Potterian Economics* Daniel Levy** Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, ISRAEL Department of Economics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA Rimini Center for Economic Analysis, Rimini, ITALY
[email protected] Avichai Snir Department of Banking and Finance, Netanya Academic College, Netanya 42365, ISRAEL Tel: + 972-3-736-0835 Fax: + 972-3-535-3180
[email protected] JEL Codes: A13, A14, D72, D73, H00, H11, I20, P16, P48, P51, Z11, Z13 Key Words: Economic and Financial Literacy, Political Economy, Public Choice, Rent Seeking, Folk Economics, Harry Potter, Social Organization of Economic Activity, Literature, Fiction, Potterian Economy, Potterian Economics, Popular Opinion Last Revision: January 20, 2017 * We are grateful to Arye Hillman and Max Gillman whose comments helped us better link our findings to the existing literature. We thank Markus Brückner, Roger Congleton, and Pierre-Guillaume Méon, the discussants at the Silvaplana Workshop on Political Economy, where an earlier version of this paper was presented, for constructive thoughts and comments. We also thank Anat Alexandron, Sima Amram, Paul Anglin, Bob Barsky, Yoram Bauman, Mark Bergen, Sabrina Artinger, Helen Casey, Raphael Franck, Danielle Gurevitch, Miriam Krausz, Frank Lechner, Steven Levitt, Sarit Levy, Asher Meir, Hugo Mialon, Shmuel Nitzan, Chryssa Papathanassiou, Adi Schnytzer, Ainit Snir, Heinrich Ursprung and the seminar participants at Bar-Ilan University and at the AEA meetings in Chicago for comments, suggestions, and conversations about the economics of magic, and Avihai Levy and Eliav Levy for research assistance. All errors are ours. ** Corresponding author: Daniel Levy, Email Address:
[email protected], URL: http://econ.biu.ac.il/en/levy, Tel: + 972-3-5318331.