Temporary Exports and the ATA Carnet
Temporary Exports and the ATA Carnet Presented by Amanda Barlow USCIB NTDEC QUARTERLY EXPORT FORUM April 16, 2013 Temporary Importation The process whereby goods will remain in the importing country for fewer than 12 months without paying full duties and taxes. Duty & Tax Deposit . Temporary Import under Bond (TIB) . ATA Carnet . Smuggling What do these have in Common? . Texas based medical device manufacturer taking $400,000 worth of samples to exhibit at CMEF in China . A car dealer shipping an antique $10 million automobile to the Classic Motor Show in Birmingham, UK . A technician carrying specialized tools worth $20,000 to repair Moscow airport’s radar system . A rock band touring Europe with $100,000 worth of musical equipment ATA Carnet . Merchandise Passport . International development tool . International customs document . Allows temporary entry of items, duty-free and tax-free, whether shipped or hand-carried . Established by international ATA convention . Governed by: . World Customs Organization . International Chamber of Commerce and its World Chambers Federation Where can Carnets be used? . 73** member countries and the customs territories they administer: France Monaco Spain Canary Islands South Africa Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Swaziland . New members: 2011: UAE, Bosnia and Mexico 2013: Albania and Madagascar** . Except for Chile, South America does not accept Carnets What can go on Carnets? Not Trade Show items only! 3 Primary Categories: 1. CS--Commercial Samples 2. PE--Professional Equipment (tools of the trade) 3. EF—Goods for Exhibitions and Fairs What goods are NOT covered? • NOT covered: giveaways, food items, plants, consumables, disposable items, postal traffic and personal autos for touring • No “substantial transformation” in product or value • Member countries choose which categories of goods they will accept, e.g., India accepts only Exhibition and Fairs What are the Benefits of ATA Carnet? .
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