Fungal Smear 191 LD isoenzymes X CRTI Cardiac Markers 62 KRAS X KRAS Colorectal Cancer 258 LD1/LD2 ratio X CRTI Cardiac Markers 62 Mutation LDL cholesterol X ABL Accuracy-Based Lipid 112 Analyte/Procedure Index X MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 LDL cholesterol, X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Laboratory preparedness LPX Laboratory 184 measured C4, CZ, CZ2X, exercise Preparedness Exercise CZX Lacosamide ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Monitoring, Extended Chemistry and TDM Lactate X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 LDL cholesterol, waived X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 65 AQ4 Lead (blood) X BL Blood Lead 102 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 Lead, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Legionella LBAS Legionella Ag 179 Blood Gas Series Legionella pneumophila IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Organisms CZ2X, CZX X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Respiratory Panel Chemistry and TDM Leukemia/lymphoma FL3 Flow Cytometry 213 FLD Body Fluid 72 immunophenotype FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Leukemia/lymphoma FL5 Flow Cytometry 214 Body Fluid Chemistry interpretation only Interpretation Only POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 Leukocyte esterase, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 POC11 Gases CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– Urinalysis 125 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Lactate, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Oligoclonal Bands Competency Lactate dehydrogenase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Leukocyte-reduced TRC Transfusion-Related 222 (LD) CZ, CZ2X, platelets Cell Count CZX Leukocyte-reduced RBC TRC Transfusion-Related 222 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Cell Count Chemistry and TDM Leukocyte, stool, Wright- X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 FLD Body Fluid 72 Giemsa Misc FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Levetiracetam T Toxicology 96 Body Fluid Chemistry UT Urine Toxicology 96 IFS Interfering Substances 132 ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Monitoring, Extended Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Lidocaine X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 CZX, Z Enzyme all Beckman CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 except AU, Vitros Cal Chemistry and TDM Ver/Lin LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 SCO Serum Carryover 133 T Toxicology 96 Lactate dehydrogenase X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 (LD), CSF Oligclonal Bands UT Urine Toxicology 96 Lamellar body count LBC Lamellar Body Count 151 Lipase X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 LN43 Lamellar Body Count 130 CZ2X, CZX Cal Ver/Lin CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Lamotrigine T Toxicology 96 Chemistry and TDM UT Urine Toxicology 96 FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 IFS Interfering Substances 132

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Lipase (cont.) LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Luteinizing hormone (LH) LN8 Reproductive 123 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin (cont.) Endocrinology Cal Ver/ LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Lin 22 Enzyme all Beckman X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 except AU, Vitros Cal Lyme disease TTD Tick-Transmitted 204 Ver/Lin Disease Lipids ABL Accuracy-Based Lipid 112 Lymphocyte X FL, FL1 Flow Cytometry 213 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 immunophenotyping CZ, CZ2X, Lymphoma by FISH CYL Fluorescence In 241 CZX Situ Hybridization, CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Lymphoma Chemistry and TDM Lysergic acid FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 diethylamide (LSD) Criminalistics Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin T Toxicology 96 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Enzyme all Beckman UT Urine Toxicology 96 except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin Magnesium X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ, CZ2X, Lipoprotein (a) X ABL Accuracy-Based Lipid 112 Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure CZX X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM CZX IFS Interfering Substances 132 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Lipoprotein-associated PLA Lp-PLA2 75 phospholipase LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme all Beckman Lipoprotein LPE Lipoprotein 76 except AU, Vitros Cal electrophoresis Electrophoresis Ver/Lin Listeria monocytogenes IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Magnesium, ionized X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Panel AQQ, AQ2Q Quality Cross Check, 44 Lithium X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Critical Care Aqueous CZ, CZ2X, Blood Gas Series CZX, Z POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 POC11 Gases Chemistry and TDM Magnesium, urine X U Urine Chemistry, 68 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 General Liver-kidney microsomal LKM Liver-Kidney 211 Malaria RMAL Rapid Malaria 193 antibody Microsomal Antibody Manganese R Trace Metals 78 Lorazepam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management Manganese, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 Blood FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics MCAD X IMD2 MCAD 247 T Toxicology 96 MCH FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– FH6, FH9, Differential 137 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 FH10, FH13, Testing, Confirmatory FH14, FH1P- UT Urine Toxicology 96 FH4P, FH6P, Lorazepam glucuronide DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 FH9P, FH10P, Management FH13P, Lupus anticoagulant CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– FH14P (screen, conf) 163 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 Luteinizing hormone (LH) ABS Accuracy-Based 113 FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Testosterone, Estradiol Series HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136

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MCHC FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– Methadone (cont.) DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 FH6, FH9, Differential 137 Management FH10, FH13, FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FH14, FH1P- Criminalistics FH4P, FH6P, 22 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 FH9P, FH10P, Abuse FH13P, T Toxicology 96

FH14P Analyte/Procedure Index FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Testing, Confirmatory Series UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 UT Urine Toxicology 96 MCV FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– Methadone metabolite DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 FH6, FH9, Differential 137 (EDDP) FH10, FH13, DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 FH14, FH1P- Management FH4P, FH6P, FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FH9P, FH10P, Criminalistics FH13P, T Toxicology 96 FH14P UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 Testing, Confirmatory FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Series UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 UT Urine Toxicology 96 MECP2 deletion/ RETT RETT Syndrome 249 Methamphetamine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 duplication analysis Genotyping DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 MECP2 genotyping X RETT RETT Syndrome 249 Management Genotyping FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 MEN2 X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 246– Criminalistics 247 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Meperidine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Abuse DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 T Toxicology 96 Management UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Testing, Confirmatory Criminalistics UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Methanol X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 Mephedrone T Toxicology 96 Volatiles UT Urine Toxicology 96 X AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 Meprobamate DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Methaqualone UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Testing, Confirmatory DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Methemoglobin X SO Blood Oximetry 94 Criminalistics SOQ Quality Cross Check, 44 T Toxicology 96 Blood Oximetry UT Urine Toxicology 96 Methicillin-resistant BCS1 Blood Culture 180 Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus Mercury, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 (MRSA) Mercury, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 Blood Organisms Metabolic disease BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 MRS Methicillin-resistant S. 183 testing aureus Metanephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 MRS2M MRSA Screen, 183 Methadone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Molecular, 2 Challenge

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Methicillin-resistant X MRS5 Methicillin-resistant S. 183 Microalbumin, urine X UMC Urine Albumin 153 Staphylococcus aureus aureus (cont.) (Microalbumin)/ (MRSA) (cont.) Creatinine 22 X MRS5M MRSA Screen, 183 Microsatellite instability MSI Microsatellite Instability 256 Molecular, 5 Challenge Microtiter plate reader I Instrumentation 131 Methotrexate X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 linearity CZX, Z Minimal residual disease BALL B-ALL Minimal Residual 214 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Disease Chemistry and TDM MRD Minimal Residual 260 Methylenedioxy- DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Disease, BCR/ABL1 amphetamine (MDA) p210 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 MRD1 Minimal Residual 260 Management Disease, BCR/ABL1 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 p190 Criminalistics MRD2 Minimal Residual 260 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Disease, PML/RARA Abuse Mirtazapine T Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Mite identification TMO Ticks, Mites, and Other 193 Testing, Confirmatory Arthropods UT Urine Toxicology 96 Mitochondrial X IMD3 Mitochondrial 247 Methylenedioxyethyl- OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 cytopathies Cytopathies amphetamine (MDEA) Abuse Mitochondrial DNA X IMD1 Mitochondrial DNA 247 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 deletion syndromes Deletion Syndromes Testing, Confirmatory Mixing studies, PT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Methylenedioxymeth- DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Mixing studies, APTT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 amphetamine (MDMA) CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 163 Management MLH1 promoter MSI Defective DNA 256 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 methylation analysis Mismatch Repair/ Criminalistics Hereditary OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Nonpolyposis Colorectal Abuse Cancer (HNPCC) T Toxicology 96 Modified acid-fast stain X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 192 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Mold identification X F Mycology and Aerobic 189 Testing, Confirmatory Actinomycetes UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Molecular genetics X MGL1, MGL2, Molecular Genetics 246– MGL3, MGL4, 247 UT Urine Toxicology 96 MGL5 Methylenedioxy- T Toxicology 96 Molecular HLA typing X DML HLA Molecular Typing 235 pyrovalerone (MDPV) Molecular hematologic MHO, MHO1, Molecular Hematologic 257, UT Urine Toxicology 96 oncology MHO2, Oncology 260 Methylenetetra- X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– MHO3, MHO5 hydrofolate reductase 247 Molecular typing IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 (MTHFR) Organisms Methylmalonic acid MMA MMA and Active B12 82 Monitoring engraftment X ME Monitoring Engraftment 236 Methylphenidate T Toxicology 96 Mononuclear cell count CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 UT Urine Toxicology 96 SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 Metoprolol T Toxicology 96 Morphine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 UT Urine Toxicology 96 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 MGMT GLI Glioma 259 Management Microalbumin, urine LN20 Urine AlbuminCal Ver/ 126 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Lin Criminalistics X U Urine Chemistry 68

