

10 FEBRUARY 1Q„ 15' 19 FtVRIER 1965

International Commission of Jurists Geneva

Commission internationale de Juristes Geneve MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION

JOSEPH T. THORSON Former President of the Exchequer Court of (Honorary President) VIVIAN BOSE Former Judge of the Supreme Court of India (President) A. J. M. VAN DAL Attorney-at-Law at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands (Vice-President) JOSE T. NABUCO Member of the Bar of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Vice-President) SIR ADETOKUNBO A. ADEMOLA of ARTURO A. ALAFRIZ Solicitor-General of the Philippines; former President of the Federation of Bar Associations of the Philippines GIUSEPPE BETTIOL Member of the Italian Parliament; Professor of Law at the University o f Padua DUDLEY B. BONSAL United States District Judge of the Southern District of ; past President of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York PHILIPPE N. BOULOS Deputy Prime Minister, Government of Lebanon; former Governor of Beirut; former Minister of Justice U CHAN HTOON Former Judge of the Supreme Court of the Union of Burma ELI WHITNEY DEBEVOISE Attorney-at-Law, New York; former General Counsel, Office of the USA High Commissioner for Germany SIR OWEN DIXON Former Chief Justice of Australia MANUEL G. ESCOBEDO Professor of Law, University of Mexico; Attorney-at-Law; former President of the Barra Mexicana PER T. FEDERSPIEL Attorney-at-Law, Copenhagen; Member of the Danish Parliament; former President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe THUSEW S. FERNANDO Judge of the Supreme Court of Ceylon; former Attorney- General and former Solicitor-General of Ceylon ISAAC FORSTER Judge of the International Court of Justice, The Hague; former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic o f Senegal FERNANDO FOURNIER Attorney-at-Law; former President of the Bar Association of Costa Rica; Professor of Law; former Ambassador to the United States and to the Organization of American States OSVALDO ILLANES BENlTEZ Judge of the Supreme Court of Chile HANS-HEINRICH JESCHECK Professor of Law; Director of the Institute of Comparative and International Penal Law of the University of Freiburg/B. JEAN KREHER Advocate at the Court of Appeal, Paris, France; Vice- President of the World Federation of United Nations Associations SIR LESLIE MUNRO Former Secretary-General of the International Commission of Jurists; former President of the General Assembly of the United Nations; former Ambassador of New Zealand to the United Nations and United States PAUL-MAURICE ORBAN Professor of Law at the University of Ghent, Belgium; former Minister; former Senator STEFAN OSUSKY Former Minister of Czechoslovakia to Great Britain and France; former Member of the Czechoslovak Government MOHAMED AHMED ABU R A N N A T Chief Justice of the Sudan THE RT. HON. LORD SHAWCROSS Former Attorney-General of England SEBASTIAN SOLER Attorney-at-Law; Professor of Law; former Attorney- G eneral o f A rgentina KENZO TAKAYANAGI Chairman, Cabinet Commission on the Constitution; Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University; Member, Legis­ lative Council of Japan PURSHOTTAM TRIKAMDAS Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of India; sometime Secretary to Mahatma Gandhi H. B. TYABJI Barrister-at-Law, Karachi, Pakistan; former Judge of the Chief Court of the Sind T E R JE W O LD Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Norway

Secretary-General: SEA.N MACBRIDE s.c., Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland Executive Secretary: VLADIMIR M. KABES LL.D., M.C.L.


Provisional Programme of the

SOUTH-EAST ASIAN AND PACIFIC CONFERENCE OF JURISTS ECAFE Building, Sala Santitham Bangkok, February 15-19, 1965

Sunday, February 14 Arrival and Registration of Participants at the Royal Hotel

Monday, February 15 8.00-10.00 a.m. Registration of late arrivals 10.000-11.00 a.m. Formal Opening Session, to be addressed by H.E. the Prime Minister of Thailand, Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn. Inaugural Speeches 11.00-11.30 a.m. Break 11.30-12.30 p.m. Presentation of Working Paper. Apointment of Committees 2.30- 6.00 p.m. Committees meet 6.00- 8.00 p.m. Reception given by H.E. the Prime Minister of Thailand, Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn

Tuesday, February 16 9.30-12.30 p.m. Committees meet 2.30- 6.00 p.m. Committees meet 9.00-10.00 p.m. Meeting of Steering Committee

Wednesday, February 17 9.30-12.30 p.m. Committees meet 2.30- 6.00 p.m. Drafting Sub-Committees meet to draw up Reports 9.00-10.00 p.m. Joint Meeting of Steering Committee and Com­ mittee Officers to consider Reports of each Committee Thursday, February 18 9.30-12.30 p.m. Committees meet to consider Final Reports 2.30- 6.00 p.m. Plenary Session for Discussion of Reports 8.00 p.m. Formal Dinner offered by the Commission

Friday, February 19 7.00 a.m. Visit to Bangkok Floating Market. Sightseeing 1.00- 2.00 p.m. Lunch in Hotel 2.30- 4,30 p.m. Closing Plenary Session Evening Departure of Participants

Saturday, February 20 Departure of Participants. Programme provisoire du CONGRfeS DES JURISTES DU SUD-EST ASIATIQUE ET DU PACIFIQUE

ECAFE Building, Sala Santitham Bangkok, 15-19 fevrier 1965

Dimanche 14 fevrier Arrivee et inscription des participants a 1’Hotel Royal

Lundi 15 fevrier 8.00- 10.00 Inscription des derniers arrivants 10.00- 11.00 Seance inaugurale officielle. Discours d’ouverture. Allocution de S. Ex. le Premier Ministe de Taii- lande, le Marechal Thanom Kittikachorn. 11.00-11.30 Pause 11.30-12.30 Presentation du document de travail. Constitution des commissions 14.30-18.00 Session des commissions 18.00-22.00 Reception offerte par S. Ex. le Premier Ministre de Thaiilande, le Marechal Thanom Kittikachorn.

Mardi 16 fevrier 9.30-12.30 Session des commissions 14.30-18.00 Session des commissions

21.00- 22.00 Reunion du Bureau du Congres

Mercredi 17 fevrier 9.30-12.30 Session des commissions 14.30-18.00 Reunion des sous-comites de redaction pour pre­ parer les projets de rapports des commissions 21.00-22.30 Reunion conjointe du Bureau de Congres et des bureaux des commissions pour examiner les projets de rapports des commissions

Jeudi 18 fevrier 9.30-12.30 Session des commissions pour approbation de leurs rapports 14.30-18.00 Seance pleniere du Congres pour examiner les rapports des commissions 20.00 Diner officiel offert par la Commission

Vendredi 19 fevrier 7.00 Visite de la ville 13.00-14.00 Dejeuner a l’Hotel 14.30-16.30 Seance pleniere de cloture Soiree Depart des participants

Samedi 20 fevrier Depart des participants. GENERAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS

1. Currency

The unit of currency is the Baht or Tical. The approximate rate of exchange is US$1.00 to 20 Baht or £1 (Sterling) to 57 Baht. Official and market rates are unified. There is no special rate for tourists. Visitors are allowed to bring in the following amounts of foreign currency for personal use: (a) Individuals: USS500 or £180; (b) Family passport holders: USS1,000 or £360; (c) Traveller’s cheques or drafts: No limit.

Amounts of currency in excess of those stated above may be cleared through Customs after obtaining permission from the Customs Superintendent at the air­ port of entry.

