KINGSTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT Vision Mission We envision Kingston as an innovative city where private and public The Kingston Economic Development Corporation will provide dynamic enterprises thrive, individuals and entrepreneurs grow, and a diversity and collaborative leadership by leveraging Kingston’s unique assets of people want to visit, live, work and do business. to create jobs and investment in order to sustain, grow and transform Kingston’s economy to meet the needs of the 21st century. We aim to be one of Canada’s leading economies. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 Dean Byrnes Adam Koven* Mayor Chair Treasurer City of Kingston President, Eikon Device Inc. Former CEO, Rosen Energy Group Councillor Sandy Berg Tim Sugrue John Proctor Kingscourt – Strathcona District Vice-Chair Vice President, Global Cyber Security Councillor Bryan Paterson T. Sugrue & Associates CGI Trillium District Peter Kraus Niall O’Driscoll Councillor Brian Reitzel Vice-Chair Former CEO & GM Pittsburgh District INVISTA Canada (Ret’d) Alexa Internet Councillor Dorothy Hector* Bo Wandschneider Sandra Gibson Lakeside District (Alternate) Treasurer/Secretary Chief Information Officer TurnerMoore Queen’s University

Directors appointed to the Board in December 2014 were Shai Dubey, Assistant Professor, Director Queen’s University MBA Program; Judith Pineault, General Manager, Eastern Fluid Power Inc.; Greg Shannon, Owner, Sun Harvest Green Houses; Mayor Bryan Paterson, Councillor Rob Hutchison, Councillor Jeff McLaren, Councillor Laura Turner. *Completed term prior to December 31, 2014.

KEDCO STAFF Corporate Business Development Jeff Garrah Cyril Cooper Chief Executive Officer Director, Business Development Paula Drouin Carey Bidtnes Executive Assistant to the CEO Human Resources & Labour Market Officer Secretary to the Board of Directors Jan Dines Donna Gillespie Business Development Officer Director, Marketing & Corporate Communications Christa Wallbridge Melissa Shorrock Business Development Officer Marketing & Communications Officer Mark Hanley Emily McCracken Manager, Small Business Development Centre Administration & Communications Assistant Rebecca Darling Senior Business Consultant, Small Business Development Centre Tourism KINGSTON Ella Vanderburgt Rob Carnegie Coordinator, Small Business Development Centre Director, Tourism Marketing & Development Dajana Turkovic Connie Markle Business Development & Tourism Marketing Coordinator Conference & Travel Trade Manager Meagan Morrison Brandon Pickard Human Resources & Labour Market Assistant Sport Tourism Development Officer Chris Whyman Visitor Services Manager Youko Leclerc-Desjardins Assistant Manager, Visitor Services Ray Bergstrom/Samantha Arniel/Julianna Harbec Travel Counsellors KEDCO is committed to supporting student internships and employment opportunities. A special thanks to the following for their assistance throughout the year: Maral Chouljan, Sarah Kiers, Maria Kritskaya, Kristen Mulder, Ariadna Neguleta-Morogan, Craig Perry, Patrick Phillips, Camille Prior, Maggie Shi, Samantha Sutherland, Ali Tejpar, Claire Theriault. Farewell and best wishes were bid to staff who transitioned to new opportunities: Ann McDougall and Lenore Klein.

2 | MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD A strong economic development strategy leads to job growth, new investments, improved wages and an overall increase in economic output. An important aspect of the Board’s work in 2014 was confirming the framework for the Corporation’s 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. We are excited to have launched this ambitious plan to facilitate $500 million of new investment and bring 5,000 new jobs to the community over the next five years. With an increased focus on delivery of business support services for our local companies and a refined direction for attracting high growth sectors, we are confident that we can meet our vision of being one of Canada’s leading economies. The KEDCO Board of Directors, as a governance board, is represented by a varied group of individuals bringing expertise and experience to shape and guide strategic and policy development. We are the guardians of the Corporation and are entrusted with representing and ensuring accountability of the organization within the community. We create mechanisms for determining and measuring the Corporation’s success and are entrusted with fiscal accountability and ensuring KEDCO is fulfilling its mission in the most effective means possible. During the 2014 municipal election, we heard loud and clear the importance of the economy and economic development issues. While we can agree or disagree on strategies, sectors to pursue and sales and marketing tactics, one thing is certain – Kingstonians are keen to see job and investment creation occur. We need to strive to ensure future generations have opportunities to live and work here. We need to ensure entrepreneurs and innovators are supported, feel welcome and are celebrated for their intrinsic role in our economy. We understand the need to raise awareness of the important work KEDCO undertakes to sustain and transform our economy and we are committed to supporting the Corporation’s efforts. The KEDCO Board and staff bid farewell to Tim Sugrue, Adam Koven, John Proctor, Mark Gerretsen, Sandy Berg, Dorothy Hector and Brian Reitzel who completed their terms in 2014. A heartfelt note of condolence is extended for the passing of David Rutenberg. David was instrumental on the KEDCO Board spearheading the Long-Range Strategic Dean Byrnes, Chair Planning Committee which provided great information and analysis for the formation of our Strategic Plan 2015-2020. I wish to recognize the tremendous efforts of the KEDCO staff under the leadership of CEO Jeff Garrah, who without a doubt are committed to the Corporation’s vision and mission and go above and beyond to attract new businesses and help strengthen existing ones.

MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER We are pleased to present KEDCO’s 2014 Annual Report highlighting our activities over the past year. As the final year under the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan, we feel pride in a number of significant accomplishments achieved both last year and over the span of the five year plan. Economic prosperity means many things to different individuals and to support this, our collective work covers vast portfolios. In 2014, we continued to position Kingston as a premier destination to visit, live, work and do business. The community has benefitted from stable growth over the past five years and there was new opportunity to push the agenda for making Kingston the most competitive place to do business - which in turn attracts great numbers of visitors and newcomers to live and work. An important accolade for Kingston in 2014 was the Intelligent Community Forum naming Kingston a Top7 Intelligent Community, proving again that our city can contend on an international scale among large, metropolitan cities in terms of community culture, a knowledge-based work force and smart business infrastructure. The $40 million investment by Bell Canada to make Kingston the second city in Canada with fully deployed, city wide state-of-the-art broadband and the expansion of Grafoid Inc.’s R&D and production facilities into Kingston were other significant advancements that prove Kingston is a seriously smart community for businesses and people. Small businesses account for over 50 per cent of Kingston’s economic makeup and ensuring we have the means to attract and retain small and medium enterprises is essential to sustaining Kingston’s entrepreneurial and innovative Jeff Garrah, CEO mindset. Our Small Business Development Centre realized a record-breaking year of consultations with entrepreneurs and business owners in 2014. KEDCO’s goals of growing jobs and investment were not achieved in isolation - it is our local business community and organizations that deserve recognition for their choice to invest in themselves and in Kingston’s collective success. They set the example of the benefits of doing business in Kingston and are one of KEDCO’s biggest assets. KEDCO’s other biggest asset is its people and I personally wish to thank the staff and community champions who go above and beyond to support our mission and advance opportunities for smart growth to achieve individual, business and community potential for Kingston. It is through these ongoing efforts that I firmly believe KEDCO will continue to evolve to better serve community needs and realize the best return on municipal dollars invested to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiencies in coming years.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 3 Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Launched in December 2014, KEDCO’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020 establishes the vision and framework required to identify resources and develop annual sales and operating plans. Operational activities are developed on an annual basis to reach desired incremental outcomes. The KEDCO Board of Directors reviews progress and provides guidance for the ongoing refinement of plans based on the ever-changing economic landscape locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. From this guidance, staff is charged with development of budgets and tactics for confirmation by the KEDCO Board of Directors and Kingston City Council. CORE AREAS OF FOCUS: business Marketing tourism Marketing The focus of KEDCO’s efforts is on supporting the local & development & development business community and leveraging Kingston’s unique assets. KEDCO will act as a catalyst to identify high attraction growth & attraction growth & priority growth sectors – both internally and externally retention retention – to encourage export-based growth. KEDCO’s strategic high priority growth sectors high priority growth sectors priorities are: agri-business sport tourism • Exceptional delivery of ICT/Defence meetings & conferences BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES. Sustainable Emerging Technologies Travel Trade • Substantial and continuous investment in healthcare niche leisure Travel HIGH PRIORITY GROWTH SECTORS. Business Support services • Attraction of LABOUR FORCE skill sets to meet needs of employers. Labour market development

BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES HIGH PRIORITY GROWTH SECTORS Growth and retention is an inherent part of KEDCO’s overall High priority growth sectors have been identified for both the economic development strategy and the Corporation’s plans Business Development and Tourism divisions of the Corporation. reflect Kingston’s existing base as well as its future prospects. In review of opportunities and challenges within these sectors, KEDCO’s business support services are available to all Kingston- it is apparent that each market demands support and expertise based companies. For new entrepreneurs and small business for the attraction of new jobs and investment as well as support owners, KEDCO works in partnership with the provincial Ministry for the market growth at a local level. of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure to Strategies: deliver services as part of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs. • Attract new investment to the city of Kingston To support local business growth and prosperity, KEDCO is in identified high priority growth sectors. committed to delivering exceptional, timely and responsive • Support growth of local businesses and organizations services. KEDCO’s Business and Tourism divisions have in high priority growth areas. the knowledge, tools and resources required to deliver • Ensure active labour force meets growth needs comprehensive support to best position, integrate and market within high priority growth sectors. the wealth of opportunities to visit, live, work and do business in Kingston. LABOUR MARKET DEVELOPMENT KEDCO’s service delivery foundation is designed to nurture The economic prosperity of Kingston is intimately connected local entrepreneurs and business owners to create new growth. to the city’s ability to attract, retain and build a workforce that Services are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the meets the business challenges of today and the needs of the Corporation continues to provide value to existing businesses future. and responsive to the ever-changing economic landscape. Strategies: Strategies: • Attract skilled workers to actively fill • Deliver essential, professional and timely core services to available positions in Kingston. support owner-operated business start-up, growth, • Attract and retain labour force required to sustainability and transition. support identified high priority growth sectors. • Work with the City of Kingston and community partners • Attract high growth small business to ensure that infrastructure, employment lands and entrepreneurs and investment capitalists neighbourhood development initiatives are in line to foster creation of export based jobs. with business, resident and visitor needs today and in place for the future. • Integrate service delivery of Business and Tourism divisions to assist in the growth and promotion of Kingston organizations through local and regional alliances.