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Morphine (cont.) OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Mycoplasma X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 Abuse pneumoniae (cont.) Respiratory Panel T Toxicology 96 VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Infectious Disease 22 Testing, Confirmatory Serology UT Urine Toxicology 96 Myoglobin X CRT, CRTI Cardiac Markers 62 M-protein (paraprotein) X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 LN33 Serum Myoglobin Cal 128 Analyte/Procedure Index identification Ver/Lin MPV FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– X PCARM, Plasma Cardiac Markers 65 FH6, FH9, Differential 137 PCARMX FH10, FH13, POC12 Competency Plasma 53 FH14, FH1P- Cardiac Markers FH4P, FH6P, Myoglobin, urine MYG Myoglobin, Urine 69 FH9P, FH10P, Myotonic dystrophy X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– FH13P, 247 FH14P N-acetylprocainamide X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 (NAPA) CZX, Z FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Series CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 MRSA BCS1 Blood Culture 180 Staphylococcus aureus N-desmethyltramadol DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 Organisms FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics MRS Methicillin-resistant S. 183 aureus T Toxicology 96 MRS2M MRSA Screen, 183 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Molecular, 2 Challenge Naproxen T Toxicology 96 X MRS5 Methicillin-resistant S. 183 UT Urine Toxicology 96 aureus Nasal smears, eosinophil X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 X MRS5M MRSA Screen, 183 Misc Molecular, 5 Challenge Neisseria gonorrhoeae X D3 GC Cultures 175 Mucolipidosis IV X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 247 X HC6/HC6X C. trachomatis/GC by 186 Mucopolysaccharide X BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 Nucleic Acid Amp (Glycosaminoglycan) X HC7 C. trachomatis/GC DNA 186 Multiple endocrine X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 246– by NAA neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) 247 X MC1 Microbiology 176 Mumps-IgG VR3M Virology 204 Combination with GC Mycobacterial culture X E1 Mycobacteriology, Ltd 188 Neisseria meningitidis IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Mycobacterial X E Mycobacteriology 188 Panel identification Neoplastic cellularity NEO Neoplastic Cellularity 257 Mycobacterium IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 Neoplastic disorder by CYF Fluorescence In Situ 240 tuberculosis Organisms FISH Hybridization Mycobacterium QF M. tuberculosis 211 Neuropathology NP/NP1 Neuropathology 276 tuberculosis antibody Infection Detection Program detection Neutral fats FCFS Fecal Fat 75 Mycobacterium MTBR Molecular MTB 188 Next-generation NGS Next-Generation 252 tuberculosis Identification and sequencing Sequencing identification and Resistance Detection NGSB1 NGS Bioinformatics for 253 resistance detection Illumina Platforms Mycophenolic acid X MPA Mycophenolic Acid 60 NGSB2 NGS Bioinformations for 253 Mycoplasma IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 Ion Torrent Platforms pneumoniae Organisms

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Next-generation NGSBV NGS Bioinformatics 255 Norcyclobenzaprine UT Urine Toxicology 96 sequencing (cont.) Somatic Validated (cont.) Materials Nordiazepam DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 22 NGSE NGS Undiagnosed 254 Management Disorders-Exome FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 NGSST Next Generation 252 Criminalistics Sequencing, Solid OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Tumor Abuse NGSHM Next Generation 253 T Toxicology 96 Sequencing, UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Hematologic Testing, Confirmatory Malignancies UT Urine Toxicology 96 Nicotine NTA Nicotine and Tobacco 102 Alkaloids Nordoxepin DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 T Toxicology 96 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics UT Urine Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 Niemann-Pick type A/B X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– 247 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Norepinephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure NIPT NIPT Noninvasive Prenatal 87 Testing Norfentanyl DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Nitrite, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Management CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Urinalysis Criminalistics DAI Urine Drug Adulterant/ 98 T Toxicology 96 Integrity Testing UT Urine Toxicology 96 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Norfluoxetine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Competency Criminalistics Nitrogen, total, urine U Urine Chemistry, 68 T Toxicology 96 General UT Urine Toxicology 96 Nongynecologic FNA/FNA1 Fine-Needle Aspiration- 282 Norketamine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 cytopathology Digital FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 FNAG/FNAG1 Fine-Needle Aspiration- 283 Criminalistics Glass T Toxicology 96 NGC/NGC1 Nongynecologic 281 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Cytopathology Normeperidine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Education Program DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Noninvasive prenatal NIPT Noninvasive Prenatal 87 Management testing Testing T Toxicology 96 Norbuprenorphine DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management UT Urine Toxicology 96 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Normetanephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry Special 69 Abuse Norovirus GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 T Toxicology 96 x GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 SP1 Stool Pathogens 184 Testing, Confirmatory Noroxycodone DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Management Norchlordiazepoxide T Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Norclomipramine T Toxicology 96 Noroxymorphone DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Management Norcodeine T Toxicology 96 Norpropoxyphene DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 UT Urine Toxicology 96 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management Norcyclobenzaprine T Toxicology 96

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Norpropoxyphene (cont.) FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Nucleic acid X HC7 C. trachomatis/GC DNA 186 Criminalistics amplification (cont.) by NAA T Toxicology 96 X HIVG, HV2 HIV Viral Load 199 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 22 Testing, Confirmatory Organisms UT Urine Toxicology 96 ID1, ID1T Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 Norsertraline DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Viruses Analyte/Procedure Index FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 Criminalistics Respiratory T Toxicology 96 ID3 Influenza A, Influenza B, 198 RSV by NAA UT Urine Toxicology 96 MRS2M MRSA Screen, 183 Nortrimipramine T Toxicology 96 Molecular, 2 Challenge UT Urine Toxicology 96 X MRS5M MRSA Screen, 183 Nortriptyline DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Molecular, 5 Challenge FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 SP, SPN, SP1 Stool Pathogens 184 Criminalistics VLS, VLS2 Viral Load 199 T Toxicology 96 VRE Vancomycin-Resistant 187 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Enterococcus X ZT TDM, Special 60 Nucleic acid testing X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 230 Norverapamil T Toxicology 96 O-desmethyltramadol DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Management Novel opioids and NOB Novel Opioids and 105 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines Criminalistics NRAS MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 T Toxicology 96 nRBC FH3, FH3P, Hematology, Auto Diff 136 UT Urine Toxicology 96 FH9, FH9P, Occult blood OCB Occult Blood 151 FH13, FH13P OCBQ Quality Cross Check, 46 NT-pro B-type natriuretic X BNP B-Type Natriuretic 61 Occult Blood peptides Peptides, 2 Chall POC9 POC Fecal Occult Blood 52 X BNP5 B-Type Natriuretic 61 Occult blood, gastric GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 150 Peptides, 5 Chall Ocular micrometer check I Instrumentation 131 BNPQ Quality Cross Check, 41 B-Type Natriuretic Olanzapine T Toxicology 96 Peptides UT Urine Toxicology 96 LN30 BNP Cal Ver/Lin 127 Oligoclonal bands OLI Oligoclonal Bands 74 N-telopeptide (NTX) BMV6 Bone Markers and 86 Opiate group DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Vitamin Management X BU Bone and Mineral, Urine 85 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 Nucleated cells, total CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 Abuse SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 T Toxicology 96 Nucleated red cells, total ABF3 Automated Body Fluid 148 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 UT Urine Toxicology 96 SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 UTCO Urine Toxicology 133 Carryover Nucleated red blood cell FH3, FH3P, Hematology, Auto Diff 136– count FH9, FH9P, 137 Organic acids, urine X BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 FH13, FH13P, qualitative FH14, FH14P Organic acids, urine BGL Biochemical Genetics 243 Nucleic acid BSTS Bacterial Strain Typing 179 quantitative amplification Staphylococcus Osmolality, measured X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 X HBVL, HBVL5, Hepatitis Viral Load 198 CZ2X, CZX HCV2 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 X HC6/HC6X C. trachomatis/GC by 186 Chemistry and TDM Nucleic Acid Amp IFS Interfering Substances 132

