2015/2016 YEARBOOK 2016

Let AlHekma Lead You To Success! Building No.1962, Road 4363, Sanad 743, PO-BOX 26489, Adliya، Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 17620820 Fax: 17624800 E-mail: [email protected] Instagram: ahisbh www.alhekma.com صاحب السمو الملكي صاحب الجللــــة صاحب السمو الملكي الميـــــر سلمان بن الملك حمد بن عيسى الميـــــر خليفـــة بن حمد آل خليفــــــة آل خليفــــــة سلمان آل خليفــــــة

ولي العهد نائب ملك مملكـــة البحرين رئيس الوزراء الموقر القائـــــــــد العـــلى والنائب الول لرئيس مجلس الوزراء لمحة عـــــن مـدرسة الحكـمة الدوليــــــة

تأسســت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة عــام 1985 كمدرســة خاصــة فــي مملكــة البحريــن. توفــر المدرســة ًتعليمــا للطلبــة مــن مرحلــة ريــاض الطفــال إلــى المرحلــة الثانويــة بمنهــاج أمريكــي معتمــد ًاعتمــادا كامــ ًل مــن وزارة التربيــة والتعليــم ومــن مؤسســة الوليــات الوســطى لعتمــاد المــدارس والكليــات فــي الوليــات المتحــدة المريكيــة )MSA( ومــن مؤسســة الوليــات الشــمالية الوســطى فــي تقــوم مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بتعليــم وتدريــب طلبتهــا فــي الصفــوف الوليــات المتحــدة المريكيــة )NCA(. ومــن الثانويــة ليحصلــوا علــى أحــدث المهــارات الحاســوبية التــي يتطلبها مســتقبلهم الجديــر بالذكــر أن مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة هــي المهنــي، فتعليمنــا يحاكــي متطلبــات وقــدرات كلٌ مــن طلبتنــا ممــا يعطيهــم عضــو فــي الكثيــر مــن الجمعيــات التعليميــة الحســاس بالنتمــاء إلــى عائلــة تهتــم بصحــة نموهــم فــي جــو علمــي آمــن. المعتــرف بهــا ًعالميــا والتــي بدورهــا تدعــم وبالمقابــل زيــادة النتــاج العلمــي وتعزيــز الداء الفكــري لديهــم ليصبحــوا التطــور المهنــي والتنمــوي مثــل جمعيــة ًأفــرادا واثقيــن ومتحمســين ومتميزيــن فــي مجتمعهــم وليكونــوا علــى أتــم الشــراف وتطويــر المناهــج )ASCD( و جمعيــة الســتعداد لمواجهــة الحيــاة الواقعيــة والمســتقبل بــكل قــوة ونجــاح. والجديــر شــمال شــرق جنــوب اســيا للمــدارس الدوليــة بالذكــر أن مبانــي المدرســة حديثــة ومــزودة بالتجهيــزات والوســائل العلميــة )NESA(، وجمعيــة تدريــب المعلميــن و ومختبــرات الكمبيوتــر والعلــوم والموســيقى والفــن المســاندة للمنهــج المــدراء )PTC(. الدراســي المتطــور. تحــرص مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة علــى تطويــر حيــاة الطلبــة الجتماعيــة عــن طريــق إقامــة النديــة والنشــطة والفعاليــات داخــل محيــط المدرســة وخارجهــا ممــا يعــزز شــخصيتهم ًإجتماعيــا، فقــد بــدأ طلبتنــا مســيرتهم التعليميــة كأطفــال صغــار ًويــدا بيــد أصبحــوا ًأفــرادا واعيــن وعلــى قــدر المســؤولية. أمــا بالنســبة لســاليب التعليــم فنحــن نعلــم أنهــا مختلفــة كمــا هــو الحــال فــي طريقــة تعلــم كل طالــب وطالبــة ولهــذا نجعــل مــن تعليمنــا ًمتنوعــا ًومناســبا ًوملبيــا لحتياجاتهــم الفرديــة. تســعى مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة إلــى تربيــة الطلبــة تربيــة علميــة وأخلقيــة بهــدف زيــادة قدرتهــم علــى المشــاركة فــي تنميــة مجتمعهــم ًأخلقيــا فــكل ذلــك يأتــي مــن خبرتنــا التربويــة العريقــة فــي تطويــر أســاليب تعليمنــا التــي كانــت وماتــزال علــى تناســق تــام مــع أعلــى المعاييــر الدوليــة. تفخــر مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بانجازاتهــا والتزامهــا فــي تقديــم مســتوى عــال مــن التعليــم ًوبنــاءا عليــه تــم إنشــاء فــروع أخــرى فــي دولــة قطــر، ولــدى المدرســة خطــط لنشــاء فــروع أخــرى فــي العديــد مــن الــدول فــي المســتقبل القريــب.

YearBook 2015/2016 4 School’s Profle

Al- Hekma International School (AHIS) is a co- educational international school offering an American curriculum to classes from Pre-school through to High School (PS-Grade 12). The school was founded in 1985 and is fully accredited by the Bahraini Ministry of Education and by two world-wide recognized accreditation organizations: Middle States Association for Accreditation of Colleges & Schools (MSA) and North Central Association (NCA) in the U.S.A. AHIS is affliated with highly recognized educational institutions that provide professional development and support for improvement and growth such as NESA, ASCD, and PTC. AlHekma provides its students with modern spacious buildings, vast playgrounds, sports facilities and highly equipped science, music, art and computer labs supporting the educational programs. The school offers its students a wide range of clubs and activities during and after school hours to produce well-rounded personalities with healthy social skills. In the process of their growth, we offer We challenge our students and inspire them to expand our students a high quality of education enabling their way of thinking. As our students begin to truly believe them to handle responsibility with determination and in themselves and their abilities, they develop the skills to confdence. The students feel that they belong to succeed in school and life. a big family, which cares about their well-being in a safe and productive environment. AHIS fosters good We strive to provide the students with a friendly citizenship and leadership skills which help strengthen educational environment and support to prepare them for the student’s identity and personality. Our programs a bright future full of excellence and prosperity. help produce motivated, confdent, and outstanding AHIS is proud of its commitment to life-long learning and individuals. Beyond academics, AHIS strives to instill a high quality of education and thus decided to extend in all students a positive attitude toward lifelong its achievements on the regional level by opening new learning, an appreciation for cultural diversity and branches in the State of Qatar and plans to open more in higher thinking and problem solving skills necessary the region in the coming future. to be successful in their future endeavors. Our approach is guided by respect for children’s individual differences, by recognition of their inherent capacity for growth, and by a commitment to plan activities and environments which shape learning and provide opportunities for student success.

5 AlHekma International School - Bahrain كلمة الرئيس رحلــة اللــف ميــل تبــدأ بخطــوة واحدة« وهــذه كانت رحلتي فــي بنــاء طلبــة واثقيــن ومتعلميــن مــدى الحيــاة، طلبــة قبــل 30 عامــا! بــدأت مــع الحلــم ِالطمــوح لبنــاء مســتقبل ذي صفــات عاليــة يتمتعــون بالمواطنــة الحقــة وروح أفضــل لطفالــي ولخدمــة المجتمــع فــي أفضــل طريقــة التســامح والحتــرام للخــر وحبهــم لتحمــل المســؤولية . ممكنــة، مــع العزيمــة القويــة واليمــان العميــق بتوجيــه وفــي مقــام النصــح لخريجينــا الحبــة ، كمــا أفعــل عادة في مــن اللــه، ودعــم الســرة وأوليــاء المــور، تمكنــت مــن كل عــام فأقــول لهــم ، »تَ ّحلــوا باليمــان باللــه، وكونــوا جعــل هــذا الحلــم حقيقــة واقعــة. والن وبعــد 30 عامــا، واثقيــن مــن أنفســكم وأطلقــوا العنــان لحلمكــم، ل نحــن قــادرون علــى جنــي النجــازات مــن العمــل الشــاق شــيء مســتحيل عنــد مواجهــة كافــة مخاوفكــم، تغلبــوا وبإمكاننــا الســتمتاع بالنجاحــات وإنجــازات طلبتنــا. وهــذا علــى التحديــات التــي قــد تواجهكــم فــي الحيــاة، النجــاح ل يكــون دون عمــل جــاد وإرادة قويــة تظافــرت فالحيــاة قصيــرة جــدا فــل تتقاعســوا ، واســتفيدوا مــن فيهــا جهــود الموظفيــن وإبداعــات الطلبــة الذيــن اجتهدوا أوقاتكــم، وتتطلعــوا إلــى المســتقبل بثقــة وعــزم وكونــوا ســويا ًيــدا بيــد لتحقيــق أهدافهــم. علــى يقيــن بــأن الحكمــة ســتكون عائلتكــم دائمــا متــى وإنــه لمــن دواعــي ســروري أن أكتــب فــي كل عــام علــى احتجتموهــا. صفحــات هــذا الكتــاب الســنوي ونحــن نشــهد المســتقبل ونحــن نختــم ثلثيــن ًعامــا مــن النجــاح فــي مدرســة الحكمــة المشــرق والــدور الــذي يقــوم بــه شــبابنا الخريجــون فــي الدوليــة نســتلهم مــن نــور شــموعها مــا يحقــق لنــا بنــاء الرؤيــة وتحقيــق الهــداف. وقــد لعبــت المدرســة المزيــد مــن التقــدم والبــداع للعمليــة التربويــة لتكــون دورا كبيــرا فــي تشــكيل شــخصيات طلبتنــا أكاديميــا رحلــة جديــدة لطلبتنــا وخريجينــا. واجتماعيــا. وقــد ســاهم كل درس وكل نشــاط وكل تجربــة

YearBook 2015/2016 6 President’s Message “A journey of a thousand steps starts with one every experience, every lesson contributed to step” and that was my journey 30 years ago! It building confdent and motivated life-long learners. started with an ambitious dream of building a better Learners who have the qualities of global citizenship, future for my kids and to serve the community in perseverance, respect, and above all accountability. the best possible way I could think of. With strong Eventhough this year is special for commemorating determination, deep faith in God’s guidance, and 30 years of success and for celebrating another support of family and parents, I was able to make this decade of fruitful accomplishments, however, every dream of mine a reality. And now 30 years later, we year for us is a special year that will mark a new are able to reap the achievements of our hard work journey for our graduates and a new grade year for by enjoying the successes and accomplishments of our current students. our students. Ofcourse this would not have been a triumph without the hard work and strong will of our To our beloved graduates, I will leave you with a few beloved staff and students. Both working together words of advice as I normally do every year “Have hand in hand daily to achieve their targets. It gives faith in God, believe in yourself, and always dream me great pleasure to write every year on the pages big”. Nothing is impossible when you face your fears of these memorable yearbooks and to share my and overcome challenges that you might face in life. excitement of witnessing the future being made Life is too short to procrastinate, so make sure you by our young graduates. Our school has played a seize the day and look forward to the future with tremendous role in shaping the personalities of our confdence and determination. Always know you students academically and socially. Every activity, will have a family here at AHIS!

Dr. Mona Rashid AlZayani President

7 AlHekma International School - Bahrain مجلس الدارة Board of Directors

Mr. Mohanned Dr. Mona Rashid Khalid Al-Anni AlZayani Managing Director President & Founder

Ms. Sawsan Mr. Jehad Abu Mr. Robert Fielder Ms. Rima Kaissi Mauawad Waar M.Ed Director of Assistant Principal Principal Director of Registration & Development & Students’ Affairs Curriculum

9 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 8 المجلس الستشاري Advisory Board

Dr. Mona Rashid AlZayani President & Founder of AHIS - Member

Mr. Robert Fielder Ms. Rima Dr. Ali Al Mr. Mohanned M.Ed Kaissi Jasim Khalid Al-Anni Principal (Member) Director of The Royal College of Managing Director of Development. D3 Command and Staff AHIS - (Member) Consultants and National Defense, (Board Secretary) Academic Advisor, Bahrain Defense Force - (Chairperson)

Dr. Abeer Mr. Zaher Dr. Amani Mrs. Ahlam Al Saweer Atiyani Hassan Salem Khalid Murad Consultant Family Project Manager & Primary Care Physician, Former Head of Physician, Ministry of Technical Advisor, Ministry Ministry of Health - Education Licensing/ Health - (Member) of Works - (Member) (Member) Private Education, Ministry of Education - (Member)

9 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 8 مجلس الباء و المعلمين Parents & Teachers Association

YearBook 2015/2016 10 “Thank you for your heartful, generous, and thoughtful contribution to AHIS. Our students, staff, and families have been recipient of a great love and support from you. Your commitment has helped us provide the best education for all students, and we could not be more thankful!”

AHIS PTA committee (parent-teacher-association) is a formal organization composed of parents, Teachers and staff, and is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. PTA meetings take place on monthly basis. The committee has conducted its frst meeting on 19-10-2015, and the meeting agenda included brainstorming suggestions for the PTA action plan. Below is a list of the PTA members that were selected by other parents for this academic Year 2015-2016. 1. Dr. Adel Hamad (Chairman) 2. Mr. Obadah Khawaldeh (Vice Chairman) 3. Mrs. Najat Mohammed (Treasurer) 4. Mr. Jassim Ebrahim 5. Mrs. Fatima Hussain Hamza 6. Mrs. Sarah Murtadah 7. Mr. Ahmed Abdulrahman 8. Mrs. Eman Dusooqi 9. Mrs. Iman Abboud 10. Ms. Rasha Al-Najjar (Secretary) 11. Mr. Zaher Salamh 12. Alya Al Qassab 13. Mrs. Sawsan Mouawad(Director) 14. Ms. Asma Aly Osman 15. Mr. Hazem Abouelez 16. Mrs.Lona Hasan

11 AlHekma International School - Bahrain Administration

Pradeep Kumar Ahmad Fouad Rama Narasimha Aamal Ahmed Sreedevi Maya Sabbah Nemer Muthayya Hachicho Sudhakar (Accountant) Narendranathen Nair (Purchasing/ (IT Director) (Operations Manager) (Senior Accountant) (Accountant) Librarian)

Elizabeth Thomas Amal Thani Sayed Ahmed Sandesh Job Arda Garan Shaji Sebastian (Nurse) (Transportation Alqallaf Thyampanna Rai (IT Technician) (System Supervisor) (IT Assistant) (IT Assistant) Administrator)

Jameela Alalawi Huda Merza Almisbah Zaher Salameh Lubna Bassam Al Derazi Harpreet Kaur Banger (Discipline Supervisor) (Social Counselor) (Media PR / Librarian) (Registration (Registration (Nurse) Assistant) Assistant)

Nadya Al Ghatem Sakina Butaki (Discipline Supervisor) (KG Supervisor)

13 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 12 Academic Controllers

Rana Thikrallah Maya Harb Dima Nahouli (KG Academic (Elementary Academic (MS/HS Academic Controller) Controller) Controller)

Subject Coordinators

Islam AlTweisat Saeed Alsubh Hanin Ibrahim Sara Al Aradi Rasha Alnajjar Magdy Harmina (Computer) (Religion & Civics) (Arabic) (Art) (Science) (Math)

George El-Rabadi Nizar Yehya Fatima Al Goush (Music) (PE / Discipline HS) (HS Science/University Counselor)

13 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 12 Teachers

Ahmed Hussein Yousra Ben Hmed Nizar Hajji Kowsar Ahmed Ehtidal - Sabsabi Aisha Al Hammadi Abdulaziz Mostafa Mohamud

Abdullahi Karshe Shelby Ann Dugan Ashwaq Tahani Sa’ed Maria Garbis Deborah Traut Abdelrahim Suleiman Khdairi Gharibian Abdallah Ibrahim

Asmaa Aboubakr Nariman Mohammad Adreen Khalil Osama I H Abu Safaa Mahmoud Sandra Olivia Lara Aly Osman Sha’ban Ali Frieh Haddad Khraish Mohamed Elzobeir Miranda

Dorra Naghmouchi Amr Ibrahim Reyad Fayez Magda Ahlam Ahmed Hala Sabah Mohamed Mohamed Zewayed Hussien Abdelmohsen Ashraf Mahsoub Bayoumy Zordok

15 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 14 Ancuta-Andreea Noha Samir Amany Abd Elghany Eman Soliman Eman Alaloul Fatema Mansoor Armasoiu Soliman Ibrahim Mohamed Alnakal

Hazem Aly Albakry Sheela Carmina Camille Josephine Nasr Sabry Nasr Eldin Hala Ahmad Naib Abdalmjid Khamis Abouelez Morris Castelnau Helo Almashagbeh

Alaa Badry Ahmed Ali Omar Ali Abu Charlotte Leyla Eman Soliman Jabeen Mozammel Mustafa Darwish Abuelhassan Hamada Buminang Mohamed Soliman Abualhommos

Jeffrey Lawton Wilson Laura Elizabeth Levi Ortiz De Luna Maha Mohamed Marites Inojales Aserit Yolanda Alima Miller Marzouk Ali Gad Thompson

Tianna Marie Roe Anne Ledesma Ronaldo Sufciencia Nicole Elizabeth Foley Harnack Rodriguez Tiope

15 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 14 Teacher Assistants

Afrah Abdulathem Aqeelh Abdali Asya Mohamed Badreya Mohamed Batool Adel Ahmed Budoor Hamad Abulhussain Khatam Algallaf Ahmed Dhaifalla Maki Naser Alaraif

Fatema Abbas Ayyad Fatema Abdulhadi Fatema Hasan Hashimiya Sayed Zahra Sayed Mona Ghanem Ali Shaalan Hamada AlGhani Mohammed Naser

Rabab Abdulkarim Suad Abdulla Yusuf Wadeea Ali Husain Naser

17 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 16 Thank you our dear teachers for Dedicating your Lives and Hearts to Building Confident and Motivated Life-long Learners

17 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 16 Preschool A

Fatima Abbas Faisal Husam Dana Mesad Awn Makram Aseel Yaser Abdulla Emad Hani Alhashimi Almarri Maaiah Selail Alboori

Khaled Abdulla Hood Jasim Hawra Sayed Hassan Ali Fatima Alzahraa Fatima Ahmed Alfadhel Ali Mohamed Alhashimi Shehab Ali Alasmawi

Rawan Abdullah Mohammad Motaz Malak Mujtabi Layan Yusuf Kimaya Khalil Ismaeel Alshabibi Albarqawi Mezal Alajlan Athawale Salem

Yaseen Ebrahim Wael Hameed Tartil Abbas Sofana Moh’d Sayed Omran Rawan Jasim Alrowaiei Abdulla Alamr Abedelnabi Alhajeh Almusawi Ahmed

19 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 18 Preschool B

Abdullah Shafeeq Adam Isam Adam Nader Ahmed Jasim Ahmed Mahmood Aisha Muneer Alhalwaki Khdairi Naser Alrumaihi Janahi Khunji

Aldana Nayef Bader Mohamed Dania Mohamed Fajer Bader Fatima Abdulla Fatima Yusuf Alkharji Nesaif Alhamad Alalawi Thani Alkawari

Hamad Bader Hessa Abdulla Kevin Magdy Khaled Lilian Mohammad Lulwa Khaled Alaazmi Mubarak Harmina Mohamed Hejres Abu Elrub Kamal

Mohammed Ruqaya Salman Sarah Hatem Yas Majeed Maki Mohanad Alfras Radhi Alsilwadi

19 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 18 KG 1A

Gomanh Mohamed Fatima Eyad Cidera Sinan Ayah O. Abo Ali Husain Ali Ahmed Abdelmohsen Tammam Adnan Kiiraish Alsaati Karim

Mariam Ebrahim Maiya Abdullah Maheen Abdulla Layan Rami Khaled Falah Jenan Hamed Hasan Al-Shabibi Albaqali Aldamati Alhosani Aljufairi

Muhammad Moosa Mohamed Mazin Mohamed Ali Mohamed Mazen Ryad Mauge Moosa Alkhanaizi Alsawafri Hasan Abdulhameed Hussein Alkhanaizi Alradhi

Sarah Abdulaziz Sara Falah Sadeq Jaafar Noor Anwar Mohamed Alhosani Kadhem Ebrahim

21 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 20 KG 1B

Abdulrahman Ahmed Mohsen Ali Tfayli Anooshay Adnan Deena Adnan Fatima Ameer Khaled Mohamed Alibrahim Alqadri Abdulla

Fawaz Yahya Juwairia Sherif Khalifa Hamad Mariam Ali Mohammad Mohammed Alawadhi Thabet Abdulaziz Mohsen Allaaldin Mashal Hatim Alrahma

Mohammed Husam Muath Abdulrahman Naser Abdulla Naser Adel Noor Majed Othman Naser Alasadi Almuqahwi Albuainain Alkhayat Thani Alawadi

Reem Ahmed Reema Ahmed Reema Amjad Al- Saud Mohamed Shaima Husain Tuly Munzer Almaabar Moosa Hashimi Marjan Alsaegh Abdelqader

21 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 20 KG 1C

Fatima Ebrahim Ebrahim Omar Asma Khaled Ahmed Hussain Abdullah Abdulla Mansoor Husain Al-Tekreeti Alromaihi Hafedh Ahmed Bushelf Almerri

Mohamed Younis Mohamed Hamad Lana Ahmed Khalid Abdulla Isa Yousef Hamad Isa Almutawa Buhaila Elwakeel Own Merajdin Almehri

Reem Ali Shehab Omar Mohamed Omar Fawaz Noor Syed Perwaiz Mohammed Mohamed Yusuf Osman Mohamed Mohamed Abdullah Shehadeh Alkawari

