CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E179 HON
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February 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E179 found in babies, causing her to have dozens Naval Academy; Nathaniel Fierstos of Spring- friends. It was an honor for many of us to join of seizures a day and severely stunting her field, IL, U.S. Naval Academy; Spencer Myers Hadley in a celebration of Susie’s life after her cognitive development. of Golden, IL, U.S. Naval Academy; Reed passing. After learning of a promising new treatment Groesch of Springfield, IL, U.S. Naval Acad- I hope it is a comfort to Hadley’s two sons, therapy, that uses cannabidiol derived from emy; Tucker Schmidt of Petersburg, IL, U.S. Jim and Tim, his devoted brother-in-law Elliott marijuana, Matt and Genny became hopeful. Naval Academy; August Will of Hudson, IL, and his dearest friends that so many join them The treatment, however, was not legal in their U.S. Naval Academy; Faith Kim of Wash- in mourning Hadley’s passing and celebrating home state of Missouri and the Jessee family ington, IL, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. his life. moved to Colorado. In the meantime, Matt Naval Academy; Kelsie Taylor of Pekin, IL, took their family’s story to state lawmakers U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Acad- f and last fall the state legalized cannabidiol for emy, U.S. Military Academy. seizure patients and the family was able to f OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL move back home to Missouri. DEBT Currently, federal law prohibits the medical CELEBRATING THE LIFE AND use of this treatment. I am supportive of fed- LEGACY OF HADLEY ROFF HON. MIKE COFFMAN eral legislation like the Charlotte’s Web Med- ical Hemp Act, that would allow for cannabidiol HON. NANCY PELOSI OF COLORADO therapy to become more accessible for chil- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dren like June. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, February 12, 2016 June’s story has brought to light the lack of Friday, February 12, 2016 treatment options for children who suffer from Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January epileptic seizures, and she will be missed by Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- many. I continue to keep the Jessee family in ute to Hadley Roff, a proud San Franciscan, fice, the national debt was my thoughts and prayers and will continue to beloved friend, and deeply respected and be- $10,626,877,048,913.08. advocate for research into this important area. loved public servant, who passed away last Today, it is $18,991,325,677,268.42. We’ve f month at the age of 85. added $8,364,448,628,355.34 to our debt in 6 Hadley was the hallmark of the era when re- years. This is over $8 trillion in debt our na- ILLINOIS 18TH CONGRESSIONAL porters walked the beat in search of stories tion, our economy, and our children could DISTRICT SERVICE ACADEMY that touched the communities they served. have avoided with a balanced budget amend- NOMINEES Learning from and listening to citizens as a ment. newspaper reporter informed Hadley’s public HON. DARIN LaHOOD service career in San Francisco City Hall and f OF ILLINOIS in the Congress. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a Santa Cruz native, Hadley remained PERSONAL EXPLANATION committed to the Bay Area throughout his life. Friday, February 12, 2016 After graduating from Stanford University in Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, today, I would 1954, Hadley became a journalist for the HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK like to proudly announce the service academy News, the Call Bulletin, and, later, the Exam- OF NEW YORK nominees for Illinois’ 18th congressional dis- iner. For Hadley, exercising freedom of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trict. press was his first foray into a lifetime of pub- Friday, February 12, 2016 Twenty-two remarkable individuals have lic service. been selected for admittance into the U.S. In 1967, Hadley embarked on decades of Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, on roll call Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, or service in San Francisco City Hall when he No. 46, I was speaking with constituents and U.S. Air Force Academy. These young men became Mayor Joe Alioto’s press secretary. unintentionally missed the vote on roll call No. and women have gone through a rigorous and A few years later, in 1970, Hadley moved to 46, H.R. 2187, the Fair Investment Opportuni- competitive application process, making them the nation’s capital where he served the peo- ties for Professional Experts Act. Had I been the most impressive and outstanding group of ple of California working for Senator John present I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ individuals. This group gives me confidence in Tunney of California. In 1972, Hadley worked America’s future. on the presidential campaign of Senator Ed f I would like to thank the members of our se- Muskie of Maine. Hadley also served as press lection panel including veterans and commu- secretary to the liberal lion, the late Senator PERSONAL EXPLANATION nity leaders who volunteered their time, tal- Ted Kennedy. ents, and attention to this process. I would Hadley never lost his passion for improving HON. AUSTIN SCOTT also like to thank the parents for raising these the lives of Bay Area residents. In 1979, he OF GEORGIA exceptional young adults. Finally, I would like returned to San Francisco to serve as deputy to thank the nominees themselves for their mayor to then-Mayor Dianne Feinstein. After IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication to serving this great nation. nearly a decade of service to Mayor Feinstein, Friday, February 12, 2016 The Illinois 18th congressional district serv- Hadley remained a fixture at City Hall during ice academy nominees are: the Administrations of San Francisco Mayors Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Randy Meneweather II of Washington, IL, Art Agnos and Frank Jordan. er, on Roll Call Number 46 on suspending the U.S. Air Force Academy; Matthew Helmich of A true public servant, Hadley strived to meet rules and passing H.R. 2187 the Fair Invest- Virginia, IL, U.S. Air Force Academy; Mason the needs of local residents under four very ment Opportunities for Professional Experts Pohlman of Jacksonville, IL, U.S. Air Force different San Francisco mayors, with four very Act, I am not recorded because I was de- Academy; Joseph McCabe III of Morton, IL, different personalities, and governing styles. tained. Had I been present, I would have U.S. Air Force Academy; Ashton Williams of Mayors called upon Hadley to confront chal- voted yea. Springfield, IL, U.S. Air Force Academy; Eric lenges and create solutions while treating ev- Mr. Speaker, on Roll Call Number 47 on Betts of Camp Point, IL, U.S. Military Acad- eryone with respect and dignity. suspending the rules and passing H.R. 4168 emy; Maximilian Rawls of Dunlap IL, U.S. Mili- He served as president of the San Fran- the Small Business Capital Formation En- tary Academy; Jace Taliaferrero of Pleasant cisco Fire Commission and Director of the San hancement Act, I am not recorded because I Hill, IL, U.S. Military Academy; Jacob Lowman Francisco Urban Institute. He may have been was detained. Had I been present, I would of Nauvoo, IL, U.S. Military Academy; Elias the most popular and widely loved public fig- have voted yea. Sanchez of Green Valley, IL, U.S. Military ure in San Francisco over the past fifty years. Mr. Speaker, on Roll Call Number 48 on or- Academy; Bradley Novak of Brimfield, IL, U.S. We were all thrilled when Hadley’s dear dering the Previous Question on H. Res. Military Academy; Jeston Rademaker of friend, the late Susie Trommald, became his 594—the rule providing for consideration of Mapleton, IL, U.S. Military Academy; William wife. Susie and Hadley shared a zest for life H.R. 3700—Housing Opportunity Through Lucie of Basco, IL, U.S. Military Academy; that inspired others to take notice. In their 30 Modernization Act of 2015, I am not recorded Morgan Riley of Peoria, IL, U.S. Naval Acad- years of marriage, they brought joy and pleas- because I was unavoidably detained. Had I emy; Jacob Armbrecht of Springfield, IL, U.S. ure to any gathering, and to their many been present, I would have voted yea. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:25 Feb 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12FE8.019 E12FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.