General Formulation of Thermoacoustics for Stacks Having Arbitrarily Shapedpore Crosssections A) W
General formulation of thermoacoustics for stacks having arbitrarily shapedpore crosssections a) W. Pat Arnott,Henry E. Bass,and Richard Rasper NationalCenter for PhysicalAcoustics, Physical Acoustics Research Group, Departmentof Physics and Astronomy, University of Mississippi,University, Mississippi 38677 (Received4 March 1991;revised 14 July 1991;accepted 2 August1991 ) Theoreticaltreatments of thermoacousticshave been reported for stackswith circularpore and parallelplate geometries. A generallinear formulation is developedfor gas-filled thermoacousticelements such as heat exchangers,stacks, and tubeshaving pores of arbitrary cross-sectionalgeometry. For compactnessin the following,F representsthe functionalform of the transversevariation of the longitudinalparticle velocity. Generally, F is a functionof frequency,pore geometry,the responsefunctions and transportcoefficients of the gasused, and the ambientvalue of the gasdensity. Expressions are developedfor the acoustic temperature,density, particle velocity, pressure, heat flow, and work flow from knowledgeof F. Heat and work flowsare comparedin the shortstack approximation for stacksconsisting of parallelplates, circular, square,and equilateraltriangular pores. In this approximation,heat andwork flowsare found to be greatestfor the parallelplate stack geometry. Pressure and specificacoustic impedance translation theorems are derivedto simplifycomputation of the acousticalfield quantities at all pointswithin a thermoacousticengine. Relations with capillary-pore-basedporous media
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