
Chronic administration to rats decreases - operated mobilization of intracellular ionic in cultured hepatocytes and inhibits 1,4,5- trisphosphate production: relevance to impaired regeneration.

B H Zhang, … , B P Hornsfield, G C Farrell

J Clin Invest. 1996;98(5):1237-1244. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI118907.

Research Article

We tested the hypothesis that ethanol impairs liver regeneration by abrogating receptor-mediated elevation of cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i). In rats fed for 16 weeks with ethanol, hepatocellular proliferation induced by partial hepatectomy was greatly impaired. Similarly, EGF-induced DNA synthesis was reduced in cultured hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats. There was no change in the number or affinity of EGF receptors on hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats. Despite this, EGF- mediated production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins[1,4,5]P3) was lower in hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats, and the EGF-induced [Ca2+]i transient appeared to be abrogated. When vasopressin or phenylephrine were used as surface receptor ligands, hepatocytes cultured from ethanol-fed rats exhibited major reductions in Ins(1,4,5)P3 synthesis. This was associated with greatly truncated [Ca2+]i transients. These changes were not due to an effect on the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor on the endoplasmic reticulum or to a decrease in the size of the Ins(1,4,5)P3-mobilizable intracellular Ca+2 store. Further, mobilization of the same Ca2+ store by 2,5-di-tert-butylhydroquinone or thapsigargin restored the ability of hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats to proliferate when exposed to EGF. It is concluded that chronic ethanol consumption inhibits liver regeneration by a mechanism that is, at least partly, the result of impaired receptor-operated [Ca2+]i signaling due to reduced generation of Ins(1,4,5)P3.

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Chronic Ethanol Administration to Rats Decreases Receptor-operated Mobilization of Intracellular Ionic Calcium in Cultured Hepatocytes and Inhibits 1,4,5- Production: Relevance to Impaired Liver Regeneration

Bao-Hong Zhang, Brian P. Horsfield and Geoffrey C. Farrell Storr Liver Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Sydney at Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW, Australia 2145

Abstract of 70% of the hepatic mass invokes a regenerative response that restores the original organ weight by 7–14 d (1, 2). At the We tested the hypothesis that ethanol impairs liver regener- cellular level, hepatocytes are transformed from their predom- ation by abrogating receptor-mediated elevation of cytosolic inantly resting (growth-arrested, G0) state to enter the cell cy- 2ϩ free calcium {[Ca ]i}. In rats fed for 16 weeks with ethanol, cle and proliferate in a coordinated wave of DNA synthesis hepatocellular proliferation induced by partial hepatectomy that is evident 20–24 h after liver resection. was greatly impaired. Similarly, EGF-induced DNA syn- Alcoholic liver disease is a major cause of liver disease in thesis was reduced in cultured hepatocytes from ethanol-fed Western countries. A typical feature of the clinical course is rats. There was no change in the number or affinity of EGF slow recovery of patients after an episode of alcoholic hepati- receptors on hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats. Despite tis. This has been attributed, at least in part, to ethanol-induced this, EGF-mediated production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphos- impairment of liver regeneration. Thus it has been established P phate (Ins[1,4,5] 3) was lower in hepatocytes from ethanol- experimentally that chronic ethanol inhibits hepatic growth in 2ϩ fed rats, and the EGF-induced [Ca ]i transient appeared to vivo (3–7) and in vitro (8–10), but the mechanism by which be abrogated. When vasopressin or phenylephrine were used ethanol inhibits liver regeneration is poorly understood. as cell surface receptor ligands, hepatocytes cultured from In many rapidly turning-over cell types, including fibro- P ethanol-fed rats exhibited major reductions in Ins(1,4,5) 3 blasts (11, 12) and epithelioid tumor cell lines (13–15), intracel- synthesis. This was associated with greatly truncated lular Ca2ϩ and pH signals are essential for the transition of 2ϩ [Ca ]i transients. These changes were not due to an effect resting cells to the proliferative state. In hepatocytes, occu- P on the Ins(1,4,5) 3 receptor on the endoplasmic reticulum pancy of several growth factor and receptors induces or to a decrease in the size of the Ins(1,4,5)P -mobilizable in- 2ϩ 1 3 transient elevation of the cytosolic free calcium {[Ca ]i}. tracellular Ca2ϩ store. Further, mobilization of the same Thus, EGF, hepatocyte growth factor, vasopressin, and the ␣1- 2ϩ Ca store by 2,5–di-tert-butylhydroquinone or thapsigar- receptor , phenylephrine, all induce in- gin restored the ability of hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats 2ϩ creases in [Ca ]i. The mechanism of agonist receptor-medi- to proliferate when exposed to EGF. It is concluded that 2ϩ ated elevation of [Ca ]i is via the second messenger inositol chronic ethanol consumption inhibits liver regeneration by 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins[1,4,5]P3), which is formed as a result a mechanism that is, at least partly, the result of impaired of the -binding regulatory protein (G pro- receptor-operated [Ca2ϩ] signaling due to reduced genera- i tein)-dependent activation of a phospholipase C (PLC␤1) that tion of Ins(1,4,5)P . (J. Clin. Invest. 1996. 98:1237–1244.) 3 specifically cleaves 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Key words: liver regeneration • receptor-mediated signal In the case of EGF, occupancy of EGF receptor generates transduction • inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate • con- Ins(1,4,5)P3 by activation of PLC␥1, a process which involves sumption • cell culture • hepatocytes the activated receptor directly in most cell types, but which may

