Oracle (Mar 16, 1973)
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Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 3-16-1973 Oracle (Mar 16, 1973) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons rhe VOLUME 8, NUMBER I9 ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY, TULSA, OKLAHOMA MARCH 16, 1973 Titqns fqce form¡dqble foe North Cqrolinq qt tourney For the second consecutive as formidable a foe as ORU has pull out all the stops for this year, the ORU Titans have been faced all year. The Tar Heels year's tournament by not only invited to participate in the Na- are entering th€ tournament as sending the cheerleading squad tional Invitation Tournament at Atlantic Coast Conference run- but also the 37-member Titan Madison Square Garden in New ner-ups because they suffered a Pep Band directed by Bill Shel- York. The Titans' first-round op- 54-52 upset loss at the ha¡ds of lenbarger. ponent tomorrow night will be Wake Forest in the conference "The band has worked hard the 1lth-ranked Tar Heels of playoffs. UNC sports a 22-7 rec- and they're excited about this North Carolina. ord but five of the losses were trip," said Shellenbarger. One The expected phone call came picked up in conference play, unidentified ace trombone play- 2 weeks ago after the Titans which indicates the ferocity of er summed up the feeling of the were snubbed by the NCAA Se- competition in the ACC. entire band, "We're going to lection Committee for Oklahoma The ORU-North Carolina play!" City University. Coach Ken battle will be the feature game There's no doubt that the bas- Trickey expressed his pleasure of tomorrow night's doublehead- ketball team feels the same way. with the bid by saying that he er with Massachusettes and Mis- Coach Trickey has been assured felt the team would fare beûter souri clashing in the opener. by Richie Fuqua that he will be in this year's tournament because Other teams in the strongest in top form. For those of you we have the size and experience NIT field ever are: Notre Dame, students who are less-confident that we lacked last year. "We Southern California, American fans, Coach Trickey feels that didn't have a big man and St. University, Louisville, New Mex- the entire Titan attitude is sum- John's beat us on the boards. ico, Virginia Tech, Fai¡field, med up in one statement by for- With David Vaughn and Greg Marshall (remember tlrem?), ward Eddie Woods. McDougald we're much stronger Rutgers, Minnesota, Manhattan, "We were embarrassed last this year," emphasized 'Irickey. -rncl Alabama. year and I don't intend to let it North Carolina will represent 'Ihe University has decided to happen again." Funding for ocodemic odd¡t¡on depends upon Congress oct¡on STECHER & HOROWITZ, duo-piono teom, hos won criticol occloim oi con- cerls ocross Americo ond qround the world. They will oppeor in concerl Additional academic space for university to expand its enroll- On the first arutex, "We're lomonþw ol 8 p.m. in Mobee Cenler. Eoch o keyboord moster in his Oral Roberts University depends ment from the projected 2,000 Iooking for construction to start own right, they hove ployed logelher since 1951. While on tour they on Congress appropriating funds full-time undergraduate students sometime in the early spring or trovel with two perfectly motched conceÉ grond pionos in o unique for an interest-subsidy loan pro- th,is fall to 2,500 when the cen- summer of 1974," Hamilton said. "music von." gram in the U.S. Department of ter opens in the fall 1975. The building designed for 'Welfare. of is Health, Education and "We will not know the status additional classroom space, but The fate of federal funds for until Congress a¡d the President is also under consideration for a $4.5-million annex to the sort out their fund,ing priorities," r¡se as a library. Nixon's budget el¡minotes Learning Res ources Center said Hamilton. The federal application has al- "hangs in the balance" of budget The proposal calls for about ready won favorable review disputes between President Nix- $700,000 in local funds. Hamil- from he Indian board of the In- on a¡d Congress, said Dr. Carl ton said no decision bas been dian Nations Council of Govorn- NDSL ond EOG loons Hamilton last Wednesday. made on whether that money ments, the regional planning University funds for loans and gible for $1,400 a year (if Cong- would be raised through a local agency for this area. grants will be reduced drastically re6s appropriates enough money ORU is seeking a $3.8-million fund-raising interestsubsidy grant effort. If the grant is approved by for the '72-'73 school year, ac- to