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Osmolality, measured LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Oxymorphone (cont.) FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 (cont.) Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Criminalistics LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 22 Enzyme all Beckman Abuse except AU, Vitros Cal T Toxicology 96 Ver/Lin UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Osmolality, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Testing, Confirmatory CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Urinalysis p16 P16 P16 273 LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Immunohistochemistry Ver/Lin TMA POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Pancreatic amylase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Competency CZ, CZ2X, X U Urine Chemistry, 68 CZX General CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Osmometer check I Instrumentation 131 Chemistry and TDM Osteocalcin BGS Bone and Growth 85 PAPP-A FP1B First Trimester Maternal 87 Oxalate KSA Kidney Stone Risk 69 Screening, Free Beta

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Assessment FP1T First Trimester Maternal 87 Oxazepam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Screening, Total hCG DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Parainfluenza virus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 Management Respiratory FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 Criminalistics Respiratory Panel OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 Abuse X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 T Toxicology 96 by DFA UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Paraprotein X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 Testing, Confirmatory identification UT Urine Toxicology 96 Parasite identification X BP Blood Parasite 193 Oxcarbazepine ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 192 metabolite Monitoring, Extended PEX Expanded Parasitology 193 Oxidants, urine DAI Urine Drug Adulterant/ 98 Parathyroid hormone X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 86 Integrity Testing (PTH) C-Peptide, PTH Oxycodone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 PTHQ Quality Cross Check, 43 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 PTH Management Parentage/relationship X PARF Parentage/Relationship 231 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 testing Criminalistics Paroxetine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Abuse Criminalistics T Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Testing, Confirmatory Parvovirus B19 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 197 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Viruses UT Urine Toxicology 96 PCO2 X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Oxyhemoglobin X SO Blood Oximetry 94 AQ4 SOQ Quality Cross Check, 44 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 Blood Oximetry AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Blood Gas Series Oxymorphone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 POC11 Gases Management

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PCO2 (cont.) LN13, LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– Pheniramine T Toxicology 96 125 UT Urine Toxicology 96 PDGFRA KIT KIT/PDGFRA 258 Phenobarbital X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259 CZX, Z 22 PDL1 PDL1 PDL1 272 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Pentobarbital DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Chemistry and TDM DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 T Toxicology 96 Analyte/Procedure Index UT Urine Toxicology 96 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Management Performance PIP/PIP1, Performance 262– improvement program in PIPW/PIPW1 Improvement Program 263 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 surgical pathology in Surgical Pathology Criminalistics Peripheral blood smear, VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 virtual Smear T Toxicology 96 pH AFL Amniotic Fluid Leakage 148 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Testing, Confirmatory AQ4 UT Urine Toxicology 96 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 Phentermine FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Criminalistics Blood Gas Series T Toxicology 96 FLD Body Fluid 72 UT Urine Toxicology 96 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Phenylephrine T Toxicology 96 Body Fluid Chemistry UT Urine Toxicology 96 GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 150 Phenytoin X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 CZX, Z POC11 Gases CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN13, LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– Chemistry and TDM 125 DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 pH, gastric GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 150 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 pH, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Criminalistics CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 Urinalysis SCO Serum Carryover 133 DAI Urine Drug Adulterant/ 98 T Toxicology 96 Integrity Testing UT Urine Toxicology 96 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Phenytoin, free X CZ, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 CZX, Z Competency CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Chemistry and TDM Testing, Confirmatory Phosphorus X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 pH meters I Instrumentation 131 CZX, CZ2X Phencyclidine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Chemistry and TDM Criminalistics IFS Interfering Substances 132 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Abuse Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin T Toxicology 96 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Enzyme all Beckman Testing, Confirmatory except AU, Vitros Cal UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Ver/Lin UT Urine Toxicology 96 Phosphorus, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Phenethylamine FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Ver/Lin Criminalistics X U Urine Chemistry, 68 T Toxicology 96 General UT Urine Toxicology 96 PIK3CA MTP Multigene Tumor Panel 259

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Pinworm prep X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 Pneumocystis detection PCP4 Pneumocystis jiroveci, 191 Misc (cont.) GMS Stain Pipette calibration- I Instrumentation 131 PNH immunophenotype PNH Paroxysmal Nocturnal 215 22 gravimetric Hemoglobinuria, RBC Plasma cell neoplasms PCNEO Flow Cytometry, Plasma 215 PO2 X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 Cell Neoplasms AQ4 Plasma hemogloblin PHG Plasma Hemoglobin 76 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 Plasminogen antigen CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Blood Gas Series Plasminogen activator CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 inhibitor LN13, LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– 125 Plasminogen activator MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– inhibitor (PAI)-1 247 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 POC11 Gases Platelet aggregation PF Platelet Function 166 Porphobilinogen, urine UPBG Porphobilinogen, Urine 70 Platelet antibody X PS Platelet Serology 223 detection Posaconazole AFD Antifungal Drugs 106 Monitoring Platelet calculator TRC Transfusion-Related 222 Cell Count Postanalytical DNA SEC DNA Sequencing Count 248 sequencing Platelet count X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136–

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure FH6, FH9, Differential 137 Postvasectomy sperm X PV Postvasectomy Sperm 156 FH10, FH13, count, manual Count FH14, FH1P- Postvasectomy sperm PV1 Postvasectomy Sperm 156 FH4P, FH6P, count, automated Count FH9P, FH10P, Potassium X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 FH13P, AQ4 FH14P AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Blood Gas Series Series X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 X FH15 Centrifugal Hematology 137 C4, CZ, CZX, X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 CZ2X LN9 Hematology Cal Ver/Lin 123 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Platelet count (platelet- X TRC Transfusion-Related 222 Chemistry and TDM rich plasma) Cell Count FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 Platelet crossmatch PS Platelet Serology 223 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Platelet count EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 (estimated) Peripheral Blood Smear Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Smear Enzyme all Beckman Platelet function PF1 Platelet Function 166 except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin Platelet mapping PLTM Platelet Mapping 169 Plesiomonas shigelloides GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– 125 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 PML/RARA MHO2, MHO3 Molecular Hematologic 260 POC11 Gases Oncology Potassium, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 260 MRD2 Minimal Residual Ver/Lin Disease X U Urine Chemistry, 68 PNA FISH- PNA1 PNA FISH for 180 General Staphylococcus Staphylococcus Potassium, vitreous fluid VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 PNA FISH-yeast PNA2 PNA FISH for Yeast 180 mortem Pneumocystis detection PCP1 Pneumocystis jiroveci, 191 PRA MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 234– Calcofluor White Stain MX1E, MXB, 235 PCP2 Pneumocystis jiroveci, 191 MXC DFA Stain

