Classification of Wheat Varieties Grown in the United States in 1949
Technical Bulletin No. 1083 March 1954 /' Classification of Wheat Varieties Grown in the United States in 1949 By B. B. BAYLES Principal Agronomist and J. ALLEN CLARK Senior Agronomist Field Crops Research Bran~h United States Department of Agriculture, Washingtc'll, D. C. For gale by the Superintendent of Documents, WaehinMlon 25, D. C. • Price 70 cent. 66 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1083, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE to strong; spike apically awnleted, fusi Distribution.-Estimated area in 1949, form, middense to dense, inclined; glumes 452,427 acres (fig. 32). glabrous, white with black stripes, mid long, wide; shoulders wide, oblique to LOFTHOUSE square; beaks mid wide, obtuse, 0.5 mm. long; awnlets 3 to 10 mm. long, some Description.-Plant winter habit mid tim,;s incurved; kernels red, midlong, se:;tson, midtall; ste:n white,. midstrong; semlhard, ovate; germ midsized· crease s~lke awnleted, fusIform, mlddense, in midwide, middeep; cheeks rounded; brush cllped_; glumes glabrous, white, midlong, midsized, midlong. ml~wlde; should~rs wanting to narrow, History.-Kanqueen (C. 1. 12762) was oblIque; beaks WIde, obtuse, 1 mm. long; developed by Earl G. Clark, the farmer awnlets several, 5 to 30 mill. long; wheat breeder of Sedgwick, Kans., and kernels red, mic_llon.g, sof~, ovate; germ first offered for sale in the fall of 1949. small; crease mldwlde, mlddeep; cheeks It was sold in small lots in all sections usually angular; brush small, midlong. of Kansas. There is some confusion as to the VIGO identity of this variety. It frequently has been referred to as white-kerneled Description.-Plant' winter habit, mid and often is confused with the Kofod variety.
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