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October 2020 Bulldog Breed Council Newsletter Issue 004 BULLDOG BULLDOG Who Are We? BULLDOG BREED COUNCIL ‘ Britain's National National Breed Britain's Promoting healthy Bulldogs, carefully bred to the Kennel Club Standard If you have an interest in Bulldogs, then join a Bulldog club, there are 18 clubs all around the country. They are organising Bulldog specific shows, educational seminars and events. So, if you have a Bulldog, wish to buy a Bulldog or simply want to talk to like-minded people. Join a Bulldiog Club ’ All 18 Clubs and Secretaries’ contact numbers are listed on the Bulldog Breed Council website. under ‘contacts’. http://www.bulldogbreedcouncil.co.uk BULLDOG BREED CLUBS SHOWS AND EVENTS We are very fortunate in Britain to have a large number of local Bulldog Breed Clubs, and two national clubs. Nearly all of these clubs hold at least two shows each year. The Club Secretaries’ contact de- tails are on the Bulldog Breed Council website: www.bulldogbreedcouncil.co.uk/contact. There are also General Canine Societies which also hold shows during the year, so there are lots of opportunities to see beautiful Bulldogs bred to the Kennel Club standard and chat with the breeders. Bath & Western Bulldog Club 2021 TBA Birmingham & Midland Counties Bulldog Club Champ show: Sunday 18 July 2021 Judge Mrs Petra Grell-hansohm. Venue: Wednesbury Liesure Centre, High Bullet, Wednesbury, WS10 7HP. Blackpool & Fylde Bulldog Club 2021 TBA Bulldog Fun Day Sunday 6th June 2021 Newark Showground NG24 2NY British Bulldog Club Champ Show: 22nd November 2020 Unfortunately, this show has been cancelled.
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