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DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 (PAGE 11) GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR CRPF DG to EDUCATION PLACEMENT PHOTO CAPTION REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORATE OF TOURISM JAMMU. hold addl HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FOR SALE Subject: - Inquiry report-Fire incident of Neelam Wanted Staff PRERNA (1) Plot measuring one kanal of size 60’x90’ situ- Hotel, Jammu. charge of ITBP 1) Office Maid (10 am to 6 pm)- 5000/- POONCHI ated at Prithipur, Teh & Distt Jammu (Surya MEGA TRADE FAIR Courtesy :- Enclave on way from Dak Bunglow Maralia NEW DELHI, Dec 30: 2) Helper - 4500/- Dadi & Dadu Miran Sahib to one Km Bisnah road) 3) Car cleaning boy - 5000/- Pranav, Divya, Mayank, 2) Plot No. 79 measuring 45’x60’ (10 marla) with Food Stall & etc. ORDER India-China border guarding Sonam 30’ front and 25’ back at Shankar Vihar, Chak force ITBP will have a tempo- 4) Car washing boy- 5000/- (Sister & Brother) Bhalwal (Vill. Amb), Kot Bhalwal Jail road adjoin- At Manhas Biradari Ground As directed by the General Administration Manju (Son) ing to GECT & BEE ENN Nursing College. rary chief from the New Year as (for Car clearning shop) (Mummy, Papa) & Paloura, Opp Jaggi Darbar Poonchi Parivar Contact at : Department vide No.GAD (Adm) 115/2014-1 dated incumbent Director General 554-A, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu Bakshi Nagar, Jammu. PRERNA Banquet Hall, Janipur Jammu 11/2014, regarding the subject cited above. The enquiry Subhas Goswami retires tomor- 9906030881, 9906030882 Ph. 9797576797 POONCHI 9419102740 Mob : 94191-30597, 94191-14869 report submitted by the Enquiry officer has been accept- row.
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