ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities

EXTERIOR Bells – Hearing the Celebration of Our Christian Mission

GATHERING SPACE St. Paul & St John Henry Newman– Portraits of Christian Evangelists Narthex Doors Carving – “Alpha and Omega,” The Eternal God Holy Water Fonts –Our Baptismal Promise from God Baptismal Font Announcement – A Proclamation of Christ’s Saving Grace Baptistry Mural – My Beloved Son Baptismal Font – Born Again in Water Ambry for Holy Oils – Christ, the “Anointed One” Confessional – Contrite Sacred Art NAVE Pews – Gothic Revival St. Edith Stein & St. Maximilian Kolbe – Scholars and Martyrdom Floor Design and Symbols - Our Theological Virtues South Transept – Conversion of St. Paul – “You are my Symbols Defined – Faith, Hope and Love Chosen Instrument” Stained Glass Windows – Call from Darkness to Light Stations of the – The Way of the Cross St. Kateri Tekakwitha & St. Isaac Jogues – Evangelization Stations of the Cross 1-7 St. Gianna Molla & St. Padre Pio – Holiness in Different Stations of the Cross 8-14 States of Life Pantocrator Ceiling Mural – Speaking Our Theological St. Maria Goretti & St. Charles Lwanga – Purity, Truth Martyrdom, Patrons for Youth The New Jerusalem 1 – Ceiling Bay North Transept – Pentecost, Mary Spouse of Holy Spirit The New Jerusalem 2 – Ceiling Bay St. John Henry Newman & St. Elizabeth Seton – Education Lighting – Chandeliers St. Teresa of Calcutta & St. John Paul II – Love of Human Altar Wording – “Behold the Lamb of God” Person Altar – Celebration of Thanksgiving SANCTUARY Ambo – The Empty Tomb, Proclamation of the Good News Presider Chair and Deacon Chairs – Seat of Wisdom Sedilia & Prie Dieu – Altar Server Station Tabernacle and Tabernacle Throne – God’s Dwelling Place St. Paul Statue with Angel Background – Honoring Christian Values Holy Family Statue with Angel Background – Honoring STATUES Christian Values Apse Mural - Christ’s Lasting Presence in the World Through His Church APSE Holy – Christ’s Paschal Mystery Sanctuary Lamp – God is Present Among Us

APPOINTMENTS Paschal Candle – The Light of the World Altar Candles – Spirit of Truth Credence Table – Preparation of the Gifts Consecration and Candles – Sanctity of the Church ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities October 2016

MovingNewmanForward Thank you for making history with us tonight and being a part of the biggest night in Newman’s long history of service to the campus of NDSU! We look forward to this opportunity to transform our community and to make NDSU a better university through the gift of our heritage and faith. Our concern for the formation of virtue, giving college students the skills to live life well, will make for a better university experience and help form a hopeful culture and world. Our willingness to partner in this all too important work of campus ministry will pursue the following goals for tens of thousands of students for the next 100 years:

• Help build a broad based value at NDSU • Promote the pursuit of excellence in the mind, body and soul of every student • Help build a deeper engagement in university life through faith based relationships • Form tomorrow’s leaders today!

The transition our of high school into what it means to be an adult is often the most important movement in our lives. Your willingness to be a part of that journey means thousands of students will have the opportunity to experience the gift of our faith as an intellectually valid approach for the meaning of life and the search for human happiness. Every young adult deserves the opportunity to discover the empowerment of faith instead of the spectrum of confusion the secular mystique affords university life. I will forever be thankful before God for all of eternity for your willingness to help us put our best effort for the faith at a time the majority of our young adults will decide against the faith. Campus ministry remains the most efficient and effective means for changing hearts and forming future leaders so needed for our Church and state today! Thank you for caring about what happens when the majority of our young adults go to a state university. I look forward to working with you and every young adult to fan the flame of faith into a burning fire that will build a culture of life and make the world a better place to live God and our neighbor. Respectfully,

Rev. James Cheney St. Paul’s Newman Center

1141 University Drive N. | Fargo, ND 58102 701-235-0142 ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities


The Newman Center is here to serve the NDSU nor would they have a “home” to come to when the campus as a “home away from home” for students epidemic of moral problems, such as pre-marital making the transition into adulthood, preparing sex, drug and alcohol addictions, pornography, and them to receive the gift of their vocation and same-sex unions, push themselves upon our students equipping them to live a dynamic Catholic life. and they have nowhere else to turn. Finally, amidst rampant poverty and greed, there would be no Our Purpose Here: Catholic campus ministry stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, except in the has played an important role at NDSU since pursuit of self-fulfillment. God has blessed us profusely 1928, when 36 students came together to form with this opportunity to spread the Gospel and carry the Catholic Students’ Club. Today, that ministry on the legacy of the Catholic Faith through many is thriving at St. Paul’s Newman Center, where generations. thousands of students have actively engaged and benefited from a holistic Catholic formation – “If then a practical end must be assigned to a encouraging them in their pursuit of such virtues University course, I say it is that of training good as chastity, sobriety, and excellence, so much members of society... It is the education which gives a needed in today’s society and culture. man a clear, conscious view of their own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in As a “home away from home,” the Newman expressing them, and a force in urging them. It teaches Center not only tends to the daily spiritual needs him to see things as they are, to go right to the point, of students, but also provides a place for hundreds to disentangle a skein of thought to detect what is of students to form faith-based relationships sophistical and to discard what is irrelevant.” [Cardinal every day. Through our hugely successful FOCUS John Henry Newman, The Idea of a University] campus ministry program, the Newman Center provides opportunities for youth to minister to A gift to the Changing Hearts, Changing Lives Capital youth – with over 70 student-led Bible studies on Campaign is one that will ensure a Catholic presence campus, men’s and women’s groups, and various on the NDSU campus for generations to come. We social activities every week. have established a five-year pledge period to reach our goal. For more information on how you can make Without the presence of the Newman Center on a significant impact on this project, call or email a campus, much would be lost. Our future leaders member of the bisonCatholic Development staff. would have no guidance in their pursuit of virtue,

