Note: the following is the text used on the display boards. The theme overviews from each group are provided here - along with an overview of the charrette process and photos from the charrette.

Design Charrette hosted at 10 Carden on September 29th, 2017

Participants: University of Guelph BLA & MLA students

Panel: Lise Burcher (10C Board Member & Landscape Architect), Julia Grady (10C Executive Director, Artist & ), Mike

Barker (SHIFT Landscape & University of Guelph)

Charrette Facilitators: Bryan McPherson, MLA, OALA Associate & Joy Sammy PhD

Photo Credit: Aaron Awad, Blind Pig Design,

The Hive

The Hive is a based on a modular design that employs hexagons as a symbol of the use of the site, and as a design feature that can be replicated and transformed based on this shape. Use of the site is a blend of pollinator habitat, social gathering areas, urban agriculture and nutrient cycling.

Design elements: Areas for bee boxes (apiaries), pollinators, perennial wild flower & grasses, ornamental grasses, compost facility, water cistern, hoop house, vertical structures, urban food containers, food prep & storages areas, native bee hotels, and sculptural feature.

Organic Carden

Organic Carden emulates form systems in the surrounding landscape – specifically the curvilinear shapes found with the skating rink and plant mounds in front of City Hall. The design incorporates flexible use event that can transform based on function and season.

Design elements: Plant mounds, interpretive signage, community sculpture & art, ground lighting, compost, mini-greenhouse, tiered walls & pergola, Plexiglas perimeter fence, raised deck

The Community Table

The Community Table focuses on social gathering, growing food and programming to support the 10C community kitchen (located on the 4th level). The design emphasizes views to the Church of Our Lady by a raised platform, backdrop views within the space by framing the large red stairwells, and view to the west with a sitting bar on the rooftop edge.

Design elements: Bar table, wildflower gardens, apiary on rooftops of stairwells, community garden table, raised deck to provide access to view of Church of Our Lady.

The Carden Hub

The Carden Hub focuses on social gathering with two flexible event spaces that are movable & transformable. The design intent is a focus on learning, gathering and events, while also surrounding the space with pollinator and food growing garden boxes.

Design elements: 2 event spaces with movable elements, varying height planting boxes, cobblestone circular patterns, benches along planting beds, wildflowers, pollinator plantings, vertical planters, fire pit for winter, trees, standing tables

The Green Top

The Green Top is a learning ground for greenroof awareness & illustrates opportunities for rooftop spaces. The design showcases rooftop greening in the form of pollination perimeter plantings, living walls, and raised beds.

Design elements: movable spaces, education area, event space, benches, pergola, organic shapes, eating area, raised veggie garden, pollinator garden

The 10C rooftop design charrette

University of Guelph students from the program were invited to participate in a 10C rooftop charrette. Students were given a tour of the 10C facility and provided a presentation on the objectives of the 10C rooftop. Students formed 5 groups ranging in size from 3-5 participants in each. The groups were given 2 hours to create a theme, draw a plan, and provide a section or perspective detail to illustrate their rooftop design.

At the end of the 2-hour intensive session students were invited to present their rooftop vision to a panel of design professionals. The students pinned up their and provided their rooftop pitch. Panel feedback focused on the function and aesthetics of the rooftop space in context to the surrounding streetscape and downtown spaces.

What is a design charrette?

A design charrette is a focused group workshop where participants come together to collaborate on a vision for a landscape site or building. Participants are given a design challenge and are required to illustrate their proposed ideas with hand drawings. The purpose of the charrette is to inform decision -making during the planning and design process.

10C rooftop design challenge:

Create a food production, multifunctional or other creative rooftop space that attracts community users to the site.

Have ideas?

You can contribute by filling out one of our 10C rooftop surveys. You can select design elements that you like from the design panels from the charrette, or add some of your own creative ideas to activate our rooftop space!

Do you own a building or business in the downtown core?

We are working with other downtown buildings & business owners to activate a network of rooftop spaces. Let our team know if you have a downtown rooftop or patio space that you are interested in transforming. We may be able to assist.