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The Ledger & Times, October 16, 1930

The Ledger & Times

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Recommended Citation The Ledger & Times, "The Ledger & Times, October 16, 1930" (1930). The Ledger & Times. 102.

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0 room. apart, or unfurnished, iiveniences. and square.—Mrs. E. ir street. 023e d Mra. B IT. ave Murray for MURRAY Student by automobile CLEAR LAST They can take lfl Elected President of $10 each. Call College Senior Class. BARRIERS TO urn is I led roopia, t- Mm. Dell Hn- RIVER SPANS . ltc coming In to Practical I y All Deeds For e owner will de? Right of Way at Eggner, have it without S. Smith. Kirk- Canton, Signed

SHELBOURNE STATES )K! "EVERYTHING READY'*- buy hogs, le, lambs, rves of any r and Sat- is week.— DES Saturday ials O and II Herbert JG. Allbrittenr'son of B. S. Allbritten. Murray, was recent- Sugar ... 50c ly elected president of the senior ird $1.09 "class of Murray State Teachers $1 15 CoTleae. troanut . . . 30c Allbritten. a senior. Js a mem- tap 26c ber of the Allenian Society, and ffee 16c the Chemistry Club. His brother. kers 28c Cieo Allbritten. was edltor-ln- c value . . lftc chlef of the College Shield.

trachea 124c .pples .... 15c lose 35c Domestic 1 "c I quality. 15c Db m eg tic 12 4 c \m.-rimn Ctiileee of Surgeons Again KIMIOI-MFW Work, Stand- farbrough ards of Murray Institution. «e Knst Hide

...... 25c 23c tea .... $2.50 *rd $1.00 i ' 35c . .1. 20c Butter- . 15c 4. . . 13c per 35c « T^rrr: ' 22c •.. :'?Sc $1 60 or $1.6S Coffee- . . 50C Mir 68c 35c t Flour $1.00 WANN

Sfnlw. in thf Xatnre nf Vesper SERVW Will IN- HRM Orl. I». at Hvf O'rlnrt

drinks, >li>. St/»i*!rI IVesfcicnt Bn»a> h Has Best Attendance; .Speakers Heard.

Mr>. Gertie Story was re-elec- ted Calloway County Home Maker's chairman for the ensuing year, at an all-day meeting of thtrt'aperron Diabetes by Dr Haves ing a meeiine of the Kentttckv IV- Ros«?is charireii with, taking a r»»- Davis.' of Louisville. age. was 57 years old W«dn*-sdajc rrnlefjni Distributors Association. volver from'the pocket of L. L. May field-Ferry Road and was honored with a surih-is*. Doctors from *>»irm Ken- Mr Miirum is second „vke Veal's autotnobile.^a*K»ut a year luncheon at. bis how- North tucky and West Tennessee- gath- pr^s»detJt-»«f the organization. ago. Ft nkfort. Ky.. Oct. 14 Fourth ered at Walnut Lodge Tuesday for Fbrmai notification from the the ninth annual two-day meting. Wltea Mr Morris w»*nt home at United States Bureau of Public It is located at the head of Reel- ndon he iinex|>ect»-dly found Mr. Roads that 2*S l miles of Ken- Tandy Ellis Relates Story of ''Crossbow" foot Lake^t a few .miles som of and Mrs. Hardin - Morqfs and tucky road had be^n added to the BENNETTS COW fS Ifickman. daughter. Mr and Mrs. W A Ked«'';il highway system, was re- Ross and sen. Mrs. George Hart BeaJe's Classic (Concert in Louisville Paper In this wild and beanttfnl set- SENT TO ST. LOUIS ceived-here today by ihe..State and Mrs Edd Thoma« there with tine t h«» medical socteiy cather® Highway Commission. contribution* for a bountiful fhif of the most famous bits of rtion wHI be given >ach rear for a two day ion of birth da* luncheon entertainment4 ever presents in rma'nCe only, Thurs- Th< roads an- iti four projects serious discussion aad play Western Kentucky was Elma Ortober 23. a! 8:00 ami hrinc.rhe total of Kentucky Zacherv Guthery was lodged in "Crossbow B^al^'s--invitational •ay. State Teachers' roads on. the approval* Fed^al jail Wednosday after he had de- Construction of Hazel* concert for a eronp of Calloway toriuia. The MaCa- system from, "3.2J7.8§ to. 3.500.94 Church of Christ faulted bond on a charge of eMtd nisht riders in miles On th<~se rfwds the FVderal Murray Road Is Begun d»s^ftion. H*- was arrested Wed Government comrihtu»».s one-half The regular meetings for the 22 years since nesdax morning by the sheriff. fTm ' 'V i "f construction week sill be; j'imt-. Einius has always taken : Anion.- the four additional itinnTteiy m«r»' d^ftght in telliag Bible St tidy Sundav A. M at rs under Federal aid pro jeers are: 9 45 Like ail thrill John B. Fro.IT BardweJl by way of May- Preaching by Bro K H Smith any of field to a point on the Federal aid *t n oo road n«»ar Eegner's Ferry. Yoaut Peoples Meeting at . L. Craig of Hazel Route 3, twtref t TTrfrei. rh A d.^C£"inty to h i;in testing MM-Week BihK study. Wed- of J Tandy KUis. that his name in the list of The following tohac Weila, W. ty Is being saved, and largt* Quan- An invitation . Is extewded |o con irusio n his name was erroneotjs- fe Bland. T R. L. Rav. tities of hairy \»-teh and rye sown every one to each sei ik>—R. A. mcluded in the list of thoea fR. D Jones. M W Futrell, C. a for fall and winter pasture. THE LEDGER A TIMES, MURRAY. KENTUCKY THURSDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 16. lflan THt'RSD

Hazel News lier husband. Toba Overcast ,wo Murray Swamps Eastern Heath News daughters, Mrs. J<* Nell ltoi, of I'sris, Tenn- and M». oD(e "Hughes, of HueJ; rttiU of The *,-ea i .Mauri Un>uu u! -Two rr.VOf 52-0 On Richmond Field brothers. Will Hutcbrn* or Mur- sufterfuc i ray snd Oaie Hutchens of Hazel «r>HnK HI downs. .The Eastern Maroons liev H. P. Gregory, of Murrsy Thoroughsbreds Outclass succ. eded in Risking flea first conducted the fiiserai No^whaa Sola,1 ar. downs, three of whtch were made Stella Gossip llurlsl was In the church cem- Enemy in Every etery.. -"-waiting " Phase. on passes. * . . . Tobacco Ing Is In | Sevsnty-flv^ Bell county farm- ban »r»+S ers interviewed by County Agent Ricchmood^ Kv.. Oct. 10.—A George M( R. V Tripper reported little dam- Booker', b superior football eleven from Mur- axe from the drouth. s e» rav Statev -Teachers" College Farmers s*amM Eastern Teachers' Col- CASH SPECIALS^ corn tops a lege here this afternoon by 52 to Walter : Friday and Saturday, In* ot can Ollie llu Except for. one Intercepted pass 10 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar , . . soc of Marshal sre vlsitlr and one returned punt, all Mur- 2 pkgs. Corn Flakeei .. .. i5C week. ray's scores were made on line 1 pt. Jar Peanut Butter 20c •LB- Jt plunges. *The Thoroughbreds' -Tomato Catsup. 25c talue . . . 20c day guesta ier back field tore Eastern's Morton's Table Salt, 3 for . . lOc lly line o|»en ^fof t%eniy-one first Striklite Matches, CTTor ... isc Cecil Jo baen visit Merry War Lyne, Z y.23c s#ln.> time Sycamore Peaberry Coffee their hum Insure in • per pound . , . 20c Mrs. Jonei wife and Dish Pan. 17 qut. for J9C Rites for. Mrs. Overcast panlt-d the Stone Pipe. 6 in. size 15C Mr. and are Held in Hazel 011 Mop. 75c value 5j)c Bf Dexter, Rope Mop, 40c value for .... 34c with her snd famll Funeral services fo/ Mrs, Men's Plow Shoes. per pr. , $2.00 Adele Hutchens Overcast were Victor \\ held Monday afternoon st 3 o'- Men's Plain TOe Work Shoes 12.60 guests of clock from the Hazel Baptist 3fi-in. Smooth, Brown Domes- church of which she was a mem- tic 10c ber. White and Fancy Oil Cloth, Mrs. Overcsst «9io was 61 years 35c value . . .' 30c old. passed away st her home Coal Hods. 17-qt. -size - 45c in Hazel-Sunday nlght-aboul H:S0 Hamlin News o'clock after a lingering Illness <>X. "Fire Shovels, each ..... w . 10c complications. Mrs. l\ I) nowlett has re- Houston & Yarbrough Mrs. Overcast Is qjirvlved by turned home from the Clinic her mother. Mrs. Clndie Hulchens. Kant Sis snd Mrs. -Some made so Bonnie Bird. 22. were married J. C. Oliver of Hyiuon were the it can sell for less". And the Sunday evening at Kirksey by the guests of Mr and Mrs. U. D. Ilow- r.GCn WiGGLY defects never show 'till it's Rev C,.. U Smith > . ett Sunday. Lynn Grove Hi Notes too late. « Uijliu^ton is {ijiffn of Mr. and Brent Thomas has returned to. Mn & i^fitfflRgtOB, of Kirksey, Detroit after spending a few days "Keep your face to the light, What could tie so worth- here with relatives and friends. and Mrs. Biliington. who was vis- and the shadows will fall be- less as. uncertain insurance? Mrs. Jane Lasslter is very low iting her sister. Mrs. Raymond hind ytfu", declaced the Rev. J. at this writing. In the very word "in-sur- Edwards, was a resident of Ala- O. Eriibr, Monday. October 13. in J. B McCuiston and' family Store ance" the accent is on "sur." an address "Getting Ready For visited near Mt. Cartnei Sundav. Life", given before the faculty and LOWEST PRICED FOOD STORE IN TOWN wor W. L. Simpson and Mrs Simp- And that's where the ac- \ ISIT RKKLFOOT student body of the Lynn Grove son-were dinner guests of Mr. and at cent is in any insurance plac- Dr.^A M Wolf son. head of the school in the most outstanding Mrs. W N Thurman Sunday. chapel program, of the year. ed through this agency. * biology department of Murray Mr. and Mrs. W.-C. Elklns and In quoting Paul's advice to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Elklns of near State Teachers College, accompa- Timothy, the speaker assured^the POTATOES Freeland visited relatives here nied by his wife, daughter. Nancy listeners that what they do re- FRAZEE, BERRY & 'ast week end. flects on their homes and their Doily, and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Elklns has returned school. MELUGIN, Inc. Wolfson. visited Keelfoot Lake. 'row Detroit where he has bPen Glod Medal, Pillsbury, Lyon's That a cheerful disposition and Tenn the week-end of October employed the past few years.— Best 24-Lb. Sack First Floor Gatlin Building a happy personality are two of FLOUR 4-5. Professor Wolfson was in Old Timer. PHONE 331 the most valuable assets toward seai-ch of his specimens for his winning success was brought out Liberty or Country Club "It does make a difference college classes. — Pleasant Valley by the story of two boys, Joe and Bill. While Joe was grumbling 24 Lb. Sack who writea your insurance" FLOUR -—College News because he show. Bill was Not so long ago people did not half way up'the Hill and going know wh^re Pleasant Valley was, stiTl. hut since school started there this PURE CANE In- conclusion the Rev. Ensor year they are learning. gave the story of two orphan SUGAR 40 Martin's Chapel Faxon and Pleasant Valley boys fishing, for tadpoles to illus- 100 POUNDS schools have already played jone trate that those whor"choose the NOTICE baseball game, but Faxon evi- better road and "LeUJesus have dently was satisfied to let the his way", in their lives will suc- Great Northern Pounds our matter drop as Pleasant Valley ceed while those who live with won-gloriously. u the frogs will event bally "croak"'. or Pinto BEANS 7 now Hazel High called last week and-won bygone score for their 'rouble. Pleasant Valley rmtdff Mrs. Richard Johnson JEWELL Pounds four. Tbe Pine BlufT neighbor- We pay the highest market prices for hood then loaded into trucks and Dies in Mississippi COFFEE 3 went to Hazel where the score and chickens. were 12 to 13 fcn favor of Pleas- A message received Tuesday. - lO^Bars ant Valley. ' October 7. bV Mr.~Henry* TfroriV, P and G White Naptha 'Thursday'night a larue crowd oT Dexter. BTnhounced the death of I our trade will be appreciated. Call 3 attended the Red Cross meeting Mrs. Richard Johnson at a hos- at the school house. pital in" Jackson, Miss. Mrs. and save money. All we ask is a trial The primary and intermediate Johnson's death came in two grades of Pleasanf Valley, chape- hours after a still-birth. 3 cn> roned by Misses Lovins and Sher- Mrs. Johnson was the daughter TOMATOES 25 CALUMET Pound Can

Large Soft Shell Pound Let Us Get up a Newspaper ad BUSIEST PLACE IN TOWN WALNUTS

Pound This is No. 3 of a series of BRAZIL NUTS ads depicting the ' various SPECIALS AND GOOD VALUES processes of advertising pro- duction. The dimension of FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Crfuntry Club Quart Jar the layout appeared in ad PICKLES No. 2. No. 4 will appear in POUND -ap early issue. NOODLES 4 Packages SUGAR 5 POUNDS With each purchase of 3 Pound Can MACCAR0NI 2Poun4' 15 of AMERICAN ACE COFFEE at .

