Maine Campus May 22 1958 Maine Campus Staff

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Maine Campus May 22 1958 Maine Campus Staff The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 5-22-1958 Maine Campus May 22 1958 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus May 22 1958" (1958). Maine Campus Archives. 2528. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. lay 15, 1958 THE Senior Week Features I schools, the .5 Ron's first MAINE Ball With Elgart Band, tcational en- CAMPUS into a uni- Published Weekly by the Students of the University of Maine problem for Vol. LIX Z 265 Orono, Maine, :n more self May 22. 1958 .71 unilwr 30 Class Day, Graduation accent. Ron om a family Terri Hibbard an individual Dean Emeritus ble and con- James Hart Celebrates Approximately 720 seniors will receive their degrees on June 8. Traditional Commencement Seniors have been invited to attend eer in the 97th Birthday; week activities will begin on Fri- a chicken barbecue on Saturday. June t represen- Class Of 1885 Graduate day, June 6, with the last class 7, at 12:15 p.m. in the Memorial Gym. meeting held in the Oval at 10 The barbecue is sponsored by the He served By Mary Irving ty Commit- a.m. Business at the meeting will General Alumni Association and will iy Commit- Today is the ninety-seventh birthday of James Norris Hart, include the election of alumni honor the class of 1908. mer of his only surviving graduate of the class of 1885, and first Dean of the officers. Baccalaureate exercises are sched- sen as rep. University. At 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Class Day uled for 10:30 a.m. in the Memorial exercises will be held in the Oval. Gym on Sunday, June 8. The featured the United In 1861, the year the Civil War be- Bangor, he went by train. Freshman The program will include the Veledic- speaker will be Reverend Hartwell nt Associa- gan, Hart was born on a small farm students were obliged to "work the tory address by Nancy Getchell. Daley, Minister of the Pleasant Street of Chicago. in what is now Willimantic, Maine. farm" several hours each week, at ten Salutatory address by Georgette Cote, Methodist Church in Waterville. on. he was Hart grew up in cents an hour. Although Willimantic, where Hart and reading of the class history, prophecy. or the New he attended a his roommate Fred Clark Scribner, Under one-story schoolhouse enrolled as sophomores ode, presentation of class gift, and Secretary of the Treasury, will near his father's farm. He prepared and were not obliged to work, they recitation of the prayer. Immediately speak at Commencement the front as for college in Monson Academy and had come to college "fresh from hay- after, a pageant will be presented by Exer- cises which on the campus Foxcroft Academy. Before entering ing," and the superintendent put them the Women's Physical Education De- will be held at 2:30 emember him the Maine State College. which is to work plowing oats where Balentine partment, under the direction of the p.m. on Sunday. Commencement ays had com- now the University of Maine, he Hall now stands. All Maine Women. The theme of the will be held in the Athletic field, fore an audi- taught five winter terms of ungraded The athletic field of the 1880's pagent is "Bluebeard." weather permitting. No tickets es and come- school. was a baseball field where Aubert In the evening, Les and Larry will be needed. If bad weather irt with Ron. Sophomore In 1882 Hall now stands. The only Elgart will be playing prevails, the exercises will be held on, he would ath- for the In 1882 he entered the sophomore letic Commencement in the Gym and each senior will party team was a baseball team. Ball from 9:30- the to class of the Maine State College. receive three tickets. felt money During Hart's senior year the stu- 1:30 a.m. Seniors will be able to When he was a student here, the en- dents bought a football and pick up their Ball tickets at the One last word for seniors—check rollment was less than 100. At that "kicked treasurer's office from tlayground. it around some." 2-4 p.m. the list of graduating seniors which time there were no electric lights or There was only one men's on May 21, 22, 23. 