Patrick Smyth, Executive Director of Media Relations ([email protected] / 303-264-5536) Rebecca Villanueva, Media Services Manager ([email protected] / 303-264-5598) Erich Schubert, Media Relations Coordinator ([email protected] / 303-264-5503)



On playing in QB ’s offense “Yeah, I think in the past, in Indianapolis, the tight end has been a focal point. We've got a lot of guys around here that can catch the football. I think it should be a lot of fun. We'll be able to do a lot of different things offensively, and hopefully it'll be similar in some ways to the tight end getting the ball there. But as a group of tight ends, I think we're all ready to just do whatever we need to do to move the football.”

On playing with QB Peyton Manning “Well, first of all, I'm pretty experienced with the Peyton question, so I'm going to let Peyton give updates on Peyton, but it's been a lot of fun to get out there with him. I think everybody's really enjoyed what we've been doing. This week has been a lot of fun to get out here on the field at the facility. Things are going well. I think it's going to be a fun summer.”

On if he senses Manning is more excited to be working out after missing 2011 “Yeah. I think it's tough for any player. Any player that's been through a season of watching, it's hard to do, certainly in his case. Yeah, it's definitely a good feel about it. Like I said, I can't say anything different. It's just been fun to get out there, and I think he's been enjoying it.”

On his impression of the Broncos facilities “I've been pretty blessed; I've been with two first-class organizations. They do everything the right way here. It's been a great first week. It's very similar in a lot of ways. I'm still learning a lot of things, too.”

On choosing to sign with the Broncos “First of all, it just felt like the right fit. This team, we have an opportunity to do some special things. It's a really special opportunity, and that's how I saw it in my mind. That's what I want to be a part of.”

On the benefits of running an offense that involves the tight ends “Well, I think the key is just to have a lot of different guys that the has to cover. You've got to have somebody at each position; they've got to be a threat everywhere. I think that's how it had been in Indy for a while, and that's definitely what we're building here. It makes it tough on a defense. I think the more pressure we can put on defenses, the better.”

On how he and TE Joel Dreessen complement each other. I'm real excited about it. I think tight end is a position that's really growing in the game. I think we've got a whole group of tight ends here that can be real difference-makers and really help the team. It's been good to get in, meet the guys that have been here, sort of learn how they've been doing things, and also, I think we can have a good, solid room of guys that can help the team win.

©2012 Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club. On his skill set “I'm a guy that's going to do whatever they ask me to do to win games, but I really feel like I can get open, catch the football and make some plays. I'm ready to block every play if that's what they want me to do, I'm ready to run down the field every play if that's what they want me to do. It's going to be fun to see some of the matchups we can create and some of the things we can do offensively. The key is just to put in the work right now and let it loose when September.”

On if he has gotten a feel for the playbook “Well, I think we're all learning all that stuff right now. I'm not going to get into that specifically, terminology and all that. I'm certainly learning a lot.”

On if he has circled any games on the schedule “I've circled 16.”

On the schedule “It's a great schedule. It's a lot of fun. The NFL, people talk about one year to the [next], you can't do that in the NFL. Our schedule is the second-hardest or something like that, but it's going to be tough every week no matter what schedule it is. As a player, you love playing in the prime-time games and all that, so that's fun. It's definitely exciting, but every week's a new deal; every season's a new deal. It's certainly going to be fun to be a Bronco this year, and it's going to be a great opportunity to be an NFL football player and show what you can do.”

On if the Manning-Brady hype will be as pronounced two years ago “Probably. I think it'll be just sort of another interesting spin. I think both of those guys will tell you that it's not a Manning- Brady thing. You guys turn things into stuff. It'll be fun, for sure.”

On if he feels like a Bronco yet “I do. It's sort of weird, the transition and all that; you're so close to a lot of people where you've come from, but no, I definitely do. It's a place you can get to and feel good about it.”

On how much Manning influenced his decision to join the Broncos “Well, throughout the whole process I didn't speak with him, because I didn't have any idea what was going to happen with anything. When I made my visit, it was the first time that we talked. The main thing was just like it was on the other places; I just wanted to see what the plan was, get the feel for the place. This was definitely the right place. It's obviously a great opportunity to get the chance to play with him again.”

On if Manning will ease his transition to a new team “Probably in some respects, just having been around him, I guess. But we had different quarterbacks last year in Indianapolis, so I've played with different quarterbacks, but I guess it's a little bit.”

On if other guys have sought advice about playing with Manning “A little bit, but mainly everyone's just getting the feel for everybody right now. I'm willing to help out wherever I can, but everybody's got to get their own feel for it. We're all just trying to start the jelling process. It takes some time. That's what's neat about this time of year.”

©2012 Denver Broncos Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club.