Arxiv:2004.12788V2 [Quant-Ph] 16 Nov 2020

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Arxiv:2004.12788V2 [Quant-Ph] 16 Nov 2020 Fourier Transform of the Orbital Angular Momentum of a Single Photon Jaroslav Kysela,1, 2 Xiaoqin Gao,3, 1, 2, ∗ and Borivoje Daki´c1, 2, y 1Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria. 2Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria. 3National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Quantum Information Research Center, Southeast University, Sipailou 2, 210096 Nanjing, China. (Dated: November 17, 2020) Optical networks implementing single-qudit quantum gates may exhibit superior properties to those for qubits as each optical element in the network can work in parallel on many optical modes simultaneously. We present an important class of such networks that implements in a deterministic and efficient way the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) in an arbitrarily high dimension. These networks redistribute the initial quantum state into the orbital angular momentum (OAM) and path degrees of freedom and offer two modes of operation. Either the OAM-only QFT can be implemented, which uses the path as an internal auxiliary degree of freedom, or the path-only QFT is implemented, which uses the OAM as the auxiliary degree of freedom. The resources for both schemes scale linearly O(d) with the dimension d of the system, beating the best known bounds for the path-encoded QFT. While the QFT of the orbital angular momentum states of single photons has been applied in a multitude of experiments, these schemes require specially designed elements with non-trivial phase profiles. In contrast, we propose a different approach that utilizes only conventional optical elements. I. INTRODUCTION general approach, which works with in principle 100 % ef- ficiency for arbitrarily high dimension of the OAM space The field of quantum computation has gained ever- of a single photon. Our scheme decomposes the Fourier increasing attention thanks to the invention of the quan- transform into a series of elementary operations that tum factoring algorithm due to Shor [1{3], which utilizes can be directly implemented with basic commercially- as its key part a quantum Fourier transform. The quan- available optical elements such as beam-splitters, mirrors tum Fourier transform (QFT), or quantum Hadamard and Dove prisms. Such an explicit decomposition reveals gate, has been since then used in many areas of quantum how individual components participate in the evolution computation and communication [4] for systems of qubits of different OAM eigenstates and allows for modifica- as well as high-dimensional qudits. The application areas tions, such as miniaturization of the setup to a micro- of the high-dimensional QFT acting on a single photon's chip level. The scheme's implementation is recursive and state include, but are not limited to, generation of mu- makes use of an interplay between the OAM and path tually unbiased bases in the quantum state tomography degrees of freedom. The number of required optical ele- [5{8] and quantum key distribution [9, 10]; generation ments O(d) scales linearly in the dimension d, as opposed of angular states [11{14]; sorting of spatial modes of a to O(d log d) scaling of the setup using path-encoded qu- photon [15]; and representation of multiport devices em- dits [30{32]. This is made possible by the fact that a sin- ployed in Bell test experiments [16]. Single photon's high- gle passive optical element can act on many OAM eigen- dimensional QFTs can be also used as building blocks of states at the same time, leading to a heavily parallelized programmable universal multi-port arrays [17{19]. operation of the network of optical elements. Moreover, The orbital angular momentum (OAM) of single pho- the setup for the OAM Fourier transform can be modi- tons is a quantized property with infinite-dimensional fied to act as the path-only Fourier transform. In such a Hilbert space, which allows for construction of qudits scheme, the OAM is present only in the inner workings of in arbitrarily high dimension [20{22]. By manipulation the transform. This OAM-enhanced setup preserves the of a single photon's OAM the universal quantum com- linear scaling of the number of optical elements, which putation is possible [23, 24]. The Fourier transform of shows a clear advantage of our scheme over the setup the OAM eigenstates of single photons has been demon- that uses only the path degree of freedom. arXiv:2004.12788v2 [quant-ph] 16 Nov 2020 strated in a number of experiments [10, 14, 25{28] us- ing free-space propagation and specially designed optical One of our scheme's main components