
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 50, May 2007, pp. S60∼S65

Can We Understand de Sitter Spacetime with Theory?

Jin-Ho Cho∗ Department of Physics and Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701 and Center for Quantum Space Time, Sogang University, Seoul 121-742

Soonkeon Nam† Department of Physics and Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701

Recent astronomical data point to the fact that the expanding universe is actually accelerating in expansion rate. This calls for formulating in de Sitter space. There are difficulties, though, since it is very difficult to formulate quantum field theory, let alone string theory, in de Sitter space. Moreover, seems to be incompatible with the positive of de Sitter spacetime. In this paper we would like to present our work in formulating string theory in de Sitter space by utilizing bubbles of nothingness. These bubbles interpolate de Sitter space of near-bubble region and flat spacetime of asymptotic region. We also comment on the resolution of the cosmological constant problem in this context.

PACS numbers: 84.40.Ik, 84.40.Fe Keywords: Bubble, de Sitter space, String/M-theories, Creation of spherical

I. DE SITTER SPACE AND QUANTUM in conflict with this spacetime. De Sitter space naturally FIELD THEORY describes an exponentially expanding universe. Unlike anti-de Sitter space, which has spatial asymptopia, dS space has asymptopia in the past and future infinities. We now have much evidence that the universe is ex- Moreover dS space has a horizon which is observer de- panding with positive acceleration [1, 2]. This calls for pendent. So, an observer can only see part of the space, many new ideas, since conventional gravity is an attrac- due to exponential expansion in the future. We can put tive force and cannot accelerate the expansion of the uni- one of the observers at the North or the South Pole. The verse. A positive cosmological constant [3,4] is the old- Penrose diagram of dS space is identical to that of the est and simplest solution to this. (For more recent work anti de Sitter Schwarzschild . So, although the on the cosmological constant see, for example, Ref. [5]. two spacetimes have different geometry, the causal struc- See also Ref. [6] for a mechanism generating the cosmo- ture is the same. Another difference is that where the logical constant out of quantum fluctuations of unstable black hole singularities were, we now have the infinitely modes about gravitational .) However, de Sit- inflated past infinity I− and future infinity I+. One in- ter (dS) space which is the cosmological solution with teresting thing is that in dS space there is no positive positive cosmological constant Λ, does not easily allow conserved energy. Any time-like Killing vector in some string theory within it. The problem is as follows. There region is space-like in some region, so there cannot be is a deep rooted problem of formulating quantum field unbroken SUSY. If there were Q2, where Q is the super- theory (QFT) in dS space, let alone string theory. The charge, energy will be positive. Another thing is that basic reason is that whereas dS space allows only finite there is a cosmological event horizon that has temper- degrees of freedom, QFT (or string theory) has infinite ature and entropy as was first pointed out by Hawking degrees of freedom. The finiteness of degrees of freedom and Gibbons [13]. The entropy is inversely proportional in dS space is related to the fact that it has finite entropy to the cosmological constant, i.e. S = 3π/Λ. Due to the and thus the degrees of freedom in it can only be finite presence of the horizon, in dS may not [7–11]. admit a single, objective and complete description of the In this section, we would like to briefly describe the universe. salient features of dS space [12] and why we have diffi- There are troubles in quantizing dS space. To be- culties in putting quantum field theories into it. Also, we gin with, not many controllable time-dependent string would like to mention why supersymmetry seems to be backgrounds are known, let alone dS background. Next, one cannot make sense in a precise way of local particle ∗E-mail: [email protected]; physics quantities. Because of the horizon experienced †E-mail: [email protected] by an observer, one cannot hope to witness the final state -S60- Can We Understand de Sitter Spacetime with String Theory? – Jin-Ho Cho and Soonkeon Nam -S61- of the whole universe. What does it mean to quantize Therefore most of the galaxies are formed near the bub- a spacetime then? In flat space