involve a G-protein in hepatocytes (16). Ins(1,4,5)P3 elevates 2ϩ 2ϩ [Ca ]i by releasing stored Ca from a subfraction of the en- Introduction doplasmic reticulum, hereafter referred to as the Ins(1,4,5)P3- mobilizable internal Ca2ϩ store (17). This process, combined After a variety of hepatic injuries, the capacity of the liver to with receptor-stimulated Ca2ϩ influx, leads to an increase in recover is largely due to regenerative growth. In rats, resection 2ϩ [Ca ]i that is involved with the production of many physiolog- ical responses in the cell, including growth and proliferation (18, 19). This work was presented at the May 1995 meeting of the American We postulated that ethanol might inhibit hepatocellular 2ϩ Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and has been published in proliferation by impairing mitogen receptor-mediated [Ca ]i abstract form: Gastroenterology 1995; 108;A 1210. signal tranduction. The objectives of the present study, there- Address correspondence to Geoffrey C. Farrell, Storr Liver Unit, fore, were (a) to investigate the long-term effects of ethanol 2ϩ Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia. Phone: 612- feeding on the [Ca ]i signals induced by EGF, vasopressin, 845-7705. FAX: 612-635-7582. e-mail: [email protected]. edu.AU Received for publication 6 June 1995 and accepted in revised form 11 July 1996. 2ϩ 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: [Ca ]i, cytosolic free calcium; fura-2/AM, 1-[2-(5-carboxyoxazol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy]- J. Clin. Invest. 2-(2Ј-amino-5Ј-methylphenoxy) ethane-NNNЈNЈ-tetra-acetoxyme-

© The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. thyl ester; Ins(1,4,5)P3, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate; PIP2, phosphati- 0021-9738/96/09/1237/08 $2.00 dylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLC, phospholipase C; tBHQ, 2,5-di- Volume 98, Number 5, September 1996, 1237–1244 tert-butylhydroquinone.