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities EXTERIOR Total Sponsorship $169,500.00 Bells - Hearing the Celebration of Our Christian Mission

Our Christian tradition first reminds the faithful that The sound of bells ringing means good news for God is present in their daily lives. Then the bells call us God’s people because it indicates that the people’s together to worship Him and allow our hearts to “make a sins have been atoned for in a way acceptable to joyful noise”! [Psalm 100] God. Exodus instructs that “bells of gold” were to be attached to the hem of the high priest’s robe, so that the people could hear him as he entered and exited the Holy of Holies [Exodus 28:31-35] EACH BELL Memorial $56,500.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities

History of the Bells These specific bells were constructed by the Meneely 1901 so the parish could be incorporated and Bell Co. located in Troy, NY in 1908. The Meneely Bell canonically established. While legal matters Foundry was established in 1826 in Watervilet MY by were being attended to, men volunteered to their Andre Meneely. The bells in question cam from the services to convert the building into Church use. second Meneely bell foundry established in 1870 by It was during the period of 1927 and 1928 when Andrew’s son, Clinton H, Meneely which remained in the Church and surrounding grounds were being operation until its closing in 1951. While the original renovated the bells were purchased and put into location of these bells are not listed in any company service. The bells remained in service until the records to date (as many aren’t) they were sold to St. parish was merged with St. Mary’s Church in Joseph’s Church in Poughkeepsie, NY in 1927. Pougkeepsie in November of 2014. The bells were then relocated to the Patrimony Office warehouse St. Joseph’s Church was founded in 1900 when on Staten Island for potential future sale. Germania Society Hall was purchased for the sum of $5,000. Ecclesiastical permission was obtained in

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities GATHERING AREA

St. Paul Portraits of Christian Evangelists “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.” [Ephesians 6:17]

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” [2 Corinthians 5:17, St. Paul]

St. Paul was a convert whose message to the world was that we are saved entirely by God, not by anything we can do. Saving faith is the gift of having a free, loving and personal commitment to Christ. This commitment then bears fruit in works that overflow into God’s creation.

These two converts who so eloquently taught and instructed our faith shed light on the meaning of truth and Christ’s role in our lives.

Entrance Murals Outside entrance doors ST. PAUL Memorial Size: 4’w by 7’h ENTRANCE MURAL $35,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities GATHERING AREA

St. John Henry Newman Portraits of Christian Evangelists

“He is not past, he is present now.” [St. John Henry Newman]

“To holy people the very name of Jesus is a name to feed upon, a name to transport. His name can raise the dead and transfigure and beautify the living.” [St. John Henry Newman]

John Henry Newman, a convert and a master of language and theological understanding, provided a message to the world of the strength and purpose of the Catholic Church. He understood how the message of Christ’s love was most clearly given in the sacraments. His deep knowledge of theology provided a better understanding of Christ to those who practice and to those learning about the Catholic faith.

Entrancne Murals ST. JOHN HENRY NEWMAN Outside entrance doors ENTRANCE MURAL Memorial Size: 4’w by 7’h $35,000.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ENTRANCE Narthex Doors Carving “Alpha and Omega,” The Eternal God

God is “the Beginning and the End.” Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet, signifying how creation begins with God and how our lives with Him in eternity end with worshipping Him in heaven. God is eternal. This is our doorway into faith.

NARTHEX DOORS CARVINGS Total Sponsorship Memorial $2,000.00 each $4,000.00 (2 Available) 2 RESERVED © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ENTRANCE