South Pleasant Grove SWIFT'S QUICK NAPTHA 10 Bars for The eight-day revival services closed here Sunday with some 25 Pounds conversions and several additions P NUT BUTTER to the church. . ' — SPAGHETTI 2 Among those ' fropi s dfstsnce who attend services ..srere: Miss Ituth Gtinter, Paducah- Mr. snd MATCHES 6 Mrs. S. Farmer. Paris. Tenn ; Mr. CRACKERS and Mrs I. Winsor and family, Pound Size Mrs V. Paschsll and H H SNOWDRIFT 6 Stephens of Fulton. Pro Ken- Fresh Baked Pounds dall of West Murrav Circuit and Rev. *nd Mrs. W. b. Dunn of OUNCE LOAF Water Valley. , BREAD 12 Bro. O. C W rather" came back to Quaker Corn the church of his boyhood and .de- AND Campbell's We7/ need a livered very spiritual messages to 2 Cans for largg^ congregations. BEANSi Bro aDd--Mr4. Wrather and son returned Sunday, afternoon tn No. 1 Sliced or Crushed Pound Bag their charge at Milan. Tenn. PINEAPPLE PER CAN TABLE SALT 14} PICTURE" Atrs. Ma \ del j Taylor, the pianist and Mr. Lathan Cunningham, GREAt NORTHERN choir director, were, ably assisted by many others too numerous to BEANS New Crop MATCHES 6 mention Bro Plgue will fill his regular Pound appointment ne*f Sunday after- Pounds noon at 3 ,-p. m.' COFFEE

First Christian Church POST T0ASTIES 2 Cans We are delighted with the num- HERSHEY'S 1 Lb. Can HOMINY 4 ber of College students and faculty members attending our Sunday COCOA School and church service's. We extend a most cordial welcome to FRESH FRUITS AND Sunday -school 9 :30 A. M. RAISINS Preaching next Sundav by the VEGETABLES past or* at in:45 A M. and 5 P M PER CAN The evening service will be held from five to six o'clbck, and will Large Yello' DOZEN consist of a"sacred concert by the Pound Jar choir and «--fehort sermon by the I castor. No service at the regular PRESERVES 2 evening hour.. Prayer Meeting Wednesdav at Pound 7 P M. "ALL ALWAYS WELCOME" SLICED BACON >—- Bm Br Mslluj i iwnr LEDGER & TIMES CABBAGE Pof 100 Pounds Head A


""—— —1 -


'trca.t, two Green county farmers used 1,- One hundred and flocks of •U HDII. of llams. and family, the fourth. I edgedget over Perkins. Thurman waa with the U. T. Juniors and It wiy- Brooks Chapel Arlie Jones, wife and Uttle son. I responsiblreap e for the most sepctacu- be worth your time to look 'ertf 000 tons of limestone during poultry were accredited In Pulas- "«.. Onle September. Seventy^samples of ki county during September, and Mrs. Mollle Redden. Mr^ Duncan * | lalarr J,pla > of the game, when at the oaer. POOL BUSINESS IS o»it ClbU of TI.e -w.mlw r„n)Inuea »m and Ralph's R&nglet tuacl aad Uuve were te»ied.*Twen- more will b*- »)«proW0 bis and Mrs. fieoa Joue» -pw ^Snn- I beginninbeg! g ot-the MeeonO hall re- TVt»,.. Two' Pe-V>)" ini bnnllnr MMr and The M S. T C (te+hmaa Jnt^V ty- five" mem 6:* montii "'» > /*.>p - klckoff and made or Mur- suffering much Inconvenience In Striag&r.' etr>p*>0 the not ato be outdone by the varsity, > Of Haiel. Charlie Hurkeen and wife were (By Ralph Wrar) .beautiful broken field run for 42 FULLY LIQUIDATED ••tVttnK »tock. proved to the sepctators* that a of M urray. guests of Seaton Redd«p and wife 'yards, almost evading the entire powerful offense Is a good derense Nov w h«-at sown at thin time. Sunday.—Old Glory. As I am Just an Insignificant, Mayfield eleven. - Whit ll XHWleet. Soiiio ure -®ot done sowing rye by. defeating the Will-Mayfield Final Affnirs of Organization buich ct'in • weekly, one-column writer, my out on account of injuries, was Junior College of Marble Hill. Mo., Mmi' in |a«a |Mi i MBfAataly --waiting ^r rain. opinion, perhaps to the daily missed at his regular position as * Tobacco is about all cut and fir- Migrated Families From by a large score of 91 to 0. The W<»und-u|>. # writers, means nothing. But 1 half, although Franklin fought WADLINGTON'S ing Is in fulPtoring. Artie Jones Mo. boys were outclassed in every must write In accordance with the hard to fill the bill v »unty farm- fca* 3rl4B Stick rs^nod tobacco. CouAty To Be Surveyed phas« or the game. The Green- Reams D. Farmer, Hpt>pkinsvllle, standards of the. Lodger 6 llmet} Cosch Holland Is" Ending the helmeted" .yearlings were like a secretary-treasurer of the Dark luniy Agent George Morris" toWco in Dave It is therefore my prlvllige to put I little dam- Dookrr s bay^ burned^wq weeks A dozen or more ' Calloway Tigers etrro^ugh a difficult prac- bunch Of unruly colts turned Tobacco Growers Co-oj)erati\> As- countv families that have mi- loose. Bryant. Allen, Belote, and sociation, announced liquidation occurred, providing that It does to meet the Tllghman eleven Cutchlns scored at will and the of the pool organization yea ter-" Hopkinsville Loose grated to the industrial centers of Farmers are about done Netting not bear/injustice upon the Norlh will be interviewed ip Friday afternoon. With the Mur powerful line prevented any day. Th® dark weed pool' has corn tops and are hauling them In. or parties. research study being carried on ray goal line being crossed only threats to score by the "Show-Me- been in existence since 1922. :IALS Walter McClaln. who hs suffet^ From the beginning of the by T. l{. Bryant, Lexington, as- twice this season you can readily Stafe" team. Allen knows the The office at the former as- turday. Ing of cancer, la no better. present football season up until I sistant director of the- Kentucky see that Coach Holland knows his game from every angle tfnd It one sociation building in Hopkinsville Ollle Hurkeen and son, Robert, the present time the high school of the beqt generals ever seen on Floor experiment station. pigskin and Hcdland has taken a will be kept open until Janurfry 1, of Marshall county, near Heights teaHL.0' this section of the state Mr . SOc light. Inexperienced team and the local field. so returned checks may be de- arc visiting relatives here, this Mr. JJryant in his work on rural that has received most publicity has produced one of ttfe best livered and information about the m. 15c immigration Is seeking lo find out haa- been the Mayfield Cardinals. The visitors must be compli- IS NOW OPEN TO RECEIVE week. elevens that ever wore the Qold settlement with members may be ®r .... 20c the causethe shift from farm From time to time we have read mented for their never-die spirit. Jones and wife were all and Black. They fought until" they had to be given. iu« ... 20c day guests of J. W. Jonea and fam- to factory and also if those mov- with pop-eyee the greatness of ing away retain Interest in farms this highly— touted eleven of The M. S. T. C. Thoroughbreds packed ofT tfie field and regardless Since January 1, approximately for . . 10c • ily. where they expect to return to re- showed, no sisterly love at Rich- of injuries fought to the finish. It $1,900,000 has been distributed Burley and Dark Cecil Jonea and family have young glafits. I had about de* Dr .... 15c side. N. mond last Friday and performed was a win for the yearlings but been visiting relatives here for tided that they were super-beings in checks to 70.000 members of well on the turf. When Coach th£ Mo. boys In one sense of the Wp.jr.j_ .23c »•>•!< time and have returned to This -comprehensive study of donned In footbail array. Long the association. No more checks Cutchln and Assistant Coach word played an even game with ro'(fe<\ their borne in Uttleton. Colo Kentucky agricultural changes in accounts of their sensational line, wifl be distributed. After the first Lusky finally got the 'Bluebloods' the Murray lads. *—* of the year Mr. Farmer will be in Tobacco to be Mrs. Jonea brother. Joda, and favor of factory work In rajne of, Its fleet-footed backs came out In 20c '• V « under control It was learned that lW Iteaults wife and little daughter accom the industrial cities is spread out the snort sections. The strongest Clarksviine, where he is Interested they had run up 52 polntB. they 39c pan lid I he in home. over the entire state. team in years with a line that M. S. T. C. Freshmen 13; May- in a tobacco firm organized there A number of reasons for the would make some college lines were then hobbled and beddetf recently 15c Mr. and. Mrs. Ellas Jones, west Weld 6. shift in modes of living Is expect- look weak, oh boy, what a send- down for the night with apparent Stripped 5»c of Dexter, spent last Sunday here M. S. T. C.-Freshmen 91; Will- ed to be learned Th The survey. off. At the same time on same ly no injuries of any sort. Still with bet son. Nprinan Coursey, Mayfleld, Mo., 0. University Freshujen. at Jack- or .... 34c page In some llttle-notlced spot smarting under the defeat of the and family. County Agent C. Q. Dickey Is M. S. T. C. Varsity 6; Carbon- son, Tenn., Saturday afternoon. • Pr 12.00 co-operating with Mr. urUftiBr^f t in you wold find, "Murray. High "Egyptians" Cutchln and Lusky dale 25. We have plenty of room, competent men Victor Williams and family were are having a hard time keeping Shoes 9 2.50 Intel-viewing the former •Callawa»Cal y School Tigers are reported prac- M. S. T. C. Varsity 2r6; Delta. guests of his father. Hu^hie Wil the "Horses" from running wild, in charge. Let us strip your crop; we county families. ticing, but no hopes for them to Miss., 0. Domea- Their stables or corn crfbes seem amopg the runners-up." It M S.'T. C. Varsity 52; Eastern NOTICE know how! 10c to be just on the other side of 't have been less and was State Teachers, Richmond 0, The W. O. W will meet at Mur- their opponents goal llnq ; and Cloth. more. Only what I have M. H. S. 19; Clinton 0. ray, Ky. Thursday night, October when released from the wire, with said hLthls column has been the 23 at the Union hall located be-1 WEST SEVENTH STREET 30c snorts and / hoofs flying, finally M. H. S. 0; Providence 0. only publicity received, hind Fain & Butterworth s | 45c assemble again under the cool, M. H. S. 12; McKehzle 0. * grocery store'up stairs. Every Then onN^ast Friday, this super- shady shadows of their enemies M H. S. 0; Mayfield 13. (Next Door to Union Tabernacle) 10c Woodnian every where are kindly human, Bton^qull line, with backs goal posts And fans, take a hint This weeks games: Invited to^ come and be with us, | akin to "ShlpVreck Kelly" and from me. on Friday night the M. H S. vs. Paducah at Padu- rbrough Sunburst Butter Wins cah, Friday afternoon. even though he has gone suspend- • Claude R. Wadlington and Harry B. LARV Jim Thorpe, thikvstately, "high- Thoroughbreds are solng to slip ed. Wq will have about 10 new | flying", important X^rdinal team quietly down to Martin, Tenn., M. S. T. C. Varsity vs. U. T. members~to receive the Fertoca- __ Wadlington, Proprietors » from Mayfield. sihje got Its where they have a lighted field, Juniors at Martin, Tenn.. Friday tation degree.—Adolphus Walker, j ===.. tall feathers plucked "hod they and have a nice little work out night. smashed to the ground um^er the M. S. T. C. Freshmeir-vae Union Deputy. ltp lllllllllllllllllll Again! snarling, fighting, slashing attack of the Murray Tigers. And by way, the Mayfield cheering sec5 tion started out strong with that In addition to winning second prize at yell, 'We're going to win win— how-»-E A S Y—Yeh?, well before the Kentucky State Fair SUNBURST the game was over they sounded BUTTER was exhibited in Arkansas— like a brood of 1-day old chickfc under a tin tub. u winning first prize, and third prize was Well it was just too bad for Mayfield did Its best and with won at the Dixie Butter Scoring Contest good portion of luck, perhaps, WN finally beat this srpall. Inslgnifl at Nashville, Tenn. \ c cant team by a 13 to 0 score and were lucky to make It. After all this publicity and hooey, with a ^35c team that outweighed the Tigers Our increased sales of Sunburst Butter eight to ten pounds to a man. with a line and a backfield that "khould ^ tnock*' ifi Murray and adjoining towns is evidence have, according to past reports c of the sport writers, beaten the 87 that more and more people are coming to Murrayans by forty points. It- was a moral victory for the Tigers ^ realize that it is far superior to any butter and a bitter win for the Cards. But to climax It all the sports sold here. wlrters on the daily papers of West ^Kentucky must have been sick over thl» deal for it would WON'T YOU GIVE IT A TRIAL? have taken >'ou an hour or two 4 to find any account of* the game. 4 T There is no doubt in my mind $4.83 OUR SUNBURST PASTEURIZED that If the Tigers play a game similar to the one on last Friday MILK also won second prize at the Ken- they will defeat the Blue Tornado tucky State competition with some team of Tllghman High School. c Just a few words of comment _50 of the oldest and finest dairies of this on the Tigers that played last Friday. Knight, Roberts, and state. Finney were the thorns in the side fOr the Cardinals. Knight c made Bennebt appear as If he 69 were absent, making more ttian Can You Be Satisfied With Anything But half of the- tackles and when he tackled the "Red Birds" had to the Best in Milk Products? think it over before arising to c their wobbly legs. O^erbey. a 32 veteran in the line, was a con- 1 stant, heady help to Knight In TELEPHONE 191 keeping the Muuray youngster^ c play a steady game. Diuguid and *25 Irvan received equal honors, each A KNOCK is anything but a boost to your horse poweiv One playing a superior brand of ball. x Banks, Franklin, Barnett and Thurman displayed an aerial at- Murray Milk Products Co tack that balTeled their opponents. N Maddox and Perkins at ends of the best things Sinclair H-C Gasoline does is 'to stop knocks, displayed their wares, with Mad- dox, perhaps, showing a slight V zy thumps and pings. Stops them deacl and keeps them stopped. c 29 WISE MOTORISTS Gives you a cool, singing stream of power that carries you smoothly ARE Bl YL\ii TIRES SOW up over the steepest hills in high. And it's all gasoline — nothing

25; And for these Reasons: added*. H-C has been making new friefids and holding old friends Goodye«r prices are at the oottom. \ c Cost'of punctures added u delays 15 in bad weather, is greater thar for more than five years. You'll enjoy it, too! For Highway the miles left in old tires ar* worth. c Slippery roads of fall and winter 25 make the fall grip of new Good- Contentment drive in wherever you see the Sinclair H-C Pumo, years a desirable precaution. c New Goodyear treads during win- 15 ter wear down slower than ever 'Nothing Added! —about TWICE as slowly per 100 miles as in summer. It is economy No foreign substance is to put on new Goodyearsr now— they will be practically as good an . t'— needed to give H-C Gasoline 2S new next spring. Ride with pride and enjoy Goodyear protection all Millions More people ride on Goodyears t antiJcnock performance. winter, the time yon MOST need —See the Supertivist Demonstration at our 2? it. itore and KNOW WHY! ' „.

