FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc. 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov Page 1 / 13 Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.govThe groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Page 2 / 13 Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov(mg/L) Page 3 / 13

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov(mg/L) Page 4 / 13

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1PROPOSEDMonthly DRAFT 2 PermitVISUAL No. NS2008511 Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov(mg/L) Page 5 / 13 M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.govUnits (SU) Page 6 / 13 M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2PROPOSEDMonthly DRAFT 2 PermitVISUAL No. NS2008511 Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1] 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov Page 7 / 13 Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L) PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov Page 8 / 13 [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements): PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.govThe use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit. Page 9 / 13

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen. PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.govNo future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holdingPage 10 / 13 tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.govThe final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental CommissionPage 11 / 13 pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program PROPOSED DRAFT 2 Permit No. NS2008511 Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: 10/28/2021 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer

901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov Page 12 / 13 FACTSHEET (pursuant to NAC 445A.236)

Permittee Name: CARICO FARMS, INC.

P.O. BOX 18160 RENO, NV 89511

Permit Number: NS2008511


Designation: GROUNDWATER

New/Existing: EXISTING


Outfall / Well Num Outfall / Well Name Location Type Well Log Num Latitude Longitude Receiving Water 001 GREASE TRAP MATERIAL External Outfall 40.07022760 ­118.487912 GROUNDWATER MW1 MONITORING WELL 1 Monitoring Well 40.060681 ­118.493233 GROUNDWATER MW2 MONITORING WELL 2 Monitoring Well 40.060637 ­118.489220 GROUNDWATER Permit History/Description of Proposed Action This permit is a renewal. The Permittee land applies aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient deficient agricultural land.

This permit was originally issued on October 1, 2008 under the permit number NEV2008511. The permit subsequently underwent a major modification and renewal so it was reissued on October 11, 2011. The permit has been administratively continued since October of 2016.

The Permittee is proposing to continue to land apply treated grease trap material to an 80­acre portion of Carico Farms, Inc. Aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material are incorporated into nutrient deficient soils as an amendment.

Facility Overview Carico Farms Inc. is a 320­acre facility located in Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada. Under this permit, treated grease trap materials may be applied to an 80­acre portion of the facility. Carico Farms Inc. is located within an agricultural region south of Lovelock.

The Permittee proposes to continue to land apply aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source on nutrient­deficient agricultural land. The grease trap material is provided by Waters Septic Tank Service d.b.a. Waters Vacuum Truck Service. The grease trap material is treated on­site using a process approved by NDEP in 2008. Fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from the grease trap material extracted during the treatment process are used on­site for power generation and have the potential for use as feedstock for biofuel production. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material will be applied as fertilizer and soil amendment for beneficial use on portions of nutrient deficient agricultural land at Carico Farms, Inc.

Carico Farms, Inc. farmland is flood irrigated. Treated grease trap materials are directly incorporated into the land application fields. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. The application rate of treated grease trap material will be based on the nitrogen needs of the crop to be planted. To reapply grease trap material to cropland, the crop must first be harvested, unless reapplication is used for growing a cover crop during drought years for soil amendment. Grazing does not meet this requirement.

The Permittee proposes to continue to use its 40,000­gallon holding capacity at the beneficial use site to store the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material. Holding tanks shall be inspected daily and have tank level indicators. Tanks are equipped with one­inch ball valves on the tank inlets to facilitate mixing and sample collection. Prior to entering the tanks, grease trap material is screened. Oversize material will be removed to a covered and lined dumpster for holding until disposal at an approved landfill. The dumpster will be dosed with lime for odor control and vector attraction reduction.

Application of domestic septage, portable toilet fluid, and additional grease trap material at the facility is permitted under the permit NS2004504.

Outfall Summary Outfall 001­ Outfall 001 is the discharge point of the holding tanks for the treated grease trap material. This discharge point is before the treated grease trap material is discharged into the equipment used for applying the material to the fields.