Zaina Kareem Zahraa Ebrahim Tamim Hesham Shaikha Abdulla Sama Mahmood Faisal Salman Edham Albinjasim Ashoori

23 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 22 KG 2A

Abdulla Jasim Abdulrahman Ali Amer Awadh Ali Yasser Alalawi Dana Abdulredha Fatima Mazen Alrumaihi Omar Alobaidli Hasan Kadhem

Hissa Abdulla Jassim Mohamed Khalifa Husain Lara Hammoud Layal Ahmed Layan Shareef Albalooshi Alnakkal Binnass Yusuf Al-Maragi

Lujain Husam Maryam Ali Nawar Ali Shehab Omar Sameer Razan Shareef Razeen Abdulaziz Alasadi Alkaabi Masalmeh Al-Maragi Mohammed

Reema Basem Sayed Ahmed Tolai Youssef Yousif Ahmed Yousif Mohamed Dawood Zuhair Khalaf Alhejairi Alsalam

23 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 22 KG 2B

Fajer Mohamed Ebrahim Ahmed Ali Husain Hasan Abdulrahman Hazza Abdulla Muzammil Abdulla Elyas Almoosa Alaseeri Buhazza Ahmed Husain

Maryam Ali Malak Meshal Marawan Montasar Malak Altajir Mahmood Jameel Isa Abdulla Bahzad Alabbasi Hassan Almajnoon Albinjasim

Sakeena Abdulrasool Rayyan Qusay Nasser Naser Anas Mohsin Ahmed Mawadha Alsatrawi Alkhalili Mohamed Ali Alfadhala Redha Ahmed Bushelf

Zahraa Ebrahim Yaseen Amar Yara Hazem Sayed Ali Jameel Sarah Ammar Samana Mohsen Maki Elagamy Ammar Shams

25 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 24 KG 2C

Abdulla Mohamed Adnan Hanna Ahmed Abbas Ahmed Ali Malalla Ali Husain Ikshaish Bader Isa Sahlan Salman Albastaki

Fares Ahmed Ghaliya Juma Ghazal Abdulmohsen Haya Saad Isa Abdulla Jassim Mohammed Janahi Binahmed Buabood Alameeri Albuainain Nasser

Jawaher Zaid Al Layan Mohanned Lulwa Abdulla Mahmood Ahmed Mesk (Moh’d Khair) Mohamed Khaled Shihab Alanni Alfadhel Shukri Al Humouz Aldoseri

Mohamed Ahmed Muhanned Omar Obadah Shaikha Fahad Tooran Redha Radhi Zainab Husain Shukri Mohamed Hasan Khawaldeh Jasim Alalaiwat

Mohamed Ahmed Shaaban

25 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 24 KG 2D

Feras Husam Fatima Abdulla Ameerah Sameer Aljazi Jamal Abdulla Hamad Abdulla Abdulrahman Alhashimi Bucheeri Ali Alabbad Aljeeb Alsaadi

Lara Hesham Khalid Alaa Matar Jumana Abdulla Jannat Ahmed Isa Abdulla Hamad Meshal Abdulla Rashid Alyasi Mubarak Alhello

Raghad Younis Raghad Mohamed Noor Zakariya Saleh Mejood Moosa Maya Al-Jabane Mariam Aref Almutawa Marzooq Alkhanaizi Mahmood

Zainab Mahmood Yusuf Subah Tamim Osama Shaikha Rashed Sara Salem Reem Abdulraheem Husain Aldoseri Muhana Alamiri Alghenaim Ahmed

27 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 26 GRADE 1A

Alyah Hamad Ali Nazar Aesha Eshal Abdulrahman Abdulrahman Abdulla Obay Alaazmi Alshakar Athawale Rashed Almudhahki Mohamed Nassar Aldajani

Layan Emad Jood Majed Haya Muhannad Faisal Tamer Faisal Nayef Amer Tamer Qwareq Thani Alanni Alkhuffash Alsabaie Alkhuffash

Nadeen Hameed Moosa Yousaf Mohannad Adnan Mohamad Fizan Mahmoud Mahdi Hasan Abdulameer Meraj Din Alqadri M.S.Din Mohamed Nassar Ali

Yousif Ahmed Sayed Ali Moosa Noor Shakir Al- Noor Nooruldin Noor Hani Naziha Adnan Almoaber Khalil Bahrani Madan Madan

27 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 26 GRADE 1B

Ahmed Husain Aldana Alhur Basel Ali Abdulla Anas Moh’d Dalal Mesad Aladhum Mohamed Alazmi Alwatani Shehab Alhajeh Almarri

Fatima Abbas Ghalya Humood Ghazlan Nawaf Hussain Alaa Khalid Ahmed Moamen Saeed Husain Faisal Badoo Shamsi Alhashimi Alsubh

Mohamed Mohamed Azam Mohammad Jaffar Nasser Hamad Noor Ali Al Farsi Noor Mohamed Abdulrahman Eltawil Al-Baroudi Buhaila Bin Ali Almanaiee

Noora Khaled Nour Mohamed Sayed Nooh Shooq Fawaz Talal Tareq Ghali Yousif Abdulkarim Kamal Elfatih Abdelrahim Mohamed Naser Abdulla Hasan

Zaina Hamza Younis

29 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 28 GRADE 1C

Faisal Basel Basil Tareq Bader Ebrahim Ali Abdulredha Ahmad Rami Abdulla Mohamed Abulfateh Alsawaeir Alrowaiei Merza Aldamati Nesaif

Jassim Jana Tareq Jaber Mansoor Hussain Jaber Hamed Mohamed Faten Mahmood Abdulmohsen Hasan Almerri Mohamed Kazerooni Alaali Buabood

Raed Mohamed Noor Ahmed Noof Husain Ali Mohamed Khaled Mayan Mohamed Mahmood Kazerooni Almahmood Alromaihi Ali Salman Radhi

Yousif Yazen Mohanad Shaikha Salman Sajida Abbas Ali Abdulrahman Ismael Yaqoob Albolushi

29 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 28 GRADE 1D

Ahmed Isa Ali Abduladheem Ali Sameer Akseel Alreem Farooq Basel Ayman Danya Muneer Khunji Mubarak Marhoon Hasan Abdulkhadher

Ebrahim Hamad Abul Fadak Alzahra Arafat Fahad Hamad Haji Fatima Husain Ganna Mohamed Hassan Majeed Maki Almarzooq Ahmed Sallam

Hoor Murshid Al Jana Mohamed Jumana Abdulameer Layal Saber Albastaki Lujain Mohamed Mariam Ali Shakoohi Baloshi Abdulla Abdali Zalaikh

Mohammed Jasim Nadia Mohamed Nourseen Yunis Rawan Ali Yusuf Sara Mohamed Naser Sarah Sayed Malalla Qambar Alsharrah Mahmood Almatooq

Zaina Isam Khdairi

31 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 30 GRADE 2A

Adam Adel Ahmed Khaled Ahmed Yusuf Albadra Waleed Ameena Isa Kamal Bader Jasim Ebrahim Dawood Alsubaiee Ahmed Alghanem

Dalal Nawaf Dana Mohamed Fatima Ali Fatima Saddeeq Fawzia Khaled Ghalya Ahmed Janahi Alghanem Alhamad Mohamed Janahi Alharmi

Hussain Ali Albaqali Ibrahim (Moh’d Ibrahim Yaf Jaber Eid Alkaabi Jood Abdulrahman Joree Abbas Shaban Khair) Al-Humouz Saifulla Mohamed

Layla Mohamed Ali Malak Imran Rabab Zulfqar Saja Basel Alwatani Sana Fadi Alsmadi Ismail

31 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 30 GRADE 2B

Hussain Ghina Waleed Faisal Hamad Bader Mahmood Ali Andrew Nemer Ahmed Shakir Al- Abdulhameed Alradhi Nasaif Albaker Mohamed Bahrani

Mohammed Waheed Mohamad Omar Miraay Moosa Mariam Isa Layan Mahdi Hussain Hasan Mohammed Ahmed Hachicho Alkhanaizi Alzobari Mansoori Alrashedi

Shayenne Farouk Sara Sharif Salwa Adel Bahar Salman Khalid Noof Fadhul Salim Muhannad Sadiq Hariz Almaraghi Alghatam Rabeei

Mohammed Tariq Khalid Yousif Ahmed Yousef S Y Alkharas Yara Makram Ma’aiah Ahmed Shannar Shannar Tarfa

33 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 32 GRADE 2C

Abdulrahman Ahmed Abdulla Ahmed Mohamed Ali Hamad Dashti Ali Jasim Alkaabi Ali Salman Alzayani Hamad Almubarak Thani Mohamed

Aysha Waleed Fatima Sayed Hala Mazin Hamad Ali Al-Araif Hamad Mohamed Khalifa Fawaz Althawadi Matooq Alsawafri Abdulla Mohamed

Leyan Mohamed Lujain Mohammad Mahdi Maher Maram Hasan Mubarak Abdulaziz Noora Adel Alazmi A.Jalil Abu Elrub A.Hasan Khamis Alazmi

Omar Ahmed Al Yousef Hamza Younis Zainab Ebrahim Zainab Eyad Tammam Mahmood Hussain

33 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 32 GRADE 3A

Ali Muhanned Alanni Ali Fuad Maki Al Yosr Qazwan Al Hanoof Ali Abdulwadood Abdulla Farooq Al Mimar Husain Muzammil Ahmed Hasan

Fadhel Arafat Caleb Jordan Alyaan Moeen AlRayan Abdulrahim Alisha Faisal Deen Aliaksandr Reutski Almarzooq Fielder Ahmed Mohammed

Isa Adel Al Khayat Isa Abdulla Abdat Hasan Mohamed Ghadeer Abdulkarim Fatima Yonus Alali Faisal Nawaf Qambar Ismaeel Alghanem

Yasmeen Sameer Talal Mohamed Sarah Ammar Saif Fahad Nassar Mohammed Nawaf Jenan Yasser Alalawi Masalmeh AlRayash Alfardan Al Saeedi

35 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 34 GRADE 3B

Aalia Isa Ali Abdulla Khalid Ahmed Abduladhim Ali Ebrahim Maki Ali Mahmood Alaali Arwa Jasim Ebrahim AlRumaihi Alhassan

Bader Husam Fatima Amer Feras Mohammed Hamad Isa Hashim Amjad Hussain Ali Kayed Alasadi Awadh Hasan Almansoori Alhashimi

Jana Mohamed Mahdi Hani Mohamed Basem Mohammed Nazar Mohammed Obay Noor Mohamed Nassar Alzarra Dawood Al Shakar Aldajani Alaani

Sara Walid Yasin Waad Mohamed Yara Ismaeel Al Abdulmohsen Kooheji

35 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 34 GRADE 3C

Budoor Murshed Bassel Adnan Badoor Saber Ali Mohamed Ali Ahmed Tarfa Ahmed Nadeem Albalushi Alqadri Albastaki Aljaser Abbas Baik

Mariam Ali Alfarisi Lama Yusuf Homam Muhannad Hassan Abdulla Hasan Mohamed Fatima Mohsen Almurbati AlFarras Own Janahi Abdulla

Shooq Abdulhameed Shaikha Hamad Salman Ahmed Radhi Rayyan Adeel Mohammed Jalil Mariam Mohamed Alradhi Alkaabi Khaksar Almualem Saleem

Hana Khairy Yousif Jaffar Baroudi Ward Fadhel Saleh

37 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 36 GRADE 4A

Alia Abdulla Askar Urisbayev Enhaya Ahmed Hala Ahmed Khatab Ismail Mohammed Al Jude Nizar Salem Alasfoor AlKhater Humouz

Khaled Ismaeel Khalifa Duaij Mira Ala’adin Mohamed Sashni Muhammad Anas Rashid Ali Kadhem Salem Althawadi Mashal kamar Siraj Maqbool

Ruqaya Ameer Sahar Omar Al Saida Ibraim Salma Khalid Salman Farahat Sayed Ali Husain Abdulla Obaidly Aldabbagh AlBunoodha Almusawi

Seif Ahmed Syeda Reneem Yusuf Abdulhasan Abdulrahman Perwaiz Arshad Ali Mohamed

37 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 36 GRADE 4B

Bader Abdulla Ali Hussain Ali Husain Ali Husain Ahmed Abdulmuneim Abdalrahman Bucheeri Almenow Alderazi Mohamed Shanaishen Moh’d Alhajeh

Omaima Osama Noor Nasser Mohammed Abdullah Faisal Adel Bahar Dania Abdulnabi Danah Sayed Jawad Muhana Alqaraan Albuainain Mukhtar Ali

Adham Ahmed Zainab Murtadha Zainab Mohamed Al Zaid Abdulraheem Shahd Mohamed Salma Sayed Jawad Shaker Hashem Ansari Mohammad Abdulla Ali

Hashim Sameer Ikseel

39 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 38 GRADE 4C

Abdulla Adel Ahmad Ayman Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed Shafeeq Aiya Mohammed Z. Ali Abdulredha Hamad Almasarweh Shamlooh Alhalwaki Mohammed Karami

Ali Hussain Ahmed Dima Husain Ebrahim Isa Kamal Elias Mohsen Maryam Maher Omar Faisal Khawaja Alsaati Shamlooh A.Hasan

Ranya Ahmed Rashid Sabah Shaheen Shahid Shooq Wesam Al Yazan Rami Aldamati Yousif Shareef Al- Radhi AlDoseri Ghulam Nashaba Maragi

39 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 38 GRADE 5A

Ali Husain Mohamed Ahmed Hazem Abdulrahman Abdulrahman Faisal Abdullah Younis Abdulla Isa Khalaf Ahmed Khaled Kamal Khawaja Ibrahim Alzobari

Fatema Mohsen Faisal Khaldoon Elias Mohammed Danya Fahad Dana Khaled Alharmi Ammar Kareem Faisal Shams Menaizel Ali Nassar

Nasser Mohanned Mohamed Yoodh Mohamed Ismaeel Malak Mohammed Malaak Ismaeel Kelly Oreta Alava Alanni Saifulla Al Kooheji Khalil Eatmadi

Isa Ahmed Nass Yusuf Meshal Al Shereef Ashraf Shahad Hamad Haji Sadeq Hasan Akhned Nouf Mazin Alsawafri Helow Metwally

Manar Maki

41 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 40 GRADE 5B

Abrar Abdulkarim Ali Adel Khalil Ali Hasan Alhusaini Ali Mohamed Gamil Aseel Obadah Bader Abdulla Ahmed Khawaldeh Alshehabi

Elias Salman Fatima Abdulaziz Fatima Saif Fatima Yusuf Salem Hasan Isa Alhammadi Husain Ali Ahmed Yaqoob Abdulrahman Almannaei

Jadallah Zaid Jenan Abduladhim Kawthar Anwar Khaled Muneer Lana Emad Qwareq Mearaj Faisal Shalabi Alhassan Ibrahim Khunji Alkhabbaz

Mohamed Hamad Mohamed Jameel Osama Ebrahim Rama Mohammed Saif Qusay Alkhalili Saud Abdulaziz Albaker Almajnoon Alrayes Kourdi Shareeda

Shahd Mohamed Sahlan

41 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 40 GRADE 6A

Brandon Ashton Anusha Zulfqar Anis Ahmed Ali Hassan Ali Hasan Alrashedi Ahmed Ammar Chung Haider Tawalbeh Albounotha Alfardan

Khalid Wasam Jumana Yasser Jawaher Yusuf Hanin Mohammed Fatima Omer Fadhul Abbas Shaban Alnashaba Abuzahra Zowayed Budalama Alobaidly

Nawaf Hamad Alkaabi Muna Mohamed Maryam Raed Layal Mohamed Lateefa Mohammed Kinda Husain Al Alaani AlSeddiqi Janahi Al Rasheed Mughrabi

Zechriah Nadeem Yousif Ahmed Yana Kopnina Talal Waleed Nasif Saud Hasan Sultan Salma Mohamed Sohail Hassan Musbah

Zara Mark Marcus

43 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 42 GRADE 6B

Abdulla Khalid Adel Abdulmohsen Ahmed Salman Ali Husain Mahdi Ali Hussain Ali Bashar Walid Yasin Aldoseri Buabood Alzayani Aladhum

Feras Sadiq Rabeei Hamad Saif Mahmood Sayed Menwah Ismaeel Mohamed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah Almannaei Hashem Alawadei Salem Shukralla Alshahabi

Mohammed Yusuf Mooza Ahmed Noof Abdulaziz Noor Abdulaziz Noora Mohammed Rashid Abdulrahim Salem Alkhater Bulaila Bulaila Bin Ali Ahmed

Salman Ebrahim Shaikha Hesa Shaikha Mohamed Tareq Isa Ali Al- Zain Salah Ajlan Zainab Hani Alzarra Tulefat Ahmed Alkhalifa Aljaser Mutawaj

43 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 42 GRADE 7A

Dana Mounir El Kurdi Asad Hussam Ali Salman Jawad Aleena Zulfqar Akbermet Abdulrahman Aljabane Haider Stephenson Abdulaziz Mohamed

Mariam Ahmed Mansoor Mohamed Hamad Abdulwahab Hala Mazen Almasri Elena Nidhal Dana Shareef Al- Husain Khalil Alarayedh Abdulla Boudergham Maragi

Talal Amr Alsaweer Taif Ahmad Ebrahim Raghad Mohamed Muhammed Ahmed Mohamed Meshal Nassar Husain Alhellow

45 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 44 GRADE 7B

Aayedh Jassim Al Dana Morshed Al Ebrahim Isa Ali Ebrahim Omar Hana Ahmed Hafez Maryam Moosa Kaabi Balooshi Alobaidly Alkhanaizi

Mohamed Abdulla Mohammed Adel Mohammed Ali Mubarak Mohamed Rama Ayman Salma Fadhel Saleh Aljanahi Alammari Mansour Alrusheed Almasarweh

Shameyeh Raed Shaymaa Ashraf Sulaf Obadah Zaid Munzer Abbas Metwally Khawaldeh Abdelqader

45 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 44 GRADE 8A

Lulwa Hamad Alkaabi Khaled Adel Fahad Mohamed Ahmed Ismaeel Abrar Mohamed A.Aziz Hamad Alammari Abdulla Salem Qasim Mohamed

Salah Mohamed Rahaf Alaa AlDin Osama Samer Alsaad Mohamed Ali Mary Elias Haddad Mahmood Hisham Alaani Mashal Aseeri Ahmed

Suha Vajihe Faiz Sami Rafed Baroudi

47 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 46 GRADE 8B

Abdullah Saad Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Salah Jaafar Ali Khalil Ali Donya Ali AlRahma Faris Abdulrahim Abduljaleel Alrayash Mohamed

Fatima Fawzi Yousif Hisham Abdulwahab Isa Hasan Al Raed Abdulrahim Salman Hamad Yazin Dhamaan Abdulla Bounodha Ahmed Dashti Alsiyabi

Zahra Murtadha Zainab Adel Alalawi Almallah

47 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 46 GRADE 9

Abeer Ahmed Abdulwali Abdullah Farahat Abdulla Eyad Abdulla Ebrahim Abdulhaleem Fayez Abdullatif Nadeem Sohail Al Bunodha Alkuwari Janahi Kaddour

Fahima Khalaf Hujjair Elias Tawfeeq Hejair Buthina Mohammed Ala’ Elias Haddad Ahmed Hasan Ahmed Ebrahim Al Sanani AlRashedi Alawadhi

Manar Moosa Al Manar Ali Lauren Zaher Atiyani Lara Loai Sabri Hesham Abdulla Fawaz Khalaf Hijjair Khanaizi Akhterzadeh Aljanahi

Waleed Obadah Shaikha Haya Sarah Yusuf Thani Salman Ismaeel Mohamed Abdulaziz Maryam Mohamed Khawaldeh Ahmed Alkhalifa Salem Bulaila Bader

49 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 48 GRADE 10

Abdulkader Ali Abdulla Adnan Abdulrahman Ahmed Ibrahim Duja Murtadha Al Elias Isa Alzobari Mansour Alqatan Khamis Mula Sayyar Alawi

Faisal Abdulshaheed Faris Mohammed Haya Mohamed Hussain Ali Aseeri Jeahan Yasser Karim Debliz Talaq Khan Mosbah Abuzahra

Lojayn Zaher Atiyani Nabeel Muhammed Noora Abdulla Ola Mohammed Shaikha Jassim Al- Albinali Alsanani Mahmood

49 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 48 GRADE 11A

Farah Hasan Ali Dana Ahmed Ayman Abduljalil Alfred Charles Oreta Abdulrahman Ali Abdulrahman Alhashimi A.Jalil Alava Buhusain Abdulla Aljanahi

Neil Ewan Walter Malak Moosa Lucia Nidal Jubryl Al-Jabane Husain Khaled Taheri Hareth Mohamed Mackay Alkhanaizi Boudargham Khalil Alarayedh

Zoe Mark Marcus Thora Snaedis Thajba Hassan Tasnia Mozammel Suha Karem Kamal Rayana Salah Bjoernsdottir Albounoodha Alzekri

51 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 50 GRADE 11B

Abdulla Mohamed Ali Ahmed Alghatam Faisal Khalid Fatima Ali Hadeel Ali Alrahma Hamad Mohamed Alharbi Aldabbagh Akhterzadeh Almeer

Jaber Ali Al-Jassim Joud Turki Khaled Mohamed Mohamed Isa Saif Nadia Hasan Sultan Rawan Ali Alrahma Abduldaem Alaani

Renad Maher Alanas Salman Isa Ali Sayed Mazen Shouq Zaid Al Tareq Khaled Yazan Amro Alsaweer Salha Abdulla A.Jalil Shihab Alsaeed

51 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 50 Class16

53 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 52 GRADE 12

Akram Yasser Dalal Mounir El Kurdi Dana Fayez Kaddour Ebrahim Adel Ecaterina Nicolai Fadi Ahmed Al- Abuzahra Hamad Marcova Tawalbeh

Faizie Nadim Sohail Hamad Abdulmajeed Mariam Hassan Al Mohamed Ebrahim Nawaf Khalid Alkhaja Alqaud Jahrmi Bounoodha Salem

Nawaf Mousa Al Nourhan Yahia Negm Omar Jalal Salman Khamis Sara Ismaeel Talal Ebrahim Kamal Mousa Alhussaini Mula Eatmadi

Talal Osama Bader Turky Khalid Alshaer Wafa Ajaz Saleem Yousif Abdulaziz Yusuf Husain Alqaed Nooruddin

53 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 52 55 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 54 55 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 54 Class 16 Dedications

First and foremost I would like to thank God for all his grace and blessings and for giving me courage and determination, Alhamdulilah for all my accomplishments and success, and for blessing me with family and friends that helped me through my path. I would also like to thank my parents for their unconditional support and love. I dedicate all my accomplishments to both of you. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I hope to make you proud and raise your heads high whenever ًاول بفضــل اللــه ســبحانه وتعالــى وصلــت الــى هــذه you mention me in the future to المرحلــة ومــن ثــم اشــكر والــدي و والدتــي فطاعتهمــا someone else. I would also like مربــوط دائــم بالرضــا والتوفيــق. اشــكر اخوانــي وخواتــي to thank my two beautiful sisters whom I love and care for so very علــى دعمهــم لــي خــال مشــوار دراســتي فــي الحكمــة. much, both your presence in my ول انســى اشــكر المدرســين والمدرســات لتشــجعيهم life are like stars in a dark night’s sky. لــي و قيادتــي الــى النجــاح. Interestingly, senior year was my مــن أســمى الصفــات التــي تمثــل المعنــى الحقيقــي frst year in “ AlHekma”, but my friends made me feel like I was للصداقــة، هــي أن تبقــى ممتــن ًوشــاكرا لــكل صديــق here since the beginning… so قــام بمســاندتك والوقــوف بجانبــك والتحمــل مــن أجلــك I guess it’s safe to call them my “Day One’s”. This year was one ودفعــك وتحفيــزك، لهــذا اورد لكــم هنــا أجمــل عبــارات of the best years of my life as the الشــكر والتقديــر لصدقائــي و اتمنــى لكــم التوفيــق فــي community transformed me to a حياتكــم ونبقــى علــى تواصــل دائمــا. whole new person on a personal level.