The Quality lire Hithii The Reach Of All c STOPS KNOCKS 29 fhthlbidee . c Superior to many' high-priced brands. Backed T9 by our all year service. c Full Oversize Balloons 15 4.40x21 $5.65 4.50x21 $6.45 28c Big Oversizfe Cords 4.75x19 $7.65 4.50x20 $6.40 c Tubes , 25 also Heavy Duty Truck Tires lower 30x5 $19.70 32x6 $34.55 priced!

Your old tires are worth more on a trade now than they will be later! Get our offer on new Goodyear C All-Weathers or Double Eagles. SUPERIOR ENGINE PERFORMANCE L J.'BEALE MOTOR CO. Murray, Kentucky * Jackson Purchase Oil Co. Guaranteed Tire Repairinc •HOME OWNED- Convenient Stations, Owned by Home People, All. Over Calloway County PATRONIZE THEM


/ T


Ion* »• you are stsadlnf on the board than It would have been Ihe neossaary tuesna unfsas there with the old. Hut Its support of bank and the ounb$r* or cata' la someone to consume what they THE LEDGER & TIMES the new eotutniaaionera does not pawi Is steadtly dtmlnLl.,. . UST JOTS produce. pledge it a blind endorsement We are having a dfpr,: be- Coufci^^Uon of The liana.? Ledgei. Th* Callow** and Th* IDI all 'ItoulF arts » Jo remain •»»- By J«* Ypu cau\ «al yout cs-ke and cause vh« iua.W5Uy ttl us are hare II too, but «o»v*r»«sjr. JC-» ' J* Times Herald. October *0. 1938. lent when it 'c*»»eve* sec- afraid and we wttl M can t continue to ponee™. your tion it represents has not been upward grade until the majority Published By The Calloway County Publishing Co., Inc. ann eat it at the aa"ie time fairly treated; It cost Mra. "" William Hale regains Us confidence. Good times will come back but North Fonrth Street. Murry, Ky This newspaper does not set it- Thompson. theifcOhicago mayor's It's goln* to take more than mere self up either as the defender or' wife. 117.000 to attend a party. Editor wurd-of-mouth boosting to bring So many people think nucceta foe of the new commission. It re- But Thompson's party has cost them hack. You csn't ifct msny jpst means an opportunity to mlaa serves the right to praise or criti- Chicago considerably more than more sleep. Entered at the Postoffice. Murray, Ky-, aa second class mail matter. seventeen million. to plunge into the cold watet; aa Club « cise each of its acts in "the light ber T, ai of fairness TO this section and all clubs, a i Yon maj not believe "this liut Kentucky 'as sees IE that V the other night I picked up a CITY OF MURRAY GRADED dents In MEMBER popular magazine and read a Member^gjQlQ Spanish story that didn't mention SCHOOL DISTRICT. a bull fight *»*«•»«•*. KENTUCKY PRES NATIONAI tmnmiM A^VKIAIIOW TAX COLLECTORS SALE FOR The most wasteful .glutton la /-JASSOClATlOiy The I^edger & Times doesn't Vanity. Its appetites never sat- DELINQUENT TAXES especially blame its Mayfield isfied. it never glvea anything in friends for wanting a direct route return and the more you feed it from ttrat city to Eggner's Ferry the more it grows in strength to Subscription lUtes —In First Congressional District and Henry and the bridge which is almost rise up snd ruin you. and Stewart Counties, Tenn., $1.00 a year ; elsewhere, $1.50. sure to be built there within the next eighteen months. On the W. I. Bu Adertising Rates and information about Calloway county market The poet inquires, -^ofc, where other hand, such local movements VS. NOT furnished upon application., ———— are ihe snows of yesteryear?" but for more direct connections with Gertrude what w> are anxiousabout is what catholic various points before paramount has become of those old-fashioned g*s. B, roads are built, not only appear bert S Apologies, If According lo Mr. Peftit. who re- sod-soaking rains slightly selfish on the part of their ^_By vlrl ceived his information from Roy Deserved sponsors but also engender much der of sal Shelbourne, of Bardwell, a mem- ill feeling in other towns whlbh Governor Sampson spoke Isst Court, r. ber of the present board, the ap^ The Carllse County News, pub- have not yet gotten highway con- week at Golden I'ond. Kentucky's term the plication blanks which asked for lished by Col. Tom Pettle at Bard- nections, at the four, main points wetteet spot, ftut the Governor hss cause for the above personal iuformation well. , says that the Ledger & of the compass. been "all wet" ever since he was of debt were prepared by the old board Times mis-stated the facts in its elected. herein e: (and were used by the new hoard recent editorial criticising the With the probable exception of to offer f only^er such time as was required state highway commission for giv- Padtlcah, which has en j dyed more Most folks' idea of being gener- door ln 3 to print new application blanks ing The" contractor 300 working years of personal , representation ous la like the Scotch merchant highest I which omitted these question^. If on the highway board than almost days to travel the MurrayPPadu- who decided to offer something on Mond: the Ledger & Times was misin- cah highway in Marshall county any other city in Kentucky', Way- free to his customers to pep up a ber, fomed it. of course, apologizes to and-for uskini: applicants for posi^ field is better blessed with high^ falling business. In his window "Mr. Shelbourne and other mem- tions in the highway department ways than any other towtuin Wes- he placed s large sign that he about (B i bers of the board who were re- questions- concerning their re- tern Kentucky For thi* Reason, would Hive a coat hanger and a day), up< sponsible for the omission of these ligious.- political and lodge af- That—city's movement to se£k a cigarette lighter to every buyer. the folk* j personal questions on the new filiations. more direct route to Tennessee Each customer that'day received lying and I blanks. River, before other highly essen- ty. Kent The Ledger ir Times' informa- a nail mji a match. tial . roads are constructed, will One ti tion concerning the" ^indication I Retarding the 300 day contract, 1 meet with little sympathy on the New Con blank? was received from a former the News statej^thar the time limit The merchant who can't make party of May field's sister cities ts followi .state highway engineer who was on construction is set by the Chief advertising pay and therefore in this section. Perry an not fired but resigned because, so Engineer and that the commission quits it is somewhat like the hobo on the w he advised the Ledger ii Times, he has nothing whatever to do with There is" nor criticism of May- who tried working, and found It on the BO had reasons to believe. Jiiat his it. The Ledger £ Times regards field's desire for the road. No one unsatisfactory. . on the n< protestantism handicapped htm in this as a very lame excuse, not on blames any community for want- talnlng s the favor of Chairman Jotrtfson. a the part of the News hut of Mr. inn all the roads it can get. On AN OI'EN LETTER TO MR. For th Shelbourne. The highway com- the other hand, there are many HENRY FORD: I notice that you chaser n; mission is directly responsible for important roads yet to be con- predict wages of 127 per day In approved [ andTTHirgeable with the acts of structed which should take decid- IW. Will you please accept my Interest 1 | the chief engineer. Mr. Palmore. ed preference over any ^project application to begin work on Notice To Tax Payers til paid, He is not its goat upon, whom it merely to shorten the distance be- January 1. 1S50. Very truly effect of can pass the buck for any of its tween one city and asother point, yours. The Jotter. Bilious, It is time to list your property be pl-epa own faults or mistakes. when a Kood road is already avail- Farmers in Russell county re- for the 1930 assessment. And all with the Since Mr. Stone is 1 proceeding able. Among them may be men- port that one acre of Korean lea- It appears that four deaths and who wish to come to. the office and Hart. Ma ( with the job of coi>nJt»^iug the tioned. the proposed' Federal ped eza is furnishing more feed 358 hospital patients in Boston list, I will appreciate-you coming Colenis road with all due haaif^xhe ques- highway from Wickliffe to Paris than three acres of other pasture. at the American Legion conven- in and list as early as convenient. neya. tion -ol the Sflftrdar contract is Landing bridge, the Murray-Hazel A larger acreage of Korean is ex- tion Was not the fault of the l^aude Anderson. now purely an academic one. The road, the highway from the pected next year. « LeglonnaireB but of the liquor. Tax ('(Milml srifftfe^jpallq way Co. tf fact that he is not taking advant- Graves cqyjnty line to Benton; of his extraordinarily long frdm Tri-ctty tavern, The Mayfield Mastadons found i contract is not to the credit of the which not only would give high- the Murray Midgets not so easy WANTED TO BUY highway commission but to Mr. way MniM to many families no\v after all. To change the metaphor j Stone. deprived of it but also would be of Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia CALVES, COWS, HOGS, "WHZN I waa a child, if I the Tigers clawed the foe right much more general utility than a in 80 minutes, checks a t old the did not feel well, or if I had I Conditions could easily have sharply before the game was over. LAMBS, Etc. road to save a handful of miles first day, and checks Malaria in a cold, my mother gave me , \such that -Stone could have ; waited, until spring to work the for those desiring to go from May- three days. We Will Pay Market Price Black-Draught," says Mrs. field to Eggner's Ferry. May- Someone, I don't- know who? Orpha Hill, of Wofford, Ky. project—and the criticism of the borrowed the Ledger & Times 666 also in Tablets For Stuff Delivered Ledger-& Times was that the field desires the good will apd co- ""When I was married, it be- operation of her sister towns, she hand numbering machine and I > ANY DAY came a family medicine in I highway board made it possible went over to ?the postoffice Fri- for him to do so when the road would do well to postpone her LYON'S BARBER SHOP my own home, as it waa in urgence of this road and concern day to borrow Stanley Futrell's. Truck Runs to St. Louis my mother'a had already been too long neg- John Shelton said a Republican Under Western Union !leeted. herself with assistance in getting Three Times a T take it for headache highways which would be of im- machine better anv We specialize on women's and The Ledger & Times took an ' Week and especially for constipa- measurably more~~beneflt to wes- way: it was well oiled. childrens' hair cnts. A Mbare of [active, though it will admit an in- tion. When I get bilious, tern Kentucky as a whole. your work greatly' appreciated. my skin gets yellow and I I effective part in the establishment The Mayfield cheering section N. W. LYON, Owner SHROAT BROS. have a very bad taste in my of the new commission. It does The one criticism that we have emanated great gobs of silence mouth, and a drowsy feeling not regret its action and is still of always had - of our Mayfield throughout most of the Murrav- all during the day. My eyes the opinion that Kentucky is friends is that they never seemed May field high school fobtball bui n ana I get dizzy, or my I much better off with the new to have enough" and when their game Friday afternoon. head is 'swimming.' When consumption appeared certainly to I take Black-Draught, it have sated their enormous appe- i r Children Almost Hate Our Idea of cold Interest and seems to drive the impuri- tities they continuously called for froz.-n sympathy is the farmer ties out of my system and I ' » Cross, Nervous Mother more while thtelr smaller and less fee! fine. I am seldom with- watching New. York stock prices f r My children almost hated me. fortunate fellows went hungry. out this reliable remedy." dropping down nearer parity with ' ' I I was so cross. Thanks to Vinol. This conclusion, we are compelled THEDFORDS farm products. ) \ my nervousness Is all jrone and we to say, is .almost universally ^ r | are happy again." -Mrs. T. Johns- shared in other western Kentucky '"The Richmond Roister says 1 ' tone. 0 towns. " . the last time a man stands up for CO ^ ^ For years doctors have pre- Mayfield citizens desiring to go his rites is when h'e is married." ^ \ scHbed Vinol because it contains to Central and Eastern Kentucky Was the edijor afraid to put it \ f . B« tal - elements -ot and cros? -at -Eggner's "Ferry- are! "rightsJ? —Elhabethtown News. iron", "calcium and cod liver pep- not so much inconvenienced nor Richmond is right and Elizabeth- tone. The very FIRST bottle so ofttn as those desiring to go town wrong. He gets his "rites" brings sojind sleep and a BIG ap- from Fulton to Murray. ey>ecial- and gives his "rights" away. petite. Nervous? worn-out people !y. students attending the, coTTeke, are surprised how 'QUICK Vinol ^nd being compelled to make the Latest reports show tha^ Mur- gives n«w life and- pep!.- Tastes out-of-wav journey through May- ray State-Teachers Colleg£ is a ielicious. Dale Stubblefield & field because that town has con- WOMEN* who are run-down, ner- bitter school than Eastern at vous, or suffer ^very month, should t»o.. Drugi-ists; in Hazel By J. T sistently refused to co-operate on Richmond by 25 students. And take Car<3ut. Usci tor over 60 year*. Turnbow de Co.. Druggists. the road from Fulton to Tri-city. the Thoroughbreds proceeded to across the loweivhalf of Graves prove It by lick in* the Eastern county. foQtball team Friday afternoon Apparently, the only good at* with two potntrTbr each student tribute of a road, so far as May- over. field is concerned. Is for it either to begin or epdMji1 MayTTeltL