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PRA (cont.) MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 234– Progesterone X PM2 ER, PgR by 274 MX2E, MXB, 235 receptors by Immunohistochemistry MXC immunohistochemistry Prader-Willi/Angelman X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– Prolactin LN8 Reproductive 123 syndrome 247 Endocrinology Cal Ver/ 22 Prealbumin X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Lin (transthyretin) CZX, CZ2X X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Propoxyphene DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Analyte/Procedure Index Chemistry and TDM DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Management Pregabalin DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Management Criminalistics T Toxicology 96 T Toxicology 96 UT Urine Toxicology 96 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 Testing, Confirmatory Monitoring, Extended UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Prekallikrein CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Predictive markers by X HER2 HER2 by 274 Propranolol T Toxicology 96 immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry UT Urine Toxicology 96 GHER2 Gastric HER2 274 Prostate-specific antigen X K, KK, K2 Ligand Assay, General 82 PM1 CD117 by 273 (PSA) Immunohistochemistry LN23 PSA Cal Ver/Lin 127 X PM2 ER, PgR by 274 Prostate-specific X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Immunohistochemistry antigen, complexed PM3 CD20 by 273 (cPSA) Immunohistochemistry Prostate-specific X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 PM5 Immunohistochemistry 273 antigen, free (PSA, free) TMA Prostatic acid X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Primidone X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 phosphatase (PAP) CZ2X, Z Protein electrophoresis, SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 serum, interpretation Chemistry and TDM Protein C CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 162– Pro B-type natriuretic BNP B-Type Natriuretic 61 163 peptides Peptides, 2 Chall LN35 Thrombophilia Cal Ver/ 129 X BNP5 B-Type Natriuretic 61 Lin Peptides, 5 Chall Protein S CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 BNPQ Quality Cross Check, 41 CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 162– B-Type Natriuretic 163 Peptides Protein, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Procainamide X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ, CZX, CZ2X, Z CZ2X CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM Chemistry and TDM LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 FLD Body Fluid 72 Procalcitonin LN41 Procalcitonin Cal Ver/ 130 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Lin Body Fluid Chemistry X PCT Procalcitonin 77 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Progesterone LN8 Reproductive 123 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Endocrinology Cal Ver/ Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Lin LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Enzyme all Beckman except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin

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Protein, total (cont.) SPE Lipoprotein and Protein 76 Q-PROBES (cont.) QP192 Opioid Drug Testing 26 Electrophoresis Stewardship Protein, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 QP193 Expression Rates 27 22 Oligoclonal Bands in Invasive Breast Protein, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Carcinoma CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 QP194 The Impact of 28 Urinalysis Pathologist Review on Peripheral Blood DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 149 Smears X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Q-TRACKS QT1 Patient Identification 31 LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Accuracy Ver/Lin QT2 Blood Culture 31 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Contamination Competency QT3 Laboratory Specimen 32 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Acceptability General QT4 In-Date Blood Product 32 Prothrombin mutation X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 246– Wastage 247 QT5 Gynecologic 37 X TPM Thrombophilia 250 Cytology Outcomes Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Mutations - Biopsy Correlation Prothrombin time X CGB Basic Coagulation 160 Performance X CGL Coagulation, Limited 160 QT7 Satisfaction with 33 CGLQ Quality Cross Check, 47 Outpatient Specimen Coagulation, Limited Collection CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 162– QT8 State Test TAT Outliers 33 163 QT10 Critical Values 34 CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 162– Reporting 163 QT15 TATs of Troponin 35 DBGN Anticoagulant 163 QT16 Corrected Results 36 Monitoring, Dabigatran QT17 Outpatient Order Entry 36 FNPX Anticoagulant 163 Errors Monitoring, Quetiapine T Toxicology 96 Fondaparinux UT Urine Toxicology 96 POC6 POC PT/INR, CoaguChek 52 Quinidine X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 XS Plus CZ2X, Z RVBN Anticoagulant 163 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Monitoring Rivaroxaban Chemistry and TDM X WP3, WP4, Whole Blood 168 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 WP6, WP9 Coagulation T Toxicology 96 Prothrombin time, dilute CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Provider-performed CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 microscopy Misc Quinine T Toxicology 96 PRU test PIA, PIAX Drug-Specific Platelet 167 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Aggregation Ranitidine T Toxicology 96 Pseudocholinesterase X C7 Pseudocholinesterase 77 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Pseudoephedrine FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Rapamycin (sirolimus) X CS Immunosuppressive 59 Criminalistics Drugs T Toxicology 96 Rapid group A strep X D Bacteriology 173 UT Urine Toxicology 96 X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 PTEN GLI Glioma 259 X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 178 Pyridinoline (PYD) BU Bone and Mineral, Urine 85 X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 178 Q-PROBES QP191 Technical Staffing 25 Waived Ratios X MC1 Microbiology 176 Combination with GC

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Rapid group A strep X MC2 Microbiology 176 Reducing substance, POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 (cont.) Combination urine (cont.) Competency X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 Refractometer check I Instrumentation 131 Combination Renin X RAP Renin and Aldosterone 89 22 X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 Reptilase time CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Strep Respiratory syncytial ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 RBC count ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 148 virus (RSV) Respiratory ABF3 Analyte/Procedure Index X ID3 Influenza A, Influenza B, 198 X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– RSV by NAA FH6, FH9, Differential 137 X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 FH10, FH13, Respiratory Panel FH14, FH1P- FH4P, FH6P, X VR1 Virology Culture 196 FH9P, FH10P, X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 FH13P, by DFA FH14P X VR4 Virology Antigen 196 FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 Detection by EIA and FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Latex Series Reticulocyte count, X FH14, FH14P Hematology Automated 137 X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 absolute Differential LN9 Hematology Cal Ver/Lin 123 X RT, RT2, RT3, Reticulocyte 142 RBC count, automated, UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 149 RT4 urine (quantitative) RTQ, RT3Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 RBC automated count, ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 148 RT4Q Reticulocyte fluid ABF3 Reticulocyte count, X FH14, FH14P Hematology Automated 137 RBC manual count, fluid X HFC, HFCI Hemocytometer Fluid 150– percent Differential Count 151 LN18, LN19 Reticulocyte Cal Ver/Lin 126 RBC folate X FOL RBC Folate 88 X RT, RT2, RT3, Reticulocyte 142 RBC morphology EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 RT4 Peripheral Blood Smear RTQ, RT3Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 RT4Q Reticulocyte Smear Reticulocyte hemoglobin FH14, FH14P Hematology Automated 137 RDW FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– (RET-He) Differential FH6, FH9, Differential 137 RETT syndrome X RETT RETT Syndrome 249 FH10, FH13, Genotyping FH14, FH1P- RhD X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– FH4P, FH6P, 247 FH9P, FH10P, RhD typing X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 218 FH13P, X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 219 FH14P Automated FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 JATE1 Transfusion Medicine, 219 FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Automated, Educational Series JATQ Quality Cross Check, 49 HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 Transfusion Medicine Red blood cell antigen J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 218 TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 detection Competency Red blood cell antigen RAG Red Blood Cell Antigen 221 Assessment genotyping Genotyping Rheumatoid factor X IL, RF/RFX Immunology 206 Red blood cell antigen RBCAT Red Blood Cell Antigen 221 Rhinovirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 typing Typing Respiratory Reducing substance, X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 urine Respiratory Panel CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 RNA sequencing RNA RNA Sequencing 258 Urinalysis Rotavirus GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203

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Rotavirus (cont.) SP, SPN Stool Pathogens 184 Selenium, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 X VR4 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Blood by EIA and Latex Semen analysis X ASA, SC, SV, Semen Analysis 156 22 RSV ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 198 PV Respiratory SC1, SM Semen Analysis 156 X ID3 Influenza A, Influenza B, 198 SMCD, Semen Analysis, CD- 156 RSV by NAA SM1CD, ROM X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 SM2CD Respiratory Panel SERPINA1 genotyping X AAT Alpah-1 Antitrypsin 243 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 Genotyping X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Sertraline DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 by DFA FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 X VR4 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Criminalistics by EIA and Latex T Toxicology 96 Rubella antibody, IgG X IL, RUB/ Immunology 206 UT Urine Toxicology 96 RUBX Serum free light chains SFLC Serum Free Light Chains 212 Rubeola antibody X VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 Sex hormone-binding ABS Testosterone and 113 (English measles) Infectious Disease globulin (SHBG) Estradiol Accuracy

