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THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES of the HUMITE GROUP Espbn S. Lensbn 354 TEE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF THE HUMITE GROUP EspBn S. LensBN A considerable number of specimensof the humite group were examined optically in an attempt to find some consistent differ- ences that would enable one to quickly and with assurance,dis- tinguish between the members of the group. Assuming that the specimens were correctly labelled, the resulting data and in par- ticular the indices of refraction for each member of the group showed a surprisingly wide variation and within about the same range for each of the species,so that no satisfactory data for deter- minative purposeswas had and the suspicion was raised that many of the specimensmight be incorrectly labelled. It was accordingly decided that any reliable data on the group must be based on the examination of material that had been analyzed or otherwise positively identified. I was fortunate enough to secure the material studied by Pen- field and Howel from Professor Ford of Yale University, and that studied by Sjcigren2from Professor Aminoff of Stockholm. I ex- press my sincere thanks to Professors Ford and Aminoff for the use of these materials. The study was made by the immersion method, and the indices of refraction were determined in sodium light and should be in error * 0.001. Some of the plates of Sj<igrenshowed zonal growths. All of the specimensexamined, except the one from Franklin, associatedwith norbergite, are optically f , and all have large to very large axial angles. The pleochroism is stronger for the darker colored specimenand in all the pleochroic formula is: X: yellowish brownl y:paler yellowishbrown; Z : colorless. Taer,u I gives the indices of refraction for five analyzed speci- mens of chondrodite from as many localities, for a specimen that was similar to the analyzed sample from a sixth locality and for the mineral from four other localities. The indices of refraction for all of the five analyzed specimensare very much alike, those I Penfield, S. L. and Howe, T. H. On the Chemical Composition of Chondro- dite, Humite, and Clinohumite. Am. J. 5c.,47,188-200, 1894. 2 Sjdgren, IIj. Chondrodite von Kafveltorp, Zei.t. Kryst. Min.,7, ll3-152,1882, Beil,ritge zur Minerdogie Schweilens, Bul,l. Geol. Inst. IJpsuI,a, I, t-54, 1892; 2,39-54, 1894. JOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETV OF AMEruCA 355 xb#o F-o\<1 oro 40 x= &sp $. 4 P =r €NO\oro NN jS ;i R da q {r eeq r;cos -;<.;-;^i NN 'o€ dii ,O V) t :.F E eo9 E$fr ! b€E v\O€ 9 E;A ild O C)r .r4tr8 q{ q bN SUUFF p.lob Hqq 4q RK :t'O@ OH On N NN d d JJJ Rin 4A- !dB O O\\OO\c)\Oo\O\Oc)@ 4.tNhn:\ordord 6N o ii.g Z:*E S ;dGJdo<,od-.; NN o-; ut^ iNh qqq :; Hdd \o." !; derrDoO ON i 9NS :N FA\ON46 $<r O 9\O\O o o- N9 d;-;J+.i O Hdd \N r:-.t\o<roooDbco <roo \o@ ONNN4OiON NN N\O q\ qE DN NOSOSc)TO\C N c;6i N o i €N 3 EE'-., F .to!- qqq A ;:"H N oa N f 599 \o \o \o 6 JJ.-i N SONc)N 44999 E RKq€q o<{\o\oi sa rdd 3'i e s q rl .' d : ts\o\ohN drD o.n o .: tr;o oo<t\oi@ 9\o € l.i o .< F E P9 *;G*;;n - g;6;( 5.'i -; *; JJ..; if oo<tso\o €r *n odo SrEx@N\O6e+ \9 :li d;dJN.i .i-;J o hzdi( OO r -o . ^q E*;'$ <rr o\ qqq "ia EZ Xe F-o,P E 6o !9 .r td - o\oN E H'iio h\o\o I E18 .i-;J > 3Fq' ttr r-; ;o ! gf,9ssE?$"sB$*.ii ,.i . >-x o6 daa- NFt 356 TE E AM ERICAN M I N ERALOGIST for the Franklin mineral are considerably lower, while those for the Weston, Nordmark, Custer County, and Tilly Foster minerals are much higher. Analyses are available for the mineral from Nord- mark and Tilly Foster but the exact materials that furnished the analyses were not available for optical study. Tesrr II. ANlr,vses nNn Oprrcer,PRoPERTTEs or Huurte Monte Vesuvius Nordmark Nordmark Somma Yale Sjiigren Sj6gren 4102 Brownish Yellowish Light dark yellow Sray SiOz 36.63 36.74 35.M 35.2r Tio: 0.07 0.07 Mgo 56.45 56.31 47.22 48.33 CaO o.t7 0.11 FeO 2.35 2.22 10.96 7.93 MnO 1.47 1.69 ALOa 0.19 0.07 FerOa 0.68 1.06 F 3.68 3.96 3.79 4.59 KrO 0.17 0.20 NazO o.29 0.34 HrO* 2.45 t.28 f Hro- 11.8s 100.96 101.36 101.73 101.4s OforF 1.26 1.66 1.60 r.93 99.70 99.70 100.13 99.52 Sp. Gr. 3.194 3.183 3.32 3.24 3.201 3.225 d, l.62ls 1.625 1.632t0 1.627 1.635 r.643 t.649 1.656 2V 70" RnrrnrNcrs ron Teslos I lNo II s Barth, Tom. On Contact Minerals from the Pre-Cambrian in Southern Norway, Norsk, Geol.Tid.,Vnl,94-96, 1924. 