EANS TIE: make . , .. ' .. .•.. .• •• ~aurelOf Phi Kcppo Tou Volume 85, No. 2, Fall1997 Deadline for Winter: October 15 contentS TerriL. Nackid, Editor William D. jenkins, Business Manager Eli:abeth S. Runyon, Senior Editor James A. Walker, Assistant Editor Contributor this issue: John T. Chafin II COVER It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ...w ell, no, it's not him. Illustrating the conflict between t,shirt and tie; a Phi Tau busts out. More on the clothes debate on page 6. Photo by Ron Kolb, Exposures Unlimited. THE LAUREL is the exoteric publication of The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation. Published prior to 1919 as SIDELIGHTS. A journal devoted to topics related to higher education involving college and alumni interests. Published under the direction and authority of the Board of Trustees of the Phi Departments Kappa Tau Foundation. Editorial Mailing Address: 4 14 North Campus Ave. Mailbox Oxford, OH 45056
[email protected] CONNECTIONS 24 Address Changes: Brothers Across Generations \ 25 Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity 15 North Campus Ave. Phi Tau Laurels 30 Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 523·4193, ext. 221 Alumni News 32 THE LAUREL OF PHI KAPPA TAU is published tri· On Campus 35 annually by The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation, 14 North Campus Avenue, Oxford, OH 45056. Third-class postage Chapter Eternal 4J is paid at Cincinnati, OH 45203, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Phi Kappa Tau, 1997-98 Scholarship Winners 43 15 North Campus Avenue, Oxford, OH 45056 Printed in the U.S.A. ISSN Number: 0023-8996 Anything For A Byline 46 Member: The College Fraternity Editors Association From My Side of the Desk 57 Side Roads 61 Cover concept, design and layout by James A.