Buried Alive Cambridge Loca the Sir A

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Buried Alive Cambridge Loca the Sir A i.i "i.. ■ ■ ' ■ •' ■ ■ •! ■■ .: TWELVE PAGES. By Appointment to i ■i.' I His Majesty tbe King, Her Majesty the Queen, CURTAINS. Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. For every winjdow in the House i • . ^ j 2f000 pairs ^ select from, i The London Dyers & Cl'eaners, 2/1 l i to 30/- per pair. C L E A N &• i D Y E In a HIGHLY SATISFAeTOB^ M.ANNEU; I ■ ( (1) Ladies’ Dresses, Blouses and Sports-Coats. ' ' r)‘ ■! (2) ' Gentlemen’s Suits and Overcoats. t - i ' 1 ; \flNALLS'; ■. r 3) Hcusehold'Draperies and Curtains. Ji- 'j . ■. Tlhe Popular Price Draper! IE S t JIECUI jATION. L a r g e s t O l d e s t E STABLISHED. 12, Su sse x Ga r d e n s, ’TERMijNus R d ., ii. 'F-. - b ’ l-i_________ [I” EASTBOURNE Hi? . : ' T elep h o n e—1161.' TERMINUS ROAD. R e g is t e r e d at t h H Q.P.O; , P P J T ('JTT,' QA No. 3,19d " frZnd Olf PUBLI CATION W EDN EbDAY); M AY 29, 191$. AS A.NEWSPApin. A AnlVi. BURIED ALIVE CAMBRIDGE LOCA THE SIR A. CALLAGHAN. TO THE SOUTH POLE. TOMMY THE-NEW LIBERAL CANDIDATE AND FUNERAL SERVl PRIZE-GIVING ON RENEWAL OF, LICENSE S r R E R N E S T S K A C KL E T 0 N REFUSED. DESCRIBES HIS EXPEDITION. a*: STUDIES NATURE IN FRANCE. AN INDUSTRIAL CAREER. THE M. IVOR’S ADVICE. OFFICER’S AMA: COMPENSATION QUESTION As announced in! oUr last issue Sir Alfred A WONDERFUL STORY. The Mdyor pieeided at ,th'e prize-g iving THE ANNOYANCE OF SI|IEEZING. John Callaghan has been recommended by The. anxiety of Mrs. Editfir ^ ceremony ift connection" with I the Cam-- DEFERRED. the Exe<n,tive of the Eastbourne Division iurho<aS' bridge L-ocal .Examinations yest srday who ia staying in the neiglff Central ] jiberal Association for fi,doption bj' ■'Ificture to yhurself a man of the bull­ Ea itboum^. respecting her eo' (Tuesday) afternoon, when a lh|rge »com-' One woiild iihagine frbm the following pany assembled alt the Town Rlall. Sup: ral Liberal (Jlouncil as prospective dog-breed—stalw art, tenacious and fearless. W. Bagot I Harte, G urkha “RiHes.'^e. e|till letter w ritten by Sapper J. M. Bifrton, R.E., porting his Worship were Lady j Graham, I At the principal sUtine of the CompeQsat^in' to his mother. Mrs. Burton. 13. Bedford- Liberal .candidate for the Eastbourne Divi­ Tall and pofirerful, with, shoulders denoting mitjou ost intense. ... ' ixLi6«Miss urregg,.Gregg,. mMrs. i’e. isBarber, a rD e r, Mies!iviis^SMxLec iBec paLXi,path. Authority for ihe Korough of Eastbourne bplU well-road, ^ that the battlefield is a school sion, which includes i the southern part of great strength'; a ciean-shfiven face On'Jutie|,25 last hhe received a'tel'^rainiLM ies Jay, the Rev. W. F. AstoJi, tne Rjv. H. in the Council Chamber yesterday (Tuesuay) of; philosophy. Sapper Burton, who Is 21 S u ssex . The recommendation will ; be bronzed by the winds of the Antarctic seas; conveying! the inform ation' that .he had Plume, the ^Rev. C. ^B. ^Pratt, ■“ thelB^v D r. the members preai nt we^e Alderman E. -.D)lke years of age and who wab embarking upon Crowden and Ck'UncGlor S. Bitssell. (In the chair). Colonel .A. I Bowes Mein. Dr. Mbir A career; as a teacher when-war broke out, b r o u g h t before a meeting of the Council on keen-, penetrating ©yes and square jaws. (A • i been kitted ins action -whilst comiiiandlng F r id a y — ,L. C am - Smith and Sir Steyning Edgerley. : proceeded I to France lasFf November. - svening, and there fs every prd- mouth' which: at first looks hard biit which th© tNepjatJi {Jontingent, M ahstid’e i ' Mors Boys Enter , .' The question of the refusal to grant a license . I V d rb - The subjoined letter was evidently writ- spect of a unanimous decision. ■ is, in reality, kind and sympathetic. paign, Nhrth ^ eat Frontier, India.- In his reiport the Rev. W . i F . A s to n in comtAction with the Cosmopolite Arms wat ten while the soldier was in a thoughtful I'w ah S ir Alflred is the third son of the late Mr. If you can conjure up this figure and'face ally and eim^aneOuely the new| s t a t e d I- fully diBCUssedi, ,[ m o o d :— I James W alker Callaghan, of Dublin, and in n o t. iMr. H. W.