Ambry for Holy Oils Christ, the “Anointed One” The Ambry provides a holding place for the Holy Oils, the most significant tangible sacrament Christ left to us apart from His body and blood in the Eucharist. The Holy Oils further realize the Christian belief that our living God desires always to be with us. The Holy Oils are used as follows: • Oil of the Catechumens – anointing those baptized into the Catholic faith • Sacred Chrism – for baptism, confirmation and holy orders • Oil of the Infirm – anointing the sick Why it’s important: in a theological to physical understanding of term “oil,” the words “seed,” “word,” and “God” are all synonyms of the same creative substance. • The Creator is known as Ovum, the generative seed from which all life essence flows. • The seed is the cause, the nucleolus, therefore a seed is the beginning. “In the beginning was the • WOR D.” • In Greek, this marrow is called Christ, which means “oil” or “anointed one. When the oil is refined – “lifted up” or “raised” – it becomes so highly vitalized that it regenerates the body and overcomes death, thus giving life to our formerly corrupt flesh. These three Holy Oils imprint upon us our purpose and earliest connection to Christ. Our lives have now been given a new connection with Him on Earth so that we may physically be with Him always, celebrating with Christ in the Heavenly Kingdom. AMBRY FOR HOLY OILS Memorial $15,000.00 RESERVED © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ENTRANCE Total Sponsorship Baptistry Mural $52,650.00 My Beloved Son “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” As the heavens opened up to announce Jesus as the son of God to the multitude of people, so God also sent Jesus to open up heaven for us all. At His baptism, Jesus was manifested as the Son of God. At our baptism we are likewise manifested as God’s children, for we are baptized in the name of the Father and are thereby permitted to take on His name.

BAPTISTRY MURAL Memorial $52,650.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ENTRANCE Total Sponsorship

Top View $70,000.00

Baptismal Font Born Again in Water

“Truly, truly, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” [John 3:5] The Font is symbolized as Tomb and Womb of the Church. • Baptism washes away our sins but also immerses us in the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ. • By being given the gift of the Holy Spirit we are now members of the body of Christ, which Side View died in order to be resurrected. • Through death we have been given eternal life. These actions happen by water and the Holy Spirit. Placing the baptismal font in the front entrance of BAPTISMAL FONT the chapel symbolizes the importance of having the community present when celebrating the sacrament: Memorial the community of God’s own people, a holy race ready $70,000.00 to love and assist the child after baptism. We have now become members of the same body.

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ENTRANCE

BAPTISMAL FOUNT ANNOUNCEMENT Memorial $75,000.00 Baptismal Font Announcement A Proclamation of Christ’s Saving Grace

“We were indeed buried with Him…” We must now die God in baptism. to ourselves and be reborn in Christ. “We too might live in the newness of life.” These “Through baptism into death…” Through baptism we virtues will lead us to everlasting life in the are now grafted onto the crucified body of Christ. Kingdom of God. [Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 6:4] “So that by the Glory of the Father…” The virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity are given to us by the grace of © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Total Sponsorship Flooring, Design, and Symbols $300,000.00 Our Theological Virtues

The marble floor will seek to glorify the worship space, giving brilliance and beauty to the celebration of the liturgy. The stone represents the living stone, the foundation on which we have set the rock of our faith. The herringbone pattern in the center aisle draws the worshiper into the paschal mystery, guiding the eye towards the sanctuary. The border defines the space of the baptistry, pews and sanctuary, pulling all together as one in a holistic environment. The symbols are a visual reminder of the theological virtues we practice and how we obtain our relationship with the living God. The symbols progress toward the sanctuary, reminding us this is how we are to achieve eternal life with Christ in heaven.

CHAPEL FLOORING Memorial $300,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Symbols Defined Faith, Hope, and Love These three theological virtues are graces bestowed on us by God. We receive them at baptism and are guided by FAITH the Church through our lives to live them in perfection. FLOOR St. Thomas Aquinas defined these virtues as our “ideal SYMBOL relationship to God.”

Faith is the virtue that perfects the intellect by a supernatural Memorial light. It becomes the truth inside us that is $60,000.00 guided by the supernatural truth given from God. With the virtue of Faith, we receive the power to believe in God and in all that he has revealed through Christ and His Church.

Hope is the virtue bestowed by God through which one trusts that God will grant eternal life and the means HOPE of obtaining it, if one is obedient. The virtue of Hope FLOOR makes it possible for Christians to trust in God. It helps SYMBOL us to find comfort in Jesus’ promise of eternal life. “I am the resurrection and the life: whoever believes in me, though he should die, will come to life.” [John 11:25-26] Memorial $60,000.00 Charity/Love is considered the most important virtue. The Modern Catholic Dictionary defines it as “the infused supernatural virtue by which a person loves God

above all things for His [that is, God’s] own sake, and loves others for God’s sake.” To love God means that we want to please him by doing good and avoiding sin. To love our neighbors means that we want good things for them, especially for them to reach heaven. “God is LOVE love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God FLOOR in him.” [1 John 4:16]. SYMBOL

Total Sponsorship Memorial $180,000.00 $60,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities SANCTUARY

ALTAR WORDING Memorial $75,000.00

Altar Wording “Behold the Lamb of God” Front of Altar: “Behold the Lamb of God” is the announcement made to the Christian fellowship that we are now in the presence of our Savior, the one who We look to the innocent blood sacrificed and ask for sacrificed his life for us so that we may obtain eternal mercy. life. His real presence is now before us and we celebrate in thanksgiving. Back of Altar: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Now that we have been baptized into the sacred paschal Left Side of Altar: “This is my body.” Christ has left us mystery, we celebrate and give thanks for Christ’s Himself, present in the Eucharist. He longed to be one sacrifice. We celebrate the breaking of the bread, as with us and is reminding us that He is our living God. did the disciples with Christ at the Last Supper. We too have now become His disciples and bring the Right Side of Altar: “This is my blood.” Christ’s blood good news to others through the Eucharist. was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities SANCTUARY

