Cornwall & Scilly Urban Survey Historic characterisation for regeneration HAYLE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SERVICE Objective One is part-funded by the European Union Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey Historic characterisation for regeneration HAYLE Bridget Gillard and Kate Newell October 2005 HES REPORT NO. 2005R077 HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SERVICE Environment and Heritage, Planning Transportation and Estates, Cornwall County Council Kennall Building, Old County Hall, Station Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3AY tel (01872) 323603 fax (01872) 323811 E-mail
[email protected] Acknowledgements This report was produced as part of the Cornwall & Scilly Urban Survey project (CSUS), funded by English Heritage, Objective One Partnership for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (European Regional Development Fund) and the South West Regional Development Agency (South West RDA). Peter Beacham (Head of Designation), Graham Fairclough (Head of Characterisation), Roger M Thomas (Head of Urban Archaeology), Jill Guthrie (then Designation Team Leader, South West) and Ian Morrison (then Ancient Monuments Inspector for Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly) liaised with the project team for English Heritage and provided valuable advice, guidance and support. Nick Cahill (The Cahill Partnership) acted as Conservation Supervisor to the project, providing support with the characterisation methodology and advice on the interpretation of individual settlements. Georgina McLaren (Cornwall Enterprise) performed an equally significant advisory role on all aspects of economic regeneration. Additional help has been given by Steve Edwards (Conservation Officer, Penwith District Council). Tony Walden (Hayle Townscape Project Officer) and Ray Tovey (Revitalise! Hayle, Market and Coastal Town Initiative) provided valuable information regarding regeneration proposals and initiatives. Bryn Perry-Tapper is the GIS/SMR supervisor for the project and has played a key role in providing training to the project team and developing the GIS, SMR and Internet components of the CSUS.