News in Hallam boosts a cr. . brief... 5S ' ...1 t DAN DAMON — currently a studio facilities 'A presenter for BBC Wales — will m become programme controller of

Second The last new Angela Rippon

release Boult releasii?

from Eniipa THE LONG and impressive recording career of Sir Adrian Boult is ANGELA RIPPON. (he BBC's brought virtually to a close this month with the release of his last two irreplaceable newscaster, has new major records. made her second record for Appropriately, the two records continued to concentrate on Enigma following the success of — one from EMI and the other from neglected English repertoire, is rc- which has Lyrila — feature the doyen of relcasing Boult's versions of Elgar's sold very well. English conductors performing Symphonies No 1 and 2 with the She reads Jean dc Brunhoff's music of his own country that he LPO. story of the popular Barbar the has championed for decades. Both were originally issued in iigirmimi honour little elephant with the music The EMI disc (ASD/TC 3725 1968 and have remained in the written by Francis Poulenc £5.40) is a collection of music by the catalogue ever since. But Lyrita has played by (he pianist David great Victorian composer, Hubert now re-packaged them, coupling the Parkhousc. Parry, including his Symphony No first Symphony with the Thomas lenuhin Obviously aimed initially at 5, the Symphonic Variations and the Tallis Fantasia (Ream 1) though the the Christmas market — the Elegy to Johannes Brahms. He second Symphony (Ream 2) remains YEHUDI MENUHIN, who is currently celebraling 50 years on the concert disc is due to be released over conducts the LPO. on its own and bringing them out on platforms of the world, has been awarded the 1979 Peace Prize of the German the next few weeks — it is, The Lyrita record (SRCS 107 a new mid-price label, which retails Book Trade. currently, the only recording of £4.42) is a collection of light at £2.49. The prize, which has been awarded annually since 1950, is given to a person the work. orchestral pieces by Eric Coates, There is also another Boult re- who, through his work, has made an outstanding contribution to the field of Poulenc originally was headed by the popular March Queen issue, of Rubbra's Symphony No 7, literature science or the arts to the realisation of the peace ideal prompted to write piano Elizabeth, and including the early recorded with the LPO. This disc Recipients in the past include Albert Schweitzer, Herman Hesse, and Max accompaniment to Barbar Merrymakers Overture and the (SRCS 119 £4.42) is coupled with a Fnsch, but this is the first lime that the prize has gone to a performing during The Second World War, Summer Days Suite which dates new recording of Rubbra's work for musician. by a four-year-old niece. And from his later years. cello and orchestra Soliloquy "Music to Yehudt Menuhtn is a medium designed to bring countries races although not nearly so well- This cross-section of Coates was (1947) played by Rohan de Saram cultures and civilisations closer together,'' reads pan of the citation known as Peter and the Wolf, it recorded by Boult and the New and the LSO under Vernon The prize was awarded in St PauTs Church, Frankfurt, last month and the is a charming and at times Phiiharmonia Orchestra in 1976 and Handley, therefore it remains at full- event was attended by the violinist, his wife. Diana /above left) and Peter exciting support to the tale. apart from one small work by price. Andry /above right), head of EM! International Classical Division - the Enigma has coupled the Warlock, An Old Song, for This, like many of the Lyrila company with whom Menuhtn has been exclusively linked for 50 years Toy Symphony with work records released during November (originally believed to be by orchestra (which Lyrila is due to Haydn, but now widely agreed release next year), it brings to an end and December, is a world premier to have been written by the new records. recording. There are a couple of Leopold Mo/art) complete with Boult, now 90, and inevitably Frank Bridge records all featuring going to be the subject of many re- premiere recordings — Nicholas N AI,UCt0 drum, rattle and cuckoo issues over the next few years. And, Braithwaite and the LPO playing byK HP',.HMV last ' year, has woneonduclcd a Critica by DiscograficaRiccurdo Mull, Ilaliana which award, was issued sounds; and Three German not surprisingly, in view of the close Dance Poem and Dance Rhapsody Dunces by Mozart, including association the company has had (SRCS 114 £4.42); and Bridge's iiuv"" 'de fruds of Midi's heavy recording commilmerds with The Sleigh Ride. The disc is with the conductor, Lyrita has an Oration, which (virtually a cello HMV continue. Next month he enters the fiercely competitive list of released on K53598 and retails r r f S,ravil at £5. active re-release schedule. concerto) played by Julian Lloyd Therh" Philadelphtaph , T, Orchestra" (ASD/TC"^y's The 3807 Rile £5.30), of Spring, with conductingthe record The company, which was founded Webber with Braithwaite and the sleeved m silver. by Richard liter in 1959, and has LPO again (SRCS 100). PAGE 14