Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Welcome to issue 151 of the Parish Newsletter.

The big news in this issue is the completion of the new community centre in . The building of this centre was part of the planning agreement back in 2007 and whilst it has taken time to come to fruition, it’s now a reality. The building has been passed from Persimmon to the Parish Council who have leased the building, rent-free, to the newly formed Old Sarum Community Centre Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) who will maintain and manage the centre. The building is a state-of-the-art facility, complete with a fully fitted com- mercial kitchen, which will provide a meeting place for clubs, groups and individ- ual hirers who wish to hold a function locally. Booking details can be found on page 10. Regrettably, The Bishopdown Farm Residents Association has been dissolved, it has done sterling work for residents from it’s inception . It seems to be a gen- eral trend that once a new development gets passed the 15 year period, resi- dent associations have done the job for which they were formed and are dis- banded. Thanks are due to the committee members for the time and concern with which they made the development such a pleasant place in which to live. I’m sure that they will still individually monitor any problems and report them to or Laverstock & Ford Councils. John Seymour It is with great sadness that we heard of the passing away of John Seymour on Friday 27th February. John worked tirelessly for his community and served as the BFRA Chairman for 5 years and for a time as Parish Councillor. His family, and especially his wife Margaret, are very much in our thoughts.

Front Cover : The Parish Newsletter is published six times a year for the The newly-built benefit of parish residents. However, articles included do not Old Sarum Community Centre necessarily reflect the views of the Parish Council.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 3

Inside your Parish Newsletter . . .

Page 3 Welcome

5 View from the Chair

6 Report on Parish Council Meetings

7 Planning Applications

8 Schools Mini Marathon

9 Old Sarum Community Centre—It’s here!

12 Latest News On Community Governance Review

13 Laverstock & Ford History Group

14 Bishopdown Farm Residents’ Association News

18 Events at River Bourne Community Farm

20 Highland Cattle—New Arrivals at the Farm

23 New Church Meetinghouse at Old Sarum

24 Protecting Yourself from On-Line Fraud

25 Police Community Messaging launches in Wiltshire

26 Be Tick Aware This Summer

28 Local Services & Advertisers

32 Local Churches Information

33 Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts

34 Old Sarum Nursery – Pheasant Drive

35 Contacts Around The Parish

37 Helplines

38 Parish Diary Dates

View from the Chair By Chris Burnell, Chair of the Parish Council

Since the last Parish Newsletter the Parish Council have been very busy. One of the major issues is being ready to sign the pa- perwork for the ownership of the Old Sarum Community Centre as well as preparing a lease so that we are in the position to hand the centre to the management group. I am sure they will make a great success of managing the centre and it will go from strength to strength. I would like to thank all of them for coming forward. (See pages 9-12 Ed).

We continue to work on the Country Park, particularly with the issues with spoil which had been dumped at the far end of the area. The PC will contin- ue to monitor this to ensure no more dumping goes on and we are yet to hear what the plans are for dealing with the current spoil.

You will see from the local press that areas around Salisbury are being investigated for building more houses. The PC will keep a watching brief, and my thanks goes to the Vice Chair for taking a lead on this, as quite frankly the parish has already had a lot of development.

We are still waiting to hear about the proposals from the Governance Boundary review and my belief is that with the election coming up they may be delayed. As soon as we hear we will let our residents know. (See page 13 Ed.)

As ever if you wish to give your views or need the help of the council our contact details can be found at the back of this newsletter or on our website, or of course you can al- ways come to our monthly meetings.

Finally just a reminder that any issues such as flooding , potholes or faulty street lights, please don’t hesitate to contact on 0300 456 0100 or via their web- site (

DON’T FORGET: For all the latest Parish news, visit our website

Next Parish Council Meetings Monday May 18th at Old Sarum Community Centre 7pm Monday June 15th at River Bourne Community Farm Laverstock 7pm Residents are welcome to attend.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 5

Report on Parish Council Meetings

Planning Applications

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 7

Salisbury Schools Mini Marathon - A message from St Andrew’s School

Dear Residents,

As one of the members of the Salisbury Schools Mini Marathon com- mittee who organise the event each year on the Laverstock campus, I have been asked to let you know that this year’s event will take place on:

Saturday 16th May 9.00am – 12.00pm

We are aware that in the past there has been an issue with inconsiderate parking by members of the public during the morning. As in previous years, we are trying to put in place various procedures that will help relieve some of the problems caused to you by this.

Parents of children attending the event have been asked to park at the Laverstock Club, where the field and car park are being opened up for the morning to allow ample park- ing away from the main road. We have also been offered limited parking facilities at Murphys and the secondary schools.

We have also ordered some cones to put along Church Road on the morning of the races. Unfortunately, as the Police can no longer supply these to us, we have not been able to obtain as many as in previous years, but we will endeavour to cone as far as possible along Church Road.

The event is a huge success for all of the children who take part (nearly 1,500) and is very much part of the Salisbury Schools’ calendar. It is a shame that because of a few irresponsible parents, the event has received such a ‘bad press’ from the village. I hope these measures will ensure that the residents of the village are not inconvenienced in any way during the morning.

If you wish to discuss any issue regarding the above please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at the school.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Walker, Headteacher, St Andrew’s Primary School 01722 503590

Frequently Asked Questions

Our website,, now has a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page which we’ll be adding to over time. It covers such questions as ’When are my bins emptied?’, ’Where can I book village halls, community centres?’, ‘What are the local bus times?’, ‘When do Park & Ride buses run?’, ‘Where do I find mobile library visits to my location?’, How much of my council tax goes to the Parish’?.



SCRATCHING YOUR HEAD TO KNOW WHERE TO HOLD YOU CHILDREN'S PAR- TY? Look no further! Our brand new Community Centre can offer you a large or small hall to meet your party needs. Or perhaps you want both rooms, putting food in one and games in the other? Come and see the options.

