British Canoeing Calendar 2017
British Canoeing Calendar 2017 Nov-05 Nov-06 Nov-12 Nov-13 Nov-19 Nov-20 Nov-26 Nov-27 Meetings, Conf & Challenging Best Conf & Dinner (18 Nov) ECA Meeting ICF Congress Dinners Coaches Conf, BC Conf & Vol Awards Slalom Sprint ICF CSP Summit SRC Mtg Paracanoe LBCC Rememberance National Schools Kayak Ross Warland Marathon Avon Descent Day Marathon Champs Memorial Canal Surf Div 2S, 4n, LDevN, Polo Squads ACM Div 2N, 3SE, LDevS Youth Freestyle Hurley Classic Rafting BUCS Champs WWR Tyne Tour Teith BUCS Champs Tour of the North National Sprint and Classic Barrow Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-24 Dec-25 Dec-31 Jan-01 Meetings, Conf & BC Office closed 24 Dec to 2 Jan Dinners Slalom Sprint Paracanoe MRC Water & Land Marathon Stour Descent Training Day Surf Polo Squads Div 2S, 3N, 4SE, Youth Freestyle Rafting Llandysul Raft Race Barrow Frostbite Race WWR Matlock Newark Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-14 Jan-15 Jan-21 Jan-22 Jan-28 Jan-29 Meetings, Conf & BC Board (London) Dinners Slalom Slalom Committee Mtg Sprint Frank Luzmore SRC Mtg Paracanoe Steve Truglia Memorial Marathon Frank Luzmore Norwich Winter Race Race Surf Div 3N, LDevN&S, Div 1, 3SE, 3CSW, 4N, Polo Squads Div 2N, 4SE, LDevN&S Youth 4CSW, L1 Freestyle Rafting WWR Barrow Matlock R Forth Brathway Feb-04 Feb-05 Feb-11 Feb-12 Feb-18 Feb-19 Feb-25 Feb-26 Meetings, Conf & Dinners Slalom Sprint Paracanoe MRC Water Based Marathon Waterside A MRC Mtg Thameside 1 Training Day Surf Div 4CSW, 4SE, L1, Polo Squads Div 1, 3SE, Youth Div 1, 3N, 3CSW, 4N Ldevn&S Freestyle Rafting Scottish Open
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