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TRAVANCORE DEVASWOM BOARD NOTICE INVITING TENDERS TENDER ADV:EEM/XI/15-16 Competitive and sealed tenders are invited from the registered contractors of Travancore Devaswom Board for the following works so as to reach the office of the undersigned on or before 8.12.2015 at 3 pm. The tenders will be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM. Sl. Ten. No. Name of work EMD Cost of Time of No schedule completion 1. T-80/15-16 Aranmula devaswom-Aranmula group- 17,000/- 1700-+VAT 6 months Constructing sreecovil for Yekshi PAC: 6,75,415/- 2 T-81/15-16 Changankari devaswom-Ambalapuzha 4,600/- 500+VAT 3 months group-Improvements to Anakkottil PAC: 1,81,987/- 3. T-82/15-16 Kocharayalkulangara devaswom-Haripad 3,750/- 400+VAT 1 month group-Urgent maintenance to nadapandal PAC: 1,49,474/- 4. T-83/15-16 Aranmula devaswom-Aranmula group- 30,400/- 3100+VAT 12 months Reconstrucing Sastha sreecovil PAC: 12,16,242/- 5. T-84/15-16 Madamon devaswom-Aranmula group- 3,350/- 350+VAT 3 months Constructing ‘B’ type toilet block PAC: 1,34,358/- 6 T-85/15-16 Cherukole devaswom-Aranmula group- 22,900/- 2300+VAT 12 months Constructing Anakkottil (Revised estimate) PAC: 9,14,800/- 7 T-86/15-16 Akkal devaswom-Karunagappally group- 4,700/- 500+VAT 3 months Constructing toilet block PAC: 1,86,093/- 8 T-87/15-16 Constructing Namaskaramandapom in 1,03,00/- 1100+VAT 3 Months Kanichanalloor devaswom-Haripad group PAC: 4,11,566/- 9 T-88/15-16 Paramel devaswom-Aranmula group- 11,700/- 1000+VAT 1 month Providing interlocking cement pavers inside elamathil PAC: 4,64,401/- 10 T-89/15-16 Pandalam Valiyakoickal devaswom- 1,00,000/- 50000+VAT 2 months Aranmula group-Constructing Annadanamandapom at parking ground PAC: 5,41,18,824/- 11 T-90/15-16 DBHSS. Thiruvalla-Providing ceramic 4,200/- 350/-+VAT 2 months floor tiles to smart class and library PAC: 1,66,127/- 12 T-91/15-16 Aranmula devaswom-Aranmula group- 17,800/- 1800+VAT 12 months Reconstructing sivancovil PAC: 7,12,000/- 13 T-92/15-16 Kottukulangara devaswom-Haripad 6,800/- 700+VAT 6 Months group-Reconstructing thidappally PAC: 2,71,788/- 14 T-93/15-16 Thripara devaswom-Aranmula group- 5,400/- 500+VAT 3 Months Repairs and maintenance to temple structure PAC: 2,21,319/- 15 T-94/15-16 DBHSS. Thiruvalla-Thiruvalla group- 4,600 460+VAT 3 Months Repairs and maintenance to old building for constructing smart class PAC: 1,80,709/- 16 T-95/15-16 Ullannoor devaswom Aranmula group- 4,900/- 500+VAT 3 months Constructing side wall at east side of temple tank and cleaning the pond PAC: 1,92,715/- 17 T-96/15-16 Ambalathumbhagam devaswom- 3,500/- 300+VAT 6 months Karunagappally group-Constructing Yekshinada PAC: 1,38,485/- 18 T-97/15-16 Ambalathumbhagam dev. 1,750/- 500+VAT 3 months Karunagappally group- Providing floor tiles to Madanthara and providing interlocking tiles around Madan thara PAC: 1,88,648/- 19 T-98/15-16 Ranny Bhagavathykunnu devaswom- 2,500/- 250+VAT 1 month Aranmula group-Providing water supply arrangements PAC: 1,01,171/- 20 T-99/15-16 Nagari Sreekrishnaswamy temple- 3,450/- 300+VAT 3 months Haripad group-Closing leakage to valiyambalam PAC: 1,38,224/- 21 T-100/15-16 Sreevallabha devaswom-Thiruvalla 4,900/- 500+VAT 3 months group-Urgent repairs and maintenance to office and strong room (additional work) PAC: 1,95,303/- 22 T-101/15-16 Nagari devaswom-Haripad group- 24,200/- 2500/-+VAT 6 months Constructing retaining wall to north side of temple pond PAC: 9,65,588/- 23 T-102/15-16 Kavumgam Prayar devaswom-Thiruvalla 26,900/- 2700+VAT 6 Months group-Reconstructing subshrine for Sreekrishnan and Rakshasu PAC: 10,73,100/- 24 T-103/15-16 Manayil devaswom-Mavelikkara group- 5,250/- 600+VAT 3 months Constructing devi subshrine PAC: 2,10,028/- 25 T-104/15-16 Kottukulangara devaswom-Haripad 9,250/- 1000+VAT 3 months group-Reconstructing eleamathil PAC: 3,68,492/- 26 T-105/15-16 Manayil devaswom-Mavelikkara group- 4,200/- 500+VAT 3 months Constructing Ganapathy & Nagaraja subshrine PAC: 1,68,138/- 27 T-106/15-16 DB College Eramallikkara-Thiruvalla 