Akram Yasser Abuzahra Yousif Abdulaziz Alqaed

57 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 56 I’ve graduated from a place that I’ve particularly lived in more than half my life, but now I’m done.. And fnally I won’t have to wake up at 6:00 am to ride the bus to school. If it wasn’t for two extraordinary people, I wouldn’t have been in this school or even in this life. Mama w baba thank I’d like to frst of all thank Allah for all my blessings and you so much for all the support and giving me the successes. The amount of gratitude I have for reaching best. Your lunchbox mama will never be forgotten this point in my life and having all these achievements and by anyone, trust me. Alysar, my guardian angel, successes is heartwarming. Looking back at the years and you’ve always protected me from all the troubles, thinking about all the time I spent to reach this moment, in and out of school. The hallways have heard I realized now that it was all worth it. you yell at me so many times, but I’m grateful for Next, I want to thank my parents. The amount of love every single one. and support you’ve given me is abundant. I couldn’t Of course my clique, my group...you will defnitely have done all this without you. I hope all the hard work be missed. Whenever I think of school, I think of you’ve put into raising me is repaid in my future life. I’d you, we’ve gotten into way too many punishments also like to thank my brothers and sisters and my family. together and way more uncaught adventures I am following into your foot steps by graduating and together to even start counting. Can’t wait till we hopefully becoming a successful person. You are all my open that business together ;) role models. Seniors I know we aren’t close, but every single AlHekma International School you are also my family. I’ve one means something to me. Especially el shbab, grown up in this school and remember all the moments working on three projects instead of one always I’ve had in it. Since kindergarten I’ve loved this school gave me a head start, I always will remind you and have always participated in any activity it has to offer. to do your classwork; Dalal, thanks for saving me For all those years of education, I thank every faculty every time I forget something home, a lifesaver of this school. I thank my teachers for all the hours of I swear; Nawaf Mousa, you will always be the grading and preparation they’ve put into teaching me. most annoying person, but I can’t imagine class The guidance they’ve given me throughout these years without you. Maryam and Sara, you taught me has helped shape my personality to what I am today. For what it means to always stand by your friends, that I am thankful. thank you for the uncountable laughters we had. AHIS class of 2016, thank you for all the good times Sara Badaoui .. things got better by time :$ thank we’ve shared and all the laughs we’ve had. The memories you for giving me the boosts I needed. Razzan I have of all the years I’ve spent in AlHekma will never be Younis, you were a changing point in my life, a forgotten. The activities that we’ve done together and person I would never forget. Special thanks to the late night projects were worth the time. I am grateful Fatoosh, who I couldn’t have survived High school for the fact that I’ve met every single one of you and I without. I love you all so much and thank you for wish you all the best in your future life. making the past 12 years of my life meaningful.

Dana Fayez Kaddour Ebrahim Adel Hamad

57 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 56 First of all, I would like to thank God for the idea of me existing and my parents who this task was given to in order to make the idea come to real life. I’m truly blessed just to be alive. Being in AlHekma for 5 years put a huge impact, or I’d even say a “print” on my life. During those years, I’ve been put through a lot of situations which shaped me to who I am today. I would like to thank AlHekma’s teachers, who made sure I wouldn’t go home completely clueless about what we’ve learned during the day. I’d want to thank them for just being humane and helping me get through those years feeling welcomed with their arms wide open. I would like to thank The journey has been wonderful. I each student in the school that I’ve met, some of you are blessings and came to AHIS in grade 5 and my seven some of you are lessons. We’re graduating in a month, and I myself fnd years in AlHekma were memorable it sad how we have to leave a place which provided us with amazing and I will never forget them. I enjoyed memories and experiences without being able to come back. But, my time a lot and the amazing our lives have stages, and each one of them has to come to an end, experiences helped me become sooner or later. This is one of the stages that we soon will have to say responsible and build my character. good bye to, and try to welcome the new one with positive thoughts I would like to thank everyone, my and feelings. Thank you AlHekma for providing me with such a great parents and teachers who taught experience and making the school feel like the second home! me, encouraged me for choosing my career and helped me choose the Ecaterina Nicolai Marcova right path. It was a pleasure being your student and you will be missed. I want to thank my sister for always being there for me and for helping me make good decisions. I want to thank my friends who supported me in my decisions and Class of 16’ who made the classes fun and entertaining. Love you all!!!

Faizie Nadim Sohail

YearBook 2015/2016 58 أول أشكر الله سبحانه وتعالى وبفضله وصلت الحمد لله أشكر أمي وأبوي .. وبفضل دعواتكم وتشجيعكم وصلت للمرحلة اللي أنا فيها اليوم... الله يخليكم لي ويقدرني أرد الجميل وارفع راسكم .

First I would like to start by saying thank you to all those who supported me and stood by my side, I would never have made it without you all. I would like to thank my sister, Thajba; I can’t believe we’re not going to be together next year I got used to you being around, I wish you all the best. My friends, the days and the times that we spent them together are literally unforgettable; words can’t describe how amazing and special you guys are. You won’t ever be forgotten!!! I would never have made it without my supportive teachers, thank you for everything. Classmates, I wish you all the best and it’s been the best nine years of my life with you all. First of all I would like to thank God for everything and my parents for raising me to become the Mariam Hassan Al Bounoodha man I am today, and all my family and teachers for their relentless support throughout my school years. Finally it’s graduation! I can’t believe the day has come, the day when everyone diverges into their own paths. No words could express how much AlHekma meant to me and how deeply every single person, that I came across touched my life. I really enjoyed my seven years in AHIS. One thing I would like to say to the graduates is ‘The journey doesn’t start at the beginning, it begins at the end’. I would like to thank my best friends for supporting me in every single step of my life’s journey and for making me go back home from school with the biggest smile on my face. A big shout out to my best friends Talal Prince, Fadi Tawalbeh, Akram, Nourhan, Wafa, Yousif Nooruddin, Omar, and Fassie. It was the best seven years with them, no matter what happened I will never forget them. I am honored to thank the teachers who made me be who I am today – Mr. George, Mr. Saeed, Mr. Magdy, Mr.Nizar (P.E and Physics), Mr.Nasr, Ms. Jabeen, Ms. Dima and Mr. Zaher. You guys are the world to me!

Husain Abdulmajeed Jahrmi

59 AlHekma International School - Bahrain To start with, I would like to thank God for bringing me to where I am today and giving me faith that nudged me through all my problems, also my family as they have been a great support throughout my education here at AlHekma. Finally it’s graduation! I have spent an amazing seven years of my life at AHIS. Before the threshold of a new beginning, the end of one chapter of my life’s precious moment is coming to an end. I know that most people would like these moments to last to eternity, but as once a Wiseman said “All good things must come to an end”. We are leaving behind cherished memories and heading into the real world. I know that there could be a challenging journey ahead of us but I am certain that every single individual in our class can overcome the obstacles and embrace it as a learning experience. It is my belief that we shall all be successful! Class of 2016, I will never forget a single soul in this phenomenal class, where we have been through diffcult times and fun moments. It’s my privilege to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my classmates especially Talal Bader, Hussain jahrami, Ebrahim Hamad, Fassie Sohail, Akram Abuzahra, Omar Alhussaini, and Nourhan Najem. I also would not have achieved my goals without the assistance of the teachers. Huge thanks goes out to Mr. George El-Rabadi, Mr. Magdy Harmina, Mr. Nizar Hajji, Mr. Saeed Al-Subh, Ms. Jabeen, and Ms. Dima Nahouli. All of you had a huge role in my middle and high school life, thank you for the support and encouragement. At the end I would like to thank my classmates again for giving me the best times of my life at AHIS, I could not have asked for better people to spend all these In here, I will frst dedicate my words to convey the thanks and years with, I hope our paths cross again appreciation to my parents and family that decided to give me someday. the opportunity to be enrolled in AHIS, not to forget importantly, a huge thanks for my friends and teachers that led me to these beautiful moments of graduation besides forming the beautiful Fadi Ahmed Al-Tawalbeh parts of my memories in this school…. as writing this is not enough to describe my feelings to acknowledge them. So, thanks again and I hope that we will choose the right path towards our success. I WILL REALLY MISS CLASS OF 2016!!!

Talal Ebrahim Kamal

YearBook 2015/2016 60 The years are almost coming to an end. Grade eleven and twelve were but rather the fnale of this episodic life. I feel like a fully grown adult or so may I say ‘almost’. The fnal stage had been awaited for so long the new beginning excites me. Reminiscing all the great years I’ve had with my friends and the events that I involved myself into. It was amazing too having to play with the Shark’s band consecutively throughout the years, this would lead a big thank you shout out to music department Mr George for giving me the opportunity to play and entertain the school with the arrangements and music. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم It was a tremendous fun experience to be playing onstage in front of people; it has helped me conquer the stage foor and اول شــي احمــد اللــه ســبحانه و audience if I were to ever perform in the near future. I love indulging myself into the works of art. We pulled out many تعالــى علــى وصولــي الــى هــذه other events as well, like producing a flm for the festival and المرحلــه. the ever successful STEM fair that was executed in front of judges. I was surprised that from a class of grade twelve, we واشــكر الوالــد والوالــده لمــا قدموه as a whole succeeded this project thanks to our respected teacher Mr Magdy. Him and all the other nice teachers who لــي مــن دعــم وتضحيــة ولولهــم had worked their very best in AHIS to help us students acquire لمــا وصلــت الــى ماوصلــت .the greatest of knowledge اليــه. ول انســى ان اشــكر جميــع I pray God provides us with a better and more prosperous life in the coming years, for me, my family, and close friends. It a المدرســين والمدرســات لجهودهــم sad to leave my friends for another new refreshing life but the المتواصلــة واشــكر ربعــي )قــروب memories will never be forgotten. I am glad to have lived this الشــعب( مــن قلبــي واتمنــى ان .great symphony تســتمر هــذه الصداقــة والخــوة طــول العمــر واتمنــى للجميــع Mohamed Ebrahim Salem التوفيــق.

Nawaf Khalid Alkhaja

61 AlHekma International School - Bahrain I’d like to thank my school for giving me proper education and knowledge about many subjects. The school provided me with many facilities and tools to help advance my understanding of a certain subject. Many events the school made for us to enjoy ourselves were great, I also did enjoy the many times I was asked to play for the school اشــكر اللــه ســبحانه وتعالــى على فضلــه ونعمته .band and preform for our great community لعطائــي القــوة والعزيمــة للوصــول إلــى مــا The teachers here were very generous and were أصبــو إاليــه فــي حياتــي ودراســتي . willing to spend time after school to help us اهــدي نجاحــي للغالــي أبــوي والغاليــة أمــي ..... understand what we don’t, I’d like to thank all of واشــكركم مــن كل قلبــي علــى كل شــي قدمتــو them for teaching me what I didn’t know, not only about the subject, but further more. Not to forget وتشــجيعكم الدائــم لــي . not only the teachers from this school but also from الله يخليكم لي .my previous school اللهم اجعلنا بارين طائعين لهم وارزقنا رضاهم If weren’t for my friends I wouldn’t be where I am I would like to take this chance to thank everyone who today, in school and out of school, and previous has been part of my 5 years in AHIS. First, I would like schools, they gave me the most motivation and to thank my sisters and brothers for the time, support help anyone could ever receive. They showed a and guidance that they have given to me throughout lot of support and some of them taught me really all those years. I would never have done it without handy skills. Most importantly they helped me you four. I will always be thankful for the hard work develop the life I have now, to become more social, and efforts that my teacher has put in for making us a happier person in general. what we are today. Last but not least I’d like to thank my family; my Special thanks to my amazing friends: Maryam, mom, my dad, my brother. Without them I wouldn’t Dana.k, Thajba, Fa6um, Rawan, Hadeel, Dana.H. I be alive or the person I am today. The many things wouldn’t have asked for better friends. Saying thank they gave me I will have to eventually give back to you might be not enough for the most amazing 5 them by becoming successful later in my life, like I years with you guys. You all have made those years promised them I would. unforgettable to me. Thank you for all the memories and the incredible times we have spent. I WILL MISS Omar Jalal Alhussaini YOU ALL! Class of 2016: I wish the best for you all and a future full of success

Sara Ismaeel Eatmadi

63 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 62 Words can’t explain how I’m feeling SHOUTOUT TO MY SQUAD! right now… It’s not easy to leave a I need 3 pages to write about school I was in my entire life. It is very you guys! It’s IMPOSSIBLE not sad to have my goodbyes now. I can seeing you guys for a day .. I say that this is the most emotional don’t know what I’ll do when and hardest time in my entire life. I we graduate. All those crazy can’t just walk away and separate memories we had, made history from all the people I grew up with in AlHekma! “What happens in and spent most time in my life with. I AlHekma, Stays in AlHekma”. can’t imagine being in university and You guys are the best thing that not seeing my classmates around me, ever happened in my life I swear they’re family. I won’t just say that this to God! I’d like to thank my was a great year, but I’ll say that the second family for always having best thing that happened in my life my back, supporting me, and is stepping in this school when I was most importantly, making me fve years old and being here till this have the time of my life! Every day graduating wearing my gown. 8 hour each day in school was priceless. Main shout out to I’d like to start with thanking the my best friends two most special people in my Nourhan, Fadi, Hussain, Akram, life, baba and mama, I really want Omar, Ebie, to thank you guys for pushing, Fassie, Wafa, motivating, and raising me for the Turki, Talal person who I am today. K. and all my other friends in school. Out I wouldn’t do this and be in this of school – Kiwi, Jaffer, Junal, position without all your support and Vadim, Abood Hashimi, Suhail, love. I’d even like to thank my sisters and Mahmood. You all are my and brothers. Faten and Nadia, big brothers and were always thanks for all the love and support there for me. throughout all these years through I would even like to give a and for helping me through all the shout out to the people who rough times. Thanks Faten for helping inspired me in every single way, me in my Arabic and Civics exams the people who brought me which I HATE and so glad for not up and showed the best of me seeing in university woooo! FERAS – Mr.George, Mr.Magdy, Both AND ZIZO! I don’t know where to Mr.Nizars (P.E and Physics), start .. I love you guys so much! I’m Mr.Nasr, Ms.Dima, and Ms. going to miss all the “adventures” we Fatima. You guys weren’t just had and all the days we were hustlin’ my teachers, but were family. in the streets! “Never turn your Those are my last words .. you back on family, even when they do” all will be missed.. #lafamilia

Talal Osama Bader

63 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 62 Mom and Dad thank you for sending me to this school. The combination of emotions I’m feeling Thank you to all my classmates who have changed me simultaneously is strange because I’m excited about to become a better person and helped me discover starting a new journey but I’m also upset about my talents. Last but certainly not least, thank you ending an amazing journey that lead to meeting AlHekma for all the students, teachers, and the friendly wonderful people who will always have an impact atmosphere that helped make me who I am today. on me. Dad: I’ll never forget the special moments we spent together, I hope from the bottom of my Thank you is not enough to describe how grateful I am. heart that you’re proud of me. Mom: thank you for As I embark on a new journey in my life, I will carry the always being there for me, no words can describe beautiful memories, the laughters, the plays we did, the how much you mean to me! Alooy: I will always activities we participated in...and I will cherish all the be there for you. Fa6oom: no matter how much learning experiences. we fght and argue, I will always love you. Fassie, I look forward to staying in touch with all my friends and Salman, Mohamed, Hussain and Omar: I feel so lucky creating new experiences that I will be thankful for. I will that I met you! Thank you for fulflling my school life miss AlHekma and how sheltered and cared for we felt. by your friendship and support. Teachers: thank Thank you God for providing me with this opprtunity you for all the help. Seniors: will always cherish the and for allowing me to start a new journey in my life. memories, good luck!

Salman Khamis Yusuf Husain Nooruddin

After spending 14 years in school, i fnally Our group will never be forgotten, did it and graduated with a smile on my Hamado Yousif Talal Nawaf Ghatam Sayar face. I hope my parents are proud of Abood Haman, you where a family I will my accomplishments because if it wasnt never forget. Thank you for everything. for them, i wouldn’t have came this far. All our memories in school and out wont I thank my dad and mom for always be replaced. Dana, thank you for always pushing me to do my best and giving me pushing me to do my best, will never their all. I thank my dad for believing in forget you. Class of 2016, you’ve seen me, I will make you proud of me. Mohsen, me change into what I am today, going I know I can be very hard to deal with and through every phase of my life. I will miss moody but thank you for putting up with you all, I know you will never forget me. me. You helped me so much in choosing Finally I want to thank all my teachers for universities and applying to colleges and always putting up with me, now you are I’ll never forget that. done..

Nawaf Mousa Al Mousa

65 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 64 It’s not often that people take the time to say thank you. In fact, its rare for people to even think about I want to thank everybody who helped me succeed in my how others have impacted their journey, through all 12 years of dedication and success. lives. Given the chance, I’d like to let you know how appreciative I am Mostly I would like to thank my mother who sacrifced so to have my parents in my life. My much for me and helped me stay focused and shaped me deepest gratitude to mom and dad into the man I am today. for believing in me and supporting Second of all my father who helped toughen me up so I me throughout all of my life. Please can put in all my hard work to get the degree , he knew I do not ever doubt my dedication, I always deserved. love you. To all my brothers, Abdulla ,Faisal , Saud , and to my To my classmates, I want to thank you baby sisters who encouraged me and gave me a helping for the amazing 4 years of friendship hand when I needed it. and support. Wafa, Talal B, Hussain and Fadi there are no goodbyes for To Dalal Kurdi I want to thank you for sticking by me us wherever you are, you will always through out everything, and for helping me when I stay in my heart. needed someone to be there. الله يخليكم لي My deepest thanks to all of my high Love you all very much school teachers, you have changed AHIS means alot to me whether I am a graduate or a my whole perspective on education. senior, I grew up in this school and I consider it to be Your encouragement and persistence my second home. We have grown up here, and we made made a huge difference in my life. a lot of memories that I will never forget, we all grew Thanks AlHekma for letting me a bond together, from students to teachers and staff, I celebrate a new beginning in my life. have to mention Mr.Majdy, Mr Nizar Y and Mr Nizar H, Mr. George and Mr.Saeed, for helping me through my last Nourhan Yahia Negm years in my second home! Love you all.

