Chesapeake Village Homeowners’ Association Meeting Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 7:30-9:30 p.m. Location: 3092 Court

Board members present: Richard Burch (Vice President), Monty Wood (Secretary), Mary Illian (Treasurer), Tiffany Geare (At-Large). Board members absent: Jayson Frum (President). Residents: 1


█ Agenda topic Call to Order, Roll Call | Presenter Richard Burch

Four of five Board members present. Meeting began at 7:40 p.m.

█ Agenda topic Corrections/Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes | Presenter Monty Wood

The July 2019 meeting minutes were approved. They are posted on the Chesapeake Village HOA site at:

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Create agenda for next meeting, keep minutes of Monty Wood Continuous previous meeting

Post agenda and minutes from the previous meeting. Richard Burch Continuous

█ Agenda topic Recurrent Business | Presenter Richard Burch

No further news to report at this time from the July 2019 meeting with Pickett Law LLC.

Tiffany Geare reports that she is planning the annual village-wide block party that is scheduled for Saturday, October 5 from 3 to 7 p.m., but she will be unable to attend. She will need to appoint someone from the Social Committee to oversee party operations for that day. Last year’s entertainment, John Luskey, is unavailable that day, and we’ll need to find another entertainer. We will be inviting vendors to set up tables at the party. There will be a popcorn vendor. Last year we had a $1,500 budget and we’ll keep it at that level. We need reserve a bounce house. We need to find traffic cones to keep people off people’s yards.

The annual luminaries event is scheduled for December 14, however, we need to find a new organizer. Heather Matz proposes that we pair the event with a holiday home tour—an event where residents visit other homes to see their holiday decorations.

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We have new homeowners at 7155 Chesapeake Village Boulevard, 3247 Cannoncade Court, and 3045 Lawrin Court, and they should receive complimentary welcome baskets from the Welcome Committee.

The Landscaping Committee is planning a plant cleanup day at the traffic circle on October 12 at 10 a.m. The committee members will remove invasive plants, such as the barberry, and plant hummingbird bushes. They also plan on sponsoring biannual “Beautiful Yard Awards” to be presented in the spring and fall.

A proposed hiking trail will start off Hill Gail Drive near Court. We need to get a quote from Greener Visions (landscaping contractor) on clearing out a path.

The damaged pet waste station on the traffic circle has been replaced.

An uprooted tree near Cannoncade cul-de-sac is causing erosion and safety problems. We need to Green Visions to fill the hole created by the tree.

Brush has been removed near Hill Gail Drive and Donau Court.

Mary Illian said she will plant free trees on common area near Lane.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Find new organizer for luminaries event Board/Mary Illian October 2019

Determine recipients for the welcome packages Richard Burch Continuous

Oversee neighborhood committees and Board/ Continuous name a Chair for each Tiffany Geare

Create a newsletter to distribute to residents Monty Wood Summer/ Fall 2019

Look into Calvert County HOA Forum Jayson Frum Continuous

Follow up with removal/replacement of trees Jayson Frum/ October 2019 Richard Burch

Look into space for a hiking trail Mary Illian October 2019

Ask the landscaper to not pile mulch up on tree trunks Jayson Frum October 2019

Letter to homeowners about storing property in common area Jayson Frum October 2019

Get Greener Visions to fill hole Cannoncade cul-de-sac Richard Burch October 2019

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Plant free trees on common area near Silver Charm Lane Mary Illian October 2019

█ Agenda topic President’s Report | Presenter Richard Burch

Reinspections have been completed by Marlowe & Associates. People still in violation should be sent a letter. We need to create a spreadsheet that lists outstanding violations. Further actions could include holding on to a resale package if the violation never gets corrected.

The Taste the Beaches event is scheduled for September 14 from noon to 5 p.m. at Kellam’s Field. The town also wants everyone to be aware that 2020 Census workers could be in the neighborhood to verify housing locations and addresses in advance of the decennial census.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Send follow-up letters to inspection violators Jayson Frum/ October 2019 annual inspections Richard Burch

Maintain resale packages Jayson Frum/ Continuous Richard Burch

Post Chesapeake Beach town updates on the HOA’s Richard Burch Continuous Facebook page and HOA website

Look into idea of purchasing Office 365 Jayson Frum Continuous

Talk to other HOAs about pooling resources Jayson Frum Continuous

█ Agenda topic Treasurer’s Report | Presenter Mary Illian

We have 18 households that owe 2019 annual dues. Late fees will now be applied. Overall, we have $6,900 in outstanding fees. We tried to cash a check that bounced, and we were charged a bank fee.

We are still having an issue with PNC bank charging us fees for too many transactions. This needs to be rectified.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Update the database containing the list of residence Board Continuous and their owners after each sale

Check to see if homeowners are paid up before Mary Illian Continuous ARC approvals

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Deposit dues, keep track of who has paid or not Mary Illian Continuous

Talk to PNC Bank about the fees we are being charged Mary Illian October 2019

Look into a CD Mary Illian October 2019

Obtain QuickBooks Pro Mary Illian October 2019

Look into a payment portal Board October 2019

█ Agenda topic Architectural Review Committee | Presenter Richard Burch

A driveway extension was approved for 7242 Chesapeake Village Boulevard.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Draft individual letters to homeowners with serious Jayson Frum and Continuous ARC violations and send via certified mail Richard Burch

█ Agenda topic New Business | Presenter Around the Board

We would like to offer a raffle again at the annual homeowners meeting in November. We need to start reaching out to potential speakers, such as a county commissioner, a police officer, the mayor, the landscaping contractor, etc.

We need to set up a proxy station during the village-wide block party on October 5. Hopefully we can reach a quorum at the annual homeowners meeting in November.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Set up proxy station at block party Board October 2019

Reach out to meeting speakers Richard Burch October 2019

Look into online voting for HOA elections Board Continuous

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█ Agenda topic Around the Board | Presenter Around the Board

There has been a complaint about a trampoline in a front yard on Cannoncade Court and needs to be addressed.

Newsletter topics can include the Block Party (October 5), Cleanup Day (October 12), Homeowners Meeting (November 12), wrapup of summer events (Fourth of July, cornhole, waterpark night), a “Did You Know?” section.

The Board decided to table the idea of a group photo for the 17th consecutive month.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Ask homeowners to move trampoline to the backyard Monty Wood October 2019

Produce newsletter Monty Wood Summer/ Fall 2019

Take group photo for website Board Continuous

█ Agenda topic Community Comments | Presenter Open Forum


Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Upload the Principal Office/Resident Agent forms Jayson Frum On hold to Dropbox


The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2019, 7:30 p.m.

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