ALTAR Altar Memorial $143,000.00 Celebration of Thanksgiving RESERVED The altar is “the center of thanksgiving that the power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. Eucharist accomplishes” and the point around I have received this command from my Father.” [John which the other rites are in some manner arrayed. 10:17-18] Since the Church teaches that “the altar is Christ,” its composition should reflect the nobility, beauty, The Catechism of the Catholic Church identifies the strength, and simplicity of the One it represents. In Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass as “the source and new churches there is to be only one altar so that it summit of Christian life.” [CCC 1324; cit. Lumen “signifies to the assembly of the faithful the one Christ Gentium 11.1] In the separate consecration of the bread and the one Eucharist of the Church.” It is “built of as His body and the wine as His blood, Jesus offers His living stone.” human life entirely to the Father in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. In this act of total self-sacrifice, He removes “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the the impediment to union between man and God, which world!” [John 1:29] is sin. The Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world before our very eyes. In giving thanks, we consummate “For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay the sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin through the down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes reception of Holy Communion with the Lamb of it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have Sacrifice.

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities SANCTUARY

Ambo The Empty Tomb, Proclamation of the Good News

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) makes a striking claim: “[W]hen the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His Word, proclaims the Gospel.” [No. 29] The church furnishings take part in this sacramental rite. The altar, for instance, represents Christ as the Anointed One standing amidst His people. Similarly, the ambo is more than a reading desk that conveniently holds liturgical books. It signifies and magnifies the importance of the “living and effective” Word of God proclaimed in the liturgy, through which Christ “sanctifies humanity and offers the Father perfect worship.” The ambo signifies the rediscovery and return of the liturgically celebrated proclamation of Christ’s presence in the scriptures to the people of God. It is no mere functional book stand, but holds significant theological import as a signifier of the importance of scripture itself.

AMBO Memorial $145,000.00 RESERVED

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Stained Glass Windows Call from Darkness to Light “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at The art and the signs are filled with beauty, and they all.” [1 John 1:5] direct our inward gaze to beauty Himself. Once seated, worshipers are able to spend time, not reflecting on the Gothic stained glass windows are a poetry of light, world around them, but facing inward towards Christ’s of the pouring forth of being and light from God, presence in their lives, intertwining themselves with His whom no mere creature can fathom, “who alone has beauty and light. immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light.” [1 Timothy 6:16] The saints chosen for St. Paul’s Newman Chapel are among those who lived in great light. Their message of The magnitude, color and images of the stained glass Christ’s everlasting glory and love was present in their windows create a leap from what we see as earthly lives: by their actions as well as their words to the world. light to heavenly light. The art in the windows shows Their sacrifice, given in the face of evil; the spiritual Christ working among us and us striving to rise courage they exemplified when presented with life’s from the material to the immaterial. In doing so, we challenges; and their ever-present LOVE of mankind fulfill Christ’s redeeming purpose for our Christian and Christ’s Church, is how they were made holy vessels journey: to live in Him. of Christ’s light shining through to humanity.

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St. Kateri Tekakwitha and St. Isaac Jogues Evangelization


ST. ISAAC JOGUES WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

Total Sponsorship $230,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

St. Maria Goretti and St. Charles Lwanga Purity

ST. MARIA GORETTI WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

ST. CHARLES LWANGA WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

Total Sponsorship $230,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

St. Gianna Molla and St. Padre Pio Holiness in different states of life

ST. GIANNA MOLLA WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

ST. PADRE PIO WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

Total Sponsorship $230,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

St. John Paul II and St. Theresa of Calcutta Love of the human person

ST. JOHN PAUL II WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00


Total Sponsorship $230,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

St. Edith Stein and St. Maximilian Koble Scholars, Martyrdom

ST. EDITH STEIN WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

ST. MAXIMILIAN KOBLE WINDOW Memorial $115,000.00

Total Sponsorship $230,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

St. John Henry Newman and St. Elizabeth Seton Scholars, Education


ST. JOHN HENRY NEWMAN WINDOW ST. ELIZABETH SETON WINDOW Memorial Memorial $115,000.00 $115,000.00

Total Sponsorship $230,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Our Lady of Pentecost Stained Glass Windows Transepts


PENTECOST WINDOW Memorial $210,000.00


Total Sponsorship $630,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE Conversion of St. Paul Holiness & transformation by power of Holy Spirit leading to fruitfulness of mission

CONVERSION OF SAUL WINDOW Memorial $210,000.00 ITEM #888

ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE WINDOW Memorial $210,000.00


Total Sponsorship $630,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Total Sponsorship EACH STATION Memorial $210,000.00 $15,000.00

Stations of the Cross The Way of the Cross

“My Lord Jesus Christ, you have made this journey to The fourteen Stations of the Cross are a catechetical Die for me with unspeakable love…you go to die for tool dating back to the fourteenth century, in which love of me, I want, my beloved Redeemer, to die for Christians were able to experience in their own love of You...” [St. Alphonsius Ligouri, Prayer of the church the sights along the pilgrimage of the Passion Stations of the Cross] in Jerusalem. “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny Each station represents a definitive moment of himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Christ’s Passion, which is why the Stations are also [Luke 9:23] known as “the Way of the Cross.”

