DIRECTORY Logger, References GREEN: New Miller’S Stor- for SALE by Available, Satisfac- Single Wide’S in Age LLC, 10X10 - OWNER
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13 March 6 , 2019 THE EDMONTON HERALD NEWS LOGGING MOBILE REAL STORAGE SERVICES HOMES ESTATE BUSINESS & SERVICES CUSTOM LOG- CLAYTON MULTIPLE SINGLE FAM- GING SER- HOMES OF LOCATIONS ILY HOME VICES: Certified BOWLING TO CHOOSE: AND 2 LOTS DIRECTORY Logger, references GREEN: New Miller’s Stor- FOR SALE BY available, satisfac- single wide’s in age LLC, 10x10 - OWNER. Mag- $30; 10x15 - $40; tion guaranteed, stock starting at nolia, Hart Coun- ROOFING WILL BUY / 10x20 - $50; PRINTING RECYCLING DON’T MISS B.B.B. Member. $29,995 including 10x30 - $60. No ty, Kentucky. Eli Miller Logging, delivery to your deposit required. Owner financing A&J Metals A SINGLE 270-524-2967 (if lot! Call 270-782- Ask about our available for ap- JOBE ISSUE! no answer we will 8580 for more in- discount options. proved buyers. PUBLISHING WILL BUY: call back). formation.TFN 270-528-8827 or 270-524-3562 or • Copper • Aluminum Cans 270-834-6403. 270-537-3382. • Aluminum • Brass PETS WINDOWS/ • Radiators • Steel DOORS HELP • Appliances PUPPIES, WANTED • Stainless Steel DOGS, KIT- REPLACE- • Junk Cars and Trucks TENS, AND MENT: Windows • Batteries NOW HIRING: TOP PRICES PAID! CATS: Glasgow/ & Doors; Seamless 2 days a week, Subscribe New 47 ft. Truck Scales Barren County Gutters; Cumber- 12am to 8am at to the Animal Center. land Vinyl, (270) in Place for Weighing! the Adult Book- Hours Edmonton 175 Trojan Trail, 433-7755 www. store. Exit 58 off Monday - Friday or call 270-651- cumberlandvinyl. I-65, Horse Cave. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Herald-News PAWS (7297). com.E/TFN Saturday 270-786-4123 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon $31.95/Year 1165 South Main 6415 Priceville Road Munfordville, KY P. O. Box 87 LEGAL NOTICES Edmonton, KY 270.531.2702 432-3291 LEGAL NOTICE; NOTICE IS HERE- LEGAL NOTICE; FIDUCIARIES BY GIVEN THAT ADMINISTRATION HAVE BEEN APPOINTED IN THE OF THE FOLLOWING ESTATES HAS METCALFE DISTRICT COURT IN APARTMENTS LOGGING BEEN DISPENSED WITH IN THE THE FOLLOWING ESTATES DUR- METCALFE DISTRICT COURT DUR- ING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, ING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 2019. ALL CLAIMS OF CREDITORS 2019. MUST BE MADE AGAINST THESE ESTATES NO LATER THAN SIX Case# 19-P-00015; Estate of Robert MONTHS FROM DATE OF APPOINT- W. Firkins; 298 Judd Road; Edmon- MENT BY FILING A CLAIM WITH ton, KY 42129; Karen Powell - Peti- THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE tioner; 2762 Hydro Pondsville Road; OR THE PROBATE CLERK OF THE Smiths Grove, KY 42171; Hon. Her- METCALFE DISTRICT COURT PUR- bert B. Sparks - Attorney; P.O. Box SUANT TO KRS CHAPTER 396. 509; Edmonton, KY 42129; Date of Order: 02/06/2019; Case# 19-P-00016; Estate of Rita Lynn Bryant; 552 Clarence Harper Road; Case# 19-P-00018; Estate of James Edmonton, KY 42129; Brandi Bryant Allen Wallace; 3741 Columbia Road; Corum – Administratrix; 2384 Mell Edmonton, KY 42129; Betty C. Hurt Cork Road; Edmonton, KY 42129; – Petitioner; 3741 Columbia Road; Hon. Herbert B. Sparks - Attorney; Edmonton, KY 42129; Date of Order: P.O. Box 509; Edmonton, KY 42129; 02/13/2019; Date of Appointment: 02/06/2019 Case# 19-P-00022; Estate of Noah L. Case# 19-P-00020; Estate of Ernest Lucas; 107 Bushong Lane; Edmonton, Paul Craine; 190 Hiseville-Center KY 42129; Beverly Lucas – Petitioner; Road; Center, KY 42214; Margie C. JOBE PUBLISHING 107 Bushong Lane; Edmonton, KY Craine – Administratrix; 190 Hise- News • Advertising • Print 42129; Date of Order: 02/20/2019 ville-Center Road; Center, KY 42214; Hon. Sharon B. Howard – Attorney; Case# 19-P-00021; Estate of Char- P.O. Box 999; Edmonton, KY 42129; ity Tomlin; 5940 Subtle Road; Ed- Date of Appointment: 