2ϩ Ethanol, Liver Regeneration and [Ca ]i Signals 1237

and phenylephrine in cultured rat hepatocytes, and (b) to char- Isolation and culture of hepatocytes. After 16 wk on the diets, 2ϩ acterize the relationship between changes in [Ca ]i signals hepatocytes were isolated from ether-anesthetized rats by a non- and hepatocyte proliferation after chronic exposure to alcohol. recirculating collagenase perfusion through the portal vein, according to the method of Bissell and Guzelian (25), as described previously (24). Freshly isolated hepatocytes were plated on to 30 or 60 mm cul- Methods ture dishes for the purpose of experiments, as detailed below. Cells were then incubated at 37ЊC in a humidified atmosphere of air con- Chemicals. Arginine vasopressin, phenylephrine, ribonuclease taining 5% CO2. Three hours after plating, the medium was changed to remove the unattached hepatocytes. (RNase), Ins(1,4,5)P3, 2,5-di–tert–butylhydroquinone, thapsigargin, BSA, saponin, DMSO, and cell culture medium components were [3H]Thymidine incorporation into hepatic DNA in cultured hepa- purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Collagenase tocytes. Hepatocytes (0.85 ϫ 106 in 3.0 ml of modified medium) were (type II) was from Worthington Biochemicals (Freehold, NJ). EGF plated on 60 mm collagen I–coated culture dishes. After initial me- was from Collaborative Research Inc. (Bedford, MA). 1-[2-(5-carboxy- dium change, EGF (10 ng/ml) was added to the medium containing oxazol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy]-2-(2-amino-5Ј-methylphenoxy) (1 mg/liter), optimal ionic concentrations of Ca2ϩ (0.9 mM) Ϫ 3 ethane-NNNЈNЈ-tetra-acetoxymethyl ester (fura-2/AM) and plu- and HCO3 (35 mM) for DNA synthesis (24). [ H]Thymidine (2 ␮Ci/ ronic F-127 were obtained from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). ml, sp act 25 Ci/mmol) was added to the medium 48 h after the initial Collagen I and ionomycin (free acid) was from Boehringer Mann- medium change, and hepatocytes were harvested 24 h later for DNA heim Australia Pty Ltd. (Sydney, Australia). [3H]Thymidine and 125I- extraction. [3H]Thymidine incorporation was determined as de- EGF were purchased from Amersham Australia (Sydney, Australia). scribed elsewhere (24); we have previously demonstrated that [3H]Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate stan- [3H]thymidine incorporation in this system largely represents replica- dards, and myo-[1,2-3H]inositol were from Du Pont-New England tive DNA synthesis (24). Nuclear Corp. (Boston, MA). All other miscellaneous chemicals and EGF receptor assay. Hepatocytes (0.5 ϫ 106 cells in 2.0 ml of solvents were at least analytical reagent grade; they were purchased modified medium) were plated on 30 mm culture dishes coated with from Ajax Chemicals (Sydney, Australia). Matrigel was prepared in- collagen I. 15 h after the initial medium change, 125I-EGF binding to house by extraction from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma propa- hepatocytes in primary culture was performed using the method of gated in C57BL/6 female mice, as previously described (20). Shi and Yager (26). The samples were counted in a LKB-Wallace Animal model. This study was approved by the Animal Ethics gamma counter (Turku, Finland). The maximum number of binding Committee of the Western Sydney Area Health Service and experi- sites (Bmax) and the dissociation constant (Kd) were estimated by ments conformed to the highest international standards of humane Scatchard analyses (27). 2ϩ care. Male Wistar rats, initial weight 180–220 grams, were obtained Measurement of [Ca ]i in cultured hepatocytes. Freshly isolated from the Westmead Hospital animal house. Animals were housed in hepatocytes (1 ϫ 106 cells in 3.0 ml of modified Waymouth medium) individual cages under conditions of constant temperature (22ЊC) and were plated on to 60 mm culture dishes containing glass coverslips 2ϩ humidity. They were kept on a 12 h light/dark cycle (light on 0600 to coated with matrigel. [Ca ]i was determined in cultured hepatocytes 1800 h) and acclimatized to the housing situation for one week before essentially as described by Grynkiewicz et al. (28). Thus, 16–18 h after experiments. cell culture, hepatocytes were incubated with Hepes buffer (in mM: Rats were divided into three groups. Animals in group A were NaCl 118, NaHCO3 25, MgSO4 1.2, KCl 4.7, CaCl2 0.9, KH2PO4 1.2, fed commercial rat pellets (Allied Food, Sydney, Australia) and were Hepes 25, and 0.2% BSA) containing 5 ␮M fura-2/AM (dissolved induced to consume 40% ethanol in water, by introducing ethanol with DMSO and 0.03% pluronic F127) in an air/5% CO2 incubator into the drinking water gradually, over 10 wk (21). An intake of 15 g for 45 min. After three times washing, coverslips, with the attached ethanol/kg/d was achieved, as a result of which ethanol was estimated fura-2–loaded hepatocytes, were transferred into a thermostatically to account for 39% of total ingested kilojoules. As reported else- controlled perfusion chamber (37Ϯ0.5ЊC). This chamber was where (21), the serum ethanol concentration of the ethanol-consum- mounted on the stage of a Nikon Diaphot inverted microscope fitted ing rats was regularly above 20 mM, and these blood levels were with ϫ 40 fluor oil immersion objective. There were approximately 15 maintained throughout the day. After 16 wk on the diet, body weight hepatocytes in each microscopic field. Cells were alternately excited in ethanol and pair-fed rats (group B, see below) was comparable, at 340 and 380 nm wavelengths using a stepping filter wheel and emit- and histology showed that the of ethanol-fed rats developed ted light was collected through a dichroic mirror and interference fil- steatosis without obvious inflammation, hepatocyte necrosis or fibro- ters at 510 nm. The 340/380 ratio was obtained and stored to hard disk sis (21). Rats in group B were pair-fed isocaloric quantities of the using a PHOCAL system (Applied Imaging, Gateshead, Tyne and 2ϩ same diet as the ethanol-fed group, but dextrose was substituted for Wear, UK). [Ca ]i was calculated based on calibration parameters as ethanol. Group C animals were allowed ad libitum access to the com- follows: Fmax was obtained using ionomycin (20 ␮M) in the presence 2ϩ mercial rat pellets. of 10 mM Ca , and Fmin was determined after addition of 10 mM 2ϩ Partial hepatectomy. After 16 wk on the diets, and under ether EGTA (pH 8.0). The Kd used for fura-2 binding of Ca was 224 nM. 2ϩ anesthesia, four rats from each group were subjected to 68% partial The following formula was used to calculate [Ca ]i: hepatectomy according to method of Higgins and Anderson (22). An- 2ϩ other four rats from each group were subjected to a sham operation. [Ca ]i ϭ K (R Ϫ Rmin)/(Rmax Ϫ R) Animals were killed at 24 h after partial hepatectomy or sham opera- tion. 2 h before use, the rats were injected intraperitoneally with where R is the fluorescent measurement ratio (340/380), Rmax is the 3 2ϩ [ H]thymidine in 0.15 M NaCl (250 ␮Ci/kg body wt; total volume ratio when the probe is saturated with Ca , Rmin is the ratio with no 3 2ϩ -ml, sp act 48 Ci/mmol). The incorporation of [ H]thymidine free [Ca ]i present, K represents Kd (Fo/Fsat), where Fo is the inten 0.8 ف into DNA was examined, as described below. sity at the upper wavelength at Rmin, Fsat is the intensity of the upper 3 Determination of [ H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. A 0.1– wavelength at Rmax. 0.2 g portion of the caudate lobe of the liver was used to determine Extraction and separation of inositol polyphosphates using [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. Total nucleic acid (tNA) was HPLC. After initial medium change, hepatocytes (2 ϫ 106 cells per prepared by the method of Durnam and Palmiter (23). RNA was de- 60 mm matrigel-coated plate) were incubated in a medium containing stroyed by addition of RNase (100 ␮g/ml, DNase free) to the tNA myo-[1,2-3H]inositol (5 ␮Ci/ml) for 15 h. Cells were washed twice and incubation at 37ЊC for 1 h. Hepatic DNA was precipitated by ice- with PBS, and then incubated in a medium containing 10 mM LiCl cold absolute ethanol for the measurement of total DNA assay and (pH 7.2) at 37ЊC for 30 min. The reaction was started by addition of the radioactivity assay using the method as described previously (24). 10 nM EGF, or 20 nM vasopressin, or 20 ␮M phenylephrine and ter-

