A Worlon AFIRE Th~ Heroes in the Burning 0 of Northwest.Ern Forests ~ G
A WORLon AFIRE th~ Heroes in the Burning 0 of Northwest.ern Forests ~ G. \'v: OGDEN --~-----~ --- ------ 'T'".~ ... .,j; OR t\venty days several forest fires bet\veen night and day "'as lost in the po!t! had been burning in the timber re- blackness \vhich hung over the ~"ooOea F serve~ of the North",-est-in Idaho mountain land. Yet these fires were not and Montana. In the canons and valleys large nor destructive; and they,,-ere guarded of the timbered country ,,,here these isolated by careful forest rangers and their harfly fires ragcd~ a resinous, sooty snloke had hung cre\\"s, \vho had hemmed them by trenches for days, sometimes smothering the sun, and confined them by circumvallate trails, turning midday into night. In the villages over ,,,hich forest fires had seldonl been lamps ,vere lighted at three o'clock in the kno\vn to pass. That all was safe was the afternoon. Conductors on trains carried general belief. Upon that evening Dlen lanterns all day to read the tickets of their ,,,ere chafing only for a breath of wind to passengers. clear the smoke out of the skies, a sho\ver Nature appeared to be stifled under this of rain to put an end to the smoldering fires. curtain of smoke, with no energ:y Jeft to lift Yet at that very hour nature "'as vibrant it or clear it a\\"ay. People panted for a '\\'ith a message ,,~hich fell unread. The air breath of untainted air. Their Jungs ,,"ere ,vas oppressingly quiet, suffocatingly dead. burning, their eyes inflamed.
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