2. Arrivals

On arrival at Bangkok Airport, Participants are requested to contact the Commission’s representatives who will be on duty at the Airport at the reported times of arrival. Use of Conference luggage tags will facilitate customs procedures. Where travel arrangements have not been made through the Commission’s travel agents, or where last minute changes have been made, Participants are re­ quested to notify the Commission Secretariat at the Royal Hotel, Bangkok (Cable Address: ROYALHOTEL, Bangkok, Telephone Number: Bangkok 29020-9), of flight number and of time of arrival in Bangkok. Transport from the Airport to the Royal Hotel will be provided.

3. Hotel Accommodation

Bookings for all Participants have been made at the Royal Hotel, Rajadamnern Avenue, Bangkok. (Adress listed above.)

The International Commission of Jurists will be responsible only for the basic cost of Participants’ hotel rooms and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) at the Royal Hotel. Hotel charges for accompanying family members and “ extras ” such as additional meals, drinks and laundry will be at the expense of the Participants; the hotel will present bills for such “ extras ” to the Participants. The Commission will be responsible for hotel accommodation of Participants at the Royal Hotel from Sunday February 14 through Friday, February 19 only, except in cases where air connections necessitate earlier arrival and/or later departure as established by the Commission’s travel agent. The Commission will not be responsible for rooms or meals of Participants at hotels other than the Royal Hotel.

4. Meals Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided at the Royal Hotel. Each Partici­ pant will be provided with tickets for all meals. To facilitate accounting, Partici­ pants are requested to hand the appropriate ticket to the waiters.

5. Registration

Participants at the Conference will be required to register before taking part in the proceedings. A Registration Desk will be located at the Royal Hotel, Bangkok, and will be open on Sunday, February 14, 1965 from 10 to 22 hours. On Monday, February 15, 1965, the Registration Desk will be transferred to the Conference premises, Sala Santitham, ECAFE Building, Bangkok, and will remain open for late registration from 8 to 12 hours. Additional documents, badges and information will be furnished to the Participants at the time of registration.

6. Conference premises

The Conference will take place at the Sala Santitham (ECAFE Building) which is within short distance of the Royal Hotel. Transport to and from the Conference and the Hotel will be provided.

7. Conference Secretariat

As from Wednesday, February 10,1965 until the Conference opens on Monday, February 15, 1965 there will be a skeleton Secretariat at the Royal Hotel. As from Monday, February 15,1965, the main Secretariat will be at the Sala Santitham with a subsidiary office at the Royal Hotel.

8. Travel Arrangements

A special representative of the Commission’s travel agents (Wagons-Lits/Cook) Mr. Henri Gitz, will be available throughout the Conference to assist the Partici­ pants in making their return travel arrangements. 9. Social Functions All Participants will be invited to a Reception at the Santimaitri Building, Government House, given by His Excellency the Prime Minister of Thailand on Monday, February 15, 1965 from 6 to 8 p.m. A formal dinner will be offered by the International Commission of Jurists on Thursday, February 18 to which all Participants and members of the Thai Govern­ ment and Judiciary will be invited. Participants will be notified of other social functions on arrival in Bangkok.

10. Sightseeing The morning of Friday, February 19 has been set aside for a visit to the Bangkok Floating Market which will be organized by the Commission. For Participants who are not engaged on Drafting Sub-Committees, Wednesday afternoon, Feb­ ruary 17 will be available for individual sightseeing. KENSEIGNEMENTS GENERAUX SUR LE CONGRES

1. Change L ’unite monetaire est le Baht ou Tical. Le taux de change est d’environ US$1.00 pour vingt Baht ou £1 pour 57 Bahts. Le cours ofBciel est le meme que celui du marche. II n’y a pas de conditions speciales pour les touristes. Les visiteurs sont autorises a entrer en Tha'ilande les quantites de devises etran- geres suivantes: a) par personne: $500 US ou £180, b) pour les detenteurs de passeports familiaux: 11.000 ou £360, c) en travellers cheques ou en lettres de credit: montant illimite. L’entree des devises en excedent peut etre autorisee par permission speciale qui peut etre demandee au super-intendant des douanes a l ’aeroport d’arrivee.

2. Arrivee

A leur arrivee a Bangkok les participants sont pries de se mettre en contact avec le representant de la Commission qui les attendra a l’aeroport. Des etiquettes d’identification sur les bagages faciliteraient les formalites de douane. Si le voyage n ’a pas ete organise par l ’agence de voyage de la Commission ou si le programme du voyage a ete modifie a la derniere minute, les participants sont pries d’aviser le Secretariat de la Commission du numero de leur vol et de l’heure de leur arrivee a Bangkok. Le Secretariat devra etre prevenu a l’adresse suivante: Hotel Royal Bangkok (Adresse Telegraphique: Royalhotel Bangkok Numero de telephone: Bangkok 29020-9).

Des moyens de transport ont ete prevus pour conduire les participants de l’aero- port a l’hotel Royal.

3. Logement

Des chambres ont ete reservees pour tous les participants a l’hotel Royal, Avenue Rajadamnern, Bangkok (adresse telegraphique et telephone ci-dessus). La Commission internationale de Juristes prendra a sa charge exclusivement les frais de logement et de nourriture (petit dejeuner, dejeuner et diner) des partici­ pants a l’hotel Royal. Tous les frais supplementaires tels que repas en extra, boissons, frais de blanchissage etc. de meme que l’entretien des personnes qui accompagneraient les participants, seront a la charge de ces derniers. La direction de l’hotel presentera directement aux interesses les notes relatives a ces frais. La Commission prendra a sa charge les frais de logement des participants a l’hotel Royal, exclusivement pour la periode du dimanche 14 fevrier au vendredi 19 fevrier inclus, sauf dans les cas ou les correspondances aeriennes necessiteraient une arrivee anterieure ou depart posterieur a cette derniere date. Le programme des departs sera etabli par l’agent de voyage de la Commission. La Commission ne prendra pas a sa charge les frais de logement et de nourriture des participants a nn autre hotel que I’hotel Royal.

4. Repas Le petit dejeuner, le dejeuner et le diner seront servis aux participants a l’hotel Royal. Les participants recevront des bons de repas et seront pries de les donner aux serveurs a chaque repas.

5. Inscriptions Les participants devront se faire inscrire avant de pouvoir participer aux travaux du congres. Un bureau d’inscription sera installe a 1’hotel Royal et sera ouvert des le dimanche 14 fevrier 1965 de 10 h. 00 a 22 h. 00. Le lundi 15 fevrier le bureau d’inscription sera transfere dans les locaux du congres, Sala Santitham, ECAFE Building, Bangkok et restera ouvert de 08 h. 00 a 12 h. 00 pour les inscrip­ tions tardives. La documentation, les insignes et des renseignements complemen- taires seront donnes aux participants au moment de leur inscription.

6. Lieu du Congres Le Congres se deroulera a 1’ECAFE Building, Sala Santitham, qui est a peu de distance de l’hotel Royal. Des moyens de transport ont ete prevus pour amener les congressistes de l’hotel au Congres et vice-versa.

7. Secretariat du Congres A partir du mercredi 10 fevrier jusqu’a l ’ouverture de la Conference le lundi 15 fevrier, un secretariat reduit sera installe a 1’hotel Royal. A partir du lundi 15 fevrier le secretariat principal du Congres sera installe Sala Santitham avec un bureau auxiliaire a l’hotel Royal.