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

FIRST STATION SECOND STATION THIRD STATION Memorial Memorial Memorial $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Stations of the Cross, Stations 1 through 7

1 – Jesus is condemned to death. This is the last image 4 – Jesus meets His Mother. Mary shows us her seen of Christ before he takes up His cross. Pilate is willing obedience to God’s will even now, seeing looking towards Christ but also facing the congregation, the death that is coming to her son so that the looking towards us, showing how our sins condemned sins of humanity can be washed away. Jesus shows an innocent man to death. love to His mother, bringing her into His sacrifice, making her our mother as well. 2 – Jesus is made to bear His cross. Man in his fallen nature desires to achieve his own salvation, but Man 5 – Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His cross. cannot achieve his own Salvation. Only through Christ’s Jesus even experiences our struggles to receive help. willingness to take on the cross did it become our glory God’s mercy shows how beautiful and humbling to share. it is to allow another to assist us in bearing our burdens. Even Christ Himself needed help; we too 3 – Jesus falls the first time. The weight of sin is deadly. need His help to salvation. The reflection of the weight of sin on the soul, and the strength it took for Christ to take it on, showed us His determination to see it put to death.

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FOURTH STATION FIFTH STATION SIXTH STATION Memorial Memorial Memorial $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

6 – Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. He has been whipped and beaten, showing solidarity with all who have suffered injustice. On her veil, she discovers the image of His face. At times we too have been beaten down by life, the brutality of its misery and agony; our souls can feel the suffering. Even in this pain, Christ will show His face. His Truth and Love surpass all brutality. 7 – Jesus falls the second time. No matter how much help we may receive, the strain of life can overcome us. As Christ said, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Our bodies may not have the strength to carry the burden of disability, disease, and aging itself, but our souls will forever be lifted up. Christ knew this gift would survive all earthly struggles. SEVENTH STATION Memorial $15,000.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

EIGHTH STATION NINTH STATION TENTH STATION Memorial Memorial Memorial $15,000.00 $15,000.00RESERVED $15,000.00

Stations of the Cross, Stations 8 through 14

8 – When it seemed as though everyone was 10 – Jesus’ clothes are taken away. Part of the indignity is against Jesus, all were cheering for him to die, the to be crucified naked. Jesus is completely stripped of any lowliest of society braved the angry mob to seek pride. The wounds on his back are torn open again. He out Jesus. Undaunted, they recognized who He experiences the ultimate vulnerability of the defenseless. was, their Savior, thanking Him, loving Him, and No shield or security protects Him. As they stare at fearful of ever being away from Him. They were Him, His eyes turn to heaven. So too should we turn to unaltered by the culture, drawn to His truth, love, heaven in humbleness. and compassion. So too should we seek Christ even when the world shouts us away from Him. 11 – Jesus is nailed to the cross. Huge nails are hammered through His hands and feet to fix Him on 9 – Jesus falls a third time. With death closely the cross. He bleeds profusely, shedding His innocent approaching, we see our Savior overcome, weak, blood for us. As the weight of the cross is lifted up, we and exhausted. Knowing that our fallen world see the innocent life hanging on its nails. Our burden of gives burdens too great to bear alone, Jesus was sin He courageously bore. determined to keep us from succumbing to its afflictions. He bears the weight for us all. 12 – Jesus dies on the cross. “Into your hands I commend my spirit.” All of humanity will forever

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

ELEVENTH STATION TWELFTH STATION THIRTEENTH STATION Memorial Memorial Memorial $15,000.00 $15,000.00 RESERVED $15,000.00

