" "Lnquiry N Ve Fisheries, Expert to Speak in Northwest
!= ?. LF.,GrSLAT£VE LI:BRARY, ~IP. T/~8 p/.,EL.IAUKNT BU£LDI~$, i ,~ / TERRACE.Kr] q j h Id VOLUME 73 NO. 4e THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1976 I POLIOE .! • ~ :~ , i.'~ BLOTTER : i,,. ' ~'~:" Windshields in two vehicles parked in the McEwan Motors display lot :.-..le were smashed by unknown youths at about 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. Julle Lorette, a member of the Terrace Figure Skating Club, practices for the club's annual / Police are still in- sharing carnival coming up this weekend. Julie phlys the sheriff in a wild west number , vestigating. complete with a train, robbers snd a posse. Show times are Saturday, March 11 at 8 p.m. •The only other reported [and Sunday, March 12 at 2 p.m. 2 incident was the lodging of a "I "lnquiryin local police .Is for N ati ve Fisheries, Expert AffaireOTTAWA¢Cl:')--lndlan Minister Hugh To Speak in Northwest i ~:~i~." . ~ ..... Fauilmer confirmed Wed- nesday he has proposed setting up an inquiry into Terrace -- Barbara Lane, She will speak in Prince m~cial and the food fisherY. ..... , . ,-~,~,~.~,; ~,,-~,*,. • constitutional development a University of Victoria Rupert on Monday night, in the Yukon: n Professor and widely- March 13th, at 7:00 p.m. at Ms. Lane was recently •,~\:::,: ? .."!,"~'.:,:~. ~,,.~.~, ,.* Faulkner told the Coln- regarded expert in the area the College facility in the expert witness for the West mona the aim of the inquiry of Native fishing rights, will Amante Building; in Terrace Washington tribes in their ~..'-~.~." ~ ~,-' .~/ ,,. is trying to bridge the divc- be speaking in the nor- on Tuesday night, March historic court decision slons emerging hetwecn the thweet during the week of 14th, in Room 206 of the guaranteeing them a large white and native population March 1st.
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