Birthday Dinner Bladder

On Sunday, October 5, 1930. Weakness the children and friends of Mr. If Getting Up Nights, Backache, and. Mrs. P. D. Wilson, gathered frequent day caila, L#eg Paina, Nerv- at their home in honor of Mr. msness, or Burning, due to function- al Bladder Irritation, in acid condi- Wilson'B 7 L birthday- tions, makes you feel tired, depressed ind discouraged, try the Cystex Teet. Those present Jo share th'e hos- Works fast, starts circulating thru pft^llty ihe system In IS minutes. Praised by Mr and Mrs Qrle Wilson, Mr. thousands for rapid andpositive ac- BOBBIE: "kg nugbty not of ymn lo 'fcx up ;lon. Don't give up. Try Cystex (pro- and Mn Chas I'aachall. Mr. and nounced Stss-tex) today, under the paw • , Mrs. Elmus Wilson, and son; Mr. fron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly and Mrs. Bill Manning, and chil- illay these conditions. Improve rent- Ipnd and Distinguishes Everything That Goes sleep and energy* or money back. ALICE: "Mother says that being thrifty dren. Mr; and Mrs Hill WMlson, Wc at . are the two nicest things n the worfd." of Our Shop! and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crouse. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones Drug Company No lesson will be more important to your chiidren's Coats, Mr. ahd Mrs. Roy Wilson, Nothinjj is moi'e disastrous for the human body and babv: Dr. and Mrs. Larue, future than the age-old lesson of THRIFT. Open an Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, and ,than cheaply pr carelessly made'and handled food. two children; Mr. and Mrs. Jim TO OUR CALLOWAY account for them in our bank! That's why we stress quality^ and sanitation in ajl Dodd. Mrs. Leja -X>rinkard. and COUNTY FRIENDS , children; Mr. and Mrs.—Taylor -uurvvcork—and alw ays 4»t-reasonable price. Crouse, and children; Mr. Claude When in Paducah, park your Rowland, and-daughter; Mr. and Let- us insist that you visit our plant and sec_how Mrs. George Rose. Mrs. Parlee car with us at Wilson, and sonj^Mrs. Vafentine wettspe prt»ctice-fhes£ slogan?. and children; Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Fourth and Kentucky Ave., lass Moore, and daughter; Mr. or Fifth and Jefferson and Mrs. Gil us Wilson, and two children, Misses Mable and Willie "WE NEVER CLOSE" Mafcjfljlson; Messers.^Tom Crouse Riley. Carifil. P. D. Wtfson All Day & Theater Parking 25c spent a-joyful day.-returning to All night 50c their homes in the late afternoon, A Modern Bakery For a Modern Community wishing him many more' happy THOMAS SERVICE CO. bitthdays. Mr. Wilson was the cepient of many nice gifts. . '/

R. H. Vandevelde & Company THURSDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 16, 1930 THE LEDGER A TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY andlng on th* Qt»r or cats' until a* foster home Is found for nlaUMng. COUNTY STUDENTS that child. **|ir«i«lon be- ",What greater work can any »' "» «rc man or worna^ do and one that «•* tllllt .»• speaks for the ?aiur»«3 ifc^tock? i the majority ACTIVE AT COLLEGE 'fn Better citizenship, than In giv- ing suppor^.to this, the noblest Well Keprew«tt*d In OrxMilaa- institution Of our state. In offering UOUH of AM Types at Huu* - his home to one of its little chil- think auccean Teachers College. dren. rtunlty to miss As the Setting Sun, by an Club elections Tuesday, Octo- alchemy more cunning than that FEWER MILES ber 7. and clashes In band. glee club* i i mixed choruaes show ness Into brightness, so the com- that* Murray and Calloway stu- ing of a destitute child, who has dents in Murray State Teachers not known the love of father and mother, into, one's home will transfigure and glorify and bring a little bit of Heaven itself to tbat PER GALLON home by its presence,*and give to the receiver of such a .child In such a home a joy that no one can as hereinafter know who has not done a loving ray. Kentucky, unselfish act for others. ANOTHER r for rash, at Dr. E. L. Powell. Pastor Kentucky, at 2 CWloway Tlrcult t*mrt Emeritus, First Christian Pt opposite the W. I. Hucy. Plaintiff Church, Louisville. Ky. RESULT OF nt of same to V8. NOTICE OF SALE. old to pay fcfce Oertrude Hodges. Katherine Hod- ges. Hernle I). Hodges. Mrs. Al- bert Stubblefleld. Defendants. EXCESSIVE ^By virtue of a Judgment and or- der of sale of the Calloway Circuit Court, rendered at the August GUM IN term thereof, 1930, above cause for the purpose of payment Calloway Circuit Court of debt and interest and costs Bank of Murray. Plaintiff. GASOLENE herein expended. 1 shall proceed VS. "NOTICE OF SALE. to offer for sale at the court house H W Winchester and wife, Mrs. door In Murraj, Kentucky, to the H. W. Winchester, Defend- highest bidder at public auction, ants. on Monday, the 27th day of Octo- Total By virtue of a judgment and or- ber. *930. at one o'clock or there- 26, .7 der of sale of the Calloway Circuit about (same being county court Court, rendered at April term day), upon a credit of six months, thereof, 1930, In the above cause the folWi+ig described property, for the purpose of payment of lying and being In-Calloway coun- debt of $2,977.82 and interest and $9.24-»-Total ty, Kentucky, towi-t: costs herein expended, I shall pro- One town lot In the village of ceed to oTfer for sale at the court New Concord, Kentucky, Uflunded house door in Murray. Kentucky, ts follows One Uie east by Myitis Letter To Editor to the highest bidder at public Perry and Mrs. 17. C. Winchester, auction, on Monday the 27th day on the west by Dr. E. R. Blalock, Says Governor is Lucky of October, 1930, at one o'clock or on the south by Mrs. Annie Smith, He Was Only "Dehorned" thereabout (same being .county on the north by F. L. Bailey, con court day), upon a credit T)f six talnlng 8 acres. . SAME double Editor Le'dger & Times: months, the following described A political advertisement pub- • •MH.I137TW For the purchase price the pur- actinq property, being and lying in Cal- chaser must, execute bond with lished in the Cadiz Record of loway county, Kentucky, towit:. approved securities, bearing legal Thursday, October 2, announces »1.»9—Total PRICE that Governor Sampson will speak A one-third undivided interest Interest from the day of sale, un- in the following described land, til paid, and having the force and at Golden Pond and Cadiz Thurs- day, October 15. The language of and described as follows: effect of a Judgment. Bidders will The south half_of the southeast be prepared to comply promptly the notice, which Is given verba- years tim, is so remarkable that one garter of section thirty-one (31 with these terms.—George S. tofc^shJp one (1). range six (6) Hart. Master Commissioner. wonders why the C^pvernor has the J.JJ—'Total- temerity to ask the voters to an- east and described as follows: Coleman & Lancaster, Attor- swer any questions, of whatever Beginning at a blackgum bush on neys. nature, in the lfgh( of the ques- the west line of said quarter sec- FROM tions that the voters Should " be tion, thence north sixty-nine (69) asking him. It reads: degrees and thirty (30) minutes ''Come out andJet him tell you: east, forty-eight (48) poles to two "WHY the North and South 'An Appeal for the Child' postoak bushes, thence north sev- HARMFUL road is not under contract; en (7) degrees and forty-five (45) minutes west twenty-two (22) Curtains "WHY the bridges are not If every well provided home in poles to a small white oak, thence built; Kentucky would recognize its GUM north eighty-seven (8.7) -degrees "WHY sch<*ol books are not duty to the dependent children Really Cleaned Wife, Gas, Scare Man and thirty (30) minutes east one free; of this state, who are without a hundred and ten and three-quar- In Dead of Night "He will also shed some light home-and therefore deprived of ter (110%) poles to a hickory dBwf&^Y rHH" 117E have a special depart - "Overcome by stomach gas in on: the love Buch a home can give, bush on section line, thence south the dead of night, I scared my XCESSIVE GUM in pr'-iolt-tie ^jKl If ment, with special equip- "HOW the state is being saved and to which ever>< child has the eight (8) degrees east ninety (90> inalienable right, there would not husband badly. He got Adlerika I ment, processes and person- from th^ former selfish Highway poles to a postoak, section corner, and it ended the gas."—Mrs. M. Commission." (He evidently be a moment's hesitation on the thence, thence south eighty-seven nel, for taking expert care of Owen. E means here, the present State part of any home in answering T87) degrees and thirty (30 ) min- /j^ your household furnishings Highway Commission, which is the Kentucky Children's Home Adlerika relieves stomach gas In utes west one hundred and fifty- cau.M> delayed mating and, in f, complete sticking of Ik — A >n»l attractiveness of your seven (7) degrees and forty-five The Governor should be asked one of these little ones* old poisonous waste you never (45) minutes, west fifty-eight /AK^LQ 4A curtains, drapes, wall-hang- to answer: As the only living charter mem- knew was there. Don't fool with (58) poles to the beginning, con- the valves in your engine. Faulty ^ ^^ings, rugs. WHY he asked undated resig- be of , the Board of Directors medicine which cleans only PABT taining eighty-three (831 acres nations In advance of appoint- governing thi^instltution, I want of bowels, but let Adlerika give valve acUon allows unburned gaso- The delivered prices are: Salts, dry cleaned and pressed, ment to Sampson-dominated to make a plea that T wfarti could "Stomach and bowels a REAL and twenty-seven (27) poles,'"deed boards and commissions; ' sound In trumpet tones to every cleaning and get rid of all gas! — recorded In deed book 1, page 517, lene to blow out through the ex- fl; Plain Dresses, fl; Men's Straw or F^elt Hats, 91; Wo- Dale, Stubblefleld & Co.. drug- WHY he made no investigation home In Kentucky, to aid one of dated October 8, 1888. men's Hats, OOc. gists. In Hazel by J. Turn- of the fire that destroyed the old the most worthy institutions of For the purchase price the pur- bow & Son, druggists. haust. Recent tests have shown as Parcel Poet service at delivery prices. Add 10c extra for State Capitol; our state in doing the most chaser must execute bond with1 packing. WHY he agreed, for a consider- Christ-like work which call down approved securities, bearing legal much as 20% to 30% gasolene ation of $250,000, and the financ- the commendation of Him yrho RADIO TUBES— interest from the day of-sale, un- Main Plant 10th and Broadway. Convenient Cash and Car- ing of the Frankfort and Cyn- said "In as much as you do it: un- til ifaid, and having the force and to one of these little ones ye

Keep your tank fult of Koolmotor and protect yourself against this loss of mileage and the expense caused by sticky valves. Fill your tank with this powerful, clean There are advnatages to a checking account other than the well burning motor fuel today ! known and important one of having a receipt for every payment you Prominent and able speakers will address the voters of make. "v. Calloway county at the following places in the interest of the When you use a checking account, the Bank acts as your book-keep- Democratic ticket at the^election, Thesday, November 4, 1930. Toial er, enabling you to maintain an accurate check upon your expenditures. EACH SPEAKING AT 7:0© P. M. From our very convenient statement (which the Bank of Murray now TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 mail3 you every month)., -you can tell exactly whether you are getting ONCE - ALWAYS > Heath, Paschall, Palestine, Pottertown. ahead or falling behind, and more important, you can find where you are gaining or losing. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 New Providence, West Shannon, Independence, Some persons have the idea that a small checking account it not wel- Pleasant Valley. comed by a bank. Such is not the case with the Bank oPMurray. We extend a cordial invitation to every one to use our services, regardless of THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 the size of their account and we assure you thaT you will receive the Cherry, Dexter, Russell Chapel, Woodlawn. same courteous and prompt service as the largest account owner at this institution. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 j. Loes of power. "Missing" cylinders and < Almo. Vancleave, Kirksey, Harris Grove. ONLY $1 OPENS AN ACCOUNT—OPEN ONE HERE gine failure. _ * TODAY! t'nni 11 ssai j repair bills. Excessive gasolene ea sumption. Conservative Enough to Absolutely Protect You; Progressive Enough to Completely Serve You! CUU, Srrtirt RnJi* n.c « P. M , Ctmtrml Stamjar Weather permitting, a whirlwind campaign will be held in Calloway county, THURSDAY and FRI- DAY, OCTOBER 30 and 31. A band will accom- pany the speakers on this occasion. GEORGE S. HART, Chairman. CITIES SERVICE COMPANY YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME THE LKDGER A TIMES, MUlUtA¥, KENTUCKY THURSDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 16, 1»80