we have the S-matrix ble wall and it is natural that intelligent observers see which relates past and future infinities. In AdS space we dS space around them. These solutions are obtained have boundary correlators of bulk fields. However, in dS by performing double Wick rotation (DWR) on well- space we do not have analogs of these. known D/M- solutions, and we will call them D/M- There have been some attempts to formulate quantum bubbles [17]. First, we find that near the bubble wall, field theories in dS space. Common problem in formu- the geometry becomes ‘de Sitter × non-compact inter- lating QFT on a curved background is ambiguity in the nal space’. Second, we find that the case of the extremal choice of . In dS space there is a one-parameter D3-bubble corresponds to Hull’s Euclidean brane (called family of vacua invariant under the de Sitter group. A E4-brane) [14]. However, other cases we have consid- fixed observer sees the world as a closed finite system at ered, such as M2- or M5-bubbles, are new and cannot be a non-zero temperature. The degrees of freedom seen by obtained by Hull’s timelike T-duality of type II theories. any given observer are in some sense equivalent to the Extremal D3-bubbles preserve full 32 supersymme- degrees of freedom seen by any other inertial observer. tries near the bubble wall and at the asymptotic infin- Banks and Fischler proposed that one can use this to ity. In order to make sense of supersymmetry in this define the analog of the S-matrix to describe observa- background, Ramond-Ramond (RR) should be imagi- tions made by an inertial observer in dS space. In any nary, which is also a consequence of DWR. Imaginary case, there is a serious problem in putting QFT which valued fields, at least form free cases, can be regarded as has infinite degrees of freedom into dS space which al- fields with the wrong sign for the kinetic term. At first lows only finite degrees of freedom and thus allows finite glance, this might sound pathological. However, there is dimensional Hilbert space. This is easy to see from the a long history of fields with the wrong kinetic term [18], fact that entropy is the logarithm of the number of states and recently such fields have been considered as candi- and dS has finite entropy. dates for dark energy [19], being the source for the accel- eration of the expansion of the universe. The situation gets more complicated when we couple the imaginary field with real valued charges. The coupling gives rise II. DE SITTER SPACE AND STRING to an imaginary term in the Lagrangian. Our proposal THEORY is that we should interpret such a term as a signature of the instability of the vacuum. This is in the spirit of What are the attempts in string theory then? The Schwinger’s original work [20] on pair creation in a strong problem worsens in string theory, since string theory con- electric field. Here, the imaginary value of the effective tains an infinite collection of quantum field theories. An potential has a definite physical interpretation. This is early attempt was made by Hull [14], who introduced the consequence of DWR from the real valued fields of q Euclidean branes by introducing T-duality on a timelike AdSp× S backgrounds. circle. There were also considerations of dS/CFT cor- There is a ‘no-go theorem’ in string theory (supergrav- respondence by Strominger [15]. However, this attempt ity) which rules out dS space as a result of non-singular had difficulties since dS space has two boundaries of Past warped compactification [21]. The basic assumptions for and Future spheres. Thus, a single observer cannot see this theorem are: (i) no higher curvature correction in both boundaries, due to the horizon, and description of the gravity action; (ii) non-positive potentials for the the entire space is beyond what can be physically mea- scalars; (iii) massless fields with positive kinetic terms; sured. Gutperle and Strominger [16] introduced space- and (iv) a finite effective Newton’s constant in lower di- like branes, describing the process of creation and decay mensions. There are some ways to detour the no-go the- of branes. More recently, dS vacuum is regarded as one orem, for example see [22, 23]. Alternatively, one can of many vacua allowed in the string theory landscape. accept the vastness of the string landscape [24] and re- In this paper, we would like to have a different ap- sort to the [25]. proach. We would like to view dS space as a part of a In this paper, we introduce imaginary fields to detour larger spacetime, which interpolates between dS and flat the no go