Using Simulation for Understanding and Reproducing Distributed Software Development Processes in the Cloud
Using Simulation for Understanding and Reproducing Distributed Software Development Processes in the Cloud M. Ilaria Lunesu1, Jürgen Münch2, Michele Marchesi3, Marco Kuhrmann4 1Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy 2Herman Hollerith Center, Böblingen & Reutlingen University, Germany 3Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Cagliari, Italy 4Clausthal University of Technology, Institute for Applied Software Systems Engineering, Germany Corresponding Contact: E-Mail: © Elsevier 2018. Preprint. This is the author's version of the work. The definite version was accepted in Information and Software Technology journal, Issue assignment pending, The final version is available at Using Simulation for Understanding and Reproducing Distributed Software Development Processes in the Cloud M. Ilaria Lunesua,,Jurgen¨ Munch¨ b, Michele Marchesic, Marco Kuhrmannd aDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy bHerman Hollerith Center, B¨oblingen & Reutlingen University, Germany cDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Cagliari, Italy dClausthal University of Technology, Institute for Applied Software Systems Engineering, Germany Abstract Context: Organizations increasingly develop software in a distributed manner. The Cloud provides an environment to create and maintain software-based products and services. Currently, it is unknown which software processes are suited for Cloud-based development and what their e↵ects in specific contexts are. Objective: We aim at better understanding the software process applied to distributed software development using the Cloud as development environment. We further aim at providing an instrument, which helps project managers comparing di↵erent solution approaches and to adapt team processes to improve future project activities and outcomes.
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