Turky Khalid Alshaer

65 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 64 First of all I want to thank God for protecting me and having me graduate healthy and happily. I want to also thank my parents for looking after me. Class of 2016 thank you for being a great class especially some of my dear friends nourhan,Kate,Dalal,Talal Bader, Fadi ,Hussian ,Ebie, Turki ,Yousif Nooruddin, Fassie, and Akram who have always supported me. I am going to miss each and every one of you ! My beloved teachers who have always helped me and encouraged me to improve in every aspect of life, thank you for your dedication and trust in me. Last but not least thanks to AlHekma international school for being a great school that cared about each and every student. I’m glad that I am going to graduate from this school :)

Wafa Ajaz Saleem

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته من الله علي بالنجاح والحمد لله أمي ، أبي أهديكم هذه الكلمات رغم انني نجحت بفضلكما إل أني ما زلت بحاجة لكما، شكرا على تشجيعكم ودعمكم وما قدمتموه لي. ًشكرا ًايضا لخوتي وأخواتي، أهلي وأصدقائي من ساندوني في مرحلتي الدراسية ووقفوا معي في الحلوة والمرة وساعدوني. الكلمات ل تعبر عن فضلكم ، ولكن ليس بوسعي القول سوى شكرا. طبعا لن أنسى مدرساتي ومدرسي إليكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير وأختم هذه الرسالة بقول أني أحبكم وشكرا على كل ما فعلمتوه من أجلي.

Hamad Mohamed Alqaud

67 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 66 الله يخليكم لي First of all I would like to thank God for helping me reach this new stage in my life and for My frst steps at AlHekma started 12 years ago strengthening my faith and self confdence. and the memories shared throughout these years with friends will be cherished forever. Its الحمدلله... very diffcult to say goodbye but graduating I would like to thank my mom for everything doesnt have to mean goodbye...I believe the she has done, the sacrifces and the love she friendships that were built over these years are shared to help shape my personality. Mama everlasting. Thank you to our staff and teachers you have always provided me with all the best who helped me become the strong creative life has to offer and pushed me beyond my person who is ready to tackle what life has to limits to reach new heights and for that I am offer. A huge thanks goes to Mr. George, Mr. very grateful I love you very much. Majdy, Mr. Saeed, Mrs. Dima, Mrs. Amany, Mr. ,Nizar (Physics), Mr. Nizar(P.E.), Mrs. Jabeen الله يخليلنا يكه Mrs. Fatima Al Ghoush, Ms. Sawsan, Mr. Jehad, My best little sister Dana, I will miss you the Mr. Islam, and every other teacher and faculty most at school! I will share few words of member who contributed to who we are today. advice with you, enjoy everyday because time fies fast, be proud of who you are, believe in Class of 2016! Thank you all for giving me the yourself and remember that I will always be best experiences and the greatest memories there for you...I love you sis! that will stay with me forever. Turki AlShaer thank you for always being there for me To my aunts Samira and Zeina you are my role whenever I needed you and for never letting models and I am proud to be your neice and to me lose sight of what’s most important in my learn from you how enjoyable it is to be young life. Lojayn, Lauren and Jeahan you guys have professional and accomplished ladies. Uncle kept me smiling throughout everything and I Hassan thank you for your warm heart and the will miss you all soo much, goodluck..and enjoy laughs you shared with us and thank you for your last few years of school with confdence. always reminding us to be strong. Last but not least thank you Grandma for always being there I love you all soo very muchh for us since we were young, for your hugs and kisses, for your amazing food and for pushing us all FORWARD. Cousins I love you all! Dalal Mounir El Kurdi

67 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 66 69 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 68 69 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 68 2016 Committees & Teams


From left to right:

Feras Mohammed Hasan Zainab Murtadha Al-Alalawi Mohammed Jalil Almualem Ismail Mohammed Al-Humouz Rashid Sabah AlDoseri Saud Abdulaziz Shareeda Aliaksandr Reutski Hala Ahmed Khatab Faisal Adel Bahar


President - Dalal El-Kurdi (Grade12), Vice president - Ebrahim Hamad (Grade12), Treasurer - Tareq Al Saeed (Grade12), Secretary - Turky Al Sha’er (Grade12), Security - Yousif Al Qa’ed (Grade12) Class offcer - Hussain Al Jahrami (Grade12), Class offcer - Alfred Charles (Grade11), Class offcer - Yazan Al Saweer (Grade11), Class offcer - Ola Mohammad (Grade10), Class offcer - Bothayna Mohammad (Grade9), Class offcer - Abdulaziz Hamad (Grade8), Class offcer - Essa Al Bunodha (Grade8), Class offcer - Mohammad Ahmad (Grade7), Class offcer - Shaymaa’ Ashraf (Grade7), Class offcer - Talal Waleed (Grade6) Class offcer - Tareq Al Mutawaj (Grade6)

YearBook 2015/2016 70 From left to right: Mr. Zaher Salameh, MS Coordinator

Mrs. Adreen Haddad, ES Coordinator,

Mr. Islam Al-Tweisat, CLUBS COMMITTEE HS Coordinator

From left to right: Mrs. Iman Ibrahim, Mrs. Ashwaq Ibrahim, Mr. Hanin Abdelrahim, Mrs. Adreen Haddad, Mr. Zaher Salameh, Mr. Alaa Badry


Dedicating Our Lives and Hearts to Building Confdent and Motivated Life-long Learners..


71 AlHekma International School - Bahrain BASKETBALL U18 GIRLS




YearBook 2015/2016 72 2016 Committees & Teams




73 AlHekma International School - Bahrain 2016 Committees & Teams

YearBook 2015/2016 74 75 AlHekma International School - Bahrain 2016 Sports Achievements

77 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 76 2nd place basketball boys U15 BAS league October 10, 2015. 2nd place basketball girls U18 BAS league October 31, 2015. 2nd place volleyball girls U18 BAS league November 28, 2015. 2nd place FUN RUN all levels BAS league January 9, 2016. 2nd place volley ball boys U18 BAS league January 8, 2016. 3rd place U12 soccer boys BAS league January 30, 2016. 3rd place U15 soccer boys BAS league January 16, 2016. 3rd place U18 soccer boys BAS league January 23, 2016. 3rd place U18 girls BAS league January 23, 2016. 3rd place U18 handball boys BAS league march 19, 2016. 1st place U10 soccer boys SABIS tournament February 27, 2016 2nd place U18 basketball girls SABIS tournament February 27, 2016 2nd place U14 soccer girls SABIS tournament February 27, 2016 3rd place U14 soccer boys February 27, 2016 1st place U7 soccer boys played VS real Madrid academy. march 12,2016 4th place Cup Soccer tournament U10 –charity for- Nepal 13 April 2016 2nd place soccer Cup : Soccer tournament for U12 boys that was held by AL SALAM School

1st place race 100 m boys U14 – Ali kahlil Ali grade 8 2nd place race 100 m boys U12 – Ali Hasan Alhusaini grade 5 2nd place Long Jump m girls U16 – Thora Snaedis Bjoernsdottir grade 11 3rd place 100 m boys U12 - Ali Hussain Ali Aladhum grade 6 3rd place race 400 m boys U16 - Ali kahlil Ali grade 8 3rd place race 100 m girls U14- Rahaf Alaa AlDin Mashal grade 8

1st place race 100 m boys U14 – Ali kahlil Ali grade 8 2nd place race 100 m boys U12 – Ali Hasan Alhusaini grade 5 2nd place Long Jump m girls U16 – Thora Snaedis Bjoernsdottir grade 11 3rd place 100 m boys U12 - Ali Hussain Ali Aladhum grade 6 3rd place race 400 m boys U16 - Ali kahlil Ali grade 8 3rd place race 100 m girls U14- Rahaf Alaa AlDin Mashal grade 8

Table tennis and badminton tournament in BAS league for private schools AHIS clinched 10 medals as bellow:

Anusha Zulfqar Haider grade 6 ---- 1st place badminton girls U12 Brandon Ashton Chung grade 6 ----- 1st place badminton boys U12 Maryam Moosa Alkhanaizi grade 7---- 1st place Table tennis girls U12 Abdulla Eyad Alkuwari grade9 ---- 1st place Table tennis boys U15 Lojayn Zaher Atiyani grade 10---- 1st place Table tennis girls U15 Ecaterina Nicolai Marcova grade 12 ---- 1st place badminton girls U18 Brandon Ashton Chung grade 6 ----- 2nd place Table tennis boys U12 Hamad Mohamed Alqaud grade 12---- 2nd place Table tennis boys U18 Nourhan Yahia Negm grade 12---- 2nd place Table tennis girls U18 Malak Moosa Alkhanaizi grade 11 ----- 3rd place badminton girls U15

77 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 76 إحتفال رائع بمرور ثاثون ًعاما من النجاح على تأسيس مدرسة الحكمة الدولية!

بحضــور الدكتــورة منــى راشــد الزيانــي رئيــس ومؤســس مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة، أقامــت المدرســة ًإحتفــال ًرائعــا بمــرور ثلثيــن ًعامــا مــن النجــاح وذلــك فــي مبنــى المدرســة الواقــع بمنطقــة ســند. إشــتملت الحتفاليــة علــى العديــد مــن النشــطة والفعاليــات حيــث إجتمــع أعضــاء الطاقميــن التعليمــي والداري فــي قاعــة الحتفــالت الكبــرى بالمدرســة وتخلــل الحتفــال عــرض فيديــو وثائقــي لمراحــل تطــور المدرســة منــذ عــام 1985 حتــى يومنــا هــذا. وبمناســبة الحتفــال أعربــت الدكتــورة منــى راشــد الزيانــي عــن مــدى التــام للجــد والجتهــاد والمشــاركة الفعالــة فــي خدمــة رؤيــة مملكــة فخرهــا بمســتوى النجــاح الباهــر وبالــدور القيــادي البــارز الــذي تلعبــه البحريــن لبنــاء تعليــم قــوي يتوافــق مــع المعاييــر و القواعــد الدولية، مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة فــي مملكــة البحريــن منوهــة علــى أهميــة متمنيــن لمدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة مســتقبل أفضــل و أكثــر ًإشــراقا. التعليــم والــدور الكبيــر الــذي تقــوم بــه مــن تخريــج أفــراد واثقيــن وفــي ختــام الحفــل دشــنت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة شــعارها ومســتعدين للتعليــم مــدى الحيــاة. و بمناســبة الحتفــال أعــرب الجديــد، إضافــة إلــى شــعار الحتفــال بمــرور ثلثيــن ًعامــا مــن النجــاح الطاقــم التعليمــي والداري عــن فخرهــم الكبيــر بمــرور 30 ًعامــا والتميــز. علــى تأســيس هــذا الصــرح العلمــي المعطــاء ، وعلــى إســتعدادهم

79 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 78 Celebrating 30 Years of Success

With the presence of Dr. Mona Alzayyani the president and founder of Alhekma International School (AHIS), a wonderful celebration was held at the school’s campus for its 30 years anniversary. The event included several activities in the school’s hall where the teaching and administrative staff gathered and watched a documentary on the school’s history and development since 1985 until this date. During the celebration, Dr. Mona Alzayyani expressed how proud she was with the level of success the school has reached, and the leading role that it plays in the Kingdom of Bahrain where it graduates confdent and motivated long-life learners. The teaching and administrative staff of AHIS displayed their joy of being a part of such a qualifed and cooperative community, and has promised to be a part of Bahrain’s vision for building a strong education system that complies with the international rules and standards.

And for the perfect fnish of a beautiful celebration, Alhekma International School has launched its new logo, along with its 30 years of success logo.

79 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 78 81 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 80 81 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 80 مدرسة الحكمة الدولية تحتفل باليوم الوطني المجيد لمملكة البحرين..

بحضــور الدكتــورة منــى راشــد الزيانــي قامــت الوطــن وتحفيــز الطلبــة علــى بنائــه أفضــل البنــاء مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بالحتفــال بالعيــد الوطنــي لمســتقبل مشــرق باهــر. يقــوم الطلبــة والمعلميــن المجيــد لمملكــة البحريــن وذلــك ًتزامنــا مــع إحتفــالت فــي الحتفــال بارتــداء الــزي البحرينــي التقليــدي المملكــة باليــوم الوطنــي وعيــد الجلــوس، حيــث الــذي يزهــو بألوانــه والــذي يعكــس مــدى تمســك احتفــل الطلبــة مــن مختلــف المراحــل الدراســية الشــعب البحرينــي بالقيــم والمبــادئ الصيلــة، ولــم عــن طريــق المشــاركة فــي عــدة برامــج ومســابقات يكتفــي الطلبــة بذلــك فحســب وإنمــا قامــوا بــأداء ّتعبــر عــن حبهــم لهــذا البلــد المعطــاء. قــام الطلبــة مســرحي غنائــي ًتعبيــرا عــن انتمائهــم لبلدهــم بالمنافســة بشــكل حماســي بتجميــل الصفــوف وولئهــم لقيادتــه الرشــيدة التــي لطالمــا حرصــت ًاحتفــال بهــذه المناســبة التــي تعتبــر مــن أهــم علــى تطــور وتقــدم مملكتنــا الغاليــة فــي مختلــف المناســبات التــي تقــوم فيهــا المدرســة بغــرس حــب المياديــن المحليــة والعالميــة.

83 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 82 83 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 82 85 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 84 AHIS STUDENTS HAD A WONDERFUL CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL DAY

In the presence of Dr. Mona Rashid Al-Zayani the founder of AlHekma Internaional School, Students of all grades celebrated the joyous event of Bahrain’s National Day. Students and teachers dressed in Bahraini National clothing and celebrated through many activities and competitions to show their love for Bahrain and loyalty to its leadership. Students performed several National traditional dances and songs on stage. AHIS celebrates National Day to express the love of Bahrain and its leadership and enhance students’ sense of belonging.

85 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 84 يوم القبعات .. بطريقتنا المختلفة !

يعــد يــوم القبعــات مــن النشــطة التــي يقــوم وقــد حــرص مجلــس الطلبــة ًجاهــدا علــى رفــع بهــا مجلــس الطلبــة للمرحلــة البتدائيــة ســنويا نســبة الطلبــة المشــاركين لهــذا العــام، حيــث حيــت ّيتزيــن طلبتنــا بأجمــل القبعــات. ويهــدف تــم اختيــار الصــف الــذي شــارك طلبتــه بطريقــة هــذا النشــاط إلــى تعزيــز مهــارات التواصــل بيــن ّفعالــة خــلل هــذا اليــوم وتكريمــه خــلل حصــة الطلبــة ويعطيهــم فرصــة للبــداع واكتشــاف التجمــع الطلبــي. تهانينــا لجميــع الفائزيــن ! مهــارات جديــدة وتوظيفهــا بطريقــة مفيــدة .

87 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 86 Hats in the Sharks Way!

Hat Day is an activity that Elementary student council plans annually. It’s a theme day that fosters social skills, creativity, and gross-motor development. Students can express their creativity and artistic skills through the creation of some fantastic head wear to delight and amaze. S.C works on increasing student’s involvement, and therefore the class with the most creative hats was selected and rewarded with a casual day.

87 AlHekma International School - Bahrain بابكو لبيئة صحية وآمنة

شــارك طــلب الصــف الســابع بمدرســة الحكمــة مشــاريعهم علــى الدكتــور عبــد الحســين بــن الدوليــة فــي الفعاليــات التــي أقامتهــا بابكــو علــي ميــرزا وزيــر الطاقــة والــذي كان فــي غايــة لبيئــة صحيــة وآمنــة وذلــك فــي العاشــر مــن الســعادة بمعلوماتهــم العلميــة وشــعورهم شــهر أكتوبــر لعــام 2015. ولقــد كنــا المدرســة بالمســؤولية تجــاه بيئتهــم. وكانــت هــذه فرصــة الوحيــدة المشــاركة فــي هــذه الفعاليــة رائعــة للطــلب للمشــاركة والندمــاج فــي الرائعــة، حيــث جــاءت الدعــوة فــي إطــار إنطــلق المجتمــع. كمــا اســتمتع الطــلب بدورهــم المشــروع الحضــاري للطاقــة الشمســية كمواطنيــن عالمييــن وعملــوا بجــد طــوال اليــوم والــذي شــيدته شــركة المقــاولت والخدمــات لنشــر التوعيــة حيــث كانــت تجربــة ّتعلــم حقيقيــة الميكانيكيــة. ولقــد تشــرف الطــلب بعــرض لطــلب مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة.

89 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 88 Bapco’s bi-annual Environment, Health & Safety!

AlHekma International school students (grade 7) were invited to participate in Bapco’s bi-annual Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Week which took place on Saturday October 10 2015. It was an honor to be the only school participating in this big event. The invitation came upon the recognition of MCSC (Mechanical Contracting and Services Company) to their STEM project “The Solar Urban Design”. Students had the privilege to present their project in front of Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Energy, who was very pleased with their scientifc knowledge and environmental responsibility. It was the frst time for our seventh graders to communicate with their Bahraini community in close contact. They enjoyed their role as Global citizens and worked hard all day in spreading awareness. This was a real life learning experience for AHIS students.

89 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 88 لبيك اللهم لبيك...

قــام قســم التربيــة الســلمية بمدرســة شــارك جميــع طــلب المدرســة فــي هــذا الحكمــة الدوليــة بتعليــم الطــلب كل النشــاط فلبســوا لبــاس الحــرام وتدربــوا مناســك وشــعائر الحــج وذلــك فــي الســبوع علــى القيــام بتلــك المناســك الدينيــة. المخصــص لذلــك وهــو أســبوع الحــج. كمــا ويأتــي هــذا مــن حــرص مدرســة الحكمــة قــام القســم بعمــل نمــاذج محــاكاة للماكــن علــى زيــادة الوعــي الدينــي لــدى طلبهــا المقدســة مثــل الكعبــة ،الصفــى والمــروة، مــن خــلل تكــرار نشــاط الحــج ًســنويا وتدريــب مزدلفــة، عرفــات ، رمــي الجمــرات، منــى. الطــلب عليــه.

91 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 90 It’s Hajj Week

The Islamic department at AlHekma International School held Al Hajj educational week for its students to teach them the exact rites of Al hajj. The department put together a Hajj simulation including a mini Kabbah, Arafah, Safa and Marwa, Muzdalifah, Al Meqat, Mina and Rami Al Jamarat. Students wore Al Ihram clothing and started practicing the Islamic rituals. AHIS conducts this activity annually in order to raise the religious awareness by practicing and applying Al Hajj rituals on its campus.

91 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 90 حملة ساعة كود “ترميز”!

نحــن نعيــش فــي عالــم ملــيء بالتكنولوجيــا هــذا العــام قــام قســم الحاســوب بالنضمــام والمعلومــات والتصــالت ووســائل الترفيــه لحملــة واســعة لعــداد الطلبــة للحصــول علــى وجميعهــا تعتمــد علــى الحاســب اللــي، لكــن مهــارات القــرن الواحــد والعشــرين وذلــك مــن نســبة قليلــة ًجــدا فقــط تتعلــم مبــادئ علــم خــلل الســبوع التعليمــي للحاســوب. الحاســوب مــن ناحيــة عملــه وكيفيــة تصميــم حملة “Hour of Code” هدفها تعليم عشــرة التطبيقــات ومواقــع النترنت، فعلم الحاســوب ملييــن طالــب حــول العالــم فــي ســاعة واحــدة يقــوم ببنــاء الســس لي مهنــة، وكل شــخص يقــوم الطلبــة مــن خللهــا بتعلــم أساســيات بإمكانــه الســتفادة مــن تعلــم هــذه المبــادئ. البرمجــة,، فقــد قــام الطلبــة بحــل عــدة مســائل علــم البرمجــة وكتابــة الرمــوز ســوف يكــون مختلفــة فــي بيئــة تفاعليــة مفيــدة وممتعــة. العامــل الهــم فــي مســتقبل أبنائنــا، وفــي

93 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 92 The Hour of Code Campaign!

We live in a rapid changing world This year, the computer department and surrounded by an all computer-based during Computer Science Education Week Technology, Information, Commerce, joined a massive campaign to prepare Communication, and entertainment. students and bolster their 21st century Nevertheless; only a tiny fraction of us technology skills and potentials. learn Computer Science including the The Hour of Code campaign aims to basics of how computers work, or how to introduce 10 million students to one hour create software, applications, or websites. of Computer Science. Students solved Computer Science provides a foundation different problems in an interactive coding for almost any career and all people can environment. It was total fun! beneft from learning the basics.

93 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 92 ًيدا بيد .. لحياة صحية أفضل !

نظــم قســم الروضــة بمدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة وقــد تــم أيضــا تعليــم الطلبــة أهميــة اللتــزام ًأســبوعا للنشــطة الصحيــة لتســليط الضــوء بأخــذ اللقاحــات المضــادة وكذلــك الطريقــة علــى أهميــة قيمــة النظافــة الشــخصية الصحيحــة لغســل اليــدي، وآداب الســعال والهتمــام بالصحــة مــن خــلل تعزيــز جانــب عــن طريــق غســل اليديــن فــي كثيــر مــن التثقيــف الصحــي لــدى طلبتنــا العــزاء. الحيــان وتغطيــة الســعال والعطــس بمنديــل أو الــذراع. كمــا شــارك الطــلب أيضــا فــى وخــلل هــذا الســبوع، شــارك الطــلب فــي عمــل الملصقــات المختلفــة مــع معلماتهــم مجموعــة متنوعــة مــن النشــطة العلميــة التــي ليتــم عرضهــا فــي صفوفهــم وتزييــن جــدران شــجعت وشــددت علــى أهميــة تطبيــق العــادات روضتهــم بهــا. الصحيــة الســليمة، حيــث تــم تســليط الضــوء علــى بعــض العــادات الصحيــة ًيوميــا خــلل والهتمــام بهــذه النشــطة يعكــس مــدى الســبوع ومنهــا : التغذيــة الســليمة ،النظافــة حــرص إدارة مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة علــى الشــخصية، والحفــاظ علــى الرشــاقة. وقــد صحــة وســلمة طلبهــا ًأول ًودائمــا . شــارك الطــلب بشــكل تفاعلــي فــي أنشــطة التدريــب العملــي وكذلــك مســرح العرائــس.