8. Voyage Un representant special de l’agence de voyages de la Commission (Wagons-Lits/ Cook), Monsieur Henri Gitz, sera a la disposition des participants pendant toute la duree du Congres pour organiser avec eux leur voyage de retour. 9. Mondanites Tous les participants seront invites a une reception donnee par Son Excellence le Premier Ministre de Thailande le lundi 15 fevrier de 18 h. 00 a 20 h. 00 au Palais du gouvernement Santimaitri Building. Un diner officiel sera donne par la Commission internationale de Juristes le jeudi 18 fevrier, diner auquel tous les congressistes ainsi que les membres du gou- vernement de Thailande et du Corps Judiciaire seront convies. Les congressistes seront avises a leur arrivee des autres receptions eventuelles.

10. Tourisme La matinee du vendredi 19 fevrier sera libre pour permettre aux participants de visiter le marche flottant de Bangkok. Cette visite sera organisee par la Com­ mission. L ’apres-midi du mercredi 17 fevrier sera egalement libre pour permettre a tous ceux qui ne feront pas partie des sous-comites de redaction de visiter la ville a leur guise. Agenda and Programme 1. The agenda and programme of the Conference shall be as determined by the International Commission of Jurists and notified to the Participants prior to the Conference. The Chairman of the Conference or the Chairmen of the Committees shall rule out of order any matter that does not come directly within the scope of the official agenda or programme. 2. There shall be three Committees established by the International Commission prior to the Conference, namely: I. “ The Basic Requirements of Representative Government under the Rule of Law ”, II. “ Economic and Social Development within the Rule of Law ”, III. “ The Role of the Lawyer in a Developing Country ”. 3. There will be also set up an Advisory Committee to examine the possibility of furthering the adoption of regional convensions on Human Rights in the South-East Asian and Pacific area. The membership of that Committee will be determined at the Conference.

Participants 4. All invitations shall be issued by the International Commission of Jurists. 5. All Participants shall be invited in their individual capacities and not as re­ presentatives of countries or organizations.

Participation in the Congress 6. All Participants shall register upon their arrival at the Conference and only registered participants shall be entitled to take part in the proceedings. 7. The general time limit for speeches in Plenary Sessions and Committees shall be 10 minutes. 8. Observers may not participate in the debates of the Plenary Sessions and Com­ mittees except on the invitation of the Chairman of the session in question.

Steering Committee 9. The Steering Committee shall consist of the President of the International Commission of Jurists, the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference, the Chairmen of the Committees of the Conference, the Chairman of the Exe- cutive Committee of the International Commission of Jurists and the Secretary- General of the International Commission of Jurists. 10. The Chairman of the Steering Committee shall be the President of the Inter­ national Commission of Jurists. The Vice-Chairman shall be the Chairman of the Conference. The Secretary of the Steering Committee shall be the Exe­ cutive Secretary of the International Commission of Jurists. The Steering Committee shall be convoked by its Chairman or, in his absence, by the Vice- Chairman. 11. The Steering Committee shall, subject to these Standing Orders, decide on any matters relating to the Conference and to the conduct of its business.

Language 12. The official languages of the Conference shall be English and French. The working language will be English. The Working Paper will be available in English and French. Ordre du jour et programme 1. L ’ordre du jour et le programme du Congres seront arretes par la Commission intemationale de Juristes et communiques aux participants avant son ouver- ture. Le president du Congres et les presidents des commissions s’opposeront a la discussion de toute question etrangere a l’ordre du jour ou au programme. 2. Les travaux seront repartis entre trois commissions etablies par la Commission intemationale de Juristes avant l’ouverture du Congres. Ces trois commissions se consacreront respectivement a 1 ’etude des questions suivantes: Commission I— Les exigences fondamentales d’un gouvernement representatif selon la Primaute du Droit. Commission II — Le developpement economique et social selon la Primaute du Droit. Commission III — Le role du juriste dans un pays en voie de developpement. 3. Un comite consultatif sera egalement constitue afin d’examiner les possibilites de favoriser l’adoption de conventions regionales de Droits de l’Homme dans la region du Sud-est Asiatique et du Pacifique. Les participants a ce comite seront designes lors du Congres.


4. Toutes les invitations au Congres seront faites par la Commission internatio- nale de Juristes.

5. Les participants sont invites a titre personnel, et non comme representants de leur pays ou des organisations auxquelles ils peuvent appartenir.

Participation aux travaux du Congres

6. Les participants devront, des leur arrivee, se faire inscrire au secretariat du Congres; c’est a cette condition seulement qu’ils seront admis a prendre part aux travaux.

7. La duree des interventions sera normalement limitee a 10 minutes dans les de­ bats en commission ou en seance pleniere.

8. Les observateurs ne seront pas autorises a prendre part aux debats en com­ mission ou en seance pleniere, sauf sur l’invitation du president de seance. Bureau du Congres 9. Le Bureau du Congres sera compose du president de la Commission inter­ national de Juristes, du president et des vice-presidents du Congres, des pre­ sidents des commissions du Congres, du president du Comite Executif de la Commission internationale de Juristes, et du Secretaire General de la Com­ mission internationale de Juristes. 10. Le Bureau sera preside par le president de la Commission internationale de Juristes; il aura pour vice-president le president du Congres, et pour secretaire le Secretaire Executif de la Commission internationale de Juristes. Le Bureau sera convoque par son president ou, en son absence, par son vice-president. 11. Le Bureau se prononcera, dans le cadre du present reglement, sur toutes les questions relatives au Congres et a la conduite des debats.

Langues 12. Les langues officielles du Congres seront l ’anglais et le frangais; l’anglais en sera la langue de travail; le Document de Travail sera disponible en anglais et en frangais. CONFERENCE OFFICERS PRESIDENCE ET RAPPORTEURS DU CONGRES

Honorary President of the Conference President cTHonneur Hon. S a n y a D h a r m a s a k t i , President, Supreme Court of Thailand

Chairman of the Conference President du Congres Hon. Justice T. S.F e r n a n d o , C.B.E., Q.C., Ceylon

Vice-Chairmen of the Conference Vice presidents du Congres

A r t u r o A . A l a f r iz , Solicitor General, Republic of the Philippines B o u a v a n N o r a s in o , Ministre de la Justice, Laos Sir G u y P o w l e s, K.B.E., C.M.G., E.D., Ombudsman, New Zealand M. C. S e t a l v a d , former Attorney-General, India Hon. H. B. T y a b ji , former Chief Justice of Sind, Pakistan D a t o S. M. Y o n g, Chairman, Bar Council, Malaysia

Committees of the Conference Comissions du Congres I. Basic Requirements of Representative Government under the Rule of Law Les exigences fondamentales d’un gouvernement representatif selon la Primaute du Droit Chairman President C. K. D a p h t a r y (India)

Vice-Chairman Vice-president K y o z o Y u a s a (Japan)

Rapporteur Rapporteur P u n g H o w Y o n g (Malaysia)

Secretary L u c ia n G. W e e r a m a n t r y (International Commission of Secretaire Jurists) II. Economic and Social Development within the Rule of Law Le developpement economique et social selon la Primaute du Droit Chairman President C h a u d r i N a z ir A h m a d K h a n (Pakistan) Vice-Chairman Vice-president Vu Quoc T h u c (Vietnam) Rapporteur Rapporteur J e r e m ia s U. M o n t e m a y o r (The Philippines) Secretary Secretaire J a n o s T o t h (International Commission of Jurists)

III. The Role of the Lawyer in a Developing Country Role du Juriste dans un pays en voie de developpement Chairman President E d w a r d St. J o h n, Q.C. (Australia) Vice-Chairman Vice-president Hon. H e n r y W h a y a k o n e T a m b ia h , Q.C., (Ceylon) Rapporteur Rapporteur M. R. Seni P r a m o j (Thailand) Secretary Secretaire Miss H il a r y C a r t w r ig h t (International Commission of Jurists)

