North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area Lands
STATE OF TENNESSEE Office of the Attorney General ROBERT E . COOPER, .JR. ATTORNEY GENERA L AN D REPORTER LUCY HONEY HAYNES MICHAEL E. MOORE CH IEF DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL CORDELL HULL AND JOHN SEVIER STATE SOLICIT OR GENERAL OFFICE BUILD INGS LAWRENCE HARRINGTON TE LEPHONE (6 1 5) 7 4 1 · 3491 C HIEF POLICY DEPU TY M A I LING A DDRESS FACSIMILE (615) 741 ·2009 P 0 BOX 20207 NASHVILLE. TN 37202 September 30, 2010 RECEIVED VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Earl Bandy, Jr. OCT 0 1 2010 Field Office Director QSM KNOXVILLE. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement F.IELD OFFICE 710 Locust Street, 2nd Floor Knoxville, Tennessee 372902 RE: Petition to Designate Certain Lands Within the North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area and the Emory River Tracts Conservation Easement, Anderson, Campbell, Morgan and Scott Counties, Tennessee as Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining Operations Dear Mr. Bandy: Enclosed please find a petition with exhibit on behalf of the State of Tennessee to designate as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations the area within 600 feet of all ridge lines lying within the North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area- comprised of the Royal Blue WMA, the Sundquist WMA, and the New River WMA - and the Emory River Tracts Conservation Easement, encompassing approximately 67,326 acres in Tennessee. Sincerely, ~~---~ {_ ~l~ zabeth P. McCarter Senior Counsel (615) 532-2582 Encls. Reply To: Office of the Attorney General, Environmental Division P. 0. Box 20207, Nashville, Tennessee 37202 FAX: 615-741-8724 BEFORE THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING In re Designation of Certain Lands ) Within the North Cumberland ) Wildlife Management Area and the ) Emory River Tracts Conservation ) Easement, Anderson, Campbell, Morgan ) and Scott Counties, Tennessee as ) Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining ) Operations.
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