4 | STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-2014 KEDCO DASHBOARD 2014 KEDCO is committed to the key issue of long-term economic sustainability The ability to define the exact value of an economic for the City of Kingston. As the economic pillar for the City of Kingston’s development organization’s (EDO) activity and its direct Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, KEDCO endorses the City’s impact on a community or region has been one of great vision of Kingston as Canada’s most sustainable city. debate for decades. A lead today may not become an KEDCO’s focus is on jobs and investment – both the creation of new opportunity for months or even years. A company an and the retention of existing. These over arching goals have shaped the EDO works with may select the city based on community Corporation’s strategic direction and guided all activities. reputation and demographics rather than a formal sales presentation. In order for KEDCO to measure its success The Strategic Plan 2010-2014 addressed four core fully integrated and better communicate its level of activity, the following objectives where KEDCO focused its operations: Attraction, Growth & metrics have been put in place for the organization to Retention, Tourism Marketing & Development and Small Business & track and gauge activity from year to year. In 2014, KEDCO Entrepreneurship. achieved: KEDCO’s efforts were universally supported by a solid service delivery foundation which included business support services and strong partnerships throughout the community. Jobs Created...... 868 Jobs created may result from either new jobs from the attraction of a company to the city or additional jobs created through the growth of existing businesses. KEDCO DEAL DEAL measures jobs facilitated from opportunities which have Influencers BREAKERS been Closed-Won where KEDCO staff have played a direct TIME INVESTMENT TIME INVESTMENT % % role in supporting the win of the opportunity. 10 20 INDIRECT/ DIRECTLY FOUNDATIONAL RELATED Investment Facilitated...... $100.45M Physician Planning Recruitment Building Value of New Jobs Created...... $34.72M Recreation & Utilities/Hydro Investment dollars are tracked with similar methodology Culture Waste Water Infrastructure Community Development as jobs facilitated. KEDCO must have been a part of the Airport Parking & Transit process in which new dollars are invested in the city. New jobs secured for the city are calculated based on an average one-year salary at $40,000. This salary is only captured in the first year of hire and is based on the JOBS & INVESTMENT CORE median salary of Kingston employees. Sales Pipeline Company Visits DUTIES New Leads, Prospects & Bids People Attraction TIME INVESTMENT Opportunities Created...... 142 An opportunity is defined as a qualified lead which has a % real potential to create new job(s) or new direct monetary 70 investment for the city. Opportunities may be in the sales pipeline for an undetermined amount of time, due to the nature and complexities of the specific deal. Opportunities result in either being Closed-Won (Kingston realized new job(s) or investment), Closed-Lost (the opportunity is lost to another community), or Withdrawn (Lead no longer has interest in proceeding with opportunity).

To ensure that the Corporation doesn’t suffer from mission creep, our Company Visits...... 407 resource allocations must be in line with our strategic outcomes. KEDCO A company visit is when a KEDCO staff person undertakes continues to refine efforts each year to ensure the appropriate balance an on-site meeting with a local organization to discuss between activity directly related and those indirectly related to our goals. business challenges and opportunities, areas where support could be delivered or any issues of concern. Often, new opportunities arise from company visits.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 5 BUSINESS ATTRACTION

In 2014, KEDCO welcomed its new Director of Business Development, Cyril Cooper to the team. Cooper moved to Kingston from Calgary, Alberta where he held the position of Vice President of Economic Development Services with Rainmaker Global Business Development. As Director of Business Development, Cooper oversees the strategic direction and promotion of business attraction, growth, and retention for the city of Kingston.

FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT In today’s global economy, foreign direct investment is a key driver of economic growth and prosperity and we want investors from around the world to look for new business opportunities in Kingston. KEDCO attended a number of trade shows in 2014 to promote Kingston as a competitive place to invest including: the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chigaco, IL; CANSEC, Canada’s foremost defence technology showcase in Ottawa; the National Confectioner’s Association Sweets and Snacks Expo in Chicago, IL; the MODEX manufacturing and distribution trade show in Atlanta, Georgia; the SIAL Canada (Salon International de l’Alimentation) International Food Expo in Montreal; and, the SIAL Biannual Food Exhibition in Paris, France. Agri-Business KEDCO continues to work with local agri-business companies including growers, suppliers and manufacturers to strengthen supply chains and attract new agri-businesses to the city. In January, KEDCO partnered with Farm Boy and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to host a vendor fair for area farmers and producers. At the event, Farm Boy met with over 35 local suppliers to expand local product offerings and help grow the local food sector. In November, KEDCO hosted the Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference for the second year. The conference, presented by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), was themed Niche to Mainstream and featured presentations on best practices for local food producers and growers to broaden their product market. Over 200 growers, producers and restaurateurs from the region attended the event.

Research and Development In August, Grafoid Inc. officially opened its new location in Kingston at 945 Princess Street in the one-of-a-kind, 225,000 square foot Innovation Park technology centre. During the next 12-24 months, Grafoid Inc. expects to create approximately 160 new jobs and generate $32 million in local economic benefits. Grafoid Inc. is Canada’s global leader in graphene development and investment.

information & communication technologies In May, KEDCO announced that Bell Canada will be investing over $40 million to bring its Fibe TV and Internet Services to Kingston with a state-of-the-art broadband Fibre to the Home (FTTH) network. Kingston is the second municipality, following Québec City, where Bell is deploying Fibre to the Home city-wide, which will bring high speed fibre technology directly into Kingston homes and businesses.


Jobs Investment Opportunities Opportunities created facilitated CREATED Closed-Won 293 $57.2M 64 21


Intelligent community In 2014, KEDCO in partnership with the City of Kingston and Utilities Kingston’s Major Employers 2014 Kingston hosted the first Intelligent Sustainable Community Workshop at Private Sector # of Employees the Donald Gordon Centre which was attended by over 80 academic, business, INVISTA Canada 750 industry and community leaders. The workshop featured speakers on topics including digital inclusion, creating an environment of innovation, and the StarTek Canada 650 role of broadband in intelligent sustainable communities. The workshop Empire Life Insurance Company 600 was coordinated with the site visit of Louis Zacharilla, Co-Founder of the J.E. Agnew Food Services 490 Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) for the final stage of the application for the Calian Technologies 450 designation of Intelligent Community of the Year through the ICF. In January, Bell Canada 415 Kingston was short-listed to Tim Hortons Inc. Distribution Centre 280 the 2014 Top 7 Intelligent Communities out of over 400 Novelis Works Manufacturing 270 applicant cities worldwide. The Commissionaires Canada 250 Intelligent Community of the Intercall 187 Year (Toronto) was announced Assurant Solutions 170 at the annual Intelligent DuPont R&D 150 Community Forum’s Annual Summit in New York City in June. Public Sector # of Employees Steven Liss, Queen’s University Vice Principal (Research), Jeff Garrah, CEO, Former Mayor Canadian Forces Base Kingston 8,400 Mark Gerretsen and Jim Keech, President & CEO of Utilities Kingston at the ICF’s Annual Queen’s University 8,289 Summit in New York City. Kingston General Hospital 4,123 Limestone District School Board 3,186 Grindspace XL Correctional Service of Canada 2,348 KEDCO partnered with Thales Providence Care 1,599 Canada, Launch Lab, Innovation City of Kingston 1,281 Park at Queen’s University Hotel Dieu Hospital 900 and Invest Ottawa to present Ontario Ministry of Health 569 Grindspace XL Powered by Ongwanada 500 Thales Canada, a cohort-based development program that St. Lawrence College 479 helped to accelerate the growth Kingston Police 261 of six high-potential technology ventures from prototype to product to revenue. The ten week program kicked off in January and offered targeted and intensive entrepreneurship training for the companies.