1238 Zhang et al. minated at various times after addition by aspiration of the medium tion, 10 ng/ml), DNA synthesis was induced in all groups, but and the addition of ice-cold PBS. Inositol polyphosphates was ex- the extent of EGF-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation was tracted using the method as described by Hansen et al. (29). The de- significantly lower in hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats than termination of protein was performed according to method of Lowry that of both control groups (P Ͻ 0.01; Fig. 2). (30). Binding of 125I-EGF to hepatocellular plasma membranes of Inositol polyphosphates were separated and analyzed by HPLC chronic ethanol-fed rats. To examine whether changes in according to the method of Hansen et al. (29) with minor modifica- tion. The calibration was performed using the method essentially as EGF receptor number or affinity contributed to the im- described by Johnson et al. (31). The retention times of the standards pairment of mitogen-induced hepatocyte proliferation, bind- 3 3 125 were: [ H]Ins(1,3,4)P3, 35.0 min; [ H]Ins(1,4,5)P3, 37.0 min. Fractions ing studies were conducted using I-EGF as probe. As shown were counted for 3H radioactivity after addition of 5 ml of ACS II in Fig. 3, the binding curves were similar for hepatocytes from scintillant (Amersham Australia, Sydney, Australia). each animal group. Scatchard analysis demonstrated no signif- Statistical analysis. All results are expressed as meanϮstandard icant differences either in the numbers of EGF receptors deviation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s least signifi- (Bmax) or in the binding affinity (Kd) when hepatocytes from cant method were used for comparisons among more than two ethanol-fed rats were compared to both types of controls. means, and the Student’s t test was used for comparison between two [Ca2ϩ] changes induced by EGF, vasopressin, and phenyl- means. A P value Ͻ 0.05 was considered to be significant. i ephrine in hepatocytes cultured from chronic ethanol-fed and control rats. The impairment of EGF-stimulated DNA syn- Results thesis that was observed, despite the presence of unchanged numbers and affinity of EGF receptors, focussed attention on Effect of chronic ethanol feeding on liver regeneration after par- whether receptor-operated could be a pos- tial hepatectomy. Rats fed the diet containing 39% of calories sible mechanism by which chronic ethanol feeding impairs as ethanol in the drinking water grew normally and maintained hepatocyte proliferation. In preliminary experiments, as shown 2ϩ good general condition, as detailed elsewhere (21). As shown in Fig. 4 (i), there appeared to be a reduction of the [Ca ]i in Fig. 1, partial hepatectomy induced the expected vigorous transient produced by 10 nM EGF in ethanol-fed rat hepato- regenerative response in intact rats. Thus, 24 h after partial cytes (263Ϯ22 nM) compared with that in pair-fed controls hepatectomy, [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA was (427Ϯ47 nM) (P Ͻ 0.01). It is noted, however, that the respon- of %60 ف) greatly increased compared with sham-operated controls in all siveness to EGF varied between individual cells 2ϩ groups of animals. In ethanol-fed rats, however, partial hepa- cells responded), while the amplitude of EGF-induced [Ca ]i tectomy-stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation was signifi- transients was relatively low compared with that generated by cantly lower than in pair-fed rats (5.7Ϯ1.2 vs 34Ϯ2.9 dpm/␮g other receptors (compare Fig. 4 [i] with [ii], and [iii]). To eluci- DNA, P Ͻ 0.01) or in ad libitum–fed controls (26Ϯ5.8 dpm/␮g date more clearly the effects of chronic ethanol feeding on re- DNA, P Ͻ 0.01). There was no difference between pair-fed ceptor-mediated signal transduction, additional studies were and ad libitum–fed rats (Fig. 1). performed using vasopressin and phenylephrine as model EGF-induced DNA synthesis in hepatocytes cultured from ligands for cell surface receptor occupancy. chronic ethanol-fed rats. In the absence of mitogen, [3H]thy- In contrast to EGF, essentially all cells appeared to re- midine incorporation into DNA after 72 h cell culture was very spond to vasopressin and phenylephrine, as determined quali- low in primary hepatocyte cultures (1–2 ϫ 103 dpm/␮g DNA). tatively by fluorescent microscopy. As expected in control After addition of EGF to the culture medium (final concentra- hepatocytes (32), 20 nM vasopressin induced a transient spike

