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EXPANDED SPORTS COVERAGE SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Monday, March 11, 2019 Breaking news at chicagotribune.com No bail for suspect in cop shooting Accused of firing through her home’s door, The officer, part of the police and activated their vehicle The officer was rushed to Grand Central District lights before announcing them- Stroger Hospital. The bullet frac- wounding officer trying to serve warrant tactical unit, was serving selves and knocking on the door. tured a vertebra and lodged in his Petronella with what Petronella is accused of firing a right shoulder muscle. On Sun- By Elyssa Cherney, Hannah serving a warrant in the Chicago police Superin- shot through the door, striking day, he was recovering in the Leone and William Lee Humboldt Park neigh- tendent Eddie Johnson the officer in the shoulder, as the intensive care unit. Chicago Tribune borhood. described as a “typical” police were using a battering ram Petronella also faces felony Police say Emily search warrant for “nar- to try to gain entry, Ravin said. charges of aggravated assault of a A Cook County judge denied Petronella allegedly shot cotics and illegal weap- Petronella was arrested at the peace officer with a weapon, bail Sunday for a 19-year-old the 34-year-old officer Petronella ons.” scene, where police recovered a armed violence while discharging woman charged with attempted through a back door of a According to prose- loaded 9 mm semi-automatic, a a weapon, aggravated discharge first-degree murder in connec- home in the 2700 block of West cutor Jennifer Ravin, the officers spent cartridge, more than 10,000 of a weapon at a peace officer and tion with the shooting of a Potomac Avenue about 7:20 p.m.
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