The lighting in the large hall clears 12’ so bouncy castles will fit in easily. The large hall also has a delightful canopied area outside, suitable for café style summer seating or even a barbeque if you have the right insurance. There is no bar but you can hire in a bar and use the kitchen hatch to serve from. You must however obtain the correct license from Wiltshire Council and must discuss it with the Centre Manager first before you apply.

We have had our first WEDDING BOOKING in 2016 and the couple have chosen to use the whole Centre with the commercial kitchen facilities. I am sure the photos will give you ideas for your wedding reception. Please note the facility does not have a wedding li- cense but local churches will offer a service for parish- ioners. Cont.....

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 9


BOOKING The Community Office will be open from 10-12 every Mon- day and we will be delighted to show you around. All cost- ings and booking forms are on the website, so do download one now. No one-off booking is considered to be a firm one until the deposit is paid (£50) and the form received and acknowledged. Website:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone 07503 065511


We have two exercise classes running on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. If you or a friend would like to start such a class, do let us know, and we will try to accommodate you in the large or small hall.

CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. We are pleased that Clearbury Children’s Centre and Monday Monkeys are moving over to the centre and Beavers and Cubs will be there on a Monday early evening as well.


Could you help us run one?


Monday nights are your nights and the main hall will be used for your activities and the small hall for a chill out space.




...will be lunching at the Centre in the future and who says that there can’t be indoor bowls or a WI group meeting in the Centre, or maybe a Slimming Class or Book group? What about holding FILM NIGHTS?

The MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS group are planning a MUSICAL EVENING in June and many more events are planned for the Centre.


The Old Sarum Nursery 2 year olds will be moving over to the Centre and into the smaller hall from after Easter. It will have an am and pm capacity of 12 children each session which will greatly relieve the waiting list for pre- school places.

BABY WEIGHING on your door step!!

Every Wednesday from 1.30 -3.00pm you can bring your baby to be weighed and checked over, or even ask about all the things that are worrying you. Its also sociable as well… will be held in the new Centre… do pop along!!

The BEACON Christian group will be holding MESSY CHURCH once a month on a Sunday afternoon in the Centre as well as social activities such as SUNDAES ON SUNDAY.

PARKING The facility has 22 parking spaces for users with easy access, and 2 handicapped parking spaces but these parking spaces will be for users only.

COSTS Please look on our web site for details of costs. There is a reduced commu- nity rate for local people and the pricing changes after 6pm. There are still opportunities to book a party in the big hall for £15 per hour including the use of the kitchen, and the small hall(s) are only £6 per hour during the daytime. Do come in and look!

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 11

Latest news on the Community Governance Boundary Review

The Parish Council’s remains steadfast to do its best to keep the Parish communities of Laverstock, Ford, Old Sarum, and Hampton Park together as a rural community. When Salisbury City revealed its plans to attempt a take-over of all the parishes around the City we considered how best to deal with the threat. A team of Councillors repre- sented our views to the Wiltshire Council Panel back in December.

We prepared well for our presentation. Part of it was to set out a counterclaim that Bishopdown Farm, once part of our Parish should be returned to us from the City. Back to where it rightfully belongs. Residents of Bishopdown regularly receive our Newsletter and many have told us they identify with our Parish community and its activities.

The WC Panel are still deliberating and news is scant. It is dangerous to speculate but we believe that the small Parishes will generally remain in tact. However we are a large Parish and there is speculation that there may be plans to change the boundaries so that Hampton Park, Hampton Park II, with Bishopdown Farm may be joined to the City. On the other hand, there is the possibility that Bishopdown Farm may come across to our Parish. That means we either lose 1000 homes to the City or alternative- ly 300 Bishopdown Farm homes joining the Parish.

If we lose Hampton Park and Hampton Park II we may also lose the new Country Park project to the City.

We believe that WC will seek the opinion of every resident affected by the proposed move. It is likely that WC will send out a questionnaire after the general election in May. They may also organise public meetings; if not the Parish Council might do that for them. It would give the residents the opportunity to ask the reasonable question:

What benefit for us if we join the City?

The Parish has already presented residents with the benefits of staying in the Parish: Revisit our recent Newsletters 148, 149, 150.

To select just two advantages of being part of our rural Parish:

Our democratic system of managing the communities within the Parish leaves no room for party politics. Our Councillors are drawn from all the different communities. They are driven only by the premise of doing what is best for their community.

We do not employ large numbers of staff to help us administer Parish affairs. Conse- quently we can keep our precept (Community Charge paid to the Parish) down to £12.88 pa for a Band D. This compares favourably with City rate of £105.

Laverstock and Ford Local History Group

The subject for our March meeting was ‘Medieval weapons and warfare’. Our guest speaker, Dave Fawcett, focused on the Agincourt campaign (this year marks the 600th anniversary of the battle) and links to the Salisbury area. For soldiers on their way to the ports Salisbury was an important route centre. The roads from Exeter to , and from Wilton to , passed through the city. A contingent of Lancashire troops came down to the Avon at Salisbury, but found the bridge barred by angry citizens.

Salisbury had grown rich on the wool trade, and could afford to contribute to the war, but people felt they were victims of additional ‘stealth’ taxes. The out- come of the confrontation was that four local men were killed, and some twen- ty found themselves tipped into the river. After this the Lancashire men were allowed to go on their way unhindered. (The war did in fact bring profitable trade to Salisbury, through selling foodstuffs and fresh produce to troops pass- ing through.)

There have been suggestions that Henry V stopped off in Salisbury on his way to Agincourt. If he did, he would most likely have camped on Bemerton Heath. Tournament Road on the Heath is a reminder that here was once one of the coun- try’s five official tournament sites outside of Lon- don. Another story is that Henry’s archers prac- tised on the Laverstock Downs. If there was in- deed a halt for a day or two, then this is perfectly possible.

Dave brought an array of replica weapons: various swords, a mace, a war hammer, a ‘morning star’, a crossbow, and of course, a longbow. (At the height of the battle of Agincourt the English and Welsh archers were firing 1,000 arrows a second!)