Figure 2. EGF-stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA of Figure 1. Hepatic incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA after cultured rat hepatocytes from ethanol- (EF), pair- (PF), and ad libi- sham operation ( ) and partial hepatectomy ( ) in ethanol- (EF), tum–fed (AD) rats. 8.5 ϫ 105 cells were plated onto 60 mm collagen pair- (PF), and ad libitum–fed (AD) rats. Columns represent mean I–coated culture dishes. 2 ␮Ci/ml of [3H]thymidine was added at 48 h values and error bars are 1 SD of four rats. *P Ͻ 0.01 compared with after cell culture, and cells were harvested at 72 h. Results shown are corresponding sham-operated rats. §P Ͻ 0.01 compared with PF or meanϮSD of five separate experiments, each of which was per- AD rats after partial hepatectomy. formed in triplicate. *P Ͻ 0.01, as compared with PF and AD rats.

2ϩ Ethanol, Liver Regeneration and [Ca ]i Signals 1239 Figure 3. Scatchard analysis of 125I- EGF binding to hepatocytes from ethanol-, pair-, and ad libitum–fed rats. EGF binding assays were per- formed as described in Methods. Data are from a representative ex- periment, one of replicates in which values were determined in tripli-

cate. Kd and Bmax are calculated from three separate experiments. A, ethanol-fed. B, pair-fed. C, ad li- bitum–fed.

2ϩ in [Ca ]i followed by a sustained increase that lasted more shown in Fig. 5 A, addition of vasopressin, phenylephrine or than 20 min (Fig. 4 [ii]). In hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats, EGF to pair-fed rat hepatocytes stimulated production of 2ϩ however, the amplitude of the [Ca ]i spike induced by vaso- Ins(1,4,5)P3 within 30 s. These increases in Ins(1,4,5)P3 -compared with pair-fed con- reached a peak after 1 min of hormone additions, and then de %50 ف pressin was reduced by min. The maximum levels of 5 ف trols (310Ϯ32 nM vs 640Ϯ68 nM respectively, P Ͻ 0.01). As clined to basal levels after shown in Fig. 4 (ii), a similar reduction in the plateau level of Ins(1,4,5)P3 (expressed as percentage of basal levels produced 2ϩ vasopressin-induced [Ca ]i was evident in hepatocytes from without addition of ) were 417Ϯ30% for vaso- ethanol-fed rats. pressin, 303Ϯ37% for phenylephrine and 240Ϯ20% for EGF, In contrast to vasopressin, which induced a single spike of respectively. 2ϩ 2ϩ [Ca ]i, 20 ␮M phenylephrine produced an initial [Ca ]i tran- The kinetics of hormone-induced Ins(1,4,5)P3 production sient of 663Ϯ52 nM followed by an oscillating series of troughs were similar in ethanol-fed rat hepatocytes (Fig. 5 B). How- and peaks; these peaks had an amplitude of 608Ϯ61 nM. In ever, the quantum of Ins(1,4,5)P3 generation was significantly hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats, as shown in Fig. 4 [iii], the less than pair-fed rat hepatocytes at various times after addi- 2ϩ amplitude of the initial spike of [Ca ]i was 335Ϯ47 nM, which tion of vasopressin, phenylephrine, or EGF. Thus, after 1 min was considerably and significantly reduced compared with addition, the production of Ins(1,4,5)P3 was 180Ϯ17%, pair-fed rats (P Ͻ 0.01). Moreover, the phenylephrine-induced 183Ϯ15%, and 150Ϯ20%, for vasopressin, phenylephrine and 2ϩ oscillations of [Ca ]i observed in hepatocytes from control EGF respectively. These differences compared with pair-fed rats were abolished in hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats (Fig. controls are all significant (P Ͻ 0.01). 2ϩ 4 [iii]). Ins(1,4,5)P3-induced changes in [Ca ]i in permeabilized Hormone receptor-induced Ins(1,4,5)P3 production in cul- hepatocytes. Binding of Ins(1,4,5)P3 to its receptor on the en- tured hepatocytes from ethanol-fed and control rats. The in- doplasmic reticulum results in release of Ca2ϩ from an intracel- 2ϩ crease in [Ca ]i that follows mitogen or hormonal occupancy lular store (17). To examine whether the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor 2ϩ of their cognate receptors is mediated via Ins(1,4,5)P3 (17). As was affected by chronic ethanol feeding, the [Ca ]i changes in-