theorem. Consider the Einstein equation with asymptotia. The larger spacetime definitely allows infi- some form field. nite degrees of freedom. A bubble solution forms such a 1 1 R = F F c − η F F cd, d ∗ F (2) = 0, (1) background. Near the bubble the spacetime is dS space ab 2 ac b 8 ab cd and asymptotically it is flat. Moreover, one can construct such a background starting from D3-branes and double which has the well-known Freund-Rubin-type solution: Wick rotating them. The bubble solutions have a re- ds2 = ds2 + ds2 ,F (2) = me2 ∧ e3, (2) gion, the near-bubble wall region, which is dS space, but AdS sphere is asymptotically flat Minkowski space. Therefore, it has where e2 ∧ e3 is the volume of the unit sphere. From plenty of room to allow the infinite degrees of freedom of the observation that the nontrivial components of the 2 string theory. Moreover, we will argue that most mat- Ricci tensor are R00 = −R11 = R22 = R33 = m /4, ter is accumulated near the bubble wall as it expands. we are tempted to think of an imaginary valued field -S62- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 50, May 2007

2 D−3 strength (m < 0) so that the above solution is con- r0 : verted to the type ds2 = ds2 + ds2 , that is, the hyperbolic dS 2 ! geometry is factorized into two-dimensional hyperbolic 2 1 2 2 4r0 2 ds ' D−3 u dξ + 2 du space and two-dimensional dS space. r0 (D − 3) 2 2 2 2  2 D−3 +r0 −dψ + cosh ψ dΩD−3 + O(u /r0 ). (7) When we apply DWR to various D/M-brane solutions III. WITTEN’S BUBBLE SOLUTION in string/M theories, we get their bubble cousins. The non-extremal bubbles exhibit similar features to Wit- ten’s bubble; the solutions are restricted to the outside of One typical example of a solution thus made is the some fixed radial coordinate r > 0, the asymptotic ge- original Witten’s bubble solution [26], obtained by dou- 0 ometry describes Minkowski spacetime compactified on a ble Wick rotating the Schwarzschild black hole solu- circle, and the bubble wall is accelerating in the asymp- tion. With string/M theories in mind, let us consider totic coordinates. The extremal bubbles inherit most a Schwarzschild black hole in general D-dimensions: good features from their D/M-brane counterparts. The  r D−3 geometry near the bubble wall, sharply factorized as dS ds2 = − 1 − 0 dt2 (3) r space and hyperbolic space, is not just an approximate solution but an exact solution. The wall of the extremal  D−3−1 r0  bubbles follows a null line; nevertheless, the near bubble + 1 − dr2 + r2 dθ2 + sin2 θdΩ2  . r D−3 solution preserves the full 32 . However, these solutions are plagued by various imaginary valued Taking the following double Wick rotation, t = fields; therefore, they look ‘pathological’. The option one π −iξ, θ = 2 + iψ, we obtain a bubble solution can choose at this point is either to abandon those solu- tions or to interpret their physical meaning. The strat-  D−3  D−3−1 r0  r0  egy we will follow in this paper is the latter: to interpret ds2 = 1 − dξ2 + 1 − dr2 r r those solutions as some quantum process like instantons +r2 −dψ2 + cosh2 ψ dΩ2  . (4) [27,28]. D−3 Recall that solutions, giving valued finite actions in Euclidean space, become involved with the The radial coordinate should be restricted as r ≥ r0, to prevent three temporal coordinates appearing. Regular- imaginary valued actions upon Wick rotation back to the Lorentzian spacetime. We interpret the dS part in- ity at r = r0 requires that the coordinate ξ be periodic; 4πr0 cluding imaginary gauge fields as the instanton obtained ξ ∼ ξ + D−3 . Asymptotically, the solution describes the standard Kaluza-Klein compactification. This is more `ala Coleman-de Luccia [29] or Hawking-Turok [30]. We transparent in Rindler coordinates, would like to emphasize here that our solutions need not assume any false vacua as was done with the Coleman- τ = r sinh ψ, ρ = r cosh ψ, (τ 2 < ρ2) (5) de Luccia instanton and also contrast with the Hawking- Turok instanton in that they are geodesically complete in which the asymptotic geometry becomes a circle times without any singularity. The extremal near-bubble ge- (D − 1)-dimensional flat Minkowski spacetime: ometries discussed in this paper are classically stable in the sense that the factorization of dS space and the hy- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2  ds ' dξ + dr + r −dψ + cosh ψ dΩD−3 perbolic spatial section persists forever. However, we 2 2 2 2 2 argue in a later section that they are unstable in the = dξ − dτ + dρ + ρ dΩD−3 . (6) semi-classical sense. The imaginary fields (interpreted The internal circle shrinks to