do not spill or allow to come in Sliijp match, but he uses his wits contact with paint on hood of car. to achieve no few laurels for him- MRS. CULUE STEELE Alcohol ruins duco or Pyroxilin KENTUCKY RURAL Hints For The Winter Motorists Tell It! movi&A self paint.- ' Too much care cannot be exer- MADAM . SATAN'' 7.KPPKLIX II i KIHI MUM I N \ I N I v The Ledger 6 Times deeply There Is nt. MIfe way lo use-an, ing.. itu-u when warm* up. I kk" Ml FPlaUK FOIl FIIA- DIES IN NEW MEXICO cised during wiutrt in driving, SCHOOL TOURNEY BALL OlTDA4&L*fc» ALL ,* pprertaies - n trtbiriions 'Bi OtfTM)* >S -> WJ»ie> wuhatt& l« \ back • jr. .ai-A mem espeetett/' nr> of FKHN IT* ^UDI^mVi i-eTson-f Snd socia) iterator KttV r rih De 3fB anti-fr*****- sot n tion ikeaatured uients. Brakes Cannot be used to >111.LK SPW Tt < IRN Was \ati^« G alloway raanty; Car* should h^ handled care I kinds. « Ukulele "mufflers" will solve a alcohol or some well known brand much advantage ''When it is wet TO BE NOVEMBER I '"Spectacle/' Interpreted in liesves Husband, One Son, fully. ospecially those equipped national problem if Cliff .(Ukulele of anti-fret-s*- should be us*n*taniiy; o'ih.-PWi>, t host- serious damage way ivsult to Schools Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer producer- Hrs. Cullle Steele in Itpswell. ftp the good work. director. phone crooning in a song scene nous solutions will leak out. |,ransmission and differential of New Mexico, last Thursday night, Dexter News If you are not a contributor, With his "Zeppelin Bali of for "Those Three French Girls," ifors. Steele was a native of Cal- Do not dep*-g0 on parages andjih- car Rock car baTk and forth Regional* for the Kentucky which-will open Wednesday at the i 11*r.i. stations altogt-ibt-r to look | until brakes are fr*-*- w* will be grateful if you will 'Madam SataiV which will epen loway county but had made her The Sunday School of the M E. • rite. phone or call any time. Rural School Tournament will be at the Capitol Theatre Friday for Capitol "Dtr-srfre for a 4wo days home ill the west In search of bet- after your car when cold weather| Car* shi*iid hare lubricant in run Tq/"> j"j»medy" the trouble. church held a picnicatAyggy Ann Telephone 55. held for the first time at Murray- two days. De Mille feels that ]ie^ ter health for "the past several 1 s mission and 'differential Cluff experimented with slleucers. Springs Sunday, OctobeV 12. The State Teacher* College Saturday, has achieved a worthy ocular suc- years. \- Battertse during wiatev tyljraim-d and replaced • with th«- cessor- to the "Cinderella Ball'' (it1 ilMlly fitting the instrument with children urd adults were motored November 1. under the jurisdic- She is survived, by her husband ' ted to very sever* strain. suited for winter which is Forbidden Fruit." the Babylon- a rubber sounding baffle and a thefe by various cars. Picnic din- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mathis and. and ohe son. She was an aunt of The motor si cold, the oil js cold. muct, thinner than suifiimr rrease tion of *cmhity superintendents. ian scenes of "Male and Female", soft wood base for the strings. >line is cold, artti ner was served, games were play- neighbor. Mrs. Rogers, of Pad a Misses Ola May and Opal Farmer start | Before priving your car during The contest Is open to elementary and "The Sack of Rolne" In "Man- The result was to reduce the more and drHe less er. and a 'great time was had by of Murray and visited here two cold weather, after v starting it cah. were Sunday callers on Mr" strum to a "whisper." ^ "present. -v . schools from the fifth through the slaughter." years ago Miss Ola May Farmer Every motorist should- th should be allowed to run a few and Mrs. O. F. Curd. Mrs. Ma- Cliff declares-tbe "mufTler" will Mrs Sarah Cothran left Friday eighth grades. PrtrfjE. H. Smith, De Mllle's current appeal ^o Just returned last month from oughfv familiarize himself w minutes. It will not only make this left Tuesday for Detroit to be a boon to apartment houW for paducah. where she was joined eyes that Jove color and charming Roswell after spending the sum- startm*. a-car during cold west* r. | the car, op mupb better but visit her daughter, Mrs. Royal director -of extension at Murray dwellers and fraternity hoiise br hVr daushter, Miss Tylene^jind draped hupian beings is laid mer with Mrs. Steele. It requires some tart and ill wt tpsny repairs 1K» Morris. College, is in chafge of prepara- a board'a Zeppelin, the property of neighborhoods' o and is thtuklh^ thorough understanding of y. h'-r friend Mr. Lawrence""Wilson. Funeral and burial services a car run for any length Mi and Mrs. Manuel Cope. Mr tion for the regional. * Roland- Young, comedian of the about putting in on the market. 1 They then motored to East Prair- were held in Roswell Saturday. A car Most ears rentfuire generous! •f tin . in a cki»ed ^ara^s^ the and Mrs. Ed Parrish and daugh- directed .^the ie. Mo . to visit ^irs. Mant Culp; piece. A meeting on the Zeppelin priming and if the carbueter *ts| l*»isonous~ and vfc> dan- ter. Muriel, son Cecil of Paducah. Directed by heads of extension between Bob Brooks (Reginald farce-comedy for Metro-Goldwyn- The song number for which adjustable it should be o(»ened erons. Mr. and Mrs. Rea Jackson, bro- Mrs. Mort Myers of Christopher. Denny) estranged from his wife, Mayer with Reginald Denny and departments of the various state Cliff devised his ukulele "muffler" on»- complete, round before pr}n- If ,a*c used for ami-! ther. Tom. and- friend vBobby 111., motored here' Thursday to Kay Johnson, with a mysterious Pffi Dor,say in th£ leading roles. institutions the first reglonals for is "You're SI hi ply Dellsh," which jClark. all of Paducah. spent Sat attend funeraj services of their 'Madam Satan," provides the Included in the cast are Yola is sting by members of the cast lurday night with their mother. sister and niece. Mrs. Richard rural school tournaments ylll be principal plot impetus of Jeanie d Avrll Sandra R»vel, Reward a hilarious scene. I Mrs Belie Jackson, and sister. Johnson. held in scholarship, declamation, MacPherson's story. The denoue- B.rophy, George GrOssmith and Mrs. Le Ma this: Sunday they ment takes place just as the air- Peter Gawthor-ne. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coursey vis- and athletics. The state tourna- motored to Almq where they spent ship is torn loqpe from Its tuoor- The story is an original with Nine 'hundred bushels of rye ited his mother, Mrs. Ellas Jones, ment Wtll be held at Lexington, iLdpfay with their aunt. Mrs. Jeff lnu mast forcing the guests to dialogue *by P. G. Wodehouse, has been sowed in Magoffin coun- and Mr. Jones. Sunday. ' * Howards, and family. Returning November 7 and 8. jump in parachutes. ^ . noted British humorist ty "this -fail. h »uie in the .evening. Mrs. Jack ' Mr. and Mrs. Everet Cleaver and Recommended to be held at The ^tory starts in the home of son accompanied them for a visit. family were guests of Mr. and Aj-rs. Wm. Eggman Sunday. Murray by the publication com- Angela and Bob Brooks, who assisisiiiBiiiiiiiaiiiiai Millie Scott arrived here to paV have grown apart from each A wedding of much interest to mittee of the college, the tourna- h.s mother. Mrs. Anna Scott, ,a other, and In the bedroom of many friends of the groom, who visit. He is from Centraria. III. ment will include scholarship Trlxle, the other woman. It is lf> widely known in Calloway and niters Mrs Will Reeves and Mrs. tests in -silent reading, spelling, from these earlier scenes that the Marshall counties, was that which Muriel Andrus were Thursday vis- English, hygiene, arithmetic, civil oceeda to the airship - took pjfcce Thursday. October 2. itors with Mrs. John Andrus. The groom Butler Starks, re- government. United States his- On the Zep three special ballet They sere visitors last Tuesday siding at Hardin #ith his mother numbers are presented by dance with Vliss Beulah Ferguson and tory, and geography, declamation He was married to Miss Bessie director Leroy Princ, formerly,of parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Per for boys and girls, and athletics Smith, of Simpsonia. The cere- Earl, Carroll's "aVnltles." Th&e guson. * -i for boys and girls. mony took place "St Mayfield. The art' "The Cat Ballet." the 'Clock Ballet" and "Ballet Mechanique" bride is a brunette^ of winniin According to the bulletin on the personality and has many friends tjie latter featuring Thepdore -Kos- tournament sent out by the ex in and about the vicinity in which ml M KU'Ctricity." - _ THE LATEST WESTERN ELECTRIC Rats Cost Millions she has resided with her p*^ tension department of the Univer- ents. All friends and acquain- sity of ^Kentucky, the scholarship III 1 \ Ml >1 \\l>» \ Kits \ I II I SOUND-SYSTEM Annually tances extend wishes for a Ions tests shall be given as follows: AtTIV.; RMAJCTUOMMI1 married life and great happiness. FILL* THE JtllJ. You can rid your prem- silent reading, grades 5 and 6; Although a popular Juvenile Friday and Saturday, October 1J7-18 Peerless Heavy Service ises of these costly pests Mrs. Louis Ernestberger^spent silent reading, grades 7 and 8; piayer on Broadway for several Wednesday in Radueah. Saturday Matinee without danger to poultry spelling, grades 5 and 6; spelling, years. Robert Montgomery had to % There has been much wotYy-and or domestic animals by us- grades 7 and English, grades wait until he landed in motion lots said about the long drouth and get die service that adds thousands of mile. pictures before he could play MEN were fascinated by her— ing Maro. a Red Squill but one would not think it is pos- 5 and t>; hygiene, grades 7 and 8; musical com< (l> These I . S. Peerless pneumac rs are built by the world - preparation. Red Squill is sible to see the fine crop of po- arithmetic, grades 5 and 6; arith Ttits unusual situation was the WOMEN hated her! recommended by the U. S tatoes raised in the garden spot nietic^ 1 and 8; civil government, largest producer of rubber to piw longer mileage than anj result pf talkie development at H. Curd'*; home. Three sweet Department of Agricul- grades 7 and 8; United States his which caused Montgomery to quit other tire at their low price. Our .tire service makes certain potatoes sold weighed 14 pounds Broadway for Hollywood, wher^e ture in farm bulletin No. and three others three pounds tory. grades 7 and 8; geography, that the? wilt deliver extra mil .-age. For real economy, try he won amazin~ SOecSSS within 'i 1533. as being taken rap- apiece, two tomato vines loaded grades 7 and 8. year. this combination when next jou need tire-. idly bv rats and relatively with fruit. 12 to 14 feet high The declamation . events are Now, featured in "Love in the harmless to human en for boys and girls in the Rough," which will-open Monday Omr Tin Expert. Cmm bn Taw Mm, and domestic animals. for a two days run at the Capitol "think this a fish story. fifth, sixth. _seventh, and eighth Theatre. Montgomery is playing Fw drr imic* call oa us. < >111 mea an NOT A POISON The Almo Pfcrent Teachers As- grades. Included in this group his first musical -comedy rale, the eipert. »ko save >N iMeri b> tttfh-ffrad' Rats cost the American sociation program was greatly en are the tets for all round scholar- kind of part he always yearned joyed and a large audience was • oriirin.'u. and by speed of operation ship. for on the stage. people 4200.000.000 an- present Friday. October^ id. Yaur tUk will be smalfc-r at our sure.' "On the Stags I never was able" In athletics the following events nually. They distribute the to convince managers I was stipit- and divisions for boys are offer- virus of plague, of hydro- Dickey, Rogers, and Bennett ed to musical comedy,^ Mont- phobia. of trichinosis, of ed: 5 0-yard-dash, division A, 13 gomery said. "HVre in pictures Where els^ can you buy first Attend National Dairy Show equine influenza. When years and under; 50-yard dash, however, producers always regard quality truck tires at prices versatility", at nigh premium and you dan be rid of these County Agent C. O. Dickey, riol division Bi 14 years and over; like these? seem only too slad to allow a pests by using Maro at a lis Rogers, and Yancy Bennett ion-yard* dash, division A. 13 player to try different types of left Monday morning for St. years and under; 100-yard dash, partB." cost of 50. cents, can you Louis where they spent .-Tuesday 30x5 (8-ply) SI9.45 division B, 14 years and over; 220 Charles F. (Chuck) Relsner di afford to have- them ? and Wednesday attending the Na rected the musical comedy ro- tional Dairy Show. yard dash, division A, 13 years and Maro carries a positive mance, a picturi&ation of "Spring 32x6 (10-ply) $34.1,0 Jinder; division B, 14 years and guarantee. If used accord- Young Rogers won a free. tri£ Fever." the iVncent Lawrence for being the outstanding junior over; Y. M. C. A. classification for stage hit. ing to directions, your club member of Kentucky while weight and age for events in run Dorothy Jordan has the femi- Bui!t by the World's Largest Producer of Rubber money will be refunded" if young Bennett was %lso one of ning high jump, running broad nine lead in the film and the cast jihe biggest prize winners at the Maro does not kill rats and includes Benny Rubin,- Dorothy Kentucky State Fair. Jump, standing broad jump, and mice. McNulty, Allan Lane. J. C. Nu- M. D. Harrison. Farmlngton baseball throw; relay race, no gent, Catherine Movlan, Tyrrell Dale, Stubblefield fftrmer. had entries in the show. classification, four man relay. Davis, Roacoe Ates, Edwards Davis, and Harry Burns. Farmer-Purdom Motor Co. Girla'- Alhletw & Company - Eael G. -Welch, agricultural en- Ttre story depicts the amusing Corner Drug Store gineer for "Ihe College of Agri- For girls" athletics the follow- situations which ensue when a culture. has laid out two terrac- ing events and classifications are rich manufacturer takes his crack Murray. Ky. ing demonstrations on two farms By Jeanie MacPherson West Main Street Murray, Ky. given: 50-yarth dash, division A golfer shipping clerk with him to 'in Clark county. a smart couqtry club. The clerk 13 years and under; division B, is ^supposed to "caddy" his em CECIL B. DE MILLE'S 14 years and over; 75-yard dash, plover to success in a champion- Spectacular Talkie division A. 13 years and under division B. 14 years and over; x featuring lOG-yard dash, division A. 13 RELIEF THAT KAY JOHNSON years and under; division 14 REGINALD DENNY years and over; Y. M! C A. classl KONJOLA GAVE LILLIAN ROTH; ROLAND YOUNG fication as to weight and age for Also 5th chapter "Jade Box" and Talking Comedy— baseball throw and running and "DREAMING IT IN" catching; relay race, no classifi CAME TO STAY cation, four on each team. tMonday and Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Groupings as to the counties in Grateful Ixmlsville Iswly Glad To ' October 21-22 October 22-23 reglonals have not been made, but Tell What a IlleHMing \ew will be determined soon according Medicine Prove

County Chairman George S. on Children's Apparel Hart has announced that the Dem Ocratlc speakW at Concord has be.;n changed from Friday night to Saturday night, October 18, In CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S order to avoid conflict with double-header basketball same to COATS SHOES be held at Concord Friday night.

