The Sanok Land Noblesmen in 18 Century

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The Sanok Land Noblesmen in 18 Century Summary of the doctoral thesis Łukasz Bajda “The Sanok Land noblesmen in 18th century” The main objective of this dissertation is a detailed analysis of the community of noble families in the Sanok Land in the 18th century. The dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter no 1 presents the origin of noble families, inhabiting the Sanok Land in following period. It might have together count more than 400 families, which was approx. 5 % inhabitants of the region. Vast majority represented lower spheres of noblesmen, that didn’t take part in political or local government activity, even in their own counties. Among them especially widely represented family of Dobrzańscy from Dobra nearby Sanok, the village inhabited by numerous families of this poor nobles, differed only by their nicknames added to proper name, are worth to be mentioned. Also the nobles coming out of the class of “kniaź” (leaders of the Wallachian villages) and “krajnik” (leaders of the Wallachian districts) from the “upper” villages of the Krosno county founded on Wallachian law. Researches run on group of approx.. 100 families of the Sanok Land, active in local nobles government, proved that only 40 % had origins of Red Ruthenia. More than 10 families came out of Polonia Major, Mazowsze and Sandomierz district. Second chapter treats about economical potential of local nobles as well as the social differential scale among it. The biggest property in the Sanok Land belonged to the Stadnicki family. In 1731 it became the property of Józef Kanty Ossoliński who had got married Teresa Stadnicka and therefore he unified over 100 villages of the Sanok Land in his hands. None of the other properties was that large, as the one of Stadnicki and Ossoliński’s family. In this period the familiar properties of Stano and Mniszech families had been sold. Bal family’s property had been reduced massively. The properties of Bukowski and Urbański families had been expanded on the other hand. Financial position reflected in property size as well as in a money, gathered things and residences. The poorest nobles occupied small wooden houses, while local magnates and possessors of median properties dwelled big, often multi-storey manor houses. Residences were usually built out of wood but some of them were also coming from previous ages fortified manor houses layed with stone or even noble castles (inter alia in Hoczew, Baligród, Nowotaniec, Dąbrówka Starzeńska, Lesko or Kamieniec castle in Odrzykoń). Lot of them were largely neglected and therefore the owners were starting new, wooden residences in the same villages. The Third chapter presents the composition of the Sanok Land’s official elites. Not only the prominent judicial officials, but also nominal manorial officials, expressing the meaning of noble families, are accented within this part. The Sanok Land, one of four lands making the Ruthenian County, had its own official hierarchy. The Fourth chapter treats of the involvement of the nobles from the Sanok Land in political life of country and works of their district and Ruthenian County. Together with the representatives of Lwów and Przemyśl, nobles from the Sanok Land were gathering on the general regional council of the Ruthenian County in Sądowa Wisznia. Each of the deliberating lands had been represented with two sets of deputies and the separate representative for the Crown Tribunal and the commisar for the Tax Court (pol. Trybunał Skarbowy). Local gatherings were assembled when needed, and since 1764 citizens of each land were licensed to gather within their lands on local parliaments (pol. Sejmiki deputackie i gospodarskie). There was a visible reliance between property possessed and the ability of getting the officials and the involvement into the political and self government activity of one’s county. Therefore the most active families in self government were Bukowscy, Balowie, Geibułtowscy, Humniccy, Stadniccy, Urbańscy and Wisłoccy. Number of citizens of the Sanok Land active in Wisznia regional council and local gatherings of their district oscillated between few and several dozen. Similarly with the attendance of the Election Parliaments in the 18th century. Citizens of Sanok participated in confederation movements, developed in the 18th century, especially in the Bar Confederation. Another chapter treats about army and its matters. Things such as involvement into military service of the Sanok Land nobles, highland robbery phenomenon and the ways of fighting it off are considered within this part. More over there are things like military duties of the local nobles and malpractices of both native and foreign armies are mentioned here. The closely linked with the military service in Polish Army were the families of Bukowscy and Urbańscy, who simultaneously reached the top of the district elite of the Sanok Land in the 18th century. Sanok’s ensign Józef Bukowski even managed to enter Polish Army staff as the “regimentarz” and “strażnik polny” in the first half of 18th century. In sixth chapter, which is destined for the denominational matters, there are shown religious divisions within the nobles of the Sanok Land and the care, that was taken over the parishes of both religions. Since the end of 18th, when the orthodox bishop of Przemyśl confessed the catholic faith and therefore acknowledged the conditions of the Union in Brest, there was no longer any orthodox religion within the Przemyśl eparchy, to which the Sanok Land belonged. Local Roman catholic nobles kept the protection over the Greek catholic parishes. Matters linked with the level of education and intellectual elites of the Sanok Land nobles are presented in chapter seven. Among the lowest class of the Sanok Land nobles there was a vast level of analphabets. The best educated nobles were content with the education got at the Jesuitical colleges in Krosno and Przemyśl. The figure of one of the finest writers of Polish Enlightment – born in Dubiecko bishop of Warmia Ignacy Krasicki – is absolutely exceptional among this society. In each chapter there was an attention paid for the magnate families linked with the Sanok Land. However there connections were often coming down to their political influence and property possessed in the Land. The family of Stadniccy and Józef Kanty Ossoliński are exceptions. .
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