95 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 94 Shoo The Flu!

The KG Department conducted a Science Activity under the title “Shoo the Flu” to highlight the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, through the promotion of health education. During that week, students participated in a variety of Science activities that encouraged and stressed the importance of applying the proper hygiene habits as a daily theme: nutrition, self hygiene, and keeping ft. Students were interactively involved in hands-on activities and they also had a special Arabic assembly and a puppet show. Students were taught about vaccination, and how it is important to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette by washing hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the arm. Students also created different crafts and posters with their teachers to be displayed in their classrooms and in the hallway as well.

95 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 94 دعم مرضى سرطان الثدي

تحــت رعايــة مجلــس الطلبــة للمرحلــة البتدائيــة • زيــادة الوعــي لــدى الطلبــة حــول هــذا المــرض وأ. رشــا النجــار أقيــم بــازار مصغّ ــر لدعــم وســبل الوقايــة منــه. مرضــى ســرطان الثديــي حيــث تفاعــل الطلبــة • تخصيــص كافــة ريــع هــذا النشــاط للتبــرع بــه والمعلمــون مــن خــلل شــراء عــدد مــن لمؤسســة مرضــى ســرطان الثــدي البحرينيــة. المنتوجــات المصنوعــة ًيدويــا والمخصصــة لدعــم هــذه الحملــة، وتــم التبــرع بريــع هــذا • التعــاون المشــترك والدائــم مــع مؤسســات النشــاط إلــى جمعيــة مرضــى ســرطان الثــدي المجتمــع المحليــة . ويعــد هــذا النشــاط مــن البحرينيــة . ســعى هــذا النشــاط إلــى تحقيــق النشــطة الهادفــة التــي تســعى إلــى زيــادة الهــداف التاليــة: حــس المســئولية والمواطنــة الصالحــة لــدى طلبتنــا والمســاهمة الفعالــة لدعــم المجتمــع المحلــي.

YearBook 2015/2016 96 The Pink Hope

The Elementary Students Council and under the supervision of Ms. Rasha Al- Najjar spearheaded the “Think Pink” bake sale in support of breast cancer patients. Students, teachers and staff participated by buying handmade items that were especially designed for the Cancer awareness campaign. All proceeds collected by Elementary Students Council were donated to Breast Cancer organizations in Bahrain. The bake sale had Three-Fold Goals: 1. Provide breast cancer education and awareness among students. 2. Earn, raise, and donate money for breast cancer patients. 3. Partner with the community on common issues AHIS Students practiced good work ethic, the value of money, and how to contribute to society.

97 AlHekma International School - Bahrain النجاح ّوالتميز هدفنا!

إنــه لمــن دواعــي ســرورنا أن نتشــارك لحظــات اجتــازت المدرســة بنجــاح كافــة المعاييــر الدوليــة النجــاح والتألــق معكــم والتــي ّتزينــت بهــا التــي تــم تقييمهــا مــن قبــل نخبــة تعليميــة المدرســة خــلل زيــارة فريــق رابطــة الوليــات تتمتــع بمهنيــة احترافيــة عاليــة والتــي أشــادت الوســطى للكليــات والمــدارس المعتمــدة بالجهــود المبذولــة التــي تســعى المدرســة لكافــة المراحــل الدراســية خــلل الســبوع الول إلــى تحقيقهــا ًدائمــا. لذلــك نــود أن نتقــدم مــن شــهر نوفمبرلعــام 2015. وقــد قــام الفريــق بالشــكر الجزيــل إلــى جميــع أفــراد عائلــة مدرســة المختــص بمراجعــة كافــة الخطــط المدرســية الحكمــة الدوليــة علــى هــذا النجــاز الرائــع الــذي الحاليــة التــي تســعى مدرســتنا لتحقيقهــا تــم إنجــازه، وكذلــك المجلــس الداري وأعضــاء بجانــب الزيــارات الصفيــة لمتابعــة ســير مجلــس البــاء لدعمهــم ومســاندتهم الدائمــة الحصــص فــي كافــة الموضوعــات. وبالطبــع لنــا ًجميعــا.

99 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 98 SUCCESS & NOTHING LESS! It’s our great pleasure to share our success news with you. We had a visiting team from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools during the frst week of November. After a thorough review of our schools’ plans and upon visiting our classrooms, they concluded that AHIS has passed all MSA standards successfully. It’s your support, recommendations and dedication that help us continue growing and developing. We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to our staff and teachers for their hard work, dedication and commitment. Last but not least, we thank our Board of Advisors and PTA members for their support.

99 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 98 101 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 100 101 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 100 نشاط اليوم الرياضي

أقيــم اليــوم الرياضــي لمدرســة الحكمــة الدولية التحــدي والصــرار لجميــع الطلبــة والمعلميــن حيــث تــم تقســيم الطلبــة إلــى مجموعــات الذيــن شــاركوا وأبــدوا ًنشــاطا ًمميــزا . وفــي مختلفــة مــن الصــف الســادس إلــى الصــف نهايــة اليــوم تــم توزيــع ميداليــات لكافــة الطلبــة الثانــي عشــر. مثــل كل فريــق لــون معيــن )أحمــر الفائزيــن مــن قبــل مديــر المدســة أ. روبــرت - أبيــض - أزرق - رمــادي(، وتنافــس طلبتنــا والمنســقة الكاديميــة أ. ديمــة نحولــي، حيــث فــي العديــد مــن اللعــاب الرياضيــة المختلفــة فــاز طلبــة الفريــق الحمــر بحصولهــم علــى كرياضــة الجــري والقفــز وغيرهــا مــن اللعــاب أربعيــن نقطــة عــن كافــة اللعــاب الرياضيــة . الممتعــة والمفيــدة. كان ًيومــا مميــزا يملــؤه

103 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 102 For AHIS’s sports day this year, fun day for all and teachers took part students were divided into groups, in the vent and participated with the HEROES each group mixed from grade 6-12 students. At the end of the day, the representing certain colors (red, Academic Controller Mrs. Dima and white, blue, gray). The students Principle Mr. Robert distributed the NEVER competed in a variety of events, medals on the winners. The red team including track and feld such as long won the sports day by collecting 40 jumps, high jumps, race and other points in all competitions. GIVE UP! fun games. It was a challenging and

103 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 102 أسبوع القراءة والكتابة

تعــد القــراءة والكتابــة مــن المهــارات الساســية ومعــرض الكتــاب بالمدرســة. يــوم البيجامــة للطــلب. وللتأكــد مــن أن طلبنــا هــم الفضــل جــاء فيــه طــلب المرحلــة البتدائيــة الــى فقــد احتفلــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بأســبوع المدرســة بزيهــم الخــاص للنــوم، ودعــي طــلب القــراءة والكتابــة بإهتمــام شــديد مــن قســمي المرحلــة الثانويــة لقــراءة القصــص لهــم. كمــا اللغــة النجليزيــة واللغــة العربيــة على حد ســواء اختــار تلميــذ المرحلــة البتدائيــة شــخصياتهم حيــث شــارك الطــلب فــي فعاليــات الحــدث المفضلــة وارتــدوا ملبــس لهــذه الشــخصيات مــن خــلل العديــد مــن النشــطة الصفيــة. معبريــن عــن حبهــم لهــم وقامــوا بالحديــث عــن تفاعــل الطــلب فــى النشــطة المهاريــة مــع تلــك الشــخصيات لزملئهــم داخــل الصــف. كمــا أنشــطتهم المعرفيــة حيــث خصصــت حصــص اســتمتع الطــلب بقــراءة القصــص مــن مكتبــة اللغــة النجليزيــة والعربيــة خــلل هــذا الســبوع المدرســة ومشــاهدة الفــلم التســجيلية التــى للفعاليــات والنشــطة، وقــام الطــلب بعــرض تؤكــد علــى أهميــة القــراءة فــى الحيــاة والتــدرب لوحاتهــم وأعمالهــم التــى تعبــر عــن أهميــة علــى فنــون الشــعر والخطابــة التــى تنمــي القــراءة والكتابــة والعلم علــى أبواب صفوفهم الحــس النقــدي والطلقــة اللغويــة. وفــي واختيــر الفضــل منهــا لعرضهــا خــارج الممــرات النهايــة أعــرب الطــلب عــن اســتمتاعهم بــكل . وكان مــن ضمــن أنشــطة الســبوع “يــوم فعاليــات الســبوع وحســن تنظيمــه. البيجامــة “ و “يــوم الشــخصيات المفضلــة “

105 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 104 Lots of Learning Going On!

Reading and writing are essential skills for students. In order to make sure that our students are becoming the best readers and writers they can be, AlHekma International School celebrated Reading and writing where students were engaged in several in-class activities to commemorate the event. Students were interactively involved in hands-on activities to improve both of their cognitive reading and writing skills. These activities took place during the English Language periods and samples of students work were displayed on the bulletin boards inside the classes and the best samples were displayed outside in the corridors. Pajama Day and Character Day were part of the reading and writing week too, in which Elementary School students came to school wearing their pajamas and High School students were invited to read stories to them. Elementary School students came to school wearing their favorite costumes of their favorite characters’ stories and represented what their stories were about to the class.

105 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 104 التوعية بالغدة الدرقية

شــارك قســم العلــوم بمدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة والملصقــات حــول المــرض، وشــارك طــلب بلــدان العالــم فــي نشــر الوعــي الصحــي حــول المرحلــة العداديــة مشــاركات فعالــة فــي مــرض الغــدة الدرقيــة ) حيــث أن ينايــر مــن حصــة التجمــع . وقــد أمدنــا تليفزيــون OSN كل عــام هــو شــهر التوعيــة بهــذا المــرض(، بالفيديوهــات والفــلم الخاصــة بالصحــة التــي لــذا خصــص قســم العلــوم أســبوعه الصحــي تــم عرضهــا علــى شاشــات المدرســة طــوال لتوعيــة الجميــع بمــرض الغــدة الدرقيــة وللصحة الســبوع لنشــر الوعــي الصحــي بيــن طلبتنــا. عامــة. أعــد طلبنــا العــروض التقديميــة

107 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 106 Doing Health the Right Way!

The science department in AlHekma International school have participated with countries around the world in spreading awareness about Thyroid Disease (January is Thyroid awareness month). The department has dedicated its Health week for this cause and other Health barometers. Students prepared presentations, posters and role plays all refecting their knowledge about Thyroid Disease. Students and teachers were wearing the Thyroid awareness ribbon in support of the disease. ES School assembly was also utilized to cover the theme. OSN TV has provided us with their Health videos, which were played on all school screens for the entire week as well. All activities throughout the week were planned to aid in spreading the word. AHIS staff and students believe that the frst step towards change is awareness!

107 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 106 الحكمة الدولية تحتفل بيوم المعلم

قامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة فــي جــو عائلــي المســلح بالعلــم والمعرفــة والتفكيــر الصائــب، مثالــي بالحتفــال وتكريــم المعلميــن مشــيرين كمــا وأكــدت إدارة المدرســة علــى الــدور الــذي إلــى أن تكريــم كوكبــة مــن المعلميــن ســنويا يلعبــه المعلــم فهــو المحــرك الساســي فــي ســيحقق ًدفعــا قويــا لكافــة عناصــر المنظومــة العمليــة التعليميــة والتربويــة، فتــم تكريــم التعليميــة والتربويــة للمضــي ًقدمــا إلــى معلميــن ومعلمــات المدرســة وشــكرهم علــى المزيــد مــن التطــور والرتقــاء وتحســين أداء عملهــم بــكل تفــان وإخــلص فــي إيصــال قدراتهــم وســيكون هــذا التكريــم حافــزا لمزيــد رســالة العلــم إلــى أبنائنــا الطلبــة مــن العطــاء التربــوي والتعليمــي وبــذل الجهــود ومــن الجديــر بالذكــر بــأن مدرســة الحكمــة المتواصلــة والبــداع ليحضــوا بهــذا الشــرف الدوليــة تحــرص علــى هــذا النــوع مــن النشــطة الكبيــر وســيعود هــذا التنافــس المشــروع علــى لمــا لهــا مــن الثــر الكبيــر لتحفيــز المعلميــن وطننــا بالمزيــد مــن النفــع والفائــدة ، حيــث وحثهــم علــى بــذل المزيــد مــن الجهــود الجبــارة جــاء الحتفــال ًتماشــيا مــع احتفــالت مملكــة حيــث انهــم اللبنــة الولــى والساســية لبنــاء البحريــن بيــوم المعلــم الــذي يصــادف الخامــس المجتمــع وانهــم أســاس التربيــة لهــذا الجيــل مــن شــهر أكتوبــر ًوانطلقــا مــن رســالة ورؤيــة والجيــال القادمــة، وقــد عبــر المعلميــن عــن المدرســة فــي تكريــم العلــم والمعلميــن ســعادتهم بهــذه اللفتــة الجميلــة التــي قامــت وإبــرازا لــدور المعلــم فــي بنــاء جيــل المســتقبل بهــا المدرســة بهــذه المناســبة.

Teachers day! In an ideal family oriented atmosphere, AlHekma International School (AHIS) celebrated teachers’ day as a way of showing its appreciation for its loyal teaching staff. AHIS believes that honoring the teachers annually will bring a strong impetus to all the elements of the educational system in the movement towards further developments and improvements. The celebration was held on the 5th of October as a part of Bahrain’s celebrations of teachers’ day, which goes hand in hand with the school’s mission and vision in honoring education, highlighting the important role teachers hold in building a future armed with knowledge and critical thinking. The school administration emphasized that the teachers are the primary engine in the educational process, and has honored its own and thanked them for their work, devotion and sincerity in the delivery of the message of knowledge to the dear students.

109 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 108 طبق الخير قامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بحضــور بمدينــة عيســى بمناســبة العيــد الوطنــي. الدكتــورة منــى الزيانــي رئيــس المدرســة شــارك عــدد مــن طلبــة المرحلــة الثانويــة وأ.إيمــان ســليمان بالمشــاركة فــي الطبــق حيــث قــام وفــد المدرســة ببيــع أنــواع مــن الخيــري الســنوي الــذي نظمتــه جمعيــة المنتوجــات الغذائيــة وتــم التبــرع بريعهــا رعايــة الطفــل والمومــة فــي مقــر الجمعيــة للعمــال الخيريــة. Kindness is the Greatest Wisdom! AlHekma International School, represented by Dr. Mona Al Zayani the school President & the Art Department Teacher Mrs. Eman Suliman participated in the Annual charity dish organized by the mother child welfare in Isa Town in celebration of the national day. A number of AHIS’s high school students were part of the fair, where they sold goods and food to donate the raised profts to charity.

109 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 108 النموذج الدولي الهندي للمم المتحدة مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة هــي المدرســة والمناظــرة، فــكل ذلــك يعتبــر مــن أهــم أنشــطة الولــى التــي تســتضيف النمــوذج الدولــي هيئــة المــم المتحــدة حيــث يقومــون بتســخير الهنــدي للمــم المتحــدة ولول مــرة مــن 28 مهاراتهــم الكتابيــة والمخاطبــة والتفكيــر إلــى 30 أبريــل. تضمــن حفــل الفتتــاح عــدة الناقــد والتحليلــي، كمــا ومــن المتوقــع مــن شــخصيات بــارزة مــن المجتمــع مثــل الدكتــور الممثليــن فــي هــذا البرنامــج البحــث عــن الشــيخ عبداللــه بــن أحمــد الخليفــة – وكيــل دولــة معينــة والتوصــل إلــى حلــول لمشــاكلها وزارة الخارجيــة للشــؤون الدوليــة، الســيد وإلقــاء خطابــات إفتتاحيــة وممارســة سياســة ســمير الدرابــي - القائــم بأعمــال مديــر مركــز القنــاع والمشــاركة بشــكل ّفعــال فــي عمليــة المــم المتحــدة للعــلم فــي مملكــة البحريــن، المناقشــة، فمــن خللــه يتعلــم الطلبــة والســيد مهنــد العانــي – المديــر العام لمدرســة أهميــة التعــاون والصــلح ومعنــى التحــدي الحكمــة الدوليــة. والمواجهــة. كمــا اســتمتع الطــلب بالنشــاطات الممتعــة الخــرى مثــل الرقــص والموســيقى. شــارك فــي هــذا البرنامــج حوالــي 350 طالــب تــم تزويدهــم بفرصــة لتطبيــق قدراتهــم نهــج مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة هــو توســيع نطاق الشــخصية فــي منتــدى حماســي يركــز علــى حل التعلــم خــارج الفصــل الدراســي، وذلــك بربطــه المشــاكل بطــرق دبلوماســية وعلــى التفهــم بمواقــف الحيــاة الحقيقيــة لجــل بنــاء أفــراد الدولــي. يتعلــم الطلبــة خــلل البرنامــج عمليــة واثقيــن ومتحمســين ومســتعدين للتعلــم المفاوضــات واتخــاذ القــرارات والدبلوماســية مــدى الحيــاة.

111 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 110 First IIMUN In Bahrain AlHekma International School was the frst concerns. In addition to the thought generating school to host the frst International Indian learning process, students also enjoyed the social Model United Nations in Bahrain on the 28th to events such as the dance, music and speech 30th of April 2016. The Opening ceremony was performances. addressed by a number of community leaders AlHekma International School’s holistic approach such as Dr. Sheikh Abdulla Bin Ahmed Al Khalifa is to extend the learning beyond the classroom - Undersecretary for International Affairs, Ministry setting and connect it to real life situations in of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Samir Aldarabi -Director, order to build motivated and confdent lifelong United Nations Information Centre, and Mr. learners and global citizens. Mohanned AlAnni Managing Director of AlHekma International School. The three days witnessed As one of the delegates said “I love Model United around 350 students that role played as junior Nations since it gives me the chance to voice diplomats in a simulation of the United Nations. concerns, make solutions and most important Students were actively engaged in discussions make a difference” and debate revolving around current global

111 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 110 113 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 112 113 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 112 طلبة الحكمة يكتشفون البرتغال!

نظــم مجلــس الطلبــة للمرحلــة المتوســطة للنشــطة الثقافيــة والتعليميــة فــي بيئــة آمنــة والثانويــة رحلــة الــى البرتغــال فــي إجــازة الربيــع، وصحيــة ومرحــة. وجمعــت هــذه الرحلــة طــلب مــدارس الحكمــة ســاهمت هــذه التجربــة فــي صقــل شــخصية الدوليــة مــن البحريــن وقطــر فــي تجربــة فريــدة مــن الطلبــة وتطويــر مهــارات وتحديــات جديــدة لديهــم نوعهــا لــن تنســى. بالضافــة إلــى تعزيــز مفهــوم التعــاون مــع أقــام الطلبــة فــي منتجــع يقــع خــارج لشــبونة حيــث الخريــن، وبطبيعــة الحــال اكتشــاف المزيــد عــن بلــد قــدم لهــم تجربــة تخييــم وأنشــطة داخليــة وخارجيــة جميــل كالبرتغــال. ممتعــة كتســلق الصخــور والغــوص وركــوب المــواج فــي المحيــط الطلســي، بالضافــة

115 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 114 MS&HS Overseas School Trip to Portugal

AHIS students travelled on their annual overseas activities helped students make new friends, work trip to Portugal. This 7-day trip brought together collaboratively with others, understand their own students from both Bahrain and Qatar campuses, and strengths and limitations, develop new skills, provided new, unique and unforgettable experiences undertake new challenges, and, of course, discover for our students. We stayed in a resort located more about a country that is known for its culture outside Lisbon which offered us a great camping and amazing sights and monuments. experience. The program combined sightseeing, Students have also gained a big sense of awareness along with fun indoor and outdoor activities like rock of themselves by being a part of a community with climbing, paintball, high ropes, laser tag, bowling, its own responsibilities towards others. Overall, our shopping, diving and surfng in the Atlantic Ocean. trip to Portugal was a great success and an adventure The program also included educational experiences we will always remember with a smile. like the treasure hunt at Obidos Village. All the

115 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 114 ُحلم يتحقق لطالب مدرسة الحكمة الدولية تنظيــم حفــلت توقيــع الكتــب والظهورأمــام الجمهور مدرســته، وبالخــص مديــرة التطويرفــي المدرســة لــه تأثيــر قــوي علــى إســتمرارية نجــاح الكاتــب. ولكــن »أ.ريمــا القيســي« التــي شــجعته علــى تحقيــق حلمه مــاذا لــو كان الكاتــب ًطالبــا فــي مدرســة الحكمــة وأقنعتــه بأنــه قــادر علــى أن يحقــق جميــع أحلمــه الدوليــة ؟؟ الصغيــرة والكبيــرة بالمثابــرة والصــرار. وقــد تــم بــذل الكثيــر مــن الجهــد لتحقيــق حلــم الطالــب إبراهيــم نعــم، إنــه لحلــم قــد تحــول إلــى حقيقــة للطالــب بطباعــة القصــة ونشــرها بعــد أن عمل عليهــا إبراهيم المبــدع »إبراهيــم عــادل حمــد« الــذي نجــح بفضــل لمــدة ســتة أشــهر كاملــة. و فــور النتهــاء مــن طبــع موهبتــه وإشــراف والديــه ومعلميــه بنشــر كتابــه الكتــاب، تــم التواصــل مباشــرةً مــع القائميــن علــى الول فــي يــوم الحــد الموافــق 3 أبريــل 2016، فــي معــرض الكتــاب فــي البحريــن لهــذا العــام لنشــر معــرض الكتــاب الدولــي الــذي أقيــم فــي متحــف قصــة الطالــب ًرســميا ضمــن الكتــب المشــاركة فــي البحريــن الوطنــي. المعــرض . إبراهيــم عــادل، طالــب بحرينــي فــي الســنة الدراســية إبراهيــم يعــد ًنموذجــا ًواحــدا فقــط مــن المواهــب الخيــرة مــن الثانويــة العامــة فــي مدرســة الحكمــة التــي تحتضنهــا مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة، ًتماشــيا الدوليــة، وهــو ًأيضــا مــن الطلبــة الذيــن تــم إختيارهم مــع أهدافهــا ورســالتها التــي تتمحــور حــول بنــاء للمشــاركة فــي برنامــج ولــي العهــد، حيــث وصــل أفــراد واثقيــن ومتحمســين ومســتعدين للتعلــم إلــى الــدور قبــل الخيــر مــن المســابقة. وقــد تلقــى مــدى الحيــاة. الطالــب ًتشــجيعا ًكبيــرا مــن الطاقــم الكاديمــي فــي

117 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 116 A dream comes true for AlHekma International School’s Student

A dream came true for the talented, Ebrahim Adel Hamad, who managed with his talent, parental supervision, and teachers’ support to publish his frst storybook and participated in a signing event at the International Book Fair which was held in Bahrain’s National Museum. Ebrahim is a Bahraini High School student in AlHekma International School who was encouraged by the Academic Faculty of his school and the Director of Development, Ms. Rima Al-Kaissi, who encouraged him to pursue his dream, and taught him that with hard work and perseverance dreams can become a reality. Ebrahim is one example of the talents that AlHekma International School nurtures as a part of its mission to build confdent and motivated life-long learners.