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Serology X DY Ligand Assay, Special 84 Rufinamide ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 Shiga toxin SP Stool Pathogens-Rapid 184 Monitoring, Extended and Molecular Rupture of fetal ROM1 Rupture of Fetal 152 ST Shiga Toxin 185 membranes Membranes Shiga-like toxin GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Russell’s viper venom CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 producing E. coli (STEC) time, dilute GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Salicylate X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ2X, Z Shigella GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Chemistry and TDM Sickle cell screen, X HG Hemoglobinopathy 141 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 qualitative Criminalistics X SCS Sickle Cell Screen 143 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 Sirolimus (Rapamycin) X CS Immunosuppressive 59 X SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 Drugs SLCO1B1 T Toxicology 96 PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Sodium X AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 AQ4 Salmonella GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Sapovirus (I, II, IV, V) GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Blood Gas Series X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Sarcoma by FISH CYK Fluorescence In Situ 241 C4, CZ, CZ2X, Hybridization CZX Sarcoma translocation SARC Sarcoma Translocation 257 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Scl-70 (anti-DNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 211 Chemistry and TDM topoisomerase) Special FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 Scopolamine DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Secobarbital DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Criminalistics LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Enzyme all Beckman Testing, Confirmatory except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin Selenium X R Trace Metals 78 LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 124– Selenium, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 125

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Sodium (cont.) POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 Streptococcus IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 POC11 Gases agalactiae (cont.) Panel Sodium, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Streptococcus IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Ver/Lin pneumoniae Panel 22 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 SBAS S. pneumoniae Ag 179 General Detection Sodium, vitreous fluid VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 Streptococcus pyogenes X D Bacteriology 173 Analyte/Procedure Index mortem X D1, D7 Throat, Urine Cultures 175 Soluble transferrin STFR Soluble Transferrin 80 X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 176 receptor Receptor X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 178 Somatomedin C (IGF-1) X Y, YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 178 SOX10 PM5 Immunohistochemistry 273 Waived TMA X MC1 Microbiology 176 Specific gravity X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Combination with GC CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 X MC2 Microbiology 176 Urinalysis Combination DAI Urine Drug Adulterant/ 98 X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 Integrity Testing Combination X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Strep Competency Strychnine T Toxicology 96 UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Testing, Confirmatory Sulfate KSA Kidney Stone Risk 69 Spectrophotometer I Instrumentation 131 Assessment linearity Sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 149 Sperm count X SMCD Semen Analysis, CD- 156 Surgical pathology DPATH/ Online Digital Slide 265 ROM DPATH1 Program Sperm count, automated SC1, PV1 Semen Analysis 156 PIP/PIP1, Performance 262– Sperm count, manual X SC Semen Analysis 156 PIPW/PIPW1 Improvement Program 263 X PV Postvasectomy Sperm 156 in Surgical Pathology Count VBP/VBP1 Online Virtual Biopsies 264 Sperm morphology SM Semen Analysis 156 Program SM1CD Semen Analysis, CD- 156 Synthetic cannabinoid/ SCDD Synthetic Cannabinoid/ 105 ROM designer drugs Designer Drugs Sperm motility SMCD Semen Analysis, CD- 156 Syphilis X G Syphilis Serology 212 ROM T3, free (triiodothyronine) ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 Sperm viability SM2CD Semen Analysis, CD- 156 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 ROM CZ, CZX, X SV Semen Analysis 156 CZ2X Spinal fluid meningitis X D Bacteriology 173 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 panel Chemistry and TDM Spinal muscular atrophy X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 247 T3, total ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 Spinocerebellar ataxia X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 246– (triiodothyronine) 247 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Split fats FCFS Fecal Fat 75 CZ, CZX, Staphylococcus aureus- BCS1 Blood Culture 180 CZ2X blood culture Staphylococcus aureus CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 STEC (Shiga-like toxin GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Chemistry and TDM producing E. coli) X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Strep screen POC4 POC/Waived Strep 52 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– Screen Competency 122 Streptococcus X D8 Group B Strep 179 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– agalactiae Cal Ver/Lin 122

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T3, uptake and related X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Testosterone ABS Accuracy-Based 113 tests CZ, CZX, Testosterone and CZ2X Estradiol CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN8 Reproductive 123 22 Chemistry and TDM Endocrinology Cal Ver/ X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Lin T4, free (thyroxine, free) ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 84 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Testosterone, ABS Testosterone and 113 CZ, CZX, bioavailable Estradiol Accuracy CZ2X DY Ligand Assay, Special 84 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Testosterone, free ABS Testosterone and 113 Chemistry and TDM Estradiol Accuracy X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 X DY Ligand Assay, Special 84 T4, total (thyroxine, total) ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 Tetrahydrozoline DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Thallium, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 CZ, CZX, Thallium, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 CZ2X Blood CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Theophylline X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Chemistry and TDM CZ2X, Z X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– Chemistry and TDM 122 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Throat culture X D1, D7 Throat, Urine Cultures 175 Cal Ver/Lin 122 X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 176 Tacrolimus X CS Immunosuppressive 59 X MC1 Microbiology 176 Drugs Combination with GC LN31 Immunosuppressive 128 X MC2 Microbiology 176 Drugs Cal Ver/Lin Combination Tapentadol DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 Management Combination Tapentadol-O-sulfate DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 Management Strep Tay Sachs X MGL4 Molecular Genetics 246– Thrombin time CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 247 CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 162– tCO AQ, AQ2, AQ3, Aqueous Blood Gas 92 2 163 AQ4 DBGN Dabigatran 163 AQQ, AQ2Q, Quality Cross Check, 44 AQ3Q, AQ4Q Critical Care Aqueous Thromboelastogram TEG Viscoelastometry 166 Blood Gas Series Thrombophilia mutations X TPM Thrombophilia 250 POC10, POC Competency Blood 53 Mutations POC11 Gases Thyroglobulin X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 89 Temazepam DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Thyroid-stimulating ABS Accuracy-Based 113 DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 hormone (TSH) Testosterone and Management Estradiol FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 Criminalistics X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 OFD Oral Fluid for Drugs of 100 CZ, CZX, Abuse CZ2X T Toxicology 96 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 Testing, Confirmatory X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 UT Urine Toxicology 96 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– 122 Teriflunomide ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 Monitoring, Extended

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Thyroid-stimulating LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Total hCG X FP1T First Trimester Maternal 87 hormone (TSH) (cont.) Cal Ver/Lin 122 Screening, Total hCG Thyroxine, free ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 Total hemolytic CH50 Total Hemolytic 212 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 complement Complement 22 CZ, CZX, Total iron binding X C3, C3X, CZ Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ2X capacity, measured and CZX, CZ2X CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 % saturation Chemistry and TDM CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Analyte/Procedure Index X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 Chemistry and TDM Thyroxine, total ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 Total nitrogen, urine U Urine Chemistry, 68 General X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ, CZX, Total nucleated cells CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 CZ2X SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Total nucleated cells HFC/HFCI Hemocytometer Fluid 150– Chemistry and TDM manual differential count Count 151 X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 (body fluid) LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– VBF Virtual Body Fluid 148 122 Total nucleated red cells CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 Cal Ver/Lin 122 Total protein X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Tick identification TMO Ticks, Mites, and Other 193 CZ, CZX, Arthropods CZ2X Tissue parasite X BP Blood Parasite 193 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 identification Chemistry and TDM X P Parasitology 192 FLD Body Fluid 72 Tobramycin X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 CZ2X, Z Body Fluid Chemistry CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 IFS Interfering Substances 132 Chemistry and TDM LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Topiramate T Toxicology 96 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 UT Urine Toxicology 96 Enzyme all Beckman except AU, Vitros Cal ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 Ver/Lin Monitoring, Extended SPE Protein Electrophoresis 76 Total bile acids TBLA Total Bile Acid 78 Total protein, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 74 Total bilirubin X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Oligoclonal Bands CZ, CZX, C4, CZ2X Total protein, urine CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 Chemistry and TDM Urinalysis FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 IFS Interfering Substances 132 LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Ver/Lin LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin X U Urine Chemistry, 68 General LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme all Beckman Total tricyclics X SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 except AU, Vitros Cal X ZT TDM, Special 60 Ver/Lin Touch imprint/crush prep TICP, TICP1 Touch Imprint/Crush 280 X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 65 Prep Total bilirubin, urine X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 Toxicology, serum, X SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 qualitative DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 149 X T Toxicology 96 Total free fatty acids FCFS Fecal Fat 75 Toxicology, urine, X DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 qualitative Management