1D' Ion was an dormi- are will be posted in Alumni Hall at noon, James Norris Hart, Dean Emeritus automobiles. If one had to go to tory then—it needed. ool rallies. was called Brick Hall, June 6—just in case. but the name was ting a skit, later changed to Oak Hall. It stood in line with the it coopera- present Hannibal i a formal Hamlin Hall and faced the Stillwater However, Proposal To Change Dean's List Inds atten- Masque Golden Apple Trophy River. this dorm was damaged by fire and rebuilt )11 stimulated Awarded Sigma Chi Fraternity into the present Oak Hall. Referred To Committee For Study his own en- Where Wingate now stands was a 3-story building called White Hall. After lengthy discussion of the pro- semesters to the council. Dean Stew- it his tenure Recipients of coveted Maine Masque who played the part of Johnny in The ground floor and part of the sec- posed change in Dean's List require- art's list of facts and figures. shows with a lot of Apple Awards viere announced at the My Heart's in the Highlands. ond were used for recitations. One ments, the Faculty Council at a that on a University-wide basis, twice t his complex Golden Apple Banquet on Tuesday. Those receiving Red Apples given second-floor room was occupied by recent meeting decided to refer the as many women make the Dean's List by Professor Herschel Bricker of the matter to a committee for further go into the for recognition of individual honors the Y.M.C.A. The third floor was as men—that is, 30q of the women Masque Theatre. study. graduation. were: Edward Haggett, Mary Maher, occupied by students, mostly self- students, as opposed to l4c2C of the Sigma Chi fraternity received John Stewart, Dean Louenna Kostenbauder. Carole Allen, boarders. of Men, pre- men students. The Universit!.-wide the Golden Apple Trophy. This sented the results of an unofficial Sylvia Curran, Charles Micciche. Eliot A small, 2-story building stood point average for last semester was trophy is awarded to the frater- stud) of honor grades from previous 2.26 for men, Rich, Paul Parady, Dewaine Gedney, where Coburn is now. The lower floor and 2.57 for women. Dfficers nity or sorority which has made Charles McNulty. and Robert White. was used for recitations, and the sec- idgkins, sta- the greatest contribution to the The committee which ond floor was the meeting place for hio station theatre. awarded the Golden Q.T.V. Fraternity, predecessor of Phi rd the new Apples consisted of Individual Stars Golden Apples. the highest awards Mr. Charles Werner, chairman; Gamma Delta. Another fraternity. Preparing rsity Radio given to Maine Masque members. Beta Theta Pi, met in the village. Mr. A. L. Goldsmith of Orono; were awarded to: Byron "Skip" Avery. What is now Kappa Sigma was organ- president, Alan Chapman. Suzy Dunn, and Miss Marion Rogers, and Colonel ized during his senior year, and some To Compete Here Saturday president, George Higgins. III, the young boy Francis Fuller of Orono. (Continued on Page Eight) retary. Joy Rick Lloyd. In New England Trackmeet Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Attends Maine ,•44,1- N oilImt:c Philip R. Bowen Indian Reser‘ation, and four ears in Executive Committee of the Socialist missions in South Dakota and Minne- Party. He defends his political beliefs A former candidate for Governor sota. by sasing, "If there is any one dis- of Wisconsin. William 0. Hart, is a tinguishing mark peculiar to socialism, student at Maine. During World War II Hart was as opposed to capitalism and commu- A large man with iron-gray hair, draft exempt, as were all clergymen. nism, it is our emphasis on the inesti- Hart, who makes his permanent home He volunteered to serve with the mable worth of man as an individual. in Baraboo, Wisconsin, ran on the British in North Africa as an ambu- I know of no political grouping quite Socialist ticket in 1950. At present lance driver. During the 1942 cam- as aware of the dignity of man as the he is working for the Bangor Daily paigns against Rommel in North Socialists in our country and in coun- News and is taking the Collective Africa, he served with the New Zea- tries of the world." Bargaining course in the Business De- land Corps of the British Eighth Army. partment. When fighting ended in North Africa, He ran for Lieutenant-Governor in he joined the South 1948. Also, as the only layman against Is Union Leader African Corps on the Syrian-Turkish frontier. In 1943, a group of eleven lawyers. he ran for Hart commands respect in the class after several bouts with malaria, he Justice of the State Supreme Court. labor discussions—he has been in six returned to the United States.
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