ISO 45001:2018 An introduction to the new standard

Chris Prior SSG Training & Consultancy Ltd Introduction

• Chris Prior


• Mechanical / Production Engineer (10 years)

• Aerospace Site EHS Coordinator (4 years)

• SHEQ Consultant / Trainer at SSG (4 years)

• SHEQ ISO Consultancy Lead at SSG (4 years - present) Agenda

• An overview of the ISO 45001:2018 standard

• Key differences from OHSAS 18001:2007

• Planning for certification / migration Common System Standards

BS EN ISO 9001:2015 • Quality management systems

BS EN ISO 14001:2015 • Environmental management systems

BS ISO 45001:2018 • Health and safety management systems What is ISO 45001:2018?

• ISO standard for occupational health and safety management systems

• Built using ‘Annex SL’ (first used in ISO 27001:2013)

• Internationally recognised

• Replaces OHSAS 18001:2007 (but is not a full re-write)

• Designed to facilitate integration with other systems Benefits of ISO 45001:2018

• Fewer accidents / ill-health incidences • Lower absenteeism / staff turnover • Lower insurance premiums • Helps with ensuring legal compliance • Enhanced reputation • Saves money! • Etc…

Goals of ISO 45001:2018

• See the ‘bigger picture’ and how H&S relates to it

• Embed H&S management into what we do

• Drive H&S from the top (strategy & practice)

• Boost front-line worker involvement

• Expand beyond task-related

• Continuous Improvement! ISO 45001:2018 Annex SL What’s changed?

Vs. Context of the organisation ISO 45001:2018 Interested Parties

How do / should we cater for their needs / expectations within our ? Scope

Operational and geographical boundaries? Where is the scope documented? Management System

Have you got a ‘computer’? Is H&S ‘woven into what you do’? Leadership

Manager Leader Oversees processes well Wants to create the future Must achieve balance Needs to make change Thinks ‘execution’ Thinks ‘ideas’ Comfortable with control Welcomes risks Problems needs fixing ASAP Problems are opportunities Procedure is king Thinks outside the box Gives orders Shows how its done Can be impersonal Warm and approachable Go and do it Let’s make it happen!

Good systems need a suitable mix of both… How can you evidence these? Risks & Opportunities

Consider both risks AND opportunities as a ‘raspberry ripple’, not a ‘dollop on top’… Consultation & Participation

Non-managerial workers are a key ingredient! Two halves – consultation and participation How do I get there? How do I get there?

• Get a copy of the standard • Planned approach (clause 8.1.3) • Prepare and undertake a ‘Gap Analysis’ • Create a ‘Migration Plan’ • Raise ‘Corrective Actions’ to plug the gaps • Implement changes and monitor their effectiveness • Engage a certification body to book transition • Don’t forget the 3-year transition deadline! (March 2021) Certification of new systems

• Select and appoint a UKAS-Accredited Certification Body

• Initial Certification • Stage 1 Audit • Stage 2 Audit

• Annual Surveillance

• Recertification after 3 years Questions?