tully fund the program). The for the a Long-range plans governrnent, three-story arurex, th¡ee call for the the fede¡al the gov- cording to John Mcl(inney, fi- BEOG will be adminstered by on€ of three annexes joined additions propoeed the Uni- to be by ernment would then subsidize in- nancial aid di¡ector. the comme¡cial banks. in covered walkways. terest rates University versity's long-range plan for the so the The reason for the reduction According construcfion dates have would pay more to McKinney, center No no than 3 per- is that President Nixon's budget minus been set for the other addi- cent interest 3O-year pay- $1,400 family cont¡ibution two on the provides zero doliars for the equals The annex would allow the tions to the center. back. the level of eligib,ility, but Education¿l Opportunity Grant the maximum any student can (EOG) and the National Di¡ect receive is one-ha]f of his total Student Loan (NDSL). cost for attending the institu- "We will have only $50,000 il, tion of his choice. loans and grant money, com- pared to over last The NDSL program will have $200,000 for limited year. With only one fourth as a amount of money available much money, the loans and this fall at each school grants will definitely be harder to, with the program. Tb,is money get," said McKinney. will come from collections from "If Congress accepts Nixon's students who have had the loan new proposal for student loans, in past years. the Basic Educational Opportu- "Congress could get up in nity Grant (BEOG) witl go into arms against Nixon's new pro- effect for the fall 1973 semester; posal, but that would take much *The however, the timetable for ttre time," said McKinney. best new program is very uncertain thing for studerìts to do is write Univercity officiols ore seeking $3.8 million in fed- in 1974 ond would be completed for the 1975 fqll and may not be in effect by this thei¡ congressmen and thank erol funds for this three+lory qnnex lo the Leorning semesler. lhe $4.5 million onnex will be locoted fall," conrtinued McKinney. them for the NDSL and EOG Resources Center. lf the Unive¡sity should ¡eceive iust south of rhe LRC ond will house a librory or cd- Under the new proposal, loa¡s tåat the were availaþle in the looo conslruction on rhe building would begin ditionol clqssrooms. every college student will be eli- past." Sociologists refer to in" o-"r- to as the backbone of her race. ican black woman as dominating She has had to live without the her domain and making what luxuries of life and was allowed they call a "matriarchal home." only bare necessities but she EDC offers Even though she has faced many found richer pleasures in God. chilly winds of adversity, she still She trusts and leans on Him and maintains a tremendous capacity talks to Him about the smallest for loving; therefore a tremen- affairs of her life. educqlion dous capacity for suffering. She Today is a brand-new day for was often deserted by mate, insti- her and her family. She can now tution, and even this nation, but stand behind her man as he she still stands firm on a solid moves out to become the hero scholorship rock just as she did in 1619 when of this age. Even though changes The Educational DeveloPment the. first slave ship landed in have taken place in the Ameri- Corporation is awarding a schol- AYleçica.r' , , can system that cause life to be arship to an outstanding senior Slaverjr was an evil and cruel a bit sweeter to her, she will man or woman (class of 1974) system, and the þlack woman remain a strong apostle of God. who is pursuing elementar¡,-, K- was caught up in it. It taught She is encouraged, for God is 12, or secondary certification and her to take over and lead to heal yet sîan,d,ing by her side and help- plans to make teaching on this the wounds and injuries it cre- ing her. "Not that I speak in level his or her career. This ated. She had to make the most respect of want: for I have scholarship is for L year and of life when her men and boys learned that in whatsoever state covers rooms, boa¡d, and tuition. were literally stolen from her. I am, therewith to be content. Academic standing, professional The faith she possessed made the I know both how to be abased, potential, spiritual commitment family strong, and it also made and I know how to abound; and commitment to the aims and the incubator for the newborn everywhere and in all things I purposes of the University will movement for liberation, pride, am instructed both to be full be considered in dete¡mining the self-respect, and strong ambitions and to be,hungry, both to abound outstanding individual.