The next two meetings of the Group will be on 21st May (reporting back on reminiscences gathered from long-term residents), and 18th June (a talk on the Finch family, owners of the Laverstock and Fisherton Asylums). We meet in the Curtis Room (vestry) at St Andrew’s Church, at 3pm each time. Anyone who is interested will be very welcome. Bryan Evans

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 13


Thank you to the handful of residents and the representatives of our PC who turned up for what was our last AGM (after some 20 years!). The minutes can be read on the BFRA website which will continue to be available for the rest of 2015. The BFRA Committee had resolved that we needed to consider the future seriously, especially as residents were no longer engaging with the association and we were effectively doing Wiltshire Council (WC) and Parish Council (PC) business rather than residents using the correct channels themselves. We were asked about the influence that we have built up over the years and sadly have to report that where it matters we now count only as a single voice (L&FPC have similar issues).

When the Committee members first discussed the idea of dissolving the association, we sought an unbiased opinion from Matthew Barton of Radian Housing with whom we have worked with very well for some years. With his wide ranging experience of resi- dents’ associations and suchlike he summed up the current situation in that the BFRA has matured and agreed that the point had been reached where we needed to seriously consider the future role(s) of the BFRA. All the big issues have happened – even ASDA is effectively a done deal (revised planning application for a smaller store being consid- ered as this is being written).

While we had thought about taking Riverdown Park (aka HP2) into the fold, that would have given us too big an area – the Halloween Party for a start would have to be ticket only because of the numbers. As Riverdown Park is going to be looked after by a man- agement company for which residents will be paying, the BFRA could not, and should not, get between the new residents and the company they are paying. Now that the BFRA has been dissolved, residents need to start taking responsibility for where they live and report any issues to the Parish Council and/or Wiltshire Council.

The Way Ahead for the BFRA: Our constitution requires committee members to re- main active until the affairs of the BFRA have been fully and properly wound up. All committee members have indicated that they are happy to do this and to move forward into a less formal group to monitor and look after the local environment (both natural and built). This covers one of our current roles as Trail Wardens for the Hampton Park Trail. We will continue to: represent the interests of Bishopdown Farm and Hampton Park as members of the Parish Environment Group (ignoring the 'parish' boundary which runs down the middle and is meaningless in the context of the environment); help deliver the Parish Newsletter; have regular litter picks as there seems to be no end to people dropping litter.

We also hope that we can encourage more people to take responsibility for their local environment within this less formal grouping and by reporting issues directly to Wilt- shire Council/Parish Council. We will be maintaining the BFRA website until the end of 2015 to keep you updated on where we are going and what is happening in our local environment. We are looking for a new name but would like to keep the same initials – ideas welcome! Cont......

Looking back over the last 14 years (the longest continuously serving committee member) here are some highlights of our activities on behalf of local residents:

 The painting of yellow no parking lines on Pearce Way to stop parking by employ- ees from the BMW garage.

 Rescuing The Pavilion when it was dumped on the then Parish Clerk, turning the finances from deep red into healthy black.

 The battle over HP2 which, in conjunction with the PC, we won then lost!

 Successfully chasing both Barratt Homes and WC over the numerous safety and other issues with the HP2 development.

 Monitoring and reporting issues with Green Lane.

 Collecting what must by now add up to a small mountain of litter from our area.

 Dealing with regular more serious issues of fly tipping.

 Liaising with the Police over antisocial behaviour and other issues.

 Getting dropped kerbs put in, benches added and white lines repainted.

 Organising some well attended car boot sales and Halloween parties

 Taking on the HP Trail as wardens under the Parish Environment Group.

HP Trail: Those who have braved the HP Trail over the winter will have seen the chalk slurry flooding from the field above the development and the subsequent works to try and prevent future events. At the same time, Wiltshire Facilities Management repaired the fence and replaced the broken gate at the top of Tryhorn Drive (note this is not a 'right of way' but rather a public access which can easily be closed off should peo- ple not show some consideration!). The gate is not self closing so please ensure that you close and bolt it after you. The footpath to the gate is the responsibility of WC but walkers are asked to note that the adjacent roadway between No21 and No22 is actual- ly private property and the owners have asked that it is accorded due respect and that dogs are kept on a lead. Also this area is not a public parking area and vehicles are only permitted on it with permission of numbers 21 and 22 Tryhorn Drive. If you are coming off the Trail beware that there are two driveways adjacent to the gate.

Thanks to the Farm we were able to obtain some bark chippings which were laid at the Kissing Gate entrance and around the public access at Tryhorn Drive to try and allevi- ate some of the worst muddy areas. This has particularly affected Tryhorn Drive as a mud bank was built up on the Trail to stop the chalk slurry flowing down Tryhorn Drive. As this will need topping up we hope to achieve this before winter sets in properly next time. We have also taken the opportunity to tidy up some broken branches and other minor hazards). Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 15


Pearce Way: We have had a very long running battle with WC to get them to take notice of what the developers have been doing, or in some cases not doing, especially around Pearce Way. The main issues are highways and, despite making a very clear case of what was wrong, backed up by the Parish Council, it has proved to be a hard fight to get any- thing done.

We recently had a meeting with the WC highways enforcement officer who agreed with our concerns. He also pointed out that some of it was due to the plans being incorrectly drawn up! He did promise to try and get everything resolved but it will take a while. It seems incredible that all WC need to do is enforce the rules on the developer who then has to pay to get the job done properly. If the developer is not caught when they are on site then WC will eventually have to pick up the bill to put things right which means it costs all of us while the developer makes off with the profit.

Barratt Homes Commercial Director did speak to us and made some minor improve- ments – one of which was getting the road sweeping regime reinstated.