6,400/- 650/-+VAT 2 months group-Providing ceramic tiles for class room in seminar hall PAC: 2,56,111/- 28 T-107/15-16 DBHSS Thakazhy-Ambalapuzha group- 4,500/- 450+VAT 2 Months Constructing badminton court PAC: 1,74,132/- 29 T-108/15-16 DBHS. Thakazhy-Improvements to hall 3,800/- 400+VAT 3 Months PAC: 1,52,488/- 30 T-109/15-16 Panayannarkavu devaswom- 2,450/- 250+VAT 3 Months Ambalapuzha group-Constructing compound wall PAC:96,869/- 31 T-110/15-16 Mudiyoorkonam devaswom-Aranmula 11,750/- 1200+VAT 3 Months group-Supplying and providing ashlar stone paving to the Thirumuttom reg. PAC: 4,70,014/- 32 T-111/15-16 Omalloor devaswom-Aranmula group- 15,250/- 1600+VAT 3 months Constructing Anathari reg. (Re-tender) PAC: 6,04,447/- 33 T-112/15-16 Evoor devaswom-Haripad group- 15,250/- 1600+VAT 3 months Constructing Anathari (revised estimate) (Re-tender) PAC: 6,04,447/- 34 T-113/15-16 Muringamangalam devaswom-Aranmula 4,600/- 460+VAT 2 months group-Rewiring the Mathapadasala and electrical maintenance in connecton with M&M festival in 2015 PAC:1,82,134/- 35 T-114/15-16 Palliyara devi temple in Karunagappally 2,700/- 300+VAT 2 months group-Providing yard lighting and electrical connection to the various building PAC: 1,07,222/- 36 T-115/15-16 Palliyara devi temple in Karunagappally 3,250/- 325+VAT 2 months group-Rewiring the temple structure. PAC: 1,29,869/- 37 T-116/15-16 Anandeswaram devaswom in 4,500/- 450+VAT 2 months Karunagappally group-Wiring the new thidappally, nadapandal and providing yard lights reg. PAC: 1,75,598/- 38 T-117/15-16 College under TDB-Supply, installation 7,500/- 750+VAT 3 Months and commissioning of biometric finger print positioning attendance registration system for staff PAC: 2,98,000/- 39 T-118/15-16 Ranni Ramapuram devaswom in 3,600/- 400+VAT 2 months Aranmula group-Electrical maintenance in connection with festival in 2015 PAC: 1,39,661/- 40 T-119/15-16 Perunadu devaswom-Aranmula group- 4,400/- 450+VAT 2 Months Wiring the camp house and replacing the dysinfunctional electrical fittings PAC: 1,74,294/- 41 T-120/15-16 Akkal Devi temple in Mamankulangara 10,700/- 1100+VAT 3 Months sub group-Karunagappally group-Paving ashlar stone inside the Nalambalam PAC:4,24,777/- Date of tender-8.12.2015 Sale of tender documents from 6.12.’15 at 10 AM to 1 Pm on 8.12.2015 Last date and time of receipt of tender up 3 Pm on Opening of tender at 3.30 pm on 8.12.2015 8.12.2015 Category of contractor PAC up to five lakhs ‘D’ Class & above PAC above five lakhs & up to fifteen lakhs ICI Class & above PAC above fifteen lakhs & up to fifty five lakhs “B” class & above PAC above fifteen lakhs “A” Class For electrical works PAC up to seventy five thousand “B” class & above For electrical works PAC above seventy five thousand “A” Class Special conditions:- 1. EMD should be in the form of deposit receipt from any of the nationalized/scheduled bank pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, TDB., Mavelikkara. 2. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject the tender with out assigning any reason. 3. If the last date of receipt of quotation happens holiday, the tender will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time. 4. Sanction to the contract for the works costing above 5 lakhs will be subject to the approval of the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala. Further details can be had from the office of the undersigned, office of the Chief Engineer and the office of the Asst.Engineer, Mavelikkara,Chengannur, Thiruvalla, Karunagappally, Ambalapuzha, Harippadu and Asst.Engineer, Electrical during working hours on all working days. Mavelikkara 26.11.2015 B. Kesavadas Executive Engineer Mavelikkara For and on behalf of the Travancore Devaswom Board 1. Copy submitted to the Chief Engineer for favour of information. 2. Copy to the Executive Engineer, Estate Division, Trivandrum for do. 3. Copy to the Asst.Engineer, Electrical for information. 4. Copy to the Divisional Accountant for information. 5. Copy to the Junior Supdt. For information. 6. Copy to file. Executive Engineer B. .