November, 2017 Address: ISB, Hyderabad, Phone: +91 8765-696-124 email: [email protected] homepage: Sandip Bisui

Research Interests

Technology Innovation Knowledge Network Knowledge Transfer Academic Experience

May 2016- Research Associate (Strategy area), Indian School of Business (ISB), India Education

2011-16 Master of in & Scientific Computing Indian (IIT) , India Gpa: 8.9/10 among top 5 students of the class

2011-16 Minor in Industrial & Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India Gpa: 10/10

2011-16 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Scientific Computing Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India Gpa: 6.2/10 Awards & Scholarships

2011-14 Inspire Scholarship (conferred by the Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) 2015 GATE Scholarship (conferred by the All India Council for Technical Education) Working Papers

[1] Impact of reputation on network learning I am examining the role of the reputation of the focal firm in network learning. The theoretical premise of this study states that the tied-to firm is selective while imitating the technologies of the focal firm and the reputation of the focal firm plays a crucial role in this. I am trying to validate my hypotheses in the context of Indian health-care industry.

[2] Dying inner-circle of US corporate elites (With Prof. Anindya Ghosh) Examines how globalization has destroyed the inner-circle of the US corporate elites. (An exten- sion of Davis, Yoo and Baker’s (2003) work on small world phenomena of US corporate elites). Other Publications

2014 Misra, S. C., & Bisui, S. Critical challenges for adopting personalized medicine system in healthcare management: perspectives of clinicians and patients. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC), 5(2), 70-89. Link

2016 Misra, S. C., Singh, V., Jha, N. K., & Bisui, S. Modeling privacy issues in distributed enter- prise resource planning systems. International Journal of Communication Systems, 29(2), 378-401.(impact factor 1.06) Link

2016 Misra, S. C., Singh, V., & Bisui, S. Characterization of Agile ERP. Software Quality Professional- American Society for Quality, 18(3). Link

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Apr 2016- A Systematic Investigation of Alliance Termination- Antecedents & Triggers Ongoing Supervisors: Prof. Thomas Klueter, IESE Business School; & Prof. Anindya Ghosh, ISB - Reviewed literature pertinent to alliance continuation and termination, information processing, and organizational attention in alliance from top journals such as SMJ, AMJ, AMR, ASQ, MS, OS and RP. - Used Factiva, Lexis-Nexis, Edgar, web-archive and firm annual reports to collect sec- ondary data of top 50 pharma and biotech companies (top management composition, emphasis on alliances etc) and 650 alliances (start date, termination date, termination reason etc) initiated by these firms. - Coded the variables- termination outcome, organizational attention, research capability and R&D centralization.

Feb 2017- Comparative study of a successful (Wifi) & failed (WiMax) standard Ongoing Supervisors: Prof. Ram Ranganathan, UT Austin; Prof. John Chen, University of Florida; & Prof. Anindya Ghosh, ISB - We aim to understand the differences between a highly successful standard (Wifi- 802.11) and another with mixed success (WiMax-802.16), and how technical vs. political processes underneath them play roles in each. - Collected the secondary data membership information of these two standard groups, email conversations among the members, balloting information and voting details, tech- nical documents, products and patents of the sample firms etc from IEEE web-page using Python. - Coded the variables- firm’s attention, technological overlap, consensus on ballot using MySQL and Stata.

Research Experience (IIT Kanpur, India)

2012-2016 Personalized Medicine Supervisors: Prof. Subhas Misra, Dept. of IME, IIT Kanpur; & Prof. Shakti Ghorai, Dept. of Mathematics & , IIT Kanpur - Modelled trust, privacy and security issues as moderators with success factors of Per- sonalized Medicine. - Empirical techniques used: Structural Equation Modelling & Regression analysis.

2014-2016 Conventional & Agile ERP Supervisor: Prof. Subhas C Misra, Dept. of IME, IIT Kanpur - Modelled trust, privacy and security concerns of Conventional ERP and Agile ERP. - Empirical techniques used: Principal Component Analysis, Reliability test, t-test. Research Internship (NCTU, Taiwan)

Dec 2014- Physicians’ intention to adopt EMR & EMR exchange Mar 2015 Supervisor: Prof. Hsin-Ginn Hwang, Institute of Information Management, NCTU, Taiwan - Studied the factors responsible for limited use of Health Information Exchange by physicians. - Analyzed collected data (survey data using delphi technique) using regression, factor analysis & t-test.

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Languages & Software: Stata, Python, R, MySQL Database: WRDS (Compustat, CRSP), BoardEx, Dataverse Relevant Courses

Competitive Strategy* Probability & Statistics Computing for Management Strategic Innovation Management* Regression Analysis Data Structure & Algorithm Time Series Analysis Statistical Inference Research Writing* *Courses taken at Indian School of Business (ISB) Course Projects (IIT Kanpur, India) Reports

Jan 2015- Regression analysis of nutrient content of various food items Apr 2015 Supervisor: Prof. Sharmishtha Mitra, Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, IIT Kanpur Aug 2015- Time series analysis to determine total rainfall Nov 2015 Supervisor: Prof. Amit Mitra, Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, IIT Kanpur Apr 2015- Traffic flow modelling on a one way lane using partial differential equation Jul 2015 Supervisor: Prof. Shakti Ghorai, Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, IIT Kanpur Positions of Responsibility

2015-16 Department Placement Coordinator, Students Placement Office, IIT Kanpur 2014 Head, Events & Competitions, Udghosh (Annual Sports Festival, IIT Kanpur) 2014 Manager, Megaworld, (Annual Technical Festival, IIT Kanpur) 2013 Coordinator, Informals, (Annual Cultural Festival, IIT Kanpur) 2012-13 Secretary, Club, IIT Kanpur 2011-12 Volunteer, National Social Service (NSS) Interests & Activities

- Making short films & designing posters - made a documentary on rural development of India. (2012) - Rubik’s cube solving- participated in Guinness world record for mass solving of Rubik’s cube. (2013) - Active Sports person- attended athletics summer camp, IIT Kanpur. (2012) Languages

Bengali: Mother-tongue English: Fluent : Fluent References

Prof. Anindya Ghosh Prof. Thomas Klueter Prof. John Sze-Chi Chen Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Indian School of Business IESE Business School University of Florida B [email protected] B [email protected] B [email protected]

Prof. Ram Ranganathan Prof. Subhas C Misra Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, UT Austin IIT Kanpur B [email protected] B [email protected]

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