Streetscene: As this is the WC terminology for the local environment (e.g. grass, litter bins, trees, minor highways issues etc which are WC responsibility) we have decided to use the same word. This also links in with the WC App (which can be used on mobile devices and a home PC) where you can report anything you see that needs dealing with e.g. damaged street furniture, fly tipping etc. If it is not a WC responsibility then it will invariably be forwarded on to the correct organisation – in any event you will be kept updated on your report. As an example, 10 gas cylinders were fly-tipped in Green Lane (probably the night of 6th March). A BFRA Committee member photographed the cylin- ders and then reported it via the WC web portal parkingtransportandstreets/roadshighwaysstreetcare.htm.

Our local Streetscene representative is a hard working and very effective WC officer. For those who wonder how the new large litter bin appeared at the end of Pearce Way it was not magic, it was the BFRA working with our local Streetscene officer. He has also en- sured that the developers will be replacing the bin at the footpath crossing on Pearce Way which they 'removed' when they 'temporarily' closed the footpath.

The Tooth Fairy: Many residents will have fond memories of the Tooth Fairy who pro- vided sterling service in turning those baby teeth into something more useful. Unfortu- nately, we seem to have a growing number of residents who believe that there is a DOG POOP FAIRY – well they do not exist. Although no-one has counted them all, it is obvi- ous that there are an increasing number of pet dogs in our area who regularly go for walk- ies and do their business.

Responsible dog owners need read no further. For the remainder you are legally required to pick up after your dog fouls and you can dispose of Fido's waste (in a poop bag please) in any litter bin. As an example, the Riverdown Park side of Pearce Way – where there are wood chippings - has become a dog toilet which is both unpleasant and a health haz- ard alongside the footpath. Cont......

What really amazes the BFRA, and other residents, is the dog owners who dutifully pick up after their dog, tie a knot in the bag and then hang it on a bush or just drop it on the ground – just what do you expect to happen next? Even better, at least one dog owner has bright pink poo bags which they left in a nice trail from Green Lane along the side of Pearce Way – do you really not see this when you go out again? These bags are in fact picked up by the BFRA Committee members on their regular litter picks be- cause we find it so disgusting we cannot just walk past as if they are not there. The prize probably goes to the dog owner who managed to pick up two lots on one walk and tied the two bags together before dropping them! We are not just concerned about the filth and smell but also the very real health hazard posed by dog faeces.

Litter Picks: We have carried out several group and individual litter picks. The last one early in March when we collected 16 sacks of litter one Sunday morning. The trails of litter generally lead out from the One Stop shop and vary according to school holidays and weather. We have a regular customer who clearly likes vodka and fresh orange juice. The empties were nicely grouped along about 50 yards of verge/hedge at the top of Pearce Way. With a concerted effort and much reaching into the bushes we extracted some 70 small vodka bottles and about twice that number of plastic orange juice bottles.

You can continue to communicate with the 'BFRA' at: [email protected] and we look forward to hearing from you, even it is just to say you would like to join us for a litter pick.

Salisbury Medical Practice would like to take this opportunity to keep the parish residents informed about your local Bishopdown Surgery.

Salisbury Medical Practice Open Day Celebrating Carers Week Monday 8th June 10am - 1pm at Fisherton House Surgery in Salisbury

Salisbury Medical practice have teamed up with Carers Support Wiltshire to raise awareness of unpaid carers and ensure that those registered within the area receive appropriate advice, infor- mation and support regarding their caring role.

You do not need to be registered with the surgery to attend the event.

If you think you are a carer or you are not sure and want to find out more about this, we would like to invite you to our Open Day on Monday 8th June at Fisherton House in Salisbury to cele- brate Carers Week.

According to the 2011 census, there are 47,608 people in Wiltshire who are devoting time and energy to ensure that someone they know is looked after.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 17


Sunday 3rd May 3–5pm Free Entry & Free Parking

Bring the family for an afternoon of relaxation with delicious cream teas and music from local songsters.

Lots to do for the children with trac- tor/trailer rides, river dipping and farm animals. Farm shop open.

River Bourne Community Farm Cow Lane Laverstock SP1 2SR


Fun day for all the Family... Sunday 7 June 2015 10am - 4pm

FREE ENTRY £2 for on-site parking Climb Vertigo Punch and Judy Performance by The Male Majorwrecks Horse drawn carriage and pony rides Model Steam Railway and Tramway Mega slide and fairground activities Traditional crafts including a blacksmith, coppicing, various woodcrafts, chain saw sculpting. Archery Dog agility Cream Teas BBQ Classic vehicles: Tractors, Cars and motorbikes Variety of interesting stalls and more.....

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 19

Music on the Field at St Andrew’s School, Laverstock Saturday 13 June 2015 from 6pm till 10pm.

With live music from Cat Ray and Popstarz. Other highlights include a bouncy castle, BBQ and drinks tent with beer & wine. £5 per adult, accompanied children are free. To raise funds for Friends of St Andrew’s (FOSA), all of which go to benefit the staff and pupils at the school in a number of ways.

New Arrivals at the Farm

There is great excitement down at the River Bourne Community Farm nowadays and an increase in visitors to check out the new arrivals. Four young Highland Heifers arrived from Corfe Castle and now occupy the field just past the allot- ments. They arrived mid-March and caused an immediate Facebook surge of 1600 ‘shares’ and ‘likes’! The eldest is 20 months old and the youngest approxi- mately 14 months (the farmer was not sure!). They stick together in the field but now respond to people and often come and say hello. Passing trains were a sur- prise but within a day, the trains ceased to register with them. Highland cattle are known to be more intelligent than the average cow and very docile. However, they do have horns and a friendly wave of the head could do damage to anyone close, so always be wary when in close proximity. They are not yet able to be groomed. However, the aspiration is to form a ‘Highland’ group to look after them and groom them…and any future offspring. If you are keen and reliable – contact Saje Hancock at the email address below. Make sure you visit and tell your friends! You can follow the farm on Facebook. Just a little about the Highland breed Nowadays Highland cattle can be found all over the world and new Folds (Highlanders belong to Folds rather than Herds) like ours spring up every year. They naturally inhabit and thrive in vast areas of poor mountain land with high annual rainfall and bitter winds and breed where no other cattle could ex- ist. Making the most of poor forage, calving outside and seldom, if ever, housed they make a real economic contribution to hill and upland areas. The breed is ex- ceptionally hardy with a natural and unique ability to convert poor grazing efficient- ly. They are remarkable for their longevity: many Highland cows continue to breed to ages in excess of eighteen years having borne fifteen calves. They are great mothers. [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 21