- Fbvargus (Town Clerk) appeared in your,'mental vision you hafie tho por- conveyed! to h e ^ h a t he -was woun^ “ The'Uniiversiity. for reasofls.ot iecduomy “ The weather now is i?ery summer-like, 1914 he m arried Irene, the youngest daugh- sonality of Sir .Ernest (Shackletlon, C.V.O., killed, ind ehelj^e asked ^ itiiin e fp.r the police. i I ' I t e r - o f has not Rublisiied detailed Uetd o f. last ipbief Inspector Tupof-stated' that be had and we walk about all day with tunics off. the late. Mr. Charles Knighton- F.R.G..S., .F;R.A.S., etc.,! whoso Wife. Lady writing^TOj him. /' . '[■he year’s examinaUons, so I , am nalil'e: to I had my: first’hath© Hi the canal. It was W i^rren, of St. John’s Wood. 'N.Wi. He was Shaekleton...'resides in (Eastbourne. ujade some observations and measuremebiB c r e a te d m ajor.^^o____ ________ buried ___ s c n 'ic e give any of the general details, n d m u s t with regard to the number of licensed hoboes in a bit fresh, but not at all bad. It cannot 1 knight in 1915, Sir Ernest looked the, cleain spruce, coniine myself Ito local m atters. [ F o r la s t compare iwith the -good: old English sea honest -and gallant Brhishef-'als he stood •I i e ad--^^Siim 'li[ the m a n y o h Seaside, Prom thp end of Tower-street ito December there were 76 ca’ndldatsd entered, where it adjoined Ssasido,within a radiusof pOO with the j’olling (waves And *he smack of on the platform at .the' J'bwu IlfilL on Frji- the eveiSiik’-'of June 21, when he wale ap- and two of the se did not take the , exam­ the salt water ih your face. I ivould give parentliw tinodnscliouB. Soon after fijiends yhrds there were sev|en licensed bouses in |;hs day evening relating 4n-JalmoBt ’ conversa­ ination owing >o illndtes. Gut 6f the 73 a,rc<t th e r e w ere 1 000 h p u so s to a n esiimafiGd all. my future Army pay for ten! minutes tional- style, with little.’-flashcs fiif delight­ must have i-esoued him from the grave, who presented Jiemselves, 60 satisfied the" revived-him and attended to hie wogud. population of 5,000 people. He Visited the Cos- down at the old bathing station at the Re­ ful humour,' the wonderful I; story of his examiners and 27 also gainedj Ihdiiours. mopolite-on several evenings in February. Oi) doubt. .. I ft-rh afraid a thunderstorm is Aiitarctic expedition. Yet the explorer con­ lie was wounded in the neck. T h e n u m b e r boys entered w a s e o n s id e r- the evening of February : 2 he found eight per­ brewing. Heavy cloiida■loUa are rolling u p fessed without I a blush that for teU months No News of His Whereabouts.^ so n s th e re , o n F e b ru a r y 16, 21; on F 'eb ru ary 19, from the westwards. There is one thing—I he neither took off his clothes ]!nor had a those wlio pas'-^ gives a' veiiy sat isfe .ctory 12. on "F eb ru ary 23, '27, a n d oh F e b ru a ry 24] 17. am not afraid of the]thunder. In fact it bath. But this was, of (c-oursei 'bnly a tri­ Within ’a fortnight he got a mepelage percentage. Tii© year these only came He visited the house again this month and;on 18 welcome in oiie wiay, rem inding me that vial incident in a campaign ]'of deadly iMi’Ougii to, hie mother saying that _ the from four loo.j.1 Schools, whicli makes the evening of the 18th thierC'were 16 present, there I© al Forcei and a ■yoicei greater than danger and intense excitement. ( rwouiul had-J,nearly ceased to give him ji^iin. one wonder why more schools do no'; ta k c oh May 21,12 perrotfs, oh May 23,9. and oh Nav these others which]are making an otfier- but she had no definite knowledge of .where examination, considering the num bir 25, 3Q. There was plenty ]of accommodation for wise’peaceful day hideous with their bang- Preparalinns Commenofid. he Is’now;’., , „ , ,.,,1 -i. in Eastbourne, and the practiclal tsst of th© public without this iUsense being t.enewed. ■rig a n d screech iin g . , It was in the middle of 1913 that'arrange- . In one Of *hie letter© to Ins "mother he knowledge this examination offers, and the , L io e n s e R e fu s e d . | Nature Notes. ments for the expedition were .cbmmenced.’ o-xprUsed iregret at being seconded if ?om prizes We present.
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