117 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 116 نرسم ، نعبر... فنبدع

اشــتركت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة فــي مســابقة للرســم والكتابــة وذلــك للصفــوف 3-7. حيــت تنافــس أكثــر مــن 500 طالــب وطالبــة مــن 12 مدرســة فــي المســابقة المنظمــة مــن قبــل مدرســة الرفــاع فيــوز الدوليــة والتــي أقيمــت فــي مدرســة ميلينــوم الدوليــة. ومــن الجديــر ذكــره هــو اجتمــاع أوليــاء المــور والمعلميــن مــن أجــل تنميــة وتشــجيع إبــداع طلبتنــا العــزاء في هذه المســابقة الرائعــة. أســماء الطلبــة الذيــن اشــتركوا بمســابقة الرســم بمرافقــة أ. إيمــان ســليمان - عبدالودود أحمد )الصف الثالث( - يزن رامي )الصف الرابع( - جنان عبدالعظيم الحسان )الصف الخامس( - ملك محمد خليل )الصف الخامس( - ألينا ذو الفقار حيدر )الصف السابع( - زينب عادل المل )الصف الثامن(

A Beautiful Work of Art! AHIS Grade 3-7 students participated in the Arts and Essay writing competition. More than 500 pupils from 12 schools in Bahrain took part in the event organized by the Lions Club of Riffa Views International School, which was held at the New Millennium School. The result of the contest was published in the Gulf Daily News. Community partners, parents and students came together to cooperate for this event. The following are the names of students who competed in the Art Section of the Competition accompanied by their Teacher Mrs. Eman Sulaiman. Abdulwadood Ahmed (G3A) Yazan Rami Aldamati (G4C) Jenan Abduladhim Alhassan (G5B) Malak Mohammed Khalil (G5A) Aleena Zulfqar Haider (G7A) Zainab Adel Almallah (G8B)

119 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 118 معرض البحرين السنوي للحدائق

قــام عــدد مــن طــلب مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بالمشــاركة فــي مســابقة لطــلب بمعــرض البحريــن للحدائــق حيــث تنوعــت أعمالهــم كلٌ حســب الفئــة العمريــة والمســابقة. يجــدر بالذكــر أن الطالبــة ملــك خليــل فــازت بالمركــز الثانــي مــن الفئــة التــي شــاركت بهــا فالمعــرض وكرمتهــا إدارة المدرســة أثنــاء اســتلمها الشــهادة التقديريــة.

Bahrain’s Annual Garden Show

A number of students from AlHekma International School participated in the Student’s Exhibition Contest, where their beautiful and creative work varied according to the age group and competition they submitted in. Our dear student Malak Khalil won second place in her level of the competition, and was awarded by the School Administration while receiving her certifcate.

119 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 118 Never Give up, Keep Fighting!

AHIS boys soccer team U18 participated in BAS sports league for private schools, and won the 3rd place. The tournament took place at Al-Nassem International School. The participated teams were very close in levels which led to a very challenging tournament; but with the hard work of AHIS’s Sharks, we managed to snatch the 3rd place ranking.

ل يأس مع العزيمة القوية ! شــارك فريــق مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة لبطولــة كــرة القــدم )أولد تحــت ســن 18 ســنة( فــي الــدوري الرياضــي للمــدارس الخاصــة BAS والتــى أقيمــت منافســاتها علــى ملعــب مدرســة النســيم الدوليــة. حصــل الفريــق علــى المركــز الثالــث بجــدارة، حيــث أن الفــرق المتنافســة كانــت علــى مســتوى متقــارب مــن حيــث الداء والعزيمــة القويــة، ومــع هــذا تمكــن طلبــة الفريــق مــن الفــوز بالمركــز الثالــث. تهانينا للطلبة الفائزين !

121 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 120 ل حدود للعطاء في مدرسة الحكمة الدولية! تعــاون مجلــس طلبــة المرحلــة الثانويــة مــع قســم الموســيقى لدعــم بعــض مــن المؤسســات الخيريــة المحليــة بمــا يتماشــى مــع رؤيــة ورســالة المدرســة فــي خلــق جيــل محــب للخيــر. حيــث قــام الطلبــة بتشــكيل فرقــة موســيقية تســتخدم الطاقــة الشمســية كمصــدر للكهربــاء لتشــغيل أدواتهــا الموســيقية وعــزف مقطوعــات موســيقية ســاعدت فــي نشــر جــو مــن المــرح فــي أرجــاء المدرســة. ومــا يميــز هــذا النشــاط هــو فكرتــه القائمــة علــى حــب العطــاء والخيــر لجميــع أفــراد المجتمــع، ومــن هنــا انطلــق طلبتنــا العــزاء بجمــع تبرعــات لصالــح مؤسســات خيريــة تعنــى بالشــفاء مــن مــرض الســرطان.

We Rise by Lifting Others!

The Student Council collaborated once more with the music department, this time strictly for a good cause that will beneft a charitable foundation. Both parties arranged a band performance using their electrical instruments. The bands connected their instruments to the solar panel generator to save energy. This interesting idea was to raise money for the charity to cure cancer not via a traditional way of entertainment, but in a method whereby the environment is taken into consideration and for the students to have fun all the while. Further funds were raised by the student council who brought in homemade sweets and dessert, and conducted their sales next to the band. This was a fun, exciting and considerately unique way to raise funds for a good cause.

121 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 120 ُحلـــم ليـــلـــــــة صيــــف

أقامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة ًعرضــا ًمســرحيا علــى المجهــود الرائــع الــذي قامــوا بــه بالتعــاون ًمميــزا، حيــث قــدم طلبــة المرحلــة الثانويــة ًأداء مــع أ. جابيــن وأ. جــورج وأ. ديما نحولي، وكذلك ًرائعــا علــى مســرح المدرســة. ّمثــل الطلبــة أ. أحمــد حشيشــو لدعمهــم المتواصــل لنجــاح رائعــة مــن روائــع الكاتــب النجليــزي ويليــام هــذا العمــل وتقديمــه بالصــورة الفضــل. شكســبير«حلم ليلــة صيــف« بطريقــة تعتمــد وقــد لقــت المســرحية إعجــاب الحضــور، حيــث علــى محــاكاة الخيــال ونقلــه بصــورة مباشــرة غمــرت البهجــة نفــوس الحاضريــن، وتركــت الثــر إلــى أرض الواقــع. تتوجــه مدرســة الحكمــة الطيــب فــي نفوســهم. الدوليــة بالشــكر الجزيــل إلــى طلبتهــا العــزاء

123 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 122 A Midsummer Night’s Dream AHIS launched an outstanding production “The Midsummer Night’s Dream”, which students worked relentlessly on. They took Shakespeare’s Play to a whole new horizon where the characters articulated and expressed the scenes, drama and emotional upheavals’ to the extent that the audiences were amazed by the performances. The play was directed by Mr. George and Mrs. Jabeen, which shows the team effort and the communal spirit at AHIS. Mrs. Dima and Mr. Ahmed Hachicho must be given credit as well for their holistic support in compiling all the pieces together, without them the play wouldn’t have been such a success. The Midsummer Night’s Dream made the audience smile and laugh. In all, this was a play that carved a lasting impression in everyone’s soul!

123 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 122 مهارتنا تسجيل الهداف!

بمــا أن الرياضــة لغــة عالميــة تجمــع البشــر علــى مــن بيــن اللعــاب كان هنــاك ســباق القــدام الربعــة، اختــلف ّجنســياتهم، تقيــم المدرســة ًســنويا يــوم جمــع الفــول فــي الكياس،تــوازن الركبــة والكــرة، ســباق الرياضــة لجميــع الطلبــة مــن جميــع المراحــل الدراســية. الكيــاس، تــوازن الوعيــة، وبالتاكيــد كــرة القــدم... كل حضّ ــرت المدرســة أنشــطة مختلفــة آخــذة بعيــن العتبــار هــذه اللعــاب ّوحــدت الطــ ّلب قلبــا« وروحــا«. الفوائــد الذهنيــة، الجســدية، والجتماعيــة لــكل منهــا. ّ ّ ّ وفــي نهايــة اليــوم تــم توزيــع ميداليــات لكافــة الطلبــة كمــا شــاركت بعــض ّالمعلمــات مــع التلمــذة فــي الفائزيــن مــن قبــل مديــر المدرســة أ.روبــرت والمنســقة بعــض اللعــاب تشــجيعا لهــم. كانــت المتعــة حيــن الكاديميــة أ.مايــا حــرب. بــدأ الطــ ّلب يتنافســون مندفيــن بحمــاس وتشــجيع رفاقهــم حيــث تعالــى الصــراخ، الهتــاف وتمنّــي الفــوز.

125 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 124 For some sports can be a universal whistling and praying for them to win. language that can bring people of Many enjoyable games such as Four WE KNOW different cultures together. AHIS Paw Race Collect the Bean Bag Race, celebrates “Sports Day” annually with Knee and Ball Balance, Sack Race, its students of all grade levels. The Pot Balance, and Football united our HOW TO school prepared many games and students in heart and soul!!! activities taking into consideration the But the ultimate moment of pleasure physical, mental and social benefts SCORE! for winners was when, amidst loud of each phase of the event. Teachers clapping and shouting of cheers, Mrs. took part in enjoying the games with Maya and Mr. Robert distributed the their students. The real fun was when medals for the winners as a reward for the students competed to win, being their hard work. motivated by their peers shouting,

125 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 124 استكشاف المحيط والفضاء

انطلــق طــلب المرحلــة البتدائيــة فــي رحلــة تعليميــة منهــم الســماك المتنوعــة حيــث شــعروا كمــا لــو أنهــم إلــى مجمــع الســيف، حيــث شــاهد طــلب الصفيــن يعيشــون فــي هــذا العالــم المائــي . فــي حيــن بــدى الثانــي والثالــث فيلــم وثائقــي عــن المحيطــات، بينمــا الفضــاء جميــ ًل مــن داخــل المركبــة الفضائيــة للطلبــة ســافر طــلب الصفيــن الرابــع والخامــس فــي الفضــاء الخريــن. ممــا أتــاح لهــم فرصــة تطبيــق مــا درســوه فــي مادتــي أثنــاء مشــاهدتهم للفيلــم اســتمتع الطــلب بتنــاول اللغــة النجليزيــة والعلــوم. الفشــار وشــربوا العصيــر اللذيــذ. وبعــد النتهــاء مــن ومــن الممتــع والمميــز فــي هــذه التجربــة هــو أن الفيلــم ذهبــوا لتنــاول وجبــة مــن المطاعــم هنــاك، كمــا الفيلــم الــذي تــم عرضــه هــو ثلثــي البعــاد ممــا جعــل انتقــل البعــض منهــم إلــى منطقــة اللعــاب . الطــلب يشــعرون بأنهــم فــي المحيــط، فتقتــرب

127 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 126 The Sharks and the Blue Mission!

AHIS elementary students went to an educational feld trip to Seef Mall. Grades 2 and 3 students watched a Documentary about the ocean, while grades 4 and 5 students traveled in space with the Star Station movie. Thus, giving an opportunity for Elementary students to reinforce and further increase their knowledge of life under water and space. These topics have been taught in both their English and Science classes. The flms were shown on 3D which made the experience even more realistic. Students were trying to catch the jelly fsh coming their way; others were trying to hide from the bigger predators. Students enjoyed eating popcorn and drinking juice while watching the movies. Once they were over, students and teachers headed to the Food Court to share a meal together and discuss the huge amount of fun they had!

127 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 126 حول العالم في يوم واحد

قامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بالحتفــال باليــوم العالمــي, حيــث كان هــذا الحــدث فرصــة رائعــة للمجتمــع المدرســي للحتفــال بهــذه المناســبة مــن أجــل دعــم تجربــة التعلــم وتوفيــر فرصــة للطفــال لتعلــم الكثيــر مــن المواضيــع المثيــرة والشــيقة عــن مختلــف أنحــاء العالــم. كمــا ومثلــت الصفــوف بــلد مختلفــة وتعــرف الطلبــة علــى ثقافتهــا وتاريخهــا وزينــوا صفوفهــم ًتبعــا لهــا، فتضمــن تزييــن الصفــوف ًعرضــا للملبــس التقليديــة وصــور عــن المعالــم الشــهيرة والعــروض الفنيــة المتعلقــة بعديــد مــن البلــدان التــي كان اختيارهــا ًمتعــددا. فقــد قــام الطلبــة باختيــار تمثيــل العديــد مــن البلــدان مثــل الباهامــا وباربــادوس وبانامــا وتايلنــد والهنــد ولبنــان والبرتغــال ورومانيــا واســبانيا وفنزويــل والبرازيــل والوروغــواي والمغــرب ومصــر وغيرها مــن البلــدان الرائعــة. كمــا واســتمتع الجميــع بالمأكــولت التقليديــة والشــعبية لــكل الــدول التــي عمــل علــى تحضيرهــا الطلبــة. تقــوم المدرســة بتنظيــم هــذا الحتفــال ًســنويا لدعــم الهويــة الوطنيــة لــدى الطلبــة وتطويــر تعلمهــم وبيــان أهميــة احتــرام الثقافــات المختلفــة وتقاليدهــا.

129 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 128 AROUND THE WORLD IN ONE DAY!

AHIS held its annual International Day activity. This special event was a wonderful opportunity for the school community to acknowledge and celebrate its cultural diversity. The organization of this activity aims to enrich the students’ learning experience and offer them a chance to learn lots of exciting and interesting things about the world. Each classroom in KG, ES, MS, and HS represented a different country around the world and students learned about its culture and history while decorating their classes accordingly. Decorations included pictures of famous landmarks, landscapes, and artistic performances. During the day, students wore traditional clothing while performing folklore dances and singing songs in different languages. The representation of countries was diverse. Students chose to represent the Bahamas, Barbados, Panama, Thailand, India, Lebanon, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Morocco, Egypt, and many more amazing countries. Everyone enjoyed tasting the delicious traditional food that was served in each classroom. AHIS holds this annual event to raise cultural awareness and teach students to embrace and respect different cultures and traditions.

129 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 128 سفرائنا الصغار وقوة التغيير

شــارك طلبــة الصــف الرابــع والخامــس فــي مؤتمــر وعــرض بعــض التحديــات الخاصــة لــكل دولــة، واقتــراح الســفراء الصغــار، حيــث ناقــش طلبتنــا عــدة مواضيــع بعــض الحلــول العمليــة والمفيــدة فــي حلهــا ومــن تخــص بعــض دول العالــم والتــي تتعلــق بمســتقبل ثــم كتابــة تقريــر نهائــي يعــرض علــى العضــاء فــي أطفالهــم. نهايــة المؤتمــر. وقبــل ختــام المؤتمــر تــم التصويــت علــى أفضــل منــدوب وأفضــل خطــاب وأفضــل لبــاس ولقــد ّأعــد كل طالــب كلمــة يلقيهــا حــول موضــوع رســمي يتناســب مــع المؤتمــر، ممــا ســاعد فــي زيــادة معيــن ّتمثــل دولــة معينــة. يهــدف هــذا المؤتمــر الدافعيــة لــدى طلبتنــا ليبذلــوا قصــارى جهدهــم فــي إلــى تدريــب طلبتنــا علــى مهارتــي البحــث وعــرض هــذا المؤتمــر. المعلومــات وتقديمهــا بطريقــة صحيحــة ومقنعــة. تــم اجتمــاع خمســة مندوبيــن مــن مختلــف دول العالــم، وقد ّقدم طلبتنا ًنموذجا ًرائعا للعمل الجاد والمتقن.

131 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 130 Youth Ambassadors Can Make Changes!

4th and 5th grade students participated in their speech, students researched possible the Junior Ambassador Conference to discuss solutions for their topic. They discussed, real world issues affecting children across the researched, and wrote a fnal speech in which world. Each student prepared a speech about a representative of that council would present a given topic within a given country. to the whole group. Students also voted on the best speech, best delegate, and best dressed The objective of the speech was to complete which encouraged them to do the best of the research and develop presentation skills. In abilities. that council, there were a total of fve delegates representing different countries. Once all Students did an exceptional job and we could students, from each of the fve councils, gave not be more proud of them!

131 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 130 العرض السنوي الثاني لمهرجان الفام القصيرة

قــدم طلبــة المرحلــة البتدائيــة عرضهــم الســنوي ومــع نهايــة الحفــل تــم إعــلن الفــلم الفائــزة بالمراكــز الثانــي لمهرجــان الفــلم القصيــرة. وفــي هــذا العــام الثــلث الولــى وهــي: تميــز الطلبــة بتمثيــل وإخــراج أفــلم قصيــرة مؤثــرة المركــز الول: فيلــم »القيــم« لمــلك وناصــر مــن تحمــل رســالت اجتماعيــة ذات صلــة بمجتمعهــم حيــث الصــف الخامــس - أ تــم تركيــز الضــوء علــى قضايــا اجتماعيــة مختلفــة مثــل عمالــة الطفــال، الفقــر، مواقــع التواصــل الجتماعــي المركــز الثانــي: فيلــم »عمالــة الطفــال« لعيســى، ونظــام الغــذاء الصحــي. ترشــح ســبعة مشــاريع مختلفــة فــراس وعلــي مكــي مــن الصــف الثالــث- أ أبهــرت لجنــة التحكيــم لجائــزة أفضــل فيلــم، حيــث قــام المركــز الثالــث: فيلــم »مســاعدة الغيــر« ليوســف الطلبــة بتقديــم مشــاريعهم بنفســهم علــى خشــبة ومحمــد أنــس مــن الصــف الرابــع - أ المســرح قبــل عــرض فيلمهــم لشــرح الفكــرة الرئيســية ومــع نهايــة النشــاط ، اســتطاع طلبتنــا إيصــال رســائلهم بطريقــة مبهــرة نالــت استحســان الحضــور. إلــى العالــم كافــة بطريقــة أبهــرت كافــة الحضــور، متمنيــن دوام التألــق لكافــة طلبتنــا الحبــاء .

133 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 132 Good Deeds Messages to the world!

The elementary students had their annual performance to present their idea before Movie Show on and it was amazing. displaying their movies. Judges were impressed and gave a valuable feedback. Elementary students created such touching and fabulous videos this year. With the anticipation on the eyes of Students recorded, acted and edited students, judges announced the winners: their movies. They highlighted different First Place: the Movie “Values” by: Malak messages related to social life issues. & Nasser/5A Child labor, poverty, YouTube trends, time management and healthy lifestyle were Second place: “Child Labor” by: Isa, Feras the main issues presented. and Ali Maki/ 3A Third place: “Helping others” by: Yousif & 7 movies were nominated to compete in Mohd Anas/ 4A the event; students did a short onstage

133 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 132 100 يوم في قسم الروضة!

اســتمتع طــلب الروضــة بمدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة التــي قــام بهــا طلبتنــا فــي هــذا اليــوم نشــاط هــو بالحتفــال باليــوم 100 حيــث تعلمــوا العــد والتصنيــف نشــاط »مــاذا ســأفعل لــو كان عنــدي 100 دينــار؟« وكيــف والزخرفــة والعديــد مــن المهــارات الرياضيــة الخــرى. ســيصبح شــكلي فــي عمــر 100 عــام؟. وكــم كانــت فرصــة رائعــة ًأيضــا للمعلميــن ليدربــوا ّ عزّ زهــذا الحتفــال رغبــة طلبــة قســم الروضــة علــى الطلبــة علــى مهــارة العــد حتــى 100، والــذي يســهل النشــاط والجهــد الــدؤوب لمواصلــة عملهــم الرائــع فــي عليهــم بعــد ذلــك فهــم المفاهيــم الرياضيــة المختلفــة الفتــرة القادمــة. فــي المرحلــة البتدائيــة. ومــن النشــطة المميــزة

YearBook 2015/2016 134 100Days of School!