Conference Secretary: I.N . S h r o f f (India) PARTICIPANTS (Orange Badges) PARTICIPANTS (Insignes Oranges)

A b a d S a n t o s , V in c e n t e A.B., LL.M.; Dean and Professor of Law, (Philippines) University of the Philippines; Member, Board of Pardons and Parole; Vice- President, Philippine Society of Inter­ national Law

A b is h e g a -N a d e n , G e o f f r e y Barrister-at-Law; Advocate and Solicitor, (Malaysia) Singapore; Notary Public; Advocate and Solicitor, Malaya

A h m a d K h a n , C h a u d r i N a z ir B.Sc., LL.B.; Senior Advocate, Supreme (Pakistan) Court of Pakistan; Former Attorney- General of Pakistan; Former President, Pakistan Bar Association

A h m e d , S y e d I s h t ia q Barrister-at-Law; Advocate, , (Pakistan) Dacca; Advocate, Supreme Court, Pakis­ tan

A l a f r iz , A r t u r o A . LL.M., D.C.L.; Solicitor-General, Re­ (Philippines) public of the Philippines; President, Philippine Lawyers’ Association; Mem­ ber, International Commission of Jurists

A m e r a s in g h e , Sir im e v a n Barrister-at-Law; Advocate, Ceylon Bar; (Ceylon) District Judge, Trincomalee

A r t h a c h in d a , N a i C h o m p o o Advocate and Solicitor; Member, Bar (Thailand) Council of Thailand; Vice-President, Lawyers’ Association of Thailand

A s h k a n a s y , M a u r ic e C.M.G.; Q.C.; LL.M.; Barrister-at-Law; (Australia) Vice-Chairman, Victorian Section, Inter­ national Commission of Jurists

A u n g, U H l a Advocate; Lecturer in Administrative (Burma) Law, University of Singapore; former Executive Secretary, Burma Law Institute

B oonyaprasop , Mrs. R a e m P r o m o b o l Barrister-at-Law; Former M.P. (Thailand) B o se, V iv ia n Former Judge, Supreme Court of India; (India) Former Chief Justice of Nagpur; Presi­ dent, International Commission of Jurists

B o u l o m, Mile. T h o n g s y Chef du Bureau de Documentation du (Laos) Ministere de la Justice

B r ig h t, C h a r l e s H a r t B.A., LL.B,; Puisne Judge, Supreme (Australia) Court of South Australia

C a r t w r ig h t , Miss H il a r y A. LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Legal Officer, (United Kingdom) International Commission of Jurists

C o n c e p c io n, R o b e r t o Justice at the Supreme Court of the (Philippines) Philippines

C o o r a y , J. A L . LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law, Advocate; Lec­ (Ceylon) turer in Constitutional Law, Ceylon Law College

C o o r a y , N. J. V in c e n t Proctor, Supreme Court, Ceylon; Justice (Ceylon) of the Peace; Unofficial Magistrate; President, Law Society of Ceylon; Vice- President, Ceylon Young M en’s Buddhist Association

C o q u ia , J o r g e A.B., LL.B., S.J.D.; Solicitor; Professor (Philippines) of International Law, University of Manila; Executive Secretary, Philippine Society of International Law

D a p h t a r y , C h a n d r a K is a n M .A.; Barrister-at-Law; Attorney-Gene­ (India) ral of India; Chairman, Bar Council of India

D e Sil v a , E d w a r d A. G. Advocate, Ceylon Bar; Secretary, Ceylon (Ceylon) Section, International Commission of Jurists

D e v a se r , K u n d e n L a l B.A.; Barrister-at-Law; Former Member (Malaysia) of the Federal Council, Malaya; Former Malayan Delegate to the United Nations

D h a r m a s a k t i , Sa n y a President, Supreme Court of Thailand; (Thailand) President, Bar Council of Thailand D ic k s, A n t h o n y R . M.A., LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Research (Hong Kong) Fellow in Chinese Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law; Former Lecturer in Laws, Trinity College, Cambridge

D io k n o, J o se Member of the Philippine Senate; For­ (Philippines) mer Secretary of Justice

D o o l e, G e o r g e C l if f t B.A., LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law and Solici­ (New Zealand) tor

F e r n a n d o , T h u s e w S a m u e l C.B.E.; Q.C.; LL.B.; Judge, Supreme (Ceylon) Court of Ceylon; Member, Ceylon Judicial Services Commission; Former Solicitor-General of Ceylon; Member, International Commission of Jurists

G a m b o a , M e l q u ia d e s J. A.B., LL.M., D.C.L.; Professor of Law (Philippines) and Director of Legal Research, Univer­ sity of the Philippines; Vice-President, United Nations League of Lawyers; Former Philippine Ambassador to the United Nations; Former Ambassador to India; Former Ambassador to Great Britain

G o l d ie , L . F. E. LL.M.; Associate Professor of Law, (Australia) Loyola University, California; Former Organizing Secretary, Australian Section, International Commission of Jurists

G r e e n , L . C . LL.B.; Professor of International Law, (Malaysia) and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Singapore

G r e ig , L a u r e n c e M u r r a y B.A., LL.M.; Barrister-at-Law and Solici­ (New Zealand) tor, Secretary, New Zealand Section, International Commission of Jurists

G r o g a n , P e t e r R . B.A., LL.B., B.Ec.; Barrister-at-Law; (Australia) Visiting Lecturer, University of New South Wales; Secretary-General, Austra­ lian Section, International Commission of Jurists

H a h m , P y o n g C h o o n LL.B.; Assistant Professor of Law and (Korea) Executive Secretary, Social Science Re­ search Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul H a m e d , A b d u l President, Kabul University; Former (Afghanistan) President of Vocational Schools, Ministry of Education

H idayatullah , M o h a m m a d O.B.E.; M.A.; Judge, Supreme Court of (India) India; Former Chief Justice of Nagpur and of Madhya Pradesh

H o g a n , S i r M ic h a e l J o s e p h C.M.G.; B.A., LL.D.; Chief Justice of (Hong Kong) Hong Kong; Former Foundation Scholar, Dublin University; Former Solicitor- General, Palestine; Former Attorney- General, Malaya

Hu, H e n r y H . L. B. A.; Docteur en Droit; Barrister-at-Law; (Hong Kong) Former Secretary, Hong Kong Bar Association

I b r a h im , A h m a d B i n M o h a m e d M .A.; Barrister-at-Law; State Advocate- (Malaysia) General of Singapore; Former Member, Legislative Council, Singapore

J a y a k u m a r , S h u n m u g a m LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Advocate and (Malaysia) Singapore; Sub-Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Singapore

K a b e s , V l a d im ir M. LL.D., M .C.L.; Executive Secretary, (U.S.A.) International Commission of Jurists

K a m a w i , S h a f iq Deputy Minister of Justice; Former Presi­ (Afghanistan) dent of Legislation, Ministry of Justice

K a se m sr i , Miss M.R. S e r m s r i M.A., LL.B.; Barrister and Solicitor; (Thailand) Regional Vice-President, International Association of Women Lawyers

K a z i , I q b a l H a ssa n LL.B.; Advocate, High Court of West (Pakistan) Pakistan and Supreme Court of Pakistan

K e i t h Se l l a r , F o r b e s B.A.; Advocate and Solicitor (Malaya (Malaysia) and Singapore); Former Secretary, Bar Council of Malaya

