July 10, 19122 Bulletin No

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July 10, 19122 Bulletin No No. 30 ARNOLD ARBORETUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY BULLETIN OF POPULAR INFORMATION JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. JULY 10, 19122 BULLETIN NO. 30. The largest genus of summer-flowering trees here is Tilia, the Lindens, which are now at the height of their flowering time although the flowers of a few of the species are already fading and those of some others are just opening. The genus is widely and generally distributed in all the temperate parts of the northern hemisphere with the exception of west- ern North America and the Himalayas. Between forty and fifty species and several hybrids are recognized, for hybrids and supposed hybrids in Tilia are common, and among these hybrids are some of the handsomest and most rapid-growing of all Lindens. Although Lindens are much planted for the embellishment of parks and as street trees there is great confusion, especially in the United States, in regard to the different forms which are cultivated, and this confusion in so far as it relates to the European species was imported from Europe with the trees, for Linnaeus and many botanists after him believed that the Lindens of northern and western Europe were only forms of one tree, and so started the trouble. In eastern North America there are seven species of Linden trees; four of these are from the extreme south and either are not hardy in the Arboretum or have been tried here during such a short time that they need not now be considered. The Linden of the north, T. americana, is a splendid great tree growing to its largest size on rich hillsides and moist bottom-lands, and showing its greatest beauty in the forests of New Brunswick, northern New England, and the valley of the St. Law- rence River. This tree may be easily distinguished from the other Lin- dens by the green and shining lower surface of the leaves which has no hairy covering with the exception of rather conspicuous tufts in the axils of the principal veins. This tree has been somewhat planted in eastern Massachusetts but less frequently than in the neighborhood of more northern cities. Here, especially in dry summers, the leaves are some- times made brown by the red spider which, however, is easily controlled by spraying. Tilia spectabilis, which is believed to be a hybrid between this tree and Tilia tomentosa of eastern Europe, is a very vigorous and fast-growing tree of much promise. In some European nurseries it is sold under the name of Tilia Moltki. Tilia flavescens, usually found in nurseries under the name of T. floribunda, is a supposed hybrid between T. americana and the European T. cordata. This tree is remarkable in its rather small, thick and very lustrous leaves, and large flowers. Plants only a few feet high flower profusely. The second North American Linden tree, T. alba, or, as it is often called, T. Michauxii, although it was first distinguished and made known nearly a century ago, was long overlooked or misunderstood by botanists; and it is only in recent years that this handsome tree has been found to be widely distributed from the valley of the St. Lawrence River to Georgia and Arkansas. It may be distinguished from T. americana by the pale lower surface of the leaves, which is more or less covered with star-shaped clusters of white hairs. This tree is now well established in the Arboretum, although the plants are not old enough to flower. The third of our northern Lindens, T. heterophylla, is a species of the Appalachian Mountains and is distributed from western New York to northern Alabama, and through Kentucky to southern Indiana and Illi- nois, growing to its greatest beauty and to its largest size in the forests which cover the slopes of the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. The leaves of this tree are larger than those of the other Lindens, and as they are silvery white on the lower surface and hang on long slender stalks the slightest breeze makes them turn first one surface and then the other to the eye. This hardy and beautiful tree appears to be rarely cultivated. All the European Lindens succeed in the eastern states where they have been more generally planted than the American species and where there are large and old specimens of some of the species in the neighbor- hood of the seaboard cities. There are five European Lindens and it is among these and their hybrids that exists the greatest confusion in the minds of the cultivators of these trees. Probably the most widely dis- tributed of the European species, especially in the south, is Tilia platy- phyllos. This tree may be recognized by the yellow tinge of the leaves and the thick covering of short hairs on their lower surface and on their stalks, and by the prominent ribs of the fruit. This is the earliest of all Linden trees to flower here, the flowers having been fading for the last ten days, and it is this tree which now appears to be most commonly sold in American nurseries as the European Linden. There are varieties with leaves larger than those of the type (var. grandifolia), with erect branches forming a broad pyramidal head (var. pyramidata), and with variously divided leaves (var. lanceolata and vitifolia). A more beautiful tree is Tilia cordata, the common Linden of northern Europe where it sometimes grows to a very large size, the old historic Lindens of the northern and central parts of the continent being usually of this species. This tree is distinguished by its small, thin, more or less heart-shaped leaves which are pale on the lower surface and furnished with conspicuous tufts of rusty brown hairs in the axils of the principal veins. It appears to have been little planted in the United States, and in the neighborhood of Boston it is the rarest of the Lindens of western Europe. It is, however, a hardy and desirable tree especially valuable on account of its late flowers which supply the bees with food after those of all other Lindens have passed. There is a large-leaved form of this tree (var. cordifolia) from western Europe in the collection which is a handsome and vigorous plant of much promise. This is sometimes sold in European nurseries as T. europaea or vulgaris. The third European Linden, called variously T. vulgaris, T. europaea, T. intermedia and T. hybrida, is considered by some of the best obser- vers of European trees a natural hybrid between T. platyphyllos and T. cordata. Although widely distributed in Europe, it appears to be much less common than either of its supposed parents, and the variation in the size, shape and color of the leaves make its hybrid origin possible. On some individuals the lower surface of the leaves is quite green and on others it is bluish or even whitish, but leaves on different parts of the same branch differ in this respect and on shoots produced from the bases of old trees the large leaves are quite green. T. vulgaris is a fine round-headed tree with rather small somewhat pendulous branches, and it appears to have been more often planted in the neighborhood of Boston than any other Linden. There are a number of large specimens in front of an old house on Centre Street near Orchard Street, Jamaica Plain, and in Olmsted Park. The flowers of this tree are now fading, so in its flowering time it is intermediate between its two supposed parents. There is another supposed hybrid of the same parentage and a native of Hungary, known as T. vulgaris var. pallida. This tree has larger leaves pale on the lower surface, and in habit and general apj pearance resembles T. platyphyllos more than the commoner forms oL T. vulgaris. It is propagated in some of the Dutch nurseries where it is sold as T. vulgaris or europaea, and in the Arboretum collection it is the most rapid growing and the most shapely of all the species and hybrids, giving promise of becoming an excellent street tree for this region. Two Linden trees are found only in eastern Europe, the silver Lin- den, T. tomentosa or argentea, as it is sometimes called, and T. pe- tiolaris. The Silver Linden is a tree with erect branches forming a broad, compact, round-topped formal head, and large erect leaves dark green and lustrous above and white and covered below with short thick felt. This distinct and handsome tree has not been much planted in east- ern Massachusetts but it can be often seen in the neighborhood of New York and Philadelphia, and there are a number of good specimens in Central and Prospect Parks. T. petiolaris is a more beautiful tree; this also has leaves which are silvery white on the lower surface but they hang down on long slender stalks and flutter gracefully in the breeze. The branches, which are also pendulous, form a rather narrow but open head. This tree is not known in a wild state and all the plants in cultivation have been derived from a single individual found ninety years ago in a garden in Odessa. This beautiful tree appears to have been more often planted near Boston than the Silver Linden, but is still rare and little known here. A supposed hybrid of this tree with T. ameri- cana and sometimes sold in nurseries as T. alba spectabilis is one of the most rapid-growing of the Lindens and a very handsome tree with the leaves of the size and shape of its American parent but silvery white on their lower surface.
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