PerspectiveTM Perspective KINGSTON 2014 K ingston 2014 The sixth annual Perspective Kingston was published in June, 2014. Over 325,000 copies were printed and distributed through The Globe and Mail and Canada Post. Perspective Kingston 2014 focused on Kingston as a seriously smart city and a smart choice for entrepreneurs, businesses and people. Featured profiles included Grafoid, BKIN Technologies and the Grindspace XL development program for businesses.


Jobs Investment Opportunities Opportunities Company created facilitated CREATED Closed-Won Visits 123 $38.7M 78 31 201

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 7 Business GROWTH & RETENTION

Business Website In 2014, KEDCO launched a new business website to make it easier to find information on how to do business in Kingston. The new business website features information on why Kingston is a strategic location to do business; statistics and information on Kingston including demographics, major employers and labour force; site selection resources including available properties, energy and utility information and available incentives; information on Kingston’s strong core of small and medium sized businesses in various sectors; and, a section for local businesses including information on KEDCO’s Business Support Services. KEDCO also began working on a series of promotional videos that will be used at international trade shows to promote Kingston as a great place to invest. The videos focus on a general overview of Kingston as well as sector specific videos on KEDCO’s high growth priority sectors: Agri-Business, Healthcare, Information Communication Technologies/Defence and Sustainable Emerging Technologies. Funding for the business website project was secured with support from Invest Canada Community Initiatives (ICCI) funding program. Investment Support KEDCO supports local companies through both the identification of relevant funding programs available and the application process including: securing grant writers, mentoring, proofing, and following the grant application through Ministry channels. Investment support programs are available to attract and retain investment, create and retain jobs, and promote innovation, collaboration and cluster development. In 2014, KEDCO assisted 14 companies to secure $13 million in funding from various provincial and federal organizations which resulted in 15 new jobs in the city of Kingston and $8.21 million in private investment in the city. company visit program In 2014, KEDCO’s Business Development Team completed 201 company visits with local employers across a wide range of business sectors. The purpose of the Company Visit program is to gain a better understanding of the Kingston business operating environment. Through company visits, KEDCO identifies potential funding opportunities which a company may wish to investigate, identifies opportunities for collaborations, offers assistance with development projects, and determines the needs and concerns of Kingston employers. Sales Strategies KEDCO hosts and participates in workshops and conferences to help keep Kingston businesses aware of programs and funding available to them as well as to create networking opportunities for local business and program representatives. In 2014, KEDCO hosted and participated in workshops, seminars, information sessions and conferences on topics including: doing business with the government; manufacturing export opportunities; investment support; procurement; and, government programs and initiatives.


Small Business Development Centre KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre offers up-to-date, expert advice and practical assistance to new and existing business owners from a team of experienced, successful and trusted staff representing a wide variety of business sectors. These leaders are friendly, helpful and willing to work one-on-one with clients to connect them with the information, expertise and contacts they need along their path to success and prosperity. The Small Business Development Centre is funded in part by the provincial Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure (MEDEI) and the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI). In 2014, KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre hosted 10 Business Basics workshops, which provided information and resources to individuals who are looking to start their own business. Topics covered during the free workshops included steps to register a business, general HST information, City of Kingston resources and planning for a sustainable business. The Small Business Development Centre also partnered with the Downtown Kingston! BIA to present a Business Basics workshop for downtown businesses. KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre helped to start 161 new businesses in Kingston in 2014. In 2014, KEDCO featured business profiles in the Kingston Business Today publication and online through Metroland Media. The profiles featured local success stories with an emphasis on how KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre helped to facilitate their success. Businesses profiled in 2014 included: The Dessert Indulgence, Sugar Swan, Full Circle Health Network, Tint World and ZX Media. starter company In 2014, the Government of Ontario’s Youth Jobs Strategy launched the Starter Company program which is administered in Kingston by KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre. Starter Company is for young adults between the ages of 18-29 years old who are not returning to school and are interested in opening or expanding a business. Starter Company provides youth with training, skills development and mentoring from local business leaders. With the help of KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre, eleven companies were supported through the Starter Company program and received grant money and support for their business. Businesses started in 2014 through the Starter Company program included a yoga studio, a wildlife solutions service and a manufacturing company specializing in waterfowl hunting calls.

summer company In 2014, KEDCO supported the launch of 31 new student run businesses as part of the annual Summer Company program. KEDCO administers Kingston’s Summer Company program on behalf of the Government of Ontario. The program provides selected students between 15-29 years grants of up to $3,000 to start their own business for the summer. Summer Company businesses for 2014 included: face painting; lawn and garden maintenance; pet waste management services; equine videography; swimming lessons; environmentally friendly fishing tackle; and, hand-made leather goods. The 2014 Summer Company program had an economic impact of $227,000 for the community. Students ages 15-29 APPLY TODAY! futurpreneur Canada Futurpreneur Canada (formerly the CYBF) is a national organization providing pre-launch coaching, business resources, start-up financing and mentoring for youth aged 18-39 years and retired military personnel of all ages to help start their own successful business. KEDCO’s Small Business Development Centre reviews and facilitates the local applications which lend young entrepreneurs up to $45,000 for business start-up. In 2014, nine young entrepreneurs received financing support including a candy store, a granite countertop manufacturing business and a commercial cleaning business.