2ϩ Figure 4. Changes in [Ca ]i induced by (i) EGF, (ii) vasopressin, and (iii) phenylephrine in cultured hepatocytes from (A) pair-, and (B) etha- 2ϩ nol-fed rats. After culture for 16–18 h, cells were loaded with 5 ␮M fura-2/AM and [Ca ]i was measured (see Methods). EGF (10 nM), vaso- pressin (VP, 20 nM), and phenylephrine (PE, 20 ␮M) were added (arrows) to fura-2–loaded hepatocytes in the presence of extracellular Ca2ϩ. This is the direct tracing from the PHOCAL screen in a single experiment, representative of three to seven separate experiments. Both axes are 2ϩ linear. The time indicator corresponds to 50 s, while the [Ca ]i indicator corresponds to 100 nM.

1240 Zhang et al. Figure 5. Ins(1,4,5)P3 production induced by vasopressin (VP), phenylephrine (PE), and EGF in hepatocytes cultured from pair- and ethanol–fed rats. Hepatocytes were incubated with myo-[1,2-3H]ino- sitol for 15 h. Cells were then incubated with LiCl and treated with 20 -nM VP (ٗ ), 20 ␮M PE (᭛ ), and 10 nM EGF (᭺ ) for vari ous times, as described in Methods. Results for both pair- (A) and ethanol-fed rats (B) are expressed as percentage of basal response Figure 7. EGF-induced DNA synthesis in hepatocytes cultured from (Ins[1,4,5]P produced without addition of hormones). The basal re- 3 pair- and ethanol-fed rats in the presence of 2,5-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4- sponse was 82Ϯ17 dpm/mg protein for pair-fed rats and 92Ϯ36 dpm/ hydroquinone (tBHQ) or thapsigargin (THAP). Hepatocytes were mg protein for ethanol-fed rats (not significantly different). Values treated with 10 ␮M tBHQ or 1 ␮M THAP for 3 h. CONT, Control, were determined from the meanϮSD of three to four separate exper- no addition of EGF to medium. PF, pair-fed. EF, ethanol-fed. *P Ͻ iments. *P Ͻ 0.01 compared with corresponding values in ethanol-fed 0.05 compared with EGF-treated group in PF rats. **P Ͻ 0.01 com- rat hepatocytes. pared with other EGF-treated groups. #P Ͻ 0.001 compared with all EGF-treated groups. Relevant experimental details are as described in the legend to Fig. 2.

duced by 10 ␮M Ins(1,4,5)P3 were determined in saponin-per- meabilized hepatocytes (33). There was no significant differ- 2ϩ ence in the [Ca ]i induced by Ins(1,4,5)P3 between hepatocytes production of Ins(1,4,5)P3 was a possible mechanism for the 2ϩ cultured from pair- and ethanol-fed rats (506Ϯ32 nM vs 512Ϯ reduction of [Ca ]i signaling, it was also possible that the size 18 nM) (P Ͼ 0.05). These results indicate that there was no ef- of the internal Ca2ϩ pool could be affected by ethanol feeding.