The 100th day was the perfect time for speak/write what they would do if they KG students to have fun with the number had 100 BD and what they would look 100 while exploring counting, sorting, and feel like when they are 100 years patterning, measuring and several other old. The most entertaining part was to math skills and concepts. KG Teachers at see students dressed up as if they were AHIS used this day as an engaging way to actually 100 years old. It was also a great help kindergarteners learn how to count excuse for a party as “100 Days” fosters a to 100, and to reinforce other mathematic sense of school pride, acknowledges the concepts throughout the elementary hard work of the last 100 days, and yes, it years. One of the ways we celebrated the means we’re over the hump and heading 100th day of school in the KG department toward summer! was through encouraging students to

135 AlHekma International School - Bahrain اليوم الرياضي العلمي

اســتمتع طــلب الروضــة الصغــار باليــوم الرياضــي العديــد مــن الشــجار علــى ســطح الكــرة الرضيــة الجميلــة. العلمــي تحــت عنــوان »كــن طفــ ًل ًنظيفــا«. وكان الهــدف لعــب الطفــال ًكثيــرا وتعلمــوا أكثــر مــن خــلل العديــد مــن مــن هــذا اليــوم هــو زيــادة الوعــي البيئــي واســتخدام اللعــاب والقفــز وســباقات الجــري وإعــادة التدويــر واللعب المــوارد الطبيعيــة كجــزء مــن العــادات الصحيــة الخاصــة بالبالونــات المائيــة حيــث تســلم الطــلب بطاقــات التهنئــة بهــم. وبالفعــل بــدأ طلبنــا بحمايــة البيئــة منــذ بدايــة فــي نهايــة اليــوم. اســتمتع الطــلب بالنشــطة الرياضيــة العــام حيــث حاولــوا اعــادة تدويــر الوراق المســتعملة فــي الهــواء الطلــق وكانــت تجربــة أكثــر مــن رائعــة لهــم ول حتــى يوفــروا اســتخدام الوراق والتــي مــن شــأنها حمايــة معلميهــم.

137 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 136 On Your Mark, Get Set, GO! In order to instill health awareness in AHIS students’ lives, Kindergarten students participated in a PE/Science activity entitled “Be a Green Kid”. The objective of the activity was to promote awareness of safeguarding the environment and to use the nature resources as part of their healthy habits. our KG department has been “going green” since the beginning of the academic year as children in all classes put forth their best efforts to save the trees of our beautiful Mother Earth by recycling paper. During the activity, students participated in a number of fun and competitive activities that were related to science and PE. And after all the hard work of running, rolling over, popping water balloons, and recycling, the students received the green kid hand bands as a reward for the accomplishment of their mission. Our dear little Sharks enjoyed outdoor activities on the green feld. And the day was a great bonding experience for students and teachers!

137 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 136 طلبة الحكمة يفاجئــون أمهاتهــــم في عيـــــد الم

قــام طلبــة مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة وبالتنســيق مــع لتنشــئة وزيــادة وعــي الطلبــة فيمــا يتعلــق بالروابــط أوليــاء أمــور الطلبــة بمفاجئــة أمهاتهــم ًاحتفــال بمناســبة الســرية وتوضيــح مفهــوم البــر بالوالديــن، ومــن عيــد الم، حيــث قــام الطلبــة برفقــة مشــرفين مــن جهــة أخــرى ّعبــر أوليــاء المــور عــن امتنانهــم لمدرســة المدرســة بزيــارة أمهاتهــم فــي أماكــن عملهــن وتقديــم الحكمــة وســعادتهم بهــذه اللفتــة الجميلــة التــي أثــرث الهدايــا لهــن فــي جــو عاطفــي رائــع وذلــك ًتقديــرا فــي قلوبهــم، ومــن الجديــر ذكــره أن مدرســة الحكمــة للــدور الــذي تلعبــه الم فــي تربيــة الجيــال الصالحــة، الدوليــة تنظــم هــذا التهنئــة ًســنويا ًتقديــرا لــلم الحنــون كمــا ويأتــي هــذا النشــاط فــي ضــوء سياســة المدرســة ومكانتهــا فــي قلوبنــا ًجميعــا.

139 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 138 AHIS students celebrated Mother’s Day. Students made their mothers a surprise by visiting their work places to present gifts and to show love and appreciation. As mothers play a vital role in preparing generations with good citizenship, AHIS makes sure to raise its student awareness towards the appreciation of family ties and especially mothers. On the other hand, parents were grateful to AHIS for this kind gesture which is being organized annually.

139 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 138 ًشكرا آينشتاين!

تعــرف )PI π( علــى أنهــا المســافة حــول دائــرة كاملــة أو انضممنــا أيضــا إلــى المجتمــع الدولــي فــي هــذا المحيــط ًمقســوما علــى المســافة عبــر ذلــك أو القطــر. الحتفــال وقــام الطلبــة بعمــل بعــض الملصقــات التــي حيــث تتواجــد )PI π( فــي معــادلت مختلفــة كثيــرة هــي ًحقــا جذابــة وممتعــة للحتفــال بيــوم الـــ )PI π(. لقد فــي الرياضيــات والفيزيــاء وغيرهــا مــن العلــوم، وهــو كان مــن الرائــع رؤيــة أفــكار الطلبــة وإبداعيتهــم وتــذوق يعتبــر ًواحــدا مــن أهــم الثوابــت الرياضيــة لذلــك أصبــح الفطائــر التــي تــم إعدادهــا. كانــت الحتفــالت بيــوم الحتفــال بــه ًحدثــا دوليــا، حيــث يســاعد الحتفــال علــى الـــ )PI π( ممتعــة جذبــت الطلبــة وعلمتهــم أن تعلــم زيــادة الهتمــام والتفهــم لهميــة )PI π( وغيرهــا مــن الرياضيــات والعلــوم شــيء ممتــع وبعيــد عــن الملــل. المفاهيــم الرياضيــة. وفــي مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة

141 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 140 THANK YOU EINSTEIN!

The PI concept “π” is defned as the distance around a perfect circle, or the circumference, divided by the distance across it, or the diameter. Since PI “π” is found in so many different equations in math, physics and other sciences, it is considered one of the most important mathematical constants. PI “π” Day became an international event and has helped to increase students’ interest and understanding of the importance of PI “π” and other mathematical concepts. Fun celebrations for PI ”π” Day have attracted students and have taught them that learning about math and science does not have to be boring. At AHIS we also joined the international community for this celebration and our students came up with some really attractive and fun posters celebrating PI “π” Day. It was really exciting to see how creative our students can be, and the delicious pies they brought in were a bonus.

141 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 140 يوم العائلة والمرح !

قــام مجلــس البــاء والمعلميــن فــي مدرســة الحكمــة اليــوم الرائــع يأتــي فــي ضــوء سياســة مجلــس البــاء الدوليــة بتنظيــم اليــوم العائلــي الســنوي حيــث اجتمــع والمعلميــن فــي تقويــة الروابــط بيــن المدرســة العديــد مــن أوليــاء المــور وأعضــاء الهيئتيــن الداريــة والعامليــن فيهــا مــن جهــة والطلبــة وذوييهــم مــن جهــة والتدريســية والطلبــة والعامليــن فــي المدرســة أخــرى مــن أجــل توفيــر أفضــل البيئــات التعليميــة التــي وأمضــوا أجمــل الوقــات واســتمتعوا بالطعمــة بدورهــا تحفــز الطلبــة للتعلــم والوصــول إلــى أعلــى والمشــروبات. ذلــك وبالضافــة إلــى اللعــاب الرياضيــة معاييــر التفــوق والنجــاح. التــي نظمهــا المجلــس، ومــن الجديــر بالذكــر أن هــذا

143 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 142 WONDERFUL GATHERING FOR AHIS’s FAMILY! AHIS Parents and Teachers Association held lovely food, sweets and sports competitions. and organized the amazing AHIS Family This event comes under the PTA’s policy Day. Parents, students, teachers, and staff to strengthen the ties between all school attended the event at AHIS campus and stakeholders to ensure a better educational had a great time where they enjoyed the environment for students.


147 AlHekma International School - Bahrain إبداع طلبة الحكمة في المعرض الفني السنوي

ضمــن محاولتهــا لتحفيــز البــداع لــدى الطــلب عقــدت إحتــوى المعــرض هــذا العــام علــى مجموعــة كبيــرة مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة معــرض الفــن الســنوي، حيــث ومتنوعــة مــن المشــاريع الفنيــة مثــل: الرســم علــى قــام بإفتتاحــه الدكتــور علــي الجاســم رئيــس المجلــس الصحــون ولوحــات الزجــاج، والرســم علــى أكــواب الستشــاري بالمدرســة. وصحــون الســيراميك، والكانفــاس، والمجســمات الورقيــة، والفخــار والفــن المعــاد تدويــره، والعديــد مــن واســتمتع الحضــور بمشــاهدة مــا عــرض مــن أعمــال الحــرف والمشــاريع الخــرى. مختلفــة قــام بهــا الطــلب فــي قســم الفنــون طــوال العــام الدراســي.

149 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 148 Unbelievable Art Success Stories! Within its attempts to stimulate the students’ plates, painting on ceramic tiles, canvas and creativity, AHIS held its annual art fair paper paintings and 3D projects like pottery, inaugurated by Dr. Ali Aljassim, the Head of paper sculptors, and recycled art sculptors. AHIS’s Board of Advisors. Both the students and art teachers have been The aim of this fair was to exhibit the working very hard to prepare for this event artwork of students from different levels, and make it a big success. AHIS holds this and showcasing their creativity. The students fair annually to promote art and build young, applied their skills of painting on glass and motivated, and creative artists.

149 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 148 )الجميلة والوحش( في مدرســــة الحكمــة الدوليــــــة قــام طلبــة المرحلــة العداديــة بعــرض مواهبهــم الموســيقية علــى مســرح مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة، وذلــك بتاريــخ 12-5-2016، حيــث قــدم طلبتنــا ًأداء مميــزا تــم مــن خللــه إيصال رســالة أخلقية وهي«التركيز علــى الجوهــر أهــم وأســمى مــن المنظــر الخارجــي«. كانــت أغلبيــة المشــاهد ّتســلط الضــوء علــى أهميــة القــراءة وذلــك مــن خــلل تجســيد الشــخصية الرئيســية »الميــرة بيــل« والتــي تحمــل الكتــاب فــي معظــم الوقــت مــا جعلهــا قــادرة علــى تحقيــق أحلمهــا وإنجــاز أكثــر ممــا تتمنــاه. يعــد هــذا النشــاط مــن النشــطة المميــزة والناجحــة مــن حيــث الداء، الموســيقى، الرقصــات الســتعراضية، والملبــس حيــث أبــدى جميــع الحضــور إعجابهــم بــأداء الطلبــة المميــز.

151 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 150 “Beauty and the Beast” AT AHIS DON’T BE DECEIVED BY APPEARANCES, FOR BEAUTY IS FOUND WITHIN!

Middle School students showed their musical beauty of a person lies within. talents by performing “Beauty and the The middle school musical was a great success Beast” Musical on May 12, 2016, at AlHekma in all aspects from the music, to the dances International School auditorium. Students and the costumes..., parents, students, didn’t only excel while performing, but were administration and teachers all enjoyed it. delivering the morals behind that musical, for it is not important what is in the outside, the

151 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 150 التخطيط للمستقبل في الحكمة! مــن أجــل تعزيــز الشــعور بالمســؤولية لــدى طلبنــا طلبــة المرحلــة البتدائيــة فــي الحصــول علــى قــروض ومســاعدتهم فــي ســن مبكــرة علــى أن يكونــوا صنــاع ماليــة، وبعدهــا قــام الطلبــة بزيــارة الجامعــة لتســديد القــرار وفــق ُأســسٍ تخطيطيــة وإســتراتيجة ثابتــة فــي رســوم تســجيلهم وحضــور نــدوة تتحــدث عــن التعليــم المســتقبل، أطلقــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة برنامــج ومتطلباتــه، ًوأخيــرا قــام الطلبــة بزيــارة مكتــب التوظيــف )القتصــاد والتّ عليــم المهنــي(. وقدمــوا ســيرهم الذاتيــة مــن أجــل التقــدم لوظيفــة فــي الجــزء التالــي مــن برنامــج التعليــم القتصــادي برنامــج التعليــم القتصــادي )ECE( هــو برنامــج يقــوم والمهنــي. فيــه طلبــة المرحلــة البتدائيــة بالعمــل علــى مشــروع ســنوي يمارســون فيــه مهاراتهــم الداريــة والتنظيميــة فــي نهايــة البرنامــج احتفــل الطــلب بيــومِ المهــن بكثيــر فــي جــو شــبيه بالعالــم الحقيقــي. حيــث قــام طلبــة مــن النضبــاط مدركيــن أهميــة كســب المــال بجــدارة المرحلــة الثانويــة هــذا العــام بالمشــاركة بصفتهــم وضــرورة تطويــر مهاراتهــم العمليــة فــي المســتقبل . مصرفييــن فــي بنــك مدرســة الحكمة الدولية لمســاعدة

153 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 152 Planning the Future at AHIS! In order to strengthen the sense of world inside school walls. They learned how responsibility among our students, and help to assess personal strengths and weaknesses them at an early age to be future decision as they relate to career exploration and makers with planning and strategy skills, development. AHIS School launched the ECE program High school students participated in this (Economics and Career Education). project through role playing for younger During the ECE program, elementary students students to experience life examples of focused on a yearlong project practicing their different careers, how to apply for jobs and money management skills, organization, and concepts related to banking and economics. project management immolating the real

153 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 152 الفن لجل الخير في مدرسة الحكمة الدولية

بمــا يتماشــى مــع رؤيــة ورســالة المدرســة بخلــق جيــل مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة(، والســيدات سوســن واعــي ومحــب للخيــر، شــارك طلبــة الحكمــة الدوليــة فــي معــوض، وســارة العــرادي، وايمــان ســلميان، وصفــاء مســابقة مؤسســة ســوفرن الفنيــة الخيريــة للمــدارس. الزبيــر بتمثيــل مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة. حيــث قــدم عشــرون طالــب مــن عــدة مراحــل أعمالهــم وكان الطلبــة المشــاركون فــي المعــرض هــم زوي الفنيــة المختلفــة وهــم يعبــرون عــن مــدى ســعادتهم ســامويل، تاســنيا موزمــل، ألفريــد ألفــا، يــزن الدماتي، بحصولهــم علــى هــذه الفرصــة لبــراز مواهبهــم محمد ســالم، يوســف نور الدين، ناديا العباســي، ســها والعمــل بإتقــان وجــد فــي عمــل نبيــل يخــدم أيتــام كمــال، حمــد الميــر، رينــاد ماهــر، مــلك خليــل، محمــد مملكــة البحريــن. الشــهابي، زيــد محمــد، زينــب العلــوي، عبدالرحمــن مســابقة مؤسســة ســوفرن الفنيــة الخيريــة تهــدف ناصــر، ابراهيــم ســيف اللــه، فيصــل عبدالفاتــح، جــود إلــى تنميــة حــب الخيــر والعمــل النســاني فــي نفــوس ثانــي، عايشــة إشــال، وزينــب الــزارة. الطــلب وتفعيــل مبــدأ المنافســة الشــريفة بينهــم، وكمــا أقــرت دكتــورة منــى الزيانــي فــي خطابهــا خــلل بالضافــة إلــى توصيــل رســالة محبــة مــن خــلل العمال الموتمــر الصحفــي للمســابقة: “نحــن نؤمــن بــآن الفــن الفنيــة التــي يســاهم فيهــا الطــلب لتوفيــر جــزء مــن يلعــب ًدورا ًأساســيا فــي تشــجيع البــداع، وبنــاء الثقــة احتياجــات اليتــام والرامــل فــي المجــال التعليمــي فــي الفــراد، ولذلــك يجــب التركيــز علــى دور الفــن فــي والصحــي. المــدارس”. وخــلل إفتتــاح المعــرض الفنــي الخيــري فــي مركــز الفنــون، قامــت الدكتــورة منــى الزيانــي )مؤســس

155 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 154 AHIS’s Artists: For a Good Cause

In its continuous aims to contribute to the society, AlHekma The opening ceremony of the Sovereign Art Foundation International School (AHIS) students participated in the Schools Prize took place in the Art Centre and was The Sovereign Art Foundation Schools Competition. attended by school president Dr. Mona Al-Zayani, and staff members Mrs. Sawsan Moawad, Mrs. Sara Al-Aradi, 20 of AHIS students of all levels submitted their art work Mrs. Eman Suliman, and Mrs. Safaa ElZubair. of different medias such as painting, shading, collages & calligraphy. The students expressed their happiness The participating students were: Zoe Samuales, Tasnia to be given this opportunity of giving back to the Muzammel, Alfred Alava, Yazan Al-Damati, Mohamed community through using their creativity and artistic skills Salem, Yousif Nooruddin, Nadia Al-Abbasi, Suha by helping raise money for a good cause. The Sovereign Kamal, Hamad Al-Meer, Renad Maher, Malak Khalil, Art Foundation Schools Prize provides students with a Mohammed Al-Shahabi, Zaid Mohamed, Zainab Al-Alawi, platform to display their unique artwork and it will be Abdulrahman Nasser, Ibrahim Saifulla, Faisal Abulfateh, auctioned for charitable objectives such as orphanages. Jood Thani, Aesha Eshal, and Zainab Al-Zarra. Winning students from each grade then receive a trophy Dr. Mona Rashid Al-Zayani stated in the competition’s at the Auction Gala Dinner. Furthermore, the winning press conference: “We believe that art plays a vital role in artists from each school division (Elementary, Middle fostering creativity, and building confdence within young and Secondary) receive a 500 dollars prize, donated by adults and we are proud of emphasizing its importance Sovereign Trust Consultancy (Bahrain) W.L.L. at AlHekma”

155 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 154 طلبة الحكمة يزيدون من مخزونهم اللغوي في مسابقة التهجئة

قــام قســم اللغــة النجليزيــة فــي مدرســة الحكمــة مســابقة التهجئــة ًســنويا فــي المدرســة وذلــك لضمــان الدوليــة بالتعــاون مــع منظمــي حصــة النشــاط فــي تطويــر الفكــر اللغــوي مــن حيــث المفــردات والتراكيــب المرحلــة البتدائيــة بتنظيــم مســابقة التهجئــة الســنوية والمعانــي لــدى الطلبــة الصغــار. لطلبــة المرحلــة البتدائيــة. حيــث تــم اختبــار الطلبــة فــي الفائزون في مسابقة التهجئة لهذا العام هم: الصفــوف بإشــراف معلميهــم ومــن ثــم تــم تأهــل خمســة طــلب عــن كل مرحلــة دراســية ليتــم بعدهــا - علي مرهون - الصف الول العــلن عــن فائــز واحــد عــن كل الصفــوف، وقــد تنافــس - إبراهيم الهموز - الصف الثاني الطلبــة بشــكل حماســي وأظهــر الجمهــور مــن الحضــور - علي فؤاد مكي - الصف الثالث تفاعــ ًل ًملموســا وأثبــت طلبتنــا قدرتهــم علــى حفــظ - أسكر يوريبييف - الصف الرابع وتهجئــة العديــد مــن الكلمــات باللغــة النجليزيــة. تنظــم - محمد يود - الصف الخامس

157 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 156 At Last, the Secret of the Spelling Bee was revealed! The elementary Spelling Bee was held this year the Spelling Bee contest annually to ensure the in collaboration with the Elementary School development of students’ linguistic repertoire Assembly. The contest was done to reinforce of words, letters, and vocabulary. good spelling and develop students’ writing The winners for this year were: skills through correct spelling. There were two rounds of competition and elimination. The - Ali Marhoon G.1A competition had 5 students from every grade - Ibrahim Al-Humouz G. 2A level, and the competition heated until there - Ali Fuad Maki G. 3A was only one winner from every grade level. - Askar Uribayev G. 4A All Elementary students had fun whether they - Mohammed Yoodh G. 5A were contestants or a part of the audience and learned from this experience. AHIS conducts

157 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 156 شباب الحكمة الدولية بنـــاة المستقبــــــــل! قامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بتنظيــم مؤتمــر شــبابنا واللقــاء وتزويدهــم بمعلومــات شــاملة حــول البلــدان بنــاة المســتقبل للعــام الثالــث علــى التوالــي حيــث قــام العربيــة وتاريخهــا المعاصــر. طلبــة المرحلــة العداديــة بالمشــاركة كممثلــي الــدول تخلــل المؤتمــر ًعرضــا ًمســرحيا مميــزًا بعنــوان »محاكمــة العربيــة. ومــا جعــل هــذا العــام ًمميــزا هــو دعــوة مــدارس ملــوث«، وكمــا قــام طلبــة لجنــة الصحافــة المدرســية أخــرى للشــتراك وتبــادل الخبــرات والفائــدة. والمــدارس بعمــل مقابــلت صحفيــة وطــرح أســئلة للطلبــة المشــاركة كانــت: مدرســة عبــد الرحمــن كانــو الدوليــة، المشــاركين لمعرفــة المزيــد عــن تجربتهــم . مدرســة حــوار الدوليــة، مدرســة المجــد الخاصــة، المدرســة الباكســتانية، مدرســة الوســام الودليــة. وكان وفــي نهايــة المؤتمــر تــم حصرالطلبــة الفائزيــن محــور النشــاط هــو »التربيــة البيئيــة المســتدامة« الــذي بالمراتــب الثلثــة الولــى بنــاء علــى معاييــر معينــة منهــا ينســجم مــع رؤيــة مملكــة البحريــن ومنظمــة اليونيســكو : لهــذا العــام. طريقــة العــرض ،اللغــة العربيــة الفصحــى، اللبــاس تم تنظيم هذا النشاط ليحقق عدة أهداف منها: والمظهــر، واللتــزام بالوقــت المحــدد. اســتخدام الطلبــة للغــة العربيــة الفصحــى في نقاشــهم ومنــح الطلبــة الشــهادات التقديريــة علــى مشــاركتهم وتواصلهــم خــلل المؤتمــر، وتعليــم الطلبــة أحــد أنــواع الفعالــة والمثمــرة فــي هــذا المؤتمــر والــذي يعــد العمــل الدبلوماســي، وصقــل مهــارات لغتهــم العربيــة ًواحــد مــن أهــم النشــطة المدرســية فــي قســم اللغــة ومهاراتهــم الدبيــة، وتنميــة مهــارات الخطابــة لديهــم العربيــة فــي مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة.