Outfall MW1­ Outfall MW1 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the westerly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Outfall MW2­ Outfall MW2 is a downgradient monitoring well on the south end of the land used for grease trap application. Of the two monitoring wells, it is the easterly one. This outfall is used to determine the depth to groundwater and collect water quality samples.

Effluent Characterization Treated grease trap materials are incorporated into the land application fields and incorporated into the soil. The aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material applied are screened to remove solids over 5/16­inch in size before the material can be land applied. Treated grease trap material and associated solids are discharged into equipment that applies it to the nutrient deficient fields.

From 2011 to 2020, the average gallons of treated grease trap material applied per year was approximately 1,655,620 with an average per month application rate of 137,968 gallons.

Effluent limitations are monitor and report.

Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern are nitrogen, sulfate, fluoride, iron, and oil & grease. These pollutants are monitored at Outfall 001 as Monitor and Report. Monitoring requirements for these constituents are carried over from the previous permit.

At Outfalls MW1 and MW2, nitrogen and fluoride are monitored. Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L.

Receiving Water The receiving water is groundwater.

Groundwater in the area may be influenced by various agricultural practices.

The groundwater is reported to be at a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the Permittee’s on­site water level monitoring well. Results from Profile I analytical analysis of the monitoring well water sample from the original permit application indicate poor quality, with exceedances of Profile I maximum concentration levels (MCL) for Aluminum, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

Continued groundwater quality monitoring shall be required for the aqueous fluids and associated solids from the application of treated grease trap material at the site.

Compliance History The Permittee was out of compliance for Nitrogen twice since the issuance of the last permit. Nitrogen has a limit of 10 mg/L. The non­compliance was recorded in first quarter of 2020 for monitoring well 2 and in the third quarter of 2018 for monitoring well 2 (Outfall MW2) with a maximum exceedance of 21.5 mg/L. Analysis of monitoring data indicates these exceedances are outliers and not indicative of a trend of increasing nitrogen in the groundwater.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 for the first three quarters of 2016. Outfalls HT1­4 were not sampled in the third quarter of 2016.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 all four quarters of 2015.

The Permittee failed to sample outfall 001 in the third quarter of 2013.

Proposed Effluent Limitations The discharge shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW1 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw1 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW1 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type Water level relative Daily M&R Feet Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL to mean sea level Maximum (ft) Monitoring well Daily M&R Feet level from the Groundwater MW2 Monthly VISUAL Minimum (ft) surface

Groundwater Monitoring Wells Table for Sample Location Mw2 (Monitoring Well) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter (mg/L) <= 10 Daily Milligrams Nitrogen, total Groundwater MW2 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter (mg/L)

Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Grease Trap Material Effluent) To Be Reported Quarterly

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Oil & grease 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Iron, total (as Fe) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Fluoride, total (as Daily Milligrams Effluent 001 Quarterly DISCRT F) Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Milligrams Effluent Sulfate (as S) 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum per Liter Gross[2] (mg/L) M&R Daily Effluent pH, maximum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent pH, minimum Standard 001 Quarterly DISCRT Minimum Gross[2] Units (SU) M&R Daily Effluent Nitrogen, total Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) M&R Nitrogen, organic Daily Effluent Milliliters per 001 Quarterly DISCRT total (as N) Maximum Gross[2] Liter (mL/L) Area of disposal­ Quarterly M&R See 001 Monthly CALCTD used Total Acres (acr) Footnote[1]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Permittee shall report total acreage utilized for disposal and provide a figure indicating the areas of disposal. 2. Effluent gross is effluent leaving the holding tank manifold before entering the water/incorporation equipment. Septage Limitations / Requirements for Sample Location 001 (External Outfall­Fields) To Be Reported Annually