Small business & Entrepreneurship DASHBOARD

New Businesses Businesses Jobs Investment Business Started Assisted Created facilitated Consultations 161 129 256 $4.24M 1,015

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 9 LABOUR MARKET

View current opportunities and apply online today


Kingston is Hiring Kingston is Hiring, which was launched in April 2013, continues to be an important tool for job seekers and Kingston businesses. is an online recruitment site and resume database of active and passive job seekers interested in Kingston employment opportunities. Kingston businesses can post advertisements for employment opportunities and request a search of resumes on file for individuals matching the skill sets needed, free of charge. In 2014, KEDCO posted 1,842 jobs on the Kingston Is Hiring job board in a variety of sectors including: healthcare and healthcare services; engineering; administration; trades and manufacturing; information communication technologies; business development and sales; and, education and educational services. Talent retention KEDCO, in collaboration with Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College held the fourth annual Live & Work Kingston Day on Tuesday, February 11 at the Queen’s Athletics and Recreation Centre. Seventy-six local employers were represented at the event to promote a variety of opportunities including full-time post-graduation, part-time year round and summer jobs. KEDCO hosted monthly Coffee with KEDCO meetings in 2014, which gave internationally educated professionals seeking employment an opportunity to ask questions regarding labour market, employment growth industries, strategies for finding employment and more. The Coffee with KEDCO meetings featured monthly guest speakers and were held in partnership with the KEYS Job Centre. Talent Attraction In 2014, KEDCO participated in two job fairs to promote Kingston businesses and career opportunities including the Salon de L’immigration in Montreal, which promotes opportunities and services for newcomers to Canada; and the Newcomers Fair in Toronto, which provides information to newly landed or settled immigrants. At these fairs, KEDCO promoted career opportunities with Kingston businesses through the Kingston Is Hiring job board as well as the benefits of living and working in Kingston. Labour Market Development Dashboard

Jobs jobs Investment Opportunities HR business Jobs created retained facilitated Closed-Won consultations posted 196 76 $7.84M 45 49 1,842


Leisure Travel The 2014 Official Visitor Guide to Kingston was published in partnership with Kingston DISCOVER SAVOUR CITY STAY, SHOP Publications. The guide is distributed to over 1,000 travel outlets worldwide, with a strong & EXPLORE FLAVOURS & INDULGE Experience our history, arts, We’ll show you why Kingston Our guide to accommodations, concentration along the Ottawa-GTA corridor and into Quebec and Northern New York. sports, music and more. is a city of culinary delights. shops, spas and more. Tourism Kingston has partnered with local community stakeholders including the Kingston Accommodation Partners, Sir John A. Bicentennial Commission, City of Kingston, St. Lawrence Parks Commission and the Downtown Kingston! BIA on the Canada Comes K2014 OFIFICNIAL VISITOGR GUIDE STO KINTGSTONO ONTARIO NCANADA Home campaign. Canada Comes Home celebrates three significant anniversaries that will take place over the course of the next three years: in 2015, the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of Sir John A. Macdonald; in 2016, the 175th anniversary of Kingston as Canada’s first capital; and in 2017, Canada’s 150 anniversary of the coming into force of the British North America Act. These dates and the events that surround their historical significance SIGNATURE EXPERIENCES will enhance Kingston’s profile and be a strong attractor for both visiting friends/relatives 20 WHAT TO SEE, HEAR AND DO ONLY IN KINGSTON and visitors as well as considerable media attention. In 2014, Tourism Kingston produced a series of six printed maps which outline suggested motorcycle routes, stops and services for motorcycle riders in Kingston and the surrounding area. The maps, which all begin in Kingston, encourage destinations in and around Kingston including the 1000 Islands, Canadian Shield, Prince Edward County, and Cape Vincent, New York. In October, Kingston welcomed the MS Hamburg, a 15,000-ton luxury cruise ship from Germany which brought over 750 passengers to Kingston during two separate visits as Kingston Rides a result of a Tourism Kingston sales call in the travel trade and leisure market. The ship scenic route map Experience 1,500 km of winding routes anchored in Kingston while the passengers took part in full day tours of the downtown core. through the heart of Eastern Ontario and Northern New York. Travel Trade With culinary, heritage and cultural tourism offerings and Ontario’s only World Heritage Destination, Kingston is a preferred destination for the foreign independent traveler and group travel markets. Tourism Kingston released the 2014-2015 Educational Opportunities in Kingston handbook for teachers and educational tour groups which outlines destinations for field trips and learning experiences within Kingston and the surrounding area. Ranging from grade one to grade twelve, the learning opportunities encompass a wide variety of subjects and strands with curriculum connections. Educational tour travel is a growing sector presenting Kingston with a unique opportunity to showcase museums, historic sites, galleries and theatres in the area. The Handbook is distributed to local schools as well as school districts and educational tour operators in Ottawa, Northern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area. In 2014, Tourism Kingston completed 151 sales calls in the Travel Trade markets to promote Kingston as a destination for tours in the group travel, education tour and corporate and incentive travel markets. Tourism Kingston staff attended the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Rendez-Vous Canada marketplace, the American Bus Association’s Marketplace and the Ontario Motor Coach Association’s Marketplace to promote Kingston as a premier destination for bus tours and sightseeing. In addition, Tourism Kingston also attended a number of Travel Trade Sales Missions in partnership with the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC) and other Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO’s) from across Ontario to promote Kingston to the group travel market.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 11 TOURISM MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT

MEETINGS & CONFERENCES Kingston is one of the top four destinations for conferences in Ontario, and statistically, conference delegates spend four to five times more money in business travel than the spending that occurs in leisure travel. In 2014, Tourism Kingston completed 254 sales calls in the Kingston, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal markets. These sales calls promoted Kingston as a destination for meetings, conferences and special events to qualified corporate and government meeting planners. In addition, Tourism Kingston attended the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) Tête-à-Tête Trade Show in Ottawa, which brings together over 160 premier suppliers, association executives, government procurers and meetings industry representatives with 500 delegates. In 2014, Tourism Kingston’s Meetings and Conferences Incentive Program, which supports new conferences to Kingston, supported 13 events with funding of $18,800. These events brought more than 2,250 delegates to the city with an estimated economic impact of $28 million. Travel Media Editorial and journalistic media coverage is a low-cost marketing and promotion tool for attracting visitors to Kingston. In 2014, Tourism Kingston hosted thirteen 2014 Sport Events Supported Familiarization Tours to promote local Kingston attractions and acquaint travel Limestone City Cup - AAA Tournament bloggers and media writers with the area. Tourism Kingston remains active in the Royal Military College vs. West Point Hockey Game Media Industry and promotes Kingston to respected professional travel writers, Kingston Ringette Tournament bloggers, photographers, videographers and tourism industry experts. In 2014, Carr-Harris Cup Tourism Kingston attended the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Canada Media Ontario Coaches Conference Kingston Impact Mega Tournament Marketplace to generate media exposure for Kingston and to build relationships Kids for Kids Hockey Tournament with print media personnel including journalists and freelance writers to Kingston Adult Hockey Classic encourage them to visit and promote Kingston. High School Hockey Invitational Tournament Ontario Cup Basketball - U13 Bantam Boys Sport Tourism Clippers International Soccer Camp Sport Tourism continues to be a priority sector for Tourism Kingston and an Futsal National Championships important travel sector for Kingston. In 2014, Tourism Kingston supported 38 Youth Hockey Junior Showcase events which hosted over 25,000 participants and spectators and generated Ontario Cup Basketball - U16 Major Midget Boys an estimated $8.85 million in economic impact through visitor spending. 2014 JUEL Provincial Basketball Championships Youth Hockey Festival Girls Hockey Tournament saw high profile events including the 2014 Ontario Coaches Conference which Youth Hockey Festival Ringette Tournament brought 400 amateur coaches from as many as 50 different sporting disciplines Youth Boys Hockey Tournament to Kingston, and the Hometown Hockey festival and national broadcast as well Youth Hockey Festival Boys Hockey Tournament as the 2015 IIHF World Junior Championships pre-tournament exhibition games. Hockey Sports Camp Tourism Kingston also submitted 10 bids for future events to be held in the city. Hockey Night in Canada’s Play On! Ambassador Cup Soccer Tournament - Girls 29er Open Training Ambassador Cup Soccer Tournament - Boys 29er North American Championships Canadian Open of Fishing 29er World Championships 29er Training Camp Provincial Lawn Bowling Championship 29er Canadian Championship PGA Tour Canada - Great Waterway Classic Optimist CORK, CYA Youth Championship, OCR, & One-Design Regatta CORK Fall Regatta, Ontario Sailing Combine Canadian Eastern University Ultimate Championships Canada/Russia Super Series Game The Kingston Canadian Open of Fishing was held in Kingston on July 24-26 in Confederation Basin and had an Rogers Hometown Hockey Broadcast/Festival estimated economic impact of $500,000 for the community. The event raised funds for the Kingston Military World Junior Championship Camp/Exhibition Games Family Resource Centre. Tourism Kingston DASHBOARD Sales Company info centre M&C Economic Sport Tourism Tour Bus Calls Visits Visitors Impact Economic Impact Passengers 556 206 183,925 $28.98M $8.4M 97,580


Visitor Services The Visitor Information Centre at 209 Ontario Street across from City Hall services guests to the city with updated and relevant information to extend and Tourism Kingston Advisory Committees optimize their stay in Kingston. Open 361 days a year, the multi-lingual team Meetings & Conferences of travel advisors and volunteer Ambassadors greeted 183,925 people who Bev Allinson Confederation Place Hotel came through the Centre. These visitors purchased $210,000 of merchandise Nicole Braatz Queen’s Event Services and attraction tickets to events including: Kingston Trolley Tours; Kingston 1000 Karla Brennan Ambassador Hotel Islands Cruises; Haunted Walks of Kingston; In Sir John A’s Footsteps Walking Paul Fortier Jessup Food & Heritage Ltd. (Chair) Roger James Musician Tours; The Cellar Door Project’s drama The Lockup; and, the replica pirate ship Kristen McKibbin Diamond Hotel Group Liana’s Ransom which visited Kingston in August. Kristen Steele Four Points by Sheraton Tourism Kingston and the City of Kingston hosted a celebration to honor the Travel Trade four athletes with ties to Kingston who competed in the Sochi 2014 Olympic Gord Dalton Confederation Place Hotel Games which took place in February in Russia. Kingston’s Olympic Athletes Betty Ann Desharnais Ambassador Hotel include: Jayna Hefford, Women’s Hockey Gold Medalist; Genevieve Lacasse, Michelle Hand Kingston Thousand Islands Cruises Women’s Hockey Gold Medalist; Gillian Apps, Women’s Hockey Gold Medalist; David Hay Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront and, Mike Smith, Men’s Hockey Gold Medalist. Trevor King Peach Tree Inn Kristen McKibbon Diamond Hotel Group Tourism Kingston hosted Kingston’s 21st Annual Tourism Awareness Week Kelly Smith Travelodge Kingston in 2014 with a full roster of events for visitors and residents to take part in. Kristen Steele Four Points by Sheraton Events included a free barbeque for Kingston and area residents at the Visitor Sport Tourism Information Centre, which included local tourism partners and businesses Murray Matheson Kingston Accommodation Partners (Chair) showcasing their products, services and attractions; a front line-staff Marianne Davis CORK appreciation day; and, a free drive-through coffee and information sharing Nick DeLuco Rogers K-Rock Centre event for taxi drivers. Close to 500 residents and tourism partners participated Jeff Downie Queen’s Athletics and Recreation in the week-long event which helped to strengthen relationships and share Guy Dube Royal Military College Athletics Luke Follwell City of Kingston information with front line staff, partners and attractions in the tourism industry. Laura Meggs Downtown Kingston! BIA In 2014, Tourism Kingston launched the Tourism Kingston Crown Awards, which recognizes outstanding individuals and Visitor Information centre Visitor origins businesses in the tourism 2012 (%) 2013 (%) 2014 (%) industry who have gone above Kingston 12 9 11 and beyond by providing Toronto 9 9 12 excellent customer service to Eastern Ontario 5 4 5 local individuals and businesses. Other Ontario 5 3 4 Quebec 10 8 8 Nominees will be recognized in Maritimes 2 1 1 the following categories: Stay, Western Canada 2 2 3 Nominate someone today! Dine, Experience and Shop. USA 11 13 5 The Kingston Crowns Tourism Awards honours Kingstonians who have gone above and Individuals will be honored at an France 9 15 13 beyond by providing excellent customer service. Fill out a nomination form at: awards celebration to be held on Germany 6 7 7 May 7, 2015. UK 6 5 5 Other Europe 5 5 5 Australia/New Zealand 5 5 4 Japan 2 1 1 China 7 7 9 Central & South America 2 2 1 Other Countries 2 2 1

