The Cro,Vthers Fountain Green, Utah
The Cro,vthers of Fountain Green, Utah ZroN's PRINTING & PuBLISHING Co. INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON Co., Mo. Copyright r943 William 0. Crowther Manassa, Colo. Printed in the United States of America THOMAS CROWTHER Born in Easthope, England, 1797, died March 3, 1871, buried at Bridge North, England. HI() ,rn ) ( PREFACE About the year 1850 a number of Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints went to England. Those that went to Shropshire made many converts. Among them were three brothers and a cousin, Thomas, Francis, Richard and George Crowther. All four emigrated to the U. S. of America. The sole pur pose for making their home with the Saints of God (commonly called Mormons). Francis came in 1852 and died {)n the plains on his way to Utah. Thomas came in 1855, Richard in 1864 and George in 1857. These two brothers and cousin chose Fountain Green, Sanpete County, Utah, as the place to make their permanent home, where they lived and reared their families, for thirty years. Then Thomas moved to the San Luis Valley, Colorado where he and his family helped to make settlements. Richard moved his families to Southern Utah and later moved to Logan, Utah, with one family where he died. George remained at Fountain Green until his death. To keep a record of these three families is the pur pose of publishing this book with a desire of connecting their Genealogy with the Crowthers that are in England and also many of that name who came to America. This task of family historian has been assigned to Wm.
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