zero size at r = r0 and the in this paper as the fields coming through the tunneling 4 geometry is not extended to the region r < r0; thus, it is process from S to dS3+1) induce the creation of spheri- called a bubble of nothing. The whole nowhere-singular cal branes much like Schwinger’s process of pair creation solution describes a bubble of nothing with its wall accel- [20]. The bubble solutions have a surprising cosmological 2 2 2 erating in time (ρ = τ +r0). In this sense, the solution application. The empirical evidence (the acceleration of is also called a Kaluza-Klein bubble. In the asymptotic the present universe and the dominant contribution from region, the geometry represents a flat Minkowski space- the matter component with the equation of state param- time Kaluza-Klein compactified on a circle of period ∆ξ. eter w ∼ −1 [2]) for the positive cosmological constant The size of the compact direction becomes vanishing at imposes on us the problem of explaining why the cos- r = r0, and the geometry is defined only for r ≤ r0, thus, mological constant is so small, but is yet non-vanishing. this is called the ‘bubble of nothing’. The bubble wall is We will find a possible solution to the cosmological con- 2 2 2 accelerating and follows ρ = τ + r0. stant problem in the context of string/M theories. This The approximate geometry in the near-bubble region is achieved by utilizing the created branes as the factor describes a disk and a (D − 2)-dimensional dS space, which effectively lowers the cosmological constant of dS when we use the near-bubble coordinate, u2 = rD−3 − spacetime. Can We Understand de Sitter Spacetime with String Theory? – Jin-Ho Cho and Soonkeon Nam -S63-

IV. D-BUBBLES the cosmological constant problem. One can take DWR on other D/M-brane configurations to get their corre- Most well-known brane configurations have their bub- sponding D/M-bubble solutions. Details can be found ble cousins. In this section, we will study in detail in Ref. [17]. the bubble solution obtained from the non-extremal D3- D3-bubble solutions correspond to E4-brane solutions brane solution. We will call it the D3-bubble. Let us in type IIB theory. One can see this explicitly by adopt- start with a non-extremal D3 solution: ing Rindler coordinates: τ = r sinh ψ, ρ = r cosh ψ. Hence, the total results suggest equivalence between − 1 2 2 2 2 DWR and Hull’s time-like T-duality. ds = H3 (r) −f3(r)dt + d~x 1 In a realistic cosmological situation, we can expect 2 −1 2 2 2 +H3 (r) f3 (r)dr + r dΩ5 , that actually there are multiple bubbles [31]. In the 4 2 4 case of two bubbles, both of which are expanding, the µ3 sinh α3 µ3 H3(r) = 1 + , f3(r) = 1 − (8) collision of bubbles leads to the formation of a singular- r4 r4 ity. This might sound as if the inhabitants of the bubble with the electric and the magnetic RR field strength as wall are destined to have a doomsday. However, if you live near the bubble wall, you will never witness the sin- F(5) = − ∗ dHm gularity formation. This means that we cannot see the −1  +d He − 1 ∧ dt ∧ dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ dx3 bubbles swallow us up. The bubbles are expanding at µ4 sinh α cosh α the speed of light, but no observer can see them swal- H = 1 + 3 3 3 , low up the whole spacetime completely because all the m r4 observers will be left, being squeezed by the expanding µ4 sinh α cosh α H−1 = 1 − 3 3 3 . (9) bubbles to the near-bubble region. Depending on the e 4 4 2 4 r + µ3 sinh α3 position in ~ρ ∈ R , the effective cosmological constant varies. Notice that there is a universe’ corresponding to Here, Hodge star ∗ is with respect to the 6-dimensional each bubble and the multi-bubble background gives rise flat space transverse to the brane world-volume. We fol- to the picture. The form of the multiverse lowed the notations for the harmonica functions from thus obtained is reminiscent of a Swiss cheese [17]. Some the bubble geometry obtained `ala Witten [26]. Double of the earlier ideas of multiverse can be found, for exam- Wick rotations along the temporal direction and one of ple in Refs. [32,33]. A varying cosmological constant in the spherical directions lead us to the multiverse is reminiscent of more recent ideas of the 1 2 − 2 2 2 landscape [25]. ds = H3 (r) f3(r)dξ + d~x (10) 1 2 −1 2 2 2 2 2 +H3 (r) f3 (r)dr + r cosh ψdΩ4 − dψ . The fact that RR field strength is involved in the solution V. COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT PROBLEM basically contrasts with Witten’s bubble (4). It results in the ‘unwanted’ imaginary value of the field: The price we