MltS. 4, D. HfKST 7 to 14- Fur trimmed For work, for dress, THE SMILE- BANKS "It has been almost a year . for play since I took Kk>n]ola and .I have A-MINUTE and §ome tailored ARE BUYING had no return of, my trouble", TALKIE! A wide selection for said Mrs. J. D. Hurst. 220 South styles, all woof, ma both boys and girls of Thirfl" street. Louisville: "1 had BONDS a severe case of kidney trouble terial, at every age. Tliey are for several years. "Sharp pains at- IQVE T#t durable, well styled, 550banks have increased their tacked my back and I became purchases of utility arid in- highly /nervous and run-down TO and exceptional val- dustrial bonds by $567,000,000 generally. I tried a number of $3 95 $9.75 this year over last year. Is there ues. medicines but none had the de- ROUGH a more forceful, more authen- sired effec^. A JLr^ond advised me D tic way to saV'"Noui it the YPM^UK/N^ ALLTAlLKIHC time to buy good bonds"! to take Konjola and I am glad I W< are soifiewhat handicapped in -displaying merchandise while we are o took her advice. I had YIQ sooner Associated Gas and Electric Songs hits gafore, begun taking, l^hls medicine |harivI i "mpleting our interior improvements, but business is going on as usual and we Company 5* Gold Deb%nrure pep, laughs, love— are glad to nerve you. Bonds, due below hegan to improve In health. The average in price—above aver- pains gradually became less it's a. winner! VISIT OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT! Every season- of the year you can S9.75, S14.75, age in security. Interest earned severe and Srhen' I had finished fiild dependable merchandise at Ihe lowest prices in our convenient basement 2.01 rimes overall after de- the fifth bottle the iTfdney trou- with S24.75 to COME IS AND LOOK AROUND! : " " " preciation. ble was at an end. I am glad to - - "Robert S85.00 We believe this sound secu- state that the results { received^ rity will not l&ng be Available from this great medicine were MONTGOMERY at current prices .... to yield lasting, "i D \h% . Dorothy r REMEMBER Active market on Neur York Konjola Is not designed to af- JORDAN I Curb Exchange. ford fhere temporary relief. Its You can get a J7.50 Dinner Set o T. O. TURNER To miest inquire at the ntareit 32 Ingredients. 22 of them tfie Benny for only $2.98 by trading J10.00 Associated System Office Jjiice^ of medicinal roots and RUBIN worth .with us. You don't hrfve to hfrbs, attack the source of ail- trade $10 worth one time, every ments of the stomach, .lfarer kid- J. C. The Corner Store Associated Gas and Electric with Fifi DORSAY nickel counts and when they total neys and bowels, and rheumatism, . NUGENT Securities Co., Reginald DENNY $10 you jfet the beautiful set for neuritis, and nervousness. , Yola d' Av- Latest Newt Reel and Tallc- only $2.98. Konjola is sold In Murray. Ky. ril, Sandra Ravel, George* Oficeof irfg Comedy— Eleven Years in Murray Dirle, SfnbbWU-ld & Co, Drug Grossmith K N\Tt< *K Y-TKN \ RKSKK Store, and by all the best druir- "O DARLING" Comedy—"HOT DOG" it POWKK . ') glsts in* all tftwna throughout this Murray, Kentucky - D entire section.—Adv. IOC 301 :o t 16. 1930 THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 6CTOBER 16. 1930, THE LEDGER & TIMES. MURRAY. KENTUCKY

ton. with beautiful salad plates ne» in the living room . where the Mrs. Will Mason. torts In placing before the public in Kentucky. He attended the STEELE in the Hallowe'en colors aud fa- The forty-five guests present guests played. Other officers for the year are: CAMPAIGN such a wonderful paper. I think public and private schools of vors of witches and black cats. were Mrs. William Purdom. Mr». An elaborate plate lunch carry- Vice-President. Mra. H. B. this Is one of the best county Leltchfleld an Br »«> >'«mtr: Church Bntei«»lii! Miss Emily Wear, Mrs. C. Elklns Fla ; Mm O C. Walton of Live Mnsfcc StffMrXkaMit Oet. 5» don't set'your friend. Eagle ot the SleBa One Sun, 5 o'clock at the home of her par- Mrs. Elbert Lassiter. Mrs. C. E. keertut Kd; pa>ara- Jodr.e LotoJn JMt^J * v . Oak. Fls.; Mr*. Archa Lovett of The MUBIC .Department has mies afire. sip— I sure do enjoy reading yqur mart of the Democratic executive ents, Mr and Mra. Nat Olbbs, on Tfie Chelty Stokes Sunday Elliott. Mi* M Kendall, Mrs'TS Los Angeles, Calif ; Mrs. Joe postponed its meetftjg until Tuea- writings and when you are absent committee of Edmonson coupty Poplar street, games were enjoyed School class of the Methodiet Padgett, Mrs J. O Ensor, Mrs. R. Lovett, Mrs: Harry Sledd. Mrs. day evening. Oct: 28. on account Let's see, Wasn't it Sampsdn you are missed more than you the day he was 21 and held that tlved here by after which the guests we^e ser- church entertained Friday after- T Wells. %irs. Albert Lassiter. Ed Diuguld, Jr Mrs. Marvin 01 th* District Meeting at that thai assailed the i'hllisUau* with can iaiAgiiui. position Isixteen years. He was he death of ved refreshments. noon from S to 5 at the O. J. Mrs. E. Bowden. Mrs. B. Over- Whltnell, Mrs. Bryan Langston, time. Miss Mildred Beale, Miss the JAW bone of an as«n In reading the last two issues tendered the nomination for cir- In itfnwell, The Guests were; Jennings home, on poplar street tp br. Mrs. Bettle Phillips, Mra. Miss Mary Williams, Mrs. Karl Lula Clayton Beale and Miss of the Ledger & Times I noticed cuit judge in the Eight judicial irwda> night, Sara Farley, Lois Farley. Neva honor or Mrs B. W. Spire, a mem- Trousdale, Mrs. C. H Brattley, Frazo*wMrs. Vernon Hate, Mrs. Frances Sexton will be hosts at quite a lot of news ln^our Martin's district In 1919 but was too young itlve of Cal- Gray Langston, Geneva Momer, ber of the class, who Is leaving Mrs. V. Stubblefield, Mrs. J. A. Robsionovltch. the Great I Am, Jack Farmer. . the home of the latter. 1 Chapel notes. It was rather funny to hold the office and declined the id made her Helen Sykes. Genella Lamb, Da soon for^ Orlando, Fla., to reside. Edwards, Mrs. Mary Mathts of says he has degrees from four to think *of Mr Jackson getting nomination. ^ earch of bet- Lamb. Lena Gray Glbbs, lva I'earl The porch was decorated with Houston, Texas, Mrs W. P. Bi>!s- colleges. What Robsionovltch Miss Knnplt Honored at Marilyn Ixnett Celebrate.. frightened at the huge turtle, also jast several Orr, Charlotte Yarbrough, Beth large baskets of yellow and cndlne, Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. R. really needs Is to be given a dose He was assistant atttfTney gen- Sexton. v_ white field fjowers and , brown M. Risenhoover, Mrs. J? W. Carr, I^incheon-llridge Fuurtk Anniversary of the "third degree." Be that as Mr. Bogess falling out or the barn eral under James Garnett for four vases of champagne dahlias. All Mrs. G. C. Ashcraft, Miss Marjorie One of the loveliest parties in Little Mies Marilyn Lovett, it am, his boast is remindful of through the platform. It made one years and then was elected "attor- her husband^ Mrm.'K. p. I'hlMljn. Kntertalna the house waa decorated with the McElrath, Mrs. W. W McElrath, Murray during the fali futf" was daughter of Mr and Mrs. Archa the fellow who boasted of his feel sad to think of Mr. Hargorve's ney general Without opposition In LI an aunt of Arts and Crafts (.'Jiib. same color dahlias, except the Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Shelby Davis the luncheon-bridge given, Satur- Lpvett, of Los Angeles, Calif., wide travel. "Why, 1 have been tobacco being so badly damaged. the Democratic party. In 1927 Opal Farmer large living room In which pink and son. Mrs. F. Skinner. NA-s. day at the National Hotel, by MISB celebrated her fourth birthday In all countries,"' he said. "I have he resigned as attorney general to sd here two One of the most elaborate meet- White checkln* up onethls bit roses .were used. Mrs. Jennings Cole, Mrs, Crawford, Sirs. B. W. Margaret Tandy in compliment to Tuesday at the home of her grand- been around the world." become the chairman of the first May Farmer ings of the Arts and CraftaClub of news I found it all to be just a received the guests, and presented Spire. Mrs. W L. Whltnell. Miss Susanne Snook, who recently father, Charlie Dale. "Mebbe so." replied a cynical state tax commission. In this4 ca- i uon l h from for the year was the lovely Hal- huge joke. Of course we all like them to the receiving line.consist- accepted the position of assistant Clever games were enjoyed by friend. 'tBut so .ha^ your walk- pacity he led In the development ng the suni- lowe'en party glven tjy Mra E. P. jokes to some extent, but It hard- Phillips last Wednesday at her ing of Mesdatnes T. H Stokes, B. registrar at the college. the little guests. ing cane, and It absorbed about as ly seems fair fpr some one to write pf a new Bystem of taxation for home on North Fourth street for W. Spire, W. W. MclClratli and Circle Meeting Post pone* 1. , A profusion of beautiful fall A beautiful birthday cake held much information as you did." such news in our community and the Btate of,Kentucky which has lal services the meint>ers and guests, W. L. Whltnell Mrs. Vernon flowers were fl5»*d In the banket the four candles. A salad course then we have to hear the other bfcen of great benefit to the Btate. Saturday. | Stubblefield received „the shower The all'day circle meeting Irall, where eight tables were b The house was darkened and and cake were served. "Big I" John M Robsion Is get- people laugh at.4>ur expense. Thereafter he practiced law in gifts as the guests entered and which was to have been held Fri- placed. A delightful three course only a weird light from jack-o- The honoree was the recipient ting desperate in his efforts to get I know it was meant good na- Louisville and Bowling Green un- placed them In a decorated bas- day at the home of Mrs. Robert menu was served. • for which lanterns filtered through the of several lovely gifts. votes. He said In a prepared state- turedly, but Jimmy why don't you til elected judge of the court of ket for lat*r presentation. Clayton, has been postponed t6 an sle "muffler" gloom Huge brown baskets of ...... j , .... In the game which followed the Those present were:' ment at Lexington last week that write true facts once in a while appeals in 1926. While in Bow- Jllsh," which < brilliant artificial autumn leaves, indefinite date on account of theJh,^, „eore Ue awarded>Mr8. Barbara Diuguld, Frances for a chang#? If you really mean Mrs. G. C. Ashcraft and Mrs he had never demanded sny un- ling Green he was a leader in the if the caaj. In black catH, yellow chrysanthe- illness of Mrs. Clayton, Harr— y Sledd and the consolatio•n Sledd, Marilyn . Mason, Nancy to give the readers a big Jaugn W W. McElrath had arranged a dated resignations from federal development of the rock asphalt mums and other decorations sug- prlre went to Miss Mary .Evelyn Whltnell. and Sara Ruth Rhodes write and tell about the cows get- unique contest in which alt en- employees. He accused Judj^e Lo- industry. gestive of the holiday were pro- Dahlia Show Will He Eaves. The guest prize' was a ting into Mr. Edd Easley's cdrp gaged and then a treasure hunt gan of telling an untruth on him. Judge Logan is a Baptist, a fusely used. Later the light was ' Held October 24 and 2S. lovely string of beads. Farmer-Fisher on last Halloween night./ It is for the honor guest, Mrs. Spire, Well, let's see wh .Dome. Grundy tariff candidate for hundred to take the naval course. \ State U. D. l\ Convention Farris and family formed ^ a kind of flowering plants Best us Husto© whom tfte_ KefMi&tteans T'njte(j states senator, continually shadow box. Best arrangement of camping party over the week efod All students are required to feke Several members of the Murfay were compelled to throw out refers to his Democrat ppponent. wild flowers. Best seedling dah- Chapter of U. D. C's will attend their national chairman because military or naval training. The lias. Judge Mills M. Logap. a*'the Tam- the thirty-fourth annual conven- Mrs. Tom Grogan Dies he used the funds of others to many Hall candidate ffo senator. selection is based on mental and tion of the Kentucky Division of gamble on the New York Stock All flowers entered in compel Epithets of thls klnd.'of course, physical atbillty and the Intention United. Daughters ot the Con- at Pottertown Saturday exchange. The less Robsion says titlon except In arrangement con- prove nothing and mean nothing to remain in school there until federacy which will b? held at the about national chairim-n rhf bet- tests and shadow boxeB must be in either case. Irvin Cobb Hotel In Paducah ter it will be for himself. graduation. INVITATIONS In plain glass bottles or jars, so Mrs. Tom Grdgan died Saturday The attempt is made by_. Mr. Thursday and Friday. that flo#ers will be judged on at her home In Pottertown. She Robsion to make it appear that The members of the naval -de- own merits. Those who will attend are Mrs. is survived by her »hueband. Judge Logan is the product and partment are taken on a cruise F. Holcomb, Mrs. Charire Funeral services were conduct- Letter To Editor Contestants are responsible for offspring of Tammany Hall, each year. The cruise last year Smith, Mrs. W. S Swann. Mrs. ed at the Poplar Springs Baptist Nothing could be farther from the their own entries, must call was to Cuba, but it is hot yet THE Ledger & Times takes dis- Saturday for containers. Every- Solon Higgins. Mrs. Albert Lassi- church Sunday afternoon at two "Of Cabbages and Kings truth. known where it will be this year. —- tinct pleasure in announcing body is Invited to attend the free ter, Mrs J. P. Lassiter, and Mrs. o'clock by Rev. Chas. Parker and Judge Logan Is a man who has flower show. M. L. Wells. burial the Barnett ceme- and Other Things" spent his entire life in the state —College News tery. to its patrons its complete readi- Dear Readers: of Kentucky. He was born on his Hazel Methodist Missionary Mrs. E. B. Houston will attend While reading the Ledger & father's farm in Edmpnson coun- Nine hundred bushels of soy- Three-fourts of the Taylor coun- ness to take their orders for th£ Society Met Monday Afternoon a meeting of Grove No. 2 of the Times this week a sudden desire ty. He is a great-grandnephew of beans were sowed and harvested ty red clover sowed on limed The Womens Missionary Society Woodmen Circle In Paducah Wed- came to me. I wanted to tell the Gen. Benjamin Logan, whose this year In Knott county com- printing or engraving of wed- and phosphated land withstood of the Hazel Methodist church met nesday. Mrs. Houston will give members of the printing staff name is linked with the pioneer- pared with 20 bushels in 1928, the drouth. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the response to the welcome ad- how much I appreciated thelV* ef- ing epoch of courage and vision and 309 bushels in 1929. ding invitations—correctly and dress. the church auditorium. Mrs. at moderate price. Alice Jones the president presid- ing over the Business session. Mrs. Alpha's To Meet S«ur,tay Brady White conducting the de- Mrs. J. D. Rowlett, Mrs. W. J. votional. A very Interesting pro- Caplinger, Miss Emma Helm and gram was carried out, the theme Miss Susan Peffer will be hosts to was *The Home as a school of In- the Alpha Department Saturday, ternational Brotherhood". Oct. 18, at 2:30 at Wells Hall. Cut This Out Think It Over The subject will be "Figure Mrs. I Kingston Entertains Painters in America". At Bridge Art Exhibit at Training School Mrs. B. O. Langston was at Many lovers of pictures have home to her bridge cjub and an been to the Training School to extra table ofgtiests Friday after- see the beautiful prints of famous THE LEDGER & TIMES noon. WHY Your Light Bill 4s Higher masterpieces. The collection is Lovely fall flowers were used perhaps the largest ever shown in Murray and with quiet a few in .E'S color the selection is Indeed pleasing as well as educational. at This Season of the Year Other at-e invited to this Art Ex- hibit.