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Measurement Sample Parameter Base Quantity Concentration Monitoring Loc Loc Frequency Type M&R Tons Annual See Crop yield[5] per Acre 001 Annual CALCTD Total Footnote[1] (ton/acre) M&R Annual Pounds per See Nitrogen, total[2] 001 Annual CALCTD Total Year (lb/yr) Footnote [4] <= 100000 Annual Gallons per Prior to Volume, total 001 Monthly CALCTD Maximum Year (gal/yr) Reuse [3]

Notes (Septage Limitations / Requirements):

1. Submit a map indicating areas where treated grease trap materials were applied during the year and where treated grease trap materials were applied during the past five (5) years. 2. Provide the assumed total nitrogen uptake in pounds per acre per year based on the crop type and yield. 3. Unit is gallons/acre/year (gallons per acre per year) 4. Unit to be lb/acre/yr (pounds per acre per year) 5. Provide crop type and yield for all crops planted during the year.

Summary of Changes From Previous Permit The internal Outfalls HT 1 through 4 were removed. All holding tanks are connected and discharge to Outfall 001. The facility is still limited to 40,000 gallons of holding capacity based on the size of their holding tanks but the number of tanks was removed. This will allow the facility to upgrade or modify the number of tanks it uses without affecting monitoring locations while maintaining their maximum storage capacity. Holding tanks and associated piping leading to Outfall 001 shall be inspected daily for leaks, as indicated by Section B.SP.19 of the permit. Additionally, the above listed changes allows for closer alignment with the Permittee’s other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

In the previous permit, Outfall 001 was sampled monthly with a quarterly average of constituent values being reported. Constituents had discharge limits of monitor and report. Monitoring requirements were changed to report the results of one (1) discrete sample per quarter rather than an average of three (3) samples. DMR data did not indicate levels of monitored constituents that were averaged over the quarter to warrant monthly sampling. The Area of Disposal­Used and the Volume, Total of effluent discharged shall still be measured monthly and reported quarterly.

Outfalls MW1 and MW2 shall be monitored monthly and reported quarterly for groundwater elevation and depth to groundwater. The requirement to monitor for nitrate was removed as it is a part of the analysis for total nitrogen. These changes provide consistency in monitoring with the other permit for the facility, NS2004504.

The requirement to monitor for phosphorus for Outfalls MW1 and MW2 was removed. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water or groundwater for phosphorus.

The requirement to monitor "Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day" was removed from Outfall 001 as it is part of total Nitrogen.

Coordinates for the facility and monitoring wells were updated.

Technology Based Effluent Limitations The use of Technology Based Effluent Limitations is not applicable for this permit.

Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations There are no enumerated water quality based effluent limitations for groundwater.

Proposed Water Quality Based Effluent Limits (monthly/weekly/daily) Nitrogen has a discharge limit of 10 mg/L at the monitoring wells per Profile I reference values.

Basis for Effluent Limitations The monitoring and reporting requirements are in alignment with 40 CFR 503.

The basis for the limitation for total Nitrogen comes from 40 CFR 503 13c.

Using Equation (1): AAR= N/0.0026

Where: AAR= Annual application rate in gallons per acre per 365­day period.

N­ Amount of nitrogen in pounds per acre per 365­day period needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land.

Therefore, at a maximum grease trap material application rate of 100,000 gallons per acre per year, in order to meet State and Federal requirements, the Permittee is required to grow and harvest a crop that has an annual nitrogen requirement of AT LEAST 260 pounds per acre. The permit requirements to report the area of application, the type of crop, and the volume of effluent applied will ensure the uptake of nitrogen equals or exceeds the amount of nitrogen supplied by the applied material.

Depth to groundwater, groundwater elevation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluoride are measured at the monitoring wells to ensure the permitted discharge is not degrading Waters of the State.

Oil & grease, iron, fluoride, sulfate, phosphorus, pH, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and organic nitrogen are monitored before application of the grease trap material to ensure the effluent does not degrade Waters of the State.