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints New Salisbury Meetinghouse at Old Sarum The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is delighted to announce the completion of its new meetinghouse in Westside Close, Old Sarum. Mem- bers of the local community will have seen the build- ing under construction and become familiar with the newest Salisbury spire following its raising in De- cember of last year. The towering Zinc spire extend- ing 22.5 metres above the ground symbolically reaches heavenward and identifies the chapel as a place of worship and fellowshipping for local members of the Church.

In speaking about the new chapel local minister, Alan Burchell, said, “The completion of the chapel marks an historic moment in the lives of members of The Church of Je- sus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Salisbury area. Land for the construction of the meetinghouse was purchased in 1988. After these many years the members are under- standably excited to know that they now have a purpose-built place of worship in the city. We are also looking forward to being part of the Old Sarum community and trust that there will be opportunities to get to know our new neighbours and become in- volved in community events.”

The new chapel will open for its first Sunday worship services at 10.00am on Sunday 10 May 2015. The meetings planned will provide an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for the new building. There will be a warm welcome for any friends from the community who wish to visit on this special occasion. In addition to Sunday Worship Services the new chapel will provide a focal point for programmes involving children of primary age, youth, young singles and adults.

Members of The Salisbury Branch are planning an ‘Open House’ on Saturday 23 May 2015. There is an invitation for friends, family and members of the local community to visit and tour the new meetinghouse at any time between 11.00am and 4.00pm on this date. The ‘Open House’ will offer an opportunity for visitors to meet local members and find out about their strong family values and Christian beliefs.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a tradition of community involve- ment and currently supports the work of national charities including the Royal British Legion and the NHS Blood Transfusion Service. The Church also participates annual- ly in local ‘Helping Hands’ projects where members volunteer to support worthy com- munity projects.

For more information about the new chapel, Church meetings and the ‘Open House’ please contact Alan Burchell, Salisbury Branch President. Telephone: 07443589230 Email: [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 23

Protecting yourself from Online Fraud

In today's society, we are using our cards and online banking more and more often to pay for things. It is important to know how to protect yourself from fraudsters espe- cially as industry reports show that card and online banking fraud increased during 2014.

Do you know how to stay safe online?

Every day fraudsters are finding new ways to try to obtain your card and online banking details. Some of the most common ways used today are:

- Telephone (vishing): fraudsters trick you into divulg- ing security credentials or card details over the tele- phone. This includes telephone calls pretending to be from the fraud department of your bank or credit card company. They manipulate you into providing securi- ty credentials or transferring funds to accounts set up by fraudsters with the belief that this will keep your money safe.

- E-mail (phishing): you are encouraged to click on a link or document within an email that downloads malicious software onto your com- puter or directs you to a fraudulent website that looks identical to the official site. This allows a fraudster to gain access to your security credentials or card information.

- Malicious software (malware/trojan): your computer may be infected with malware by responding to a phishing e-mail, visiting insecure web sites or using an insecure internet browser. This also allows the fraudster to capture your security credentials or bank card details. It is really important that you are aware of the methods being used by fraudsters. Consider the following tips to protect your card and online banking de- tails:

- Protect your security credentials: never give your banking or personal information to anyone you do not know. Remember, the bank or the police will never ask for your full passwords, token codes, customer login credentials or card PINs.

- Protect yourself online: download free security software “Rapport” from your bank that helps to protect your computer from malicious software when accessing online banking. It also protects your bank card details when shopping online.

- Protect your credit/debit cards: keep your cards in a safe place. Always keep your card in sight and when you are paying for things, especially in bars and restaurants. Remember always shield your PIN with your free hand and take your card straight away. Report lost and stolen cards to the bank straight away, that includes when it has been held at an ATM. Cont.....

- Be cautious: Fraudsters are calling customers pretending to be from the bank or the police and asking for full security credentials. With any suspicious or unexpected call, agree to call the person back before providing any banking or personal information. Always call back using a number you have sourced and where possible using a differ- ent phone as fraudsters can keep your line open. Also, never respond to any unex- pected or suspicious emails and be wary if the email asks you to click on a link or a but- ton to download a file.

- Be aware: Check your bank balance regularly and report any suspicious transactions to your bank straight away.

Wiltshire and Police Community Messaging launches in Wiltshire You can now sign up for free messages - by email, text or voicemail - about policing and crime matters relating to your area and interests by joining Wiltshire and Swindon Commu- nity Messaging. and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, Angus Macpherson, are committed to involving communities in the prevention and reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour. Working alongside Neigh- bourhood Watch, Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging aims to improve the flow of information between communities and the police. PCC Angus Macpherson, who is commissioning this new initiative, said: “The whole of Wiltshire is now covered by Swindon and Wiltshire Community Messaging, bring- ing the public into contact with the police and Neighbourhood Watch. “I now look forward to working with other partners in Wiltshire and Swindon to ex- tend the excellent services provided by Wiltshire Police and to build on the title ‘Community’ Messaging.” Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Pat Geenty said: “Community Messaging enables us to reach out to all the people that may not use social media and other channels. It provides the public with messages in a format that suits them and keeps them up to date with police matters in their local area.” People signed up will be able to receive messages about policing and crime matters in their area, such as community policing news and events, appeals for information and crime prevention advice. They will also be able to reply to messages, feeding back information to their local neighbourhood officers to help them in policing their local area. To find out more and to sign up visit or speak to your local police officer. Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging will NOT be monitored 24 hours a day. People should always call 999 in an emergency or 101 in a non- emergency.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 25

Be Tick Aware this Summer What are ticks? Small spider-like creatures that feed on the blood of animals, including people.