have to pay for a dS solution in string/M 4 4 theories is to allow imaginary field strengths. In this sec- F(5) = 4iµ3 sinh α3 cosh α3 cosh ψ dΩ4 ∧ dψ tion, we interpret this disturbing situation as one mech- −5 −2  −r H3 dξ ∧ dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ dx3 ∧ dr . (11) anism to temper the acceleration of the universe so that it leads to dS space with an almost, but not exactly, van- However, as was mentioned earlier, we will interpret this ishing cosmological constant, like our present universe. imaginary value of the solution as some quantum process Note that the imaginary-valued term in the quantum like the instanton. effective action indicates the instability of the vacuum 2 4 4 2 In the near-bubble coordinate (u = r − µ3, u  [20]. This statement is valid even in the classical action. 4 3 µ3), the metric is factorized into D2 ×R ×dS4+1, where Therefore, the imaginary potential term in the classi- 5-dimensional dS spacetime has the cosmological con- cal action indicates the violation of the unitarity, i.e., 2 stant Λ4+1 = 6/(µ3 cosh α3). the creation of probability. Utilizing this for the imag- Integrating the 5-form field strength over the hy- inary RR form field, we obtain spherical brane produc- perbolic space that is transverse to dS space, we R tion. The imaginary RR form field can couple to spheri- obtain the electric and magnetic fluxes H ∗F(5) = cal branes and this imaginary interaction term represents R 5 iVol4, F = −iVol4, where Vol4 is the coordinate the instability of pure dS vacuum against the creation of H5 (5) volume of the anti-selfdual ‘instanton’. It is very inter- spherical branes over its spherical space. This is similar esting to see that both the electric and the magnetic flux to the Schwinger pair production procedure of charged density are independent of the number Q3 of D3-brane particles in a strong electric field. Recall that the one- cousins. This is a universal feature common to most loop diagram of charged particles in the background of D/M-bubble configurations. In the next section, we use strong electric field results in the pure imaginary term in this feature as one important clue to give the answer to the effective action, which implies the instability of the -S64- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 50, May 2007 corresponding vacuum and signals the pair creation of grand Swiss cheese universe, where the effective cosmo- the charged particles. In the above, we get a pure imag- logical constant varies from point to point near the cheese inary term in the interaction of a spherical brane (the holes. This is a new stringy realization of the multiverse composite of a D3-brane and an anti-D3-brane) with dS idea. The imaginary field strength triggers the creation background. One can interpret this term in the semi- of spherical D3-branes over the spatial section of dS space classical sense as the instability of the dS vacuum, sig- near D3-bubbles. The tensions of the spherical branes naling the creation of spherical branes. The spherical decelerate the expansion of dS space. Though the ef- symmetry of the spatial sphere of dS and the fact that fective cosmological constant decreases with the conden- the above result does not depend on the latitudinal posi- sation of the spherical branes, the conservation of the tion of the branes imply random creation of the spherical fluxes ‘±i’ of higher-form fields prevents it from com- branes of random sizes over the spatial sphere. In this pletely vanishing. sense, D3-bubble dS vacua are unstable against the cre- ation of spherical branes. One can show that the creation rate is the same over all the latitudes [17]. The spherical ACKNOWLEDGMENTS branes of random sizes condense in a spherically sym- metric manner. These spherical branes wrapping sphere squeeze the expansion of dS, resulting in a lower effective This work was supported in part by the Korea Re- cosmological constant. The condensation of the spheri- search Foundation through Project No. KRF-2003-070- cal branes provides us with a natural mechanism to ex- C00011, and by the Science Research Center Program of plain the cosmological constant problem. The tension of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation through the created spherical branes will squeeze the accelerat- the Center for Quantum Spacetime (CQUeST) of Sogang ing spatial sphere of dS space `ala Brandenberger-Vafa University with Grant Number R11-2005-021. mechanism [34], which results in the reduction of the cosmological constant. 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