witness how Christ willingly handed over His life in exchange for our own, winning for us eternal salvation. We mourn this moment and recognize the pure love shown to humanity by its merciful God. 13 – The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross. We witness the lifeless body of Jesus, our human desire to hold on to what we see. Jesus experiences the full human journey we all will share, from birth to death. In baptism we are grafted onto His body, experiencing Christ’s death but ultimately His resurrection, our new life in Him. 14 –Jesus is laid in the tomb. What great sadness and despair those who loved and followed Jesus must have felt at this moment. To watch the one who had so powerfully changed hearts and nurtured humanity now lifeless, bloody, and rejected. We too can unknowingly become overwhelmed with grief over loss, disappointment, and failure. Without God, our joy will never come to fullness. We must remember that He always has a plan for our salvation. FOURTEENTH STATION Memorial $15,000.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Pantocrator Ceiling Mural Speaking Our Theological Truth PANTOCRATOR MURAL The word Pantocrator is of Greek origin and means “ruler of all.” The image shows Christ holding the four Memorial Gospels in His left hand. This is the book by which we $120,000.00 are all judged, but its blessing proclaims God’s loving kindness towards us. The Gospels are giving us His The image represents the central reality of the Christian forgiveness. faith: the divine majesty of the Creator and Ruler of all the world, made flesh and therefore visible to us in the The tetramorph represents the four Evangelists – “people person of Christ Jesus our Redeemer. who proclaim the good news” (the four Gospels) – here surrounding the Pantocrator. The Evangelists may be One of the oldest sacred art images in Christendom, represented by the “Evangelist portraits” derived from it represents the nature of Christ, the Christology, classical tradition, or by symbols originating from the providing an understanding and explanation to the four “living creatures” that draw the throne-chariot of world of who Jesus is. The visual center of the image is God, the Merkabah, in the vision in the Book of Ezekiel Christ’s face; God manifested in earthly flesh to show us (Chapter 1) and reflected in the Book of Revelation His face, thereby adopting us as His children, so that we (4:6-9ff). have His identity. We are all one body in Christ Jesus, Son of Man. • Gospel of Matthew – Winged Man • Gospel of Mark - Winged Lion The two-dimensional perspective with the sky and • Gospel of Luke – Winged Ox (or Bull) perfected stars implies that He is now outside time and • Gospel of John – Winged Eagle space, showing us His spiritual presence. © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Decorative Ceiling Work Architecture Bays

DECORATIVE CEILING WORK (22 Available) Memorial Total Sponsorship $15,000.00 per Bay $330,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE Capitals, Rosettes, and Moldings Total Sponsorship Architecture Details $180,800.00 • Gold leaf accents emphases the form with medium tan background. • Columns a tan color as well as upper molding, shadow. • Rosette gold lettering, rosette gold – background as the capitol. Moldings as moldings in other column color. Stars gold and blue ceiling color. • Far left ceiling molding – color, gold on the returns (sides of the mold- ing) and gold line. Rich ceiling blue background.

CHAPEL PLACEMENT Rosette Half Capitol Half Rosette Corner Capitol Capitol

CAPITOL ROSETTE (8 Available) (8 Available) Memorial Memorial $7,000.00 $5,000.00

CORNER CAPITOL HALF CAPITOL HALF ROSETTE (8 Available) (8 Available) (8 Available) Memorial Memorial Memorial $3,050.00 $5,000.00 $2,550.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities ENTRANCE Total Sponsorship Holy Water Fonts $4,500.00 Our Baptismal Promise from God By making the sign of the cross with holy water (in the name of the “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”) when we enter the church, we remind ourselves of the baptismal promise made to us by God. The blessing of holy water becomes the method by which we remind ourselves that through baptism God has adopted us as His children. We are reconnecting with the mystery of the sacrament of baptism by which we obtained dignity, knowing we are now members of the divine family of God. We are grafted onto the Body of Christ, becoming “temples of the Holy Spirit.” [1 Corinthians 6:19] As we enter the church and prepare to worship God through the liturgy, we want our minds and hearts to be pure, to be purified from sin and selfishness. This gesture is a way of giving physical and material expression to this desire for repentance and purification. Holy water fonts at the entrance to our churches symbolize the difference between ordinary space and sacred space. We leave behind the worldly noise and confusion that surrounds our everyday activities, and we are refreshed and renewed by the order, silence, reverence, and beauty of the sacred space, the space used only for prayer and worship.

HOLY WATER FONT Memorial (1 of 3 Available) $1,500.00 2 RESERVED

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities NAVE

Pews - Gothic Revival The structure of the red oak Gothic Revival pews mimics that of the large stained glass windows in the nave. The pew end is carved with the traditional Gothic pointed arch, which is also carried through the arch of the sanctuary. This style of pew structure connects those participating in the Mass, making us one with the holistic theme of the church. We celebrate the liturgy from where we are, yet we are still an active whole body. Total Sponsorship $242,000.00

CHAPEL PEWS (44 Available) Memorial $5,500.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APPOINTMENTS

Credence Table Preparation of the Gifts

This is a small side table of wood or marble placed in the sanctuary. It is used to hold the holy utensils required to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice. CREDENCE TABLE Memorial $4,000.00