K e l l e r s o n, R o b e r t Licencie en Droit; Licencie es Lettres; (France) Juriste a la Commission internationale de Juristes

K h a m m o u i , M . President de la Cour d’Appel du Nord (Laos) Laos K h e t a r p a l , S u r a j P a r k a s h B.Sc., LL.M., Ph.D.; Barrister-at-Law; (Malaysia) Lecturer in Law, University of Singapore; Secretary, Association of Law Teachers and Schools in South-East Asia

L i, C h u n LL.M., J.S.D.; Attorney-at-Law; Pro­ (Taiwan) fessor of International Law, Chung Hsing University; Former Senior Secretary, Executive Yuan

M a c B r id e , S ea n Senior Counsel, Irish Bar; Senior Coun­ (Eire) sel, Ghana Bar; Former Irish Minister for External Affairs; Signatory to the Statute of the Council of Europe, to the European Convention on Human Rights and to the Geneva Convention; Secretary-General, International Commission of Jurists

M a r in o , S a l v a d o r Secretary of Justice, Ministry of Justice (Philippines)

M c E l r o y, R o y G r a n v il l e Ph.D., LL.D.; Barrister-at-Law; Former (New Zealand) Deputy Mayor, Auckland City

M ir z a , A k b a r H y a t Barrister-at-Law; Advocate, High Court, (Pakistan) Dacca; Advocate, Supreme Court, Pakis­ tan

M o n t e m a y o r , J e r e m ia s U. B.A., LL.B.; Dean, College of Law, (Philippines) Ateneo de Manila University; Chairman, Philippine Council for Agrarian Workers

M o r ic e , J e a n C. J . Docteur en droit; Avocat general en (Cambodge) conge special; Vice-President du Conseil Superieur des Frangais a l ’Etranger, Charge d’enseignement a la Faculte de Droit du Cambodge, et a l’lnstitut National de la France d’Outre-Mer a Paris

M u n r o, Sir L e s l ie K n o x K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.; M.P.; LL.M., (New Zealand) Hony. LL.D.; Former Permanent Repre­ sentative of New Zealand to the United Nations; Former President, General Assembly of the United Nations; Former Secretary-General, International Com­ mission of Jurists; Member, International Commission of Jurists N a r a y a n a R a o , N . S. B.A., LL.B.; Advocate, Honorary Pro­ (India) fessor of Law, Law College, Bangalore; Former President, Bangalore Bar Associa­ tion; Former President, Mysore State Commission of Jurists

N e t is a s t r , L u a n g C h a m r o o n Advocate and Solicitor, Thai Bar; Mem­ (Thailand) ber, Bar Council of Thailand; Former President, Supreme Court of Thailand

N g u y e n X u A n , C h a n h Docteur en Droit; Charge de Cours a la (Vietnam) Faculte de Droit de Saigon; Membre de la Commission de reforme du Code Civil

N it is a r , L u a n g P r a k o b Advocate and Solicitor, Thai Bar; Mem­ (Thailand) ber, Bar Council of Thailand; Member, Constituent Assembly of Thailand

N o r a s in g , B o u a v a n Licencie en Droit, Ministre de la Justice (Laos)

O d a , S h ig e r u LL.D., J.S.D.; Professor of International (Japan) Law, Toko University

O n g , H o c k-T h y e LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Judge of the (Malaysia) High Court, Malaya

P a d m a n a b h a n , S u b b a r a y a B.Sc., B.L.; Advocate, Madras Bar (India)

P a t t a b o n g s e , N a i P r a v a t Member, Bar Council of Thailand; (Thailand) Former President of the Supreme Court of Thailand

P h im m a s o n e , P h o u v o n g Magistrat; Directeur General du Minis- (Laos) tere de la Justice; Ancien Procureur General du Royaume

P ig g o t t, J o h n B r u c e C.B.E.; LL.B.; Notary Public; Former (Australia) President, Law Council of Australia; Former President, Southern Law Society of Tasmania

P h r a M a n u v e t V im o l n a r t Former President, Supreme Court of (Thailand) Thailand

P o w l e s, Sir G u y K.B.E., C.M.G., E.D.; LL.B.; Barrister (New Zealand) and Solicitor; Parliamentary Commis­ sioner for Investigations (Ombudsman); Former High Commissioner for New Zealand in India and Ceylon P r a m o j, M. R . Seni Advocate and Solicitor, Thai Bar; Mem­ (Thailand) ber, Bar Council of Thailand; Professor of Law University of Thammasat; For­ mer Prime Minister of Thailand; Former Thai Ambassador in Washington

R a h m a n , H u s s a n a l l y Barrister-at-Law; Vice-Chancellor, Sind (Pakistan) University

Rajurs, ChandrakantM. P. B.A., B.L.; Advocate; Secretary, Mysore (India) State Commission of Jurists

R eddy , H. F. M. R. B. A., LL.B.; Advocate; Former President (India) Mysore State Commission of Jurists

R e il l y , H o w a r d V in c e n t B.A., LL.B.; Solicitor; Vice-President, (Australia) Australian Section, International Com­ mission of Jurists

S a d a s iv a y y a , M . B.A., B.L.; Judge, High Court of Mysore, (India) Former Secretary to Law Department, Government of Mysore

S a n k o s ik , N a i U t t it Public Prosecutor; Member, Bar Council (Thailand) of Thailand

S a v a d y , K h a m s o u k President de la Cour d’Appel du Nord (Laos) Laos

S e l v a r a ja h , C h e l l ia h Barrister-at-Law; Advocate and Solicitor; (Malaysia) Secretary, Malaysian Section, Interna­ tional Commission of Jurists

S e t a l v a d , M o t il a l C h im a n l a l B.A., LL.B.; Senior Advocate, Supreme (India) Court of India; Former Attorney-General of India; Former Chairman, Indian Law Commission; One-time Indian Delegate to the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly

Sh a r m a , G y a n S w a r u p M.A., LL.M., J.S.D.; Professor of Law; (India) Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Rajasthan; Vice-President, Association of Law Teachers and Law Schools of South- East Asia

S h in n, D o n g W o o k B.A., LL.M.; Professor of International (Korea) Law, Konkuk University, Seoul S h r o f f, I n d r a v a d a n N . LL.B; Attorney-at-Law, High Court of (In d ia ) Bombay; Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Joint Secretary, Indian Commis­ sion of Jurists

S h u m , C h e u k Y u m LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Magistrate, Cen­ (Hong Kong) tral Magistracy, Hong Kong

S u v a r n a s o r n , N a i P r a m o o l Member, Bar Council of Thailand; Pro­ (Thailand) fessor of Law, Thammasat University; Former Judge, Supreme Court of Thailand

S w a m in a d h a n , S. G o v in d M.A.; Barrister-at-Law; Advocate, Mad­ (India) ras Bar

S t . J o h n, E d w a r d Q.C.; B.A., LL.B.; Member, Australian (Australia) Bar; President, Australian Section, Inter­ national Commission of Jurists; Vice- President, International Law Association (Australian Branch)

T a m b ia h , H e n r y W ija y a k o n e Q.C.; B.Sc., LL.B., Ph.D.; Judge of the (Ceylon) Supreme Court of Ceylon; Former Lec­ turer in Roman Law and Jurisprudence, Ceylon Law College

T h o n g, N g u y e n H u u Avocat a la Cour de Saigon; President (Vietnam) du Comite d’etude pour la Socialisme democratique a Saigon; Secretaire general de l’Association vietnamienne pour la Liberte de la Culture

