TYNWALD COURT. (Speeches Marked Thus (*) Have Been Reef Owl by the Speakers.)
TYNWALD COURT. (Speeches marked thus (*) have been reef owl by the speakers.) DOUGLAS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1899. The Tynwald Court sat to-day, for the first time since the vacation, under the presidency of Sir Alured Dumbell, Deputy-Governor. Thera were present, in the Council, besides the Deputy- Governor, the Lord Bishop (Dr. Straton), Honour Sir James Gall (first. Deemster); the At- torney-General (Mr G. A. Ring); the Receiver- General (Col. Anderson); the Archdeacon (the Rev. H. S. Gill, M.A.); and. the Vicar-General (Mr. Samuel Harris.) In the Keys, there were present, the Speaker (Mr A. W. Moore), Messrs John Joughin, T. Allen, D. Maitland, T. Corlett, 'E. H. Christian, E. T. Christian, F. G. Callow, J. D. °Incas, T. Clague, J. Qualtrough, Quayle, J. C. CreIli% R. Corlett, W. J. Kormode, W. Quine, J. J. Goldsmith, J. T. Cowell, J. A. Myken, T, Mylohreest, and J. R. Kerruish. DEATH 01 D.L..cd-uSTER GILL. The Deputy-Governor said: My Lord His:lop and members of the Council Mr Speaker and gentlemen of the House of Keys. This being he first occasion upon which this Court has met s;nce the lamented death of the late Deemstor Gill, I think it is right and proper that we should take some steps to mark our appreciation of his worth and of the value of the services he rendered to the Legislature, and our :sympathy with his widow and his family in their trouble. It is not necessary for me io repeat over again I.ere what has lately been said so well and so often in other places.
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