Volume 5, Issue 1 August 2017 The School Safety Information Sharing Program Milestone - 5th Year! This is the fifth volume of the School Safety Newsletter. As this program heads into the fifth year, please feel free Protecting our to pass this newsletter along and encourage those in your schools, districts or campuses, who work to improve safety, to sign up for the program. To sign up, send an email to
[email protected] and request the application and non-disclosure form. There are currently over 850 program members. future through For program members, please remember that any safety concerns, threats, and trends at your school, district, or campus, can be affecting others. By sending an email to the address above with information regarding your safety information concerns, you are allowing this information to be shared with others that could benefit from the information. The goal of this program continues to be sharing information to improve safety at schools and campuses in Illinois. sharing Looking forward to a new and safe year. Please let me know how I can help. - Kind regards, Mia In This Issue After Bomb Threat ‘Hoax,’ Universities Face Concerns About Network The School Safety Security Information Sharing USA Today, June 5, 2017 Program Milestone—5th Year! http://college.usatoday.com/2017/06/05/after-bomb-threat-hoax-universities-face-concerns-about-network-security/ After Bomb Threat Universities across the country are grappling with a series of similar bomb threats sent to campus printers and fax ‘Hoax,’ Universities Face Concerns About machines over the past two weeks, prompting questions about how attackers were able to gain access to university Network Security networks to send the threats.