is the OAM- elements imparting non-trivial phase profiles. Alterna- Path swap operator, which interchanges the OAM and tive experimental schemes have been presented in special path degrees of freedom of a photon's state. To the best cases [29]. of our knowledge, we demonstrate for the first time the In this paper we demonstrate a completely different implementation of such an operator in terms of conven- tional optical elements. The OAM-Path swap represents a multiport generalization of the OAM sorter and its im- plementation features efficient deployment of the OAM ∗ [email protected] parity sorter. Each instance of the parity sorter functions y [email protected] simultaneously as a series of many conventional beam- 2 a) Henceforth we denote a quantum state of a photon with ℋ = ℋ ⊗ ℋ ℋ 푂 푃 m quanta of OAM by jmi and call it an OAM eigen- 퐹(푑) O 푂퐴푀 푑 = 푑푂 × 푑푃 state. OAM eigenstates represent a basis of the subspace HO. Likewise, a basis vector jliP of the subspace HP b) OAM−Path swap is called a propagation mode or simply a path. For each ℋ푂 (푑푂) division of dimension d into a pair of smaller dimensions 퐹푂퐴푀 CZ dO and dP there is a one-to-one correspondence between ℋ푃 an index j 2 f0; : : : ; d − 1g and a pair of numbers (m; l) (푑푃) 퐹푃푎푡ℎ with 0 ≤ m < dO and 0 ≤ l < dP such that jmiO jliP , jji = jm × dP + li : (2) FIG. 1. Circuit representation of the recursive scheme for the OAM Fourier transform. a) The OAM Fourier transform In cases when d is a prime number the decomposition into acting on the d-dimensional OAM space H, which can be dO and dP is trivial and the recursive scheme presented decomposed into a tensor product of two factor subspaces HO below is not applicable. For these dimensions a different and HP . b) A circuit equivalent to a), where a dO-dimensional approach has to be chosen and we discuss one possible OAM Fourier transform is applied first, followed by a phase alternative in the following section. gate CZ and a dP -dimensional path-only Fourier transform. The Fourier transform in dimension d is obtained in The swap operator then exchanges states between the two four steps as demonstrated in Fig. 1 b). In the first step, subspaces. For details refer to the main text. a dO-dimensional Fourier transform is applied only on the OAM subspace HO. Then a controlled phase gate acts on both subspaces, followed by a dP -dimensional Fourier splitters for different OAM eigenstates. transform applied only on the path subspace. As the last The manuscript is organized as follows. In section II we step, a swap gate is used, which effectively exchanges introduce the theoretical background for the construction the OAM and path subspaces. This procedure can be of the Fourier transform. Then we present in section III mathematically summarized by the formula the setup that implements the Fourier transform in the OAM of a single photon. We discuss the properties of F (d) = SWAP · F (dP ) · CZ · F (dO ) ; (3) the OAM sorter, a key part of the setup, in section IV. OAM P ath OAM In section V, we demonstrate how to generalize the OAM where the phase gate CZ acts as a high-dimensional sorter into the OAM-Path swap operator. In section VI controlled-Z gate on the OAM degree of freedom the scaling of our scheme is presented. In section VII, we compare our scheme with the recursive scheme for the l m×l CZ(jmiO jliP ) = (Z jmiO) jliP = ! jmiO jliP (4) path-only Fourier transform and summarize our results in the last section VIII. with ! = exp (2πi=d). The action of the swap on an in- put mode reads SWAP(jriO jqiP ) = jqiO jriP . Note that when dO 6= dP the swap operator effectively changes di- II. FOURIER TRANSFORM mensions of the two subspaces HO and HP . This imposes nevertheless no restrictions on our implementation. The In this section, we present a recursive scheme for the resulting mode jqiO jriP can be now identified with a construction of the Fourier transform that acts on the single index jki in a way analogous to Eq. 2 as OAM of a single photon. The initial state of a pho- Pd−1 jqiO jriP , jki = jq × dO + ri : (5) ton is a superposition of OAM eigenstates j=0 αj jji. The Fourier image of such a state is then a superposition At the end, one obtains the Fourier image of the OAM Pd−1 k=0 βk jki, where coefficients βk satisfy eigenstates of a single photon leaving the device along a single output path. For details see Appendix A. d−1 1 X i 2π jk We have thus demonstrated how to construct a high- βk ≡ p e d αj: (1) d dimensional Fourier transform using lower-dimensional j=0 Fourier transforms that act on the OAM and path de- Our implementation of the Fourier transform is inspired grees of freedom.
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