fect of chronic ethanol feeding on the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor We therefore studied whether the quantum of store-releasable governing release of the intracellular Ca2ϩ store. Ca2ϩ in hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats was sufficient to 2ϩ 2ϩ Effect of chronic ethanol consumption on intracellular Ca produce an increase in [Ca ]i of the same order achieved in store size. Although the above results indicate that impaired normal rat hepatocytes by hormone receptor occupancy. To examine this, a known releaser of the Ins(1,4,5)P3-mobilizable intracellular Ca2ϩ store, 2,5-di–tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ) (34), was added to fura-2–loaded hepatocytes. As shown in Fig. 6 (i), the increase in Ca2ϩ (reflecting the release of Ca2ϩ from the intracellular store) induced by 10 ␮M tBHQ was not significantly different in hepatocytes from pair- and ethanol- fed rats (587Ϯ36 nM vs 596Ϯ42 nM) (P Ͼ 0.05). Similarly, thapsigargin (1 ␮M), another intracellular Ca2ϩ store mobilizer 2ϩ (35), had the identical effect as tBHQ (Fig. 6 [ii]). Thus, [Ca ]i induced by 1 ␮M thapsigargin in pair- and ethanol-fed hepato- cytes were 587Ϯ22 nM and 572Ϯ45 nM, respectively (P Ͼ 0.05). These results imply that there was no effect of chronic ethanol feeding on the intrahepatic Ca2ϩ pool size. 2ϩ Effect of restituting an intracellular [Ca ]i increase on the EGF-stimulated proliferative response of hepatocytes from eth- anol-fed rats. If the observed reductions in receptor-operated 2ϩ [Ca ]i signals contribute mechanistically to the impairment of mitogen-induced hepatocyte proliferation that occurs in etha- 2ϩ nol-fed rats, release of intracellular [Ca ]i stores by a non- Ins(1,4,5)P –dependent mechanism should restore the prolifer- Figure 6. Changes in [Ca2ϩ] induced by 2,5-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4-hydro- 3 i ative response. To test this in hepatocytes cultured from quinone (tBHQ) and thapsigargin (THAP) in cultured rat hepato- ␮ cytes from pair- and ethanol-fed rats. 10 ␮M tBHQ (i) and 1 ␮M chronic ethanol-fed rats, tBHQ (10 M) or thapsigargin (1 thapsigargin (ii) were added (arrows) to fura-2–loaded hepatocytes. ␮M) was added to the cell culture medium with or without EGF. (A) Pair-fed. (B) Ethanol-fed. Each panel is representative of four 3 h later, tBHQ or thapsigargin was removed by washing and separate experiments. Relevant experimental details are as described cells were replaced with medium with or without EGF until in the legend to Fig. 4. determination of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA at 72 h.

