UC Regents Will Consider Annual Tuition Hikes

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UC Regents Will Consider Annual Tuition Hikes VOLUME 48, ISSUE 12 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG UC SYSTEM CALIFORNIA THAT’s One SMART COOKIE UC Regents Will Consider UCSA S Annual Tuition Hikes Welcomes By Meryl Press Associate News Editor Passage of Proposition 47 ERMISSION FROM THE SC P The ballot measure, which reduces sentences for some offenders, is expected to free up some state money. PHOTO USED WITH BY Tina Butoiu Associate News Editor The founder of the Secret Cookie Service, known to us On Nov. 4, Californians voted to only as “Agent Snickerdoodle,” pass Proposition 47, which reduces hopes to keep the business in prison sentences for individuals who the Triton family by passing commit particular nonserious drug and property crimes, by a margin of along control of operations to 58.8 percent to 41.2 percent. UCSD students. The ballot measure’s passage was well-received by University of Features, PAGE 6 California Student Association’s lead- ership which has worked to pass leg- islation that reallocates funds from NO PLEDGING ALLOWED the prison system to education since the October 2013 launch of the Invest NEw Greek policies at CSUN in Graduation Not Incarceration OPINION, Page 4 Plan-it Janet campaign. A five-year plan outlined by University of California President Janet Napolitano accounts for annual increases in tuition of up to 5 The law is expected to generate percent. Above, Napolitano speaks with UC Campus media in her office in October. Photo by Taylor Sanderson/Guardian. between $750 million and $1.25 bil- SENIOR SENDOFF lion within the next five years to fund programs designed to keep offenders Tritons look toward postseason out of jail. sPORTS, Page 12 he UC Board of Regents will consider a invest in quality research and education, the five- plan at their meeting this November to year plan will most likely be necessary. The UCSA IGNITE campaign raise tuition by 5 percent over the next “The state has provided 1.7-[percent] increases aims to reduce state spending on Tfive years. to our core budget in the past few years, which prisons and increase funding for The University of California and state of doesn’t keep up with uprising costs,” Napolitano education. The savings from the FORECAST California have taken different stances in the past said. “If [the state] continues [to fund] at that level, reduced prison population expected several years on how money should be spent by then we’ll look at a 5-percent increase for the next after Proposition 47’s passage will be the UC system. Due to these differences, the state school year, but if the state chooses to put in more utilized to fund programs including has decreased UC funding by one-third of its pre- [money], then they can buy down that increase.” school truancy prevention programs vious amount, and, in early September, Governor If the plan passes, then tuition and fees will and mental health and drug treat- Jerry Brown vetoed $50 million that was to go to increase annually by up to 5 percent. Tuition for ment programs. MONDAY TUESDAY deferred maintenance to the UC system. the 2015–16 academic year would increase by A.S. Vice President of External H 69 L 57 H 69 L 56 In a Nov. 6 teleconference with reporters, $612, for a total of $12,804 over the span of the Affairs Allyson Osorio discussed University of California President Janet Napolitano entire year — not including room and board. If the how the proposition supports UCSA explained to the UCSD Guardian and other news state does not increase funding for the entire span goals. sources that in order to have the ability to main- of the five-year plan, then tuition will be around “UCSA has worked hard to change tain student aid, increase in-state enrollment and $15,000 by the 2019–20 academic year. A press the state’s sentencing on drug crimes WEDNESDAY THURSDAY that often victimizes minority and low-income populations,” Osorio told H 69 L 56 H 69 L 59 See FEES, page 3 the UCSD Guardian. “For common sense drug sentencing, we endorse[d] Prop 47.” CamPus In addition, Osorio said that, even VERBATIM though the law does not directly affect higher education, the discrimi- A major natory nature of the prison system Lineup Announced for Hullabaloo Concert is experienced throughout the UC problem system. with the Logic and Eric Hassle lead the list of performers for the Nov. 14 event in Town Square “A lot of the people affected by the “industry prison system aren’t making [it] into in Matthew’s Quad and festival food “We try to get artists that are might be BY Brynna Bolt the UCs,” said Osorio. “Obviously staff writer and student organizations’ booths up-and-coming,” ASCE Festivals illegal throughout. Director Sean Kennedy said in an anything that affects K-12 education streaming, but the con- ASCE