In October, the City of Kingston and Tourism Kingston honored Kingston’s Official Town Crier, Chris Whyman, following his victory at the 2014 World Town Crier Championships in Chester, England in August 2014. L - R: Former MPP , Former Speaker of the House of Commons , Chris Whyman, MP Ted Hsu and Former Mayor Mark Gerretsen at the recognition event for Chris Whyman in October.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 13 KEDCO in the community Kingston Business Hall of Fame KEDCO and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce hosted the ninth annual Business Hall of Fame Awards on June 10 to honor those who have made a significant impact on the Kingston business community. 2014 Inductees were: the Cooke Family (Visionary); Marijke Wilkins (Enabler); Secker, Ross & Perry LLP (Mentor); and the Agnew Family and John Armitage (Community Builders). Business Hall of Fame: L-R Tim Sugrue, Bill Hughes, John Armitage, Susan Cooke, Marijke Wilkins, Sherri Agnew, Martin Secker, and Peggy White.

Anchor Concrete Award Celebration At the March 4 City of Kingston Council meeting, Mayor Mark Gerretsen, KEDCO Board Chair Dean Byrnes and CEO Jeff Garrah along with Anchor Concrete President & CEO Jeff Bradfield celebrated the recent award that was given to Anchor Concrete Products Limited by the National Precast Concrete Association (NCPA). The award, which was given for work on the Highway 407 East Expansion Project in Whitby was received at an awards ceremony in Houston, Texas in February of 2014. Dean Byrnes, KEDCO Board Chair, Jeff Bradfield, Anchor Concrete President & CEO, Mayor Mark Gerretsen and Jeff Garrah, CEO at the March 4 Council Meeting.

KEDCO Annual Charity Golf Tournament On Wednesday, August 6 KEDCO hosted the 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Garrison Golf and Curling Club at CFB Kingston. Over 115 golfers came out to support this event which raised $2,500 for the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre (KMFRC). The KMFRC is a registered non- profit, charitable organization that supports and enhances the health and wellbeing of the military community through programs and services. KEDCO Annual Charity Golf Tournament L-R: Paula Drouin, Carey Bidtnes, Emily McCracken, and Melissa Shorrock at the 2014 KEDCO Annual Charity Golf Tournament.

14 | KEDCO in the community KEDCO Strategic Plan Launch In December KEDCO launched its new, five- year strategic plan for economic development for the city of Kingston. The KEDCO Strategic Plan 2015-2020 focuses on attracting and supporting the creation of 5,000 new jobs and $500 million new investment for Kingston over the next five years. Dean Byrnes, Board Chair introduces the KEDCO Strategic Plan 2015-2020 to a group of business and industry leaders on December 8.

Showcasing Local Companies On March 18, MP joined KEDCO at the Bombardier Transportation Plant for an overview of Bombardier as well as to visit their test track facility and tour the INNOVIA Monorail 30. In 2014, KEDCO also hosted the Hon. Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance to Eastern Fluid Power. Minister Sousa toured the Eastern Fluid Power facility, which does international business in custom manufacturing, distribution and repair for fluid power systems and components. CEO Jeff Garrah and MP Justin Trudeau touring the Bombardier facility.

KEDCO on the Street KEDCO continues to work with CogecoTV on the production of KEDCO on the Street, now in its eighth season. The weekly community program airs Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm prior to televised City Council meetings. KEDCO on the Street is hosted by Julie Brown who interviews local business leaders, entrepreneurs and community partners on economic issues in Kingston. The show also features site tours of area businesses and new developments within the city. In 2014, KEDCO on the Street featured local businesses including MacKinnon Brothers Brewing, Performance Plants, Grafoid and the Rogers K-Rock Centre. Host Julie Brown and Sport Tourism Development Officer Brandon Pickard during a taping of KEDCO on the Street.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 15 KINGSTONOMICS Economic Indicators 2012 2013 2014 2015f 2016f 2017f 2018f 2019f Real GDP at basic prices (2007 $ millions) 6,854 6,905 6,972 7,097 7,219 7,341 7,467 7,602 percentage change 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 Total employment (000s) 81 83 82 82 83 85 86 87 percentage change 1.3 2.5 –1.0 0.6 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.3 Unemployment rate (per cent) 6.8 6.3 6.9 6.6 6.3 6.0 5.6 5.4 Personal income per capita ($) 38,134 39,307 40,323 41,171 42,374 43,730 45,182 46,569 percentage change 2.0 3.1 2.6 2.1 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.1 Population (000s) 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 174 percentage change 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Total housing starts 896 856 639 681 673 658 662 664 Retail sales ($ millions) 1,985 2,050 2,139 2,201 2,277 2,342 2,423 2,505 percentage change 1.4 3.3 4.3 2.9 3.4 2.9 3.4 3.4 CPI (2002 = 1.0) 1.218 1.230 1.261 1.286 1.312 1.340 1.367 1.395 percentage change 1.4 1.1 2.5 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 f = forecast Sources: Statistics Canada; CMHC Housing Time Series Database; The Conference Board of Canada Average kingston home price $300,000