T o t h , J a n o s Dr. Juris; Dr. Rer. Pol.; Privat-docent, (Switzerland) University of Geneva; Legal Officer, International Commission of Jurists

T r a n -V a n -L ie m Docteur en Droit; Avocat a la Cour (Vietnam) d’Appel de Saigon; Charge de Cours a la Faculte de Droit de Saigon; membre de la Commission du Projet de Code de Procedure Civile

T r ie n , L e -T a i Licencie en droit; Dr. en Droit prive; Dr. (Vietnam) en Droit public; Conseiller a la Cour de Cassation; President de la Section viet­ namienne de la Commission internationale de Juristes T r ik a m d a s , P u r s h o t t a m B.A., LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Senior (India) Advocate, Supreme Court of India; For­ mer Secretary to Mahatma Gandhi; For­ mer Member, Legislative Assembly; One­ time Indian Delegate to the United Nations; Member, International. Com­ mission of Jurists

T r in d a d e , F r a n c is A n t h o n y M.A., LL.B.; Assistant Lecturer, Faculty (Malaysia) of Law, University of Singapore

T w a n m o h , J o s e p h K. B.A., LL.B., J.S.D.; Attorney-at-Law; (Taiwan) Former Secretary-General, Judicial Yuan; Former Secretary-General, Executive Yuan; Former Professor of Political Science and Public Law, National Central University

T y a b ji , H a t im B u d r u d d in M.A.; Barrister-at-Law; Former Chief (Pakistan) Justice of Sind; Former Chief Draftsman, Ministry of Law, Pakistan; Member, International Commission of Jurists

V a k il , N a v r o z B. B.A., LL.M.; Attorney-at-Law; Former (India) Solicitor to the Central Government at Bombay

V enkataramiah , E. S. B.A., LL.B.; Advocate; Professor of (India) Jurisprudence, Bangalore; President, My­ sore State Commission of Jurists

V o n g x a y , P h a Procureur General pres de la Cour (Laos) d’Appel du Centre Laos

V u o n g, V a n B a c Licencie en Droit; D.E.S. de Droit prive; (Vietnam) D.E.S. de Droit public; Avocat a la Cour d’Appel de Saigon; Membre du Conseil de l’Ordre; Professeur de Science poli­ tique de l’Universite de Dalat; Secretaire general de la Section vietnamienne de la Commission internationale de Juristes

V u -Q u o c-T h u c Agrege des Facultes de Droit; Professeur (Vietnam) a la Faculte de Droit de Saigon; Ancien Ministre de 1’Education Nationale W e e r a m a n t r y , L u c ia n G r e g o r y B. A.; Barrister-at-Law; Advocate, Ceylon (Ceylon) Bar; Former Secretary, Ceylon Section, International Commission of Jurists; Former Secretary, International Law Association (Ceylon Branch); Senior Legal Officer and Advisor on Asian Affairs, International Commission of Jurists

W h it e , J o h n C h a r l e s M.B.E., LL.M .; Barrister and Solicitor; (New Zealand) Former President, Wellington District Law Society; Vice-Chairman, New Zea­ land Section, International Comission of Jurists

W h it l a m , E d w a r d G o u g h Q.C.; M .P.; B.A., LL.B.; Barrister and (Australia) Solicitor; Deputy Leader of the Opposi­ tion, Australian Parliament

W o o d , D o u g l a s R. Crown Counsel; former Chairman, New (New Zealand) Zealand Section of the International Com­ mission of Jurists

Y a p , Y e o k Sie w S h e l l e y LL.B.; Barrister-at-Law; Advocate and (Malaysia) Solicitor, Sabah and Brunei; Registrar and Administrator-General, North Borneo

Y o n g, P u n g H o w M.A., LL.B.; Advocate and Solicitor- (Malaysia) Chairman, Malaysian Section, Interna­ tional Commission of Jurists

Y o n g, D a t o S. M. LL.B., D.S.P., J.M.N., C.St.J.; Barrister; (Malaysia) ter-at-Law; Advocate and Solicitor, Ma­ laya; Justice of the Peace; Chairman of the Bar Council, Malaya; Vice-Chairman, Malaysian Section, International Com­ mission of Jurists

Y u a s a , K y o z o Barrister-at-Law; Former Lecturer in (Japan) Comparative Law, Kwansei Gakuin University; Former Legal Advisor to the Economic and Scientific Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo

Z a in a l A b id in , Z a in A z a h a r i Barrister-at-Law; Former Secretary, Bar (Malaysia) Council, OBSERVERS (Blue Badges) OBSER VA TE URS (Insignes Bleus)


International Law Association Maj. Gen. ProfessorS u k P e r u n a v in , Thammasat University

International Bar Association N a i S a n s e r n K r a ic h it t i , Secretary-General of the Thai Bar International Federation of Women Lawyers M. R. S e r m s r i K a se m sr i , LL.B., M.A. Federation internationale de Fourth Regional Vice-President Femmes Juristes

Union internationale des Avocats V u o n g-Q u a n g -N h u a n g , Vice-President de l’Union internationale des Avocats, Batonnier, Saigon

International League for the Dr. M ir o s l a v V ic t o r F i c , Rights of Man Executive Secretary, Institute of South- East Asia, Nanyang University, Singapore World Federation of United Nations Associations R o n a l d D. Levin, B.A., LL.B. Federation mondiale des Assistant to the Secretary-General Associations pour les Nations Unies

World Veterans Federation Col. P o o n W o n g v is e s, Federation mondiale des Anciens Acting Director General, War Veterans Combattants Organization of Thailand

International Press Institute A m it a b h a C h o w d h u r y , Director, Asian Programme, IPI

Annesty International N o r m a n S. M a r s h , M.A., B.C.L.; Barrister-at-Law; Director, British Institute of International and Comparative Law; former Fellow, Uni­ versity College, Oxford; former Secretary- General, International Commission of Jurists The Asia Foundation W il l ia m J . K l a u s n e r , Programme Specialist, Asia Foundation, Bangkok The Ford Foundation W a l t e r A. R u d l in , Representative, Kuala Lumpur Individual Observers and Experts Observateurs a titre individuel et experts

A u jo l, J e a n -L o u is Avocat a la Cour d’Appel de Paris; (France) Secretaire general de Libre Justice, Section franchise de la Commission internationale de Juristes v a n D a l , A. J. M. Attorney-at-Law, Supreme Court of the (Netherlands) Netherlands ;Vice-President,International Commission of Jurists D e b e v o ise, E l i W h it n e y Attorney-at-Law; former General Coun­ (U.S.A.) sel, United States High Commissioner for Germany; Member, International Com­ mission of Jurists

F e d e r s p ie l , P e r T . Attorney-at-Law; Member of the First (Denmark) Chamber of the Danish Parliament; former President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe; former Minister; former Delegate, United Nations General Assembly; Member, International Commission of Jurists

G e l l h o r n, W a l t e r A.B., LL.B., L.H.D., LL.D.; Professor (U.S.A.) of Law, Columbia University; former President, Association of American Law Schools; former Councillor, Adminis­ trative Conference of the United States N a b u c o , J o se T . Attorney-at-Law; Former President of (Brazil) the Brazilian-American Institute; Vice- President, International Commission of Jurists S h a w c r o s s , The Rt. Hon. L o r d Q.C.; Former Attorney-General; former (United Kingdom) President of the Board of Trade; former Chief Prosecutor for the United Kingdom, International Military Tribunal, Nurem­ berg; former Delegate to the United Nations; former Chairman, Bar Council of England and Wales; Member of the Commission of Jurists T a l l in , G e o r g e P. R. Q.C.; B.A., L.B.; Dean, Manitoba Law (Canada) School; Chairman, Manitoba Labour Board T u c k , E d w a r d H a l l a m A.B., LL.B.; Attorney-at-Law (U.S.A.) U l l a l , G . S. M.A., B.L.; Advocate, Supreme Court (India) ■ V a s a k , K a r e l Docteur en droit; charge d’enseignement (France) a la Faculte du Droit de Strasbourg; administrateur principal au Conseil de l’Europe; ancien secretaire general de 1’Association des Juristes Europeens OBSERVERS — THAILAND OBSERVATEURS — THAILANDE