'von Eckermann, Harry. The Rocks and Contact Minerals of the Mansjti Mountain, Geol. F or., Stockholm, 27 9-383, 1922. 5 Eskola, Penti. The Contact PhenomenaBetween Gneissand Limestone in Western Massachusetts,Jour. Geol., XXX, 270, 1922. TOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMEMCA JJ/ 6 Optical data on brown crystals similar to thoseanalyzed but not on identical material. 7 Shannon,E, V. The Minerals of Idaho. U. S. Nar. Mus., Bull. 131,33F334, 1926. t Specimensfrom Tilly Fostergave: . d 1.627 1.632 1.635 1.643 p 1.638 r.640 1.645 1.655 'y 1.657 1.661 1.663 1.670 The last figuresare by GillsonnJ, L., Atn. Mineral.,ll, 284, 1926, e Optical data not closelytied to the analysesbut on specimen4806 of the Brush Collection which is very pale brown and answersthe description of the analyzed specimen. r0 No.'62 Plate 2 of Sjdgren-Optical data not closelytied to analysis. Tegr.p III. Ane,rvsrs eno Oprrcll Pnopnnrrns ol Clnqosulrrrn. Vesuvius Vesuvius Nordmark Chafiev'su Piedmontra YaIe Brush Sjdgren Lake, Ontario 4t43 2046 No.63 si02 37.78 38.03 35.86 37.42 36.83 TiOz .06 |.14 r.92 Meo 53.05 54.00 M.66 56.32 51.53 CaO trace FeO 5.64 4.83 t4.25 |.27 -4.W MnO t.t9 0.10 .28 AbOa 0.07 FerOs o.22 0.46 0.42 F 3.58 2.06 4.t6 5.04 0.03 KrO 0.15 NazO o.29 o.t2 HrO+ 1.33 1.94 1.58 o.s6 lr.u HrO- t0.12 100.38 100.86 102.42 L02.3t 99.2613 OforF 1.50 .86 r.75 2.r2 99.88 100.00 100.67 100.19 Sp.Gr. 3.219 3.184 3.35 3.17 3.258 3.222 a 1.632 1 .62514 l.652rt 1.628 1.66411 p t.6M 1 .638 1.663 t.&2 r.67s .| L.664 1 .653 1.698 2V 74" near 90o 76027', 62" Ext. 120-150 70"29', 358 TH E AM ERICA N M I NERALOGIST RelpruNcrs ron Tnsrn III. 11Optical data not closely tied to analyses. 12Walker, T. L., and Parsons, A. L.-Clinohumite {rom Chafiey's Lake, Ontario. Conh. Can. Mi.n., p. 17-18, 1927. 13Zambonini, F., -Sur la veritable nature du Titanolivine de la valler d'Ala (Piedmont), Bull. Soc.Fr. Minr., XLII, 1-30, 1919. Contains PbO.0.14,'BaO 1.30, CrrOB0.03, NiO 0.07, Optical data by Larsen. la Not uniform-Indices vary*0.005 or more. Data are for about averages. fn Tasrc II optical data are given for three analyzed specimens of humite from two localities. In Tesln III optical data are given for five analyzed specimens of clinohumite from four localities. The corresponding data for two specimens of analyzed norbergite are given in the preceding paper. Assembling the data for the four members of the humite group, Tnnr,B IV shows that on the whole, as the MgzSiOr increasesin amount the indices of refraction increase,but there is much over- lapping. The norbergite occupies a low range and can be dis- tinguished from the others by its indices of refraction. Most of the analyzed chondroditeshave p between 1.616,and 1.622, and are higher than any of the norbergites and lower than any of the humites but some of the chondrodites have B as high as any clino- humite except that from Piedmont. The humites mostly have B lower than does clinohumite but there is overlapping. Teer,n IV. Opucer, Darn ron rnr Huurro Gnoup Norbergite Chrondrodite Humite Clinohumite Compo-Mg(OH, F):. Mg(OH, F): Mg(OH, F), Mg(OH, F)z' sition MgrSiOo 2MgrSion 3Mgrsioo 4Mg2SiOr q 1.561-1 .563 t.60t-t.643 t.62r-1.632 r.623-1.664 a 1 .566-1. 570 1.616-1 .655 r.627-1.643 t.636-1.673 7 1. 587-t .590 t.636-1.670 r.649- 1.651-1 .698 Ext. Orth. 22'-29" Orth. 7"-15" 2V 45'-50' 73"-90" 700- 620-90" The variation in the indices of refraction is brought out by com- paring the data for the three minerals (chondrodite, humite, and clinohumite) from the same localities.
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