Anti­backsliding Final effluent limitations and standards or conditions were not relaxed in this revision of the permit. The requirement to monitor nitrates was removed. Nitrates are still monitored as part of the requirement to monitor total Nitrogen. The quarterly composite sample for Outfall 001 has been replaced with one discrete sample per quarter, so one sample per quarter is still being submitted for evaluation. Outfalls HT1­4 have been removed as they were monitoring the holding tanks for leaks. The holding tanks are required to be inspected daily for leaks per O&M requirements and Section B.SP.19 of the permit.

Antidegradation Nevada State’s antidegradation policy has a requirement to maintain higher quality (RMHQ) standards of the receiving water body and, at a minimum, meet the most restrictive standards established per the designated beneficial use criteria. At this time there are currently no water quality standards that have been formerly adopted by the State for groundwater. However, due to sample data indicating that groundwater quality is poor when compared to NDEP Profile I reference values, proposed activities from the Permittee will not further degrade Waters of the State.

Special Conditions See table

SA – Special Approvals / Conditions Table There are no Special Approval / Condition items

Discharges From Future Outfalls/ Planned Facility Changes No future outfalls are planned at this time. Potential facility changes include replacing and updating holding tanks. As the 10,000­gallon holding tanks age out and need replacement, they may be replaced with 20,000­gallon tanks. Total storage capacity of the holding tanks is anticipated to remain 40,000 gallons.

Corrective Action Sites There are no active Bureau of Corrective Actions remediation sites located within a 1­mile radius of Carico Farms, Inc.

Wellhead Protection Program Carico Farms, Inc. agricultural facility is not within any Drinking Water Protection Zone, nor is the facility within a Wellhead Protection Zone.

Schedule of Compliance:

SOC – Schedule of Compliance Table Item Description Due Date # The Permittee shall submit an updated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the beneficial use and storage of the aqueous fluids and associated solids from treated grease trap material to the Division for review and approval. All changes to the current operation shall be documented in this O&M Manual. Furthermore, the O&M Manual 1 1/1/2022 shall also include information that would be applicable to a Nutrient Management Plan and a Drought Management Plan. The O&M Manual shall be prepared in accordance with NDEP Guidance Documents WTS­1D and WTS­42, O&M Manual for Septage & Biosolids Beneficial Use Application Sites. Permittee shall continue to submit all Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically 2 through the Nevada NetDMR website: PROPOSED DRAFT 2 10/28/2021Permit No. NS2008511 https://netdmr.ndep.nv.gov/netdmr/public/home.htm

Deliverable Schedule:

DLV– Deliverable Schedule for Reports, Plans, and Other Submittals Item # Description Interval First Scheduled Due Date 1 Quarterly Reports Quarterly 1/28/2022 2 Annual Reports Annually 1/28/2022

Procedures for Public Comment: The Notice of the Division's intent to issue a permit authorizing the facility to discharge to groundwater of the State of Nevada subject to the conditions contained within the permit, is being mailed to interested persons on our mailing list and will be posted on our website at https://ndep.nv.gov/posts. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed permit can do so in writing until 5:00 P.M. 9/29/2021 , a period of 30 days following the date of the public notice. The comment period can be extended at the discretion of the Administrator.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant, any affected State, any affected interstate agency, the Regional Administrator of EPA Region IX or any interested agency, person or group of persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and must indicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conducted in the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area the Administrator determined to be appropriate. All public hearings must be conducted in accordance with NAC 445A.238.

The final determination of the Administrator may be appealed to the State Environmental Commission pursuant to NRS 445A.605.

Proposed Determination: The Division has made the tentative determination to issue / re­issue the proposed 5­year permit.

Prepared by: Jonathan Zittel Date: 8/30/2021 Title: Staff Engineer

901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001 • Carson City, Nevada 89701­5249 • p: 775.687.4670 • f: 775.687.5856 • ndep.nv.gov Page 13 / 13