Raga Lakshanas and Other Subjects Connected with Music
THE JOURNAL OF THE IHUSIC ACADEMY MADRAS A QUARTERLY DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC Vol. XXIV 1953 Parts I-IV “ I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins, nor in the sun; (but), where my Bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada ! ” E D IT E D BY T. V. SUBBA RAO, B.A., B.L., AND V. RAGHAVAN, M .A ., p h .d . 1953 PUBLISHED BY THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS H5iE, MOWBRAYS ROAD, MADRAS-14 Annual Subscription :—Inland Rs. 4 ; Foreign 8 shs. Post paid. NOTICE - 5 - All correspondence should be addressed to Dr. V. Raghavan, Joint Editor, Journal of the Music Academy. Articles on musical subjects are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are contributed solely to the Journal of the Music Academy. All manuscripts should be legibly written or preferably typewritten (double-spaced—on one side of the paper only) and should be signed by the writer (giving his address in full). All articles and communications intended for publication should reach the office at least one month before the date of publication (ordinarily the 15th of the 1st month in each quarter). The Editor of the Journal is not responsible for the views expres sed by individual contributors. , , All advertisements intended for publication should reach the office not later than the 1 st of the first month of each quarter. All books, moneys and cheques due to and intended for the Journal should be sent to Dr. V. Raghavan, Joint Editor. ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES COVER PAGES: Full page Half page Back (outside) Us.
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