Where do you find ticks? Dense vegetation or long grass, woodland, heathland and urban parks and gardens.

How do come into contact with ticks? They climb on as an animal or person brush past. They then bite to attach to the skin – you may not feel it, and start to feed on the blood. It can take several days to complete the meal, before they drop off again.

What are the health risks? Ticks can transmit bacteria, including those causing Lyme disease which can lead to serious health conditions if left untreated. Symptoms to look out for include a slowly expanding circular reddish rash, flu -like feeling, fatigue, muscle and joint pain.

How do I avoid ticks?

 Walk on clearly defined paths. Avoid dense vegetation/long grass

 Wear light-coloured clothing so ticks are easy to spot. Use repellents, such as DEET

Get into the habit of checking for ticks

 How to remove them: Remove the tick as soon as possible. Use a pair of fine– tipped tweezers or tick removal tool. Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull upwards slowly and firmly, as mouthparts left in the skin can cause a local- ised infection. Use a twisting action if using a tick remov- al tool.

 Once removed, apply antiseptic to the bite area and keep an eye on it for several weeks for any changes.

 Do not remove a tick by burning, covering with Vaseline or other substances – these other methods may delay prompt removal, increasing the chance of infec- tion.

 Contact your GP if you begin to feel unwell and remember to tell them you were bitten by a tick. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics.

Laverstock Evergreen The Mother's Union are Club holding a "Teddy Bear's Picnic" Charity Number 1027430 at St Andrew's Church Coffee Morning Laverstock Tuesday 26th May from 3pm On Thursday 21st May

at 15 Napier Crescent At 10.00 am Coffee / Tea and Biscuits 50p Book Stall, Bring and Buy, Raffle Come with your bears and fami- ly and enjoy a scrummy tea. This event is open to all, for more in- Everyone welcome. Hopefully, formation contact weather permitting , it will be Jill Kay on 01722 323407 held outside.

THE PARISH ENVIRONMENT GROUP Invites you to: Explore the Nature of the Parish at our annual Bioblitz Saturday May 2nd from 10 am to 4 pm In and around Hampton Park Pavilion Car Park

Join our Parish Spring Clean Litter picking from River Bourne Community Farm and other locations across the Parish Saturday May 16th meet 10 am For more information contact Parish Environment Group Chair [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 27

Local Services & Advertisers This section is provided for advertisers who have supported our Parish Newsletter. The inclusion of any firm or service does not imply a recommendation by the Parish Council. Garden & Landscaping Rolling Stones Landscaping 01980 590823 or 07977 173096 [email protected] Beaver Fencing Services 01722 329173 or 07815 626742 [email protected] Bourne Gardening Call Dave on 01722 334151 or 07925 100404 M Bacon Garden Designs 01722 329163 or 07821 340923 [email protected] M H Garden Works 07818 800 706 [email protected] Electrical CFS Electrical 01722 335442 07780 610366 [email protected] Heating & Plumbing MAX Pressure Tim Knight 01722 341465 Emergency No 07766 142041 English Plumbing Co. 01722 330953 or 07988 823512 [email protected] Salisbury Stoves & Wood burners 01722500415 or 07514 555772 [email protected] S B Plumbing Services 0777 0502522 or 01722 331697 Alexandra Heating Services 01722 417873 [email protected] Right Choice Maintenance 01722 398316 Kitchen & Bathrooms Dave Cannell Complete Service 07879 490953 or 01722 331616 P2 Bathrooms 07920 272519 or 07463 780938 [email protected] RJ Carpentry & Building Services 01722 411643 07979 327313 [email protected] Mike Chambers Joinery 01980 610651 07763803508 Accountancy & Finance Rachel White Accountancy Services 01722 410886 or 07946 108871 [email protected] Health & Beauty Spire Mobile Foot Care Liz Woodall BSc (Hons) SAC Dip FHP 01722 335407 Exercise Movement & Dance Sheelagh on 01722 324202 [email protected] Tranquility Beauty Therapy 01722 504576 or 07790 731468 Now Physio 22 Milford St Salisbury 01722 238830 or 07501 868185 A Touch of Tranquility 01722 421828 [email protected] Painters & Decorators Paul Tidmarsh 0800 002 9722 [email protected] Charles Lees 01722 322744 Home Services The Maid Brigade 01722 506564 or 07525 056522 [email protected] House Sales & Lettings Hardings Sales and Lettings 01722 440 999 [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 29

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 31

LOCAL CHURCHES INFORMATION Several churches are listed as the civil boundary overlaps the church boundaries St Andrew’s, Laverstock: 10 am Sunday, Holy Communion with ‘God’s Bunch’ (Sunday School) in the vestry during the first half of the service.(NB: No ‘God’s Bunch’ on first Sunday of the month). 4pm on first Sunday of the month is the ‘St Andrews 2’ (family) service in St Andrew’s School hall (A time of worship, with food, singing, craft, Bible stories and prayer). 9.30 am Wednesday, Holy Communion for both churches (St Andrew’s and St Mark’s) Churchward- ens: Mrs Sue Gallagher (01722 332619), Bryan Evans (01722 320129) St Mark’s, London Road: 10:30am Sunday 1st Together @ 10 (9am HC followed by informal family service) 2nd Holy Communion : 3rd Morning Worship : 4th and 5th Holy Communion Various groups for children and youth spanning crèche to teenagers on 2nd – 5th Sun in term time 6.00 pm Sunday 1st No evening service : 2nd Evening Worship : 3rd Holy Communion 4th Evening Worship : 5th No evening service 9 am Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri Morning Prayer 7 pm Mon Weekly Parish Prayer Meeting for both churches Vicar, (St Andrews & St. Marks) Rev Jim Findlay Assoc Priests, Rev Jill Offer and Rev Diane Roberts For more details of services or for any other information contact the Church Office on 01722 340368 or visit