Members o f the Bar Council Membres du Conseil de VOrdre des Avocats

N a i L e c k C h u n n a n o n d a , Vice President N a i C h it t i T in g s a b a d h Nai P r a p o n e S a t a m a n P h r a D u l y a b a g y a Nai P r a k o b H u t a s in g h L u a n g A r t h a n a r t L u a n g A r t h a p r ic h a N a i K a m o l V a n a o r a p a Nai P o t e P u s p a k o m N a i C h o t e Suwanabodhisri Nai F u a n g R a ja t a P h a n

Members of the International Relations Sub-Committee of the Thai Bar Membres de la Sous-Commission des Relations internationales du Barreau de Thattande

Nai S o m n u k P e jp r im Nai S u t h a m P a t r a k o m Nai W ik r o m M a o l a n o n d Nai K a n u a n g L u c h a i Nai V it h u n De b p h it a k s Nai T h a n in K r a iv ix ie n Nai P r a p a s n a A u y c h a i Nai C h a m r a s K e m a c h a r u Nai P a is a r l K oomalayavisai Nai P r e d i K a s e m s u p Nai A m n a k K h l a is a n g Nai SOMPONG SUCHARITKUL

Members of the Committee of the Lawyers Association Membres du Bureau de I’Association des Juristes

Nai Sa d u p M a s g u l Nai Y a n V initnaiyaphak Nai M a n i S u k a v ir a t Nai M a r u t B u n n a g Nai P h a y u n g T hanyasaensook Nai V it h a n V a t h a n a t h a m Nai S a n o n g T u c h in d a Nai P r a d h a n D u a n g r a t a n a Nai S o m n u k E a m p r e c h a Nai P r a d it B rahmabhatti Nai V a n C h a n s u e Nai L ie w -L a l o n g B u n n a g

Members of the Committee of the Women Lawyers Association Membres du Bureau de VAssociation des Femmes Juristes

Mrs. K a n it h a W ichiencharoen , President Mrs. C h a l o r c h it C hittaruddha , Vice-President Mrs. S o n g s a e n g M e k s a w a n , Vice-President Khun S u p a t r a S. M e e c h u t h o n Mrs. P r a c h o o m C haiyaratana Mrs. N a n d a k a S uprabatananda Dr. V a r e e V ic h a y a n o n d Miss M.R. S e r m s r i K a se m sr i

Lecturers in the Institute o f Legal Training o f the Thai Bar Professeurs a Vlnstitut de Formation juridique du Barreau de Thai'l ande

L u a n g S a r a n a y a P r a s a s n a L u a n g S r ir a jb u r u s N a i K it t i Sih a n o n t h N a i C h o k e C h a r u c h in d a N a i P u n n o S ukhadarsaniya

Members o f the Committee o f Barristers Club Membres du Bureau du Barristers Club

Nai C h a r u s P a u n g -P u g d e e N a i W o n g s e V ir a p o n g s e Nai C . B o o b p h a v e s N a i T h a m r o n g S u n d a r a k o o l N a Nai S a w a i S e n a k a n C h o l b u r i ColonelS u n t h o r n K e m u n g k o r n N a i P r ie n g R o ja n a r u s Nai R o o n K w e a n g s o b h a N a i Se n i V a d in Nai W ir iy a K ir d s ir i N a i P l ie n R e r m k o s k u l Nai B u n y a k ia t A r ju n a k a N ai Y a i S a l y a jiv in

Secretary-General o f the Juridical Council Secretaire general du Conseil de la Magistrature

D r . Y o o d S a n g -U t h a i Thammasat University University de Thammasat

Secretary-General Prof.S o m t h o b S uvarnasuddhi Secretaire general Dean of the Faculty of Law Doyen de la Faculte de Droit P ro f . P h y a A r t h a k a r iy a -N ib h o n d a

Lecturers Professeurs et charges de Cours Prof. L u a n g C h a m r o o n -N e t is a s t r Prof. L u a n g P r a s e r t -M a n u k it c h Prof. V i c h it r L u l it a n a n d a Dr. W ic h ia n W a t a n a k u n L u a n g S u t im o n-N a r u n a r t M r . B a jr I s r a se n a Prof. P r a m o o l S u v a r n a s o r n M r . P r a p a s n a O u a y c h a i Prof. L u a n g S r ip r ija Mr. P r a m u k S wasdimongkol Prof. Sa -A r d N a v y c h a r o e n Mr. M a it r i T a n t e m s a p y a Prof. P r a y o o n K a n c h a n a d u l M . R . K it t in a d d a K it t y a k a r a Prof. K asem U d y a n in M . R T o n g n o i T o n g y a i Prof. S o n g g r a n t N iy o m se n L u a n g Su t h iv a r t -N a r u e p u t Police Lieut. Col.C h a i Se v ik u l

Chulalongkorn University Universite de Chulalongkorn

Secretary-General Nai S u p a c h a i V a n ic h v a t n a Secretaire general Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences Doyen de la Faculte des Sciences politiques Nai K a se m U t y a n in Lecturers of Law Professeurs de Droit et charges de Cours Nai S o m p o p H o t r a k it Nai P r a v e e n S u c h a r it k u l Nai D e t c h a r t V ongkomolchet Nai P o n g M ilintrankul Nai A n u m a t C h a is m o o t Nai S a n g a L in a s m it a P h r a V o r b a k d i P ib u l Nai So m s a k X u t o Nai S u t h a Sa s t r e e Nai S n a n K a t u t a t Nai T a m S u r a t in Nai M a t h e e D u l y a c h in d a Nai R a t n a S r ik r a iv in M . L . D e l e k r it Sn it w o n g Nai U m p o r n C hantravichit Nai Se r n P unnahitanon SECRETARIAT, INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (Green Badges) MEMBRES DU SECRETARIAT DE LA COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE JURISTES (insignes verts)

Secretary-General Secretaire general S e a n M a c b r id e , S .C .