02/20/2019 monton, KY 42129; Cheryl Bolding – Co-Petitioner; 798 McMurry Blvd; Case# 19-P-00023; Estate of Elizabeth Hometown News Hartsville, TN 37074; Sharon Eder – Clarine Nunn; 3345 Pleasant Valley Co-Petitioner; Edmonton, KY 42129; Church Road; Center, KY 42214; Amy That Clicks 6537 Flowstone Way; Indianapolis, IN Branstetter- Executrix; 101 Pinewood- 46237; Pamela Gibson – Co-Petition- Place, P.O. Box 652; Edmonton, KY QUALITY & SERVICE er; 5940 Subtle Road; Edmonton, KY 42129; Hon. Barry D. Gilley, Attorney; 42129; Hon. Herbert B. Sparks - At- P.O. Box 380; Edmonton, KY 42129; ALL JOBE PUBLICATIONS ARE OUR TOP PRIORITIES torney; P.O. Box 509; Edmonton, KY Date of Appointment: 02/27/2019 • Business Cards • Posters • Brochures 42129; Date of Order: 02/20/2019 AVAILABLE ONLINE • Envelopes & Letterhead • Books • Magazines • Hart County News-Herald • Postcards • Invoices • Statements Case# 19-P-00024; Estate of Eugene •Barren County Progress •Edmonton Herald-News Call (270) 786-2676 Charles Hoffman; 3133 Subtle Road; for complete details on getting Edmonton, KY 42129; Michele P. •Monroe County Citizen • Butler County Banner / Republican your printing needs at the best prices Hoffman – Petitioner; 3133 Subtle •Edmonson County News here at home. Road; Edmonton, KY 42129; Date of Order: 02/27/2019 LEGAL NOTICE; SETTLEMENTS HAVE BEEN FILED IN METCALFE DISTRICT COURT IN THE FOL- E dmonton M anor LOWING ESTATES DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 2019 AND Apartments WILL BE HEARD ON THE 4TH SEALED BIDS Taking Applications for 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments WEDNESDAY IN MARCH 2019 @ *FREE Garbage! *FREE Water! 9:00 A.M. IN THE METCALFE DIS- The Metcalfe County Board of Education •Laundry Facilities •Playground •Total Electric TRICT COURTROOM, METCALFE will receive sealed proposals at the offices •Rent Based on Income of the Board of Education for the furnish- Equal Housing Opportunity COUNTY COURTHOUSE. IF NO EX- ing of all materials, tools, equipment, labor CEPTIONS ARE FILED PRIOR TO and supervision required for the completion THE DATE SET FOR HEARING, THE of “METCALFE COUNTY SCHOOLS, 432-3020 SETTLEMENTS, IF MADE ACCORD- METCALFE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL ING TO LAW, SHALL BE APPROVED HVAC RENOVATIONS”. Proposals will AND RECORDED AT OR FOLLOW- be received until, but no later than, 2:00 ING THE HEARING. p.m., prevailing time, April 2, 2019, then opened and publicly read aloud. FOR RENT: Case# 18-P-000057; Gregory Lynn Johnson Estate; Emogene Greer – A prebid conference will be held on March Office space on square Administratrix; Hon. Barry D. Gilley, 21, 2019, at 10:00 A.M., prevailing time, Attorney; Proposed Final Settlement at the site, Metcalfe County High School, in Tompkinsville. 208 Randolph Street, Edmonton, KY. All Utilities included. Case# 18-P-00012; Edna Irene Miles bidders should plan on attending this meet- Estate; William R. Druen – Executor; ing. $395/month. Hon. Barry D. Gilley, Attorney; Pro- Copies of the bidding documents may posed Final Settlement be obtained from Maco-Evansville Blue, Call 270-590-6625 600 Court Street, Evansville, IN. 47708 Case# 13-P-00024; Anna Beth; Brans- (812/464-8108). Any questions should be tetter Estate; Michael Branstetter - directed to the office of the Architect, RBS Administrator; Hon. Barry D. Gilley, Design Group, 723 Harvard Drive, Owens- Attorney; Proposed Final Settlement boro, KY., 42301, (270/683-1158). A 5% Bid Security and 100% Performance and Payment Bond are required for this project. The scoring of bids/proposals is subject to reciprocal preference for Kentucky resi- 18 dent bidders and Preferences for a Quali- fied Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and/or waive any informalities in bids received where such acceptance, rejection, or waiv- er is considered to be in the best interest of the Owner..