Consecration Crosses and Candles Sanctity of the Church CONSECRATION CROSSES Consecration crosses are crosses on the interior walls AND CANDLES and exterior architecture of a Christian church or cathedral, showing where the has anointed (12 Available) the church with chrism or holy water in order to Memorial $911.25 consecrate it. There is often a place in front of each cross for a candle, which is lit on the anniversary of the consecration. The crosses signify the sanctity of the church. Areas around and within a church become sacred sites through the act of consecration. Consecration sets these areas apart from the secular world. Even if the consecration of the space happened before the living congregation was witness to it, the crosses remain, giving proof of its divinity. There are twelve consecration crosses, each one representing one of the twelve apostles. It is believed that this tradition began in the fourth century with Emperor Theodosius, who purified pagan temples for Christian worship. Total Sponsorship $10,935.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APPOINTMENTS Paschal Candle The Light of the World The paschal candle is the symbol of “the light of Christ, rising in glory,” scattering “the darkness of our hearts and minds.” [Built of Living Stone, p. 22] The candle represents Christ as He is the Light of the World. The pure beeswax of which the candle is made represents the sinless Christ Who was formed in the womb of His Mother. The wick signifies His humanity; the flame, His Divine Nature, both soul and body. Five grains of incense inserted into the candle in the form of a cross recall the aromatic spices with which His Sacred Body was prepared for the tomb and the five wounds in His hands, feet, and side. During the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night, the priest or deacon carries the candle in procession into the dark church. A new fire, symbolizing our eternal life in Christ, is kindled and lights the candle. The candle, representing Christ Himself, is blessed by the priest, who then inscribes in it a cross, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet (Alpha and Omega, “the beginning and the end”), and the current year, as he chants the prayer below; he then affixes the five grains of incense. ALTAR CANDLES The Easter candle is lighted each day during (6 Available) Mass throughout the paschal season until Memorial Ascension Thursday. $5,000.00 The candles that surround the altar direct our attention to Christ’s nature: Altar Candles that Jesus was both a human being and God. Their light symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ going out into the world where believers are to serve Spirit of Truth Him. The candle flames symbolize the holy illumination of the Spirit of Truth. © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APPOINTMENTS

Sanctuary Lamp God is Present Among Us Sanctuary lamps originate from the Old Testament. God commanded that a lamp filled with the purest oil of olives should always burn in the Tabernacle: “Command the children of Israel that they bring thee the purest oil of the olives (…) that a lamp may burn always, in the tabernacle of the testimony (…) that it may give light before the Lord until the morning. It shall be a perpetual observance throughout their successions among the children of Israel.” [Exodus 27:20-21] Therefore the Temple in Jerusalem had a perpetually burning sanctuary lamp. To continue this ancient tradition, the Church prescribes that at least one lamp should continually burn before the tabernacle (Rit. Rom. iv, 6), not only as an ornament of the altar, but for the purpose of worship. The sanctuary lamp, also called a chancel lamp, is placed before the tabernacle or ambry in Roman Catholic churches as a sign that the Lord is present. The lamp is fueled by oil (or wax) and burns continuously. This symbolizes our honor and respect to the presence of Christ among us. It is also a profession of love and affection because the candlelight represents our Lord, Who is the “true light which enlighteneth every man.” [John 1:9]


© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities SANCTUARY Presider Chair & Deacon Chairs Total Sponsorship Seat of Wisdom $41,900.00 Together with the altar and ambo, the presider chair The priest in his parish sacramentalizes Christ, is considered one of the three principal liturgical presiding as the head of the Mystical Body, and his furnishings in the sanctuary. In Biblical terms, an chair indicates this role. earthly chair signifies an earthly share in the authority of God, who also reigns on a throne. Dom Lambert Beauduin eloquently states, “Christ has transmitted all His power of teaching and of spiritual The chair of the priest celebrant stands “as a symbol government to His visible hierarchy… [and] through of his office of presiding over the assembly and of it he realizes the sanctification of the new humanity.” directing prayer.” [Built of Living Stone, p. 17] “The seat for the deacon should be placed near that of the celebrant.” [Built of Living Stone, p. 17]

PRESIDER CHAIR Memorial $5,500.00 RESERVED DEACON CHAIRS (2 Available) Memorial $5,700.00 SEDILIA (2 Available) Memorial $11,500.00 PRIE-DIEUX (4 Available) Memorial $2,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities STATUES

St. Paul Honoring Christian Values

St. Paul, for whom the Newman Chapel for NDSU is named, was sent with a mission to convert the Gentiles to turn and worship the one true God. His writings and letters make up almost half of the New Testament, giving him strong prominence among the founders of and our Church. Paul’s words enlightened those navigating the new waters of Christianity. His words were inspired by God’s grace to help us on our journey to obtain salvation and eternal life. We celebrate him today and are thankful for the influence he has had on so many souls being redeemed to God. The early Christians relied on Paul’s words for guidance on how to live good Christian lives. In Paul, God sent our Christian brotherhood a spiritual leader who exemplified what Christ taught.

ST. PAUL STATUE Memorial $63,200.00 ST. PAUL BACKGROUND PAINTING Memorial RESERVED $25,000.00 Total Sponsorship $88,200.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities STATUES

The Holy Family Honoring Christian Values

The Holy Family provides a model for Christian life. Joseph and Mary lived the Christian virtues before they were described as “Christian.” They were an active, loving, mobile, event-seeking, carpentry- working, wedding-celebrating, gather-your cousins-and go-to-temple family. We see how this foundation gave Christ His ability to present His mother to humanity as their “mother,” and to present His earthly father Joseph to us as the patron saint of the Church. Because Joseph gave Christ protection and care unconditionally when He was weak and innocent, Joseph became a model for men just as Mary became a model for women. They became models for us through Christ because of their active participation in God’s will. Christ made us His brothers and sisters, one body in one Lord, one family in Christ. Christ knew that every family needs important values to live by to be happy, to get along, to love one another, and to help one another. The start of our Christian journey begins with The Holy Family. The Holy Family gives to humanity a love unlike any other. They gave us their son, Jesus, thereby adopting us all into God’s heavenly kingdom for eternal life.