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Toxicology, urine, X T Toxicology 96 Treponema pallidum X G Syphilis Serology 212 qualitative (cont.) Trichomonas vaginalis MVP Molecular Vaginal Panel 186 X UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 TVAG Trichomonas vaginalis, 187 22 X UT Urine Toxicology 96 Molecular Toxicology, urine, X DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 X VS, VS1 Vaginitis Screen 185 qualitative/quantitative Management Tricyclic group T Toxicology 96 X UDC Forensic Urine Drug 99 UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 Testing, Confirmatory UT Urine Toxicology 96 Toxoplasma gondii X VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 Tricyclics, total X SDS Serum Drug Screen 101 Infectious Disease Serology X ZT TDM, Special 60 TPMT PGX3 Pharmacogenetics 249 Triglycerides ABL Accuracy-Based Lipid 112 Tramadol DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 C4, CZ, CZX, DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 CZ2X Management CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Chemistry and TDM Criminalistics FCFS Fecal Fat 75 T Toxicology 96

Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure FLD Body Fluid 72 UT Urine Toxicology 96 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 Transferrin X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Body Fluid Chemistry CZX, CZ2X X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 65 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/Lin 123 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 207 Enzyme all Beckman Transfusion medicine ETME1 Expanded Transfusion 227 except AU, Vitros Cal Medicine Exercises Ver/Lin EXM, EXM2 Electronic Crossmatch 219– Triiodothyronine (T3) ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 220 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 218 CZ, CZX, X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 219 CZ2X Automated CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 JATE1 Transfusion Medicine, 219 Chemistry and TDM Automated X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 JE1 Transfusion Medicine, 218 LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– Education 122 TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 223 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Competency Cal Ver/Lin 122 Assessment Triiodothyronine (T3), free ABTH Harmonized Thyroid 114 TMCAD Transfusion Medicine, 223 X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Competency CZ, CZX, Assessment CZ2X TMCAE Transfusion Medicine, 224 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Competency Chemistry and TDM Assessment X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 82 TMCAF Transfusion Medicine, 224 Competency Trimipramine T Toxicology 96 Assessment UT Urine Toxicology 96 X TRC Transfusion-Related 222 Troponin I, plasma X PCARI, Plasma Cardiac Markers 65 Cell Count PCARM, PCARMX Trazodone FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 Criminalistics POC12 Competency Plasma 53 T Toxicology 96 Cardiac Markers UT Urine Toxicology 96 Troponin I, serum X CRT, CRTI Cardiac Markers 62 LN25 Troponin I Cal Ver/Lin 127

332 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

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Troponin T, serum LN27 Troponin T Cal Ver/Lin 127 Urine albumin (cont.) X U Urine Chemistry, 68 TNT Troponin T 62 General X TNT5 Troponin T, 5 Challenge 62 X UMC Urine Albumin 153 Creatinine Tumor necrosis factor CTKN Cytokines 210 22 (TNF)-alpha Urine albumin: creatinine ABU Accuracy-Based Urine 113 ratio UGT1A1 PGX3 Pharmacogenetics 249 U Urine Chemistry, 68

Unsaturated iron binding X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Analyte/Procedure Index General capacity, measured CZX, CZ2X UMC Urine Albumin 153 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Creatinine Chemistry and TDM Urine colony count MC3 Urine Colony Count 177 Urea nitrogen X AQ2, AQ4 Aqueous Blood Gas 92 MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 AQ2Q, AQ4Q Quality Cross Check, 44 Combination Critical Care Aqueous Blood Gas Series Urine crystals URC Crystals 149 identification X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 C4, CZ, CZX, Urine crystals, UAA Automated Urinalysis 149 CZ2X semiquantitative CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Urine culture X D2, D7 Throat, Urine Cultures 175 Chemistry and TDM X D4 Bacteriology, Limited 176 FLDQ Quality Cross Check, 42 X MC1 Microbiology 176 Body Fluid Chemistry Combination with GC IFS Interfering Substances 132 X MC2 Microbiology 176 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Combination Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin MC3 Urine Colony Count 177 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 X MC4 Urine Colony Count 177 Enzyme all Beckman Combination except AU, Vitros Cal X MC5 Throat Culture/Rapid 177 Ver/Lin Strep Urea nitrogen, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Urine dipstick X CMP, CMP1 Clinical MIcroscopy 146 Ver/Lin CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 X U Urine Chemistry, 68 Urinalysis General X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 Urea nitrogen, vitreous VF Vitreous Fluid, Post- 101 POC3 POC/Waived Urine 52 fluid mortem Dipstick Competency Urease X RUR Rapid Urease 184 Urine drug screen X DMPM Drug Monitoring for Pain 107 Uric acid X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Management C4, CZ, CZX, X UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 98 CZ2X Urine hCG, qualitative X UHCG Urine hCG 152 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Chemistry and TDM Urine sediment, color X CMP, CMP1, Clinical Microscopy 146– photographs CMMP 147 FLD2 Body Fluid Chemistry 2 73 Urobilinogen X CMP, CMP1 Clinical Microscopy 146 IFS Interfering Substances 132 CMQ Quality Cross Check, 46 LN2 Chemistry, Lipid, 120 Urinalysis Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin X HCC2 Waived Combination 66 LN2BV Chemistry, Lipid, 120 POC3 POC Urine Dipstick 52 Enzyme all Beckman Competency except AU, Vitros Cal Ver/Lin Uroporphyrin X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 Uric acid, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 122 Urothelial carcinoma by X CYI Fluorescence In Situ 240 Ver/Lin FISH, hybridization and Hybridization, Urothelial interpretation on-site Carcinoma X U Urine Chemistry, 68 General Vaginal wet preparations X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 147 Urine albumin LN20 Urine albumin Cal Ver/ 126 Misc Lin Vaginitis screen BV Bacterial Vaginosis 185

800-323-4040 | 847-832-7000 Option 1 | cap.org 333 Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

