Spherical Curves with Modified Orthogonal Frame 1 Introduction 2
ISSN: 1304-7981 Number: 10, Year:2016, Pages: 60-68 http://jnrs.gop.edu.tr Received: 18.05.2016 Editors-in-Chief : Bilge Hilal C»ad³rc³ Accepted: 06.06.2016 Area Editor: Serkan Demiriz Spherical Curves with Modi¯ed Orthogonal Frame Bahaddin BUKCUa;1 (bbukcu@yahoo.com) Murat Kemal KARACANb (murat.karacan@usak.edu.tr) aGazi Osman Pasa University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Mathematics,60250,Tokat-TURKEY bUsak University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Mathematics,1 Eylul Campus, 64200,Usak-TURKEY Abstract - In [2-4,8-9], the authors have characterized the spherical curves in di®erent spaces.In this paper, we shall charac- Keywords - Spherical curves, terize the spherical curves according to modi¯ed orthogonal frame Modi¯ed orthogonal frame in Euclidean 3-space. 1 Introduction In the Euclidean space E3 a spherical unit speed curves and their characterizations are given in [8,9]. In [2-4,7], the authors have characterized the Lorentzian and Dual 3 spherical curves in the Minkowski 3-space E1 . In this paper, we shall characterize the spherical curves according to modi¯ed orthogonal frame in the Euclidean 3-space. 2 Preliminaries We ¯rst recall the classical fundamental theorem of space curves, i.e., curves in Euclid- ean 3-space E3. Let ®(s) be a curve of class C3, where s is the arc-length parameter. Moreover we assume that its curvature ·(s) does not vanish anywhere. Then there exists an orthonormal frame ft; n; bg which satis¯es the Frenet-Serret equation 2 3 2 3 2 3 t0(s) 0 · 0 t(s) 4 n0(s) 5 = 4 ¡· 0 ¿ 5 4 n(s) 5 (1) b0(s) 0 ¡¿ 0 b(s) 1Corresponding Author Journal of New Results in Science 6 (2016) 60-68 61 where t; n and b are the tangent, principal normal and binormal unit vectors, respec- tively, and ¿(s) is the torsion.
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