Adrenergic Agonist, Methoxamine, Reduces Exercise-Induced Asthma
Eur Respir J 1989, 2, 409-414 Pretreatment with an inhaled a 1-adrenergic agonist, methoxamine, reduces exercise-induced asthma A.T. Dinh Xuan, M. Chaussain, J. Regnard, A. Lockhart PretreatmenJ with an inhaled a,-adrenergic agonist. methoxamine, reduces Laboratoire de Physiologie, Faculte de Medecine eurcise-induced asthma. A.T. Dinh Xuan, M. Chaussain, J. Regnard, A. Cochin Port-Royal et Laboratoires d'Exploration Lockhart. Fonctionnelle Respiratoire, Hopitaux Cochin et ABSTRACT: In order to assess the role of the bronchial circulation in the Saint Vincent de Paul, 75014 Paris, France. of exercise-.induced asthma (EIA), we conducted a double Correspondence: Dr A.T. Dinh Xuan, Laboratoire blind, randomlzed study of the effects of pretreatment with an inhaled a - 1 d 'Explorations Fonctionnelles, Pavilion Potain, adrenergic agonist, methoxamine (Mx), l.n nine asthmatic teenagers with Hopital Cochin, 27 Rue du Faubourg Saint known r..:rA. Exercise consisted of S min cycle ergometry at a submaximal, Jacques, 75014 Paris, France. constant work-load, while the subjecfs breathed dry air at ambient tem ) Keywords: Airway oedema; a.,-adrenoceptors; perature. Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1 was measured at ba...eJine, JS min after pretreatment of either Mx or saline, and ser ially bronchial circulation; exercise-induced asthma; methoxamine. after exercise. Mx significantly reduced the exercise-induced fa ll of FEV 1 without modifying baseline FEV1 In five of the eight subJec t~ , had li ttle or no effect In three and caused an acute asthmatic attack in the remaining Received: June, 1988; accepted after revision December 29, 1988. subject. Mx has p<>tent constrictor effects on both bronchial and vascular smooth muscles through stimulation of postjunctlonal a 1-nd renoceptors.
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