October Woman's flub Meeting The days are SHORTER, the nights LONGER—the daylight hours are short, Sixty members of the Murray UNG Woman's Club met at the home of &he electric light hours longer. Mrs. Herschel Corn Thursday araedy— afternoon for their October busi- ness and social mating. Mrs. R. A. Johnston presided The table below gives the dark hours every month during the year. Study it over the business session. The Thursday •committee oh the furnishing of a carefully. It will explain why your electric bill is higher in winter than in summer. 2-23 rest room at the Murray High School gave a report and further discussion followed- The room is to be furnished by the club and jrhett finished will be complete with fibre couch, 'chairs, table, draperies and rugs. Thf furnish- DARK HOURS DURING THE YEAR iS ings purchased are very attractive an z o •L . •«! 2 3 -i > ed upon this project. -—. c. e V 9 0 9 » 0 < . V j 3 C" | » * The following were elected to << 09 o •< "t •< go io Eddyvllle to the District • » e sr » Woman's Club, meeting Tuesday: 3 T 3 3 •t K n (1 Mrs, .R. A. Johnston, Mrs. J. D X < Rowlett. Mrs. Geo. Hart. Mrs G. •t 1 B. Scott, and Mrs. Carlisle Cutch- •1—... ins. Alternates Mrs, Harry •Staid- \ • Mrs. F. E. Crawford, Mrs, Joe * Vi Lovett, Mrs. H, B. Bailey and Mrs Will Mason, who is District Gov- * " 'V: ernor, will preside at this meet Dusk to 6... . 2 33 62 80 65 33 279 23 ing. Mrs. J. W. Carr and Mrs. B O. Langston also, hold district of Dusk to 7 ... . 14 ?? 6? 9? 1 1 1 96 64 31 4 473 41 fices. Dusk to 8. ~. 40 52 93 122 142 127 89 62 28 4 759 63 _ Lovely refreshments carrying

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THE uroca a mres. OTIKAT. nnasnAT ATTKBNQQN. OCTOBBK K. nres