HOLY FAMILY STATUE Memorial $85,000.00

HOLY FAMILY BACKGROUND PAINTING Memorial RESERVED $25,000.00 Total Sponsorship $110,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities STATUES

HOLY ROOD STATUE Memorial Holy Rood $252,400.00 Christ’s Pascal Mystery “The cross with the image of Christ crucified is a reminder of Christ’s paschal mystery. It draws us into the mystery of suffering and makes tangible our belief that our suffering when united with the Passion and death of Christ leads to redemption.” [Built of Living Stone, pg. 21] “’Woman, behold thy son.’ Then, he said to the disciple, ‘Behold thy mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her to his own (home).” [John 19:26-27] • They are joined by the love they have for the One that is on the cross. Love convoked them to be present at a painful hour, but they are standing by Him steadfast at his side. • Standing is the witness position. The word for “witness” in Greek is martyrs. A witness is ready to testify whatever the consequences may be, even if he/she has to give his/her own life. For Jesus standing on the cross is the witness of the love of the Father for Himself and for humanity. • Mary and John are reminding us to stand strong and be witnesses to Christ’s death and resurrection.

Dimensions: 12’ High

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APSE

Apse Murals- Angels, Jerusalem, and God the Father Christ’s Lasting Presence in the World Through His Church The apse mural conveys the story of a journey: the earth will not be in vain. Christ’s resurrection ensured journey of our Church. Our story begins with Christ’s that God was pleased with His sacrifice and welcomed earthly message, calling the disciples to follow Him, Him home to His kingdom. We too are inheritors of teaching them the good news of the gospel. At the that kingdom, and we have come to celebrate and give end of His earthly journey, Christ brings His disciples eternal thanks to our loving God. together, teaching them how to remember Him always through the Eucharist. The crucifixion gives us hope By Christ’s sacrifice and everlasting glory we have that because of His suffering, our suffering here on been given a true gift with the Holy Catholic Church.


© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APSE

Total Sponsorship $325,000.00

APSE MURAL- GOD THE FATHER Memorial $13,200.00

APSE MURAL- ANGELS (10 available) Memorial $15,000.00

Total Sponorship of Angels $150,000.00

APSE MURAL- JERUSALEM Memorial $175,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APSE Total Sponsorship Apse Murals- The Apostles $650,000.00 Christ’s Lasting Presence in the World Through His Church The foundation of our Church was in the apostles, whose celebrating the liturgy. mission to spread the Gospel created a community of saints who praise God in heaven. Their message of Christ The worshipers’ gaze will follow our spiritual winning eternal life for us gives us all hope in the coming journey, from the apostles surrounding the heavenly kingdom. Eucharist, to the physical connection God wishes to have in our lives. In viewing the transition from the Without Christ’s earthly mission, teaching us about God’s earthly story to the heavenly – Christ’s resurrection will for us, teaching us how to pray, guiding our lives – we know that He is still present with us today. towards charity and love, we would not be able to have Seekers of Christ will come to St. Paul’s Newman our Christian virtues. The Church still perpetuates Christ’s Chapel so that they may learn of the abundant grace theological virtues for us through the sacraments and by God has left to us here on earth.

APOSTLE MURALS (13 Available) Memorial $50,000.00

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities APSE

APOSTLES in MURAL 1- St. Matthias 2- St. Matthew, symbol: 3 bags of money 3- St. Philip, symbol: basket and cross 4- St. James the Greater, symbol: 3 shells 5- St. Thomas, symbol: carpenter square and spear 6- 7- St. Peter, symbol: upside-down cross and keys 8- St. Andrew, symbol: X-shaped cross Total Sponsorship 9- St. John, symbol: chalice with a snake 10- St. James the Lesser, symbol: saw $650,000.00 11- St. Bartholomew, symbol: 3 swords 12- St. Simon, symbol: fish lying on the Bible APOSTLE MURALS 13- Crown of Thorns (13 Available) Memorial $50,000.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 13 7 8 9 10 11 12

© Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities SANCTUARY Total Sponsorship $180,000.00 Tabernacle and Tabernacle Throne God’s Dwelling Place

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.’” [Revelations 21:3] TABERNACLE When you come to His table, He has something Memorial for you personally that will feed your soul and $95,000.00 bring life. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” “When God raised Jesus from the dead, He seated Him at His right hand in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers and dominion… and He put all things under His feet…” [Ephesians 1:20-22] This is where I want you to live life on earth, from the place of authority, ruling from My throne. “…those who receive God’s overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in life through the One individual, Jesus Christ.” [Romans 5:17] “In reverent prayer before the reserved Eucharist, the faithful give praise and thanksgiving to Christ for the priceless gift of redemption and for the spiritual food that sustains them in their daily lives. Here they learn to appreciate their right and responsibility to join the offering of their own lives to the perfect sacrifice of Christ during the Mass and are led to a greater recognition of Christ in themselves and in others, especially in the poor and needy. TABERNACLE THRONE Memorial $85,000.00 © Rohn & Associates Custom Studio, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved ST. PAUL’S NEWMAN CENTER Memorial Opportunities