began the process of cre- interview with the UCSD Guardian. affects the UC and vice versa. Low Musical artists Logic and Erik ating Hullabaloo’s lineup last June “A lot of these artists have stuff that numbers of black and Latino students cept of people feeling Hassle will headline UCSD’s annual at the end of Spring Quarter 2014. just came out or that they’re plan- aren’t reflective of the demograph- entitled to free music is Hullabaloo festival on campus this Every year when ASCE considers ning to release soon.” ics in California because there [are worse, by far. ” coming Friday, Nov. 14. who to ask to be a part of the festi- Hullabaloo headliner Logic, a funds] being funneled into prisons The lineup for the fourth annu- val, the list of potential artists starts rapper from Gaithersburg, Maryland instead of K-12.” - Lauren Koa al Hullabaloo festival, which also off long and is then narrowed down has recently grown in popularity. The IGNITE campaign was start- Technically Speaking includes artists Conway, Avery and according to budget and availability. Logic is currently on tour and set ed in October 2013 with the pur- OPINION, PAGE 4 a UCSD student disc jockey was The organization then makes a to appear on The Tonight Show pose of obtaining funding for the UC announced by UCSD Associated prediction of what will be generally Starring Jimmy Fallon Nov. 12, two system by passing legislation that Student Concerts and Events on popular music in the near future. days before performing at UCSD. reduces the amount of money spent INSIDE Oct. 5. The festival, part of a multi- Combining this forecast with infor- The rides featured at the festival on prisons and re-allocating it to day Founders Day celebration, will mation on student interest, gathered will include a zipline, the Kamikaze, education. IGNITE supports several Average Cat .................... 2 be held in Town Square from 8 p.m. through an entertainment survey the Zipper and the Round Up, locat- other prison reduction bills includ- ing California Assembly Bill 420, a Lights and Sirens ............ 3 to 12 a.m. launched annually, ASCE deter- ed in Matthew’s Quad. As one of the The Hullabaloos of the past mines which artists to contact. prizes available at the Founders Day bill aimed at reducing the number of Crossword .................... 10 three years have transformed a well- The survey on which next year’s Celebration, students can win a pass students that go to prison by banning Classifieds .................... 11 known part of campus into a venue decisions will be based will be made that gains them access to the front suspensions and expulsions on the complete with a dance stage located available to UCSD students the Men’s Basketball .......... 12 in Town’s Square, amusement rides week of Hullabaloo 2014. See FESTIVAL, page 3 See PROP. 47, page 3 2 THE UCSD GUARDIAN | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 | WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG NEWS AVERAGE CAT By Christina Carlson Zev Hurwitz Editor in Chief Rachel Huang Managing Editors Lauren Koa Tina Butoiu Associate News Editors Meryl Press Lauren Koa Opinion Editor Charu Mehra Associate Opinion Editor Brandon Yu Sports Editor John Story Associate Sports Editors Daniel Sung Soumya Kurnool Features Editor Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor CAMPUS Kyle Somers Associate A&E Editor Nilu Karimi Lifestyle Editor University Announces Finished York Hall Renovation Project Taylor Sanderson Photo Editor Siddharth Atre Associate Photo Editor 7LM: Introductory Chemistry department to teach a lower divi- explained to the Guardian how else Alwin Szeto Video Editor BY jacky to Laboratory, a new course catered to sion biology lab course — the first the renovations would impact stu- staff writer chemistry majors. in a long time — an addition that dents and their ability to graduate Dorothy Van Design Editor However, UCSD News Center McGinnis thinks is very important. on time. Joselynn Ordaz Associate Design Editor reported in an Oct. 30 release “Since bio[logy] is a very experi- “The ability to offer more labo- Elyse Yang Art Editor UCSD announced the comple- that the two renovated chemis- mental science, it is crucially impor- ratory sections allows us to accom- Annie Liu Associate Art Editor tion of a $6.5 million renovation try labs will provide an additional tant to teach the hands-on experi- modate students who might other- and expansion of four undergradu- 675 annual enrollments in general mental side of the discipline as early wise have been waitlisted, leading Andrew Huang Copy Editor ate teaching laboratories in York chemistry and organic chemistry as possible in an undergraduate’s to improved graduation rates and a Rosina Garcia Associate Copy Editor Hall on Oct 30. Officials hope courses. education,” McGinnis said.
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