Executive Secretary Secretaire executif V l a d im ir M. K abes

Legal Officers Juristes L u c ia n G. W e e r a m a n t r y M iss H il a r y C a r t w r ig h t R o b e r t K e l l e r s o n J a n o s T o t h

Staff Secretariat M is s M a r ia B a e r t M iss K a r in G a m m e l M ile S u z a n n e H e e n e M ile B r ig it t e H o u d e t M iss J a c q u e l in e H u n t M m e M a r ia R e t t i M iss W e n -K in Y e o u EMBASSIES IN BANGKOK AMBASSADES A BANGKOK

Argentina Denmark The Embassy of the Republic of The Royal Danish Embassy Argentina 10 Soi Attakarn Prasit 94 Soi Tanwanglee, Sathorn Nua Road Sathorn Tai Road, Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 33931; 33932; 33933 Tel.: 36911-2-3

Australia Finland The Australian Embassy The Embassy of Finland (Commercial 323 Silom Road Section) Bangkok Nava Building (5th Floor) Tel.: 30977-80 New Road, Bangkok Tel.: 33617 Austria The Austrian Embassy 253 Rajvithi Road France Bangkok Ambassade de France Tel.: 48037 Customs House Lane Bangkok Belgium Tel.: 30958; 30959 Ambassade de Belgique 44 Soi Phya Piphat, Silom Road Bangkok Germany Tel.: 30840; 34293 The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 64 Phetchburi Road Burma Bangkok The Embassy of Burma Tel.: 70211-3 132 Sathorn Nua Road Bangkok Tel.: 30237; 37250 India China The Embassy of India The Embassy of the Republic of China 139 Pan Road 1126 New Phetchburi Road Sathorn Nua Road Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 70507; 70653; 70543; 71185; 71098T el.: 35065 Indonesia Netherlands The Embassy of the Republic of Indo­ The Royal Netherlands Embassy nesia 106 Wireless Road 600-602 Phetchburi Road Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 57201; 58644; 56301 Tel.: 73005-7 New Zealand Israel The New Zealand Embassy The Embassy of Israel 96 Sathorn Nua Road 6 Soi Attakarn Prasit Bangkok Sathorn Tai Road T el: 31318-9 Bangkok Tel.: 35996-7 Norway The Royal Norwegian Embassy Italy Thoresen Building The Italian Embassy 448 Suriwongse Road 92 Sathorn Nua Road Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 31935 Tel.: 31388 Pakistan Japan The Embassy of Pakistan 31 Soi Nana Nua The Japanese Embassy Sukhumvit Road (3) 61 Wireless Road Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 57006; 57007; 57008 Tel.: 58028; 58029 Philippines Korea The Embassy of the Republic of the The Embassy of the Republic of Korea Philippines 349 Silom Road 760 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 31040; 33901; 34539; 35624 Tel.: 910008; 911824

Laos Portugal Ambassade Royale du Laos The Portuguese Legation 193 Sathorn Tai Road 26 Bush Lane Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 32010 Tel.: 30372

Malaysia Spain The Embassy of Malaysia The Spanish Embassy 35 Sathorn Tai Road 104 Wireless Road Bangkok Bangkok Tel.: 36927; 36928 Tel.: 57033 Sweden United Kingdom of Great Britain The Royal Swedish Embassy and 231/2 Sathorn Tai Road The British Embassy Bangkok Ploenchit Road Tel.: 36906-7-8 Bangkok Tel.: 57091; 57092; 57093 Switzerland Ambassade de Suisse The United States of America 35 North Wireless Road, off Ploenchit The Embassy of the United States of Road America Bangkok 95 Wireless Road Tel.: 58002; 58003; 58004 Bangkok Tel.: 59800-14 Turkey The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey United States of Brazil 31 Soi Chid Lorn The Embassy of the United States of Ploenchit Road Brazil Bangkok 24 Soi Santisuk, Sukhumvit Road (38) Tel.: 58689 Bangkok (P.O. Box 1291) Tel.: 911991 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The Embassy of the Union of Soviet Vietnam Socialist Republics 108 Sathorn Nua Road Ambassade de la Republique du Viet- Bangkok Nam Tel.: 31824 78 Wat Samphya lane, Samsen Road Bangkok Tel.: 28686-7; 22492 United Arab Republic The Embassy of the United Arab Republic 57 Wireless Road Bangkok Tel.: 58098; 57041 MEMBRES DE LA COMMISSION

JOSEPH T. THORSON Ancien president de la Cour de I’Echiquier du Canada, (President d’Honneur) O ttaw a VIVIAN BOSE Ancien juge a la Cour supreme de l’lnde, Nouvelle-Delhi (President) A. J. M. VAN DAL Avocat a la Cour supreme des Pays-Bas, La Haye (Vice-president) JOSE T. NABUCO Avocat au barreau de Rio de Janeiro, Br6sil (Vice-president) SIR ADETOKUNBO A. ADEMOLA President (Chief Justice) de la Cour supreme du Nigeria, Lagos ARTURO A. ALAFRIZ Solicitor-General des Philippines, ancien president de la Federation des Associations d’avocats des Philippines, M anille GIUSEPPE BETTIOL Depute au Parlement italien, ancien ministre, professeur a la Faculte de droit de Padoue, Rome DUDLEY B. BONSAL Juge au tribunal federal de New-York (district sud), ancien president de l’Association du barreau de la ville de New York, Etats-Unis PHILIPPE N. BOULOS Vice-President du Conseil des ministres du Liban, Bey­ routh U CHAN HTOON Ancien juge a la Cour supreme de l’Union Birmane, R angoun ELI WHITNEY DEBEVOISE Avocat au barreau de New-York, Etats-Unis SIR OWEN DIXON Ancien president (Chief Justice) de la Cour supreme d’Australie, Melbourne MANUEL G. ESCOBEDO Professeur a la Faculte de droit de Mexico, avocat, ancien president de l’Ordre du barreau du Mexique PER T. FEDERSPIEL Avocat au barreau de Copenhague, depute au Parlement danois, ancien president de l’Assembiee consultative du Conseil de l’Europe THUSEW S. FERNANDO Juge a la Cour supreme de Ceylan, ancienA ttorney- General et ancienSolicitor-General de Ceylan ISAAC FORSTER Juge a la Cour internationale de Justice, ancien premier president de la Cour supreme du Senegal, Dakar FERNANDO FOURNIER Avocat, ancien president de I’Ordre du barreau du Costa Rica, professeur a la Faculte de droit, ancien ambassadeur aux Etats-Unis et aupr£s de l’Organisation des Etats am ericains OSVALDO ILLANES BENlTEZ Juge a la Cour supreme du Chili, Santiago HANS-HEINRICH JESCHECK Professeur a la Faculty de droit de Fribourg-en-Brisgau, direcieur de 1’Institut de droit penal international et compart, Republique federate d’Allemagne JEAN KR^HER Avocat a la Cour d’appel de Paris, vice-president de la Federation mondiale des Associations pour les Nations Unies, France SIR LESLIE MUNRO Ancien secretaire general de la Commission internationale de Juristes, ancien president de I’Assemblee g6n6rale des Nations Unies, ancien ambassadeur de Nouvelle-Zelande aux Etats-Unis et aupres des Nations Unies PAUL-MAURICE ORBAN Professeur a la Faculty de droit de Gand, ancien senateur, ancien ministre, Belgique STEFAN OSUSKY Ancien ministre de Tchecoslovaquie en Grande-Brctagne et en France, Washington D.C., Etais-Unis MOHAMED AHMED ABU President (Chief Justice) de la Cour supreme du Soudan, R A N N A T K hartoum LORD SHAWCROSS AncienAttorney-General d’Angleterre, Londres SEBASTIAN SOLER Avocat, Professeur a la Faculte de droit de Buenos Aires, ancien procureur general de la Republique Argentine KENZO TAKAYANAGI President de la Commission d’etudes constiiutionnelles, professeur honoraire a I’Universite de Tokyo, Membre du Conseil legislatif japonais PURSHOTTAM TRIKAMDAS Avocat a la Cour supreme de 1’lnde, secretaire de I’Asso- ciation des avocats de I’lnde, Nouvelle-Delhi H. B. TY A B JI Avocat au barreau de Karachi, ancien juge a la Haute Cour du Sind, Pakistan T E R JE W O LD President de la Cour supreme de Norvege

Secretaire general: SEAN MACBRIDE S.C., Ancien ministre des Affaires etrangeres de la Republique d’lrlande Secretaire executif: VLADIMIR M. KABES LL.D., M.C.L.