Local coverage since 1951 See Oden Woods and Waters presents MONTGOMERY plaque COUNTY NEWS Page 8 USPS 361 - 700 • 75¢ • Vol. 65 • Issue 51 • Thursday, December 22, 2016 • 2 Sections • 14 Pages • Published in Mount Ida, Arkansas Water rate increase passes on 4-1 vote DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY to raise rates beginning January minimum usage is seven million person who uses 1,000 gallons of
[email protected] 1, 2017. The mayor, who is also gallons per month while Oden’s is water a month’s bill by just less MOUNT IDA – Alderpersons a board member for the regional 750,000 gallons per month. than a dollar per month. voted 4-1 to raise rates on servic- water provider, stated that rising The increase means Mount Alderman Melvin Simpson es provided by the city of Mount costs of water production war- Ida’s water bill will increase$1,750 stated that the increase imposed Ida by six percent after hearing of a ranted the increase in water rates. per month. by regional water was approxi- rate increase passed by the area’s She explained that regional wa- Childress suggested the city mately 6.67 percent and he felt the regional water provider. ter increased the price of water by pass a three percent increase city should increase their rates a Mayor Jo Childress informed 25 cents per 1,000 gallons on the on city services to include wa- similar amount to avoid any loss council members that the area re- minimum usage amount imposed ter, sewer, and garbage pick up. of revenue.