St. Michael and All Angels, Winterbourne Earls : Sunday service at 11.00am Team Service (5th Sunday in month), Wednesday Holy Communion 9.30am Team Vicar: Rev. Peter Ostli-East (01980 611350) [email protected] Associate Priest Rev David Coates (01722 325944) Bourne Valley Team Associate Priest Revd. Penny Joyce (07808 181885) email: [email protected] Rev Wendy Pugh (part-time) (01722 501443) Churchwardens: Mr Terry Hall (01980 611681), Mrs Becky Baker (01980 611343), Roger Morgan (01980 611474) Website: Salisbury Vineyard Church : meets every Sunday, 10.30am at — Real coffee, friend- ly people, real God and uplifting atmosphere. Details:: 01722 340166 or vis- it

The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham at Holy Redeemer, Bishopdown Mass 11am every Sunday, Wednesday 6.30pm. Evensong 6pm (2nd Sunday of month) Fr Keith Robinson (01722 504807) [email protected]

Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent, Bishopdown SP1 3EG. Saturdays 6pm, Wednesday 10am Canon Michael Fitzpatrick. For more information ring 01722 333581 or email [email protected]. Website:

Salisbury United Reformed Church welcomes you. Minister: Rev. Tom Grant ( tel. 01722 411379 ) Services at Fisherton Street, Sundays 10.30am.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts Chairman Carl Davis 41 Sherbourne Drive, Christopher Burnell Old Sarum, SP4 6FS 35 Apostle Way, Bishopdown, Tel: 07826 051406 Salisbury SP1 3GS Tel: 505722 David Law 117b Church Road, Vice-Chair Laverstock SP1 1RB Vic Bussereau [email protected] 5 Merrifield, Ford SP4 6DF Tel: 339571 Simon Byers 18 Osmund Walk, Old Sarum SP4 6NE James Dean Milford Farm, Milford Tel: 410100 SP1 1RJ Tel: 335040 Karen Kelly 2 Norman Drive, Derek Hayes Meadow View, The Old Sarum, SP4 6FP Green, Laverstock SP1 1QS Tel: 679367 Tel: 332109 Paul Tunnicliffe 9 Norman Drive, Liz Dore 85 Church Road, Old Sarum, SP4 6FP Laverstock SP1 1QZ Tel: 07740 918255 Tel: 500343

Mark Ansonia 5 Norman Drive, Old Sarum, SP4 6FP Tel: 07875 400682 Parish Clerk Andrew Prince 3 Pilgrims Way, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1RZ Tel: 01722 411847 Email: [email protected]

Details of councillors’ interests and membership of parish council sub-groups, with all the latest parish news, can be found on our website

Wiltshire Councillors Ian McLennan For Laverstock, Ford & Old Sarum 01722 332233 47 Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1QY Email: [email protected] @CllrIanMcLennan Bill Moss For Hampton Park 01980 862241 Long Orchard, London Road Winterslow. SP5 1BN Member of Parliament John Glen Member of Parliament House of Commons [email protected] Constituency office: Phone: 01722 323050 Fax: 01722 327080

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 33

Local Websites: 1st Laverstock Scout Group Probus Club of Sarum, e-mail address Old Sarum Aviation Museum @BDACatOldSarum Old Sarum Primary School Old Sarum Residents Association River Bourne Community Farm Salisbury/Southern Wiltshire Area Boards St. Andrews Primary School St. Michaels Church, Winterbourne Dauntsey St. Andrews & St. Marks Churches Salisbury Sixth Form @salisbury6form Salisbury Gig Guide Salisbury Medical Practice: Sarum Bridge Club Spireweather @spireweather St. Edmunds CE Girls School The Pavilion, Hampton Park Wyvern College Wiltshire Council @wiltscouncil Wiltshire Police @wiltshirepolice Wiltshire Citizens Advice Bureau @WiltshireCAB Community First @CommFirstWilts

Old Sarum Nursery – Pheasant Drive The local Nursery, a charity run by parents and housed in Old Sarum Primary School, has been full for some time. However, it is pleased to an- nounce that after Easter, the nursery will expand, into extra space, at the new Community Centre across the road. New children are therefore welcome and in Sep- tember. Owing to many leaving for school, there are lots of places available to Old Sarum parents and their pre-school children. The charges are kept low to help parents. £3.71 for 3-4 year old and £3.90 for 2 year old children. Remember the first 15 hours (5 x 3 hour sessions) are free! Be quick to contact Manager Angela Riley at the Nursery or call 415598 to re- serve your child’s place in your local Nursery.

Contacts around the Parish Clubs, Groups, Organisations, Venues and amenities Air Cadets (Old Sarum) 320634 Army Cadets (Old Sarum) Adam Reavill 07940 984886 BFRA Chair Celine Le Boedec-Hughes 332 443 Bishopdown Farm Pre-School Elaine Watkins 01722 411471 Laverstock Explorer Scouts David Waspe 01722 421287 Laverstock Art Club John Gustard 326237 Laverstock Brownies Pauline Giles 01725 519216 Laverstock Cubs Kate Knight 01980 622495 Deliveries: PARISH NEWSLETTER Parish Clerk 411847 Evergreen Club Sandy Small 711129 Flora Mundi Mrs D Stevens 335770 Laverstock Gardening Club Mrs Moya Hill 328544 Greentrees Primary - Head Mrs Jan Bennett 340596 Cricket Club Mr Martyn Nokes 01980 611494 Hamptonparkpavillion@gmail. Hampton Park Pavilion com Hampton Park Vets Mr S. Mangabhai 416245 Laverstock History/Archaeology Bryan Evans 320129 Laverstock Ladies Open Group Iverene Hopkins 500643 Laverstock Beaver Scouts Jane Waspe 421287 Laverstock Scouts Alistair Riggs 07561 441116 Laverstock & Ford Sports Club 327401 Laverstock WI Thelma Green 320179 Mother's Union Evening Group Jenny King 349824 Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group Heather Ludlow Old Sarum Primary School—Head Mr John Jones 410677 Old Sarum Aviation Museum @BDACATOldSarum 323636 Old Sarum Community Room Lucinda Hyman 329693