159 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 158 The Next Generation Leaders! The Arabic Department, for the third year in a information on current events in the Arabic nations. row, has organized the FAL (Future Arab Leaders) In between the conference was a grade 11 student conference for middle school students. What has play with the title “Molouth Court”. Also, the student made this event even more special this year was press team has interviewed the visiting students for the participation of other schools. Each student their feedback towards the conference held and represented an Arabic country and discussed its their experience. sustainable environment topics. At the end of the conference, the top three winning This event has been brought together for the students were evaluated based on the following following goals: standards: Their presentations skills, profciency in Arabic, overall look, and punctuality. The students’ use of the Arabic language throughout their debates and conversations in the The students were given certifcates for their active conference, teaching the students one of the forms participation in this conference which is considered of diplomatic interaction, improving their Arabic one of the most important events in the Arabic skills and profciency and their literate abilities, and department. building their speaking skills and provide them with

159 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 158 اكتشــــاف المـــواهـــب يبــــدأ مـــن المــــدرسة

نظــم مجلــس طلبــة المرحلــة الثانويــة بمدرســة الحكمــة ومدرســة كانــو الدوليــة واللتــان وجهــت لهمــا الدعــوة الدوليــة وبالتعــاون مــع قســم الموســيقى »عــرض للحضــور وكان حضورهمــا ًمميــزا، فقدمــوا ًعروضــا المواهب« والذي كان ًمختلفا عن العوام الماضية مما موســيقية وأغنيــات ورقصــات تعتمــد علــى بعــض جعلــه ًحدثــا ًمميــزا ًوفريــدا. وقــد تكونــت لجنــة التحكيــم القــدرات الرياضيــة. مــن ثلثــة محكميــن رائعيــن وأصحــاب خبــرة رفيعــة فــي فــى النهايــة ، كان الــكل فائــز بالمناســبة وباليــوم مجــال الفنــون المختلفــة، أولهــم الســيد أحمــد الســدي المميــز، أمــا مــن حيــث النتائــج فــازت المدرســة الفلبينيــة الملحــن الموســيقي المشــهور، والعلميــة البحرينيــة بالمركزيــن الول والثانــى والــكأس ومبلــغ مــادي قــدره اللمعــة الســتاذة شــيماء رحيمــي مقدمــة البرامــج فــى 30 دينــار بحرينــي، وفــازت مدرســة الحكمــة بالمركــز تلفزيــون البحريــن وصاحبــة المركــز الول فى الســتفتاء الثالــث وبمبلــغ 20 دينــار بحرينــي. الشــعبي لــدي الجمهــور البحرينــي، أمــا الحكــم الثالــث فكانــت الســتاذة ماريــا غريبيــان المســؤولة عــن برنامــج يعتبــر هــذا اليــوم مــن اليــام المدرســية والــذي تركــت الطلبــة الموهوبيــن فــي المدرســة. أجمــل وأثمــن اللحظــات التــي ل تنســى فــي ذاكــرة طلبتنــا الحبــاء. واجــه طــلب الحكمــة هــذا العــام العديد من المنافســين القويــاء والموهوبيــن مــن المدرســة الفلبينيــة

161 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 160 Show me what you got!

The talent show was organized by the was our very own Ms. Maria Gharibian, the Middle and High School Student Council in lead special education counselor who is also in collaboration with the music department. charge of the gifted and talented program of This year’s talent show was one of the most our school. memorable ones as it was unique and the start AlHekma students faced two challenges this of a new tradition for the school. year from The Philippine School and Kanoo The show brought forth two talented outside International School. In the end, undoubtedly, judges; Mr. Ahmad Asadi, a music composer the Philippine School won the frst and second with huge experience in the music industry. place, gaining a trophy and a BD30 price The second judge, Shaimaa Raheemi is a TV respectively. AlHekma students won the third presenter for Bahrain TV, running her own spot, inevitably receiving BD20 from Credimax. television personality show. The third judge

161 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 160 بطولة كرة القدم بين الطلبة و أولياء المور

تعمــل لجنــة جمعيــة البــاء والمعلميــن علــى زيــادة بعــد فــوزه علــى فريــق أوليــاء المــور، وحقــق فريــق مشــاركة أوليــاء أمــور الطلبــة فــي النشــطة المدرســية، الطلبــة – إنــاث المركــز الول فــي المباريــات. وكجــزء مــن هــذه الخطــة تــم تنظيــم بطولــة كــرة القــدم كانــت البطولــة ناجحــة ًجــدا حيــث تمتــع الطلبــة ليــوم واحــد جمعــت بيــن أوليــاء أمــور الطلبــة وطلبــة بمشــاركة أهاليهــم باللعــب والجــو العائلــي الــذي ســاد المرحلــة الثانويــة والمعلميــن. فــاز فريــق المعلميــن- المنافســات. الذكــور فــي جميــع المباريــات وتمكــن مــن تحقيــق المركــز الول، فيمــا حــل فريــق الطلبــة الذكــور بالمركــز الثانــي

163 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 162 A Challenging Family Competition!

The PTA committee is working on increasing by defeating the Parents’ team. While the Female parents’ involvement in the school activities, and Students team won the 1st place, and fnally the U9 as part of this plan they organized a one-day boys’ team won a friendly match. soccer tournament where Parents, HS students It was a very successful tournament; Student, and Teachers competed to won the matches. The Parents and Teachers had fun and enjoyed the Male Teachers team won all matches and clinched challenging competition. the frst place, and the students took the 2nd place

163 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 162 النشاط السنوي STEAM

نظمــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة نشــاطها الســنوي المتجــددة مــن خــلل عمــل وتنســيق أنشــطة بيئيــة STEM فــي أبريــل 2016. فــي ظــل التقلبــات المناخيــة مختلفــة لمســاعدتهم فــي توظيــف مصــادر الطاقــة الجديــدة التــي يشــهدها العالــم، تســعى مدرســة البديلــة بطريقــة مثلــى. أكمــل الطلبــة مشــاريعهم الحكمــة الدوليــة إلــى ابتــكار حلــول بيئية جديــدة باعتبارها مثــل إعــادة تدويــر النفــط لنتــاج وقــود الديــزل الحيــوي، وســيلة لضمــان مســتقبل مزدهــر، وذلــك مــن خــلل وأنظمــة الســيارات الذكيــة ،الــري بالطاقــة الشمســية دمــج العلــوم والتكنولوجيــا والهندســة والرياضيــات. ، إنتــاج الغــاز الحيــوي، توربينــات الريــاح والحديقــة التعليميــة. قامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة لهــذا العــام بــإدراج مــادة التربيــة الفنيــة ضمــن مشــاريع STEM ليصبــح إن طلبتنــا علــى وعــي كامــل وإدراك تــام للمســؤولية النشــاط STEAM ، وتمحــور النشــاط هــذا العــام حــول الثقافيــة والجتماعيــة وذلــك لدعــم رؤيــة البحريــن 2030 الســتدامة، حيــث قــام الطلبــة بتنــاول موضوعــات التــي تركــز علــى الســتدامة البيئيــة . مختلفــة مثــل الطاقــة الخضــراء والمــدارس الخضــراء. تــم تعريــف الطلبــة بثقافــة بيرمــا وأنــواع مصــادر الطاقــة

165 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 164 STEAM … our Sustainability Vision! AlHekma International School has conducted its annual STEM fair in April 2016. In this climate of economic uncertainty, once again we are turning to innovation as the way to ensure a prosperous future. Yet innovation remains tightly coupled with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (the STEM subjects). Art + Design are poised to transform our economy in the 21st century just as science and technology did in the last century. For this reason the school has decided to upgrade from STEM to STEAM. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. They are the foundational subjects to the workings of our life and work that we aim to integrate in an experiential learning environment. The general theme for this year’s projects was sustainability. Several themes were included under this wide umbrella like Green energy and Green Schools. Working on such projects provided students with a comprehensively balanced education, based on technology and academics, and also aided in creating confdent and motivated lifelong learners who are responsible global citizens and can make a difference locally and globally. AHIS Students were introduced to Perma-cultue education and types of renewable energy resources by engaging in various activities to help them understand the transformation of energy. Students completed projects like recycling fried oil to produce bio-diesel, smart car, solar irrigation powered system, Bio-gas production, wind turbines and educational garden. They explored the different roles of engineers who work in renewable energy felds, having had to create a sustainable environment; an environment that contributes to greater health, happiness and safety. AHIS students are very aware of their cultural and social responsibility and are trying to support Bahrain’s vision 2030 that focuses on sustainability.

165 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 164 167 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 166 167 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 166 زراعة النباتات والزهور الجميلة قامــت مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة بتشــجيع الطلبة أجــل تربيــة بيئيــة مســتدامة عــن طريــق تنظيــم علــى زراعــة بعــض النباتــات والزهــور الجميلــة بعــض النشــطة الممتعــة والمفيــدة فــي والــذي مــن شــأنه المســاهمة فــي تطويــر نفــس الوقــت. بعــض المهــارات الحياتيــة والحســية والذهنيــة وفــي هــذا العــام قــام طلبتنــا بزراعــة بعــض لــدى الطلبــة. يســاهم هــذا النشــاط بترســيخ النباتــات والزهــور داخــل إطــارات المركبــات مفهــوم التحلــي بالصبــر وروح المســؤلية التــي تــم إعــادة تدويرهــا مــن خــلل عمــل اتجــاه البيئــة وكذلــك رفــع نســبة تواصلهــم تصميمــات كنمــوذج لحدائــق تعليميــة مختلفــة. مــع العناصــر البيئيــة المحيطــة بهــم. والجديــر ذكــره هــو أنــه تــم عــرض تلــك النشــطة ومــن الهــداف التــي ســعى هــذا النشــاط مــن خــلل برنامــج )ENO( وهــو مدرســة بيئيــة لتحقيقهــا هــو تعليــم الطلبة عــن مفهوم التغير إلكترونيــة تُ عنــى بالشــئون البيئيــة وأهميــة المناخــي الــذي يحصــل، وكذلــك بعــض الطــرق تشــجيع زراعــة الشــجار فــي البحريــن . والحلــول التــي يســتطيع الطلبــة تطبيقهــا مــن

169 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 168 How does Planting Support Sustainability?

At Al-Hekam International school we believe that For all these reasons and more, our students planting supports the mental, emotional and planned and designed models for a perma- social development of our students, it teaches culture educational garden which was presented them patience and responsibility, and develops to the Environment Online program, (ENO) is a awareness and connection to nature. Our vision is global virtual school and network for sustainable to teach our students about the issues of climate development which helps teach our students the change, appropriate sustainable solutions, and the importance of planting trees in Bahrain and allowing experiential side of nature and science in beautiful, them to participate in the Treelympics. engaging and active methods.

169 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 168 الحكمة الدولية تزور عوائل طابها

بمناســبة مــرور ثلثيــن عامــأ لتأسيســها، قامــت مدرســة جهودهــم المبذولــة وعلــى كونهــم جــزء ل يتجــزء مــن الحكمــة الدوليــة بتنظيــم زيــارة للعائــلت التــي إئتمنــت عائلــة مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة. وينعكــس هــذا الــدور المدرســة بثلثــة أو أكثــر مــن أبنائهــا، وذلــك ًحرصــا الفعــال الــذي يقــوم بــه أوليــاء المــور علــى مســيرة مــن المدرســة علــى تقديرهــم وشــكرهم علــى ثقتهــم النجــاح المتواصلــة للمدرســة علــى مــدى ثلثــون عامــأ وولئهــم علــى مــر الســنين. حيــث نســقت المدرســة كرســت فيهــن المدرســة نفســها لبنــاء أجيــال واثقيــن زيــارات مفاجئــة لوليــاء أمــور الطلبــة فــي مقــر عملهــم ومســتعدين للتعلــم مــدى الحيــاة. وقدمــت لهــم الهدايــا التذكاريــة وشــكرتهم علــى

171 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 170 AHIS Visits its families

For its 30 years anniversary, AlHekma International We have planned surprising visits to the parents at School organized a visit for the families who have work, and presented them cakes and gifts for being three or more children studying at AHIS. These an inseparable part of AHIS’s big family. Their active visits were conducted to thank the parents for their role is clearly refected on our exceptional 30 years trust and loyalty over the years. journey in educational excellence.

171 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 170 مهرجان الحكمة السينمائي الرابع

فــي هــذا العالــم الرقمــي الذي نعيشــه، مــن النادر وخاصيــة دمــج الصــوات وغيرهــا. الممثــل المتميــز أن تــرى ًموقعــا ًإلكترونيــا يتمتــع بشــعبية كبيــرة وصاحــب الحنجــرة الرائعــة والصــوت الذهبــي دون أن يحتــوي علــى أفــلم أو مقاطــع فيديــو ذات »وحيــد جــلل« قــام بإرســال رســالة إلــى المهرجــان علقــة بالموضــوع نفســه، فقــد أصبحــت عــروض وإلــى الطلبــة شــجعهم فيهــا علــى التميــز الفيديــو وســيلة شــائعة للتواصــل بيــن النــاس والبــداع، وقــد قــام بشــكر الطلبــة والمدرســين فــي كل مــكان. وتعتبــر مدرســة الحكمــة الدوليــة و منســق قســم الحاســوب »الســتاذ إســلم« مــن الــرواد فــي مجــال دمــج التقنيــات الحديثــة فــي لتنظيــم هــذا المهرجــان. المناهج الدراســية والنشــطة، ولذلك قام قســم نحــن نؤمــن أن هــذا النشــاط ســاهم فــي تعليــم الحاســوب بتنظيــم »مهرجــان الحكمة الســينمائي« الطلبــة قيمــة التكنولوجيــا وأهميتهــا كما ســاعدهم الــذي قــام فيــه الطلبــة بعــرض أفلمهــم القصيــرة علــى فهــم وتقديــر قيمــة العمــل الجماعــي وإبداعاتهــم. الــذي اســتخدموه وســيلة لعمــل مشــاريعهم رســائل عديــدة تــم إيصالهــا عبــر الفــلم التــي الســينمائية، بالضافــة إلــى إدراكهــم قيمــة قــام بهــا الطلبــة فــي هــذا العــام. التنمــر، التنمــر التكنولوجيــا وأنهــا ليســت مجــرد ألعــاب وتصفــح اللكترونــي، النترنــت المــن... إلــخ للنترنــت فحســب، بــل هــي طريقــة إبداعيــة للتعبيــر عــن أنفســنا وافكارنــا الرائعــة وبيئتنــا التــي ومــا يميــز الفــلم لهــذا العــام هــو اســتخدام نعيــش فيهــا. تقتيــات إلكترونيــة حديثــة كالرســوم الكرتونيــة

173 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 172 AHIS 4th Film Festival

In this digital world you would barely fnd a website Animation, Inspirational and some action was there with a signifcant number of visitors that doesn’t as well. Mr. Waheed Jalal the great actor –The actor include videos amongst its pages. From news to with the golden voice- had sent a message to the music, commercial products videos to ‘how to’ students through one of the movies. He thanked presentations, videos are becoming more popular the students, the teachers, and the school for their tools for corporate communications and worth effort in running and coordinating the Film Festival. some thought. AHIS is proud to be the pioneer of We believe that this activity helped students integrating the latest technology in its classrooms. recognize the fact that technology is not only Different messages were sent through students’ about games and browsing the internet, but also a movies in the AHIS 4th Film Festival; Bullying, creative way to express themselves, their thoughts, Cyberbullying and Internet Safety were among and great mentality. the messages. The movies varied from Drama to

173 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 172 OUR JOURNALISTS

JAC In AHIS we have an event called JAC. they manage a specifc council. At the This year it took place on February end, there is a voting competition for 23rd, 2016. Students from 4th and the best dressed boy and girl, and 5th grade had to do research about best speech for delegates. JAC is a specifc country that has problems honestly a really nice experience for and try to fnd solutions to these students to learn about the world and worldwide problems, then present how to fx its problems peacefully. them. There are chairs and delegates Done by Mohammed Yoodh and that make the event run smoothly. Nasser Alanni grade 5 A The chairs have specifc tasks, and

ELEMENTARY MOVIE SHOW On the 11th of April, and during either. All the movies were extremely the Assembly it was time for the good, and the participants should be Elementary Movie Show. There were proud of themselves for being the seven movies, and various topics winners of their respective classes. like: Values, Child Labor, Helping The stage was also beautifully Others, Improving Grades, A Scent decorated with a big, golden star of Heaven and Sleeping Over. Some on top and a camera made out of of the movies were full of emotion cardboard. All the students were and brought tears to some students’ fascinated throughout the movies, eyes, while others were funny and and, at the end, they congratulated made the students laugh. The the winners. informative content was not missing

Done by Abdulla and Omar Faisal grade 4 C

175 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 174 THE INTERNATIONAL DAY On the 18th of February, we celebrated the International Day at AHIS. Students choose a country and brought decorations, traditional food, posters, and wore the national clothes of the chosen country. We worked really hard and made use of our ideas to decorate our class in the nicest way possible. Our class sang the national anthem, did the national dance, had a performance about famous explorers in Portugal, and we even learned Portuguese words and phrases. There was also a judging competition. Judges, teachers in our school, went to classes and evaluated the students’ work. At the end, out of all 4th and 5th grade classes, they chose three winners, and we were proudly awarded the frst place. Later that day, we also visited other classes to see what they had prepared on the occasion of the event, and to learn more about other countries’ culture and traditions. What a lovely day we had! Done by Mira and Askar grade 4A


Grade 4 A students won a feld trip to the book fair for being the best class on the foor. On the day of the trip, we were excited and were looking forward to buying our favorite books. We really enjoyed the bus ride as we were playing different games and were taking pictures. When we got to the book fair, the place was very crowded as there were plenty of students from other schools, too. We bought English and Arabic books, and we enjoyed all FIELD TRIP TO BAIT AL-QURAN the activities. Some students wrote Grade 4 B students won a trip to Bait Al-Quran which was organized by Arabic sentences about Bahrain in a the Religion Department in our school. The reason why we were the only big book using words that were given class chosen to go on the trip was that we showed very good behavior to them by the organizers. When we and good studying skills throughout the year. When we got there, fnished buying our books, we went to we were fascinated by the place. We saw ancient Qurans in different have some food and drinks. It was one shapes, sizes and languages, learned about the past and gained more of our best trips ever! knowledge about Islam. It was defnitely a great experience! Done by Alia and Ismail grade 4 A Done by Zaid and Ahmed grade 4 B

175 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 174 OUR JOURNALISTS


There was a lot of decoration; the stage was looking amazing with yellow and black colors. The words were hard for grade 1 students …but easy for us. In the competition, every student has his words called out by the teacher, A NICE DAY IN THE PARK! and if they spelled it correctly they will Our KG children had gone on an continue with the competition level by extraordinary trip to Al Areen Wild Life level to reach a winner! Park. Mrs. Sandra was the one who organized the competition along with the grade 1 The enthusiastic children had lots to tell homeroom teachers. upon their arrival back to school. They The winners were: had a wonderful time and explored new First place Nour Abdelrahim Grade 1 B things in the park. They learned many Second place Jood Majed Grade 1A things about the Zoo and its animals, Third place Ali Abduladheem Grade 1D and were so excited to describe the Cheetah and the Monkeys. Yasmeen Sameer - Grade 3A The students are already excited about their next trip.

Hala Al Masri - Grade 7A

177 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 176 Let AlHekma Lead You To Success!


177 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 176

AHIS has strived for more than 30 years to continuously achieve and maintain excellence. Administration, teachers, and community have worked hard to build the foundations of an educational institute that is conducive to nurturing passionate learners and gracious citizens. These years have paved the way for many bright futures and the leaders of tomorrow. AHIS has held tight to its mission of “Dedicating our lives and hearts to building confdent and motivated life-long learners”, and in taking all necessary steps to achieve it. At AHIS, we explore the different cultures that this world has to offer and, at the same time, not only recognize our differences but realize our commonalities. We believe our commitment to teaching and respecting a diverse student body from cultures throughout the world fosters peace, justice and global understanding. The landmark is a road paved with hard work and dedication; all these years are a celebration of growth, excellence and most importantly reaping the fruits of unremitting effort. 181 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 180 Students’ Memories & Signatures..

181 AlHekma International School - Bahrain YearBook 2015/2016 180

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