Vaginitis screen (cont.) MVP Molecular Vaginal Panel 186 Viral antigen detection X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 X VS BD Affirm VP III Antigen 185 (cont.) by DFA Detection X VR4 Viral Antigen Detection 196 22 X VS1 Genzyme OSOM 185 by EIA and Latex Trichomonas Viral isolation/ X HC4 HSV Culture 197 VS2 Vaginitis Screen, Virtual 186 identification Gram Stain X ID3 Influenza A, Influenza B, 198 Valproic acid X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 RSV by NAA CZ2X, Z X IDR Infectious Disease, 202 CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Respiratory Panel Chemistry and TDM X VR1 Virology Culture 196 DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 Virtual biopsy program, VBP/VBP1 Online Virtual Biopsies 264 LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 online Program T Toxicology 96 Virtual gram stain VGS1 Virtual Gram Stain Basic 178 UT Urine Toxicology 96 VGS2 Virtual Gram Stain 178 Advanced Valproic acid, free X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 CZ2X, Z Virtual peripheral blood VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 smear Smear CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Analyte/Procedure Index Analyte/Procedure Chemistry and TDM Viscosity V Viscosity 212 Vancomycin X CZ, CZX, Chemistry and TDM 56–58 Vitamin A BMV3 Bone Markers and 86 CZ2X, Z Vitamins CZQ Quality Cross Check, 41 Vitamin B12 X K, KK, K2 Ligand Assay, General 82 Chemistry and TDM LN5 Ligand Assay Cal Ver/Lin 121– LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 121 122 Vancomycin-resistant IDN, IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 201 LN5S Ligand Assay, Siemens 121– Enterococcus Organisms Cal Ver/Lin 122 VRE Vancomycin-resistant 187 Vitamin B12, active MMA MMA and Active B12 82 Enterococcus Vitamin D, 25-OH X ABVD Accuracy-Based 85 Vanillylmandelic acid X N/NX Urine Chemistry, Special 69 Vitamin D Variant interpretation VIP, VIP1 Variant Interpretation 250 LN40 Vitamin D Cal Ver/Lin 129 only Only X VITD 25-OH Vitamin D 84 Varicella-zoster virus ID1 Nucleic Acid 197 Vitamin D, 1, 25 dihydroxy BMV1 Bone Markers and 86 (VZV) Amplification Vitamins IDME Meningitis/Encephalitis 202 Vitamin E BMV4 Bone Markers and 86 Panel Vitamins X VR1 Virology Culture 196 VKORC1 PGX Pharmacogenetics 249 X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 Volatiles X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 101 by DFA Volatiles X VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 X AL2 Serum Alcohol/Volatiles 101 Infectious Disease von Willebrand factor CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 161 Serology CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 162– Vascular endothelial CTKN Cytokines 210 163 growth factor (VEGF) LN37 von Willebrand Factor 129 Venlafaxine T Toxicology 96 Ag Cal Ver/Lin UT Urine Toxicology 96 Voriconazole AFD Antifungal Drugs 106 Verapamil T Toxicology 96 Monitoring UT Urine Toxicology 96 VZV ID1 Nucleic Acid 197 Viability CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 Amplification SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 X VR1 Virology Culture 196 Vibrio cholerae GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 X VR2 Viral Antigen Detection 196 by DFA X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 Viral antigen detection X HC2 HSV by DFA 197 POC8 POC Influenza A/B Ag 52

334 College of American Pathologists 2019 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Analyte/Procedure Index

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg ENR Code ENR Code

VZV (cont.) X VR3 Antibody Detection- 204 WBC morphology (cont.) VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 Infectious Disease Smear Serology West Nile virus X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 230 Wavelength and I Instrumentation 131 Worm identification WID Worm Identification 194 photometric calibration 22 Yeast identification X F Mycology and Aerobic 189 WBC count ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 148 Actinomycetes ABF3 X F1 Yeast 189 CBT Cord Blood Testing 225 Analyte/Procedure Index X F3 Candida Culture 190 X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– Yersinia enterocolitica GIP Gastrointestinal Panel 203 FH6, FH9, Differential 137 FH10, FH13, X GIP5 Gastrointestinal Panel 203 FH14, FH1P- Zaleplon DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 FH4P, FH6P, ZAP-70 ZAP70 ZAP-70 Analysis by Flow 216 FH9P, FH10P, Cytometry FH13P, Zika virus VBDM Vector-Borne Disease- 200 FH14P Molecular FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 Zinc X R Trace Metals 78 FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Zinc, urine TMU Trace Metals, Urine 103 Series Zinc, whole blood TMWB Trace Metals, Whole 103 X FH15 Centrifugal Hematology 137 Blood FL4 Flow Cytometry CD34+ 213 Ziprasidone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 136 Zolpidem DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 LN9 Hematology Cal Ver/Lin 123 FTC Forensic Toxicology, 104 X RWBC Rapid Total White Blood 141 Criminalistics Cell Count T Toxicology 96 SCP Stem Cell Processing 225 UT Urine Toxicology 96 WBC automated count ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 148 Zopiclone/Eszopiclone DFC Drug-Facilitated Crime 108 (fluid) ABF3 Zonisamide ZE Therapeutic Drug 60 WBC manual count (fluid) X HFC, HFCI Hemocytometer Fluid 150– Monitoring, Extended Count 151 WBC count (urine) UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 149 WBC count (leukocyte- TRC Transfusion-Related 222 reduced platelets) Cell Count WBC count (leukocyte- TRC Transfusion-Related 222 reduced RBCs) Cell Count WBC differential EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 (manual) Peripheral Blood Smear VPBS Virtual Peripheral Blood 144 Smear WBC differental (2-part) X FH15 Centrifugal Hematology 137 WBC differential, X FH1-FH4, Hematology Automated 136– automated FH6, FH9, Differential 137 FH10, FH13, FH14, FH1P- FH4P, FH6P, FH9P, FH10P, FH13P, FH14P FH3Q, FH4Q, Quality Cross Check, 45 FH6Q, FH9Q Automated Hematology Series WBC differential, body VBF Virtual Body Fluid 148 fluid WBC morphology EHE1 Expanded Virtual 144 Peripheral Blood Smear

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23 Program Code Page Index Code Program Program Code Page Index

Program Code Page Index

Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg

A2MG 208 AQ2Q 44 C3 56-58 CT 164 DPATH1 265 AAT 243 AQ3 92 C3X 56-58 CT1 164 DSC 149 ABF1 148 AQ3Q 44 C4 56-58 CT1Q 48 DY 84 ABF2 148 AQ4 92 C7 77 CT2 164 E 188 ABF3 148 AQ4Q 44 CAMP 181 CT2Q 48 E1 188 ABGIC 115 AQQ 44 CBT 225 CT3 164 EGFR 258 ABL 112 ARP 209 CCP 210 CT3Q 48 EHE1 144 ABOSG 220 ASA 156 CD 102 CT5 164 ELU 222 ABS 113 ASC 209 CD30 273 CT5Q 48 EMB 157 ABT 221 ASO 206 CDF2 181 CTKN 210 EPO 86 ABT1 221 AUP 275 CDF5 182 CTQ 48 ESR 141 ABT2 221 AUP1 275 CES 210 CY 240 ESR1 141 ABT3 221 B27 235 CESX 210 CYBK 240 ESR2 141 ABTH 114 BALL 214 CFDNA 258 CYCGH 242 ESR3 141 ABU 113 BCP 140 CGB 160 CYCMA 242 ETB 102 ABVD 85 BCP2 140 CGDF 160 CYF 240 ETME1 227 ACA 208 BCR 149 CGE 161 CYH 241 EV 60 ACE 71 BCS 179 CGEX 161 CYI 240 EXM 219 23 ACL 209 BCS1 180 CGL 160 CYJ 241 EXM2 220 ADL 71 BDP 226 CGLQ 47 CYK 241 F 189 AFD 106 BDP5 226 CGM 169 CYL 241 F1 189 AFL 148 BDPV 226 CGS1 162-163 CYS 74 F3 190 AG 71 BDPV5 226 CGS2 162-163 CZ 56-58 FCAL 75 AHIV 229 BFC 149 CGS3 162-163 CZ2X 56-58 FCFS 75 AHIVW 229 BGL 243 CGS4 162-163 CZQ 41 FCN 208 AHT 208 BGL1 243 CGS5 162-163 CZVM 67 FF 86 AL1 101 BGS 85 CGS6 162-163 CZX 56-58 FGAL 190 AL2 101 BL 102 CGS7 162-163 D 173 FH1 136 AMH 84 BMD 140 CGS8 162-163 D1 175 FH1P 136 ANA 206 BMV1 86 CH50 212 D2 175 FH2 136 APAPCE 278 BMV2 86 CHPVD 279 D3 175 FH2P 136 APAPCPT 277 BMV3 86 CHPVJ 279 D4 176 FH3 136 Program Code Index Page APAPJE 278 BMV4 86 CHPVK 279 D5 177 FH3P 136 APAPJPT 277 BMV5 86 CHPVM 279 D6 178 FH3Q 45 APAPKE 278 BMV6 86 CMMP 147 D7 175 FH4 136 APAPKPT 277 BNP 61 CMP 146 D8 179 FH4P 136 APAPLE 278 BNP5 61 CMP1 146 D9 178 FH4Q 45 APAPLPT 277 BNPQ 41 CMQ 46 DADR1 237 FH5 136 APAPME 278 BOR 181 CMSP 244 DADR2 237 FH5P 136 APAPMPT 277 BP 193 CPIP 14 DAI 98 FH6 136 APC 208 BRAF 258 CPIP1 14 DAT 222 FH6P 136 APOE 243 BRAFV 272 CRO 181 DBGN 163 FH6Q 45 APS 209 BRCA 244 CRP 206 DEX 174 FH7 136 APT 150 BSTS 179 CRT 62 DFC 108 FH7P 136 APXBN 163 BU 85 CRTI 62 DML 235 FH8 136 AQ 92 BV 185 CRYP 190 DMPM 107 FH8P 136 AQ2 92 C1 56-58 CS 59 DPATH 265 FH9 136

