10-Point Plan Expert Round Table 2 : Different People - Different Needs , 6-8 July 2009

Participants List

Government experts

No Name Function Department/Organisation Country email address Tel number

1 Hellen Acibo Settlement Officer Office of the Prime Minister [email protected]

Vice-Minister of Governance and Head of 2 Ana Durán Salvatierra Minister of Governance Costa Rica [email protected] Coalition against Human Trafficking

3 Kais Kabtni Ministry of Interior

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Social 02 24 33 982 4 Nadhavathna Krishnamra Director Division, Department of Thailand 01 94 225 71 International organizations

5 John Matthews Minister-Counsellor (Immigration) Australian Permanent Mission CH [email protected] 41227999114

6 Martin Mononga Permanent Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs [email protected] 265 8888 25013

7 Isam Mihbash NASCRA Ministry of Foreign Affairs [email protected]

8 Raja Mohd Deputy Director General of Immigration Ministry of Interior Malaysia [email protected]

9 Fanny Motel Protection Officer OFPRA [email protected] 33 1 58681010

10 Amina Oufroukhi Judge Ministry of Justice [email protected] 212 537 70 33 47

Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Director 11 Melih Ulueren Ministry of Interior Turkey [email protected] 90 312 292 20 56 General for Migration, Asylum, Visa Governmental and non-governmental organizations experts

No Name Function Department/Organisation Country email address Tel number 12 Mériem Belaala Director of 'SOS femmes en Detresses' SOS femmes en Detresses [email protected]

13 Carlotta Bellini Child Protection Area Coordinator Save the Children Italy Italy [email protected] 39 06 4807 00 48

14 John K. Bingham Head of Policy ICMC CH [email protected] 0041 22 919 10 25

15 Francesco Bruscoli Protection Coordinator ICRC Tunisia [email protected]

Interinstitutional Relations for the 16 Oliver Bush Espinosa Director Mexico [email protected] (52) 5387-2465 National Migration Institute

17 Katrine Camilleri Assistant Director Jesuit Refugee Service Malta [email protected] 356 2144 2751

18 Paolo Ceriani Researcher Human Rights Centre UNICEF Argentina [email protected] 54 911 3605 0869

19 Williams Diatta Assistant CARITAS PARI [email protected]

996 555 53-17-53 996 20 Cholpan Djakupova Head Adilet, (UNHCR IP) Kyrgyzstan [email protected] 312 61-12-64

21 Padre Flor Maria Rigoni Director Albergue Belen Mexico [email protected] (52)(962) 62 5 48 12

22 Gabriela García Solís Child Protection Officer National Institute for Migration Mexico [email protected] (52)(962)126-7396

23 Jamal Grabeli Director IOPCR [email protected]

24 Ivy Josiah Director Women's Aid Organisation Malaysia [email protected] 60-3-79563488

25 Ingrid Kircher Humanitarian Affairs Advisor MSF Spain Spain [email protected] 34 93 304 6213

Korean Public Interest Lawyer's 26 Hwang Pill Kyn Attorney Korea [email protected] 82-2-3675-7740-1 Group, GONGGAM

27 Geertrui Serneels Mental Health care SOLENTRA Belgium [email protected] 32 2477 5715

28 Claire Servoin Cooperation Delegate ICRC Tunisia [email protected]

Directorate General Justice, Freedom and 29 Agata Sobiech European Commission Belgium [email protected] 32 2 29 80860 Security Academia

No Name Function Department/Organisation Country email address Tel number

30 Jacqueline Bhabha Professor Harvard Law School US [email protected] 01 617 3847743

31 Claire Lautier Researcher on mixed migration Free lance Senegal [email protected] 221 77 570 48 13

Coordinator of the EMHRN/Migration- Euromediterranean Human 212 537 26 39 19 212 32 Chadi Sidhom Morocco [email protected] Asylum working group Rights Network 670 14 50 29



No Name Function Department/Organisation Country email address Tel number

Director of the Red Cross reception centre 32 82 61 03 95 / 32 33 Francine Dal Belgium Red Cross Belgium [email protected] of CARDA in Yvoir 0475 27 49 45 Head of Delegation Regional Office for 34 Anne Leclerc IFRC Tunisia [email protected] 216 71 86 2485 North

35 Houssam Mu'allem Senior Programme Officer on Migration IFRC CH [email protected] 41 22 730 4631

36 Javier Sanchez Rivas Coordinator Spanish Red Cross Spain [email protected] 34 91 335 46 31


No Name Function Department/Organisation Country email address Tel number

Migration policy and Research 37 Michelle Klein-Solomon Director CH [email protected] 41 22 7179111 Department

38 Francesco Lembo Technical Cooperation Officer IOM Libya [email protected]

Migration Management 39 Jonathan Martens Programme Specialist CH [email protected] 41 22 7179111 Department

40 Simona Moscarelli Legal Advisor IOM Rome Italy [email protected]

41 Marc Petzoldt Chief of Mission IOM Tunis Tunisia [email protected] UNHCR

No Name Function Department/Organisation Country email address Tel number

Chief Protection Policy and Legal Advice Protection Policy and Legal 42 Oldrich Andrysek CH [email protected] 41 22 739 8168 section Advice Section

43 Mirjam Brunner Intern Branch Office Tunis Tunisia [email protected]

Protection Policy and Legal 44 Anja Klug Senior Legal Advisor CH [email protected] 41 22 739 8735 Advice Section

45 Ann Maymann Project Coordinator Branch Office Tunis Tunisia [email protected]

46 Ayanle Mohamoud Senior Protection Clerk Sub-Office Hargeisa [email protected] 25224400220

Protection Policy and Legal 47 Geraldine Salducci Consultant CH [email protected] 41 22 739 8278 Advice Section

48 Johannes van der Klaauw Representative Branch Office Morocco [email protected] 212 537 760155

49 Andrea Vonkeman Regional RSD officer Regional Office [email protected] 961 18492011381