mec-tlac In K4dXvflte be waa cauatjr the things <>aa doaa far Ma Mra. Dell V\mm+j, mt tka Ftw HOSPITAL NEWS thirty oar he was tendered the frteada aould fill a book. DEATH CALLS MRS. JE^T^tf.'S; •ey- I'mrsua Ladies Heady DBTMCT C. 0. P. Di utnattoa of circuit judge, but We are paenllj Itvpuhtteaa In Wtmr Shop. Is at auikvt b«yiaK The following were admitted again declined because be waa^not fail goodw during the week: I hear C.rvra river billa. bat not JANE LASSITER, 79 - Xfct Loui|$ old enough; at thirty-six he was . Mra. C. O. Holt, of the tut side Mr. Joe Maddox. Gleason. APPOINTMENT ROW assistant attorney gneral of Ken- »hen Mill' lJ>*an is a randtdate • I weal mr»w»v Tri-CUj Mrs. rr*we«a Coleman McU-au is vuitlajc her grandson. Rnlph Tenn.. auto aerident; Maater tucky; at forty he was elected at- We kndw him we love bia—wa Tlfm Sundlt •lag thorn 11 underwent an operation for ap- < Hiar of o clock came I claiming the Kohinaon. and Mrs. Kobinaon. of Richard King. J*arts. Tenn.. opera 6a tr. & torney general; at forty-two be want to » Ula la lb. htoheat tWkmln, lllan. Stan. pendicitis Wednesday morning at Memphis. Tenn. tton; Mrs la«a Ikolan^n n ctaalr* ^ Jtoe X_*e lira of three la the William Mason Memorial station altai.-OU V." X J ak.Msr ^ Jand van Hradrs k'owter. Joe Mr aad Mra. John fWVd. Ttsa. *>F—M9hm: Mr Eoin* tax commiamtoa of Kentucky. He Hospital will ehanse him Oe wilt alwajra MuMoi tr\ J i^ra Ne.U M fearaow. Aftap WUklaaoa A Into, pan Bitot: »rs retired from public office and re- * .1 : ' faaWier « l *>. fiA' O J J*mUm*» <4.a Mary be our fir,nd Let others say alf of Ofeaaua. Tea a Paul Sfteluags and Sammy Pwr Henry McNeill. Paris. T>nu . Washington. Oct 14.— Rumb turned to private practice, but at old; M 1W, r at the bbme of left tfctf morvlnk for Missouri. treatment; Mrs. I-Yanres Mar what they will but we know hlna. , Mr. Kvwlrr who was driving a son. of Lexington. Tenn.. lings reaching Washington froin fifty-one he was elected judge of bar aaa. Jake; Laaaltrr. la where they will spend two week* I,«enn. Murray, operation; Mr. C. We are not analnat »n>b«#x—wo r here Sunday viaiting Mr Howard the First Kentucky Congressional the court of appeals- eooaty following an 11 ' f aew Ford aedaa rwtnei a deep visiting relative*. They will visit are Just for Mills Loaaa. -dama i^tsott who IB a. patient at the B. Richardson. Murray, operation; IMetrirt Indicate a further flare- cat oa. Uu ruat las aad,«-kia. Hi in jtiwngUeid and la St. IAMJIS He has achieved fn every posi- those who know hiui and love him Mason Memorial Hospital Miss Jessie Roael. Cedar Grove up among the Republicans*df that ,, . . ' M.d not vote for him hut It will Tenn.. operation; Mr M. B.' district over the prospective ap- B^Mde. her son shels surrlved and 41 firat waa thought killed la born and reared Among those Mr and Mrs B. B Wear had as never been a breath of sidfpfcioh make no difference to him—he b* one daughter. Mra. ^KgSg^B Swann. Murray, treatment; Miss Miintment of Tt. L.' Myre to a stantly. but after revived. and the* will visit are E. H Sholten. their dinner guests Sunday. Mr Of wrong doing, and thole who Will love them Just the same. If •ion*. aad a sUtar. Mra iJlura Newberry. Gleason. Tenn . I'nited States marshalship on the Mis* New Berry received Mr Jennings' brother in law, and and Mrs Lamar Farley and little know him are aware that he would one of them 'should rorne to him • HlM«e. at Meoiphla. Other Boar auto accident. recommendation of Senator John a ted forehead, sprained bark aad A. M Arsood. in Springfield. daughter. Annie Lee. scorn to —Ho anything little "or the nest da> and ask him for his relaurves aurrUlr* are Allen aad The following Srere discharged M. Robsion an. His personality is feucIT as otherwlse.cut and bruuted general Mayor Kd Fllbeck was In Mc- Dufl't fail to ra d shirt he would be would give him Jobes. Charter and Rich «kk during the week: to draw men to him No one ever ly. The injured wert rushed to Kenzie. Tenn.. Tuesday attending Protect against the appoint- bia coat aiao That la hia religion. ard Lassiter x , the butte* of Una C knew him without becoming his the Mason hospital where they a meeting of the board of regents Mrs. Galen Debruce. Big Sandy. ment of Myre. a political lieuten- He believeiu In religion and In 4 'hurrh Coanty C ourl Day. Oct friend. He has always been a PoBeral services were conduct- bad their wewnds dressed, hut of McTyeire College, of which he '•ft. Tenn ; Misa Car in el Miller. Mur- ant of Thomas N. Haselip. who practicing the tearhing of tha ed Wednesday afternoon by Elder Mr Maddox had lo remain la the ray; Mr. Eulng Wilkinson Almo. was denied a reappointment as leader. I'nder all. circumstances is a mender Misa Emily and Onelta Wear Nazarene. Sw. att and hartal waa la the Mr hosjyial for several days. Ky.; Mr. Joe Maddox, Gleason, marshal following a Department he Is gentle and kind. He will Mr*. IVI1 KinIK*> ha.- returned are visiting their cousin. Mrs. —The Kdmonaon Newa—A Cciston cemetery . Tenn.; Mr Allen Miller. Bru«- of Justice^ Investigation, so far sUlfer injustice rather than bring In many ways this was a from nurir< with a full UM> of Scott Burnett, and Mr. Burnett, ite|Hibltran Newspaper. * ton. Tenn.; Miss Eva Roberts. have been effective in holding up sorrow to auother. " He loves his strange accident The driver Of new- -ayIf. fall coat*. t *ome in and of Savanah. Tean. Troy. Tenn.; Mrs. Virsle Ableg. action.. * friends. He has given more to 1931 Passenger Car Tags M* litem—Kfmn & I'rtirwui. help orphan children than most r the car. Mr. Fowler, insists J»« Miss Lera May Walters, of Pa- Cottage Grove. Tenn.-; Miss Marv Will <*> On. View. ' LOOK! Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Grogan and men ever made. He has great Will Be a Fourth Lesa vap not speeding. they all claim ducah. former nunie of the Ma- Virginia Diuguld. Murray; Mrs. But now, according to advices three children returned last week business capacity, and has been I want to buy hogs;- son H%tpital. spent last week in Sam Stone. I'nion City. Tenn.; reaching the Capitol, the word thi» car did - not skid in from Detroit where they have successful In every undertaking Murray, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Master Richard Kfnic. Paris; Mrs has been spread through Republi- grown cattle, lambs, County Clerk. Mrs. Mary Neale. made iheir home for the past few and. has made much money for grave!, and the car did not turn Delvin Langston and Mr. and Mrs. Henry McNeill. Paris. Mrs Wal- can circles that Mr. Robsion. in received *this week from the state yea n^ and are residing on Mr. himself and others, but his philos- over. The party was making > Nat Glbbs lace Dally. Almo; Mr Thos Banks the event of his election in No- and veal calves of any tax rommiMiOB the 1*3L truck Gno£anV facm near Shlloh Mr. ophy of life will not allow him to trip from Gleason Tenn to M*-- Mr and Mrs Bryan Murdock. Jr. Murray. vember. intends to go through and passenger automobilc'license T Grogan will remain in the county keep money when there are tho^e ropolis. 111. and when they came Mr. and Mrs.: Mayme. Armstrong with the Myre appointment. kind Friday and Sat- tags. The shipment arrived in a and re-engiyle. fall rustK Come in and getting romper spits^. which will be oAder^d this year The Mrrtai Holmao Jones of Cal.^-aj* Mr, WniUm H Mason has r<- protests to be filed with the. set* thevn—Finney A IVarNon. be blue, trimmed in yellow. We -.q ruber begins ai 101-001. as Canaty was elected *re»ideaf»of Mirne.1 from ., business trip in the Senator last summer, but subsid- the Henry Clay Debating Clnb of interest of furnishing the hoys Jas. -Dick has gone to Hopkins-, £re expecting to have a splendid ed somewhat when the* campaign ville. where he ha^ purchased a team of players, as well as good approached. Now U is evident Murray State Teacher*- College '>"[raitory The new tags are somewhat bowling alley. IJg^will be pro- sports. The girls will endeavor to that those opposing Myre are at- mailer 'bin those of 1S3® and do , _ dr. «e« HmM h*> irtmsd prietor. uphold the high ideals QL-sports- tempting to make the matter a for the ensaiag semester at the r^^markei with a fall line, of manship always held by otrr boys. ot bear *he -.slogan. "Kcxtpcky Misjt Maye Marshall of the Blue factor in the Senatorial cam- firat meeting of the organization ,..>. Mjle. fall coa<«. c.wse in anil Bird Shoppe has returned from a Prof. Thomas Duboise. voca- paign. name of the j held la the e .apel Tuesday Octo- ihem—Ifsa-i M 1'nuwni. buying trip to the markets. tional agriculture teacher. Miss tr i. i Rarmer waa eleeted Vr' * Bishop, at a Mla- Jones in Meld on the froat [ ber T . A D Max Churchill. Ronald Emma Keel, home economics in- Piati The lary Society Zone meeung held Among other applicants for the ad fitnres ar. j vlee-preakleat and Hngh Churchill and Haffofd Parker left structor. Mise Audie Louise FoU. marshalship are William L. Jones, whit "— ; at Bie San-K, Tenn.. recently. Wednesday morning to attend the ind (.Wright .a i eleeted secretary. Ap- was Reeled. conduct a study well. English^teacber. Mr. Dentis Princeton war- veteran and the Our Conquest- National Funeral Directors Asso- McDaniel. coach and mathematics present marshall F. M. McCain. LrtK I proximately 4* aew members w«re on "The Trail ciation .meeting jn Atlanta. Ga., at various pli throiighont teacher. Mrs: Nannie Folwell. and Mr. Jones is getting the support voted In College New. October 13 to 17. ihe Paris district, a number of the students are plan- of some of those who are charging j Mrs. V. A. Stilley. ot Benton Drs. C. H Jones. E. B. Hous- ning to make a trip on a truck Mr. Robsion with failure to recog- j has been visiting her brortier. At ton and Ben B. Keys attended the to Mammoth and Onyx c^ves. nize Jones. meeting of the Walnut Lodge rtomey J. H. Coleman, and ffa«iili \ nM They intend to leaveTrlday even- The schism dates back jto the Medical Society, at Reel foot Lake, j Claud Brown has purchasesed W Ml ing. October*24, and return Satur- 1927 Gubernatorial fight between ednesdty night ! home on Sixth and Olive frorom T ^ day. ^f Governor Sampeon and Robert H j P 'Farmer Mr, and Mrs. Farmer Ffarry Sledd, Cyrus Owen and The Faxon "Cardinals*4 are4»re- Lucas now National Republican | have moved to tfie residence KatrT JFr%zee spent from Thi«>day inarine to meet the Lynn X»rove executive director, and the line- 'owned by the late A. J Beale .sr. to S^arday /nomine camping on "Wildcats on Friday night of up of leaders, at that time as be- J Mrs. W. A. Owen is visiting Tennesisee river. October 24. on the home floor. tween Mr. Lucas and the Samp- j Mrs Val Wasson. of Carrier Word ^has been received here son-.Robsion group. The Cardinals plav a practice Mil's. HI. — , bv relatives that Miss Virginia fame with the Faxon alumni Fri- Mr. Myre. on the alleged orders Hay continues^ quite ill at her Owen Barber is the guest of rel- day night October 17. Everybody of the Governor and Mr. Robsion. home in Irvine.N^y. atives in Nashville this week is invited to come. was named district chairman over Jim Happy speKt Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Bub Maupin., of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Duboise William B. Yandetl. who, ft was Mayfield with his mother. Mrs J Elm Grove. • spent Saturday in entertained the faculty Tuesday claimed, was overwhelmingly elec- He Happy ' \ Marray , _ evening of October 7 with a ted to the place at a meeting at J K Farmer, manager of Far- Mr P D Jones of BlHheville Watermelon feast. Louisville.*—^ mer-Purdom Motor Co.. was in \rk. spent the week end xwlth Paducah Tuesday attending . a home folks. He returned to A Home Tribute meetine of district "Chevrolet rep- Blytherille Sunday afternoon a^ Our Heart is in the resentatives at the Rit* Hotel. rompanied by Miss Anna Mae Mrs. T. A. Sanford 'returned Jones. Down here in Edmonson coun- Monday . night from Baltimore. Mr and Mrs. Fred Vance. Mur ty we all know Judge M. M. Lo- Work Maryland. where ' she has been ra>. are th** proud parents—of a gan Some rolks call him M M visitine her sister. Miss Mary baby girl born Tuesday. Oct. 14 while others call him "Mills" Stamina, Howard, for several weeks, r at th* Clinic-Hospital The moth Both his paternal and maternal It ha« been said thmt successful Mr. and Mrs. Mdeer'* S«»n _ grandparents were In Edmonson Mr and Mrs. Oscar Skaggs and er and baby are-doing nicely funeral directing is work of the in C.-J. Itutugnururr county, when it was formed In iKtie daughter. Mary Joe. visited Ke«-|» in mind the icood dinraei 1825. He is Edmonson county heart, as well as the head. That Nashville last week. fhe*- of Ftr>a Christian An attractive picture of Robert born and bred and his people have is very true. It require* a heart MrXand Mrs. J H Churchill Chnrrh - w|ll t*er»e Jackson Moser infant son of Mr. been in Kentucky making history »r** visitors in Paducah Tuesday. •only t'oort Day. to serve people in their most try- and Mrs. W B. Moser>. Murray , since the da^vs of Colonel Daniel Jim1 - Brv^n" itt OutlanvuLiati'di is extre- Mrs. Walter Edmonds. Mnrray was a feature in the rotoirraveure ing moments. Kindly sympathy is Route 7. was discharged from the Boone and'General Benjamin Lo- mely ill at Ms home east/oeast. f town, section of the Louisville'Courier essential, or service is impossible Clinic-Hospital Friday of last gan. 1 Miss Margaret Kinzie. of Jack- Journal of the past Sunday. week after a successful operation People here have known him | top*. Tenn., ancK .Mr. per Little Miss Thyrllee Ray cele- his best. They have known him f Mr. and Mr.- Harry H. Watscm fr*»m outrket with a full line of J. H. Churchill brated her eighth birthday Fri- since he went to the old Wells {of Gregory. Texas, are visiting new nry le. fall mats.. I'onw in day afternoon at the home of hei school house as a boy always Funeral Director and Embalmer i McElrath relative in Murray. r lli< HI I'inn i i a Pea rite a. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ray thinly clad and at times without Mr. Jottn Bjicy is quite sick at X "THE HOUSE OF SERyiCET Mrs Watson was formerly Miss of New Providence. •shoes, over the frozen ground. his home near Buchanan. Tenn. M .— Mat his She was the recipient of fhapy Nothing could stop hiln. He would Phonf- 7 Murray, Ky. Mrs. Geo Down.orie lieed is at the home for books, but he had a thirst for daily. No experience or The following guests were knowledge and he had to get it |of h*r sis'»-r. Mrs. Ben B. Keys, present: It takes « lot of stamina for a football player to needed.. Write today. Mr nd Dr. Key's. She is r»>covering himself out of books. :Ov Dej.» M. Freeport. Hi. figotn a serious operation. Maud Parker. Sue Lyluivjlle. They ..knew him when he went make an ofr tackle plunge—and by the same token Faustina Adams. Mattie Lee Mrs Z T Connor is visiting aWa y from home to attend school llBUBt!. All Steely. Margaret Gipson. Mattie it takep a lot of good leather, expert workmanship |relati\es in Trenton, Tenn. Mr. hitch-hiking on the way with an T Cat Frances St. John. Elaine Osburn. Connor is ^at the home of his older cousin They know that he and superb styling to produce the FRIENDLY FIVE Garvin Lynnville. Hugh . Adams. daughter. Mrs Rob Mason, and aways made the highest grade in Ralph Tidwell. Keys Farris W footwear that stands hard fall and winter wear. Dr Mason. * - • 1 school, and that when prizes were FOR RENT room apart- A. Parker, Herbert Osborn.yNema unfumished, Mrs. Lowell King and Misa, offered for scholarship ot^ier stu- k. STorsworthy. Hilda Fay Adams, dents surrendered without a con- ForSATURDAY irenierices. and Pearl Slinkard, of this city, known and Meridth Osborn. test If he were in the class ><|uare.—Mrs E. ^]the Slinkard Sisters to the ra- LOWER PRICES v dio listeners-of W- F. 1. W.. Hop- pThev knew him when he began and. yo r street. 023c The Style Trend of the nsvllle. and W. O. B T Cnion teaching in the countjy schools POUND flowers |City. Tenn.. where they, have JuM .trHjied Millinery and saw him as assistant principal BIGGER VALUES Mr? H of a teachers training school LIVER broadcast several times before, C'ever manipulations of brims Tel. 28f» will broadcast from W F I. W when he-was only—eighteen years rthat Paris is ravin*-.about —— of of age. They knew him when he |Thursday night from 8:15 to 8:30 soft Velvet a . Felts — that lend In New Fall POUND CONTEST-at Van o'clock. From ther»- they will go in his native town of- chool Friday night Oct becomingness — metal mesh Brownsville and watched him to the Princes Theater. where trims — in fact there ar*e so many SAUSAGE 15 >.*»fit for school Everr- they will onter the old-time sing- a young lawyer aw he took front fashion touches they, cannot be K. 02 4p ing and fiddling contests. rank at the bhr. .They have described; all *at two special fea- steadfastly watched him in his SUITS AND POUND !.E—Jernev cow. priced Mr, anrk Mrs. Elbert Broach, of ture prices $3.95 and $4.9$ do progress upward and we know i- O r Wells OSIp Dallas. Texas, arrived Sunday to not judge these hats from their every step that*h«' has taken. He RIB ROAST low priee* they are copies" of s^nd three we*%s with. , Mr. started without money and with- le« rabbit TOPCOATS Broach's mother: Mrs. Betty imports, see them, try them out. powerful rriends to back Him. prief* Broach.,on route H. Mr. Broach. and---you will recognize their but he"' had the confidence of the POUND Son c it • olds a res[ionsibl»- position with smartness is usually found in people. At the a.ue of twenty-one There are two ways to (rive Up mneh higher priced" Hats.—Blue CHUCK ROAST 10 the Interstate Commerce Com- he became chairman of the board vt>u more for your money— -ntission and has been located in Bird Shoppe. in Duke-* Store. on hotise of trustees of hl6 home town; Dallas ^inee last Christmss (Advertisement! one is to lower prices on sim- fa>UND twenty-three he was nominated C Ophus Castleb»rry was a bnsj for county attorney of Edmonson ilar values. The other is to PORK STEAK 2Q visitor in I'-idueah Monday Luncheon for \<*m Members county "hut declined because Ik Mr and Mrs. J M Maipio of Training School Faculty was not old enough; at twenty- put (nore wortl) into the SATURDAY LOW Kevil. and Mrs. Hardif <;t»»d POUND .The old members of"the collegi clothes at .the same price— c daughters. Misses C atherine BEEF STEAK 15 Martha Nell, of Engl^side. and t'rajnjtig school faculty gave j we've done both— Mr ;,nd. -Mrs V\ N. Maupln and lancbeon for the new members "FACE THE '"Ifar.-n of Bandana. visit Wedn"*day a» Wells Hall Mlsi Fore Quarte Pound Naomi Maple, presided and Misi MUTTON Ol> ..f Mr .nd Mf Artt^ Hal. Lottie Sui»er responded on'behalf PRINCE 10 Surrday. of the new members. Prof J. W Pm- la dips of the Hrv|l!liH*- Capllnger made the principal ad $19.95 Hwid Quarter POUND tian < hurrh will r dinner in dr*>s5 Others^-flrcre introduced Adults 50. exchange With Two Pants MUTTON 12' bta«.jn»^t>t uf rhunh f Twenty-eight were present, includ- I»m

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