$150,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015f 2016F Source: CMHC

Building Starts 2012 2013 2014 Residential $75,370,400 $96,969,500 $67,199,617 Commercial $36,205,000 $17,452,000 $20,221,000 Industrial $14,171,333 $3,302,000 $1,095,000 Institutional $27,097,000 $28,017,820 $293,822,000 Alterations - Industrial/Commercial/Institutional $40,464,831 $26,841,600 $30,862,000 Other $23,688,392 $18,967,158 $28,707,986 Total Construction Value $216,996,956 $191,550,078 $441,907,603 Source: City of Kingston

16 | Average Annual Growth in Employment by Industry, 2004-2014

Profesional, scientific and technical services Public administration Health care and social assistance Information, culture and recreation Educational services Construction Trade Accommodation and food services Transportation and warehousing Business, building and other support services Manufacturing All Industries

Source: Statistics Canada -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0%

Unemployment rate 8 CANADA




5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Source: Statistics Canada

Changing face of Kingston’s labour Force

3.5% 4%

13.8% 16.3% 17.2% 15%

66.4% 63.8%

15 to 24 years

25 to 54 years

55 to 64 years

Source: Statistics Canada 2009 65 years and over 2014

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 17 TOURISM & VISITOR STATISTICS Total person Visits = 3,310,488 Visits by Time of Year Visitor Economic Impact = $410,688,771 (Person Visits)

Transport $92,273,539 22.5% Food & Beverage $139,920,793 34.1% Recreation/Entertainment $19,445,487 4.7%

Accommodation $75,572,088 18.4% Retail/Other $83,476,864 20.3% 617,473 682,042 1,066,474 944,499 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 (Jan - Mar) (Apr - Jun) (Jul - Sept) (Oct - Dec)

Main Purpose of Trip (Person Visits) Length of Stay Pleasure 879,723 (Person Visits) Visiting Friends & Relatives 1,558,251 Business 255,933 Other Personal 333,737

Overnight Accommodation (Person Visits) Same-day Overnight 1,982,866 1,327,622 Hotels/Motels/Roofed Commercial 450,125 60% 40% Camping/RV Facilities 45,488 Private Homes/Cottages 805,510 Other Accommodation 29,869

Source: Ontario Ministry of Tourism/Statistics Canada 2012 - Frontenac County

HOTEL INDUSTRY MARKET REPORT OCCUPANCY RATE AVERAGE DAILY RATE REVENUE PER AVAILABLE ROOM 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 Kingston 57.5% 57.8% 59.8% $111.54 $113.58 $116.31 $64.99 $65.60 $69.52 Ontario 61.5% 62.4% 64.1% $123.60 $126.57 $130.46 $76.33 $79.02 $83.63 Canada 61.8% 62.8% 64.3% $128.71 $132.53 $137.28 $79.92 $83.29 $88.21 Source: PKF Canada


Assets 2014 2013

Current Assets Cash $1,023,415 $ 507,387 Cash - interest earned on funds on deposit 7,544 5,774 Investments 162,094 152,902 Accounts receivable 99,179 85,003 Inventory 31,339 62,731 Sales tax recoverable 73,673 46,341 Prepaid expenses and refundable deposits 62,099 33,783 1,459,343 893,921 Other Deposits and Advances Funds on deposit with Karwartha Credit Union 100,000 100,000 Investment in PARTEQ Angel Network 20,000 20,000 120,000 120,000 Capital Assets 146,311 158,762 $1,725,654 $ 1,172,683 Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $233,833 $ 119,222 Payable to Corporation of the City of Kingston 509,414 - Deferred revenue 72,845 - 816,092 119,222 Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets 79,346 96,545 Deferred Lease Inducements 64,822 64,063 960,260 279,830

Fund Balances Investment in Capital Assets 66,965 62,217 Board Restricted 120,000 120,000 Other Board Restricted 17,457 34,876 Unrestricted 560,972 675,760 765,394 892,853 $1,725,654 $ 1,172,683


Revenues 2014 2013 Contributions from the Corporation of the City of Kingston $2,654,673 $ 2,589,925 Provincial government contributions 178,586 118,633 Resale materials 173,485 178,935 Partnership revenue and corporate investors 59,348 69,877 Events and seminars 54,092 42,390 Federal government contributions 26,085 10,952 Amortization of deferred capital contributions 17,199 19,233 Interest 12,831 9,442 On-line reservation 4,072 4,350 3,180,371 3,043,737 Expenses Accounting and legal 33,042 28,617 Advertising 296,536 342,217 Amortization 54,234 46,268 Bank charges 12,426 11,870 Equipment rental 4,513 9,031 Events and meetings 206,830 213,309 Information technology support 55,439 53,058 Insurance 6,879 6,851 Memberships and licences 55,734 41,105 Office and miscellaneous 61,588 44,541 Professional contractors 101,196 100,613 Professional development 35,915 27,983 Rent 155,008 153,965 Resale materials 104,619 93,630 Salaries and benefits 1,647,646 1,481,918 Sponsorships and donations 198,261 198,061 Telephone 27,727 27,011 Travel 101,491 114,984 3,159,084 2,995,032

Excess of revenues over expenses before the undernoted item 21,287 48,705 Expenses of board restricted fund 148,746 63,926 Deficiency of revenues over expenses $(127,459) $ (15,221)

2013 & 2014 Financial Statements were audited by Secker Ross & Perry LLP

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 19 945 Princess Street at Innovation Park Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Tel: 613-544-2725 Toll: 866-665-3326 @KingstonEcDev

Photography: Suzy Lamont, Garrett Elliott, Stephen Wild, Melissa Shorrock. Designed by: Robert Mutch, mutchmedia inc.