2ϩ Ethanol, Liver Regeneration and [Ca ]i Signals 1241 2ϩ In the absence of EGF, pretreatment with tBHQ or thapsi- or on the size of Ins(1,4,5)P3-mobilizable intracellular Ca gargin failed to induce [3H]thymidine incorporation in hepato- store appear very unlikely. Thus, using saponin-permeabilized cytes from either control rats or ethanol-fed rats (Fig. 7). cells, addition of Ins(1,4,5)P3 (in a dose known to saturate These results indicate that neither tBHQ nor thapsigargin has Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors) to ethanol-exposed hepatocytes re- any mitogenic effect on hepatocyte proliferation. In the pres- leased the same quantum of Ca2ϩ from the internal store as in ence of EGF, tBHQ or thapsigargin also failed to alter normal cells; this indicates operation of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 recep- [3H]thymidine incorporation in hepatocytes from control rats. tor to release the endoplasmic reticular store, a process that is 2ϩ In hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats, however, DNA synthesis critical to produce the increase in [Ca ]i mediated by was significantly increased after treatment with tBHQ or Ins(1,4,5)P3 (17, 42, 43). tBHQ and thapsigargin have been tharpsigargin (Fig. 7). In the case of tBHQ, the level of shown to deplete the same Ca2ϩ store by inhibiting the mi- [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA was completely re- crosomal Ca2ϩ translocase (34, 35), so that the increase in 2ϩ stored to levels equivalent to those of pair-fed rat hepatocytes. [Ca ]i induced by these compounds reflects the size of the 2ϩ In the case of thapsigargin, restoration was only partial, be- Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive Ca store. The present observation that cause the value remained lower than the EGF-treated pair-fed both releasers, as well as Ins(1,4,5)P3 itself, produced an iden- 2ϩ rat hepatocytes (P Ͻ 0.05). tical increase in [Ca ]i in hepatocytes cultured from ethanol- fed and pair-fed rats indicated that ethanol feeding does not Discussion appear to change the size of intracellular Ca2ϩ store. In several rapidly turning-over cell types, an increase in 2ϩ The present study in a rat model of long-term ethanol feeding [Ca ]i induced by occupation of mitogen and hormone recep- confirms that ethanol inhibits liver regeneration (3–7). The tors by their cognate ligands appears necessary to trigger cell similar impairment of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA proliferation (11–15). In hepatocytes, activation of many after partial hepatectomy in vivo and after EGF addition in growth factor and hormone receptors induces transient eleva- 2ϩ vitro indicates the stability of the alcohol-induced changes and tion of [Ca ]i. After attachment to their receptors on the cell demonstrates the suitability of the hepatocyte culture system membrane, growth factors, such as EGF (16, 44–46) and hepa- to study the molecular basis for this effect. The new finding of tocyte growth factor (46–48), trigger the rapid of 2ϩ this work was that impairment of receptor-operated [Ca ]i PIP2 by activation of PLC␥1. Hydrolysis of PIP2 produces signaling was causally related to ethanol-mediated inhibition Ins(1,4,5)P3, which is not only responsible for the release of 2ϩ 2ϩ of liver regeneration. Thus, an increase in [Ca ]i produced by Ca from one or more intracellular stores (17, 43), but may releasing Ca2ϩ from its intracellular store restored the prolifer- also govern Ca2ϩ entry into the cells through receptor-oper- ative response to EGF in hepatocytes from ethanol-fed rats. ated channels (42). Together, these processes result in an in- 2ϩ The molecular mechanism whereby ethanol inhibits hepa- crease in [Ca ]i. The present results show impaired produc- tocyte proliferation cannot be explained by loss of the expres- tion of Ins(1,4,5)P3 despite normal numbers and affinity of sion or affinity of mitogen receptors. Thus others have found EGF receptors. These data lead us to suggest the alcohol-induced 2ϩ preservation of (or increased) EGF receptors in alcohol-expo- defect in [Ca ]i signaling is at a step that occurs after binding sured hepatocytes (36, 37), a finding confirmed in the present of mitogens to their receptors. work. Alcohol produces alterations in membrane compo- The present observations on the effects of chronic ethanol 2ϩ sition (38) that could affect intracellular signaling in response feeding on [Ca ]i differ from those of acute alcohol exposure to the attachment of growth factors and hormones to their cog- (49, 50). Thus it has been shown that high concentrations of nate cell surface receptors. Thus chronic alcohol consumption ethanol (100 mM or more; but note that the average blood al- 2ϩ has been shown to impair [Ca ]i signaling in human lympho- cohol produced by long-term ethanol feeding in rats is 20 mM) 2ϩ cytes (39). Further, Sasaki and Wands recently reported that can increase [Ca ]i in freshly isolated hepatocytes, and that long-term ethanol consumption impairs the transduction of such concentrations of ethanol stimulate hydrolysis of mem- signals from cell surface insulin receptors to intracellular regu- brane inositol phosphatides. It should be noted, however, that latory proteins during liver regeneration (40). In the present the nature of hepatocytes studied in suspensions or cultures on 2ϩ study, we found that [Ca ]i signals induced by addition of some matrices is different from that of well-differentiated EGF, vasopressin or phenylephrine to hepatocytes cultured hepatocytes. Thus our own observations (Zhang, B.H., and from ethanol-fed rats were virtually abolished compared to G.C. Farrell, unpublished results) that “acute” ethanol expo- 2ϩ pair-fed controls. EGF, ␣1-adrenergic receptors, and vaso- sure does not increase [Ca ]i in well-differentiated hepato- pressin have each been ascribed putative roles in the control of cytes in primary culture brings into question the physiological liver regeneration (2, 41). More importantly, however, it is relevance of the earlier findings. likely that the failure of cell signaling after exposure to these Previous studies observing the effects of chronic alcohol three receptor ligands indicates a generalized reduction in re- consumption on Ins(1,4,5)P3 production have also shown con- sponsiveness of the liver to mitogens and growth factors. flicting data. Simonsson and Alling (51) observed that inositol The results reported here also provide one possible mecha- phosphate formation in human platelets stimulated with nism by which ethanol may impair EGF and hormone-induced 5-hydroxytryptamine was inhibited in alcoholics. Similarly, Gon- 2ϩ [Ca ]i signal transduction, reduced generation of Ins(1,4,5)P3. zales and Crews using rat liver slices, found that Ins(1,4,5)P3 It is conceded that there may be other potential mechanisms, production stimulated by vasopressin and phenylephrine was such as changes in the sensitivity of Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors to suppressed by ethanol consumption for 5 mo; there was not an 2ϩ Ins(1,4,5)P3, or a lack of coordination in [Ca ]i responses be- associated change in receptor binding (52). Further, recent tween individual cells; these possibilities could not be excluded work by Spitzer has demonstrated that 8 wk ethanol feeding in by the present work. However, possible effects of alcohol on rats impairs the PLC-linked generation of inositol polyphos- the functioning of endoplasmic reticular Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor phates induced in rat liver by vasopressin (53). In contrast,

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