338 College of American Pathologists 2018 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs Program Code Page Index

Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg

FH9P 136 HBF 222 IFS 132 LN19 126 MRD1 260 FH9Q 45 HBVL 198 IG 206 LN20 126 MRD2 260 FH10 136 HBVL5 198 IGHV 256 LN21 126 MRS 183 FH10P 136 HC1 182 IGX 206 LN22 126 MRS2M 183 FH13 136 HC2 197 IL 206 LN23 127 MRS5 183 FH13P 136 HC3 182 IM 206 LN24 127 MRS5M 183 FH14 137 HC4 197 IMD1 247 LN25 127 MSI 256 FH14P 137 HC6 186 IMD2 247 LN27 127 MTBR 188 FH15 137 HC6X 186 IMD3 247 LN30 127 MTP 259 FL 213 HC7 186 IMW 207 LN31 128 MVM 80 FL1 213 HCC 66 IND 191 LN32 128 MVP 186 FL2 213 HCC2 66 ING 86 LN33 128 MX1B 234 FL3 213 HCG 206 ISH 256 LN34 128 MX1C 234 FL4 213 HCV2 198 ISH2 256 LN35 129 MX1E 234 FL5 214 HE 136 J 218 LN36 129 MX2B 234 FLAC 182 HEP 136 J1 218 LN37 129 MX2C 234 FLD 72 HER2 274 JAT 219 LN38 129 MX2E 234 FLD2 73 HFC 150 JATE1 219 LN39 129 MXB 235 FLDQ 42 HFCI 151 JATQ 49 LN40 129 MXC 235 FNA 282 HG 141 JE1 218 LN41 130 MYG 69 FNA1 282 HGM 245 K82LN42 130 N69 FNAG 283 HIVG 199 K2 82 LN43 130 NAT 230 23 FNAG1 283 HMS 64 KET 64 LN44 130 NB 65 FNPX 163 HPATH 145 KIT 258 LN45 129 NB2 65

FOL 88 HPATH1 145 KK 82 LN46 130 NEO 257 Page Index Code Program FP 87 HPS 182 KRAS 258 LPE 76 NGC 281 FP1B 87 HPV 197 KSA 69 LPX 184 NGC1 281 FP1T 87 HQBX1 271 KVM 90 M74NGS 252 FPX 87 HQBX2 271 LBAS 179 MBT 174 NGSB1 253 FR 286 HQBX3 271 LBC 151 MC1 176 NGSB2 253 FR1 286 HQBX4 271 LCW 65 MC2 176 NGSBV 255 FSER 190 HQIHC 269 LKM 211 MC3 177 NGSE 254 FSM 191 HQIP 268 LN2 120 MC4 177 NGSHM 253 FT 75 HQIPBX 270 LN2BV 120 MC5 177 NGSST 252 FTC 104 HQMMR 269 LN3 121 ME 236 NIPT 87 G 212 HQNSC 270 LN5 121-122 MGL1 246-247 NOB 105 G6PDS 75 HQWSI 268 LN5S 121-122 MGL2 246-247 NP 276 GH2 63 HSCRP 64 LN6 122 MGL3 246-247 NP1 276 GH5 63 HUEP 89 LN7 123 MGL4 246-247 NTA 102 GH5I 64 HV2 199 LN8 123 MGL5 246-247 NX 69 GHER2 274 I 131 LN9 123 MHO 260 OCB 151 GHQ 42 ICSP 245 LN11 124 MHO1 260 OCBQ 46 GIP 203 ID1 197 LN12 124 MHO2 260 OFD 100 GIP5 203 ID1T 197 LN12E 124 MHO3 260 OLI 74 GLI 259 ID2 198 LN13 124-125 MHO5 257, 260 P 192 GNBC 180 ID3 198 LN13C 124-125 MK 272 P16 273 GOCB 150 IDME 202 LN15 125 MMA 82 P3 192 GPBC 180 IDN 201 LN16 125 MMR 272 P4 192 GSA 64 IDO 201 LN17 125 MPA 60 P5 192 H 208 IDR 202 LN18 126 MRD 260 PAPCE 278

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Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg Program Code Pg

PAPCPT 277 POC9 52 RT4Q 45 TMCA 223 VR1 196 PAPJE 278 POC10 53 RTQ 45 TMCAD 223 VR2 196 PAPJPT 277 POC11 53 RUB 206 TMCAE 224 VR3 204 PAPKE 278 POC12 53 RUBX 206 TMCAF 224 VR3M 204 PAPKPT 277 POC14 54 RUR 184 TMO 193 VR4 196 PAPLE 278 POC15 54 RVBN 163 TMU 103 VRE 187 PAPLPT 277 POC16 54 RWBC 141 TMWB 103 VS 185 PAPME 278 PRO 22 S2 207 TMX 89 VS1 185 PAPMPT 277 PS 223 S4 207 TNT 62 VS2 186 PARF 231 PTHQ 43 S5 207 TNT5 62 WBCR 66 PCARI 65 PV 156 SALC 77 TPM 250 WBGQ 41 PCARM 65 PV1 156 SARC 257 TRC 222 WID 194 PCARMX 65 QF 211 SBAS 179 TTD 204 WP3 168 PCNEO 215 QP191 25 SC 156 TVAG 187 WP4 168 PCP1 191 QP192 26 SC1 156 U68WP6 168 PCP2 191 QP193 27 SCDD 105 UAA 149 WP9 168 PCP4 191 QP194 28 SCM1 152 UAA1 149 WP10 168 PCT 77 PRO 22 SCM2 152 UBJP 76 Y84 PDL1 272 QT1 31 SCO 133 UDC 99 YVM 90 PEX 193 QT2 31 SCP 225 UDS 98 YY 84 PF 166 QT3 32 SCS 143 UDS6 98 Z 56-58 23 PF1 166 QT4 32 SDS 101 UDSM 109 ZAP70 216 PGX 249 QT5 37 SE 211 UHCG 152 ZE 60 PGX1 249 QT7 33 SEC 248 UMC 153 ZT 60 PGX2 249 QT8 33 SEC1 248 UPBG 70 PGX3 249 QT10 34 SFLC 212 URC 149 PHG 76 QT15 35 SM 156 UT 96 PIA 167 QT16 36 SM1CD 156 UTCO 133 PIAX 167 QT17 36 SM2CD 156 UVM 70 PIP 263 QTC 22 SMCD 156 V 212 PIP1 263 QTP 22 SO 94 VBDM 200 PIPW 262 R78SOQ 44 VBF 148 PIPW1 262 RAG 221 SP 184 VBP 264 PLA 75 RAP 89 SP1 184 VBP1 264 PLTM 169 RBCAT 221 SPE 76 VF 101 Program Code Index Page PM1 273 RDS 211 SPN 184 VGS1 178 PM2 274 RETT 249 ST 185 VGS2 178 PM3 273 RF 206 STFR 80 VIP 250 PM5 273 RFAV1 216 SV 156 VIP1 250 PM6 273 RFAV2 216 SW1 79 VITD 84 PNA1 180 RFX 206 SW2 79 VLS 199 PNA2 180 RHCVW 229 SW3 79 VLS2 199 PNH 215 RMAL 193 SW4 79 VM1 228 POC1 52 RNA 258 T96VM2 228 POC2 52 ROM1 152 TBLA 78 VM3 228 POC3 52 RT 142 TEG 166 VM4 228 POC4 52 RT2 142 THCB 105 VM5 229 POC6 52 RT3 142 TICP 280 VM6 229 POC7 52 RT3Q 45 TICP1 280 VM6X 229 POC8 52 RT4 142 TM 89 VPBS 144

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