Old Sarum Community Enabler Penny Joyce 329693 Old Sarum Beaver, Cub & Scouts Scouts [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 35

River Bourne Community Farm Jane Wilkinson 330667 River Bourne Community Farm Shop 322227 St. Andrews - Head Karen Walker 503590 St. Andrews - FRIENDS - Chair Mrs Ang Vincent 07768 199768 St. Andrews Toddlers - Chair Sallyanne Sheppard 07540 735740 St. Edmunds - Head Miss Sarah Busby 328565 St. Edmunds - FRIENDS Kate Fry (Secretary) via 328565 St .Josephs - Head Mrs R Ridley 335380

St. Josephs - FRIENDS C/O School 335380 Salisbury Medical Practice Sharon Burgess 334402 Sarum Bridge Club [email protected]

TA Centre—Old Sarum Capt. Dave Oliver 438300

TAI CHI Cheryl Beeney 01722 337870

The Duck Inn Becki and Tim 327678

Village Hall Secretary (L/stock &Ford) Chris Curtis 336400

Wyvern College Head Paul German 500700

Wyvern - FRIENDS Mrs Joanna Charlton 331245

V E N U E S A R O U N D T H E P A R I S H Laverstock and Ford Village Hall Now only available for hire on Monday afternoons during the week. Casual hire available at week- ends. Contact Louise Hatch, Hall Lettings Secretary Tel. 01722 500461 Old Sarum Community Centre Brand new Large spacious hall seating 80 + people. Small hall which can be divided into two by a partition, catering for thirty people each side or 60 when opened fully. Commercial kitchen and facilities suitable for parties, wedding receptions and training. Wi Fi throughout the building. Email [email protected] or download a booking form from the website The Community Office will be open on Mondays 10-12. Interim bookings co-ordinator Penny 07808181885.

The Pavilion, Hampton Park The Pavilion is located on Ash Crescent at Hampton Park. It offers excellent facilities for both in- door and outdoor sport, as well as a meeting place for a variety of groups and organisations. For the latest info on availability and to hire the Pavilion for a party or meeting, please check the web- site: or email [email protected]

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HELPLINES To report road, lighting defects and road hazards 0300 456 0105 Emergency (Out of hours) 0300 456 0100 Rubbish and recycling 0300 456 0102 Council tax 0300 456 0109 Housing 01722 434773 Planning 01722 434541 Building Control 01722 434519 Pest control, noise and pollution 01722 434319 General enquiries and switchboard 0300 456 0100

FLOOD LINE 0845 988 1188 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Emergency Helpline 0800 807 060

Southern Wiltshire Community Area Manager Karen Linaker [email protected] 01722 434697 Salisbury Community Area Manager Tom Bray [email protected] 01722 434252

NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM: Community Policing (non-emergency) Phone 101 For Laverstock & Ford PC 1594 Henry Clissold, and PCSO 6326 Rachel Gunn For Bishopdown Farm (including Hampton Park) PC 0544 Simon Davies and PCSO 6314 Nicola Clark email [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter: email: [email protected] Copy deadline for next issue (152) Jul/Aug : May 30th The editor reserves the right to edit articles for content and length. Laverstock & Ford Parish Website: email: [email protected] If you are a member of a local club or organisation, or have an unu- sual hobby which you think would interest your fellow residents, write a short article about it for possible inclusion in a future Parish Newsletter. You can include pictures which support the article. A full page is a round 400 words. Email these to: [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 37

PARISH D i a r y D a t e s for events in May/June 2015


Tues 5rd Mothers’ Union Evening Group, Curtis Room, St Andrew’s Church, 7:30pm

Wed 6th Laverstock Evergreen Club at 2.30pm in Laverstock Village Hall

Sat 9th May Barn Dance & Supper River Bourne Community Farm 7pm Tickets from Farm

Mon 11th Laverstock Ladies Open Group Quilting and Patchwork 7.45pm at the Village Hall

Thu 14th Salisbury Area Board 6.30 for 7.00pm City Hall

Mon 18th Laverstock & District Evening W.I. Laverstock Village Hall 7.45pm

Mon 18th Parish Council Meeting & Annual Meeting Old Sarum Community Centre 7pm

Sun 24th Live @ The Farm - Music event at River Bourne Community Farm 3-10pm

Mon 26th Laverstock Gardening Club Laverstock Village Hall, 7.30pm

Wed 27th Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group, Curtis Room, St Andrew’s Church, 2.15pm


Tues 2nd Mothers’ Union Evening Group, Curtis Room, St Andrew’s Church, 7:30pm

Wed 3rd Laverstock Evergreen Club at 2.30pm in Laverstock Village Hall

Sun 7th River Bourne Community Farm Open Farm Sunday Day 10am – 4pm

Mon 8th Laverstock Ladies Open Group Walk and Treasure Hunt at the Cathedral Close

Sat 13th Music on the Field at St Andrews School 6 - 10pm

Mon 15th Parish Council Meeting River Bourne Community Farm 7pm

Mon 15th Laverstock & District Evening W.I. Laverstock Village Hall 7.45pm

Wed 24th Mothers’ Union Group, Curtis Room, St Andrew’s Church, 2.15pm

Mon 26th Laverstock Gardening Club Laverstock Village Hall, 7.30pm Speaker Beth Halski

Thu 28 May Southern Wiltshire Area Board 6.30 for 7pm Winterslow Village Hall

Make sure your July—August events appear in the Parish Newsletter

E-mail full details to: [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 39